Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Unprecedented uptick in support for gay marriage. Just another thing to piss the conservatives off!

Courtesy of Business Insider:

Support for same-sex marriage has undergone a dramatic and unprecedented shift in the past decade, with more people now firmly supporting it than opposing. 

The Pew Research Center recently took a look at its polls on the subject from the past 10 years. The key number is the combined 26-point swing over that period. Ten years ago, 57 percent of Americans opposed gay marriage, compared with 35 percent that supported it. 

Now, it's reversed. Today, 47 percent of Americans support gay marriage. And only 43 percent are opposed. 

"The change in attitude is certainly unprecedented," said Greg Smith, a senior researcher at the Pew Research Center. 

No matter how hard the conservatives try to drag us back to the past, the facts show that the country is moving toward progress, and picking up speed as it goes.

Kind of makes you wonder just how much longer the GOP will be a viable political party doesn't it?


  1. Virginia Voter2:59 AM

    I don't care who you are, everyone has someone gay in their family, an aunt, uncle, brother, sister, third cousin, or a friend, coworker , roomate, stylist, etc. We all know and love and least someone in our lives who deserves to enter into a loving, legal union . Anything else is discrimination.

  2. Tania2:59 AM

    In Australia it's 60% support it AND 53% of Christians too, but we're still waiting on the dumb government to come through! I wish pollies would just come to their senses, see the way the wind is blowing and finally getting on the right side of history. Do they really want to be the fool everyone points to in fifty years, like George Wallace?

  3. Just finished reading a book on Teddy Roosevelt.
    He was a republican that crusaded for women's right to vote and although did not push for equality for blacks, invited Booker T. Washington to the White House and lost the Southern vote.
    Sound familiar??

    He sounded more like a Democrat, fighting for Conservation rights etc.,against big business and a host of other issues that make it sound like 2012 instead of 1902.
    We are fighting the same battles all over again.
    Rights for gays is just like rights for women and blacks and the republicans are against the same things 100 years later.

  4. Anonymous4:00 AM

    You should probably say far right, if you can even generalize that. But remember, a number of democrats oppose it too.

  5. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Here I go again, bringing everything back to Sarah Palin. The reason why? To appropriate the misapplied use of the word, she is a "microcosm" of the Ugly American that is against the inherent freedoms our Constitution and Bill of Rights afford us.

    She's the kind of person (swinging dick, glass jaw, sharp elbows and chip on her shoulder and all) that is trying to take our country back to the stone ages where she'd only have to be happy being a simple housewife from Wasilla.

    She represents the American that thinks we are supposed to be homogenized pro-life white Christians with a scorched earth mentality that every resource within our grasp is there's for the taking - as long as it is in the name of jobs, free market and exploitation.

    Dr. DeGrassi in the other post also fights troglodytes like Palin, who want to take their tax-exempt Sunday School fancies into our tax-paid classrooms, and enforce wishful thinking.

    A friend of ours just came out of the closet. There wasn't even a hint that he was gay to our knowledge, but my DH and I are there for him as he publicly wrestles with his faith's agenda of punishing him for his birthright.

  6. anyone, ANYONE...who is part of organized reliGIon or goes to a "church' expecting to find something there that isn't available everywhere else is A STUPID FUCKING DUMBBELL!

  7. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Stupidity always breeds, does disease. I doubt we will ever be rid of them.

  8. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Jesse, your gay posts are losing their impact now. That's because straight people don't want to make it their whole lives. We can live with it and let them live with it as o.k. but we don't want it in our faces every day the way Maddow wants it to be.

    And besides that, the Dem party doesn't want to make it 'in our faces' every day either. It won't win popularity and gain votes. Learn to play it as a personal thing the way Barney Frank did. That's how the Dems win with the issue.

    1. Anita Winecooler5:22 PM

      How does Dr. Rachael Maddow want it in our faces every day? She covers the issue when it becomes a topic in the news, other than that, she barely mentions "the gay".

      It's a civil rights issue, not a "It makes people uncomfortable" issue. If it makes you uncomfortable, you're not doing it right.

  9. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Good grief Jesse, now the gay ads have found a new home here on your blog. Give it a fucking rest pal.

    1. "Gay ads?"

      What the hell are gay ads? I've ever seen anything like that.

      You do realize Google ads are dictated by surfing habits right?

    2. Anonymous10:20 AM

      If it's because of surfing habits then it's yours. I think they are dictated by the frequency of blog posts mentioning gays, as are all adsdictated by the frequency of mentioning the subject. You have made the gay ads popular here, because of the frequency of you mentioning the subject. Don't let me stop you, it's your choice jesse.

    3. AnonymousMay 2, 2012 10:37 AM

      Good grief Jesse, now the gay ads have found a new home here on your blog. Give it a fucking rest pal.

      per Gryphen...
      You do realize Google ads are dictated by surfing habits right?

      LOL!! Umm...I think you might have some explaining to do yourself...."pal"!

    4. Anonymous11:41 AM

      If I have some explaining to do then it would be that I have mentioned 'gay' a few times in opposition to jesse's continuous fascination with the topic. So I'm at least accepting that this could be the reason. But the end result is the same, there's just too much gay banter going on here and it's not making for a popular topic. Jesse needs to keep it personal, whether it's for his benefit or for his daughter's. But as I said, it's his choice so let's see where it all leads us in the coming days. My money's on at least one or two a day.

    5. You sound deranged and seem to have a fascination with "Jesse"...maybe you should get that checked out..."pal".

  10. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I will never be a Christian, I can't comprehend Christianity. But I support your right to be one if you choose.

    I will never be gay. I can't comprehend being physically attracted to someone of the same sex. But I support your right to be gay and to enjoy all rights afforded to those who are straight.

  11. Marleycat5:17 PM

    Thank you, Gryph - for following through on advocating for the quintessential American belief in EQUALITY FOR ALL! That includes gay men and women. I am not gay, and I have actually known only a few gay people in my life, but, regardless, I do believe in equal rights for all American citizens (as well as all human beings). I think it is important to address this as much as any other human rights issue, as they are one and the same. As long as some people in this country are denied equal rights, this is something that should never be "given a rest".

  12. Anita Winecooler5:36 PM

    You're right, Gryphen - and it's getting better every day. Of course there are bigots who somehow feel love between same sex couples somehow is "ruining" their marriage, but that's their problem.

    I've never liked the term "tolerate" because it implies something's wrong or "less than" the person being "tolerated". The word is Acceptance because we're all equal, and if one believes in "God", "God" doesn't make mistakes.

    I can't be prouder of my gay friends and family members and their family members who support and love them unconditionally.
    I wish you'd do more posts on the issue, knowledge is power.

  13. Anonymous6:01 PM

    This absolutely ROCKS! Do give it a listen, Gryphen, and maybe you'll do a post on it, it's so necessary and well done. I'm not much of a rap fan, but THIS really spoke to me and it's the perfect genre for the message.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.