Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Bristol Palin attempts to put rumors of a break up to rest by posting picture of the recently MIA Gino Paoletti. Update!

So yesterday this picture cropped up on Brancy's blog.

I actually DON'T know for certain if Bristol has officially broken up with Gino or not, but I did think it rather odd that there was virtually no mention of him in the description of her unreality show.

Sarah, Tripp, and Willow are all mentioned, but the man who she at one time was rumored to be wanting to start a family with, is nowhere to be found.

Which if he were by the way would make statements like,“It’s not fair to him (Tripp)that he has no one here except for me,” sound kind of ridiculous.

Ostensibly the post this picture was attached to is about asking for ideas to help the "still happy couple" name their Newfoundland puppy, however it seems so pointless that even Bristol's "supporters" can barely be bothered to waste their time coming up with ideas, and of this posting there are only 36 comments.

One of the comments goes as follows: "Name it Bill Maher"

I am assuming that is so Bristol can abuse the animal and not feel badly about it. 

Another comment, from somebody named "Joe," said the following: Looks like a “Jesse” to me…


Now I am not sure if this is a Palin-bot who likes the idea of Bristol rubbing her dog's nose in his poop to housebreak him while saying "Bad Jesse, bad," or if this is an IM reader who is secretly giggling to themselves for successfully inserting my name into the comments of Brancy's carefully moderated blog.  Either way I have say I am not sure I would really like the idea of some poor dog running around that nutty household saddled with my moniker.  Somehow I just KNOW he would not fair well in that environment.

While we are on the unfortunate subject of Bristol and the people she hates, I should note that her campaign to turn her son against his father continues apace as evidenced by a post on June 4th, titled "Praying, Tripp Palin style."

As we all know this poor kid's name is still Tripp Johnston, and having his mother constantly referring to him by the wrong name must be terribly confusing, and eventually quite scarring.

I remember when I was a kid that when my mom remarried there was some talk of changing the last names of my brother, my sister, and I to our new stepfather's last name. That idea was rejected with a very angry, and venomous response from all three of us.

My mother meant no harm, she thought she was doing something to make us all feel like we belonged in the same family, but she did not understand the importance to children to have a sense of identity and feel some connection to their father. Even to a father who they see but rarely.

By this time in his life Tripp knows who he is, and Bristol's attempts to change that are only going to push him away from her at some point and drive him to want to more firmly connect with his father. For that reason I would encourage Bristol to continue, except that I know in the interim it will only do Tripp grave emotional harm.

If Bristol could let go of her anger toward Levi and his family, and allow Tripp to  spend some REAL time with them, she would actually end up with a much healthier, and well rounded young man for a son. Trying to keep him in a box, and using him to earn more money and fame for her, will only end up biting her in the ass, and turning him into an angry and resentful teenager.

An outcome that you would think SHE would be able to predict better than most.

Update: Not to be too conspiratorial, but Bristol has a new post up about the puppy, and either the damn thing is eating Purina Steroid Chow, or the picture was taken some what AFTER the first picture.

Am I wrong?


  1. Anonymous6:25 AM

    While Tripp does need his father, he's not exactly in an unhappy or unfortunate environment. Because Bristol's never seen unfortunate circumstances and only comes from a stable household with lots of family, I think she just doesn't understand that despite her herself never being close to Levi's family, she feels their absence won't affect Tripp. Tripp isn't exactly a boxed-in kid. He's active with regular playmates.

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Blah blah blah. It's cruel to pretend a child's father doesn't exist. If Bristol can't understand that, it's not because she has a "happy family." It's not rocket science.

    2. Anonymous7:25 AM

      And grandpa's a pimp! What more does a little boy need?
      (eye roll)

    3. Anonymous7:32 AM

      You forgot to mention how hard she works, three jobs while taking online college classes and getting up at 4 in the morning to bathe Tripp Palin in the sink with God on their side. Oh, and happy also too. Don't forget those key words. Or else we won't believe it.

    4. WakeUpAmerica7:37 AM

      "Stable household" as in Pimp Daddy Todd's stable of girls? Bwahaahaahaa!!!

      FYI, Bristol comes from an extremely dysfunctional family. You would have a hard time finding a credible psychologist who would label that disaster as stable.

    5. Anonymous7:51 AM

      WEll, yes he is in an unfortunate environment. His mother is a lazy, resentful and exploitive person.

      Did you mean "comes from a family WITH a stable of prostitutes?"

      oh and the sentence that begins with "I think" contains grammatical errors and is thus confusing. say: She herself, not her herself.

    6. Anonymous8:01 AM

      "He's active with regular playmates"
      Who talks like this? What a bizarre creepy thing to say. Obviously this means Tripp is inactive with no playmates. Poor kid. I guess being named after a prostitute isn't helping his social situation. If only Bristol had some friends. Any friends. No sarah and piper don't count.

    7. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Oh Kristy!! You know all this how????? You are so delusional that it is sad.

    8. Virginia Voter8:34 AM

      Uh, no Kristy, Tripp is living in one of the most unfortunate and unstable environments in which you could raise a child...the Palins have money, but Tripp has been moved more than a military kid...from the Palin home, to Bristol's condo in Anchorage, to LA, then Arizona, back to Alaska, to Los Angeles again, back to the Palin home, now to Bristols shiny new fixer upper. During that time Bristol was involved and living with Levi, Ben Barber, engaged to Levi, and now Gino. Bristol has paraded Tripp in front of any reality show and tabloid camera that can afford her fee, and wrote a book of petty score settling and lies. Others have already mentioned that Tripp's grandpa is a pimp, so there's that little gem to consider.

      Kristy, I don't know why you are so in love and obsessed with a hollow girl whose entire persona is based on her mother and exploitation of her child. Bristol has not done anything to earn your devotion...she is an empty headed selfish girl who has done nothing to use her pseudo celebrity to do anything for anyone. Seems to me you are just as empty and sad, trying to live vicariously through a very troubled young lady.

    9. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Words like stable are code for trying to soften it up for hard as nails Sarah/Bristol. There is not a more ongoing unfortunate family situation known today. How or why anyone wants to deflect from the criminals and traitors that poor child must endure is beyond belief. Only scroundels of equally bad character would bother to work for such low life at any level.

      How could anyone think for a second there is stability in the Palin family or asscociations ?? http://tinyurl.com/2ap7r68 How is it everyone is not waking up to the AIP mentality surrounding Wasilla and those friends? Anyone calling that "stable" has to be a renegrade or worse. Paid or not, those trolls are as execrable as the Palins. There is a place in hell for anyone that helps the Palin clan in anyway. Only the children deserve to be spared.

    10. Anonymous8:59 AM

      OFF TOPIC but I just voted here in Wisconsin and the voter numbers are higher than the last Presidential election. This election will not be over until Friday when they count every last vote, some times multiple times in SE Wisc.!
      maggie in 'red' st. croix county

    11. Kristy Patullo Fairy Tale Troll11:22 AM

      Leave Kristy alone. She works very hard educating us about Bristol Palin. She is very active, happy, and stable posting incessant, saccharine love notes to Bristol all over the internet. If she weren't here, which other middle-aged woman would give us all the creepy dirt on the activities of some redneck Alaskan teenagers we've never heard of from 5 years ago? I rest my case. Mercede is jealous of Kristy Patullo also too because Kristy is Bristol's favorite unfriended Facebook friend.

    12. Anonymous12:57 PM

      Did you really stay that Bristol came from a stable home-- or was it a stable? She has had regular household help. We have seen her accompanied by another woman carrying Tripp. Does that well adjusted active kid play with his pacifier in his mouth or does he just sleep with it? Is it used when he acts up often, as Bristol reported? That is not a normal family. Bristol did not have a normal childhood. She got pregnant when she was a teen and her mother covered up for her. (Unless that is normal in Wasilla, and all of the teen aged girls get pregnant before they finish high school. Some town.)

  2. Anonymous6:27 AM

    HOLY CRAP! There are 832 comments under the name my dog facebook post. I was going to read them to see what her fans would say, but Im not trudging through that many.

    1. Anonymous9:00 AM

      Ivy Frye has her Army of Valley farmers and who knows what contacts they have to bump things up. They must all be in a fury with their people getting exposure from the Dunn piece. You know they do the meme about patriots and from the stable wonderful families et al. They must have put the word out to make little Brancy cute and harmless and VERY POPULAR. She needs ratings.

    2. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Name for the dog: You Bitch! It will save us time because that's what we're thinking.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    is Gino MIA? That looks like it was taken in her kitchen, a kitchen that is kind of designed like her parent's kitchen with a similarly placed island and major appliances. I understand wanting to emulate the home in which you grew up but it's weird that the two kitchens share a similar design. And they're both custom.

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Bristol has no mind of her own, she just copies sarah. Bristol is truly a doormat puppet.

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Who knows about Gino. They all lie. They might just want to put up a front. Shailey did that blog about how she likes the Paoletti family and they are not like the Palins. Others say they are crooks. That Gino the real estate success was a total put on pack of lies. No doubt with the help of his family. They are all in the same pot. He would go along with lies about the relationship if need be. He clearly sold out when he was in the mix to be on the worst reality show since Sarah Palin's Alaska. Now why would a young man his age sell out?
      "He hated Sarah Palin's reality show, calls the Palins idiots"

      There was a time when Gino Paoletti could speak the truth. Now he has to sneak around and cheat. Poor Bristol. Her parents should have tried harder to set her up with someone not so inclined.

    3. Sarah has zero decorating skills. Her home is a big square box that lacks any warmth. When I saw the pics of it, I thought they had just moved in, but they've been there for ten years. She is not the nurturing type, she takes care of her own personal needs, making sure she gets her nails done, her hair done, face lifts, etc. but even those are done haphazardly. Her total lack of fashion sense is evident in everything she wears. So why would Bristol do anything different? She dresses terribly for her figure, her clothes are too tight, no matter whether she's overweight or anorexic as in the pic of her in her Daisy Dukes hanging onto Gino for dear life, afraid he'll run away from her if she lets go. She's clueless as to how to raise a family because she didn't have any decent examples to follow. It would be sad if she wasn't a bitch like her mother.

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Tripp will resent his father's hateful words against his family. Tripp will resent him being kept from his father. Who knows how he'll react. The one thing he doesn't need is strangers lying about EITHER family, not that small blogs will matter even in 3 years.

    Tripp is just 3. Kids his age don't really remember many specific things. He's happy in his environment by all appearances and by reality. I think that when he starts school soon, the father time will come.

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      Kristy's up early, with her usual BS.

    2. Maybe he's 3. Maybe not.

    3. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Since when does a child remain 3 years old for 2 years? Verified Birth Certificate?

    4. Anonymous8:29 AM

      I like how the troll just tried to sneak in "Tripp is just 3" to combat the truth that he's actually 4+ that's coming out. You aren't sneaky, you are pathetically obvious.

    5. Anonymous8:32 AM

      I think when he starts school he will have LOTS of questions for Bristol. Questions she can't afford to answer.
      Tripp: "Mommy why am I so big compared to all the other kids? They say its because I'm dumb."
      Tripp: "Mommy, who's Shailey? The boys at school say she's friends with all their daddies.
      Tripp: "Why don't I have a daddy?"
      Tripp: "Mommy what does gay mean? The teacher at school said she thinks I'm gay?"

    6. Anonymous8:33 AM

      Get help Kristy. Bristol doesn't want you posting about her. When will you get that?

    7. "Tripp is just 3"?

      Even if we were to go by the birthdate the pathologically lying Palins announced, he's 3-and-a-half. Whoever heard of rounding a child's age DOWN to the nearest year?

      And if I'm correct about Tripp being the infant Willow was holding during the 2008 campaign (see ears), he's more like 4-and-a-couple-of-months (and that's why Bristol looked like a nursing new mother during her appearance at the RNC in Sept. 2008).

    8. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Tripp JOHNSTON has been eating crap for too long. The foundation his family is starting him out with is public knowledge. More than that they advertise it. http://tinyurl.com/pill-TRIPP-BURY

      Therefore, all you have to do is study the dietary effects a child will grow up with to know how Tripp can turn out. As well as to understand what he is going through now. At his young age he has so far been in the unstable life of a mother seeking stardom and money. He tagged along so she could do that phoney dance show with all the "high techie" type voters. After that he has a reality show with his name, he is featured and not treated like he deserves. Jackie Coogan protection is not for child labor in a family that hates government so much. The main thing they have to sell now is how cute Tripp is http://tinyurl.com/teh-cutest-evr
      Poor Tripp's life has centered around his mother keeping him from his father and going on her whims to feed her cravings for fame. Sure the boy has nannies but he needs stable mother and father relationship. All the public sees is that Bristol Palin is training him like a circus bear is cute. He performs with his smile. At his young age that still works, but it will not last.

    9. Maizen Blue10:31 AM

      Bullshit, 6:32. Even if Tripp is 3, which I sincerely doubt, children can and do hold memories from that age. Particularly if abandonment issues are involved.

      And double bullshit on "his father's hateful words against his family." If you could just once pull your head out of your ass, you'd see that you have commented from Opposite Land. AGAIN.

    10. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Maizen Blue,
      "Bullshit, 6:32". FOR SURE! By age 3 the child is set or the damage is done. Not saying a child can't overcome some problems.

      6:32 is a child hater to be in such denial. They only can see the selfish parent point of view. It is tragic enough Tripp has one parent and one side of his family with so cold a heart and ignorance as their life. As well, the enablers all need to go to jail for what they contribute to his life of abuse.

    11. Anonymous11:27 AM

      The Johnston's ARE Tripp Johnston's family. So what hateful words has Levi said against his own sister & mother? ZERO.

      You are a liar.

  5. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Well, she could always bleach that poor dog's paws white and call it Bo.

    I fear for the puppy's future ... Newfies are HUGE, they shed mountains of fur, and a shake of the head can throw drool several feet vertically and horizontally. They need devoted owners, not idiots.

    1. Anonymous7:43 AM

      What happened to her other little dog??

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      What happened to her other little dog??

      Dogs are as disposable to Brisket as her extra babies.

    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      What happened to any of the dogs the Palins have had over the years? Check Chuck's bone pile. :'( They don't make it past 1 year old.

    4. Anonymous9:25 AM

      +1 6:33 AM

      I hope they (especially she) didn't get this dog breed because the puppy was so cute.

      If she gets rid of it, I hope a Newfie owner out there would want a Palin ex-dog.
      Hopefully it got its shots, great care and excellent training (er the dog, though it might not hurt any of the Palins either).

      The dog also wasn't just another Palin temporary prop.

      Perhaps they also keep having so many kids so they have more current small, wee ones, props?


  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    What's up with her ring?

  7. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Bristol and his guy are an funny looking ocuole. Bristol with that odd unnatural looking chin, is hilarious. Does she know how unattractive that chin is?!

  8. Anonymous6:41 AM


  9. Anonymous6:43 AM

    That Wilma Flintstone updo has to be the work of Willow. You know, the one going to "hair school". Is a rat's nest on top of your head the new trend nowadays? Looks more like a smokestack. If she's trying to adopt a FiFi poodle look, she's succeeding.

    I think Gino realized how fake Bristol is the more he gazed at her axe chin. If he hasn't already left, he should. She's nothing more than a blank Sarah mini-me.

    1. Ailsa7:40 AM

      Ah, I saw the other cleaning products in the background and just assumed she'd stuck an extra large brillo pad on her head for safe keeping.

  10. Anonymous6:43 AM

    MY mother would not have dreamed of changing me and my siblings name to my step-father's.

  11. Anonymous6:44 AM

    If that is Bristol, I think they overdid the photoshop. Doesn'i it look like they shrank her skull?

  12. Anonymous6:56 AM

    They were on the way to the dump (see background, right), and just happened to have this casual snapshot taken? Why does Bristol's head always touch the person she's getting her picture taken with?
    Does she think she'll be cuter if she has a cuddly dog around, now that Tripp has lost his baby fat, is getting a mind of his own, and doesn't respond to her commands, as a dog will do?

  13. Anonymous6:56 AM

    I was recently thinking about ways Bristol could talk to teens about what parenting really is. This is a girl who is naturally maternal, was the babysitter for her friends siblings, neighbors and obviously as older sister, occasionally to the youngest one. Obviously, she's going to want a big family because it's what she knows and loves. I know she was immediately hit with the realization post-birth that parenting isn't all cuddly, cooing newborns who just like being giggled to. That would explain she and Levi's constant fighting just prebirth and his many walkouts due to frustration. I personally think that as Bristol watched her peers have babies4-5 years ago, she just felt her natural drive that some girls have that early go into overdrive. It also must have stung that people believed a baby was hers when he isn't. To me, I would've been shocked (if I knew Bristol at the time) if she hadn't gotten pregnant. I fell bad for Levi that he was led into something he wasn't ready for then. But Cest La Vie. You like the girl, you make the decisions, you live with the consequences. I would never say it's been terribly hard on her, though having strangers make stuff up about your life or even past probably wasn't/isn't easy, and being forced from the shadows to speak against these liars isn't what she wants. Though I hear she loves blogging. This isn't a girl who lives for the finer things. She is proud of the bluecollar, hates the idea of being a stay-at-home mom, and still maintains her love of babysitting. That's pretty obvious to me.

    1. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Awwww IM troll, that heartfelt string of words was sooooo touching.

      Sentence structure and paragraphs are our friend.

      And your bullshit is smelled from a mile away.

    2. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Blech! All she's done is complain about how hard it is to be a "single" mom. No 15 year-old girl has a maternal instinct kick in, regardless if her "peers" are having babies. Were they. This post is just ridiculous.

    3. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Ooooooh tell us Anon person close to the Palin's that observes all these wonderful and selfless traits that no other young single mother on earth could possibly possess!

      We are dying to know the REAL Bristol even though she and her mom do their damnedest every single fucking day through their powerful mediums to shove their bullshit narratives down our throats, or else they'll punch us in it.

      Their truth isn't shouted enough from that shining city on a hill living it every day and whatnot.

    4. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Krusty...this stream of nonsense is straight up embarrassing...even for YOU!

      How pitiful is it that a 50 year old shut in from Rhode Island thinks she has knowledge of a 20 year old tramp from Wasilla, Alaska life!

      Especially when the tramp and her family are afraid of the stalker from Rhode Island!

      I tell ya Krusty...if you're not careful you will go the way of the Christy's!

    5. Aw she sounds like such a sweetheart the way you describe her.

      And yet she's just like her mother--

      a self-centered conniving sell-out.

      The puppy is cute.

    6. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Watch out Bristol. Kristy Patullo seems to be intensifying her loving rhetoric. Her fixation is unnatural and unhealthy.

    7. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Too long, didn't read. The responses are hilarious though. Protip for the troll: Learn proper grammar and how to use paragraphs and maybe I'll read your spew.

    8. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Kristy, I feel bad saying this, but you are sick and need help. It's extremely sad that you can't see that. Your posts used to be entertaining but now I see how sick you are. You know you aren't accomplishing a thing here, yet you persist. Why?
      You don't even know Bristol. I do and she is nothing like this imaginary person you have created in your mind.
      You are obsessed and it's effecting your entire life and you know it. Really, get help for Gods sake.

    9. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Yet, as busy as she was with all the care taking of other people's kids, she STILL found time to sleep around! Even go camping overnight! If she is happy with less, why is she grubbing for another reality show and an easy paycheck? Surely she has enough by now, with little effort.

    10. WakeUpAmerica9:12 AM

      Isn't that what you're doing, Krazy Kristy, making stuff up about her life and her past? Projection much? Needy much? Unhealthy obsession, Kristy? Get help.

    11. Anonymous11:40 AM

      What an idiot this poster is (Krusty?) It really sounds like this person spends all their time imagining what it's like to live Bristol's life and then making crap up about it. And by the way poster no one FORCED Bristol out from any shadows. In fact it's just the opposite. Bristol is an adult (supposedly) and proclaimed that she makes her own decisions. Bristol Hollywood HERSELF has CHOSEN to make a career to be a public person by chasing the spotlight, dragging Tripp to Hollywood and trying to sell a tee vee show so she can get famous. Why the hell do you think she got a head transplant in the first place? Stupid.

  14. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Bristol ... please give the dog to a better owner. You are not fit to raise a child or a dog!

  15. I've suggested "Pimp Daddy" that way he could watch over Tripp.
    Seems fitting.

  16. That picture may have been uploaded yesterday to Brancy's blog -- but either it was taken months ago when Bristol and Gino were said to have just moved into the house across the lake fixing it up -- or they are lazy do-nothings waiting months for someone else to empty the bins and put away the cleaning products (see background).

    1. Anonymous7:26 AM

      No, I believe that's just the way they live. The Palin's don't have any sense of style, don't know how to add home accents for ambiance and warmth.

    2. Anonymous8:51 AM

      That looks like a garage to me.

    3. Anonymous9:43 AM

      garage? I thought it was Pimp Daddy's hangar. Are Gino and Bristol shacking up again? I believed that Gino really was re-virgined. How else could Todd allow him to hang at a Bristol nunnery?

  17. I'd like to get my hands on the breeder that sold them a Newfy. What the heck were they thinking???

    1. Maybe, like Cruella DeVille, they got him for his fur coat.

    2. Why not "Tent" as a reminder, and the letter "T" they seem to like.

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Why not Remington? McKinley? PebbleMine? Bartles&James?

    We all know it's going to be a stupid name that will irk us to no end. But they get off on that. Just like Tripp to Shailey, Trig to Trisomy G. Bristol to ESPN/CT as opposed to the huge region in SW Alaska where Todd is from. Whatevs.

  19. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Oh poor Bristol. . .why the long face?

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      That right there is comedy gold!

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      lol... that's the only one she has in stock right now. But it's adjustable.

    3. Anonymous10:38 AM

      It's a joke her mom said about John Kerry. It comes around.

  20. The antics of the not too bright; you can only throw the kid good wishes and a helping hand if he ever comes your way.

    It’s unlikely she’ll have a better-looking child (Tripp is exceptional), and she seems focused on easy money, so that boy is the breadwinner for the foreseeable future. Yet, he may turn out fine; you did.

    He’s more than three and a half. Since Levi appears to own him, I think he’s the child Levi was holding while wearing green and very young. He’s always been Tripp; a Levi joke against Todd? Bristol “may” have had other children with issues/multiple fathers. She keeps going back the perfect one for her income.

  21. Anonymous7:18 AM

    We've got skinny Bristol these days.

    That girl really is Yo-Yo Ma when it comes to weight. (Not her laughable talent at actually playing a classy instrument like Cello in Secret Life of the American Teenager.)

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      She's really, really skinny, I mean maybe 100lbs soaking wet. Not a good skinny from the back, her butt is rather diminished and her scapula stick out in an uncomfortable looking way (I saw her at the store the other day) She looks great now, but needs to not lose any more weight; she's the ideal "slightly too thin starving starlet" right now; any more and she'd be heading into eating disorder territory!

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Snorting will cause weight loss...

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      To borrow Sarah Palin's bitchy phrasing:

      [Bristol's trying to become a] "delicate, tiny, very [un]talented celebrity starlet.

  22. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Looks like she's got a new shield / publicity stunt.

  23. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I seem to remember Bristol scoffing at her mother's "prom hair", the ridiculous bumpit with tufty pile on top. Now she wears it? This is one strange brood.

  24. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Is the dog in his lap or on her head?

    1. Anonymous9:11 AM

      :-D Just about spewed my lunch. (In a good way, laughing.)

  25. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Might I suggest Glen (Rice) as a name for the pup?
    He fits Bristol's description and it would be in keeping with how she names those of whom she is in charge after her parent's past indescretions.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Good idea. They're both big black males. Mom would approve.

  26. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I [heart] Wonkette:


    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      I was going to post this but you already did.
      I can't decide which name to vote for.

      What does the troll suggest?

  27. Anonymous7:25 AM

    What is with the stupid-ass HAIR in that family???!?! JESUS, don't they see how white trash they are?!?! That one almost rivals Willow's similar do. Laughable!!!

    1. It's EXACTLY like Willow's rather horrible attempt at an updo.


      Evidently they are both going to "hair school" at the same time -- or not, because Jessica Beehive convinced them they have "natural talent".

      ...Which would explain ALL the Palin women's hayseed hillbilly coiffures.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      It is a current style. Someone may be practicing and doesn't know when to stop. Like Palins repetitive rhetoric they may think if they keep doing it, it will look alright. It always looks better when the pros do it and on real beauties. The Palins have never carried themselves with grace or style. Hence, things usually look like a mistake on them. Even when it is stylish and otherwise beautiful. They Palin's just don't carry themselves well. They need to work on inner beauty and get away from the superficial. Tragically, this is more proof Bristol does suffer from body dysmorphic disorder.




    3. Anonymous10:14 AM

      Willow looks so old, fat and messy there. What she is trying to copy is an actual style. "The messy up-do bun"
      Kim Kardashian proves that a high, messy updo always looks sweet and pretty. (FOR KIM)
      Kourtney Kardashian
      Very sad when you see the Palins try and look Hollywood or copying others. They have only sycophants. No true friends to clue them in. If any one of them can reach a place where they sincerely work on self esteem and inner beauty that will show and they won't stand out as so freaky and weird.

  28. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Did she get another chin implant?

  29. In the future, we will be treated to Bristol crying about how it's so harrrrddd to take care of a dog when you're a single mom.

  30. Yesterday when I saw this picture of Beefy and Sadie's sloppy seconds...all I could think...Why is there a big black mushroom cloud exploding out of the top of her HEAD?

    And someone must have told her to keep that Jay Leno pointed DOWN at all times when being photographed...because "Objects are much closer than they appear"!

    Oh and Krusty...don't forget to go to the bathroom before you piss all over the comments with your dumbass defense of Beefy....Opps...too late!

    1. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Classy Gina, as usual. And not really very funny. No it's not Kristy. Your derogatory nicknames are boring and not funny. Beefy? Wallow? Krusty? Barf! you have been using them too long. Yawn. Zzzzzzz.

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Anon 8:44 a.m. - And you exude class? We should trust your judgement on humor?

    3. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Brissy's chin looks just like your avitar!! Is that what she wanted to emulate...RAM? Nice choice Bristol! Ram must feel so special.

  31. It looks like the possum jumped from her mother's head onto hers.

  32. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Is she wearing a wedding or engagement ring? Or is this another photo op just like Tripp praying in the restaurant..

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      It's a purity band for her vow of abstinence. lol

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      She IS engaged.

    3. WakeUpAmerica10:57 AM

      To what?

  33. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Will the dog make it through its puppy years? The Palins have had problems in the past keeping their dogs until they become adults. Let's hope this little pup makes it and doesn't become another victim of the Palin "family".

    1. Anonymous11:13 AM

      They should do a contest for how long that 'can't name my cute dog' will survive at a Palin compound.

  34. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I see Bristol is still desperate to replace her first born son that Sarah stole. Umm hey bristol? A new puppy will never replace a human baby. You have to live with what you did for the rest of your life. Too bad for you.

  35. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The dog looks like he/she has the highest IQ in the bunch.

    A Newfoundland? They couldn't find a rill American dog?

    Name suggestion: Tramp.

    1. WakeUpAmerica10:57 AM

      How about "Abstinence?"

    2. Anonymous12:30 PM

      How about, "Trustmeyoucan'tgetpregnanttheseenteenthtime" or "Tramp"

  36. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Watch out Gino! You have ALL of the requirements to be a sperm donor. Just saying.

  37. Anonymous8:04 AM

    A couple of days ago I cut and paste from Immoral Minority Mercede's response to Bristol's whining about how hard it is to be a single mom and tried to post it on one of Lifetime's Life's a Tripp links, dated May 15. It is still pending review as is my post today asking why Mercede's piece is still under review. That site used to have about 90 comments and now there are only 68.

  38. If someone were to nuzzle or kiss that chin-a-palooza, would they meet hard plastic? Can they knock on her chin and get a reply? Inquiring minds want to know. Yeah, a big ole Newfy is gonna tear that house apart in a few months - unless they keep him outside. It will disappear - just like some of Bristol's babies.

    1. Anonymous10:13 AM

      And poop BIG and dig BIG basement size holes in the yard. We had a Old English Sheepdog and had ti give it away :-( to friends living in the country, he was just to big for the house and our yard looked like a barnyard with all the poop and holes he dug.

  39. OverMountainMan8:17 AM

    Gryph, I'm a little confused , Levi has posted pictures of Tripp on his FB page, Pictures of Levi, His new girlfriend Sunny and Tripp together, Has Levi been given some Daddy time ? Does Levi have his son now ? Don't get me wrong I'm 100% happy for Levi and even happier for Tripp but has something happened that has softened Briskets hands off policy concerning their son ?? Enlighten us Jesse.

    1. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Those pics were taken at Christmas...notice the tree and packages.

    2. Anonymous10:25 AM

      Yes. Bristol needs to take care of first things first. #1 for a loving mother would be her child. #1 relationship with parents, bonding. Separation anxiety and abandonment issues are huge and go on for a life time, effect future generations when people are so messed up.

      After Bristol is stable and showing that she is a good loving mother, after that she would be ready for other responsibilities. Like a new pet or a boyfriend relationship or engagement. She always has the mules before the cart when it comes to males in her life. Looks like she does it with pets.

      Bristol, put Tripp FIRST. You can't undo or pray away the damage of abandonment. Please, for trip confront and face that straight up. No excuses.

    3. Jeanabella10:39 AM

      Levi posted picture of him with his girlfriend & Tripp and it was dated Jan. or Feb 2012. I think it was Jan.
      He also posted a text he sent Bristol begging to see Tripp recently.

      Bristol is doing what our ex daughter in law did to us, she's keeping the child from the father & his family as much as she can. She is a mean son of a bitch & being as stupid as her mother, doesn't see how this is damaging to her son & their relationship.
      Bristol like her family is learning to be clever at snark remarks. What's her IQ?
      Sarah's got an IQ of 83, Todd isn't the brightest bulb, but boy, they are full of themselves, espescially how they think they fooled everyone in the lower 48 like they fooled them in AK.
      Levi was asked to be in her "reality" show & he refused. He has some integrity compared to Palins.
      Bristol & her trolls like to bash Levi for talking trash about Bristol, but I don't believe he's said anything bad, however, Gino has publicly made fun of Sarah & her reality show, but that's OK.
      Watch out Gino!
      The photo of her with Gino was placed to stir up gossip for her show.
      She's already a has been!
      Dumber than dumb & just as dangerous.

  40. Anonymous8:17 AM

    I bet she throws Gino to the road once her reality show is over, regardless if he is on it or not. He is a wimp and Bristol knows she does not want him. She will have to keep the relationship alive as not to damage her reality show. Don't want them to think she made another mistake.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Gino will run off as soon as his paychecks quit coming in. How embarrassing for someone to have to "hire" a BF.

    2. Balzafiar11:54 AM

      Wimp? The dude has a 9-inch tongue and breathes through his ears. Brissy loves that tongue!

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Nothing about her says in reality she is abstaining. For her show she will put on a act. That is her job.

  42. At Wonkette.com they have a pole of favorite names. My favorite is methhead.

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM

      Meth-head is appropriate for most anyone in Wasilla. No doubt it has played a vital part in the economy and support of dangerous fringe groups that protect some people.

  43. Bristol has a new doggy post up with the top three names. Check out her "wonky" eye!


    1. I couldn't resist. Here's my suggested name:

      How about “Big Ol’ Mih Finger?” You could call him Bomfie for short.

  44. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Why didn't she rescue a puppy from the shelter?

  45. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I guarantee that Bristol has NO idea what it takes to raise a Newfie...at least she has the money for food (lots) and grooming (extensive). It is ideal that she lives on a lake because Newfies love the water; I just don't see her as the type of person that can tolerate having a big, wet, hairy, drooling 125lb+ dog in her home...I hope that he gets the proper care and is treated like part of the family instead of chained outdoors or living in a garage. The Palins don't seem to have a stellar track record as far as animal husbandry in concerned, come to think of it, their record kind of sucks as far as "human husbandry" is concerned as well!

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      THE CHIN is upstaging cute puppy. When will she learn? That is a sad picture. She is not going to give a Newfie what he needs, hope she will pay for it all without whining. The nannies need a raise, even with an appropriate dog sitter there will be extra work for the nannies and whoever cleans. Her life is centered around film documenting and staging. There is a lot of work staging all that when you get more entities involved. Sugarup Trippy and now a pup of energy. Can she turn Gino into a happy wimp of a worker bee for the show?

  46. If she gets rid of this puppy, and she will, we can hound her.

  47. Anonymous8:53 AM

    It's sad that Bristol is placing herself in the spotlight and wants to be celebrated. She started out as a daughter of a famous governor. But there's a difference between being a celebrity by one's own endeavors compared to being one by virtue of being the 'daughter' of the celebrity.

    Sarah became the celebrity by virtue of being selected for VP and campaigning and her private life is an open book. This is why media ask candidates personal questions and it's understood this is necessary. But Bristol, who was too young to accomplish her selected goals suddenly became a celebrity by her mother's hand. There's absolutely no reason why Bristol should be answering personal questions about her relationships, or giving out magazine interviews, photos of her child and sister, her homes, giving out details of her private life. She chooses to sell herself for doing nothing more than being a by-product of the Palin name.

    Why does she continue to then post more info on facebook? Teens and adults who open their facebook accounts are uncelebrated and unknown; they keep an account for their friends and family. Why does Bristol keep a facebook account when she knows it will invite curiosity seekers who seek her name out because of her 15 minutes of fame. They have no real concern for her. Again, why would she seek this INTRUSION by strangers into her life?

    Can't she just keep a private account and stop publishing personal photos of her boyfriends and son, giving out details of what they do, what puppy they select? She's only been on gas fumes of her mother's 'fame' bandwagon for 4 years and she's still she's giving out details of her private life to strangers. She's performing in her own reality series. What does Bristol want to do with her life that fulfills her and challenges her and makes her grow and mature? Where's momma Grizzly in all this?

    Bristol needs to stop seeking the spotlight. She was never prepared for the dangers of becoming addicted to celebrity (think Princess Diana). Looking for love and acceptance by strangers, which puts strains and stress on her real relationships. No serious young man is going to enjoy the roller coaster emotional ride a needy celebrity-wanna- be goes through day in and day out. Her lover is the camera. And anyone who should be important in her life is second in her life. Happiness contentment and peace won't follow her if she pursues this fickle life pursuit.

    Again, it's sad that no one can give this young woman wise counsel that it would be healthier for her quit her compulsion for attention, both good and bad.

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      Thank you! Great wisdom.

  48. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I find Bristol's antics to be even more inane and despicable than her mother's. She had the perfect opportunity to learn from her mother's mistakes, but instead, chose to effectively double-down on Sarah's idiocy as a mother and celebrity.

    Bristol, you deserve every kind of attention from the public: You were warned by example and sold your soul anyways. Your life will never be "normal" again given the object of abject ridicule you have become.

    Good luck to you.

  49. Anonymous9:00 AM


    The comment someone made about Tripp praying. "Thank you god for the money."

    What kind of ickey poo religious stuff are they now churning out. Tripp praying in a restaurant? LOL.

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Tripp looks like he is acting. She wants him to be a Tebow, or whats his name? Not cute at all to do that to a kid. Tripp is no doubt well 'rewarded' for the display.

      The first thing I was curious about is does he include Grandma Sherry, Grandpa Keith, Aunt Sadie, Sunny and his father (other Johnstons). Or was he taught to do it in general?

  50. cckids9:06 AM

    This is OT, but did you all notice that VP Biden's daughter got married this weekend? Quiet ceremony, just one notice in last Thurs. or Friday's paper & one more today, with one picture. Contrast that with the spectacle Palin would have made of a certain "shotgun" wedding if she had been VP. It would have made Diana & Charles blush, it would have been so tacky & overdone.

    1. The Bidens more nearly resemble a normal family than the Palins.

  51. Anonymous9:11 AM

    The Wasilla Hill Billy League, PART 1 of 3:

    Bristol is like the owner of a hockey team

    Owner Bristol of Team Beefalos had tryouts in an indoor canvas gym.
    Bristol decide on and drafted number one pick Levi out of Wasilla and gave him a contract he couldn't refuse and took him right out of high school.
    After constant battles about who is the leader of the team, Levi requested a trade.
    Bristol traded Ben for Levi.
    Things didn't work out and Ben also requested a trade from Bristol.
    Bristol without a bench went back to Levi and offered him a permanent contract.
    Not happy again, Levi quit his team and went free agent for a while.
    Bristol without any players picked up a two for one deal and went with the Masey brothers and moved her franchise to Los Angeles where her chances were better if she wanted her games televised.
    Unable to get a tv contract and unable to hold on to her new players, Bristol decided to call it quits and moved her franchise back to Wasilla.
    However the managing blood never left Bristol so she decided on drafting a new team and picked up bad boy Gino. With Gino, Bristol was finally able to get her tv contract with the help of Tripp of course.
    As we can tell, negotiations with Gino fell apart but it looks like Bristol may have been able to renegotiate his contract.

    Former Bristol star free agent Levi decided to recruit his own team and drafted a hot new talent Sunny.
    Levi started his talent without a contract and has now created his own franchise with Sunny.

    Forgot to mention, Bristol had another team and had drafted Ruffles.
    Traded Ruffles for Trig.
    Then traded Trig for Tripp.
    And now has upgraded Tripp for the little clone dog Bo Jr.

  52. Anonymous9:11 AM

    The Wasilla Hill Billy League, PART 2 of 3:

    What do you expect? Bristol is just like her mom.

    Sarah drafted Todd Palin out of high school.
    But then Sarah had her eyes set on collegiate baller Glen Rice out of Michigan.
    Sarah interviewed and tried out Glen but Glen decided he didn't want to play for Sarah and left town over night.
    Sarah went back to her starter Todd.
    Then Sarah tested free agent Curt Menard.
    Sarah sadly and unexpectedly retired Curt Menard.
    Sarah went back to her bench and picked up stand by veteran Todd again.
    While Todd was out on the North Slope playing during the summer leagues, Sarah put Todd on waivers for a player to be named later.
    Sarah picked up Todd's teammate Brad Hansen.
    After an unsuccessful spring season with Brad, Sarah held onto both players but turmoil between the team mates got worse so Sarah dropped Brad for veteran player Todd again who is currently on the bench.

    Todd had his own draft as well.
    Todd started off with and picked up an easy starter Sarah Heath. Sarah has had her own bad luck, she could never crack the starting line up and took 3rd runner up in competition in Alaska.
    After finding out she was carrying, Todd decided to create his own team with Sarah and had to run off start his new franchise.
    During games, Todd would be penalized for wandering off and taking peaks through holes in the opposing team's locker room wall.

  53. Anonymous9:12 AM

    The Wasilla Hill Billy League, PART 3 of 3:

    Todd was always on the prowl for new talent and sought out and tried out rookie Shailey Tripp. Shailey became Todd's shining beacon, Todd often told Shailey she lights up his life.
    Instead of replacing aging Sarah, Todd instead chose to expanded his roster and upgraded to rookie Shailey Tripp who was his number one pick for his traveling team.
    Now veteran Shailey Tripp was not happy with her current salary with owner Todd who constantly had her try out for his associates. Shailey did all the work while Todd would take a cut of her salary for himself. Shailey decided to become a free agent but has since retired without a pension or medical plan from previous owner Todd.
    Shailey went on to become a famous author and wrote a book about her former owner Todd in a book titled Boys Will Be Boys. Ironically, Shailey's memoir title was inspired by former Wasilla Warrior State Basketball Champion Sarah Heath who currently may be under investigations for various league violations.

    Doesn't end their. Todd and Sarah's unexpected merger created a team mate of Bristol. This teammate Track learned from Todd and Sarah and went out on his own and found a pastor's daughter and signed up virgin player Britta without a contract but has since made her legal and they've started their own franchise.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I forgot to mention that ever since Sarah had her private try outs with Michigan's Glen Rice at the University Of Alaska facilities, Sarah hasn't been the same and has since constantly tried to recruit highly talented Barack Obama out of Washington DC but Obama refuses to play in the Wasilla Hill Billy bush league which has crossed Sarah's eyes in anger.

      The merger between Sarah and Todd also had created another teammate of Beefalo Bristol. This teammate Willow is rumored to have her own franchise in the works or sold her franchise. No one knows for sure what happened since she hasn't been spotted in a while.

    2. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Clever use of the beloved sports analogies that Sarah tries to employ.

  54. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Do you think she knows that Gino is gay? Do you think Gino knows that Gino is gay? (not that there's anything wrong with it.)

    1. Anonymous9:54 AM

      He looks like one of the Backstreet Boys..

  55. Anonymous9:22 AM

    O/T but important--please send to any and all people you know who live in Wisconsin:


    We have to get Walker out of there, not to mention the rep senators and ltn gov who Mrs. Paylin endorsed.

  56. Anonymous9:26 AM

    She may want to avoid piling her hair on top of her head, elongating her face even more. She starts to resemble...http://www.tvacres.com/images/puppets_madame.jpg

    1. Anonymous10:28 AM


    2. Anonymous12:56 PM

      That's an excellent likeness to Bristol.... Maybe she could follow in the Madame's footsteps.

  57. Anonymous9:27 AM

    So Bristol can't name her own dog? Just an excuse for a blog post for Nancy. It's all about the $$$.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Bo Jr after President Obama's dog?

  58. Anonymous9:28 AM

    How sad, there use to be a picture of Gino and Bristol kissing on Tripp.

    Gino must not of wanted Tripp and left Bristol.

    Bristol wanted Gino back and must of gotten rid of Tripp and got a dog instead.

    Does this mean the network has to change the reality show title from

    "Life's A Tripp" to "Life's A Dog"?

  59. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Mitt the Mutt.

  60. Merry9:38 AM

    What is with your obsession with Bristol? You need oxygen.

    1. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Yeahhhhhh, Gryphen is the ONLY person to be morbidly curious about Bristol Palin, a controversial hypocritical figure who decidedly shoves herself down our throats for public consumption.

      Good luck with that accusation.

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      It is not a curiousity or obsession with Bristol. It is more like a public service. Like the friends of her family that plot and conspire to kill judges and to do take overs, they will lie and go to any extreme. It is a necessity that someone keep an eye on the connections.

      Bristol is used by 'Sarah Palin' scammers, that is why the public service to keep the spotlight on her. Bristol seeks fame and fortune and wants to succeed and be a star. So it is not a problem for a narrisist to be monitored by the FBI or anyone. They love attention. Yes, Sarah would perfer to control everything, but the bottom line is attention. For the public, they need to get an idea of the propaganda ploys and what all is going on. Including the performances and staged bullcrap.

  61. Anonymous9:46 AM

    What a shame, such a pretty girl, but alas she has this head problem that her mommy gave her and she can't keep her knees together. We all knew that a long time ago didn't we? I mean, at least two babies and possibly three already! Somebody really does need to unplug her trailer.

  62. Anonymous9:47 AM

    For being a political family, the children all failed along with their parents. What political family has these kinds of kids. The Clintons daughter, a lady, graduated from college, also Nancy Palosis, all the Kennedys, and you can bet Obamas kids too. Hard to find one family that did not have all kids graduate from college. So Bristol was publicity for what. She is an unmarried mother of a child. I am sure all the Palin kids only got GEDs, homeschooled. They will never get a good job without an education and to think the Palins with all their money could have given them all college educations. What a shame. The kids will all be grifters like Sarah. I can see the kids going through tons of husbands and have tons of babies. The only reason Todd hangs on is because he is the boss. I am sure he has told Sarah that too. He could really write a book. All he does is stay home and buys boys toys. He knows if they get a divorce, he is entitled to half. Sarah is an actress. Her whole life and marriage are a farce.

  63. Not a Bristol expert, but isn't that photo from back in the AZ move-in/ get a baby in 2011/days? Remember that scenario? And also too that plan didn't work out either.

    And also too the hairdo looks a little hair-school-ish, but maybe it's just me.

  64. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Did Tripp or Sarah take the photo? The hot dude (?) has a post growing out of his head and the backdrop is a pile of crap. More proof that Palins never edit. PLEASE MAKE THEM GO AWAY!

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      They do there own editing and photo shop. They are just not talented and don't have any sense. They are ruled by appearances, even the appearance of wanting to look casual and just regular people. Since they are mixed up and unstable people that is a theme that always comes out of their attempts to manipulate things.

  65. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Since no one else mentioned this, it must be just ME...but when I saw the photo, I wondered why the kid was sitting in her lap, like a ventriloquist's dummy?

  66. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Wonkette has the Bristol..name my dog post up...the comments are hilarious.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Oh shit, those comments are hilarious.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      Oh man you got to read those comments.

      They just get funnier as you go on.

      Gryph should post them.

  67. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I was born with a very unique last name; it's German-ized French I'm told. It's hard to spell and pronounce. My mom made the letters into a song to teach it to us as children, which I then taught to all my friends. Once you learn how to spell it, you don't forget. We were close to my dad's side of the family so there was a connection to the larger family and their heritage as well. When I was around 10 my dad decided he wanted to shorten the name because he was in sales and thought it would be easier. My mom didn't care either way, they were divorced; she kept the name intact. None of my siblings wanted it changed but dad did it anyway. I hated it and refused to use it for a long time. As soon as I turned 18, I changed it back. Now I am about to defend a thesis and publish my first paper. I am so happy it will be under my original family name. For better or worse, that is who I was born and that is the person who's life experiences are poured into this work. A person's name is very important to them and is far beyond an individual parent's influence. Bristol is being incredibly immature and selfish and this is hurting her child by further obstructing his relationship with his father. This is just a game to her but it's very sad for her son and his real dad.

  68. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If I was advising Bristol I would tell her not to put her hair up. All it does is draw attention to that big ass chin of hers.

    We all know that Sarah reads Immoral Minority so hopefully for Bristol's sake Sarah will tell Bristol to put her hair down so she doesn't look depressed with that long face of hers.

  69. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Looking at Bristol's hair:

    1. Willow hasn't enrolled in hair school yet.
    2. Willow dropped out of hair school like she did high school.
    3. Willow is being home hair schooled.

  70. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Tripp needs a bath and a hair cut!

    While you're at it, put some pants on Tripp, his boys are showing.

  71. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Gino is one goofy looking dude. Is he a dumbass like Bristol?

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      If he did meth or drugs like his peers it could be brain damage. I did hear he was better at one time. He looks puffy, he may be trying to rehab. Some damage is permanent but he could get some better.

    2. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Gino looks like one dumb dufus. Sorry to be so blunt, but he does.

  72. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I am in the process of obtaining a divorce. Even during the most hostile period (the beginning), I never wanted my young children and their father to be apart. Even during this time, I always told my children (age 4 and 6) how much we both loved them and each other. Now, nine months later, we aren't hostile with one another and have actually matured to a level where we cooperatively parent and support one another. Guess what? Our children reap the benefits! They are happy, secure, loved, and equally bonded to both of us. We have arranged a parenting plan where he sees them every day after school plus the every other weekend. All of us benefit from this. Despite our family not living together, we ARE still a family. I absolutely cannot imagine wanting to hurt my ex so bad that I would hurt my children in the process. My ex was the most immature man I know and even he rose to the occasion and has grown to understand that working together is what is BEST for OUR children. I say all of this because it just burns me that Bristol is so immature that she cannot put her child first. Wow.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Bristol is vindictive just like Sister Sarah.

  73. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I think Gino looks better with his big cowboy hat pulled down over that big honking nose of his.

    What do you think Bristol?

    Fuck, why am I asking Bristol about Gino's abnormal features with that big honking chin of hers sticking out there like Kim Kardashian's ass?

    No way can Bristol complain about Gino's nose!

  74. PalinsHoax10:20 AM

    Hey Bri$$ - need a name for your dog? How about
    "My Little Puppy", in honour of the tag that was on baby Trig's woolen cap. And also in honour of the puppy reference in your parent's e-mail around the time they "received Trigg".

    But Bri$$, how about having a contest for a nick-name for yourself? How about if your nick-name is:
    1. Chinny-chin-chin
    2. Mother Duck
    3. Mono Misfit Mamma
    4. Washcloth
    5. Two-toned
    6. Belmont Girl
    7. Big Middle Finger
    8. Whine Cooler
    9. Canvas Cootchie
    10. Pitiful
    11. Pathetic
    12. Borrrrringggg

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Borrrrringgg Canvas Cootchie

  75. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Did Bristol birth that dog?

    His chin snout is as long as hers.

    There is a Bristol resemblance there!

    Just a comment, it aint personal.

    No hard feelings Fido.

  76. Hello Gryphen.
    This is as good a place as any to share this link that you may not have come across. It's a video of today's unusaully selfless act of a high school student. It seems to me it should be made a mandatory view for all the mother's and father's, including Miss Bristol, to all the so called patriots, real Americans, and Christians, who are concerned about their own rights. Here is it:


  77. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Is that a double wide trailer?

    No, I'm not talking about Brisket!

  78. Anonymous10:41 AM

    ROFLOL.. what a couple.

    Bristol has a rat's nest on her head and Gino has rat's nests over his eyes.

    Looookin' Goooood

  79. Anonymous10:56 AM

    It wasn't exactly a "rumor" to put to rest seeing as how she's the one who posted on her private fb that he broke up with her.

    1. Anonymous12:31 PM

      Is there a screen grab? I didn't know she did announced it on fb.

  80. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Back in the day, when Gino and Bristol were first "dating" (*cough cough* translation: occasionally fucking) Gino had refused to sign the standard non-disclosure agreement the Palins require which would have prevented him from dissing Bristol and her family to the media after the inevitable breakup with Bristol.

    Had insider info on this at the time. My contact isn't in Alaska anymore.

    So the fact that his "Let's play the happy family with the puppy!" photo is currently showing up in Brancy's blog, plus the fact that Gino's name has been bandied about in conjunction with the reality show, is interesting to me.

    It means that he might have drunk the Kool-Aid for a little while and signed his rights away during a brief honeymoon period living with Bristol, or they're just fucking him over and using his image however they want to because they are comfortable doing so and usually the temporary stud muffin Bristol is using for brief sperm production doesn't have enough money and/or influence to sue the Palins for defamation, invasion of privacy, etc.

    Problem is....you don't fucking mess with the Paolettis. Seriously.

    Bristol might want to reconsider randomly using old photos of Gino, and stupidly publishing old photos of a "puppy" now almost two years old, in pre-publicity material about her reality show.

    Gino's pretty easy-going.

    His dad?

    Not so much.

    Will be interesting to see the fall-out, if any.

    Media Insider

    PS: Still the latest news is that Bristol's show is unlikely to ever make it to air, and if it does they're considering hastily compiling a one time only episode. This one and only episode would have the very little usable footage spliced together in one episode. There still isn't enough material for a full season or even a partial season, and this additional issue of Gino needing to be edited out of footage just makes the whole project even MORE of an editing and publicity nightmare. What was it, trial marriage with her newest true love? Oh, he kicked her to the curb, so not so much. Is one of the Massey brothers still around and willing to show up for some quickie footage and a "guest appearance?" Um, no, they've moved onto real jobs since they're both show business pros with a real work ethic and spotless reputations.

    Bristol, SUCKS TO BE YOU. Fat hippo bitch. Go buy yourself another chin and give up on Hollyweird. It really, really, really doesn't want you.

  81. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Bristol should have waited to change out the chin after she lost all the baby weight. What a bad mistake. We never see a photo of her not smiling. This is because her face looks out of balance now. Get rid of the chin while you can Bristol!

  82. Run Gino Run11:37 AM

    So Bristol bought the dog for Gino. How does a struggling single once teen mom afford an expensive purebred dog? lol Does Gino know that when they break up Bristol will take the dog and never let him see it again. Then post pictures of herself and her new boyfriend (AKA flavor of the month) with the dog all over the internet and talk what a deadbeat dog parent Gino was. Run Gino Run!

  83. The Wonkette people have outed Gino as gay. They've declared it as one way of remaining technically abstinent.

    1. Balzafiar12:04 PM

      Link, please.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM


  84. Chinny Chin Chin11:41 AM

    Bristol(AKA Chinny Chin Chin) says this on another post :

    I definitely believe that we should try to be less obsessed – and critical – of the way we look.

    This said by a girl who had her face completely redone at 20. WTF? Does Nancy giggle to herself as she types this crapola?

    More do as I say not as I do and don't criticize what I do even if it's the opposite of what I say. Hypocrisy thy name is Palin!

  85. Anonymous11:43 AM

    what kind of ring is that on her left hand?

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      It's a magic re-virgin ring.

  86. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Media Insider is wrong though about the puppy picture being old and the dog now being 2.. Bristol just got that puppy this week as a surprise for Gino

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Did you see the new pic Gryphen just posted which is "allegedly" of the same "new" puppy?

      Take a gander at it.

      Remember, the Paylins are always playing switcheroo, presenting pictures of babies (human and animal) at various stages of development, trying to pass off four year olds as three year olds, trying to pass off older dogs as new puppies, etc.

    2. Anonymous12:37 PM

      This week June 3 to 9? He sure grows fast.

  87. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Nice Downgrade from Levi to Frumpy Gino, Bristol. Too bad DYLAN KOLVIG (TRIG'S DADDY) is not available. Do something with that Hideous CHIN, you look like you are Auditioning for the Jay Leno Show.

  88. Anonymous11:56 AM

    "It looks as if St. Bristol Palin, Virgin Queen of Wasilla, might have finally fired her ghost-blogger, as all her new blog posts are one sentence long and stupid." Wonkette

    I agree, the picture does look posed to show a ring. Who knows why or whattha? they are all unstable and lie anyway. What they spew today will change tomorrow.

    I am leaning toward Methpipe or Crackpipe for their dog. That just seems like who they are or where they come from. That picture only confirms their problems. Triazipan ( benzodiazepine, chill dope ) is also a good name for them. Might be how Gino is hanging in for the show. A perfect fit for going off meth and settling down. Rememember Sarah has final say with the script. It must feel like liberation that she allows Bristol
    ( probably with a friend ) to do her own one liners now. So proud of the big girl!

  89. The first thing Levi needs to do is find an attorney who will file charges against Bristol for violating the court order regarding speaking against the other parent. Also, whether she likes it or not, her son's legal name is Tripp Johnston and she can't do a damn thing to change it. Make sure she has to enforce it, Levi. I really hope he sticks with his plans to go after Bristol and get his child support lowered to where it should be, have his visitation changed to more than 12 hours a week. It should include weekends and in the future, Bristol has to get permission before she can take Tripp out of state at any time it would interfere with his father's visitation. Go for it, Levi. Get this bitch, who cares if her name is Palin? Her mother's popularity is long gone and Todd doesn't want any bad publicity from anything regarding their family. He doesn't want trouble being stirred up that would cause his name to be out in public anymore than necessary.

  90. Anonymous12:02 PM

    She looks 40.

  91. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Man does she look old for her age. If I didn't know better, I would think she was pushing 35 at least. I guess living the Palin lifestyle really takes it out on your looks.

  92. Anonymous12:23 PM


    less mentioning/talking abt her is best and also pl. stop linking to her blog. More hits she gets more $ she will make. Just my 2 cents.

  93. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Is that the same type of dog the First Family has? Jeez, can't these Paylins come up with an original thought of their own?

  94. Anonymous12:53 PM

    If that's an example of Willow's beauty shop skills, I predict that she will be booked solid for Halloween.

    I think that it was Sarah who kicked Gino off the TV show, even though he might still be keeping Bristol's sheets warm. (That story about her living in her parents apartment with no overnight sleepovers does not ring true when the happy couple is raising a dog together and can't decide what to name it, ha ha. If you keep posing for pictures with Gino,Bristol, then please turn the show back into Trial Marriage, Trial Husband so that there will be some sex in it. There is no reason to watch you bad mouth the father of your child, pretend to be working so hard to raise your child when you have household help and you routinely violate court orders. Grow up.

    As for naming the dog something nasty, I thought that your mother's style would have been to call him Barack. We knew people who thought that it was a cute joke to call their dog "Bitch!" Yes, they were exactly like the Palin Family. When we see you call the dog a name on TV, we'll substitute a name of our own, honey, and it won't be "honey."

  95. Anonymous12:59 PM

    OK Bristol,you don't have your picture taken standing and rubbing yourself between a guys legs and try to tell us your abstinent. Mommy dearest is pretty damn stupid if she believes you!


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