Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Americans are starting to catch on that the GOP is sabotaging the economy on purpose.

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I am not a big Ed Show watcher as a rule, and I especially ignore programs that feature a guest host, but I found THIS one very interesting.

Lot's of very troubling information in this to help you understand just how devious the Republicans are being this election cycle.

From now on I don't think we should bother to mince words, essentially this Republican party is made up of traitors, and the American people deserve to know that!


  1. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Their iconic spokesman said it all before Obama was even sworn in, he wanted the POTUS to fail.

    They played a huge role in minimizing the effectiveness of the stimulus, won't take up the jobs bill, etc., they are obstructionists - cutting off their noses to spite their face.

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    The Republicans in the current Congress (both House and Senate) and those from the earlier session are guilty of treason, one and all.

  3. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Three bits of good news,though:

    Gabby Gifford's aide won her seat in Arizona, and both the Property Tax repeal and the 'religious freedom' measures were defeated in North Dakota.

  4. Anonymous5:37 AM

    But not fast enough.

  5. Anonymous5:45 AM

    OT - San Antonio's Current describes Bristol as a shining example of a small town bigot in "Life's A Tripp".

  6. My favorite from this review....

    "Now, I do believe that some criticism of Life’s a Tripp is fair game, as when Bristol’s actions don’t match her oft-stated principles. For example, she spends so much time bragging about her motherly dedication to Tripp that I can’t help but notice she’s, um, raising him on a TV show that basically serves as a commercial for her brand. And for someone who’s so unconcerned with image, she sure spends a lot of time positioning herself as a down-to-earth family-values exemplar — in truth, not an easy sell for someone who’s had plastic surgery and done the bump-and-grind on Dancing with the Stars.

    The scene that really had me reaching for my wad of Kleenex, though, is the one where Bristol addresses a heckler in a bar. I expected a mature approach to the situation, since Life’s a Tripp is a showcase for Bristol’s supposed maturity. Instead she asks him, out of the blue, “Is it because you’re a homosexual?”


    LMAO! I told y'all the reviews are going to be as funny as the actual show! Got my barrel of popcorn on order and my recliner has been re-upholstered and I will be laughing my ass off from the beginning of the credits to the end!

    Here's the link for the review...

    1. Anonymous7:16 AM

      From all the negative comments all over the internet I think Bristol made the biggest mistake of her life doing "Life's a Tripp"!! After this maybe she'll crawl back under her rock in Wasilla from embarrassment. When you make a fool out of yourself on Television be ready for the fall out that is coming your way!

    2. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

      Ha Ha!
      I played the "preview" from lifetime to my daughter this morning, and she had me in stitches imitating Bristol and Willow. When she did "bristol", she put a red plastic cup on her chin, her peers think she's a loser!

  7. Sharon6:41 AM

    I dearly hope this message becomes crystal clear....that the press gets in their face about their refusal to pass any job bills. I think the fact we learned of that meeting on Jan 20 really proves their agenda. I believe this is nothing less than treason, and I hope I hear that word more.

  8. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Democrats WE HAVE TO VOTE, and we have to get every Dem and every Indi to the polls, to VOTE FOR PRES OBAMA! VOTE by mail if more convenient. BUT VOTE!


    1. And don't forget to contribute to his campaign prior to November. We have to stand behind him in every way.

  9. Gasman7:14 AM

    JESUS CHRIST! It's about time! The GOP has only been trumpeting this as their intent since the moment President Obama took office!

    Let's see how much hay the liberal/Dem 527s can make of this obdurate obstructionism and the blatant examples of Big Orange Boner, McConnell, Cantor, et al., just deliberately shoving a stick in the spokes of the president's bike. Maybe even the Democratic Party itself will grow a spine and go after these goobers themselves.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      They were plotting it right after he won in Novmeber.

  10. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Traitors who are selling out the American people by offering up shit pie. That makes them traitors in my book.

    That's all.

    1. Gasman9:47 AM

      Their shit eating grins are the telltale signs of their infamy.

  11. Anonymous12:41 PM

    No time to read right now, but here is a link that should everyone go HMMMM!

  12. Anita Winecooler9:01 PM

    What's taking them so long? I love the clip, and your post is spot on, but seriously, what's taking them so long?
    I can't believe some of the people I get when knocking on doors or working the phones. I think the problem is they're all too busy or lazy to read newspapers.
    I don't watch "Ed", he's a bit too melodramatic for me, but thanks for sharing this clip.


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