Friday, June 01, 2012

Disturbing image of the day.

I warned you.


  1. Olivia6:04 AM

    Just a little change required. Mitten's head should be quite a bit lower down.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Yep, Meh will do anything for that 50.1%

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      ...and angled upwards (I doubt that Ailes's arteriosclerotic body will permit for adequate turgidity anymore.)

    3. I remember a joke about Pat Nixon speaking to a group of women during the presidential campaign, and, afterwards, telling them that she was leaving to go sleep with the next President of the US. Some smartass pipes up and says, "That Jack Kennedy will do ANYTHING for a vote!"

  2. Anonymous6:31 AM


    Man boobs!!

  3. Anonymous6:32 AM

    I can has eyeball bleach, please?

    1. Paul - Minnesota7:28 AM

      That's also what I thought! :)

  4. Paul - Minnesota6:41 AM

    Accurate, yet, grrr, thanks Gryphen.

    Now I'm going to have that brain worm scurrying around inside of me. Ouch.

    Where's the bottle of brain bleach I bought last week. It's already gone and the store has it on back-order? Ruh roh.

    Oh, relief, I have a little left in my last bottle, whew! Just enough to save me unless Gryphen posts more of these kind of cartoons.


  5. angela6:43 AM

    Is Mitt's other hand working something a bit lower?
    He said he'd do anything . . . .

  6. Sharon6:57 AM

    I are too good. I saw this late last night and almost wet my pants laughing. Everyone should see this, it should be in the newspapers. The sad thing is if you don't know about Fox, it means nothing. Keep up the great work Gryphen...your website is awesome.

  7. The image is as disgusting as the reality behind it. And here's a little piece that highlights more hypocritical skeletons hiding in Romney's closet.

  8. Anonymous7:08 AM


  9. Couldn't wait to send this to EVERYONE I know.

  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Well, it's more like sucking their dick, but then I guess that's not PC.

    1. Anonymous7:41 AM

      Sarah is sucking that for Roger, while Mitt get tit.

  11. hedgewytch7:38 AM

    This graphic is correct to portray Mitt sucking at the tit of Ailes (and Murdoch and the Koch's). Without the force of Fox propaganda behind him, Mitt's campaign wouldn't have the "nourishment" it needs to survive. It also wouldn't have the care and support a parent gives to a child - or rather - what a monster creates and gives to its spawn.

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      So maybe it might be more realistic to show the graphic as is but with Mitt giving a handjob with each hand to Murdoch and Koch? Or to each Koch since Ailed is essentially Murdoch's bitch?

  12. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'd rather watch Stewie suck on his dad Peter's nipple in Family Guy. . .and even that was darkly upsetting.

  13. imnofred8:04 AM

    Sad, but true. Without Fox News, Romney would not have a platform to spew his lies and not get challenged or asked any up follow up questions.

    Fox News is the propaganda arm of the Republican Party and anyone who thinks otherwise is full of shit.

  14. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Walking the dog last night, we saw a Romney lawn sign. I'm sure it's the first of many that will crop up in our extremely red, low information area. Can't wait until we can get the hell out of here.

  15. O/T Politico has done a post on Beefy's upcoming show! WTF!! Excerpt....

    "As you’d expect, viewers also get a glimpse of Bristol as a single mom to her blond-haired toddler. Crying about how hard it is to raise a child alone, she says at one point, “It’s not fair to him that he has no one here except for me.”

    While Bristol is ostensibly the star of the show, Willow may be more interesting to watch. Largely kept out of the spotlight during her mother’s rise to fame, the 17-year-old comes off as fun-loving, fiercely independent and unconcerned about what others think. Before moving to California, Willow laughs about quitting her job in Alaska via text message.

    “You quit by texting your boss? Willow!” her mom says.

    Willow shrugs it off.

    In another scene, Willow and Bristol sit and chat with Sarah as she prepares for an appearance.

    “I have to go study,” Sarah says, asking the girls, “Do you have any advice on Syria?”

    “I don’t know what Syria is,” Willow says, smiling.

    To which her mom playfully replies, “Don’t admit that publicly, please, oh my God!”


  16. A. J. Billings8:51 AM

    Holy sh*te!!. Our $arah asks her daughters for advice on Syria? Might as well as the family dog.

    Maybe $arah could call up some paid shill to get her talkin' points so the "rill" Americans will consider her smart.

  17. Oh, that is ugly!

  18. Anonymous9:27 AM

    It looks like he's blowing a balloon.

  19. Anonymous9:31 AM

    that's just gross, ralph

  20. A picture of Mitt kissing his ass, would have been equally true. Heck, a picture of the entire Palin, and Romney family could be shown with brown noses.

  21. Anonymous2:44 PM

    It dawned on me recently, that a win by Romney would signal a really strange turn of events, regarding televised news.

    The new President would agree to ONLY appear on the Fox channel, confidant of no reporter firing hard to answer questions his way.

    Press conferences would consist of ONE guy in the audience, reading carefully scripted questions handed out by the administration's press secretary.

    People in Russia will laugh at this, saying that even at the WORST of the Soviet repression, it was never THAT bad.

  22. Anita Winecooler8:03 PM

    "I don't recall exactly what I said, but if I said I sucked it, I meant what I said, and stand by my statement"

    That's our Mitt!

    Thanks for the laughs.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.