Thursday, June 28, 2012

Good night everybody! And sleep well knowing that it is STILL possible for the good guys to win.

"When I grow up I want to be just like the President! Hated and feared by conservatives everywhere!"

Make sure to mark this date in your calendars.  It was historic.


  1. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Amen to that . . .

  2. Anita Winecooler8:57 PM

    Sweet Dreams! How lucky are we to share this big blue marble at this moment in time, with this truly exceptional President of the United States?

    Thank You, Gryphen

    Thank You, Mr. President!

  3. Anonymous9:13 PM

    G'night, Jesse. Yes, it was a very good day!

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    It's a late night for me wrapping up my grad thesis. Oh, but what a happy day! Got a smile on my face.

    1. Anonymous10:11 PM

      Congrats on finishing your thesis!

  5. DetroitSam10:07 PM

    Bestest picture in the world.

  6. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I like this one of the President and the First Lady.

    They Mad?

  7. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Good night, Mr. President! Good night, uncle Gryphen!

    Tomorrow, the battle against the viscious attacks will begin. Roberts gave them the battle cry : It's a tax increase!

    I don't know which battle would have been easier - this one, or if 'Obamacare' had been struck down...

  8. Anonymous11:21 PM

    There will be no obamacare come 2014
    Mark my words

    1. Anonymous5:19 AM

      You're right: it will be called by it's REAL name: The Patient Affordable Health Care Act. At least by people who are rational.

  9. Anonymous11:30 PM

    I'm still laughing over having channel surfed to see Erin Burnett (who tries to act non-partisan, badly) asking a mad as a wet hornet senator, what parts of Obamacare his party would want to keep, if they obtain power and kill it.

    The idiot replies by listing virtually every aspect of the ACA!

    Anyone with half a brain would conclude from that, that the ONLY thing Republicans don't like about the plan, is that it wasn't them that got the credit for passing it.

  10. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Thank you, President Obama and Chief Justice Roberts.
    Thank you Jesse Griffin, for GETTING IT. Your blog isn't slick - it's clear that it is YOURS and not corporately owned and edited - one of the few!! IM has become my home on the blogosphere and I appreciate you. You are a true citizen journalist, a patriot, and a class act.
    -Sarah B

  11. Anonymous4:32 AM

    How blessed I feel that my family and I are watched over by this wonderful man President Barack Obama. He gives our nation credibility. HE MUST BE RE-ELECTED or we are SUNK!


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