Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just a thought.

The Republicans are planning to spend over a billion dollars to defeat President Obama in this election cycle. Can you imagine just how many mouths that kind of money could feed? Or the number of jobs it could provide? Or how many schools it could build?


  1. Randall2:12 AM

    Right you are sir, but let's go another step...
    Have you seen the Mormon Tabernacle?
    The Crystal Cathedral?
    The homes of Creflo Dollar, Joyce Meyer, Pat Robertson, et. al.?

    Just imagine: if only they were people of God and would spend that money on the poor instead of on castles and palaces...

  2. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Have I NOT been saying that? It's a shame all the billions Obama, Newt, and Romney take in goes to hate attacks and lies and not things that affect everyone, like infrastructure projects. FUK our system.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Money that is donated to President Obama or to the Democrats is not used for "hate attacks and lies." Political contributions do not go to rebuilding the infrastructure, that money comes from Congress. Remember that the country's infrastructure was high on President Obama's stimulus list - and was refused by the Republicans. If you want to argue about "hate attacks and lies" and not doing things like rebuilding the country's infrastructure, complain about the Republicans. Why not write to Mitt Romney and tell him not to wast so much money on lies and hatred and racism and to run on a platform of honesty and integrity. He won't be able to do it but you could ask.

    2. Anonymous6:51 AM

      Thank you. Good post, as always.

    3. To Anon @6:38 AM:

      Thanks for the post. We need to push back against the false meme that "both parties are to blame".

  3. Anonymous3:09 AM

    All those things have the same fatal flaw in Republican eyes—they would make the President look good.

  4. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Agreed...why can we never change campaign finance laws exceot in a way that allows even MORE wasted dollars? It is obscene what is spent on this garbage...and to benefit ad agencies? I know, ad agencies are people, my friend.

  5. Anonymous4:01 AM


  6. ManxMamma4:11 AM

    Gryphen I have thought this so many times over the years as I've watched the costs of running a campaign skyrocket. It's a sinful waste of money when so much good could be done with it.

  7. ibwilliamsi5:41 AM

    Imagine the taxes paid by the millions of jobs that money could create. Win/Win.

    Campaign donations are tax deductible. No tax on those billions of dollars spent. Lose/Lose.

    1. Telah6:37 AM

      Excellent point!

    2. Anonymous7:10 AM

      Are political donations tax deductible for businesses ? They aren't for individuals.

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I would change out that picture on the left with a picture of a war zone. How sad we are a country that spends close to a trillion dollars on a useless war and yet balk at educating our children and providing healthcare to our citizens.

  9. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Defeat President Obama!

    That is the ONLY agenda the republicans have--no matter what the cost. They have proven themselves to reprehensible, angry, hate-filled liars who Do Not Care about this country or its citizens.

    The Party of No rethugs showed their disgustingly outrageous disregard for America as they continued to vote down bill after bill. If the President was for it, they were against it. Done deal.

    Their primal rage focused on the Black Man who dared to be President of the United States! How dare he?

    Racism and Hate is still alive.

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Both sides are guilty of spending way to much money on campaigning. The entire process needs to be blown up and revised, perhaps more towards the Canadian model; equal funding for candidates, equal airtime and a 6 week campaign. Ah, wouldn't that be nice!

  11. Anita Winecooler8:32 PM

    Right you are, Gryphen. Citizens United opened the floodgates. I could think of so many better ways to use that money, but with Congress in the way, it ain't happening.


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