Wednesday, May 09, 2012

And so it begins, pockets of angry GOP groups calling for armed response if Obama wins a second term.

Courtesy of Right Wing Watch:

The Greene County, Virginia Republican Committee publishes a monthly newsletter for members called “The Constitutional Conservatives.” The newsletter is heavy on Tea Party rhetoric about how Obama and liberals are ruining America, and so forth. But even by these standards, an item in the March newsletter stands out.

This is what it states:

We have before us a challenge to remove an ideologue unlike anything world history has ever witnessed or recognized. 

An individual who has come to power within a Nation which yields it’s strength over the entire world. 

An elected leader who shuns biblical praise, handicaps economic ability, disrespects the honor of earned military might. 

In the coming days and weeks ~ we the people must come to grasp as a common force, our very soul’s, that our future as a sovereign nation is indeed at risk. 

If every single individual that you know, would contact 25 other individuals ~ we can make a difference that will be heard across the Commonwealth and in Washington. 

The ultimate task for the people is to remain vigilant and aware ~ that the government, their government is out of control, and this moment, this opportunity, must not be forsaken, must not escape us, for we shall not have any coarse but armed revolution should we fail with the power of the vote in November ~ This Republic cannot survive for 4 more years underneath this political socialist ideologue.

I have read the above statements a couple of times now and I essentially have NO idea what these people are so upset about.  To me it seems as if they are transferring the anger and fear they SHOULD have felt during the Bush administration to the Obama administration.

It is much easier to hate when his skin is the wrong color, and his name sounds so "un-American."

It is important to note, that this is NOT an isolated  point of view among many on the fringe of the Right Wing, and in fact the threat of an armed response against Federal employees is at the heart of the Schaeffer Cox trial taking place right now in Anchorage.

In fact the sovereign citizen idea is catching fire, and for all intents and purposes has essentially already taken over the Alaska GOP. (And yes I will soon have a post to back that up.)

I mentioned before that this next election cycle would be a war, and now we have to realize that it may in fact involve actual gun play.


  1. Anonymous11:06 AM

    appearently they are unaware liberals also have guns. They are so stupid.
    I am female and am NOT a member of the Republican Party nor the NRA but I do have guns for my own protection, I buy them when republicans are in office because they are cheeper then.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Our very soul's
    Shall (LOL!!) not have any coarse

    It is so sad that we have to take these uneducated bigots seriously. Wish they didn't have guns.

    1. Anonymous11:53 AM

      Wish they didn't have the vote!!
      BP in OR

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      fuk 'em, they're not the only ones with gunz ... fukin' dumb ass tea_tards

  3. So they want to harm the President? And they're formally announcing it first? Not the brightest bunch.

  4. Anonymous11:30 AM

    They might be taken more seriously if they knew who to use apostrophes and how to spell 'course.' Bunch of illiterates with guns...where have we seen that before? To even hint that this nation needs an 'armed unsrurrection' because why? The President has done what exactly to tick them off? Their taxes are lower than the past 60 years; the oil companies are raking in profits as are the car companies. Obama is more of a Christian than any of these nuts (which REALLY must tick them off!) And socialist? Please. Do these people have a clue what that even means? The GOP is far more likely to 'spread the wealth' than Obama...only they will take it from these very people and throw it upward. Even more reason for us to make sure WE are aware and alert to these folks coming into our neighborhoods and towns, and that we do not let them get the upper hand.

  5. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Well they are REALLY gonna pissed now:

    BREAKING NEWS! President Obama declares that same sex couples should be able to marry!

    "I've always been adamant that gay and lesbian Americans should be treated fairly," Obama told Roberts, in an interview that will air in full on ABC's "Good Morning America" Thursday.

    "I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together, when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married," he said.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      oh boy this ain't gonna sit well with sum foks

      but good for our President to share the love and compassion that EVERY citizen deserves, well, except maybe sarah, no loving from the POTUS, there I thinks!

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      I think President Obama is great!

  6. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Obama Evolves

    It's official:

  7. What these assholes are calling for, is Treason.

    1. Anonymous3:53 PM

      M from MD

  8. They always let their lack of basic education shine through -

    "within a Nation which yields it’s strength..."I believe you may be looking for "wields", guys.

    "...for we shall not have any coarse but armed revolution..." That would be pretty coarse. Why not try another "course."

    I know they're not reading this. I just needed to say that for some reason. We all make errors, but presumably a statement of this sort would/should be proof read. :(

    1. A. J. Billings1:59 PM

      Hey, don'tcha know that bad spelling shows they ain't elites?

      Just like that there Sarah person from Wasilla!

      Bad grammar, made up words, makin' up stuff instead of bein' factual, why that all makes the folks feel more at home, don'tcha know.

      Kinda makes what they are saying the rill dill

  9. First off, 1996 called, and they want their web designs back.

    Secondly, why do so many conservatives say they care about the Constitution, and then yack about how we all have to follow the Bible? Where does the Constitution say that people who believe in God have any more rights than people who do not?

    I noticed their pdf file that Right Wing Watch linked to quoted Thomas Paine. He probably was an atheist. If conservatives want to take from the Founding Fathers what they want and leave out what they do not, fine. Just don't complain when someone else does the same and picks out different things.

  10. Anonymous11:57 AM

    Was there LSD in the Kool Aid? This is seriously twisted rhetoric and/or logic. Treasonous it is.

  11. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Didn't all we hear after the 2000 election was "we won, get over it!"??

    I mean, come on, Obama won & will probably win again. GET OVER IT!!

  12. If the GOP doesn't get these lunatics back in the asylum, there will be another civil war in this country. These people listen to too much wingnut media.

    Really, folks, we survived 8 years of Bush/Cheney. That is the administration you should have been so pissed off with. We survived Bush/Cheney and you'll survive President Obama.

    I was reading our school board minutes and one of the local ministers wants all the PUBLIC school kids to see this movie: Truly scary.

    The GOP are the masters of projection. Sheesh.

  13. betsy s12:57 PM

    Did they really mean to put an apostrophe in "its"? "Yield" instead of "wield"? "Coarse" instead of "course"? Aside from the very complicated misuse of commas, this is sedition, pure and simple.

  14. Sharon1:21 PM

    Just reading this makes me ill, I am soooo afraid for our prez, far too many guns owned with these only takes one. When you consider all the campaign venues, I am more worried about losing him over losing the election. It is so hard to believe this is really happening in 2012. He is critical for our country, but he is also critical for the world, I can't imagine the alternative.

  15. Anonymous1:44 PM

    "any coarse but armed revolution"

    surely one of the best typos of the day

  16. Anonymous1:52 PM

    What kind of drugs are those Greene County Republicans using? Such insanity. One would think that the state party leaders would tell them to tone it down a little, well, a lot.

    Given that the sky has not fallen since President Obama was elected in 2008, I think we can assume that he is not a harmful individual. Given that President Obama has worked tirelessly on behalf of all Americans and given that the world thinks highly of him, I think we can assume that he is not some dangerous ideologue straight from central casting.

    I am really looking forward to voting for President Obama, Vice President Biden and every Democrat who runs in my state come November.

  17. Anonymous1:53 PM

    I think it was written by a person that hopes to sound menacing (and thereby hopes to sound like they have a big penis). The writer probably struts about at 2nd amendment gatherings with the biggest possible gun and a gut sagging over his belt. Wouldn't you just love to see his type endure a single day of basic training boot camp?

    1. Anonymous3:55 PM

      Certainly, he may have the Secret Service and the FBI making a call on him.
      M from MD

  18. Anita Winecooler6:29 PM

    U can haz it!

    I tried reading it once, and it was one time too many. I'm sure She who needs no Title breezed right though it, same language set.

  19. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Unfortunately, this kind of violent language is all over the internet. Check out wnd, freerepublic or any birther website. Many of us are concerned that the intention is to stoke the hate and paranoia of an armed lone wolf.

  20. Anonymous2:22 PM

    How nice that they are yet another bunch of illiterate, immature, treasonous folk advocating violence.

    They only think democracy is a good idea if they get what they want, and are willing to scrap the Constitution they claim to believe in and fight to install a dictatorship when they don't. They are more dangerous to our democratic republic than any foreign terrorists.


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