Monday, May 21, 2012

Sarah Palin robo calls in support of Texas Senate candidate Ted Cruz go to wrong state. Well of course they did!

"Texas, Kansas, what's the diff? After all I can't be expected to keep all of those South American states straight!"
Courtesy of TPM:

Sarah Palin has recorded a robocall supporting Texas Republican Senate candidate Ted Cruz in a tight primary at the end of this month. But, as a columnist for the Topeka Capital-Journal writes, some of the calls have been going to voters in Kansas. 

“Hello, Texas!” begins the call. “I’m Sarah Palin.” 

Palin, who endorsed Cruz earlier this month, calls Cruz “a true conservative you can trust to stand on principle and change the way Washington does business.”

To be fair it is unlikely that this is directly Palin's fault.

However it is just another sign of how everything she touches turns to moosepoop.

Gee I wonder how confused the people of Kansas were to hear from Sarah Palin urging them to commit election fraud by voting in a Texas primary?


  1. Anonymous12:07 PM

    “Hello, Texas!” begins the call. “I’m Sarah Palin.”

    I'd have hung up then, no matter which state I was living in.

    1. Anonymous3:16 PM

      The only time I have listened to a GOP call was when it was a live guy doing a survey. He did not like MY answers at all, and actually hung up on me after four questions. Guess they can only record the answers hgihlighted on their scripts, huh?

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      I'm in Texas, and that's exactly when I hung up . . . didn't even know who she was calling about.

    3. Anonymous3:51 PM

      If I got that phone call, the first words out of my mouth would be "oh shit". Then I'd have my father load my rifle, ask him if it kicks, have him hold my by the wig to steady my shot, shoot the goddamn phone and miss several times while yelling "don't ever fucking call here again, you stupid bitch!!".

    4. Re-post..forgot about this thread!

      Just finished watching Baldy on InSannity!

      Well now we know what Baldy has been doing for the last few weeks while recovering from her face reconstruction...watching TBS...Disney Channel and Sesame Street! She gave a shout out to "Cory in the House"..."House of Pain" (boy she really likes her black folks huh!) and Mr. Snuffleluffagus! screech..apparently she must have been yelling at the Toad...about what (could it be the Secret Service testimony this week that caused her to lose the screech?) because she sounded hoarse. I guess her head must not have healed properly because it looks like the wig was screwed on and then sprayed within an inch of it's life!

      The FACE!!! Looks like she finally saved enough to get her nose fixed...and her cheek bones filled out...but what was going on with her mouth??

      She also looked like she got some new "teefus" lip was barely showing...and when she smiled...she looked DERANGED. Her face looked like it was made of wax and her neck definitely was starched and ironed out because it didn't have that turkey thing going!

      Loved the Lieutenant Uhura shirt she was wearing...thought she would yell out..."Beam me up Toady" at the end of the interview! LOL!!

      Sean of course had her foaming at the mouth about President Obama and of course the pitbull couldn't resist the plate of dog food placed in front of her...because she chowed right on down!

      Instead of telling you word for word what Baldy spewed out...this time I put what she said into my "Racist Hillbilly/Redneck Translator® purchased on Ebay and this is what she said....

      "That N***** boy ain't suppose to be President, that's only for good white folk except for Romney"!

      That's it...that's all she said! Just so everyone knows....she ain't going NOWHERE! She's got a new face and she ain't afraid to use it!

      Lord help us all!

  2. Most voter fraud is committed by Republicans. Why shouldn't they encourage it?

  3. Anonymous12:23 PM

    It goes along with Sarah's understanding of geography, history, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, what being liberty-minded and freedom loving means, the importance of sex education and the separation of church and state. Also. Too there.

  4. Anonymous12:24 PM

    One of the comments in the original article quoted by TPM:


    She can see Texas from Alaska!!!!!!


  5. Beldar J Conehead12:30 PM

    Gryphen, why do you always have to see the negative side of everything?

    Don't you understand that the Kansanians who worship the Screechy Wretch(tm) will obey their queen and dutifully zombie-shuffle down to Texas to vote as instructed, thus furthering her goal of world dominionation (and free food for the entire grifting family at political gatherings)? Did it ever even occur to you that what you cavalierly regard as dumb-ass buffoonery could very possibly be wicked smart political strategery?!?!

    But seriously, no... In this case, it's just dumb-ass buffoonery.

    1. Anonymous3:15 PM

      Well, we do know that when there IS that rare case of voter fraud, it is due to a Republican, so maybe they will all shuffle down to the border and cast votes. More power to them...and Sarah can go sit on a pointy stick somewhere.

  6. Anonymous12:31 PM

    You're right, it may not be her fault but everything she's associated with turns to crap!

    1. Well said - but don't forget she gets paid for that crap - Texas gop lost their money here - mmm - most supporters of Sarah lose their money.

  7. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Can you say OOOPS?

    Interesting dueling endorsements between Rick Perry and tundra turd Palin.

    "Texas Lt. Gov David Dewhurst, the front-runner in the Republican U.S. Senate primary on May 29, has dipped into his personal fortune to boost his prospects, and on Monday released a television ad featuring Gov. Rick Perry.

    Just one week before voters head to the polls, the Lone Star State race for the GOP nod has become increasingly competitive, with Perry and former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on opposing sides. Palin has endorsed Dewhurst’s chief rival, Tea Party favorite and former Solicitor General Ted Cruz, and voiced robo-calls on his behalf."

    BIG money on the Tea Party side.

    1. Anonymous2:01 PM

      I'm in Texas and Cruz is a weasel. It's not that the big Repubs are supporting Dewhurst because he's "establishment" but because he knows what he's doing but Sarah can't see that. Nobody in this country deserves Cruz in the Senate. I watched one of their debates and Cruz is outright mean, hateful, extreme. Dewhurst is a Vietnam Vet, too.

      I don't want either. My guy is Paul Sadler (Dem for Senate.) But if we are stuck with Dewhurst or Cruz, I'd take Dewhurst any day. Cruz wants to do away with almost everything.

  8. Anonymous12:42 PM

    I don't think they were confused at all. The call was from Sarah, there was a mistake and she sounded lame. Where's the surprise?

  9. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Well, thankfully, I did not receive any of those calls, but I totally agree that everything she endorses goes sour.

    Why anyone would want her endorsement is beyond me, but hey, as long as she is spending their money (or hers) on misguided tactics, so much the better for Democrats.

    - ks sunflower

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      When Governor Chris Christy was running

      Chris Christy rejected her endorsement and any involvement in his campaign and, guess what, he won.

    2. Anonymous1:51 PM

      And then she later said he had his "panties in a wad." Ever the vengeful, mean girl.

    3. Anonymous3:13 PM

      I think NJ wishes he had lost, the bombastic bully,

    4. Anonymous5:54 PM

      How true, how true!

  10. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Ah yes The Quitter at her best...

  11. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Wonder why the Cruz campaign overlooked this mistake?

    Were they so titillated by the Sarah that they couldn't concentrate on work? It's funny how things do go way wrong when she's involved.

  12. Anonymous1:11 PM

    SarahPac should ask for its money back from whichever high-paid consultant made her, once again, a laughing stock.

  13. If Perry had supported Cruz, she would be for the 'other' guy. Grizzled Granny hasn't forgotten the elbow push at the podium from her lil buddy Rick.

    It has become so gratifying to watch Palin in slow free fall off her pedestal. What next, bikini gal at the gun show??? And if so, she better remember to bring the belmont girls along.

    1. "What next, bikini gal at the gun show???"

      Not if there is a fresh-faced, smooth-skinned, glorious-haired, modelicious, sweet young 19 year old available to be bikini gal.

      Who would want to see the aging hard-faced Hannah with the plastic surgery, bad wig, peevish expression and the nose-picking, slovenly grandkids whining around her wrinkly knees in a bikini. Eye bleach, get the eye bleach!

  14. Anonymous1:25 PM

    She is now against whomever may be supported by the politicians in DC. She has two wars going - the everlasting one with Pres. Obama and the second one is with the as she calls them - Permanent Political Class. She is bound and determined that she is going to take them all down - no matter what is in the best interest of our country. She is a destroyer!

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      So many Palin has gone against have been elderly. All the knowledge and experience they held is lost to these "frogs,( and soon to be frogs,) in Boehner's wheelbarrow.

      Palin should never have been given further voice after she put up the crosshairs map.

    2. Anonymous3:12 PM

      For a woman who spent her entire working life (I say 'working' in the most general form) as a givernment employee, who is she to blast the Permanent Political Class? Sarah, that's YOU, dear.YOU who benefit from government health care, a government pension, and on and on. And your precious independent, hard-workin' state, which would go bankrupt if not for the largesse of the rest of us in giving you more of our tax dollars than we get back in our own states. So shut up, willya?

    3. Since she lost in 2008 - her aim seems to be to make the country pay for rejecting her. What a horrid vengeful person she is - the only ones worse are those who support her. It is truly hard to believe how anyone like her could garner such followers that would support what she does. And she is way too chicken to attempt to run for another political office - just couldn't take the "vetting".

  15. jcinco1:31 PM

    O/T It appears Malia has penetrated the protective bubble surrounding the palins and todd's affiliation with the prostitution ring including pimping for SS agents. I think the time has come for any and all bloggers to start collaborating on the dirt they have accumulated and step up to the plate to finally knock this harridan off her pedestal...

    1. Malia has not been posting any comments at all today. I am hoping that everything is all right with her. Usually, the comments post pretty quickly on her blog.

    2. PalinsHoax6:15 PM

      I too have been monitoring Malia's site and am concerned because no comments are posted nor are there any new blogs by Malia. She often does several a day. Sure do hope that Malia is okay.

    3. Anonymous8:58 PM

      I posted a comment about 7 hours ago. My comment is still "waiting for approval".
      Weird. No NEW comments on her previous post either.
      What's up Malia? Has the long arm of Alaska thugs gotten to you in some way? Do we need to be concerned?

    4. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Malia is posting comments now! She was traveling all day. There are over 100 waiting and she is just now getting to them. She's OK!

  16. Olivia1:37 PM

    If I ever got any phone call and heard that screechy voice over the line, I would yank the damn phone off the wall.

  17. Amateur Hour. As usual from S.P.

  18. Ratfish1:44 PM

    Palin thought you could see Texas from Kansas, just like Russia from Alaska.

    I wonder if the Palin curse has struck again.

    Dewhurst Leads Cruz in Texas

    A new Texas Tribune poll finds David Dewhurst (R) leading Ted Cruz (R) in the Republican U.S. Senate primary, 40% to 31%, with Tom Leppert running a distant third at 17%.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Oh please, let it be true, and then let the Democrat win in a landslide.

  19. Paul - Minnesota1:50 PM

    I'm loudly laughing.

    I wonder if I'll get Sarah Palin calls for people two states away.

    Myself in the future. I'm also potentially loudly laughing.

  20. Anonymous1:53 PM

    What a complete and utter Dumb Ass.

  21. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Well, I think Sarah has a plan. I think she wants to get as many extremist in office as she can. I think she knows Obama will probably win. Then there will be total gridlock and she can swoop in in 2016 as the savior. (She has said many times has she worked "across the aisles." She'd betray the extremists.

    Also, if Mitt is elected, then she thinks she can sit back and run things by influencing her extremist buddies via Facebook to push her agenda--which is to create chaos so she can make money from attention.

    1. Anonymous3:09 PM

      When Sarah talks about 'working the aisles' she means getting through Costco as quickly as possible and making sure her and Bristol's books are still there in the bargain bins. Every buck helps. And every liar needs a forum...if you tell a lie and no network picks it up, is it still a lie?

  22. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Sarah is an idiot. Just a puppet for the Koch Brothers.

  23. "Topeka, Texas, what's the difference, Tahhhhd?"

  24. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Vomit alert.

    There may be more Sarah Reality TV.
    Go to:

    I saw this article several days ago. Though it appears to be about Oprah, there is talk in the article of bringing Palin back to TLC because she's what the network needs, etc, etc.

    (I'd copy that part but I can't figure out how to copy & paste on my Playbook. I try to follow instructions but fail. Maybe someone here can post that part.)

    1. Anonymous4:52 PM

      "THR: Will we see Sarah Palin's Alaska back on TLC?
      Zaslav: Maybe. She's a fascinating character, and she fits the brand of TLC because she is an authentic character who has a lot to say and creates her own path. The show really worked for us, and it's up to Eileen O'Neill and [TLC GM] Amy Winter whether there's more story to tell that would be interesting for Sarah and our audience."

    2. Anita Winecooler5:17 PM

      "THR: Will we see Sarah Palin's Alaska back on TLC?
      Zaslav: Maybe. She's a fascinating character, and she fits the brand of TLC because she is an authentic character who has a lot to say and creates her own path. The show really worked for us, and it's up to Eileen O'Neill and [TLC GM] Amy Winter whether there's more story to tell that would be interesting for Sarah and our audience."

      Yep, he's cuckoo for cocoa puffs, but I doubt that mistake is worth repeating. The brand is on life support.

      Basically, that's all that he said in the Q and A regarding Grandmom Palin.


    3. Anonymous5:25 PM

      Oh please... There is nothing "authentic" about Sarah Palin and she has nothing to say but the same old soundbites. The TLC channel is nothing but junk anymore. Nothing to learn here; move on.

    4. Anonymous11:49 PM

      Ohhh okkkaaay. Now I get it.
      There _IS_ a Palin TV show waiting for a viewing audience...

      [rolling eyes]

  25. Anonymous2:57 PM

    "Hello Texas, this is Sarah Palin. A few years ago, I had the pleasure of giving a speech in your fair town of Dallas located on your beautiful Gulf coast. Even though I was just a few blocks from one of your many neo-natal unit equip hospitals, Todd said, "lets take a chance baby and head on up to Alaska, we can't have no fish-picker born in the Sooner State". I just laughed. I love all you Texans! With your concealed carry weapons right in the first pew...just like God intended it. And when I am homeschoolin' Piper, I use one of those Texas School Board approved text books, cause gosh darn it, up in Alaska like here in Texas, facts aren't near as proven as the Lord's Word. So, Texans from Austin to Little Rock, when you get ready to vote this year for US Senate vote Ted Cruz..*audio goes muffled for a minute* Cruz sounds awful Mexican to much we gettin' paid for this call Tawd? *audio returns* A vote for Ted Cruz for Senate is a vote to restore Conservative values to Washington. Conservative values like executing innocent men and labeling ketchup as a "vegetable" in school lunches. So, vote Ted Cruz for Senate. *audio gets crunchy...Tawd, how to do you hang this up is there a beep or somethin'? Do we just....* dialtone..

    1. Anonymous7:08 PM

      "Hello Texas. I'm Sarah Palin."


  26. Those Palins really are a bunch of dipshits,after all.

  27. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Sarah Palin appeals to a very narrow segment of the population. She runs the risk of turning off other voters. I think that her robocalls are as welcome as those annoying calls from Card Member Services. The only people who do press #1 to receive more information do have $3,000. in credit card debt, and they think that a stranger calling them will solve their problems.

  28. Anita Winecooler4:54 PM

    A little known fact, as Paul Revere was riding his horse, ringing them bells, firing warning shots and chewing wrigley's juicy fruit gum, he also made a quick trip to texas, dodging dinosaurs along the way, to warn them, also too. He then waved his magic wand and caused a few parts of Florida secede land to Texas.

    See? Life is easy when you're a Palin, or as they say in Hollywood, "That woman is an idiot".

    1. Anonymous5:54 PM


  29. Gasman4:56 PM

    Too good. You can't make this stuff up. Everything Palin touches turns to shit.

  30. slipstream5:05 PM

    Wait, I can't remember . . . is Kansas a country, or is it a continent?

  31. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Palin's endorsement of a Texan ain't going to go over to well here in Alaska, but hey she knows that she's no longer electable for any office up here, since she quit the highest office in the State! There's an old saying from the pipeline days; the days that brought so many rabble-rousing Okies and Texans to Alaska. They raised hell and prayed on Sundays, and we'll never forgive them for all of the churches that they brought with them. The old saying is "Happiness to an Alaskan is watching a Texan leave our State with an Okie under each arm".

    If Palin hadn't burned her Alaskan bridges before now (well, she kind of did with her Rick Perry support) she has certainly "nuked them" into rubble now!

    Go Sarah! Hoist yourself on your own petard! Texas loves you; move there!

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      I was born and raised in Texas and I can honestly say that Texans are the poster child for the Ugly American. Opinionated, overbearing, and obnoxious.

      Not all though. Mollie Ivins put it all in perspective and made us laugh at the same time. I miss Mollie Ivins. RIP.

    2. Anonymous6:36 PM

      People don't like Palins in Texas as much as others think. I am in Texas, and among many, she is considered crude and without manners. In fact, Palin would be considered an outsider by many Texans in the way she considers them outsiders to Alaska. Her money wouldn't matter either. She'd be considered "new money" among the multitude of millionaires here which isn't a compliment. I was told she was a huge embarrassment to the Repub Party of Texas. There are nuts everywhere, and quite a few in Texas because it is so large. But there are many very good, strong, committed liberals with alot of sense. Change will come to TX sooner than later. In the meantime, those of us hoping for the change will keep working. We will turn blue and even 2012 may bring a few surprises.

    3. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I appreciate that Sarah's ratings in Alaska are in the single digits. I am mystified, however, why Alaskans have not exposed her for what she has done to Alaska.... The lies, Todd's business activities, the birth hoax.... She can't have sown up all possible avenues of investigation. The APD coverup? Anything?

  32. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Boy, you get a really good look at the right wonky eye in that photo, don't ya?

  33. Kind of O/T, but omigod Mailia Litman's blog! She actually managed to connect Shaily Tripp to the Dept. of Homeland Security regarding the Secret Service's recent debacle in Colombia, and David Chaney, the idiot who "checked out" Palin. Gotta love it.

    1. Anonymous11:51 PM

      As far as I can understand, she connected Tripp to a staffer in Senator Collins (Maine) office.

  34. Anonymous5:36 PM

    That picture makes her look really old.

  35. Anonymous5:50 PM

    What's interesting to watch w/idiot Palin is that she (and Toad) come in to endorse at the end of the race when she has a better feel who might be out in front on her side of things!

    She's be the last one on earth I'd want support from or of! She's the kiss of death over all and hell is awaiting her and Toad, the 'pimp' and user of prostitutes...a truly loving husband and they assuredly have a wonderful marriage and are such outstanding parents!!! Yea, right!!!

  36. Anonymous6:00 PM

    You know, Geography can be very confusing. There is a city called Texarkana. Do you think that it is in Texas, Kansas or Arkansas? In fact, what is the difference between Kansas and ArKaansas? I wonder which one Sarah can see from her front porch?

  37. Anonymous7:03 PM

    It's so great that we have IM to keep us updated on Palin family activity. Otherwise, we wouldn't have the faintest idea what they were up to, would we! They would just completely fade away out of view!

    Thanks, Gryphen, you're an ace for doing all the dirty work and taking one for the team.

  38. emrysa7:19 PM

    dontcha love how the quitter has been waiting until the week before the elections to endorse people? waiting to see which way the wind blows.... COWARD! lol what a weak fucking coward.

  39. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Is George Tierney Jr. of Greenville South Carolina involved with babygate in some way?

    1. Smirnonn3:23 AM

      I'm not sure if George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is involved with babygate. Perhaps a phone call to George Tierney Jr. of Greenville, South Carolina is in order?

  40. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Sarah Palin's robo calls going to the wrong state, chalk it up to the Sarah Palin Curse.

    Sarah Palin's dysfunctional uneducated kids definitely Sarah's fault and the Sarah Palin Curse.

  41. Smirnonn3:22 AM

    That is by far the best picture of the paylump EVER!!


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