Friday, June 01, 2012

Time to get celebrate "Mitt Mania!" No don't worry, you can celebrate it sitting down. Or while asleep. Or possibly even in a coma.

Wow! You can almost feel the excitement....uh consciousness(?) of the people in this video.

The energy is so thick you could cut it with a noodle.

Hey you know how you can tell the difference between people at a Mitt Romney rally and corpses in the morgue? The corpses are happier to be there.


  1. Anonymous4:34 AM

    Now there's one wild and crazy guy! Ann was so right on the money.

  2. ManxMamma4:36 AM

    Love when I start my day laughing. This is priceless! Thanks again Gryphen.

  3. SALLY in MI4:47 AM

    He has that same sly, smarmy "I don't know what I'm doing but I'm really rich, so vote for me" look that Bush always had around real people. Bush has the fake laugh; so does Mitt. Bush is clueless about how real people survive in this nation; ditto Mitt. So if Amercia wants Bush Redux, they know who to vote for. Or not.

  4. Anonymous4:54 AM

    “And one of the things, Ann Romney, that folks talk about with your husband, Mitt Romney, and I’ve seen him in casual conversation-He comes off very smooth and okay. But sometimes he comes off stiff. Do you have to fight back some criticism, like ‘My husband isn’t stiff, OK?’”

    Laughing, Ann Romney responded, “Well, you know, I guess we better unzip him and let the real Mitt Romney out because he is not!”

    1. hedgewytch7:59 AM


    2. Anita Winecooler8:09 PM

      See? Mitt IS a job creator! Hate to be Ann's Tax Attorney, under "occupation" he has to put "Mitt Unzipper"

  5. Anonymous4:55 AM

    This is a priceless photo. The lady with the teacup reminds me the cartoon "Maxine" and this still photo feels like a snarky caption waiting to happen.

  6. Beldar Rmoney2012 Conehead5:02 AM

    Gryphen, now THAT'S comedy gold!! But let's keep aware of the sobering reality that this warm bowl of generic vanilla ice cream could still defeat President Obama in November. It's going to be ugly and close. But, yeah, he's as dull and insincere as they come. In some respect, I almost regret endorsing the rich little weasel.

    Run, Mittens, run!!!

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      Yes, please run back to your fancy mansion with the car elevator in sunny California. The rest of us don't want anything to do with you!

  7. Anonymous5:20 AM

    That this pussy won't own up to being the bedrock inspiration to Obamacare. . .he could use it as his legacy! A badge of honor! But what the what, baggers are so offended by mis-characterizing it that he treats it like kryptonite.

  8. melissa5:26 AM

    OT but has anyone read this article? A Republican spokesperson made a Facebook comment about wanting to 'hurl some acid at those female Democratic Senators'. Republicans are truly terrifying. There is a link to his comment in the article.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Yep. GOP = American Taliban. It can't be denied anymore.

  9. Anonymous5:30 AM

    "Wow! You can almost feel the excitement....uh consciousness(?)"

    --Gryphen, no one can brighten my mornings quite like you. I usually visit IM before venturing into the sometimes brutally depressing territories of 'Crooks & Liars' or 'Think Progress.' If only their reporters could learn to approach these stories like you...

  10. Anonymous5:42 AM

    How do the polls show that he is "neck and neck" with President Obama? Someone is either outright lying, or fudging numbers. He is as phony as anyone can be. Yesterday W at the White House was back to shaking his shoulders pretending to laugh. Romney is W all over again. I do not even think the man is smart, he did what W does, skates by on the name. He has 2 things going for him in the election (as far as the repubs. are concerned) He is white, and has an R behind his name. Apart from that, he's got nothing.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Mitt "Say and do anything to get elected" Romney doesn't have a chance, and the GOP knows it.

      I'm pretty sure Romney has a lot of baggage that hasn't reached the claim area yet.

      It's going to be a long summer folks!

    2. hedgewytch8:04 AM

      I was just remarking to my husband yesterday after hearing on NBC nightly news that the "polls show" Mitt and Barack neck and neck. I said to my hub, "isn't that what "the polls" said when Obama was against McCain?" And look at the huge discrepancy between what the vote actually was and how close they said it was going to be. I have a feeling that "the polls" are dealing with a lot of magical thinking. While there are young progressives out there (a.k.a. spoiled brats who want everything right now!!)who constantly berate the President for not going full-press progressive agenda in this first term, there are still quite of few people in this country who feel just as strongly about this election as they did the past one. WE know that this one is JUST as important, if not MORE important than 2008. It's going to be another landslide.

      Obama/Biden 2012!

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      The polls are an attempt to get people interested in this turd of an election.

      Romney is a joke. Rather, he SHOULD be a joke.

      GWB AND John Mccain were BOTH chosen by the"powers that be" INSTEAD OF MITTENS.

      I think that is what Queen Ann meant when she said it was"their turn".

      They have been waiting to take the throne for years now...

  11. Anonymous6:15 AM

    No offense to anyone, but looking at his supporters' age, what are the Republicans going to do in 20 years when that really old generation of Republicans are gone?

  12. Whoever put this video together forgot that priceless screen cap from the video of Romney giving a speech with a bored even somnolent bunch of students behind him, one actually looking like he'd fallen asleep.

  13. Anon@5.42a - you wanna know how bad Romney really is?
    A couple of weeks ago I was talking to my 30 year old son on the phone. He's a Democratic operative and I'm a 61 year old long-time progressive Dem.

    Okay, so the two of us are chatting and we fall to talking about George Bush - the "W" one. We both said, "well, he wasn't so bad" and "At least Bush was personable", and "I did like Laura", "Bush was probably a fun guy to be around"...and other silly things like that. It was a normal conversation; we weren't trying to say nice things about Bush - they were just coming out.

    So, all of a sudden I said, "Do you hear what we're saying? We actually are saying nice things about George Bush!". And my son said, "well, we are comparing him to Mitt Romney". We both just started laughing at ourselves.

    Anytime George W Bush looks good in comparison to anyone else, that other person must be terrible!

    (Though I did - kinda, anyway - like Laura.)

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      That's funny!

      And I liked Laura too. I think she's a good and sincere person.

  14. Anonymous8:01 AM

    I'm not convinced Mitt Romney is a real human being. Can he prove it?

  15. Anonymous8:05 AM

    As a rational, salient person, I prefer not to choose my leadership for demonstrable talent in flair, panache and showmanship.

    Mitt is handsome, if not bland, and if he was just the right person with empathy, goodwill and soundness, I would consider him.

    As it is, he's just a handsome but awkward suit with deplorable character and policy traits that does not fit in the White House for the good of the country. He'd be no different than GWB and the 1 percenters.

    1. Anonymous3:38 PM

      It showcased the lack of enthusiasm FOR this man.

      Barack Obama is not a simple showman. He is a gifted orator, a caring and intelligent person that INSPIRES people.

      He is still talking politics, but this time, people want to hear what Barack has to say. Not many seem interested in what Mittens has to say, about anything.

  16. Paul - Minnesota8:50 AM

    Gryphen (and others), you should see what Bluegal posted at CrooksandLiars. A great comic (er, true? I think it's true) video about Mittbot:

  17. Paul - Minnesota8:53 AM

    The song is great, he's not.

  18. Anonymous9:21 AM

    I wish they had included this priceless image from Think Progress I saw back in April:

    Oh yes, I combed the Internet for it because it was so awesome.

  19. Anonymous9:34 AM

    first there was honest abe
    now there is honest mitt

  20. Anonymous11:03 AM

    You realize some of the people in those photos won't last until November, right?

  21. Anonymous11:55 AM

    The screen capture is hilarious!! I'm sitting here at work trying to stifle my laughter. If I was at home I'd be laughing so hard I'd be scaring the dogs. OMG, that lady's expression is so funny!

    I love you Gryphen, thanks for always providing these gems!

    R in NC

  22. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I'm glad I waited to watch this inspirational Mitt-flick until almost 3:30PM here in the Central Time Zone. At least now it's late enough in the day that I can leave the office and go home and take a power nap power before we're off to a dinner party tonight.

    It feels great to be a Republican with Mitt at the helm. I just cannot wait for the Convention to see zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  23. Anonymous1:42 PM

    I love the expression on the old woman's face on the screen capture: Kind'a looks like she's ready to do the old Danny Kaye water spit bit.

  24. Anita Winecooler8:18 PM

    Wonder how many nursing homes they bussed these folks in from? You're right about the corpses!

    And Mitt admitted to sending hecker's to the speech in the state he once governed. What's gravy for the goose is gravy for the gander

    Who talks like that? And who actually ADMITS trying to sabotage an opponent's platform?

    Can't wait for the debates. President Obama will cook his goose and feed it to him whole.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.