Friday, June 15, 2012

Mercede Johnston has something to say about Bristol's assertion that her brother doesn't want to be "involved" in his son's life. Update!

This is a guest post from Mercede Johnston:

How in the world can she go around telling people Levi isn't "trying,"  "isn't calling," "isn't texting to ask for Tripp," or that he is not taking advantage of his visitation days? 

First off it is extremely difficult to make plans when the mother is constantly flying in and out of the state without telling him. Or when she simply ignores his calls, or tells him okay but then when he goes to confirm the next day, while he is already on his way to her house (Edit: Not the house, Levi is not allowed at the house, she only agrees to meet him neutral locations.), suddenly bails on him. 

Not only that but the reality is that she AGAIN changed her number without telling him. 

That's the type of game she plays. 

And now he looks like the bad guy because she "hasn't received any calls from him". 

I guarantee that she will be showing her new phone number records on her show as an example to prove that Levi doesn't try. When, in reality,  he has NO WAY of finding out her number. So of course there won't be any record because it's literally impossible when you don't know it!

(Coincidentally one of my friends ended up with Bristol's old phone number, and reached out to me because she kept receiving texts from Levi asking for Tripp!)

I find it in bad taste to take so much time, energy, and money just to try and belittle the father of your child whom you claim you want in Tripp's life. Really what depths will that family go to in trying to keep distance between a  father and his son while continuing to damage his reputation? 

Her statement that she wishes both parents would be in his life could not be further from the truth. ANYBODY who wants the father in their child's life will HAVE the father in their child's life!

 And they most certainly wouldn't bash them in a book, or on talk shows, or Facebook, while ignoring his texts. Or see his truck on the highway, let Tripp see him,  and then speed up and pass him when she could have easily stopped and let Tripp have a few minutes with his daddy.

I really hope people open their eyes and don't buy the bullcrap she's trying to sell. 

It makes you wonder just how long she's been planning certain things in an attempt to tarnish Levi's reputation and damage his relationship with his son. 

Bottom line, Levi won't give up Bristol. Your plan simply will not work!

I wish people would remember that Bristol has virtually unlimited resources and money at her disposal, unlike Levi. If that were not the case he would have taken her to court and we would have Tripp with us right now. 

By the way if anyone knows her new number it would be greatly appreciated if you could tell me so I can pass it to Levi. But message it to me on Facebook, or e-mail it to Jesse, so her privacy is respected. I don't want anyone else seeing it. 

We all want to see Tripp and honestly have no way of getting a hold of her to do so.

Kind of hard to be "involved" in your son's life if his hateful shrew of a mother keeps changing her phone number, don't you think?


It looks like Sunny is also fed up with the lies and has contacted the National Enquirer. 

“Levi would take Tripp any day, and Bristol is well aware of that, but she is more concerned about faking her single mother pity-party so she can boost her ratings,” said Sunny. 

“The truth is she is offered plenty of help every day from Levi and his side of the family.

“The image that she’s portraying of being a single mom with no one to help is a disgusting lie.

It looks like both Sunny and Mercede agree that Bristol is completely full of shit.

Big surprise right ?

Update 2: I am not in the mood to do yet anther Bristol post today, but for those who are curious here is a link to her appearance with Hannity the other day. (The Levi bashing starts at the 1:44 mark.)


  1. Sally in MI6:15 AM

    Glad to see people sticking up for Levi and trying to get teh facts out there.
    There is a great site FLACKCHECK.ORG where you can enter your name and email, your state, and then your location. You get a menu of local TV outlets, and you can email all of them to ask them to PLEASE check the facts of any thrid party political ads they run, and to make fact checking a priority in the newsroom. What a great, and simple idea. I already sent in my requests for mid-Michigan.

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    You know what, all Levi needs to do is show up on Bristols doorstep on his scheduled days with his court order and the cops. Nothing Bristol could do about it. He knows where she lives, and they live in the same town. I'm really tired of the "Bristol won't let me" crap. Grow a pair and stop asking for your kid and just take him. Don't give him back in a couple of hours just because Bristol wants you too either. Keep him for however long the court says you are allowed to keep him. Either put up or shut up, all this whining is getting on my nerves.

    1. Anonymous7:23 AM

      Wouldn't it be fun if Levi showed up on Bristol's doorstep with his own TV crew.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      I don't think Levi does that because it would be kind of traumatic for Tripp to be taken away with a police officer standing there..maybe if he was older and could understand what was going on but remember he's only 4, sorry 3 1/2. Bristol knows Levi won't do this to his child so she gets away with do you think a child his age would feel if his father showed up with a police officer?

    3. Anonymous7:58 AM

      I like the TV crew idea.

      But where would he get it? TMZ won't do it. Nothing of Mark Burdette. Levi doesn't have the connections or the money.

    4. Anonymous8:14 AM

      The police can stay in the back ground, they don't have to act like it is an arrest.

      If Bristol thought that was remotely possible she would move. As it is she has been unstable and moves at the drop of a hat.

      Has Levi looked into what a father can do through the courts on his own? If the Judge submitted papers that the child was to be at a designation at a certain time to be picked up for visitation that would not hinge on where Bristol was or where she lived. If the guardian of Tripp Johnston failed to deliver the Judge order the consequences or with the Judge. The best for Tripp Johnston is for Levi and Bristol to have zip contact and other parties execute visitation.

    5. Anonymous9:01 AM

      6:16 you're an idiot. Really? You think the cops are go to accopany Levi to the Palins to help him out? They are in the Palins' pocket. What planet are you living on?

    6. Anonymous9:13 AM


      Vero Guy

    7. If you have read all the posts regarding this, then you would know that Levi HAS done that!
      Bri$tol is purposely NOT AT HOME on his scheduled days.

    8. Anonymous9:48 AM

      That is exactly why levi is hesitant to do that. He does not want to traumatize his son.

    9. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Bristol's love and responsibility as a parent is to see the Tripp gets to his visitation with his father. It is not about Bristol or Levi. Levi has a home and he needs to be ready and available for visitations. The Alaskan courts must be notified to put Tripp's best interest first, they are remiss if they feign they are hopeless to help the child. The courts must make certain the responsibilty is on Bristol to have Tripp safely delivered to Levi's home for visitation.

      Having Levi attempt to get Bristol's attention and try for visits is clearly an EPIC FAIL for anyone who cares for the best interest of the child.

  3. Anonymous6:16 AM

    That's great!!

    I wonder why it seems like Levi's hands our tied concerning Tripp Johnston?

    It looks like the only way he can get his story out is through the beautiful women in his life. Good for them!!

    BTW: I like the idea of always typing out "Tripp Johnston" when refering to his child. Good idea.

    1. Anonymous7:22 AM

      It's just my opinion, but I think that his mother was set up, and as long as she remains under house arrest or on probation, Sarah Palin will call the shots.

    2. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Right. She was probably set up.

      And do you think that the cops & judges that participated in this set-up would side with Levi in anythink as little as visitation rights?

      You guys that keep saying "call the cops" "call the lawyers" just don't get it that the town is crooked & under Todd Palin's thumb. Levi can't do ANYTHING!!

      Even Joe McG. mentioned this.

    3. Yet another that thinks Sherrie Johnson was set up.

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Levi should contact Lifetime TV and tell them to either let him give HIS side of the story, or stop letting that skank trash him and his family. Tell them there WILL be a lawsuit if they let her go ahead slandering him and his family on her joke of a reality show. I would bet Lifetime would LOVE to get an excuse to ditch this failure of a show, nobody wants to see the CHINN lying whining about her difficult life, with mansions, nannies, travel etc. Bristles Palin is nothing but a glorified SKANK, has been since she became sexually active at 14. She should look around Hollywood at all the beautiful actressess, dancers, singers and THEN look in the mirror at herself. She is nothing special. Both Sadie and Sunny are just naturally BEAUTIFUL, no plastic surgery, liposuction or diet pills.

    1. Anonymous9:56 AM


  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Sunny is so pretty and has so much personality. I don't blame the magazines to preferring to hear from her than anybody else, espcially Bristol.

    It would be natural for them to protray Sunny (blonde, poor, & pretty) as the good person & Bristol (brunette, rich & not pretty) as the evil person.

    I do think that Bristol is truly evil in the way that she treats Tripp Johnston's father.

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Sunny is obviously great with children and will be the best thing to ever happen to Tripp. She radiates happiness.

      I think children sense something odd about Bristol that sets off their ¨flight or fight¨ response. It´s like she has this invisible beard that only children can see and it frightens them.

  6. Sharon6:27 AM

    It's about time Levi's family stepped into this public bashing. Lord knows his family has its problems and he made alot of questionable choices, but hey....look how it all evolved. He was just a kid living his life when the Palins got their lying hooks into him, who could forsee what laid ahead. Bristol is a Palin...molded from birth, groomed by that horror of a mother. Levi had that circle of vampires pushing him into that easy money after the election, which now he realizes was being guided by Palin. What Bristol is doing to their son is horrible, simply nurturing parent would do this to an innocent child. Bristol has not stated any issues that would prevent Tripp from seeing his father or his family....simply that Levi doesn't care. It takes real balls to not only lie about this, but to make it public, and call it a tv show???
    I can imagine how Alaskan taxpayers must feel having paid for yet another Palin lie fest...only in America.

    1. Levi is better off keeping his thoughts and actions private.
      Any Attorney worth his fee would advise Levi to keep quiet and keep a Journal.
      I hope he is documenting every single thing he does regarding him trying to visit with Tripp.
      That is what a Court of Law will respect.

    2. As long as Sherrie Johnson is on probation, Levi's hands are tied.

  7. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Hey, Gryphen, why don't you show Levi how it's done. He can designate anyone he wants to go and pick up his child, he doesn't have to do it himself. You can't tell me Bristol is out of town every Wednesday and every other weekend. All he has to do is start showing up, every time, take a picture on her doorstep with a newspaper every week. Bristol would have no excuses and would not be able to lie, if that is what is happening. So far it's a he said she said game. Levi could change it with proof, and one text message is not proof of regularly trying, and making an effort.

  8. Thank you ladies for taking on that grifting, pity party (good sound bite!) family.

    Now, if there are MORE stories to be told… I’m sure Sunny hasn’t signed any nondisclosure agreements.

  9. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Thank you for clearing that up, Mercede. I hope you get to see Tripp soon.

    Also, if there are any nasty comments about you, or creepy glowing comments about Bristol on this post, don't worry, it's just our resident troll. She is a middle-aged woman obsessed with both you and Bristol, and she apparently catalogs anything and everything you (or anyone who has ever met you) have posted on any social network. She also keeps a running tally and takes screen shots of Bristol's "book" sales and Facebook friends. Truly disturbing. So, just dismiss anything she posts as the ramblings of a sad stalker.

  10. bulieb6:34 AM

    I've tried to find out how to write to Lifetime about the destructive nature of this show and the blatant lies that are being told; however, I can't find a way to do that. Any ideas? These people are so disgusting. I am so tired of this bullshit.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      Submit feedback:

    2. Anonymous7:20 AM
      People report that negative Facebook posts are taken down by Lifetime.

      I don't think that Lifetime should be taking sides in a custody dispute when they air only Bristol's side of the story. Bristol is using that show to disparage Tripp's father and insult him publicly and he has no friendly forum where he can make a response.

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      The comments seem to be about 95% negative. My comments are still up at both links from 3 days ago and a week ago.

  11. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:34 AM

    I'm sorry, but there's just something "off" about this whole thing.

    LEVI WAS paid (not as much as B, but more than many Americans make in a year!).

    WHY didn't he spend THAT money on a LAWYER to get his son BACK???????

    And, what LAWYER wouldn't jump at the opportunity for the PUBLICITY of representing Levi vs. THe PALINS?

    I just. don't. buy. it.

    Also, Levi and Mercede are living in the same house but SHE didn't know he had a FACEBOOK account, but she knows ALL about his Texts???

    I. call. bullshit.

    Levi "distrusts" Jesse, yet Mercede "guest posts" on Jesse's blog?


    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      You never heard of brothers and sisters having differing opinions or reactions?

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:29 AM

      Differing opinions, of course.

      But this is not a normal situation by any stretch of the imagination.

      Jesse has been blogging about the evils of Sarah Palin for what, five years now?

      Jesse has created NUMEROUS blog posts in support of Levi, as well as attempting to get Levi legal help behind the scenes.

      But, per Mercede and Levi, there is no relationship between Tripp and the Johnstons.

      Mercede seems to claim it is b/c they lack the proper funds for an attorney, which
      is bizarre, considering the money Mercede and Levi got from their Playboy/girl deals.

      So, you have Mercede defending her brother on a BLOG by a MAN HER BROTHER DOES NOT TRUST!

      THAT is weird.

      If I was Levi and disliked Gryphen so much, I would certainly tell my sister to stop sharing all the details of my life with him.

      Wouldn't you??

    3. I see we have another IM reader with reading comprehension difficulties.

      Didn't you read last week where Gryphen reported that his lawyer made Levi's child support money and his money from the brief celebrity gigs "disappear"? I.e., Levi DID spend that money on a lawyer -- just not one looking out for Levi's interests.

      Didn't you read the National Enquirer story where Sunny says “We are financially stable and live in our own house together,” Sunny informed us. “We are very happy and excited about our new baby girl on the way.”

    4. Anonymous7:33 AM

      He did spend money on a lawyer, one who did not act in his best interest.

    5. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:14 AM

      He did spend money on a lawyer, one who did not act in his best interest.


      the lawyers that GRYPHEN said were probably being paid by the Palins.


      you don't see your kid for YEARS and you don't ask your lawyers WTF is up with that??

      and Kajo,

      I would question YOUR reading skills if you take rags like the NATIONAL ENQUIRER at their word.

      But thanks for being a bitch!


    6. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:20 AM


      once it was "discovered" that Tank and Rex were working for the Palins,

      wouldn't that VINDICATE Jesse to Levi?

      Apparently not.

      Why not?

    7. Anonymous10:09 AM

      Levi's Facebook account is fairly new and as far as I know Sadie doesn't keep too much tabs on that because Sunny trys to run it. Hense, all the pictures of her!
      And Levi had so much trust in his 'team' that he honestly believed they had his best interest. They constantly fed him with lies, bullshit, and endless promises. As far as Levi knew they had a scheduled court date and everything was being taken care of (custody, child support payments, and financially) Once he found out that they were frauds and secretly working with the Palins he walked out that day and never went back. Do you have siblings? If you do then you should know sometimes it isn't easy convincing one to believe in the same thing you do. Levi has been put through the ringer so it's no wonder why he can't just trust any attorny. He was just victimized by the one he trusted for a couple of years. He probably feels extremely embaressed, stupid, and violated. Especially because his family was telling him there was something not right about those so called lawyer and PI/bodyguard/manager.
      And if you aren't from a small town I don't want to hear it. I still get phone calls on my phone which I've had for two years asking for a woman named 'marie' who coincidentally was one of my friends mothers. People get other peoples old numbers often here in the valley. It's fairly common. The friend Sadie is referring too is named Hope. I too am friends with her and Sadie and I have also seen the texts from Levi regarding Tripp. I can assure you that it is infact bristols old number. Maybe you should stop trying to come up with every reason you can to discredit her statement. She has no reason to lie and has all the proof to back her up.

      And I don't know about Levi but I know Sadie used her money wisely and helped pay her mothers outstanding medical bills, some of her bills, pay the rent, buy a new appliance to fix a broken one and save the rest for school and gas. Not like it's any of your business anyway but I hate to see some ahole trying to give a responsible girl a bad name. She doesn't deserve that.

  12. I hope they are keeping records of everything.

    I'm glad these women are speaking out for Levi, but he really needs to get the courts involved. Any and all records of previous contacts (such as the text message Levi posted and ones he sent to Bristol's old phone number) are evidence.

    This isn't some reality tv game. It's time to call the authorities and get a representative from the court or social services to mediate the visitation.

    Levi doesn't have to deal with Bristol at all.

    1. Anonymous7:54 AM

      You are exactly right they can go to mediation, Levi can go to court and force it on son had to do this and you don't need money to do it!

  13. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:38 AM

    and her "friend" got Brisdull's old number?


    anyone want to guess at the probability for that one?

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Remember it's a small town. Bristol dates Sadie's exes. I believe it.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:30 AM

      *it's not beyond the realm of possibility, but even so. Small town or not, that's a bit much, I think. Just my opinion, of course.*

    3. Anonymous8:50 AM

      I lived in a gossipy small town for years (I hated that place) where all people do is talk talk talk about each other 24/7 - there is nothing else to do. There have been times when I got home, the phone was ringing and the person on the other end already knew everywhere I had been that day! Gossip goes round, people text, they are all inter-related and circles of "friends" overlap. Everybody knows everybody and their business. It's completely believable to me that it would be that easy to get Barstool's number. The probabilities are high - I've lived it!

  14. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Alaska law allows Levi to sue Bristol for damages for not allowing visitation (see below)

    Maybe Levi needs to take a day off of hunting for animals and go hunting for legal help.

    Sec. 25.20.140. Action for failure to permit visitation with minor child.

    (a) When a court order is specific as to when a custodian of a minor child must permit another person to have visitation with that child, and the custodian fails, wilfully and without just excuse, to permit visitation with the child in substantial conformance with the court order, the person entitled to visitation has a separate cause of action against the custodian for damages.

    1. Anonymous8:01 AM

      Levi needs to get off his ass and do something for himself and Tripp, no one is going to do it for him!! Time for him to step up and be a father who cares about the exploitation of his son..I know it's hard to fight the Palin's but leaving messages on a cell phone and posting them on Facebook isn't going to get him any where. Go talk to a lawyer, most of them have free counciltation for advise on what to do.

  15. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:41 AM

    Remember that Sally Field movie called "NOT WITHOUT MY DAUGHTER"?

    She (the mom) travels to some Middle Eastern country where her ex-husband has taken their daughter. We're talking burkas and women not having ANY rights.

    True story.


    Interesting that this rugged, Alaskan tough-guy isn't willing to go to the mat for his own son.

    1. You're beginning to venture into troll territory; this must be at least the third trash-Levi comment you've made here so far.

      Hello, Kristy? Hello, Bristol? Hello, Nancy? Hello, the awful Rebecca?

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:15 AM


      go fuck yourself, bitch!


    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:15 AM

      HOw the fuck is your PRO-LEVI stance any different, you comprehension-deficient bitch?

    4. Anonymous8:38 AM

      Please. Get a grip FYM.

    5. Bottom line is FU McCain is right. "Interesting that this rugged, Alaskan tough-guy isn't willing to go to the mat for his own son" FO SHIZ.

      I'm also tired of the whinning. Go to court and get this shit DONE. You don't need a lot of $ to do this for fucks sake. Enough.

      Brisdull learned that cell phone trick from her pimp pappy!!!

      Also, too, can the anti-palin lemmings PLEASE stop attacking anyone with a differing or dissenting opinion?!?! You're going to eat your own just because they pose a question or point out something in a non palin-bashing way? And who gives a fuck what the trolls have to say?!?!? Need we point out everything they say?!?! You make us progressives look like rabid C4P-ers. Cut the shit and ALWAYS KEEP YOUR MINDS OPEN! Fuck....

    6. Anonymous9:18 AM

      We are learning that different opinions are now allowed by some people on this blog, who does that sound like?? C4P maybe?? Why are people so nasty to each other and not willing to listen to someone else's opinion? Get over yourselves people no one hear is right about everything they post!!!

    7. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:36 AM

      Thanks, RunninL8!

      *high five*

      Being able to look at something OBJECTIVELY does NOT make someone a troll.

      They almost sound like Krusty, but instead of defending Brisdull, it's Levi who is *totally* victimized.


      Thanks again for the open mind.

      I'm sure there are readers here who don't post but share the view that objectivity is GOOD.



    8. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:44 AM

      I can't believe he wouldn't be a millionaire if he came clean about EVERYTHING he knows about Sarah Palin and the fake pregnancy.

      He said he was in her delivery room, and he has held to that story.

      He is a liar, too.

      But he hasn't told the truth for some reason.

      It would be worth MILLIONS to him if he did.

    9. Anonymous9:49 AM

      "Interesting that this rugged, Alaskan tough-guy isn't willing to go to the mat for his own son"

      Levi is not a coward. Sarah fucked with his mother, and he went national with the truth as a teen. One side claims Levi doesn´t give a shit about Tripp, and one side claims Levi is literally begging to see his son. I believe the latter. I also believe there are times when Levi is playing us, but Levi has no choice in the matter. Dogpiling on Levi is exactly what Sarah wants.

      No violation of women´s rights intended here, RunninL8, but you are a babe.

    10. Anonymous9:57 AM

      RunninL8 9:01 AM


  16. Never forget that the only reason that Bristol was even introduced to the American public as a 5-month preggo knocked-up wonder daughter of the Grifter, was to provide political cover for Sarah's fake pregnancy after Sarah refused to show Tri-G's birth certificate.

    Since then, Sarah has been continuously placating Bristol with vanity opportunities, allowing Bristol to be a player in her own grifting, money-grubbing effort for herself.

    Just the fact that almost the entire Heath-Palin family allows themselves to be carried along in this ruse is enough evidence for most folks to understand that the entire bunch is lacking character or scruples.

    I can't imagine the burden from any cognitive dissonance that any dissenting family member must feel personally after witnessing their family members stampede over one another just to get in line for the next $$$ payout from their "Cheat of the Week". Poor Track and Willow. It's going to be sad what we will be witnessing with Piper as Sarah continues to ruin her family's lives.

    Sarah is evil personified. Creepy Chuck and Sally literally created a monster that will haunt that family for generations to come.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Well said.

    2. No kidding. In almost every photographic record of the SarahPAC-paid junkets the Heath/Palins have gone on, the entire fam dambly seems to have been invited.

    3. Anonymous8:33 AM

      It´s Bekka, KaJo. She makes a lousy concern troll and needs to back off the sauce.

  17. Anonymous6:42 AM

    May Rex Butler and Tank Jones go fuck themselves. and the Palin's also too.

  18. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Then why the hell don't these two women convince their thick-headed brother/fiance to sue Bristol for defamation of character OR for better custody arrangements? Yakking through the media is for idiots or golddiggers. Real fathers and real men take actions that get things done.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Not as easy as you think. I think that HIS options might not be as open as you might think, but THEIR options are.

    2. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Lawyers cost money. You offering to pay for them?

    3. Anonymous7:30 AM

      The Palin mafia still has a HUGE pull in the Wasilla area. Do you think that even if he could afford an area lawyer, that they would even take the case?

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:34 AM

      Playboy, Playgirl, InTouch, People, ACCESS HOLLYWOOD...$$$$$$$$$$$

      "Lawyers cost money"

      If it was MY kid, there wouldn't be ANYTHING I wouldn't do.

    5. Anonymous7:35 AM

      He doesn't need to sue, he just has to let the court know he needs help getting Bristol to comply with his visitation rights.

    6. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:47 AM

      if he could afford an area lawyer, that they would even take the case?


      does the lawyer HAVE to be in the WASILLA area?

      and it would be fantastic publicity for any attorney.

    7. Anonymous8:00 AM

      Think the PALIN JUDGES would side with Levi? The ones that set up such a HUGE OUTLANDISH child support payment?

    8. Anonymous8:03 AM

      You don't need a lawyer for mediation!!

    9. Bear Woman8:40 AM

      The court case is in the Wasilla/Palmer area court. Venue for the case WILL NOT be transferred. He could get another lawyer from Anchorage, but they always charge for travel time to and from court. It is not effective to have an attorney appear telephonically, especially in a child custody case.

      The long arm of the Palin's reaches far. If an attorney takes this on, they will want about $25,000 in advance given in the nature of the case. Plus costs..... The Palins and friends will make this attorney's life miserable, much as they have done whenever anyone speaks out against them.

  19. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!6:43 AM

    Can someone explain how Brisdull's actions are different from a parent kidnapping their child to keep them away from the other parent?

    1. Anonymous8:42 AM

      Where's Gloria Allred when you need her.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Gloria Allred is in LA. She can't touch Levi's case. Unless she moves to AK and gets admitted to the AK bar and is willing to go up against Bristol Palin the professional single mother victim. Somehow I doubt ol' Gloria, with her carefully cultivated image, would be willing to do that..

  20. Anonymous6:45 AM

    Levi needs to keep a running diary of these events and not erase any of the texts or emails. If you can document it you can prove it in court.

    1. Anonymous9:39 AM

      I'm sure he'll take your suggestion under advisement.


  21. Anonymous6:46 AM

    I find it interesting that Levi's significant other defends him.

    Levi's sibling defends him.

    But you don't see any boyfriends or siblings going out of their way to defend Bristol. I guess that they have first-hand knowledge of how crappy a person Bristol (the mother of Tripp Johnston) is.

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      The only one defending Bristol is a sad middle aged woman from Rhode Island.

    2. Anonymous8:07 AM

      Great - you gave them an idea. I bet within 24 hours, we'll see some posting from Wallow and a "boyfriend"

    3. Anonymous10:47 AM

      Hmph. Remember, Tripp Johnston is Bristol's "boyfriend."

  22. Anonymous6:50 AM

    I'm not a troll..but there are a few things odd about Mercedes' post: On Sunny's FB page it says that they see Bristol all over town, and always with her boyfriend. Why wouldn't Levi approach her to ask for her number. And this part is a little odd: "(Coincidentally one of my friends ended up with Bristol's old phone number, and reached out to me because she kept receiving texts from Levi asking for Tripp!)"
    The whole thing is just very odd. Bristol is a sad and depressed freak. Can't Levi get a pro bono lawyer from legal aid to help him settle this? does this guy not have anyone intelligent to guide him?

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Do you think that any pro-bono lawyer would actually take a case that affects the Palins?

    2. Anonymous7:36 AM

      There's animosity between them. I'm sure you know divorced couples who can't even be in the same room together. I don't think it's so strange that Levi wouldn't approach her.

    3. Bear Woman8:43 AM

      Attorney from Alaska Legal Aid? No -- they have a huge backlog of people asking for help and this is a complicated case requiring many hours. Alaska Legal Aid has been cut back significantly over the years -- the Republicans that run this state do not believe that poor people deserve legal representation.

    4. Anonymous8:51 AM

      I am a lawyer and would be happy to represent Levi for nothing. But, I am not licensed in Alaska and am not a family law lawyer. If Levi is seriously interested in getting help, he should contact Stephen Hanks' lawyer, who may be willing to take a defamation case for a contingency fee and this lawyer could perhaps get him counsel in Alaska for the custody and child support issues.

    5. Anon 7:36, that's a pathetic excuse!!! Does he want to see his kid or NOT?!?!? You put aside your "discomfort", walk up to the bitch and calmly but firmly state your case to her. "cant be in the same room"...fuck THAT noise. We're taliking about a beloved little boy here. Aren't we?

    6. Anonymous9:07 AM

      "On Sunny's FB page it says that they see Bristol all over town, and always with her boyfriend."

      Where is Tripp Johnston? Is No-name, aka "boyfriend" also called Gino Paoletti? I think security guard is more appropriate. The dude's roaming eye has always been a problem but the have business commitments and reasons sell the boyfriend angel at times. Nothing stable because it keeps changing. Paoletti is still in the picture and he knows Levi and Sadie. Any way they can have a heart to heart talk with him? Or is he like a dumb henchman for the Palins?

    7. Anonymous9:42 AM

      Because contacting foul-mouthed, shameless publicity whore Stephen Hanks' lawyer will be seen as such a constructive step for Levi.

      Seriously what are you smoking?

  23. bulieb6:54 AM

    Can Levi sue Lifetime and Bhole for defamation?

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      I hope that he does. He needs a good lawyer.

    2. Anonymous10:01 AM

      Maybe there is a class action suit in the making.

  24. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Why am I hearing that the Palins are in Arizona now?

    I thought that they sold that house?

    What is going on with the constant moving around the country?

    And why Arizona? I just don't get it.

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Sarah might still have that house in Scottsdale. Looking at her profile at the Washington Speakers Bureau, it says that her travel can be calculated from Alaska and Arizona.

    2. Anonymous9:15 AM

      One of the reasons Sarah was in AZ was to distance herself geographically from AK while she snitched on AIP and militia members. The dumbass believes distance is proof of innocence. She did the same thing when she was in India and leaked photos of Rebecca to the press. Rebecca, btw, is behaving like a bully.

    3. Anonymous10:04 AM

      I hear Sarah hates living in Wasilla now. I think she may still use it for photo ops. Todd can run his business from there. The kids that can't leave parents can stay there.

  25. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I think that the new TROLL meme is to say that if Levi wants to see Tripp Johnston, he should just do it (or get a lawyer and do it).

    There is more to the story, I'm sure.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:38 AM

      if Levi wants to see Tripp Johnston, he should just do it (or get a lawyer and do it)


      troll meme?

      sounds like common sense to me.

      there probably is a *whole* lot more to the story, but the only logical explanation, is that Tripp isn't Levi's kid.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      It's a tricky meme. Think about it.

    3. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Ya, she was over at SPHASH trying out a Native Alaskans can only be discussed by Native Alaskans meme, ergo, don´t dare talk about Todd or you´re a fucking Nazi meme.

      It is Rebecca, the one who got drunk on wine and tweeted about the Dancing Monkey.

  26. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Just think about this, if Bristol is smarter than Levi-you know, tricked him & what not-then Levi must really be dumb as a rock. He seems that way - sweet but dumb. Not a slam, BTW.

    Unfortunatly, a really dumb guy might just believe everything he is told by manipulative people. He probably just doesn't beleive he can do anything other than beg to see Tripp Johnston.

    1. I don't believe it's a case of Bristol being SMARTER than Levi, because I think she's merely eagerly going along with the family plot, as is her younger sister.

      The schemers are their parents, who seem to be able to multitask their destructive hateful behavior.

      Levi has probably already found out that there are few people in the Matsu Valley he can trust: his lawyer and his "bodyguard" screwed him, the custody judge screwed him, his girlfriend and her family screwed him over many times, and his own mother has been screwed over and is still being watched by the long arm of the law.

    2. Anonymous8:44 AM

      Bristol is NOT smarter than Levi who never calls her names or said anything bad about her so I admire Levi for being a gentleman. Now THAT is smart - he's laid low and not defamed her. It's a case of Bristol having the most powerful vindictive parents in Alaska, paid-for judges, crooked police, and oh yeah GOD on HER side.

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Good point. It is smarter to be a nice person. Maybe Levi is just a good guy & Bristol is a b.....

      Yes. Her parents are powerful & vindictive. So what is he supposed to do?

  27. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Go Mercede go. I'm sorry things have come to this, but for you to raise your clear strong voice is a good thing, for Tripp, for your bro, for all who get screwed over by the lyin' sack of shit Palins. Thanks.

  28. Then you send a registered letter that must be signed for.

    *THAT* is documentation.

    A phone call and phone records are not. You can't prove who was on the line or what was discussed.

    So he sends a registered letter for each request and keeps a copy.

    Get a phone number just for Bristol with voice mail and never pick up. Let her leave a message. That will be recorded. That is documentation.

    Sorry to be insulting but Levi is not the brightest bulb on the string. He has made mistake after mistake and never learned from them. He is naive and takes bad advice, he doesn't follow through. He's made one stupid mistake after another.

    I just don't have any sympathy for him anymore.

    When asked his answers should be short and consistent:
    "Bristol refuses to allow me visitation."

    "I have no way of contacting her."

    "Bristol is violating my visitation rights."

    Pick one and repeat it over and over.

    Then let it go. Yeah, it's hard and will hurt. But he's got another kid coming. Hope he's learned something and make better choices this time around. Although getting another girlfriend pregnant without being married first isn't very encouraging.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Someone would have to sign for a registered letter. You know that NOBODY in that house would.

      Bristol would find out Levi's other numbers & call that. So the "one number just for Bristol" thing won't work. Good ideas, but only if you are dealing with sane people.

    2. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I think that would piss Beefcakes off more than anything, if Levi just stopped trying to see his kid.

  29. Anonymous7:17 AM

    What a sad state of affairs.

    Belittling and punishing and hurting and taunting people who have crossed a very disturbed narcissist is why many narcissists can never have happy lives, and stay in good relationships. Even at the expense of the innocent child. It's so evident that what drives and motivates this young girl isn't a healthy well-balanced optimistic attitude. Her demons are keeping her stuck in this unforgiving negative stupor which viewers are going to see on her show, and who see by the live spectacle she makes of it on her publicity tour. When she speaks to Hannity and others, notice she's not happily talking about the show, all she cares about is how viewers "perceive" her; nor does she ask to avoid questions about Levi; she wants viewers "on her side". Why is this? Doesn't she get proper consulting at home?

    Her willingness to whine about her personal problems on national tv to strangers will become her self-made trap. Every angle of her has to be seen by an audience. People are starting to notice the dysfunction and many will steer clear of her, until she can manage to get some therapeutic help. Many are also shocked at WHY her parents and family are standing by and letting her make a laughingstock of herself.

    As for Levi, people who don't even know the story and who occasionally tune into the Palin brood news du jour are smart enough to know this girl can't be trusted with the truth. It will very soon vindicate Levi, because Bristol' self-pity is already turning people who once supporter, off.

    IMO, this show is not a career choice, but an engine that makes her feel sorry for herself and belittling her 'enemies' and her child's father, while being handsomely paid. But this 30 pieces of silver (unforgiveness money) will never make her happy.

    1. betsy s8:33 AM

      What an astute, totally believable, erudite and helpful post. This "unforgiving negative stupor" of Bristol's is her only shtick, that, and her wretchedly unpleasant plastic surgery. Lifetime is promoting a tragedy, not a program that viewers will enjoy.

  30. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I'm at the point where I think this is all being done to increase the viewership of Bristol's upcoming show. Because, not one damned bit of it makes sense!

    Levi could have obtained an attorney and handled this situation a long, long time ago and he still hasn't! At first, I gave it to him that he was young and that the Palins had overpowered him. But, there have been offers and many, many suggestions made to him.

    Are they all in this together with the Palins paying him under the table - just to keep them all in the headlines? Because it seems to be working as sick as that is to say.

    I'm getting pretty bored w/all of this - Levi is an adult now - start acting like one and fight for your son - if he is your son!

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Uh... do you have any idea how much it costs to obtain an attorney? It costs thousands just go put one on retainer, and huge amounts hourly after that. He might have had the money previously (though it sounds like his former "handlers" had him on an allowance), but from what I've read, he certainly doesn't now.

    2. Anonymous9:52 AM

      Anon 8:28 that is simply not true. It would not cost much for a lawyer to file a complaint that Bristol is not honoring the custody agreement.

      Levi could find help if he made it his mission to do so.

  31. Anonymous7:20 AM

    There are books that explain to noncustodial fathers how to deal with mothers like Bristol. If they do indeed care, Mercede and Sunny need to look them up and start following their advice (the main one is to relentlessly document all contact with and attempts to contact the child/mother). Levi is sweet but weak, which is how Bristol has managed to walk all over him these past four years; he is NEVER going to stand up to her and she knows it. But she now has Sunny to deal with, and she didn't plan on that. (She always knew Mercede had her brother's back, which is one of the reasons she hates her so much and worked hard to turn him against his sister.)

    Levi has a Facebook page, so use it! EVERY time he sees Tripp, put up a photo! Every time he tries to see Tripp and is denied, put that up on Facebook! Every time it's a day he's supposed to see Tripp and she's out of town/excuse of the week, put it up on Facebook! It will become your record, visible to all.

    Note to Sunny: if Levi successfully obtains even just joint custody of Tripp, Bristol will need to pay HIM support, because she makes more than he does. Think about that! Also, the older Tripp gets, the more attention the court will pay to Tripp's own desires. A cousin of mine lost custody her of twelve-year-old to the father (despite the fact he'd abandoned the child as a baby) because the boy said, "I want to live with my dad." (The kid also told the judge, "Mama and her new husband drink every night." It won't be long before Tripp will be old enough to start spilling the Palin family secrets.)

    1. Anonymous9:20 AM

      (the main one is to relentlessly document all contact with and attempts to contact the child/mother)

      YES. INCLUDING TAKING PHOTOS WHEN SEEN AROUND TOWN OR DRIVE-BYS. Detail notes and observations of the sitings. If Bristol complains so be it. She violates her son. Everyone aware of any abuse has a right to do any and all things possible to help Tripp Johnston achieve "in the best interest of the child" status.
      No documentation doesn't help Tripp Johnston.

    2. Anonymous9:53 AM

      Worth repeating (added CAPS):

      "Note to Sunny: if Levi successfully obtains even just JOINT CUSTODY of Tripp, Bristol will need to PAY HIM support, because she makes more than he does."

  32. Anonymous7:26 AM


    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      You mean the cops that defended Todd Palin re: prostitution ring?

      COME ON -

      The cops aren't going to help Levi go against the Palins

    2. Anonymous9:28 AM

      I think that was the Anchorage PD, not Wasilla police, if memory serves me; or not! Too bad they live in the Wasilla city limits, otherwise, the AK State Troopers would go with him - probably no love lost between the troopers and Palins (Remember the Wooten saga?)

  33. Anonymous7:28 AM

    This poor family already has so much against them, and to be treated so poorly by hideous people like the Palin's who don't have as much class, good intentions or good hearts at all, but still manage to stick their noses down on them.

    They USED Levi, shamelessly and desperately, at the RNC Convention to prove their daughter wasn't a tart. That they were good Christians with the intent to marry so premarital sex was excusable for the high school aged unwed daughter of a woman who wanted to be the second most powerful person in the country.

    They used him until she lost and then they dumped that clueless boy when he played such a pivotal part in their bullshit family values narrative. Not only have they dumped him, but re-engaged with him, dumped him again, and now use every megaphone opportunity to trash him while denying him his visitation rights.

    So much for co-parenting. It doesn't sell as well as a poor, hard working gal who chooses to be a single mother (with her little sister being the primary caregiver) living in a mansion in L.A. for a flight of fancy charity gig.

  34. Anonymous7:33 AM

    This thread is full of great ideas. Things that sound like solid advice; from experience shared. Again, using FB and blogs to complain is a childish form of rebellion. Acting within your rights takes real courage. It takes understanding the grounds of the custody arrangement and acting within those limits, with whatever means necessary. (Like keeping an official log as someone above mentioned.) This is Problem-solving, and it's what adults do.

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      I disagree that using FB to "complain" is childish rebellion. With his limited funds, FB is one of the few means he has to tell HIS side of the story to the world. He has every right to do this. There's a difference between stating what's going on and the ceaseless public whining and bashing Bristol engages in.

    2. Anonymous9:27 AM

      The Palins don't want FB involved. FOR SURE it is fine to be on FB and utilize it to the fullest extent.

      I would like to see someone in Alaska start a FB and or blog and tweets to show the reality of Bristol Palin and Tripp Johnston's life in Alaska. Most of all a photo journal of the reality stars and how they live. Shopping, going for tacos, getting gas, you know, REALITY.

  35. Anonymous7:33 AM

    We learn to parent from the way that we were raised as children. Looking at Sarah Palin and the way that she treated her kids could account for some of Bristol's immature behavior. Sarah loves to blame someone else: Katie asked gotcha questions, McCain's staff wouldn't let her go rogue, David Letterman (and plenty of others) made tasteless jokes about her, the list goes on. Sarah is a professional victim. That is her way of getting attention. She has claimed over and over that people are stalking her and her daughters with threats of rape or death. None of this is reported to the authorities. She only reports the "threats" to the media.

    Sarah has been fighting President Obama for almost four years because she and McCain lost to him. She has never gotten over it. Bristol is beating up on Levi, following the same emotionally immature example. Bristol is also the victim. Being a single mother is such hard work, especially when she has always had household help, a swell place to live and an influential mother who set her up with speeches, appearances, DWTS, a book deal and the TV show-- none of which are deserved by Bristol because she is completely lacking in any talent and personality. (Bristol IS being rewarded for something, but it isn't for being a good dancer or even a good speaker.)

    To Mercede and Levi: You guys really have to get a good lawyer to represent your interests. You need to be as public as Bristol. Contact the media with your side of the story. Mercede, use your contacts at Playboy! Write Facebook posts. Put up a Pay Pal button so people can contribute to a legal defense fund. Levi, if you have any physical proof that Sarah did not give birth to Trig, this might be the time to play your trump card. (I don't care what she made you sign. You were underage, and she was forcing you to be an accomplice in covering up a crime. Your proof cannot be "he said, she said." Surely you have something physical that would prove that Sarah did not give birth to Trig. It's a million dollar story which would buy a good lawyer.)

  36. Levi is not trying to see that blonde Tripp kid because that kid ain't his! He's trying to see his REAL kid...the one with FAS...Trig is his name.

    Who knows who blonde Tripp's father is...even Bristol "hopes he shows up one day"!

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Bristol said in a public interview that she was angry when she learned that Levi was Tripp's father. That means that there were other possible fathers, too. How did she learn that it was Levi? They can do a DNA test before the child is born-- maybe that's the amnio that Sarah Palin kind-of, sort-of remembered. They could compare the baby's blood with the DNA of his possible parents, easy enough to do at the time.

      I agree, GinaM, Bristol gave birth to Trig. Levi, who kissed Trig so tenderly at the GOP convention in 2008, showed that he was the father. Visitation? Gryphen will have to tell us what he knows about Trig, who probably lives with some caretakers and access is limited. I wonder what Levi's emotions are, regarding Trig.

    2. Anonymous10:12 AM

      The Palins' stories are so twisted it's hard to keep things straight. The line about Bristol wishing Levi wasn't Tripp's father comes from Mercede's blog (I think Bristol sent Levi a text) and wasn't a public statement. She sounds like my 10-year old son shouting out to his big sis,'I wish you weren't my sister.' It doesn't necessarily mean there were actually other possible biological fathers for Tripp; rather, at that moment, an immature and angry Bristol, wished there was.

  37. Ratfish7:39 AM

    Like mother, like daughter.

    P.A.T.H.O.L.O.G.I.C.A.L. LIARS

  38. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Look, the Palin's are one of the most despised families in the country. Most everyone wants them to just go away. Many support Levi because of the Palin actions. If Levi were to contact child welfare or someone that can work as mediator to prove that he is trying to keep contact with his son, it would be very easy to prove. If she changes her number, there will be proof. If she wont make arrangements or changes things at the last minute, someone unbiased will know. Bristol is not the first bad mother who has played these games. If they want to play this out in the media because layers are too expensive, then do it wisely. So far these are all statements are emotional and have no actual backing. If Levi were to follow the above advise and show up on his visitation date every time, post on his facebook and leave a handwritten message at the house, call Gino, call Willow, call Willow's friend, whatever to let everyone know that he will be there to pick up his son. Then follow through and log every instant and why it didn't work out. Do this now and through the duration of the show to counter her claims this will all be highly visible.

  39. Anonymous7:40 AM

    That's right, Bristol Palin, Spread your Hatred for Levi over the airwaves just like you have been Spreading your LEGS all over Wasilla. It is obvious
    why none of your Bed Partners stay around for long.
    Who would want to be stuck with you: Borderline Retarded,Can't Learn to Read and Write, Lonely, Baby Making, Unwed Teen Mother, and Jealous of all things Johnston? People have seen you Pregnant more than they have seen you not Pregnant. Too bad for the GODCHILDREN that Disappeared after you gave birth to them. As far as running for Political Office, Special Needs, High School Dropouts aren't
    in Demand. Your Mom was a Product of McCain's Blackmail attempt by 'BUD PAXSON'.

    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Any guy who sees how Levi is being trashed would be crazy to get involved with Bristol on any serious basis. Guys may hang around for the sex and Bristol's high profile image right now, and I can't imagine a smart guy who wants a real real relationship getting involved with that dangerous family.

    2. Anonymous10:42 AM

      A guy can get laid anywhere, if he really tries. I bet she buys her guys little presents.

  40. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:44 AM

    I do believe the NATIONAL ENQUIRER pays for "news" as well.

    So. Interesting that Sunny went to:

    1) such a "reputable" news source to get her story across

    2) went to a paying source, since the TRUTH is the MOST important thing, right?

    On the other hand,

    they can use the money toward the lawyer they're going to hire, right you guys?

    1. Anonymous10:42 AM

      The National Equireer broke the John Edwards story. It's not the paper it used to be.

      Are any other papers offering them a venue to tell their story? Can you help the Johnston's contact them?

      A whole lot of the media & the friends of the media have connections with the Palin family. Do you think they would go out of their way to help out Levi & Sunny?

  41. Anonymous7:45 AM

    The first thing Levi needs to do is state publicly that the "I lied about Sarah Palin" comment released by Van Flea in 2010 (?) was written by the Palins and he had nothing to do with it. Why he didn't come out swinging when they first put that out is beyond me. His mother, perhaps? If they have been threatening his mom (even implicitly) , then once she is off probation Levi also needs to say, "They threatened my mom to keep me silent." Time for the gloves to come off.

    If he really loves that little boy, he would do anything and everything he could to minimize Tripp's contact with the Palins and to counteract Bristol's sick influence. No one knows better than Levi how sick those people are. RIGHT NOW Bristol is doing to Tripp what Sarah did to her, playing with his mind, twisting him, making him into another sick Palin. Time is running out, Levi. Do something!

  42. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I wonder if Nancy French has been fired from writing the vindicative nasty Barstool's blog, her latest posts sound written by the monosyballic little bitch herself, she has one about finding her lost dog "no, Obama didn't eat him".
    I can picture her hugging herself, rubbing her hands in glee expecting hundreds of negative comments she can use for furher "proof of how bullied she is by the liberal haters" thank God most people seem to have wised up and not take the bait.

    1. Anonymous9:55 AM

      Maybe Nancy quit.

  43. Anonymous7:55 AM

    If Levi really wanted to see his child he could. He just doesn't want the responsibility or the child support.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      You haven't been reading anything posted here. Did you notice that Bristol has stopped making those claims? That is because they weren't true.

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Really? And you know this how?

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:41 AM

      He *has* to pay child support whether or not he sees his child.

      But, the VISITATION is NOT dependent upon whether or not he pays.

      It's seems like a paradox.

    4. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Shut up Krusty.

  44. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Levi is a mystery when it comes to the situation with Tripp Johnston. It is possible his mother's legal entanglement has something to do with his hesitancy. That may be relieved soon. Another thought is that he does not want somethings about his father to be revealed. Levi certainly does appear to be between a rock and a hard place. Not even Sunny may have the total picture. Levi may have close proximity to Sadie, yet, I don't think he tells her all. One thing Bristol has been good about is knowing how to keep them divided.

    It also occurs to me that hunting and toys are expensive to purchase and keep up. Hunting is time consuming. Many people that were not able to afford both recreational activities and pursuit of parental rights would be putting money away for legal expenses and spending time seeking legal advice. You can only say or write so many words, it will come down to what in fact he does in regard to the choices he must make. As long as he choses hunting and the toys that will be a clear statement.

    1. Cracklin Charlie10:47 AM

      Why don't you want him going hunting? You repeat this all the time. He has a court-ordered visitation that the child's mother is not honoring. Why the hell do you care what he spends HIS money on?

      This post is about the idea that Bristol does not allow the father of her child to spend time with his father, even though she was ordered by a judge to do so. He should not have to hire a bunch of attorneys to get Bristol to do as she was ordered. I think he needs to place a call to Social Services or the State Troopers when the child is not home for a scheduled visit. If he reports it, couldn't she be apprehended for child abduction? Amber Alerts are taken pretty seriously in my state.

  45. Anonymous8:09 AM

    These are the most confusing people on the planet, What exactly does "ANYBODY who wants the father in their child's life will HAVE the father in their child's life!" mean? Like life is ever that easy; that black and white. I'm sorry but they all need to grow up, any and all of them!

    "I wish people would remember that Bristol has virtually unlimited resources and money at her disposal, unlike Levi. If that were not the case he would have taken her to court and we would have Tripp with us right now. "

    So I guess it's just better to ignore Tripp, ignore the court ordered visitation,ignore his responsibilities to his son, etc. and do nothing? Much easier then going to family court and representing himself, and at least TRYING to fight back. Money is no excuse when it comes to your parental responsibilities. Sorry :(

    Has he told the whole truth to the press? Nope. has he told the whole truth to the courts? Nope So what are we to do for a guy who refuses to fight for himself or his son? Until Levi mans up and realize what's really important in life there's nothing any of us CAN do for him.

    I used to feel sorry for the guy but there is only so much pity I'm willing to give to someone who refuses to help himself, or do what's right for his son.

    Levi, it's way past time to man up!

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:51 AM

      court ordered visitation


      Thank you!!

      All the people who are yelling about the JUDGES being in the PALIN's pocket,

      well, yeah, maybe some, but not ALL!

      And Levi DOES have the LEGAL RIGHT to see his son.

      Um, how is another judge supposed to SPIN that?

      How are the police supposed to IGNORE that?

      If levi calls the newspaper, the local Tv news, his Buddies At Access Hollywood??

      "Hey- I want you guys to be here to film me really trying to see my son. I'll SHOW YOU how Brisdull treats me."

      Come to think of it~

      Wouldn't that have been a GREAT SCENE for ACCESS HOLLYWOOD? Have Levi try and CALL Brisdull to set up a visit with Tripp; get her voicemail, and then it's on camera that Levi was leaving word for Bdull that he wanted to see Tripp.

      Then, they can show Levi Texting Bdull.

      And then they "Follow Up" the next day."

      Levi had the perfect opportunity to SHOW how HARD he is WORKING to get TIME with his son.

      and he just sat next to his shiny new girlfriend, spouting his sad, sad story.

      It's. All. BULLSHIT.

    2. Anonymous10:38 AM

      You sound like a troll. You sound like Sarah telling him to "man up." Sorry, but you do.

      She's right. They do have unlimited resources and CONNECTIONS. How on earth can Levi fight that????

      This isn't a TV show or a movie - this is real life.

  46. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Can I heartily second the poster above who advised making Facebook a daily, public record of Levi and Sunny's attempts to see Tripp, and of Levi's love for his child?

    Years ago, my husband and I fought a similar battle against his ex over access to his daughter. That was before the days of the Internet, so our record was a paper diary. EVERY DAY we noted something to do with the child--a toy her dad was making, plans we had for the next time we saw her, something we bought/did to fix up her room for when she would hopefully be able to come stay with us. But how much easier that would be now, when you can post this stuff and pictures on the Internet, and the record is there for everyone to see, so everyone can know that you care enough to think of that little boy EVERY DAY.

    Don't underestimate the impression that will make, the way public sympathy will quickly swing behind Levi. He could even call it "Levi Johnston: A working class dad's attempts to fight for his son against the money and power of the one percent." Hell, make it political! That will attract the media, and that is what you want.

    1. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Also, please Levi and Mercede, record (and back up) everything. When Bristol appears on a TV show and insults Levi, record it. She has taken her fight to the media instead of the courts, where it belongs. By publicly trashing Tripp's father, she is going against a court order that said that the parents should not publicly insult each other.

      Get a good lawyer. Set up a defense fun if you have to.

    2. Anonymous9:35 AM

      Can I heartily second the poster above who advised making Facebook a daily, public record of Levi and Sunny's attempts to see Tripp, and of Levi's love for his child?

      AGREE. Maximize the social media. If Sunny or Levi have any friends they can pitch in with photos and siting. If no friends it will be good for them to know the truth about hanger on types. Even the ones he knew since early fishing or hockey days.

  47. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:10 AM

    Okay, I've got ANOTHER one for you!

    If LEVI is SOOOOOOOOOOO desperate to

    1) see his son

    2) earn money to fight for his son

    then WHY didn't LEVI AGREE to do the show???

    He'd accomplish BOTH things.

    Now, I've heard that Brisdull said that Levi said no to the show, but does LEVI say that he said NO to the show? If so, why?


    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      No way would I agree to do Bristol's show if I were Levi.

      Can you even imagine how it would be edited? Bristol would hold all the cards and make him look even worse than he does now.

    2. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Easy answer: he knew they'd edit the show to put him in the worst possible light. In this instance, saying no was the smartest thing Levi ever did.

      He shouldn't have to humiliate himself on national television just to exercise the visitation rights that are legally his.

    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Interesting that you would favor signing papers that Bristol's lawyers draw up. How did it work for the Massey brothers? Guess we'll never really know. Is Gino glad he signed up?

    4. Anonymous9:56 AM

      This is just silly.

    5. Anonymous10:05 AM

      I totally agree. They are all a bunch of losers from the valley.

    6. Anonymous10:21 AM

      It was wise for Levi not to do the show. No matter what actually was caught on film, it would have been edited to portray Levi as a bad guy.

      I saw this happen on one of the MTV 'reality' shows. The producers decided who was going to be the bad guy to keep the show interesting and pretty much ruined the career of a very nice and talented person.

    7. Cracklin Charlie10:34 AM

      Maybe he wants to see HIS SON on his own terms.

      Did Bristol want him to agree to the program so that she could show, on film, what a "bad" father he is? What a noisome, malevolent, bitter, repulsive creature is Bristol!

      Find someone else to pick on, Palins. Levi has done his time.

    8. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Why would Levi want to be on the show with her new boyfriend. Bristol would be in charge of everything with the help of her boyfriend. Would you want to get paid from your ex.?

  48. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Levi's facebook page has tons of pictures of him and Tripp and Sadie, etc. Tripp looks so happy. Why doesn't Mercedes go on Kelly show, Oprah, the view and tell all this and take the pictures with her. This is proof... Why bitch when all you do is post on blogs and not get the info out.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Oprah isn't on anymore.

  49. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Levi, it's just a wild thought, but the next time that you see Tripp, go and have a paternity test do. They may have been jerking you around for a couple of years. While you are at it, see if you can get a DNA sample from Trig. They might be holding more stuff over your head that you need to be afraid of.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      maybe that is what Bristol is afraid of..a paternity test showing the wrong results would totally bring her down!!

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Get a life, he knows the real story about Trig. He's jerking you around.

  50. Anonymous8:21 AM

    It's your fault Levi. By your refusal to go to court, to enforce your parental rights. So stop the damn whining, and man-up, or shut-up!

    This guy Levi is looking more and more like a damn wimp, and I have lost all respect for him.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Finally lost all respect? Did he ever deserve any respect when he's been complicit with the Palin faked pregnancy all along. Take stock of you your supposed friends are and were. Mercede and Levil never were but they're good at playing you all.

    2. Anonymous10:21 AM

      You are a jerk the palins have the money and the Alaska courts in their back pocket

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Think he is going to go to court with a judge who might be a friend of a Palin?

  51. Anonymous8:24 AM

    When her Lifetime show tanks, as it inevitably will, I would suggest she pitch another show to VH1 called Who the Daddy.

    1. Anonymous8:51 AM

      Jerry Springer as host, great idea.

  52. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Sorry but, the national enquirer? Not a good way to be taken seriously.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      It's where cheap sluts like mercede belong.

    2. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Nice try Bristol!

    3. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Remember he only talks to media who pay him. He learned this from Tank/Rex, the people who betrayed him. I don't think we are dealing with really smart people here.

    4. Anonymous10:34 AM

      They are the only ones that will listen.

      Anyway.....John Edwards.

  53. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:29 AM

    There's ALSO the fact that LEVI can SUE Tank and Rex for everything they stole from him AND get them disbarred.

  54. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Levi, Mercede, is where you go for Mediation in Alaska... call them and do something beside Facebook and blogging about it!!!

    1. Thank you for posting that. This isn't the first time a divorced parents needed help enforcing visitation rights.

      Levi doesn't have to deal with Bristol at all. The purpose of mediation is to have a neutral party as the go between when there is animosity.

      Mercedes, please pass this on to Levi. He is losing the support of many people with his apparent lack of action. It would be great to see a post next week that he has contacted someone to mediate his visitation.

  55. Anonymous8:34 AM

    If Mercedes doesn't show the beautiful pictures of Levi and Tripp on his Facebook, it will prove he was around..... just an interview with her version with no pictures is not proof.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM


    2. Cracklin Charlie10:21 AM

      I don't understand which pictures you are referencing. "prove he was around"?

      Prove who was around?

      Of what are you requesting proof?

  56. Levi, hire two bull-dog lawyers and set them loose. One a civil attorney to file suit for continuing defamation of character and slander by Briston, asking money damages; the second for your right to partical custody enforcement and a review of child support reflecting the truth of who has money and how much.

    if you bite the bullet and do it, forcing Bristol into court to testify UNDER OATH, a whole lot will get sorted out fast.

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      "Under oath" means diddley SQUAT to a Palin.

    2. Anonymous10:34 AM

      With what money? Are you gonna pay?

      Which lawyer? What lawyer in the whole state of Alaska is gonna go after that Palin clan?

  57. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Chit happens. Some parents have critical health problems that make it impossible to co-parent, others lose in business, career moves or accidents and they do not have money. What happened with Levi and his past representation is a tragic story in itself. It is hard to believe there is no legal recourse to try and recover some funds. He can't endlessly beat that dead horse. If money lost, it is gone. If Levi can do something about it, the sooner the better. He is a bull (Taurus) and stubborn. Check the stars and see what the blocks are.
    When Levi breaks his shackles he will amaze everyone.

  58. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Both Mercede and Sunny are good communicators. They express themselves well, and compared to Bristol, they don't come across as middle school girls.

    When Bristol's peers keeping maturing and growing up while Bristol remains the same, the obvious conclusions will be drawn; that she has a learning disability.

    1. Anonymous10:02 AM

      I think it's more than a learning disability. She has a low IQ, severe self-esteem issues as well as a personality disorder. With parents like she has, it is no surprise.

  59. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Sunny's facebook page is very sweet being an expectant mother. She's seems so nice, genuine, is outdoorsy and is so very naturally pretty. She & Levi will have a gorgeous daughter I'm sure!

  60. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Lots of helpful comments here, but also lots telling Levi to "man up".

    Not knowing any of these people, I believe that this young pair Levi and Bristol who've had to grow up very fast raising a baby, didn't necessarily grow up very fast. They were dominated by the Palin machine from day one. They needed good role models, concerned family solid advice, faith-based advice. They needed to be steered in the right direction. The Bristol/Levi baby story is a tragic one, because the Palins took charge and exploited it for their own political and personal use.

    These two young kids didn't know that they were being manipulated until it was too late. I can't blame Levi at all, except to say he did the wrong things that many young boys his age did, yet he was willing and ready to face the challenges of being a responsible young dad.

    Palins are anti-peace, anti-love, and anti-cooperation. They will take a baby and make that baby their lottery. Even if the baby suffers later in years. Palins will hurt the young parents, pitting them against each other. and these manipulative 40-something adults consulting young naive kids will promise money, rewards if the kids just follow their instructions.

    I wouldn't be too hard on Levi. He has been through the ringer, made good and bad choices, trusted people too easily, but which young boy wouldn't have made these same mistakes, easily trusting smooth con operators?

    I wish the best for him and his family. At least now he's in a solid relationship and is starting a family. Maybe when his mom is finished her sentence, they can start all over again and end the chapter of Palin. I am certain Life's a Tripp WILL draw disgust from viewers at the apparent shallow character-assassination attempts of her child's father on a reality TV show. It's on tape, and Hannity can't even deny it.

  61. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Rather than waste time in the junior high spat on the front pages of the Enquirer, get an excellent attorney and kick her ass forevermore. Your attorney should be the spokesperson for the family as a credible alternative to the bullshit coming from the Palin crew. Three words...high profile attorney! Until then, stop bringing a plastic knife to the Palin's OK Corral. Those people are viscous, and you are no match!

  62. imnofred9:29 AM

    This has been going on for some time now and Levi has made little effort to see his son. I think that that he has been paid off by the Palins or they have some dirt on him that they are threatening to expose.

    Any father who really wants to see his child would certainly do more than Levi has.

  63. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Off topic. Todd, do I hear some cars coming up the drive? Todd, why are you crawling out the bathroom window? Todd.....

  64. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Kids, kids, kids...You play right into Bristol's hands by going to the Enquirer! Don't wrestle with pigs; you get dirty and the pig loves it! Change up your game and let the law, courts and a high end attorney take this on and be your spokesperson. As soon as you do, I can guarantee that their bullshit Wasilla games will stop. You keep playing their game. You keep playing the games with Bristol and not solving the problem. Your approach reminds me of the movie, Disclosure. You are fighting the wrong battle. As they advised Michael Douglas, "Solve the problem" and quit getting in pissing matches with the pig. She loves every minute of it.

  65. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It appears that Bristle is really jealous of Levi's new girlfriend. As soon as Sunny came into the picture, Bristol has been in bash Levi mode 24/7. Such a jealous tramp!

  66. jcinco9:46 AM

    Bottom line is that Levi needs to go to court with the facts and documentation. No amount of bitching about it on facebook, reality shows or faux by any party involved accomplishes anything.Sometimes I wonder if all parties involved in this drama are just pulling a huge scam on the country to keep themselves rolling in the dough and relevant...

  67. Anonymous9:55 AM

    If all this were true then Levi would have pursued a court order by now to get fair acces to his child. He hasn't. But maybe the reason is that he's not even sure it's his child. Trialer trash deserves trailer trash

  68. Mercedes I understand the endless money game Bristol plays on your brother, but what I can't understand for the life of me is why he doesn't march down to the county and file for visitation rights. You don't have to be rolling in bucks... heck he could even sell some of his trinkets to pay for any filling fees.
    But dang, to let all this time go by while the mother of the child rubs Levi's nose in POO every-time she opens her mouth, even though it has been COURT ORDERED she/he is not to conduct themselves in such a way.
    I have a problem with the whole scenario, the only person hurting is Tripp, and by him being thrust into a reality show at such a tender age is a CRIME.

  69. lostinmn9:58 AM

    God, it took her almost two minutes to go after Levi - she must be mellowing and looking for reconciliation

  70. Anonymous10:27 AM

    WHY doesn't Levi contact Social Services? At what point with all of the publicity around Tripp will they get involved?

  71. Everyone should read what Sunny told the National Enquirer. OUCH for Bristol! (Sure it's the NE and sure she probably got paid for the "interview," but at least someone has the guts and access to tell the truth about Bristol.)

    “If I was a single mom I would be offended that someone who has millions of dollars, an unlimited supply of re­sources and a nanny is being paid to sit on her reality show and com­plain about how difficult her life is.

    “She has NO clue what a lot of real single mothers have to go through.”


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