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"Let me get this straight. I'M the star of the show and I STILL have to push my own stroller?" |
When a planned reality show about Bristol Palin and her Dancing With the Stars friend Kyle Massey and his actor brother, Chris, fell apart, Lifetime offered the daughter of former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin her own series instead. "I was game for it," says the 21-year-old single mom. "I wanted to show how down-to-earth my family and I are." (Translation: "I was desperate top get ANYTHING on the air after so many failures. If it takes riding my son's coattails to be on TV then so be it!")
The result: Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp, a 14-episode show premiering June 19 that follows Bristol and her 3½-year-old son, Tripp, from their hometown in Wasilla, Alaska, to Los Angeles, where Palin takes a job with a nonprofit. (Is it ACTUALLY considered working at a non-profit if you are paid to be filmed "working " there?)
"My parents were skeptical at first," she admits. "But they know I'm responsible. I won't be getting drunk on TV. This isn't Jersey Shore. It's a family show." The most fun for her? "Watching my son grow up over the series — some of the stuff he says is hilarious!"
Pimping out your child to make money, now WHERE did Bristol ever learn that?
Does ANYBODY actually believe that this all happened without Sarah's "claw of manipulation" guiding the process? Yeah, not me either.
One has to wonder just what kind of "family show" this will be? (I assume something like the Addams Family only far creepier.)
Perhaps she will spend time teaching Tripp the importance of having a strong father figure in his life?
Or perhaps not.
What’s more, she has made sure that their son, Tripp, will at some point be treated to a worldview-shaping image of Dad as something akin to a date rapist. That’s the description of him immortalized in her memoir, one of her many efforts to monetize her surname. It recounts the loss of her virginity as a result of getting drunk and blacking out in the company of Levi, who pounced. What a gift that narrative is to Tripp, now being hauled into a TV reality show, “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp,” already in production. Little children are known to thrive in such environments.
Or perhaps she will teach him how to dress in an appropriate manner before posting your picture on Facebook?
Or not.
Well it is good to know she at least won't be getting drunk on the show. (You know like those Jersey Shore Twitter bitches!)
Been there, done that. |
Or at the very least helps him get a lawyer to protect his slice of that reality show pie.
Hell his name is in the title! That should earn him at least SOME share of the profit.
Then, when he makes enough money, perhaps he can afford to buy a family that actually cares about HIM, and does not view him as a commodity to be monetized for the largest possible profit.
After all, a boy can dream can't he?
Tripp is the comedian in the family? He is hilarious to his own mother.
ReplyDeleteIn other Palin travails, Sarah Palin would love to sink her teeth in this one. While some may have come to their senses for others the birther meme is far from over (teabag GOPs).
05/15/2012: Scott Keadle Admits Birther Mistake
Palin is feeling better with her Trig birther certificate matter well shuttered. Now if she can find a way to game on over where the President was born and his certificate. That would be heaven sent for Sarah and Nancy French, aka Bristol. They think they have no constitutional speech rites due to the lamesteam media that shuts down the birther talk they want to hear. The point that the Bristol blog will repeat over and over is how they are bullied and unfairly treated by a demonic enemy.
Gary Stein, Discharged Tea Party Marine, Takes A Birther Turn
The Best Description Of The Tea Party Ever Written
good comment-thanks for the links, too!
Delete"Down to earth" people don't do reality shows.
ReplyDelete"Down to earth" people don't broadcast their thoughts to the world while whining about wanting to be private.
"Down to earth" people actually work for a living and take care of their own kids.
Yup. She gets drunk off camera. In the woods, driving car, whatever.
ReplyDeleteSo the show is through filming. That is why Gino was cut out.
ReplyDeleteWould you continue working at a job after the paychecks stopped coming? Gino was PAID to be Brisket's B/F.
DeleteI have a feeling that THIS is the real reason why she is making controversial comments - she is busy trying to generate attention so that maybe this show will actually air.
ReplyDeleteI'll believe when it actually airs.
I have a feeling THIS is the real reason why she is making controvesial statements..
DeleteGee, you think? Heelloooo people, that blog was set up with publicity in mind and it WORKED.
I bet they will get the viewers by having Sarah show up in the episodes--and, of course, putting out teasers about it.
DeleteEveryone is saying how cute Tripp is. And he is but he certainly does appear to have been coached on playing to the cameras--a Palin trait.
Hi Bristol, Welcome Back!
ReplyDeleteQuick question, Why did you name your son after your daddy's prostitute?
Sorry to be Off Topic so soon, but The former CEO of Rupert Murdoch's News International has been criminally charged!
ReplyDelete"Rebekah Brooks charged with perverting the course of justice
Former News International chief executive, her husband and four others charged in phone-hacking inquiry"
Thanks for the information!!! Do you think we'll hear this on FOX?
DeleteFOURTEEN episodes???? I am SOOOOO glad i don't have a TV...
ReplyDeleteI agree with anon @ 9:12: She doesn't get drunk ON camera - she gets sh*tfaced OFF camera (and sometimes gets caught after being sh*tfaced)
I'm pretty sure that I'll be way too damn busy to tune in to this low-brow "piece of crap" programming.
DeleteEven if I am bored, reclining on the couch with two broken legs, the tv remote in my hand and I'm complaining that "dammit, nothing good on TV right now!" at the exact time Beefaroni's show airs... if I can't manage to stumble outside to pee into the wind (peeing upwind-what the hell, better that watching a fake fucking Palin self-promo), I'll just sit there and stare at the wall. Either choice is better than watching Beefy Bow-Wow grift off her son's name and image.
Those Palins have absolutely no decency and cannot be shamed.
lol I was thinking the exact same thing: If I was confined to home and or the couch, I would rather read the frickin PHONE BOOK than watch Bristle's show. Shame on anyone who watches this show. Go read a book, do a good deed for a shut in neighbor, take a walk. Watching this show? You will NEVER get those minutes of your life back.
DeleteHahaha, you guys are are all so funny thanks for the laughs!
DeleteBeefaroni's...that's a good one.
"Down to earth" or common Valley trash?
ReplyDeleteLook at me mommy, I'm a star. We finally made it mommy, can I have a cookie now? Can Tripp have one too, please?
DeleteInteresting that she stated to the judge that Levi was going to exploit Tripp, but now she is doing exactly that. Levi, get off your ass and take action.
ReplyDeleteWhat's that word? Prostitut-no...PROJECTION!
DeleteIt's that PROJECTION thing--- she is clueless and has no self-awareness of just how clueless she is--- just like her mother. That's why they can do and say such stupid, asinine things without regret, because they don't know any better.
DeleteI feel sorry for Tri-G and Tripp. They don't stand a chance.
He's not the father.
DeleteI've been wondering about that for a while.
DeleteWTH is going on that Huffington Post keeps pushing articles about Bristol? Here is the latest ---
ReplyDeleteBristol Shares What 'Makes Me Want To Burst Into Tears'
In her latest blog post, Bristol Palin mourns the fetuses that are aborted because they have been diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
In the United States, would you believe ninety-two percent of babies diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted before they get a chance to take a breath? When I hear this statistic, it makes me want to burst into tears. I can’t imagine a world without Trig -- he is the best brother! (Okay, you’re not too bad either, Track!)
It’s crazy how in love with Trig we all are. When Tripp is acting up -- which he does often! -- I sometimes joke with my mom.
“Hey, want to trade kids?” I laugh.
Sarah Palin gave birth to her fifth child, Trig, in April 2008, and Bristol welcomed son Tripp that December. The Palins released a statement after Trig's birth indicating that they knew the child would have Down Syndrome because of prenatal testing -- something Rick Santorum has condemned as a tool for "culling the ranks of the disabled."
“Trig is beautiful and already adored by us," the statement read. "We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives. We have faith that every baby is created for good purpose and has potential to make this world a better place. We are truly blessed.”
In her blog post, Bristol says that her little brother is "cooler than people with fewer chromosomes" and declares, "I’d have a Down syndrome baby in a heartbeat." She concludes by urging Occupy Wall Street protestors to abandon their cause and start protesting the abortion rate associated with Down Syndrome.
Bristol's conservative views don't always play well in the blogosphere. Monday she shared some reactions to a blog post she wrote criticizing President Obama's gay marriage announcement.
"You all, including your son, deserve a slow, painful and miserable death," one commenter wrote. "Your backwards thinking is so sad because the world is moving forward and you will certainly be left behind. May death be upon you."
I remember Huffington when she ran her husband's campaign ( Calif ). What a phony. Remember Nanny-gate? They also hired plants to pump up his campaign. She knows what games the Palins play and she is a willing participant.
DeleteWhat irks me is that they only publish a snipet of the post knowing full well most people will not bother to read the whole piece where she slams OWS, they did the same thing with the Hillary Clinton thing and her other posts then they moderate the comments that point out what they failed to mention and don't let them through.
Delete"We knew through early testing he would face special challenges..."
DeleteUhh..I thought none of the family knew until Willow made the discovery after Tri-G was born. That's what Sarah said and she never, ever lies.
I recall the admiration I felt for former Governor Palin when (shortly after the General Election) she used her popularity to become the National Spokesperson for Children born with Down's Syndrome and other Special Needs Children.
I guess it just didn't pay enough.
zsa zsa huffington is just like sarah and follows the almighty $. You think she isn't getting her pockets lined by both kris karkrashian and sarah palin to keep their & their spawns mugs in the news? HP is overrun with trolls these days and I believe 75% are employees of hp to disrupt and garner clicks. zsa zsa went from a hardcore conservative to a "lib" now she thinks the wind might be blowing the other way so she'll flip again. She's greedy and unprincipled just like sarah...sarah palin, kris kardashian and arianna huffington, not a shred of decency amongst them. Maybe zsa zsa should head home to greece and share her infinite wisdom with them..nobody needs her potus bashing bullshit anymore.
DeleteLol, true that!
DeleteThe gene pool remark is right on target, I mean have you seen Creepy Chuck's face? His eyes, his demeanor scream BORDERLINE RETARD! And some pics of the queen of grift with the wonky eye and vacant hateful stare scream DITTO!
DeleteDelusional persons think that every random thought they have is worthy of sharing with anyone who can't exit their company fast enough to avoid a conversation.
DeleteJust think of Donald Trump with a chin implant, regularly-scheduled liposuction, plastic surgery, fake HiSchool diploma, a ghost-written book and now a ghost-written blog, both chock full of bullshit lies, a crazy mother, a pimping dad, a secret pregnancy and an abortion, etc etc etc.
All of those dysfunctional qualities result in Brisdull and her inflated sense of self importance. And you're right, other than unintended comedic value, there is no value. There is no there there.
jcinco @ 10:45 AM sez:
Delete"HP is overrun with trolls these days and I believe 75% are employees of hp to disrupt and garner clicks."
lol no doubt! I thought this same thing and haven't commented there since 2008 because there were so many frauds there.
Cool! Keep on talking about the hoax you complete and utter fools! When it all gets exposed, we all have more ammunition to civil suit your asses. Keep doubli' and triplin' down on your fake narrative. It won't make it true.
DeleteGood point. "we knew from early testing". WTH???
DeleteAll of a sudden it was a WE KNEW????
I thought it was a great surprise for everyone but Palin? She said she didn't tell the family.
Come on Palins, get the lies straight.
Love the picture of Bristol looking so wasted as she drives her friends on a bar hopping spree. That was her 20th birthday. So glad to hear she is giving up drunk driving.
ReplyDeleteDon't bring up the child labor problems. Bristol didn't cash in much when Tripp was born. Today birth pictures like Jessica Simpson sell for $800,000. Bristol must feel cheated and she needs to monetarily catch up. It is not child exploitation to her, it is a way of life. She is instilling morals and family values across the nation to all the children of America.
Yup, Bristol only got $100,000 for the 're-egagement' photo of her, Levi and Tripp, and she was supposed to share with Levi. Of course, Jessica is a much bigger star than Bristol can ever be, and is marketing all kinds of products as well, which shows she is educated and has a brain.
DeleteLOL our pet stalker Kristy Patullo left a comment on the TV Guide article under her real name. Sad.
ReplyDeleteSo they are trying to use that ancient footage from the other failed versions of Brisdull Does LA and cobble it into another crappy show? Good luck with that! I can't believe Brancy was teasing that mechanical bull scene. Brisdull made a fool of herself with the "heckler" and she just looked terrible. You could tell by her face that she thought she looked like Paris Hilton, but she just looked lumpy, boring, and disfigured. Normally I would be tempted to tune in just for the snark value, but it just sounds so boring, and there is no fucking way I'm watching Lifetime.
Can't keep your lies straight again, huh Brancyrah: "We knew through early testing he would face special challenges, and we feel privileged that God would entrust us with this gift and allow us unspeakable joy as he entered our lives"
Delete"We?" but I thought you didn't even know your mom was preggers (hahah) and then it was supposed to be Willow who noticed the palm crease, wasn't it?
Anon at 10:12 am. As if Willow would have known what the crease indicated! Is this a royal "we" meaning that she, Bristol, was told through early testing that she had? Makes one wonder, doesn't it.
DeleteThe truth will come out. Maybe sooner than we think.
DeleteYes, every down to Earth family I know is just begging Lifetime for a TV show. Every Christian family I know spends their time criticizing the President and his lovely family publicly. And every good Christian teen I know is allowed to go 'camping' with their boyfriend and his friends, allowed to have boys in their bedrooms, and allowed to drop out of high school anytime they feel it's too tough. 'Cause, ya know, there's always DWTS and crap T shows to earn money from. This family could not be more dysfunctional if their last name was Lohan.
ReplyDeleteHow down to earth are they? Let me count the ways...
Delete1. new chin
2. massage treatments, liposuction and the works
3. lifetime supply of spanx
4. Red bull and diet pills
5. buying and selling real estate like a drunk sailor
6. more men than anyone can keep track of
to be continued....
One really has to wonder who is bankrolling this. Putting the daughter of a polarizing political figure into a "reality" show guarantees that 1/2 the country will not watch it. So that automatically cuts your potential market in half. Then you add in all the Republicans who find the Palins embarrassing, and that narrows your audience even further. That's a pretty small slice of the pie to start with. Add in that Bristol looks like a freak and acts like a board, and what are you left with? Her mom's diehard fans? Seriously, whoever is funding this knows they will lose a bomb; this is more Palin Welfare.
ReplyDeleteI will be really, really surprised if it lasts more than a few episodes. She's been filming for this thing for ever, and we've already seen some of the gems: Bristol gets her nails done. Bristol has a fake fight with a gay man in a bar. Bristol gives away books to get people to come to her DC book signing. Yawn. A cute kid only gets you so far. Note to Bristol: most of us have cute kids/grandchildren/nieces and nephews. And given the gene pool, I find it hard to believe Tripp is very bright.
The hilarious thing is that this cheap laugh-fest will be airing during the election. Oh, how low the mighty have fallen. And this airhead once dreamt she'd be having a White House wedding!
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! These people are so blinded by greed and their sense of self importance that they can't see how the efforts to ingratiate themselves to the public are backfiring on them.
DeleteHow many episodes do you bet Sarah just happens to show up in?? This is probably a little bit of a 2016 push for Sarah, too. This definitely won't be all about Bristle and Tripp. Sarah won't let that happen.
DeleteI imagine Sarah will be in the first episode to you promote it.
There are no halves when it comes to dems and repugbaggers. There are way more dems that stinkin repubaggers.
DeleteIt more like 1/3 if that many.
you mean she will be in the first = and subsequent - episodes to promote "herself"
DeleteReality TV moms love short shorts.
The Right’s Righteous Frauds
Say what you will about Bristol Palin, she’s a quick study. It didn’t take her long to master the ways of her elders on the censorious right and decide that personal circumstance and past error needn’t prevent someone from claiming righteous leadership. Uncle Rush must be proud.
Soon after President Obama stated support for same-sex marriage, Bristol publicly weighed in. Because, you know, the world was on tenterhooks.
In a blog post she focused on the reference that Obama made to his daughters — and to the same-sex parents of some of the girls’ friends.
more here--
Frank Bruni knows about frauds and con artists very well.
DeleteHe wrote a book in 1993 about the Catholic clergy sex abuse of children.
Excellent book I must add.
"A Gospel Of Shame: Children, Sex Abuse, and the Catholic Church"
Co-Written with Elinor Burkett
And Update in 2002 when yet another wave of Catholic clergy sex abuse of children hit in Boston.
And Bruni hits the Brizzy nail right on her little knoggin with this home run piece.
The AZ cowgirl photo is old. Bristol blimped out again when she found out the Sunny rumors were true.
ReplyDeleteJohn McCain appears on Fox News Sunday whenever he wants to fuck with Sarah. Sarah never knows if McCain will expose her or praise her. Sarah is in the dark.
The Chuckies have a book to sell, so Sarah is being a good girl, a team player.
That is what she tells herself when ordered to STFU.
Bristol´s blog is Sarah throwing her eldest daughter under the bus again.
She is a coward.
The Wasilla studio transmits and receives. It also eavesdrops.
Yes, they are that stupid.
Really, that photo is old and she's back to being pre-lypo again?
DeleteDoes it really eavesdrop? Come on, what makes you say that? Or are you just guessing?
DeleteIs it true there are no child labor laws for kids in reality teevee shows?
ReplyDeleteAsk Kate (of Kate & Jon and 8 kids) about that. She was hit with child labor laws because the kids were not just having a picnic, they were working.
DeleteKate doesn't own Pa. She has a few state laws to contend. The Palins are a different story. No pest gov telling them how to parent.
DeleteNo one has ever questioned why Bristol Palin should be featured so prominently on magazine covers when she wasn't a very pretty girl. No one has every questioned by Bristol was treated to a big truck, a condo in Anchorage, an appearance on Dancing with the Stars and everything else that fell into her lap when she hasn't much personality, she isn't very bright, she has no talent and her parenting skills appear to be sticking a pacifier in the mouth of a three year old kid. Why in the world would Bristol rate her own TV show?
ReplyDeleteMy guess is that Bristol will continue to be paid back by Sarah Palin as long as it works. Bristol gave something to Sarah that was supposed to put the Palin family as close to the White House as anyone could imagine, except Sarah lost the election. Bristol will be rewarded for her sacrifice for as long as she can push those buttons. She has learned well from her mother. (And while we are at it, what ever happened to that precious gift? Does her heart still ache for him?)
At the same time, Sarah uses Bristol as an alternate voice. The TV show is supposed to promote that their family-- the family known for vandalism, breaking and entering, underage drinking, teen pregnancies,drug use, not only visiting a prostitute but using her to seal business deals, bullying state officials to fire a former relative-- these are not family values, unless you are Tony Soprano.
Why Bristol? Don't her siblings wonder why Bristol has several houses, her own ghost written book and blog, and now her own TV show? Oh, I forgot, they didn't give up anything more precious than life itself. And where is Levi in all of this? DNA test, Levi? He has every legal right regarding the appearance of his son on TV, yet he is silent. Either he been bought off or he is not Tripp's father. He was selected as the good looking stud, standing on the campaign stage next to Bristol, grinning without realizing what was going to happen to him and his family. He was easy to manipulate and his family (his mother) was ripe for the drug set up. Levi's silence speaks volumes.
Lifetime has plenty of other sleazy shows; Bristol will be in good company. Her show comes along in the summer-- when the prime time top shows have just aired their final episode. In the old days of TV, we would have called her the summer replacement. She airs as people head out on summer vacation. I wonder why no one picked up Sarah Palin's Alaska for another season.
There is one phrase that describes Bristol: Undeserved Good Fortune. The good news is that her show, like all shows, will be reviewed and criticized. Bristol cannot handle criticism. She thinks that exercising one's first amendment right is bullying. She is airing footage of a bar fight from last September, talk about carrying a grudge and having a thin skin. (Bet that they have edited the film to put Bristol in a better light. Count on some off-camera voices, dubbed in later, to make it look as if poor Bristol was fighting for her life).
Everything about her show is a fake. She does not live in Los Angeles nor does she work full time at anything, except promoting herself and writing troll comments on blogs. Making a few abstinence speeches is not a full time job.
Bristol trivializes real single mothers who do work full time and take care of a family. They are not paid the same as their male counterparts. Because they need the job so badly, they are often taken advantage of. Bristol's show is an insult to the women who real life stories which are far more compelling than Bristol's fabricated made-for-tv-life. Bristol is a fake in a world where real women have real problems.
I have posted the same question several times on this blog. Why is Bristol being treated to so many things and the remaining kids get nothing but get out of jail free stuff (Track and Willow)? Why is the young one always the travelling shield? Nobody seems to want to question why Bristol is being crammed down everyone's throat. Who has what on whom?
DeleteI would suggest a reality show about Shailey Tripp, a single mom with two disabled kids, a low paying job, and a lot of hard luck, the most horrible is having been preyed upon by Todd her pimp. THAT would be a gripping series for sure.
DeleteI'm surprised somebody is willing to invest money into this and not only hoping to get their original investment back, but also make a profit. Seeing how the last producers decided not to continue with Bristols last reality show, and both mom and daughter are losing their fan base, I'm surprised anyone would want to do this. Even if they get their original investment back, how much do they expect to make as a profit. I can't help to think that Sarah is putting in some of her own money or that from SarahPAC into this to help Bristol's career. If its true she is using SarahPAC money for this, I hope she gets caught which not only will punish Sarah, but will make her supporters realize what they have been supporting all along. Maybe its time for the FEC to do an audit just to be sure the money is not being improperly spent for not just this, but for other things as well.
ReplyDeleteThe massey brothers didn't want anything to do with the skank. the nutjob almost messed up their career.
DeleteBristol Palin is nothing more than a child abuser pimping out her kid. She learned from the best after all.
ReplyDeleteWill the show reveal why Bristol chose to name her son after her dad's prostitute? Tripp is named after Shailey Tripp.
ReplyDeleteIf Brisdull is going to use the bar scene in that show, she could be sued for anything she makes:
No releases were signed...
Really? No realeases signed? Do you know this for sure?
DeleteMaybe they will use footage from Willow's cell phone.
DeleteMost people describe others as down to earth and "the golden child" or they're family is so close. For the Palins they claim themselves as all those things because it's all false and they're trying to convince everyone else. Your actions speak louder than words Bristol. Traveling in private jets and huge buses with the constitution on the side is not "down to earth". Having you're whole face rearranged at 20 is not "down to earth". Dialing up TMZ to air your dirty laundry or badmouth your baby daddy is not "down to earth".
ReplyDeleteGetting drunk in a tent and sleeping with your boyfriend at 15 doesn't a "golden child" make. Your brother calling you a "stoner" does not a golden child make. Barely finishing high school does not a "golden child" make.
Having an enmeshed family that thrives on the "haters" doesn't make you close. Your mother gifting you with plastic surgery for giving up your DWTYS baby doesn't make you close or "down to earth". Sharing and keeping lies doesn't make your family close because in the end that's all you share. So keep TELLING us who you and your family are, but we'll keep forming our own opinion based on reality ,the facts and your behavior, not your words.
I sure wish the Massey brothers would speak out. It sounds like Bristol hijacked their show for herself. Wasn't she living with them and working at a charity with them? Now the show is based in LA and she's working at a charity. Did Lifetime just buy the parts of the show that she was in? I guess the Massey brothers have joined the rest of the folks under the bus. All speed bumps for the fame whoring Palins.
I think the Massey brothers got disgusted.
DeleteIt doesn't appear Kyle Massey is suffering any from dumping the collab w/Brisdull: http://twitter.com/#!/kylemassey1991
DeleteHe's in Vegas with DWTS review for the next few months.
What happened to the Bristol Palin who said that life in Hollywood was not for her and she was moving back to Alaska to be with her family and lead a normal life? http://www.dailymail.co.uk/usshowbiz/article-2082368/Bristol-Palin-quits-Hollywood-moves-home-Mama-Grizzly.html
DeleteMaybe there are two Bristol Palins-- the TV star and the down to Earth mother. No, there's just one and she is a fake.
@ 10:09 Hmmmm. why isn't Bristol dancin? Oh yeah - she can't dance. Not even after ALLLLLLL those lessons. what a waste. What a loser...
DeleteI can't imagine how they'll get 14 half hour shows out of the vapid life of Bristol. Of course they will include the fight with the guy at the gay rodeo. About the most exciting thing that happened to her since her walk of shame at the Republican Convention in 2008.
ReplyDeleteKeep it classy, Bristol. We know you can do it. Not.
So glad to hear they are editing out the drunk parts for her. I won't watch unless they have a "blooper" show of everything left on the cutting room floor.
ReplyDeleteThat would be the entire series.
DeleteTri-G is Bristol's son, not his brother. If anyone can show me a birth certificate and prove me wrong, I'd be more than happy to take a look. Until then, it is a fact that Sarah did not give birth to Tri-G. Also Sarah has a history of aborting fetuses so I don't get why Bristol's all wee-wee'd up about it.
ReplyDeleteIn my heart i feel that Trig is Bri$tol's half-brother.
DeleteI believe that Todd is Trig's daddy; what a trashy family that i can't figure out who is the mother.
"I wanted to show how down-to-earth my family and I are."
ReplyDeleteBristol: Mama, mama, I can't get up out of the gutter.
Sarah: STFU Bristol and keep wallowing.
Moral of the story: There's a difference between being down to earth and wallowing in the gutter all of your life.
I've tried multiple times to contact lifetime, but my comments keep bouncing back - anyone else having this issue?
ReplyDeleteAt the bottom of the screen there is a "contact us" link. On that page, I go to "feedback," and check the box for criticism. They do limit you to 500 characters. I've never had any trouble. They even let me go back and edit if I've gone over. And to tell you the truth, I have used different names and emails and they go through, I'm just saying.
DeleteI read the comment that Hanks has not signed a release regarding the bar fight. How about any footage that was shot when Bristol was supposed to be working with the Massey Brothers? Don't they have some claim on something they thought that they were a part of? Did Bristol/Sarah pay them off? They are entitled to any profits if any of their footage was used. And where the Hell is Levi in all this? That's his kid, too, and they should have his signature on the contract. If he gave up all rights, maybe that's not his kid after all.
ReplyDeleteOh yes, the publicity mill is churning. The Brancy blog on Saddle Ranch night was preempting the TV Guide and the barrage that is unleashed today. All the same repeated crapola said numerous times to convince the unsuspecting it is gospel truth. Life with Tripp is wholesome television of someone who has been so cruelty attacked through no fault of their own.
ReplyDeleteHollywood http://tinyurl.com/83ce34a
'Bristol Palin: Life's a Tripp' releases first promo picture http://tinyurl.com/7ebruo5
I wish someone could crack that nut about the "anonymous commenters on the blogosphere who said some pretty vicious stuff about her." Is there any proof that the vicious anonymous were merely random outsiders carefully saying pretty much the same thing. You would think a bunch of random nuts would not all sound so similar. Were they all so careful as to not make a threat? They all stayed with the program and only made wishes?
After Criticizing Obama, Bristol Palin Now Claims To Be Victim Of Cyberbullying
Why is she not wearing her seat-belt properly?
ReplyDeleteWho cares? I'm fed up with all this Bristol nonsense.
DeleteObama 2012!!
What does Obama have to do wit Bristol? You'd vote for someone based on a random person? I feel for the country now more than ever.
DeleteIf you don't like her, don't watch and internet stalk her. Simple. There are plenty of people who don't know anything about her,including you and Jesse.
Exactly, PRESIDENT Obama has nothing to do "wit" Bristles, someone (maybe you, since you seem to share her IQ as evidenced by your post) should point that out to her. Or not. Buhbye.
DeleteA bit confused, aren't you? Stalking is following a private person around, setting up alerts for their comments, and then going to that site and posting in response. Visiting someone's blog and commenting isn't stalking. Following a public person - such as Bristol has tried to make of herself, and refuting that person's lies about another public person or cause you care about is acting in service of that cause.
DeleteAnd for the record STFU, Bristol.
No, we know way TOO much about her, because she never shuts up. By the way, how come these commonsense conservative Christians had nothing to say on the National Day of Prayer? I was sure one of them would blast the President for not acting Christian enough for them.
Delete"Watching my son grow up over the series — some of the stuff he says is hilarious!"
ReplyDeleteYeah, like this:
Bristol: "Who's yer Daddy?!"
Tripp: "Not HIM. Not HIM, either. And not THAT one!"
Tripp: "We don't know. It could be anybody."
DeleteLOL. very funny.
DeleteHow about this one:
Tripp: "Mommy, who's Shailey?"
Bristol: *blank stare*
"Any of 'em; all of 'em."
DeleteMaking plans for Season Two, Trial Marriage, Trial Dad: Tryouts for Stud Muffin will be held next Saturday and Sunday. Types wanted: truck driver, auto mechanic, drifter, cowboy, fisherman, hunter, Indian Chief, please wear appropriate costume. Anyone who has attended college need not apply. No disrespect, but no guys who are a little light in the shoes, if you know what I mean. Nothing personal, it's a Christian show.
DeleteI sent an email to the feedback address on Lifetime's site and it bounced.
ReplyDeleteThey have a limit of 500 characters. I got sent back to edit my comment.
Deletedo you think they documented all of the lipo procedures she's had?
ReplyDeleteThat would be too down to earth for the Palins. They are all about bamboozling and making stuff up.
DeleteI can pretty much guarantee most of Bristol's money goes to Tripp. How does she pay for his sports stuff, skating lessons, hockey lessons, and necessities. That boy is more active outdoors than the average 6 year old - AND he rides a bike with no training wheels.
ReplyDeleteYou need tp change your blog title to Fiction with Griffin
Bris, stop being so ridiculous.
DeleteAll you stated is stuff that costs less than 10 grand total. How much does she make, again, pimping him out?
My daughters both rode bikes when they were that age. So what? And they're much prettier than curly. My older daughter is now 14 and 5'10'', and I've got offers to have her model. I said NO WAY. Why? Because my job as a parent is to PROTECT MY KIDS.
Way to go with your circus animal. Milk him out and let him turn into another Lohan, Spears, Jackson, Houston, etc...
pretty obvious that most of bristol's money went to lipo and other cosmetic procedures.
DeleteI can guarantee you most of Tripp's needs are covered by donations from liberty-minded abstinence fundies all across the country that send their cat-food money, hand-knitted and crochet crap and what not.
DeleteWho needs government hand-outs when sycophant tithes are where it's at for the Heath's / Palin's.
Of course her money goes to Tripp, since Mama Skank has her PAC pay for her Chin implants, and lipo suction.
DeleteAnonymous10:55 AM
DeleteHe is a product of a television production. Yes, he would have staff and payroll to set up all the activities. Bristol can step in on cue and make it look like she is doing it all. Have you ever been on a location set, any set? And later see what was shot? None of it is reality. It is someone's concept of a reality.
Thanks for your "pretty much guarantee".
DeleteIn other words, you have no fucking idea whatsoever what she does with her money. lol Who fucking cares? It's hers to do whatever she wants to with it. Who in the world would feel the need to defend a grifting attention whore like Beefogetti by speculating how she "pretty much" might be spending her money?
Anon 10:55, you have some deep-seated problems that I cannot help you with other than pointing out your dysfunctional behavior. You say "Pretty much guarantee"? I say that I can guarantee you have a personality disorder. Beyond pointing out a symptom and recommending you seek help, you're on your own.
But can he read a book? Next you'll be telling us Trip flies the plane and paddles the canoe across the lake to grannies house all on his own and he'll be doing the Iron Dog with Grandpa next year. Don't you get tired of trying to make this family sound superhuman. Human beings are imperfect and the Palins and their many kids and grandkids are no different.
DeletePlease STFU, stop perpetuating the Palin family myths and stop telling Uncle G how to run HIS blog. I can guarantee you will never change anyone on this blogs mind about Sarah Palin and her false narrative of family.
"I can pretty much guarantee most of Bristol's money goes to..." ...her plastic surgery, her ghost writer, her multiple homes in AZ and AK, expensive lawyers to spread nasty rumors about his father. All that is for Tripp??? You are spending it all for yourself, Bristol. Those things are not for Tripp. He'd be happier away from the camera with a normal childhood.
DeleteIt sounds like this show is all about him, so every dime should go in a trust fund for him. I hope Tripp has separate representation so you don't spend it all, like other child actors experience with their grifting parents.
What 6 yr old CAN"T ride a bike by 6? But it looks like Brisket is pimping out her kid for $$$$, I guess her Daddy Tawd the Pimp trained her in on pimping. Poor Tripp, forever named after Grandpa's favorite hooker.
Delete"That boy is more active outdoors than the average 6 year old"
DeleteYet we're led to believe he's only 3 1/2. Another Palin lie exposed. You make it so easy for us troll.
I started to write a rational reply to this but now I think I'll just say fuck off, idiot. All you're doing is telling that Bristol AND Tripp are spoiled brats.
DeleteYour an idiot. How do you think she pays for her houses? Bristols just taking advise from her mother on how to grift people wihtout ever working.
DeleteTripp is 6!!!!!!!
DeleteWait - "average 6 year-old"? What are you telling us, how old is this kid really?
DeleteCome on... Show us the data sheets.
How much money does she receive per year. How much money goes out?
Unlike the majority of REAL single parents, both Bitchtol and Trippie get their health care FREE, thanks to the US taxpayer. She also gets a jobs thanks to nepotism and a free place to live, as in a mommy dearest provided apartment.
DeleteI can guarantee people look at you and walk the other way, lol you Palin defenders are easy to spot, with the drool puddles and missing teeth and ramen noodles cause you sent them your last 20 bucks.
DeleteIf Tripp is the little star of a commercial product, when he goes to his skating lesson on the TV show, it's a deduction. When the TV show films Tripp at his hockey lesson, that's a deduction, too, a business expense.
DeleteBristol, you do not work for a charity. Your full time job is writing troll comments. Your mother's PAC is probably paying you to defend the family honor. They can never pay you enough to make up for the other kids who are not being shown on TV.
A three-and-a-half-year-old doesn't need hockey lessons, skating lessons, sports equipment, etc.
DeleteHe needs kids his own age to play with, a backyard to knock around in, a stick with which to turn over rocks to see what's underneath, and a parent to gently take him out on the ice. These playthings cost nothing, Bristol.
Wow, riding a bike without training wheels at 6!!! (sorry for laughing, but that is pretty normal)
DeleteBut can he read?
to Palin-bot
Deletewho would pay for Tripp's enviable assortment of activities? Why GM Sarah of course. BTW, he's a little overloaded with activities for his age. and BTW, he SHOULD be riding a 2 wheeler at his age. It doesn't require a genious to do that.
How much money does she receive per year.
DeleteI thought everyone in Alaska gets several thousand a year from the tax payers. She does have that bonus. They may have Native Health Insurance. Also the producers have them covered. They may have joined SAG?
Alaskans do NOT "get several thousand a year from tax payers". Residents receive a dividend (usually around $1000) on investments from oil revenues taken from State land. And then we pay income taxes on it. Just wanted to set that straight.
DeleteWowee. Wowee. (Not to be confused with JWOW). All those lessons. Tripp will be the first hockey player, sportsman, bike rider still sucking on a binky. Just part of his hilarious personality.
DeleteWhoa wait--- "average 6 year old??? Trip is 6 now????
DeleteIf I understand it, Bristol is disallowing Levi to have contact with his son, yet she parades Tripp in front of the world of strangers for her own aggrandizement. Exposing him to possible pedophiles, molesters, kidnappings, etc. This is exactly what her mother did during her campaign. Thus making them fair game for insulting comments, etc.
ReplyDeleteRight-On Grifters!
YES! Is that not SICK? All the while she is a Christian poser. What decent or semi-decent mother would do that?
DeleteWhen she was doing the Massey Bros show in LA, she was 19-20. Little sister 15. walking around in short shorts with Tripp and no supervision. I was worried about kidnappings too. It really bothered me that she put Tripp on her lap when getting her nails done. Fumes are toxic and bad for kids to breathe. She must be really stupid or uncaring to do that.
DeleteI can't say Gryphen is hypocritical here because he said similar things about Levi when he was trying to sell his stupid show. Just let it air and let her experience the results without bringing your personal Palin mythology into it.
ReplyDeleteWasn't Bristol the one who demanded custody because Levi would exploit Tripp by putting hi on TV or selling photos of him? Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it seems to be OK for Bristol to do the exploiting-- just not Levi.
DeleteBristol has no show if not for selling a 'cute' kid. She is not only totally dependent on her mother, she is dependent on young Tripp to be her sole custody and control (she gets the payoffs). If she didn't want to share with Levi when he was a bachelor, can you imagine how soon she will want to share with Sunny in the cabin with Levi Johnston?
DeleteAw, I think that's a cute rodeo outfit and picture. IIt's good Bristol's confidence is building and she's letting shyness go.
ReplyDeleteI hope that Bristol is working for a nice Christian charity. She should got to work in that outfit-- stay classy, girl.
DeleteShy? you did see her humping on the floor in black stockings and a man's shirt on DWTS right?
DeleteYou're absolutely right. There's nothing like dressing up like a Dallas hooker, posing with your gigolo of the month and posting the pic to your ghost-writer's blog to build confidence in a young woman.
DeleteCute if you're a cowgirl street walker, not a supposed modest Christian abstinence advocate. She's oozing sex kitten. And where is Gino's hand? Remember when she said she'd be the most modestly dressed on DWTS? Didn't happen. This is how she dresses and there's nothing modest about it. She only dressed modest when she was pregnant and when she was overweight. And I believe that was more about necessity and trying to cover the fat.
DeleteHow does wearing tight clothes, too short shorts and boots show she's building confidence and being less shy? People who are confident in themselves don't need to show everything to prove that they look good. they also don;t need a buttload of plastic surgery to feel good abo0ut themselves.
She was shy about showing her fat. Now that she has money to spend on new chins and speed and all it takes to get her with less baggage, now she can show her stuff. She may look less shy without more fat. All that can change if she gets porky or pregnant again.
DeleteLet's see. Bristol got probably $200,000 for DWTS, based on legal documents from Shawn Johnson's appearance (she was a minor, so court docs were filed.) She spent most of that on the AZ house and not on Tripp. She had a book deal that may have netted her a couple hundred thousand more..who knows? That went for lipo and her chins, and maybe a tummy tuck after the DWTS baby was born and given away.
DeleteThen there was the sale of the AZ house, purchasing another house in Alaska, and cars. A failed show with the Massey's, another livein boyfriend in the Wasilla house ('cause Mommy is adament that no one sleeps with her girls in their own home, except Levi did, and on SPA it was a big joke to watch Willow's guy head upstairs.) So I'd say, like Mom, Bristol spends the proceeds of her ill-gotten gains on herself, with enough left to keep Tripp in designer jeans and lots of pacifiers, even though he's 4. So, 10:55AM, give it up..we know what Bristol spends on her son..and we know about his 'skating lessons' and such. How come there are no cute pictures of him on skates, or riding that trike with no training wheels...who puts training wheels ona trike anyway?
Her cowboy needs more sock.
DeleteAnonymous11:54 AM
DeleteShy? you did see her humping on the floor in black stockings and a man's shirt on DWTS right?
But it was dry humping.... can't speak for Bristol though.
I read at c4pee where someone said they got three letters and a picture from SarahPac in one weeks. Have, funds must be drying up quick.
ReplyDeleteYes, an 8x10 of the Quitter Queen. One loyal fan there wrote, "It's very nice but what the heck am I supposed to do with an 8x10 of Sarah??"
DeleteSee, when this gig falls through, $arah will call up Lifetime and yammer on about how great it will be to have Tripp star in his own creepie reality show. They can call it "Tripp goes to Jesus Camp" and when he grows up a little more, he'll learn to pimp himself out in the next generation's version of "Fucked up children of fucked up child props" and on and on it's going to go.
ReplyDeleteA gay Marjoe Gortner!
DeleteCheck out Bristol's pre-jaw re-alignment face when she was shooting that music video a couple winter's ago. Note her mother's inner warmth also too.
Another palin curse.
DeleteYou go Baby Bitch, make that money. Now will you please get a formal education for the sake of your kid. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteright on!!
DeleteHow long until "Lifetime" is on life support? Remember the Palin Curse? Just ask The Today Show how that pandering thingy worked out for them. Major FAIL!
ReplyDeleteWhat about the trial marriage and DIY home makeover show? Guess that show was scrapped and now they are just using the sloppy seconds from the cutting room floor for the old failed LA show, creatively editing out two of the best stars? Either that reporter is lazy and is mixed up with the different shows, or that's just sad.
ReplyDeleteWhatever ends up, if it does get on teh teevee, it will be a crazy mixed up way of trying to convince others that she is stable and all the propaganda they like to serve. June 19 is not that far away, publicity is only beginning.
DeleteI think they threw those ideas out there to try to show the networks that people were interested in those shows. Too bad it backfired because no one is interested in watching Bristol do anything. She quickly poo poo'd the idea of the trial marriage when the response was negative.
DeleteShe did the same thing with the DWTS baby. they announced she was serious with Gino and that she wanted to have a baby ASAP. That didn't go over too well so she adopted the baby out and got rewarded with a new face, a tummy tuck and lypo.
All these rumors are floated by the Palins themselves and if the response is negative, they turn around and say they are being attacked by ugly rumors.
Well, the SyFy channel also shows Fantasy. I'd say that covers Bristol's so called real life pretty clearly. It does cheapen SyFy IMO, though.
ReplyDeleteThink about it: where else but SciFi would it be appropriate? None of it is realistic... the domestic bliss BS is all a figment of her imagination!!
ReplyDelete- KAO
She says she wanted to show how down to earth her family are? And she does this how? By betraying Kyle and Chris Massey - whose mom helped them with their failed show and then Bristol goes 'rogue' like her mother, damn the torpedoes, and ignores the Masseys. Sorry guys, a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do.
ReplyDeleteI guess LOYALTY to friends, LOYALTY to those who helped Bristol, FRIENDSHIPS, CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS, doesn't matter as long as we all see how "Down-to-Earth" Sarah and family are.
What's the point of having the quality of "down-to-earth" if the person steps on their friends and throws them under the bus.
It is pretty down to earth under the wheels of a bus. That may be what she is thinking. She gets a little mixed up. Her mother has shoved her under the bus for so long now, it may be all the earth she knows.
DeleteWill we get to see Willow breaking and entering. Entertaining a boy upstairs? Will we get to see Piper push the film crew or say some bratty things. I know, wine coolers and camping!
DeleteWill we get to see Pimp Daddy Todd's face cloth collection in one of the episodes?
DeleteNo thanks, I'll pass.
She wants to watch him grow up on TV. In 14 weeks? Or does Bristol think this show is going to run for 14 years?
ReplyDeleteBetter read that contract closely, sweetie. They may have a clause allowing them to drop it after 7 weeks if it bombs. Which it will.
She says she won't be getting drunk on TV. Guess that means getting drunk after working hours and weekends.
ReplyDeleteI was hoping that Trial Marriage was still the theme and they would have sex on TV. I don't care if they're drunk as long as they're naked.
Delete10:55 So, you claim Tripp is "more active than the average 6 year old" How old is he, really? Bristol was very active outdoors, also too, in a tent!! I can not imagine these people being interesting enough for multiple episodes of a reality show. They are b-o-r-i-n-g. Maybe Piper will appear, with her risky behaviour. I imagine she has grown into even more of a handful than she was on the laughable bus tour.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be nice if Bristol was bragging that while Tripp is only 4, he can read at a first grade level-- or that he can recognize the letters of the alphabet, numbers, colors and remember the story of child's book. Those things, education, have never been a priority with the Palins. Sarah proved that you don't have to know anything to be elected governor or run for VP. However, once we learned that she couldn't name one thing that she read, she didn't look like such a hot candidate. (Hint: Sarah, The Bible, next time say "The Bible.")
DeleteDown to earth? I'd say more like in the gutter.
ReplyDeleteJust exactly how is the mother allowed to showcase her toddler on a reality tv show without the consent, or release from the father?
ReplyDeleteIt is beyond me how, or why this is happening!
BTW Bristol you better be putting some of that money away for Tripp partaking in this completely bizarre show, he's gonna wanna hide far far away when he's older!
He will join the Army.
DeleteThe custody agreement gives Bristol the final say in decisions re Tripp. I have a copy of the agreement but can't now find the link.
DeleteAugust 2010 custody agreement:
2. Legal Custody: The Courts finds that it is warranted that legal custody of Tripp will be awarded to the parties jointly. If the parties cannot, after reasonable consultation between them, jointly agree upon an issue for Tripp, Bristol Palin shall make the final decision.
The Jackie Cougan Law guarantees that the studio has to pay the child in an account that cannot be accessed by his parents or anyone else. It is named after the child actor took his earnings and he had to sue to get the money her earned making films. The money does not go to Bristol in safekeeping for Tripp; it should be paid directly into a protected account.
DeleteIf that isn't being done, Levi ought to step in and make sure that his son's interests are being protected. In some states, the state can appoint an attorney to make sure that the child's rights are being protected. If some of that film, even if it's just the bar fight, was filmed in Los Angeles, then California could be the jurisdiction instead of Alaska, where Sarah still has influence.
Another palin flop. I doubt if all 14 episodes will be shown.
ReplyDeleteEach "show" will be full of stupid and lies.
This could be the "show" that the insufferable bitch wants to broker the repugbagger's convention.
Stupid on top of stupid.
This child, Tripp, poor little guy. He was conceived out of wedlock, his mother carried him under anger and emotional duress, with the sudden onslaught of the VP campaign spotlight, the travel, being forced by her mother to "perform" as abstinence advocate, and the break-up with Levi. All things that makes the mother/baby less peaceful during gestation and delivery. Emotional distress causes discomfort for the baby in many ways. Then right after he's born, Bristol was back on the saddle, traveling, doing the speaking circuit, following Sarah, doing live interviews, having magazine interviews and photo spreads, moving with baby many times, staying at a place for a few months, then moving again, all things that disrupt the comfort and serenity of a newborn, toddler and young child.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention the confusion he must feel with other men in his mother's life.
Yes, she's exploiting her boy on a reality TV show. Forget Kate and John, forget that others "do it". Who knows what effects this will have on these kids later in life? It's a practice that Todd should advise against, but is Todd a strong leading father figure? Bristol feels she knows what constitutes a leading father figure. And it's so wrong that Tripp is helpless and is being steered in this lifestyle where he'll expect a lot of attention and turn into a little entitled monster.
It was Bristol and Sarah who kept writing or saying that they were threatened by strangers and oddballs. As a mother, is Bristol doing the right thing here? If she halfway cared for her son, she'd stop parading him on stage. The justifications and excuses she makes for herself are so obviously void of reason.
Reality shows (with young children) should be illegal.
The Palins like the confusion. At one time the Bristol Show was going to be about her house remodel and a boyfriend. She went back to Alaska to film that show b/c she changed her mind about LA, or that was what I understood. Now I am reading the "show premiering June 19 (one month) that follows Bristol and her 3½-year-old son, Tripp, from their hometown in Wasilla, Alaska, to Los Angeles, where Palin takes a job with a nonprofit."
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like she had a film crew on a trip from Wasilla? Didn't she say she did that alone with Tripp?
Many nonprofits are a racket. It is too easy to set that up as if she was working. Wasn't she doing DWTS while in LA? Absolutely nothing about any of this passes any smell test. Can't wait until it is in the trash heap.
Looks like Mama bear has passed the baton to her daughter, the new princess of mean. She will get lots of coverage and hits and money and viewers and fake fame and then her flame will burn out just like her mother. Poor Tripp - the poor boy will be hate his mother and father once he learns how to google and learn that how his mother used him for her fame and fortune. In 20 years she'll still be singing the victim's song on that dead lake in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteThe worst thing that Bristol said was that Tripp was a mistake. Bristol's abstinence speeches were "Don't make the mistake that I made." Thanks, Mom, that really makes me feel special and wanted. Tripp is Bristol's prop the way that Trig was Sarah's prop.
DeleteFrankly, the reality show do not paint a pretty picture of women: single teen moms encourage too many girls to aim for the same kind of fame and fortune. Toddlers and tiaras show the exploitation of children by their stage mothers. Nothing is more charming than turning a sweet little toddler into a sex object. Remember Jon Benet Ramsey? Why is that junk on TV anyway?
Just as ellie may from the beverly hillbillies wore her pigtails until her death, bustol will forever be the teenage drop-out skank who got knocked up.
DeleteFYI - if you are trying to email Lifetime press department, the email is
All Lifetime Press Contacts:
ReplyDeleteGina Nocero - gina.nocero@aenetworks.com
Senior Director Publicity
Lifetime Entertainment Services
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Joanna Younger - joanna.younger@aetn.com
Coordinator, Publicity & Corporate Communications
Lifetime Entertainment Services
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Kannie Yu LaPack - kannie.yulapack@aetn.com
Senior Director, Publicity
Lifetime Entertainment Services
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 556-7582
Kristine Tiongco - kristine.tiongco@aetn.com
Administrator, Publicity & Talent Relations
Lifetime Television
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Les Eisner - les.eisner@aetn.com
VP, Publicity & Corporate Communications
Lifetime Television
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 407-8526
Megan Tantillo - megan.tantillo@aetn.com
Senior Manager, Publicity
Lifetime Television
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 556-7542
Terrie Pologianis - terrie.pologian@aetn.com
Manager, Corporate Contributions
Lifetime Entertainment Services
309 West 49th Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10019
(212) 424-7127
Theresa Black - theresa.black@aetn.com
Manager, Publicity
Lifetime Television
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 407-8519
Toni Moston - toni.moston@aetn.com
Freelance, Maternity Coverage for Kannie Yu LaPack
Lifetime Television
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Tracy Speed - tracy.speed@aetn.com
Senior Director, Publicity
Lifetime Entertainment Services
2049 Century Park East, Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90067
(310) 556-7541
Thank you. I hope something will get through to them.
DeleteFeb 29, 2012 this was the promo:
ReplyDelete"Lifetime says it will have "never-before-granted access" to Palin's life in Alaska, and it sounds like we'll probably be seeing her folks, Sarah and Todd Palin, too. Look for 10 half-hour episodes of the program to air this year."
In this version it was not LA, it was "never-before-granted access" to Palin's life in Alaska" Guess who will be in the "all-new docuseries" show, Grizzly Mama Sarah and Pimp Daddy Todd.
"By the way, Palin was working on a different reality show, but BIO decided not to move forward with it."
May 15, 2012
"from their hometown in Wasilla, Alaska, to Los Angeles, where Palin takes a job with a nonprofit."
Are they leaving Wasilla in the Tripp-mobile, driving to Los Angeles where she did DWTS? How does that fit in? We never heard of her working for an non-profit during that time? When would she do that. Didn't she claim to work hard on the dance? The paps were watching her when she would dine out or take a stroll. They must have caught on to how often she worked the non-profit. Bristol is the only person I know that when someone says they are working they can never a mention whereor a name. Only the PR things get mentioned, she is selling 10 or 14 episodes.
Too many different versions of the story-- 8 half hour episodes, 10 no it's 14. You can't put in a bar scene from Los Angeles if Bristol is working for a non-profit in Wasilla. What happened to Trial Marriage? Rehabbing the house next door? Beauty school and beauty shop? People suggest that Bristol's autograph party was filmed for the TV show, but she didn't sell many books. The story keeps changing: Massey Brothers, Life is a Tripp, Trial Marriage. I suggest the title, "Gimme a Reality Show Now!"
DeleteThe queen or her spawn could have done a decent reality show. They could have done a show focused on Trig, with the purpose of educating people about DS, and showing how a family lives from day to day with a child with DS...what kinds of specialists are in his life, how much it costs, what he's accomplished. They could have directed all profits to DS research or even a favorite anti-abortion group. But no, to be a Palin is to grift, and so these bitches are in it for self-gratification and lucre and no other reason. They're abdicating their role as protective parents for the sake of a buck. Mel
ReplyDeleteLet's all pray that Tripp and Tri-G are taken away from the abusive Palins and are placed in a kind, loving home where they will actually be taken care of and not pimped out as props. #prayerwarriorsactivate
ReplyDeleteThey're still having zero interest whatsoever from advertisers for Bristol's show. And with each Brancy post making Brisdull look even duller and more out of touch and stupid, what few advertisers they were trying to lure to support the show are running for the hills.
ReplyDeleteUnless someone who is a BIG power behind the throne type with independent money to finance a losing venture shows up or makes a phone call (Murdoch, Koch Bros., et al) Bristol's show will still never be broadcast.
Funny thing? Palin is having to shell out her own money to pay Nancy French to blog for Bristol because the network demanded that Bristol at least try to do some pre-publicity to garner advertiser interest in the show, and since they're already hemorrhaging cash on the show, they refused to pay for it. But since Sarah is helping "guide" Nancy about what to write, the whole thing is an absolute mess. Originally the network wanted to interest young conservative people in watching the show -- which is bizarre; none of them are fans of premarital sex and bastard children by different baby daddies and trial marriages with different men. So there are a lot of chaotic forces trying to put this ill-fated venture together, and none of the production people are on the same page, and the network people have just about had enough of the show since Bristol tests so poorly with test audiences no matter WHAT they do to try to show her in a more positive light.
Summary: Look for the June "premiere" date to be pushed back just like the April 1st date was.
Media Insider
I love MI's reports! We are more than a month out, and Bristol's previous shows never made it past the test audiences. Bristol can remake the packaging, but there's nothing inside; it's still a void. She is tongue-tied monosyllabic girl with little to inspire others.
DeleteThe new image of Bristol as political pundit, blogging with Nancy's words and Sarah's direction may not be the image that Lifetime is looking for. They'll get more viewers if Sarah's political message is not the underlying theme of the show. The show seems designed to sell the Palin family, again, just like the painted bus tour last summer. You can put lipstick on the pig and it won't change a thing. Oink oink.
Oh, and PS. Bristol doth protest too much about paying for everything out of her own money. We'll be going through SarahPAC's expenses with a fine tooth comb. French was paid to ghost write Bristol's book, and judging from the sales, Bristol isn't going to have that much of a following on TV. Once upon a time, when Sarah teased the public that she might run, people stayed tuned. After four years of the tease, Sarah's act is wearing thin. Bristol is not a replacement. And, she isn't paying for anything from her own money.
DeleteSo all this sh*t stirring about our President is to drum up publicity for her show?
DeleteShe should be held up for treason.
Since Lifetime website is refusing to accept comments,I suggest you go after the advertisers on Lifetime on twitter . That will actually get alot more attention, and advertisers will pull ads from Lifetime Network. Win-Win !!
ReplyDeleteSo post-partum is the secret to weight loss, not DWTS?
ReplyDeleteThanks for weighing in, Media Insider! Have missed your insights!
ReplyDeleteWhatever the train wreck is, don't watch it, even if you want to have a laugh. Any ratings are good ratings for her, even if we're just laughing at her or using the show for a drinking game. (Although drinking every time she says "my mom..." would put you under fast, if her boring monotone voice doesn't do it first.) Don't do it. She's desperate for attention. It's really sad and sick. Don't play along. It will be over soon. Look what octomom needs to do to feed her children. Next!
ReplyDeletebustol's episodes:
ReplyDelete1. brushes teeth
2. makes bed
3. washing dishes
4. walking the kid
5. playing pattycake with babies
6. taking out garbage
7. eating
8. screwing around with dude
9. dissing people
10. riding mechanical bull/fake gay
11. changing clothes
12. meeting the grifters
13. reading to tripp...er mean showing pictures to tripp
14-17. meetings with the insufferable bitch.
you forgot 18.
Delete18. Bristol auditions men for new trial husbands.
Bet she has a stunt double for #1-3 and #6.
DeleteLast year the factual gay guy at the bar got death threats from palin's uneducated, backwoods, homophobic, ignorant fans.
ReplyDeleteSo when that episode airs is he due more threats?
go to hell palins
o/t look at this picture of tripp labelled as trigg
Bristol's next project.
Now that is interesting. Without advertising the show will be dead in the water.
I wondered what that new blog was all about. Makes sense it was to flog interest on the show. Well the blog got in the news. ALL BAD.
Bristol and her exploitation of Tripp is pretty tawdry. Especially since she was so adamant that Levi was using the kid..
But that is Sarah's example for you. Damn it, you have kids, they should support you.
It's very expensive to raise a DS child, not to mention physically and emotionally draining, some people are fortunate enough to have the resources (good health insurance, extended family support, etc.) while others do not, they may already have other children to raise, every situation is unique just as every woman is unique, now here comes Brancy trivializing a complex issue to stir more controversy for the sake of dollars.Unbelievably ugly, to say the least.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP and far right fundies want to cut back on all social programs and could care less once the baby is born, you are on your own, if you need any help then you are a lazy irresponsible leech asking for a handout. What is it about CHOICE they don't understand? We are ALL pro-life you fucking sanctimonious assholes! Fuck you Bristol Palin, you will get what's coming to you, as you sow so shall you reap.
Who are they trying to convince that the actually love this child and see him as a fellow human being--us or themselves?
ReplyDeleteMost parents and siblings don't constantly talk about how they really do love someone. I love how they keep telling us that they treat him like he were a real person.
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How old is that top picture of Bristol and Tripp with the stroller?
ReplyDeleteThat boy has a pacifier in his mouth!
I'm not trying to be funny, but Bristol sure does have a long face.