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Am I for marriage equality. Hell yeah! |
In an interview with ABC News’ Robin Roberts, the president described his thought process as an “evolution” that led him to this decision, based on conversations with his staff members, openly gay and lesbian service members, and his wife and daughters.
“I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors, when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together; when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told Roberts in an interview to appear on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday.
Excerpts of the interview will air tonight on ABC’s “World News With Diane Sawyer.”
And people say that evolution is a myth. Hah!
I think that most intelligent people already understood that the President was for equality of marriage. However it is good that he finally came out firmly so that the idiots who keep bringing this up as an issue can finally move on to another thing to be disappointed about.
Of course this now gives the GOP their newest attack against the President, and one that will probably carry them through all the way to November.
I certainly hope that THIS will bring the gay community out in droves to vote for Obama, because you KNOW it is will fire up the Evangelicals like nobody's business!
Thank you Mr. President. Equal rights for everyone. Remember when people hated blacks and finally they got their rights. If people love people, let them have rights. It is for God to judge not us.
ReplyDeleteCan't say it better than this! And I'm SO sure that if, given a second term (a LANDSLIDE!!! will give our awesome President "political capital) we'll see a LOT of cool things he couldn't do in a first term. Medicare for all? Gun sanity? Nugent in jail?
DeleteRemember, remember, the sixth of November!
Yes, respect equal rights for all but not in the case of the right of man to marry a man or woman to woman. It is just unnatural for god created Eve and not another Adam for Adam.
DeleteIn an interview with ABC News' Robin Roberts, the president described his thought process as an "evolution" that led him to this decision, based on conversations with his staff members, openly gay and lesbian service members, and his wife and daughters.
ReplyDelete"I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors, when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together; when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that 'don't ask, don't tell' is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married," Obama told Roberts.
"It's interesting, some of this is also generational," the president continued. "You know when I go to college campuses, sometimes I talk to college Republicans who think that I have terrible policies on the economy, on foreign policy, but are very clear that when it comes to same-sex equality or, you know, sexual orientation, that they believe in equality. They are much more comfortable with it. You know, Malia and Sasha, they have friends whose parents are same-sex couples. There have been times where Michelle and I have been sitting around the dinner table and we're talking about their friends and their parents and Malia and Sasha, it wouldn't dawn on them that somehow their friends' parents would be treated differently. It doesn't make sense to them and, frankly, that's the kind of thing that prompts a change in perspective."
Roberts asked the president whether first lady Michelle Obama was involved in his decision. Obama said she was, and he talked specifically about his own faith.
"This is something that, you know, we've talked about over the years and she, you know, she feels the same way, she feels the same way that I do. And that is that, in the end the values that I care most deeply about and she cares most deeply about is how we treat other people and, you know, I, you know, we are both practicing Christians and obviously this position may be considered to put us at odds with the views of others but, you know, when we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is, not only Christ sacrificing himself on our behalf, but it's also the Golden Rule, you know, treat others the way you would want to be treated. And I think that's what we try to impart to our kids and that's what motivates me as president and I figure the most consistent I can be in being true to those precepts, the better I'll be as a as a dad and a husband and, hopefully, the better I'll be as president."
I just ADORE how President Obama uses the conservatives' favorite tool (Christianity) against them!
DeleteAn Open Letter to the Right Wing In Wake Of The Passage Of Amendment One:
ReplyDelete"We have been incredibly patient patient with you...."
I wonder who the gay evangelicals will vote for...he, he.
ReplyDeleteI never really understood anyone's objection to gay marriage anyway. Everyone has gay friends, family, coworkers, or other important people in their lives who deserve the same rights as everyone else...anything else is legalized discrimination. It should be no big deal.
Bout effing time. I don't even care if it was purely done under political pressure and to win votes. ABOUT EFFING TIME
ReplyDeleteI only hope that this encourages ALL PROGRESSIVES and Independents to vote in November. I'm totally in favor of gay marriage but worry that this might have been politically dangerous. Let's get out the vote! Obama 2012
ReplyDeleteWhen you total votes for gay people, women, students, blacks and all the others who the GOP and the evangelicals have been bashing, this was a very wise decision by Obama.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Mr. President!
ReplyDeleteObama/Biden 2012
Oh noes! The one brain cell among the teabaggers just popped!
ReplyDeleteI believe President Obama has always been on the side of equal marriage rights but has been weighing the political implications. It stands to reason that all citizens should have equal rights to be miserable (JK!).
ReplyDeleteThere's so very much riding on this election, not to mention the implications of the recall election here in WI. Let's make sure to get out and vote this year!!
Obama/Biden '12!! Tom Barrett for governor!!
I agree. He has always known it wasn't "right" to deny gay people their rights,
Deletebut politically, it was just WAY too much for him to take on. It sounds bad, but look what they are doing to him about killing OBL.
Spiking a football? WTF? and Who Cares?
They just twist, and twist and twist the truth, facts and history!
I, too, was sure he would make this announcement! But, they are already giving more negative than positive coverage on TV about it! Switched to different channels (cable) and the majority make me sick to my stomach! Turned it OFF! The guy can't win for losing!!!!
ReplyDeleteI hope the gays come out in huge support of him this next election too. They assuredly should. Don't forget the military issue too! I also heard one of the announcers on cable say that the military typically vote Republican - does anyone know if that it true?
I SO support President Obama and will vote for him again!!! I think he will eventually go down as one of the best presidents the USA has had.
Anon @ 12:03:
ReplyDeleteYou are right... love conquers all!
I won't add God into that thought process, but nevertheless, if there is a belief in an Almighty
God, he/she has to have created all orientations equally, with no malice aforethought.
I have always believed the President was for gay marriage, but that he didn't want to come right out and say it for political reasons.
ReplyDeleteBTW Fox is spinning this as "Obama declares war on marriage". What assholes.
Fpx News, spinning?
DeleteColor me shocked!
I'm so delighted that the President finally took this last step in his evolution in understanding the human rights issue at stake for same sex marriage. While the Republicans will want to make an issue of this, I believe that the people who are anti-SSM would not have voted for PBO anyway. This move should mobilize his base, especially young people and, of course, LGBT folks. If the enthusiasm gap is filled,and the base gets energized, it should offset any oldsters/xtians who don't agree.
ReplyDeleteThis is a major step for him; he was always supportive and accepting of same sex civil unions but he struggled with same sex marriage (if I'm making sense here). I always knew his conscious would guide him to the best decision for all Americans, and I was right!!!
ReplyDeleteGo Mr. President! Four more years!!
A source at ABC News tells TPM that the White House called the network yesterday and requested the interview with Robin Roberts. There were no conditions laid out before the interview, but marriage equality was certain to come up, the source said. “They did not say what he was going to say,” the source said.
ReplyDeleteGOP On ‘Wrong Side Of History’
ReplyDeleteHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi issued the following statement praising President Obama on his endorsement of same-sex marriage:
“Today marks progress for the civil rights of LGBT Americans and all Americans. With President Obama’s support, we look forward to the day when all American families are treated equally in the eyes of the law.
“Republicans are standing on the wrong side of history. Just yesterday, a Republican-backed amendment to ban same-sex marriage passed in North Carolina. Here in the House, Republican leaders refuse to bring up a bill to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act that includes critical domestic violence protections for the LGBT community, and they are using taxpayer funds to defend the indefensible Defense of Marriage Act in court. These actions only serve to advance fundamental unfairness in our society.
“Throughout American history, we have worked to live up to our values of liberty and freedom, and to end discrimination in all of its forms. Today, we took another step forward in our march toward equality.”
While it does give hope to people who believe and need to hear it, words without action mean nothing in politics. Obama knows that. I hope he's sincere.
ReplyDeleteSuch a friendly little concern troll you seem to be - all his actions BEFORE his most recent statement have been in support of the LGBT community - you obviously only listen to right wing rhetoric.
DeleteAnd he has well earned his title - President Obama - that slip also gives you away
Major deal for me. I just sent my $$ to show my support.
ReplyDeleteMoments after my best friend called to announce the POTUS' support for gay marriage, Obama For America called.
DeleteEven the phone solicitor hadn't heard! Of course, I gave a chunk o' change in honor of this decision.
Honestly, could President Obama let his VPOTUS show him up on such an important issue? I think NOT.
An hour and a half after his speech ended, they collected over a million dollars.
Boy, didn't President Obama take the wind out of those sails crowing about their 'win' in North Carolina. Not only did he capture the news cycle for today, tomorrow and this week and longer, he stole the right wing's victory bellows right out from under them.
ReplyDeleteOf course now the cacophony will escalate into more Obama and gay bashing, but what I also found interesting is that he mentioned being Christian and wove that into his 'evolution' on this issue. That has to be making homophobic conservative Christians a little whacked out.
Wow, if THIS doesn't bring out the firebreather from Wasilla...
ReplyDeleteI suspect now she's gonna have to get on her Twitter or her FB or her FOX pedestal to do some good ol' Obama bashing, xtian dog whistling.
Or maybe that 'work' she had done is a disaster and she can't ever show her face in public again...oh, I can dream, can't I?
Obama: Michelle ‘Feels The Same Way’ On Gay Marriage
ReplyDeleteDuring his exclusive sit down with ABC News, President Obama also commented on how First Lady Michelle Obama felt about his decision to support gay marriage.
“This is something we talked about over the years, and she feels the same way I do,” Obama said.
Watch the video:
This is where he discusses his Christian faith and how this might be viewed and how he resolves this for himself and affirms that Michelle shares his views. He mentions the Golden Rule and how it relates to his views.
So sorry, here's the link.
Here come the knives:
ReplyDeleteNational Organization For Marriage ‘Promises To Defeat’ Obama In November
All 2012 U.S. World
2 new updates
4:48 PM EDT, WEDNESDAY MAY 9, 2012
Obama: Michelle ‘Feels The Same Way’ On Gay Marriage
During his exclusive sit down with ABC News, President Obama also commented on how First Lady Michelle Obama felt about his decision to support gay marriage.
“This is something we talked about over the years, and she feels the same way I do,” Obama said.
Watch the video:
Reported by Igor Bobic
Tags U.S.
4:44 PM EDT, WEDNESDAY MAY 9, 2012
National Organization For Marriage ‘Promises To Defeat’ Obama In November
National Organization for Marriage President Brian Brown responded today to President Obama’s announcement supporting same-sex marriage by “promising to defeat Obama this November for abandoning marriage”:
“President Obama has now made the definition of marriage a defining issue in the presidential contest, especially in swing states like Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, Florida and Nevada,” Brown said. “Voters in all these states, and over two dozen more, have adopted state constitutional amendments defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. President Obama says that although he personally supports gay marriage, he still supports the concept of states deciding the issue on their own. However, that is completely disingenuous. His administration is already trying to dismantle the nation’s marriage laws by refusing to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court. All the state marriage amendments and laws are at risk under a president who actively wants to change the definition of marriage. NOM will work ceaselessly in these swing states and across the nation to preserve traditional marriage because it is profoundly in the public good to do so. God is the author of marriage, and we will not let an activist politician like Barack Obama who is beholden to gay marriage activists for campaign financing to turn marriage into something political that can be redefined according to presidential whim. The definition of marriage was already headed for the ballot in four states this fall; now it will be one of the defining issues of the presidential election. No state in this country has every voted for gay marriage. Just yesterday North Carolina voters sent a clear message that America wants to preserve marriage. We intend to win the marriage debate this November.”
Frothy Ricky Santorum Responds To Obama: ‘The Charade Is Now Over'
ReplyDeleteSantorum responded to President Barack Obama’s announcement supporting same-sex marriage with the following statement, saying “the charade is now over”:
“The announcement today by President Obama should come as no surprise to the American public. President Obama has consistently fought against protecting the institution of marriage from radical social engineering at both the state and federal level. The President recently opposed the North Carolina constitutional amendment and, of course, he refused to defend President Clinton’s Defense of Marriage Act before the U.S. Supreme court. The charade is now over, no doubt an attempt to galvanize his core hard left supporters in advance of the November election.
Thankfully the American public, when it has had an opportunity to consider the real world consequences of such a fundamental change to our society, has consistently voted for maintaining one man one woman marriage - the basic building block of our society. I will continue to fight to make sure that the cultural elites don’t further undermine the institution that gives the best opportunity for healthy, happy children and a just and prosperous society.”
DeleteSantorum is a nutcase.
DeleteLittle Ricky doth protest too much.
DeleteObama Bundler: ‘Immeasurably Easier’ To Raise Funds Now
ReplyDeleteJon Cooper, a bundler for Barack Obama’s re-election campaign, believes President Obama’s announcement supporting gay marriage will make fundraising “immeasurably easier,” according to Capital New York:
”I hadn’t seen any diminution in support for Obama among LGBT donors or progressive donors for that over the past few weeks, despite the previous disappointment not to move forward with the executive order banning LGBT discrimination by federal contractors,” Cooper said. ”That being said, I think that this statement by the president expressing his personal support for same-sex marriage is going to make my life immeasurably easier raising money from LGBT donors and progressives in general.”
Obama: Daughters Influenced My Opinion On Gay Marriage
ReplyDeletePresident Obama also said that his friends of his daughers, who have gay parents, shaped his opinion on same-sex marriage.
It wouldn’t dawn of them that somehow their friends’ parents would be treated differently - it wouldn’t make sense to them,” Obama said of Malia and Sasha.
Watch the video:
Taking down terrorists, boosting civil rights. It's a good week for my President.
ReplyDeleteTammy Baldwin: Obama ‘Has Done The Right Thing’
ReplyDeleteRep. Tammy Baldwin (D-WI), who’s running to be the first openly gay candidate elected to the U.S. Senate, hailed President Obama’s decision to endorse gay marriage in a statement posted to her campaign website Wednesday.
“I am proud of President Obama’s strong record of promoting fairness and equality. These are values I share, that we all share, and the pride I take in the president’s recognition today comes not just at a deeply personal level, but also because he has done the right thing for so many people. I am pleased that the president has today joined a growing number of people across the country who are moving forward on the issue of marriage equality and equal opportunity for all Americans.”
FOX NEWS! Well I do sort of tolerate Shep, he seems the most sane of all of them over there...
Speaking shortly after President Obama announced his endorsement of same-sex marriage, Fox News anchor Shepard Smith suggested that Republicans were on “the wrong side of history” when it comes to the issue.
“I am curious whether you believe in this time of rising debt and medical issues and all the rest, if Republicans would go out on a limb and try to make this a campaign issue while sitting very firmly without much question on the wrong side of history,” he asked reporter Ed Henry.
I posted yesterday that though President Obama has my enthusiastic vote, until he got off the fence on the gay marriage rights issue, I would no longer support the campaign financially. Many found my post naive. Maybe so.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I am thrilled with today's good news. I put my money where my mouth is and just made a donation to the President's campaign.
Oh dear god, the media feeding frenzy is remarkable. It really is like throwing red meat to snarling animals.
ReplyDeleteThis photo with this caption is disrespectful and you should remove it. What he just did is historic and trivializing it in this way is shameful.
ReplyDeleteI totally agree. That picture is NOT how we want people to think of our President. Grif I can't believe you did this!!!!!
DeleteOkay well I don't usually cave to pressure, but having looked at it again, I did decide to change the picture.
DeleteSorry to everybody who found the first one offensive.
Thank you. Much better!
DeleteFox News’ Shepard Smith made a clear endorsement of the president finally coming around to believe same-sex couples should be able to get married.
Barney Frank: Obama’s Gay Marriage Stance ‘Will Cost Him No Votes’
ReplyDeleteMassachusetts Rep. Barney Frank, arguably the most prominent openly gay politician in Washington, called President Obama’s support for gay marriage “the next logical step” for Obama following his refusal to defend DOMA in court. Frank has been a longtime advocate for increased protections and rights for the LGBT community, and announced in early 2012 plans to marry his longtime partner in his home state of Massachusetts, where same-sex marriage is legal.
Frank’s statement:
Earlier this year, President Obama took a major step towards vindicating the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people to marry when he announced his refusal to defend the Defense of Marriage Act’s blatant discrimination against us.
Today he has taken the next logical step to complete the process by expressing his support for our right to marry people of the same sex. I understand why a President facing a national election took some time in making this decision, and I believe that the fact that he first announced his repudiation of DOMA gave him a chance to assess the reaction to that. I know there are those who wish that elected officials would completely ignore public opinion – of course only in those cases where they do not agree with public opinion – but that is not a realistic course in a democracy for those seeking to get the authority from the public to govern.
This does not meant that the President’s decision today was entirely without some political risk, but I believe it will be clear in the days ahead that this will cost him no votes, since those opposed to legal equality for LGBT people were already inclined to oppose him, and that it will make it easier for us to mobilize the people in this country who oppose discrimination to help reelect him.
We have GOT to get the House back!
ReplyDeleteHouse GOP Defends DOMA's Separation Of Binational Same-Sex Couples
Obama Endorses Gay Marriage: Celebrities, Media Personalities And LGBT Rights Advocates Sound Off On Twitter
In an exclusive statement to HuffPost Gay Voices, Iowa student Zach Wahls -- whose impassioned marriage equality speech became the most-viewed political video on YouTube after going viral twice in 2011 -- noted, "As the son of a same-sex couple from Iowa, and one of the first children born to an openly lesbian parent in the Midwest, it is with a sense of awe-struck bewilderment that I realize I am now represented by a sitting U.S. president who publicly supports the marriage shared by my two moms, Jackie and Terry."
that made me feel in my cold, dead chest!
Anonymous 1:51 PM
DeleteHe did an amazing job!
I heard on the radio how his mom heard.
She was in the recovery room after surgery, and had missed President Obama's speech, I'm sure she's just as proud of the President as she is of her family.
Anonymous3:47 PM
Deletethat made me feel in my cold, dead chest!
Go fuck yourself
It's a good move and I expect we'll see more like it in the May-June stretch. It's a good time to get stuff out so by campaign time it's old news. Let the GOP get all red-faced with pout-rage now so the voters will be bored with their silliness by election day.
ReplyDeleteObama Same-Sex Marriage: Politicians React To President's ABC Interview (REACTIONS)
I think this more about campaign strategy than President Obama's changing view. The strategists are trying to set up a chain of issues so they wind up with their best issues being the topic of the day as close to the November election as possible.
ReplyDeleteMichael Bloomberg
ReplyDelete"This is a major turning point in the history of American civil rights," said New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg. "No American president has ever supported a major expansion of civil rights that has not ultimately been adopted by the American people - and I have no doubt that this will be no exception. The march of freedom that has sustained our country since the Revolution of 1776 continues, and no matter what setbacks may occur in a given state, freedom will triumph over fear and equality will prevail over exclusion. Today's announcement is a testament to the President's convictions, and it builds on the courageous stands that so many Americans have taken over the years on behalf of equal rights for gay and lesbian Americans, stretching back to the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village."
It's no surprise at all that this is his position, and I'm not even so sure I believe his "evolution" remarks. I suspect that's just his way of providing a roadmap for others to follow and also to affirm to them that his feelings are not arbitrary. It'll make more sense to people who aren't already there, to see how someone could rationally end up at that point.
ReplyDeleteFor me, the exciting thing about these comments are that Obama is making a VERY extreme distinction between himself and the GOP. I'm hoping this is just the beginning of that and by election time it will be a very clear referendum on what direction we the not-corporate-owned people of America want our country to go in.
Are we a Christian Nation of gay hating, misogynistic, immigrant bashing xenophobes who believe that having ten percent of the population controlling 80 percent of the wealth is good for everyone and health care is a privilege?
Or are we compassionate, inclusive progressives who think that the best nation on the planet should take care of it's own regardless of economic status, that corporations are NOT people and that survival of the fittest is a concept best left to wild animals?
Our Country truly found change today and what a great feeling that is! Enough with the hate! President Obama has drawn a line in the sand and said that our Country will not stand for hate and prejudice! Because he says he is christian his statement gives me hope for christians everywhere and may make me temper my anger at christians as a whole. Great Job POTUS!
ReplyDeleteWill you join us in coming Out4Marriage?
ReplyDeleteWhen President Obama was born his parent's marriage was illegal in 22 states.
Something we all need to remember. Civil rights should apply to ALL people - those who are against gay marriage were no doubt the very same people who were against mixed race marriages. Guess they will lose again - always on the wrong side of history - good that they are dying out.
ReplyDeleteThank you for standing up to boldly say that all love is equal.
This is an incredible, historic moment with huge implications for all nations. As many US states continue to ban marriage and 76 nations criminalize people because of who they love, your leadership takes this issue to the next level.
Together, we support you in challenging attacks as they come.
Those top officials, speaking on condition that they not be named or quoted, said that the president was not agitated about Biden's appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press." Instead, he decided that he had to make his position known sooner rather than later. The administration had knowledge of Biden's remarks after he taped his interview last Friday. By Tuesday morning, aides began putting a plan in motion.
Silly Sarah has been awful quite, if she doesn't comment on this you have to know something is wrong. Hopefully it involves the FBI, the IRS, and the Justice Department.
ReplyDeleteIsn't she a keynote speaker some place soon - takes her weeks to write a word salad speech that she has trouble reading and decide what color hoodie to wear to earn the $$$$.
DeleteReid: ‘People Should Be Able To Marry Whomever They Want’
ReplyDeleteSenate Majority Leader Harry Reid offered the following statement following President Obama’s endorsement of gay marriage:
“My personal belief is that marriage is between a man and a woman. But in a civil society, I believe that people should be able to marry whomever they want, and it’s no business of mine if two men or two women want to get married. The idea that allowing two loving, committed people to marry would have any impact on my life, or on my family’s life, always struck me as absurd.
“In talking with my children and grandchildren, it has become clear to me they take marriage equality as a given. I have no doubt that their view will carry the future.
“I handled a fair amount of domestic relations work when I was a practicing lawyer, and it was all governed by state law. I believe that is the proper place for this issue to be decided as well.”
Alert! Gays in the West Wing! Oh, the horror. Raising families and all that regular stuff. How depraved. I just thought of all that gay money that will not be going to North Carolina now that they have passed their foolish amendment. Wedding-related companies in NC must be gritting their teeth at all the opportunities lost because of a bunch of homophobic rednecks. That's OK. Move to another gay-friendly state and spend your money there. (BTW, make sure you and all your friends vote for Obama.)
ReplyDeleteThe other great thing about making this announcement now, rather than earlier in the rep. primaries, is it basically forces Romney to either agree with him, or take a firm stance against him, neither of which will work well for Romney.
ReplyDeleteI absolutely do not understand why he waited until the day after the vote in North Carolina to come out, so to speak, as a supporter of gay marriage.
ReplyDeleteAnd actually, I just read that back in the nineties, he wrote on a questionnaire as a state senator that he supported gay marriage, so I'm also puzzled as to why his position has changed more than once here.
I don't get the feeling he is doing this for some sort of political gain, though. If anything, I think this is going to cost him more than gain political support.
I just really don't understand the timing. I know his support wouldn't have changed the outcome in North Carolina, but it's just so odd to give it exactly one day later.
It definitely "will fire up the Evangelicals like nobody's business" but I doubt it will make a damn bit of difference to the election. Those folks weren't ever going to vote for the president, no matter what. It just gives the racist homophobes something else to whine about. Some of the more congenitally stupid specimens have been venting on HuffPo about this ushering in a new era of bestiality and other such bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI guess I shouldn't be too surprised. The racist homophobe crowd ain't exactly made up of MENSA fodder.
While this is a bold and honest thing for Pres. Obama to say, I terribly fear that it will hurt him in the election. As Rachel Maddow points out every other day, marriage equality has a 1-31 record on state ballots. Voted down not just by RWNJs, but by the majority of all voters in those states ... including some crucial swing states that we are going to need to put Pres Obama in office for a second term. I hope I am wrong.
ReplyDeleteDamn. I'm in D.C. I read this on a readerboard on a street corner, but nobody seems to be talking about it here.
ReplyDeleteGotta say though, the President is scary smart. Research shows that about 70% of Americans are fine with gay rights, and while they might not be motivated to come out on a state referendum, they'll come out for a national election.
Also, any way Romney responds looks bad for him. Either he'll be pro-bigotry, or pro gay rights. Either way he pisses people off.
President Obama is scary smart.
My religion disapproves of praying for other people without their permission- or their parents, if it's a minor- but I think I'm going to start praying for Reveal All. I want anyone who wishes harm on the President to be revealed fully to the Secret Service. And I'm crossing my fingers that the agents protecting the First Family will be absolutely the last word in competence and integrity.
Is that the sound of Rice Krispies or just a whole lot of bagger/fundie heads exploding? They make a small sound, even collectively. Could it have something to do with cranial volume?
ReplyDeleteTo be honest, I knew his position, but never thought he'd come forward like this before the election. I'm proud of him for the courage of his convictions and for the way he framed and explained Marriage Equality and how his "evolution" came full circle.
ReplyDeleteWow, what a historic step in the right direction!
Just hearing a sitting president speak out for equality for all people, especially the LGBT community, gives me goosebumps.
Obama Biden 2012