Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Rachel Maddow explains to the Republicans how they are earning the "War on Women" title.

Of course the GOP War on Women is real.

 In fact lately it has seemed like the linchpin of their 2012 political platform.

And personally, if I were them, I would NEVER let the walking embarrassment to women everywhere, Sarah Palin, be the spokesperson to suggest that this is made up by the Democrats.

Sarah Palin's very existence feels like an attack on women.                         


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    more ot;

    bristol palin slams the president and his family for not having traditional family values. better to be like her family where gramma got pregnant out of wedlock, momma had numerous pre marital sexual public affairs with local and visiting men including glenn rice the basketball player while she was employed as a sports reporter in alaska. momma then gets pregnant out of wedlock to an old boyfriend and passed it off as todd's baby, meanwhile the baby daddy dies in mysterious circumstances, bristol herself gets pregnant at least once out of wedlock with a baby daddy she claims date raped her after a night of wine coolers in a tent, and proceeds to grift as much money from the situation as she can before cutting the baby daddy loose, without much chance to see his own son for years. older brother track gets his girlfriend britta pregnant while on leave from the military service he was forced into or go to jail for school bus vandalism and selling oxy, bristol herself grifts some more money from the candie foundation to spew abstinence lies while shacking up with the italian stallion gino moretti, who evidently just dumped her. younger sister willow gets in trouble for having an alcohol and drug infused party with her underaged friends at the morlock house causing thousands of dollars of damage. morlock boy later goes to prison for killing and abusing the corpses of dead afghans. aunt diana gets nicked for theft and drug possession but all charges dropped even though levi johnstons mom goes to jail for oxy that was planted on her, after her son wont give up his paternal rights and claim on her grandson. meanwhile momma sarah uses pac money for family vacations and to pay her ghost writers and parents for office supplies and consulting instead of what the money was supposed to be used for.plus she makes a tv show using 2 million in tax write offs, money that could have gone to the state but didnt because she signed a law while governor specifically designed to benefit her and her future ambitions to be a "star". and daddy todd is implicated in a prostitution ring in alaska and 4 other states, providing prostitution services to business associates, govt officials, and secret service agents, including david chaney from the now infamous columbian escort scandal, when he was supposedly protecting his wife. bristol names her kid after the prostitute. how......bizarre. did i forget anything? oh yeah. did palin really give birth to trig? and where is ruffles? we may never know since the files on adoptions and the only nurse present in the hospital burned in a suspicious fire soon after trig's birth.


  2. MissSunshine6:58 AM

    (Your title has a mis-spelling of Rachel's first name.)

    Ha! Yes, the pick of Sarah Palin for VP was a SLAP IN THE FACE of every woman who had educated and worked her way into a position of responsibility.

    I've got to say I was excited to see her walk on stage, but then she opened her mouth and started her sneering, self-congratulatory speech.

    The more she talked the more horrified and insulted I felt. Soon it became clear that an attractive face was the only reason old man McCain grabbed at her skirts. Serves him right.

    1. Thanks Miss Sunshine,

      That is my most common spelling mistake, all of the right letters in there, all in the wrong order.

  3. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Who the FUCK cares what Todd Palin has to say? And as usual Sarah is sticking her big, fat nose into other state's business...

    Sarah Palin, Todd Palin Record Robocalls For Deb Fischer In Nebraska GOP Senate Primary


    1. Anonymous8:00 AM

      On the plus side, ol' Debbers just lost that race. Who in their right mind thinks an endorsement by Sarah Palin in 2012 is a winner?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:40 PM

      Debbers lost? Awww, her first mistake was the robo calls, I mean, who want's their dinner interrupted by a call from Screechy Wretch?
      The thought, alone, gives me dry heaves,

      The Palin Curse Continues.....

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I love Rachel Maddow. Many of the state laws and initiatives put forth by Republicans also threaten the heath of women, whether pregnant or not. And then there are the attacks on the Girl Scouts for heaven's sake! None of this is coming from the Democrats.

    One of my concerns has been the silence of the AMA on these fake issues raised by Republicans and then voted upon without any consideration of health consequences. Oh, that's right. Many doctors are Republicans. But shouldn't their Hippocratic Oath take the burden of their Republicanism off their shoulders so that they can support their female patients?

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    O/T but there's the latest on Barf Bag's new show:

    When a planned reality show about Bristol Palin and her Dancing With the Stars friend Kyle Massey and his actor brother, Chris, fell apart, Lifetime offered the daughter of former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin her own series instead. "I was game for it," says the 21-year-old single mom. "I wanted to show how down-to-earth my family and I are."

    The result: Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp, a 14-episode show premiering June 19 that follows Bristol and her 3½-year-old son, Tripp, from their hometown in Wasilla, Alaska, to Los Angeles, where Palin takes a job with a nonprofit.

    "My parents were skeptical at first," she admits. "But they know I'm responsible. I won't be getting drunk on TV. This isn't Jersey Shore. It's a family show." The most fun for her? "Watching my son grow up over the series — some of the stuff he says is hilarious!"


    1. Anonymous7:36 AM

      Who wants to watch Bristol's little boy grow up? Is this going to be on the air until he graduates from high school? And she's going to work for a "nonprofit"; making a profit while being depicted as working for a nonprofit. If I were running the "nonprofit," I wouldn't want Bristol anywhere near it.

    2. Ahhh..."I won't be getting drunk on TV. This isn't Jersey Shore. It's a family show". Finally, a slam for JWOW. Didn't have nerve enough to make it directly but can't let it go. Bristol only wishes she could be on Jersey Shore.

      Hey, Bristol, do you really think your stupid show will ever get anywhere near the ratings that Jersey Shore gets? hahaha

      "Life's a Tripp". Which Tripp are you talking about Bristol? Your daddy's prostitute? Or your child who you named after her? Are you going to tell the world why you did that?

    3. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

      Twelve Episodes? Can she count that high?

  6. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Abortion is the only issue holding the GOP together. If Roe v Wade was overturned tomorrow the GOP would disintegrate. If they want to keep their jobs they have no choice but to vote for any bill that even remotely overlaps with pro-life sentiments.

    It's not really a war on women per se, it's a pretend war on abortion. Women are just collateral damage. For the GOP, the only thing worse than losing the war on abortion would be winning. Abortion = Eastasia.

    1. Yes, but..... the Bush Administration controlled both houses of Congress for six years and not one bill was proposed restricting abortion. So why now? I guess the states are trying to make an end run around Roe v. Wade.

      Oh, it's war all right. And it really frosts me that female governors are leading the charge. And, of course, these are the red states that want nothing to do with the child once it is born. Health care, good public education, jobs? Hey, kid, you are on your own.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Anon 7:21 You made some very good points and I'd like to expand on your ideas, since you've struck a nerve here. I apologize in advance if I ramble on here trying to add a couple of points.

      Anon 7:21 said "... It's not really a war on women per se, it's a pretend war on abortion. Women are just collateral damage. For the GOP, the only thing worse than losing the war on abortion would be winning. Abortion = Eastasia."

      Yep, keep your people in a heightened state of agitation and feeling threatened by using low-intensity, perpetual "wars" against 2nd tier nations. Promote nationalism and fear of "other cultures" that "threaten" the safety and security of the homeland. This allows natural splintering of society into smaller interest groups.

      Fear of potential physical and cultural death gives government more control by allowing govt to seize property and reduce civil rights. People will trade their freedoms for perceived security.

      Divide and conquer- keep different groups fighting for scarce resources. It's a zero-sum game and one citizen group can only win at the expense of the other group of citizens. This allows government to choose the winners and losers in the populace as well as the corporate winners in the economy, who are funding the political oligarchy in order to buy favored treatment. Corporations "own" government which, in turn, "owns/controls" the people.

      And the beat goes on.

      Politically, it seems we really only have one choice right now and that is, of course, to support the present administration. I'm positive that, as good a President as Obama could be, his own hands are tied as well, limiting his choice of options on the big issues to a) a bad choice or b) a worse choice. I was a center/right of center Republican when Reagan came along and have drifted more toward the center/center left as I've witnessed the destruction of the earning power of the middle and working classes for the past 32 years.

      I'm tired as hell of seeing people stepped over or having their rights stomped on bc of the systemic powers we've allowed the gov't to usurp from we the people. Although I've been dealt a pretty good hand but it's not all about "me having mine and fuck everybody else".

      I'm trying to light a fire under my friends and business associates, but contentment with status quo and economic security naturally results in people taking defensive, or conservative, positions. Perhaps I feel myself shifting to more of a Libertarian outlook regarding civil rights and personal liberties. But the Democratic Party can do so much more for everyone as a whole right now, and it's our best shot to put down this crazy culture war vortex that the extreme right is sucking the GOP into.

      Sorry about this rant that started out as a comment but quickly turned into a manifesto. Now I don't have time to even edit so please look past the wandering narrative and long-windedness, since I've stopped and started 5 or 6 times due to constant interruptions of work (Imagine that-work getting in the way of being on G's blog.) This electioneering and bartering of our rights by the GOP and Dems just irks me to no end. The ones being kicked around as a political football are human beings. I just hope they'll be proactive from now up through the November election and beyond.

  7. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Republicans look to women's groups for a way out of their Violence Against Women Act problems

    The House Republican version of the Violence Against Women Act appears to be in trouble, forcing them to go to the unheard-of (for this crowd, anyway) lengths of talking to the National Organization for Women and the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence about what changes might win their support. Republican leadership isn't actually prepared to make the kind of changes that would accomplish that, but the fact that they even considered the possibility is in itself remarkable.

    Republicans are planning to introduce amendments addressing some of the concerns about their initial bill's weakening of protections for immigrant and Native American women:


  8. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Gryphen, if you missed it, here is our awesome president speaking to WOMEN about WOMEN and there is no question that he was well received...just listen to that crowd!


  9. Anonymous8:05 AM

    As a proud Barnard graduate, I was eager to read what our President said to the 2012 graduating class yesterday. Look it up -- just another bit of evidence that he is a real man.
    Only real men can accept that women are their equals. Only real men make it possible for women -- their wives, daughters, mothers, others -- to live lives that are fulfilling, whatever the definition. Only real men respect the right of a woman to take care of her own body, in whatever way she chooses to do so.

    The fake men-- Limbaugh, Gingrich, Beck, et al, are afraid of women, of women being their equals, of women doing with their bodies whatever they choose to do. Fake men are bullies who only hold their power by keeping down another part of society.

    Obama - a real man.
    Romney - clearly a faker.

  10. Anonymous8:21 AM

    For those still left in the GOP/TP, you have to use single syllables and speak very slowly. Stick drawings might help, but it can be tricky because those folks don't like anything "artsy."

    Slow, simple - oh, yeah, and loud. Very, very loud - to get through their thick skulls.

    Sorry. The base is driving the party and the base is basic.

  11. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Sarah, Mother of Bristol, you've both reserved your one-way first-class tickets to that special place in hell for women who don't support women. . .right?


    Hateful idiots.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:07 PM

      Madeline's a role model of mine, I loved her retort!

      "Though I am flattered that Governor Palin has chosen to cite me as a source of wisdom, what I said had nothing to do with politics. This is yet another example of McCain and Palin distorting the truth, and all the more reason to remember that this campaign is not about gender, it is about which candidate has an agenda that will improve the lives of all Americans, including women. The truth is, if you care about the status of women in our society and in our troubled economy, the best choice by far is Obama-Biden."

      Sarah copies things off of coffee cups, billboards, and bathroom walls, and always gets it wrong.

      Epic Fail

  12. Gasman10:02 AM

    For at least 30 years the anti-abortion folks have struck me as the biggest pack of liars on the planet. They lost their direct assault on abortion, so they have waged a "death by a thousand cuts" strategy. They also ALWAYS deny that their larger goal via such strategies is to get rid of abortion in all circumstances.

    The arrogance and the hubris of the GOP absolutely amazes me. When the country is NOT trending hard right, they are. I actually think this is desperation on their part. I think they realize that this might be their last best chance to strike out at abortion, so they are unleashing a nationally coordinated state by state assault. They are also apparently dumb enough to believe that they can pull this shit off.

    I am astounded at how brazen the GOP is, but I guess I'm glad they've finally revealed that they don't give a shit about women or democracy. Now the choice between ANY Republican and ANY Democrat just got a whole lot easier.

  13. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Its a real poke in the eye to anyone who has half a brain, to hear Republicans claiming there is no war on women.

    Just because some of their dimwitted supporters believe even the most ridiculous lies, does not mean everyone does.

    Simply looking up what the last 100 bills to come up for a vote in either state or federal houses are about, should cast in stone the notion that women are under attack.

    And for those who are crazy enough to take a day off work, to walk around screaming that abortion is murder...why are they not WAY more angry about being lied to, by the Tea Party candidates who claimed they would spend all their time if elected, on jobs and the economy?

    So far, NOTHING has been proposed to help with those real problems, since they took office.

  14. "Sarah Palin's very existence feels like an attack on women"

    She is running a war on humanity - with ghastly results for her own sex - does she even remember that she has 3 daughters - all of whom will be impacted by the hate legislation of the GOP.

    There's a thought - can this anti women legislation be treated at a hate crime?

  15. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

    The GOP has become a running joke. I suppose the Democrats try to pass "transvaginal ultrasounds" before an abortion? What part of "Transvaginal" is male?
    They're attacking not only Women, but men, families, the young, the elderly and the poor.

  16. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Yes Sarah Palin is an attack on women everywhere. She has done nothing to advance women's rights nor fairness and equality for everyone. She's just another amoral liar out for the easy money.


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