Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Jonathon Capehart weighs in on some African Americans feeling that President Obama is not reponsive to their concerns.

Courtesy of the Washington Post:

Over the last three and a half years, there have been three silly political storylines that have driven me absolutely nuts because it was plainly apparent that they were not true. One was that author, reality television star and former half-term Alaska governor Sarah Palin was going to run for president in 2012. Another was that President Obama would swap out Vice President Biden in favor of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. And the most irksome of all is the complaint from African Americans that Obama ignores their concerns. 

The latest manifestation of the Obama-doesn’t-care-about-black-people whine comes from Fredrick Harris. In a piece for The Post’s Outlook section headlined “Still waiting for our first black president,” which was adapted from his new book, the Columbia University professor makes a stunningly false argument. 

"Obama has pursued a racially defused electoral and governing strategy, keeping issues of specific interest to African Americans — such as disparities in the criminal justice system; the disproportionate impact of the foreclosure crisis on communities of color; black unemployment; and the persistence of HIV/AIDS — off the national agenda. Far from giving black America greater influence in U.S. politics, Obama’s ascent to the White House has signaled the decline of a politics aimed at challenging racial inequality head-on."

Those are all important issues. They must be addressed. The problem for Harris is that they are being addressed by the president. Not in the theatrical way Harris would like. But in the actions-speak-louder-than-words way of Obama.

Capehart then goes on to list the numerous policy decisions that President Obama has  made that address African American concerns. And they are, of course, numerous,

You know we have come to expect that a certain type of American will simply NEVER be happy with the President's performance, you would think that the black community would give him a break.

And yes I know this is only one guy who certainly does NOT speak for all African Americans in this country, but still it just seems ridiculous that any black man in America would provide ammunition for the Right Wing by questioning the support this President has with the African American community.

Surely this individual has to know that the Republicans are looking for ANY way in which to peel off support from this President.  They tried it by suggesting that his speaking out for same sex marriage would cost him Black support. Or that he was waging a "war on women" due to his inability to improve the job market sufficiently. And now they are touting Obama's "Pew Gap" and claiming that he has lost many of the religious voters.

In my opinion, anybody who wants to stop the Republicans from  taking back the White House, and effectively taking us back to George W. Bush's America, needs to look for the positives, and there are many, with this President and leave the criticisms and negativity to the GOP.

As Jonathon Capehart points out at the closing of his article:

By searching for marquis moments, Harris and others appear not to care about the myriad actions Obama has undertaken that affect the lives of all Americans, yes, but also of African Americans more directly. And I certainly don’t advocate for Obama to burst into the East Room clad in Kente cloth and brandishing a definable “black agenda”or whatever else so many blacks seem to want from him to prove that he cares. 

Someone who started his career on the south side of Chicago, whose wife is also from Chicago and who also has two young black daughters, doesn’t wake up one day and say, I don’t care about African Americans. That’s why it bothers me to no end that those who are “still waiting for our first black president” seem unwilling to pay attention to what the first black president is actually doing.

All I am saying is that ANY President who has spent the last four years under the kind of constant assault that his man has endured, should NEVER have to worry about  becoming the victim of "friendly fire" from within his own ranks.

That is what second terms are for.


  1. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Of course Harris needs to be a boat rocker here, he's got to press his community's issues in a dramatic fashion. Could you imagine a greatly hamstrung president that the opposition has put "surveyor's marks" on the day of his Inauguration to be as audacious to include black-only policies? He's got to do a blanket approach. Harris knows better.

    What these guys should be doing instead, is shoot warning shots across the obstructionists bow. And I mean that figuratively, note I didn't say something stupid and vile like hurl acid at them. Don't retreat, reload. And whatnot.

    So give President Obama a second term, so he can help correct the inequities of certain policies through HUD, Justice and Health & Human Services.

  2. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Dear African Americans, NO president should be thinking about individual groups of people based on race, gender, or profession in terms of making decisions. When that happens, WE ARE FUCKED.

    This is why it was bad for 'Obama's team to racebait and address specific concerns.

    In , America, people are people. The Govt is not a hand extending to anyones mouth. It's job is to create an atmosphere so people have opportunity to succeed.

    No party today understands this better than republicans imo. Look at how indiv successful most republicans are.

    1. Anonymous6:11 AM

      Anon @5:10 AM

      What you just penned is called a canard. You pick that type of nonsense up from conservative AM radio, FOX, and other rightwing sources. It doesn't fly here and you just reveal yourself to be a fool.

    2. Olivia6:25 AM

      Look how indiv successful most republicans are??? Right.
      Their success lies in purchasing elections and paying off the elected who make laws that ensure that only some people succeed.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Look everyone it's the "people are people" troll. Haven't heard that gem in a while. Thanks for reminding everyone how stupid you are troll.

    4. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Oh yeah that's President Obama to you scumbag troll. Get it right you loser.

    5. Anita Winecooler8:53 PM

      Whenever I have a party, I ALWAYS invite one of those idv. successful Republicans, as a mime to entertain the kids and give our dog a break on licking crumbs off the floor.
      I ALWAYS tip them very well, face first into the punch bowl.

  3. Olivia5:51 AM

    Barack Obama is the President of the United States. He is the president of every person in this country.

    Complaining that he isn't doing enough for one particular demographic in our country is as stupid as complaining that he only helps one particular demographic.

    If any group is whining about how the President appears to neglect or mistreat them just because he hasn't made their agenda his only priority, all they have to do is imagine how much better it will be if he is not reelected.

    Do they think Mittens and company will turn all of their attention to elevating this particular group above all others in the nation?

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Thank you. Well said.

    2. Anonymous10:33 AM

      Mittens/Willard would be the very worst thing that could happen to the US if elected. He lies constantly and says absolutely nothing except negative things about our President that are NOT factual!

      Plus, he wants us to continues in wars we cannot afford.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  4. Anonymous6:18 AM

    I know for a fact that there are nutty (white, racist) people who think that Obama dislikes white people and implements policies that favor African Americans. These teabaggers call Obama the "welfare president" and were all in a tizzy awhile back when a government cell phone program went into effect. Too bad the fucktards didn't realize that program was enacted under Dubya.
    I don't agree with Fredrick Harris at all, but I am almost glad to see articles like his because it helps combat the teabagger mythology.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      There are more whites on welfare than Blacks.

  5. Anonymous5:10 AM

    STFU Krusty! You don't know SHIT about African American folks! And this bit of bullshit...

    "No party today understands this better than republicans imo. Look at how indiv successful most republicans are."

    That DEFINITELY leaves YOU out! Unless you measure your success on how many ass kissing comments you can post on Beefy's and Baldy's behalf...then I would say you are a republican FAILURE!

  6. Anonymous6:35 AM

    I am an African American, and I have NEVER wavered in my support for President Obama.
    President Obama was not elected as president of one group, he was elected president of ALL Americans. And he is doing a damn good job IN SPITE OF Repub obstruction, and Dem grumbling.
    If he did not have to deal with all the Repub obstruction, filibustering, and sandbagging, he could have accomplished even more for the citizens of this country.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      Stated perfectly 6:35 a.m.!

    2. Anita Winecooler9:41 PM


  7. Dee L6:47 AM

    @Anonymous 5:10

    First off All African Americans do not think alike and I as one found your comment to be quite pompous. To be so arrogant to think you can address all African Americans as though we all think alike.

    In America or at least the one I live in all people are not treated the same and to say that people are people is incorrect.

    Please tell me why I would think the government is a hand extending to someones mouth. You do not know what every African American thinks so don't assume to tell us. In order to best understand the government's role in society,you should first study society.

    You can support the Republican party all you want but this African American will not. As a Christian I can not and will not support a group who turn their backs against the poor, the young and the outcast. I will not send people off to war and then turn my backs on them when they come back. I will not demand a women carry a child she does not want then take away all support after the child os born. I will not force my beliefs on others and demand they follow them.I do not believe there is such a thing as a "real American" . Am I less real than you and if yes how is that so.

    I am the Republican party's worst nightmare:Female,immigrant,black,Christian, well educated with a very healthy six figure income, high information voter who hates talking points and not registered to either party.

    This is the kind of President Republicans want:
    "All we have to do is replace Obama. ... We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate. [...]

    Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. This is a change for Republicans: the House and Senate doing the work with the president signing bills. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared." Grover Glenn Norquist

    You want to take the country back but you never say where. Shall we go back to when the rich paid their fair share. Shall we go back to Reagan who raised taxes numerous times, shall we go back to when the deceit ceiling vote was done with no thought what so ever or shall we just go back to a time when there wasn't a black man in the White house.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      It's been proven 'whites' are receiving more unemployment benefits currently and have more on food stamps!

      I'm white and suggest people stop being so racists and anti the poor (thinking they are all black!). The majority are Republicans doing this and it makes me sick!!

    2. Anita Winecooler9:53 PM

      Thank You, Dee L. The poster you so eloquently rebutted with your well written and articulated comment is one of several regular "trolls" who hijack comment threads here, but I'm so impressed with your passion to set the record straight.
      FWIW, I'm a first generation immigrant from Eastern Europe, and I don't speak for all whites or eastern Europeans.

  8. Anonymous7:13 AM

    My daughter came home practically crying yesterday because a friend's father was calling President Obama the Welfare President and lamenting some particularly egregious welfare fraud case (like the person who won the lottery and continued to collect) as if it were ALL welfare recipients. Called the President a Darkie, and said, "Don't Vote for The Black Man." You think this guy thinks the president has ignored the plight of black America? Can you guess where he might get his ideas--perhaps the 6 straight hours a day that Rush Limbaugh spews his sputum on air, or the 24 hours of "conservative" propaganda on FOX News. Note to self: Never Again Live in a Red State!

  9. Anonymous9:30 AM

    Still very unsure of how I will waste my vote, but certainly not on any Republicans (ever!).
    Very unlikely to vote for the present do-nothing-in-chief.
    Most likely a write-in.
    But, look what the Democrats do with write-ins:


    I liked it better when I still thought of America as a democracy...

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Are you the goofball who posted at 5:10 AM or are you a new goofball?

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      A new "goofball", thanks for asking.

      Are you a confused, but highly partisan Democrat?

    3. Anonymous2:56 PM

      "Very unlikely to vote for the present do-nothing-in-chief."

      Have you been paying attention you clueless nitwit? Who are the obstructionists? It is amazing President Obama has been able to accomplish as much as he has when faced with idiots (in Congress) like you.

    4. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Speaking of "clueless nitwits", when Mr. Obama got into office, the Democrats had a majority in both the House and the Senate.

      He and they _chose_ to put "Medicare for all" in the trash. They chose to take impeachment for war crimes "off the table". They chose to further reduce government transparency. The list is long and painful.

      The Democratic party was obstructionist at least as much as the Republicans were.

    5. Anonymous9:55 PM

      Oh stop it you clueless nitwit.

  10. Anonymous10:21 AM

    I will AGAIN vote for President Obama. He has accomplished much in spite of the obstruction he has received since being elected.

    The Repubs have a thing set in motion that pulls all their more known people constantly stating negatives and untruths about our President.

    Get out and vote folks and keep the Republicans out of office - many need to be voted out of Congress as well as governors across the nation.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  11. Bristol's Real Chin10:30 AM

    "All I am saying is that ANY President who has spent the last four years under the kind of constant assault that his man has endured, should NEVER have to worry about becoming the victim of "friendly fire" from within his own ranks."

    Under that theory, women should not criticize Sarah Palin because we are within her "ranks."

    No one is above criticism. No one has the right to expect people to fall in line just because they share the same race, gender, religion, or any other characteristic with a candidate or elected official.

    This is still America and speech is still free.

  12. Kasey4:07 PM

    I hate reading discussions of this issue. It's either:

    A)Republicans arguing that the POTUS only helps Blacks, or
    B)It's republicans AND dems making knee-jerk straw man arguments("ZOMG!! He's everybody's president!!!").

    For some reason, it seems no one on either side actually wants to discuss the legitimacy of these complaints.

  13. Anita Winecooler9:35 PM

    I've always liked Jonathon Capehart's articles and interviews on television, he comports himself with eloquence and factually lays out his debates. This one really needed to be addressed, and I totally agree with him.
    President Obama has done a stellar job as Commander in Chief and as Our President.

    No other candidate in history has had to address his race and the subject of racism while running for the Office, and as holder of the Office of President. And one has to wonder why that was and still is? It has to be the obvious, he's an African American, and there's no excuse for it.

    He's the President of The United States, and he represents every American. Just like every other President before him, except he's expected to address every grievance of every American in three and a half years? Seriously? Look at the obstructionist turkeys he has to deal with.

    Obama Biden 2012

  14. Anonymous10:48 PM

    All I can say from the north of the U.S.A is you all should be proud of this president that you have in office. He's been through so much shit and he stands tall and he is working for the people. I've not seen a president and his wife with such full hearts and such dignity. You should be proud U.S.A!!!
    Obama 2012!!!!! The world is behind you on this guy.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.