Monday, June 18, 2012

Montana Republican party trots out bullet riddled outhouse to represent the "Obama Presidential Library." Nothing violent, or disrespectful about THAT imagery, now is there?

Courtesy of TPM:

Outside the Montana state Republican Party convention this weekend was an outhouse labeled the “Obama Presidential Library” and covered in painted-on bullet holes. 

Inside the outhouse contained a fake birth certificate for Barack Hussein Obama, according to the Helena Independent Record

It was stamped “Bull——.” A graffito advised “For a Good Time call 800-Michelle (crossed out), Hillary (crossed out) and Pelosi (circled in red.)” 

State GOP Chairman Will Deschamps said he didn’t know who was responsible for the outhouse but called it a “sideshow,” the paper reported. 

“It’s not something I’m going to agonize over,” he said. “Some of that stuff is not real good taste. We do have a president of the United States, and we have to honor that.”

I think it is clear, beyond any shadow of  doubt, that the disrespect for this President permeates the Republican party like we have never seen before in out political history.

They don't just oppose his policies (Many by the way that one time were Republican policies), they simply despise HIM on a very personal level.

Gee, I wonder why that is?


  1. Irishgirl10:13 AM

    He's black.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      No shit! President Obama is black you Irish drunk!

    2. Anonymous11:18 AM

      Why is that people forget he is half black and half white!!! How come the Repubs forget he is of mixed races - as are many other Americans!!!

      I absolutely detest the majority of Republicans today! They are truly dividing our country there is no doubt!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    3. Anonymous11:30 AM

      10:34..nice comment?? now are you done??

    4. Oh, 10:34, reel it back in. Irishgirl was making a comment that this occurred BECAUSE President Obama is Black.

      Perhaps you need more coffee?

    5. Anonymous11:39 AM

      Irishgirl, I apologize for Anon at 10:34 am. Most of us who read these Alaskan blogs know that you are a strong supporter of President Obama and that you have followed the Palin family saga along with us for years now. We always enjoy hearing from you. Anon at 10:34 - not so much. Don't disparage people so blithely; someone may do the same to you.

    6. Irishgirl11:40 AM

      The question Gryphen asked was why the Republicans despised President Obama and I gave an honest answer. The Republicans are racists and they despise him because he is black. Yes, I know he is half white too.

      And to that piece of garbage at 10.34, you are a despicable racist too.

    7. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Irishgirl, seems we have a bi-color racist at 10:34! Wonder what boat his/her ancestors sailed on? Perhaps this genius doesn't realize you live across the pond and thinks racism stinks! People all over the world admire our President for his thoughtfulness and impartiality to all people. Unless this brain trust is a Native American he shouldn't be putting down any nationality.

    8. Team "Irish Girl!" Anon 10:34 can suck it.

    9. Anonymous1:04 PM

      Irishgirl, I am jumping on the Team as well!
      Sarcasm is something regressives are not capable of processing and neither can Alzheimers/Dementia patients.
      That explains it.


    10. Irishgirl1:31 PM

      Thank you all. I got a bit of a shock to have racism hurled at me.I'm glad the rest of you understood the context in which I meant it.

    11. Anonymous1:33 PM

      10:34 has got to be a PO'd pee'er!

      Love you Irish!

    12. Anonymous1:40 PM

      re: 11:18

      I have a friend who has two daughters who are biracial...she's a big Obama supporter but she was PISSED when she found out that Obama marked himself as black instead of bi-racial on the census form. Like REALLY pissed...

    13. Ailsa2:00 PM

      Anon 10:34 AM

      Let me guess, you don't see the irony in stereotyping the Irish as drunks? We Scots don't take kindly to that and you may read that as an understatement.

      So let me tell you what we say to the likes of you when you insult one of our best mates - Awa an bile yer heid, ye glaikit bauchle.

      Don't even think of approaching us when we're drunk.

    14. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Maybe you should share this article with your friend...hopefully this will help her get over from being "REALLY pissed"...

      "WASHINGTON — He may be the world's foremost mixed-race leader, but when it came to the official government head count, President Barack Obama gave only one answer to the question about his ethnic background: African-American.

      The White House confirmed on Friday that Obama did not check multiple boxes on his U.S. Census form, or choose the option that allows him to elaborate on his racial heritage. He ticked the box that says "Black, African Am., or Negro."

      Obama filled out the form on Monday, supplying information for himself, first lady Michelle Obama and their daughters Malia and Sasha, as well as for Mrs. Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, who lives with the family in the White House.

      For Obama, whose mother Ann Dunham, a white woman from Kansas, married his father, the Kenyan native Barack Obama Sr., the question of his racial identity has been a lifelong struggle. His first memoir, "Dreams From My Father," is an account of a difficult journey of discovery.

      Obama the community activist and then politician always self-identified as African-American, and he now wears the mantle of America's first black president with pride. On a visit to Ghana last year, he took his wife and daughters to see Gold Coast Castle, the one-time slave trading depot from which thousands of Africans were sent in shackles to a life of toil in the New World. Mrs. Obama is descended from a South Carolina slave.

      The president's multiracial heritage has been a subject for oceans of commentary in America and around the world. But it's also been a cause for teasing, and even satire.

      "The first black president!" exclaimed comedian Wanda Sykes at a dinner last year of the White House Correspondents' Association. "I'm proud to be able to say that. That's unless you screw up. And then it's going to be, 'What's up with the half-white guy?'"


  2. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Thought it was a memorial to Jerry Falwell's virginity.

  3. Anonymous10:19 AM

    State GOP Chairman Will Deschamps only called it a sideshow?

    You mean to tell me that the State GOP leader didn't publicly denounce this violent and disrespectful display and demand that it be removed immediately?

    Sounds like State GOP Chairman Will Deschamps is not part of the solution but part of the problem!

    1. Hey, just cus some folks know they is ignorant don't mean they ain't PROUD of it, too!

    2. Actually this outhouse is some FINE YARD ART that any good Teabaggin' Merican wud be mighty proud to display in their front yard, seein' how it wud deflect attention away from the four cars up on cinder blocks out there; plus, keep folks from staring at your boys just a goin' to town with that goat they done got backed up to a stump over thar in the side yard.

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    A stand up guy there... Will Deschamps. Dont they understand how this looks overseas?? America's enemies are watching. This congress is impotent in the least to allow this debungle to continue. These are not first amendments issues, these are national security issues.
    I swear President O is safer overseas than in his own country.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:09 PM

      Dont they understand how this looks overseas?? America's enemies are watching.


      It was UNPATRIOTIC to disparage GWB while he sent our young men and women to lose their minds, limbs, and family due to his ILLEGAL WAR"S"!!! Plural!


      PBO, who got "left with the check", as Jesse wrote before,

      he "deserves" BULLET HOLES?!?

      It is so sick.

  5. Anonymous10:20 AM

    It has nothing to do with President Obama's policies, it has nothing to do with President Obama being a very moderate democrat, it has nothing to do with President Obama's true family values. All this has to do with one thing and one thing only....that President Obama is a BLACK MAN and they aren't supposed to EVER rise to the level in society that he did, this is racism pure and simple.

    Little Rabbit

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      That bunch in the photo don't exactly strike me as the "reading" type of folks.

  6. angela10:26 AM

    Because they are cousin humpin' racist assholes . . .

    1. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Exactly! Morons!

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Yeah, but Will Deschamp's brother Billy-Bob says their girl cousins still make you chase 'em down if'n you wanna go first. You know, like they's kindly playin' hard to get.

    3. Anonymous1:00 PM

      Talk about your basic sh*thead.

      Perhaps this is what happens when you home school your children or give parents vouchers to have them in religious schools.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:50 PM

      Yep, "pumpkin" is a verb, too, my friends! ;o)

  7. My Daddy used to tell me that a skunk always smells his own stink. I cannot believe unintelligent people
    would pull a stunt like I have to believe some intelligent idiot pulled this out of his butt! Goober...own it!

  8. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Montana Republican Party email-

    Havent found the email for Will Deschamps yet.

  9. Anonymous10:30 AM

    What I 'like' is their pretending not knowing who is doing this.... It shows right in the picture that this piece of SH*T is being drawn by a pickup truck. All you need to do is check the registration of said truck...

  10. Anonymous10:31 AM


    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Typical GOP racist pig.

  11. Racist bottom feeders. Guess they missed the part of their bible that says 'You reap what you sow.' KARMA, Baby. Like Sarah Palin - the 'Koch-whore of Wasilla -- mocking the President for his acknowledged cocaine use as a college student when she, herself, as a young mother, snorted the white powder off an oil drum with her "pimp" husband! Hypocrisy, much? Let's really put these horrid people into anaphylactic shock in November with a (insert drum roll)...

    Democratic LANDSLIDE!!!

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:12 PM

      *If* they ever even read the Bible, I'm sure they only memorized the passages that supported them;

      not the OVERALL message of the Bible, Christianity and Jesus:



  12. That is appalling.

  13. Anonymous11:02 AM

    The GOP is a huge part of the problem. They let this happen and turn a blind eye. It shows clearly that their party supports this. Any minority who supports them is a self-hater in my opinion.

  14. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Some of these same ignorant people probably donated to the G.W. Bush "liebery". W could hardly read or give an intelligent speech, but as long as he was WHITE, he was just fine with them. What a classless, clueless group, reflecting very poorly on Montana. Good place to stay the HELL away from. Seems some people are terrified of an articulate, well educated, empathetic man if he is part black. Romney, on the other hand will be very welcome, even though he probably cringes from their handshake. The gop is the party of the very rich, and the extremely stupid.

    1. Anonymous11:35 AM

      Wonder how they would like Romney if his skin were a little darker..say a little Mexican blood mixed in there.

    2. Anonymous11:45 AM

      "...even though he probably cringes from their handshake." Yes, and then uses a generous amount of Purell, while spraying Febreze into the air.

      Seems fitting that the GOP has embraced an outhouse. They also probably think that passing gas at the dinner table is a hoot!

      This is as shitty as the GOP can get, and it's not even summer yet!

    3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:27 PM

      Romney, on the other hand will be very welcome, even though he probably cringes from their handshake.


      Just like Sarah n Brisdull in Haiti - they brought the COSTCO size bottle of Hand Disinfectant!

      They are just. So. Real...

  15. Smirnonn11:34 AM

    Just disgusting. Disrespectful little inbred redneck racist morons.

  16. Anonymous11:38 AM

    This is absolutely disgusting. Bunch of redneck inbred fucks showing total ignorance. Isn't there someone in the GOP that has the balls to call for an end to this bullshit?

    1. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Nope! The GOP doesn't have any balls, just a lot of Kochs.

  17. Anonymous11:43 AM

    This is so disgusting. I'm surprised the people grinning in the background aren't dressed in white sheets. Guess the new bigots don't care if people recognize their stupidity.

    1. Anonymous12:09 PM

      Mitt Romney and the GOP don't give a rat's ass about any one of those poor dumb hooahs pictured above.

    2. Anonymous12:14 PM

      I'm a fellow Republican (a RINO now, I hear they call us) and someone who likes building things with my hands, also, too, but I'd advise this nutter that it'd be a whole lot easier to maybe just go on the internet and learn a few jokes about "niggers" and "outhouses" and "liberries", so he can be the life of the party entertaining all the other ignorant, big-bellied, drunk rednecks that stink so bad that his wife won’t even let ‘em inside the house.

  18. jcinco11:53 AM

    Ah, Big Sky Country, where the white supremacist, neo-nazi, militias and other subversive groups spill over from Idaho. The southern racists have nothing on these hateful, ignorant rubes.

    1. Anonymous1:59 PM

      Hmm, after the Civil War, enough southerners moved to Montana.

      Some of that ex-southerners racist hate is deeply inbred into some people in some areas of Montana.

  19. Anonymous11:53 AM

    This must be the loser whose neighbors were complaining all week that his property looked like shit because he needed to cut his grass and trim the bushes and edge the sidewalk instead of spending the whole friggin' weekend in his damn barn, sawing boards, nailing and painting that stupid outhouse thing, just to get a few laughs out of his fellow shit-kickin’ buddies.

  20. Anonymous11:55 AM

    OT- mediaite and Politico are reporting that Bristol stood up Huckabee and he had some choice words that will infuriate Sarah, Bristol and the bots.

    1. Here's the link....

      Beefy is in for a bumpy ride! I for one can't wait to watch this shit tomorrow and laugh and laugh and know this is a bad move when your "base" is telling you it's a bad move! LOL!!!

    2. PalinsHoax12:35 PM

      There is an interesting typo on Mediaite's Huckabee story. A commenter named CyberForce writes:
      "Her kid (her claim to fame) was born as a reslut of her irresponsibility,"

      Hahaha !! "Born as a reslut" - that's Brisdull alright, as she rolls from one man's bed/tent to another's without hardly skipping a heartbeat.

  21. Beldar NITWH2012!! Conehead12:00 PM

    Apparently DSM-5 will identify this mental illness, which is currently ravaging large segments of the ultra-right political population of this country, as "NITWH Syndrome". And "NITWH" does NOT stand for "Niceguy in the White House". No, it definitely does not.

    There is no known cause and no known cure. But voting to re-elect President Obama is highly recommended.

  22. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:06 PM

    Take the names of every asshole standing there,


    and deliver it to their trailer parks...

    I'm sure they would find it fucking Hillary-arious!

  23. Anonymous12:06 PM

    They must be intent on keeping ignorance in the family, as sister-fuckin' is obviously the local custom.

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Yup! The closer the kin, the deeper in!

    2. Anonymous1:12 PM

      hey anon 12:29, that musta been you chasing my sister yesterdee. You can have her secund if you help me git done sloppin tha hawgs. She got a perty mouth, don't she?

      By tha way, ain't u got yer own sisters?

  24. Anonymous12:34 PM

    There are candidate signs in the truck. We should call them up and ask if they endorse this disgusting racist/sexist display. Dechamps should have denounced it as a disgusting racist/sexist display and made sure that it wasn't tolerated. Republicans failure to denounce all these racist act towards our president makes them complicit in my book.

  25. Anonymous1:05 PM

    The funniest thing about that is that it's the same one in which Fartwell had sex with his mother.

  26. WakeUpAmerica3:27 PM

    Easy to improve it with photo shop and claim it as our own. Hee hee hee hee.

  27. This is as bad as the KKK and ANY politician who doesn't call out these racists over and over and over is equally as racist.

    Sarah Palin has much to do with the venom and hatred directed towards the President and family because of the color of their skin.

    I love the blog - but really hate that such racism exits, such pictures exist and that the internet allows them to be seen far and wide.

    And many thanks to Irish Girl - who got the answer in one word - took me alot to say the same thing.

  28. Anonymous5:05 PM a native Montanan and now a long-time Alaska resident, I've always said not all the nuts made it all the way to Alaska (like Cox, Barney, Coleman and their ilk), some of them stopped off in Montana!

  29. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I feel bad sometimes when we make fun of ignorant people who just don't know any better, especially those that have no idea what it is they don't know, or even worse, those who don't care. Therefore, they don't even know that there is knowledge "out there" that they can aspire to learn that will change their lives for generations to come.

    I grew up in a poor, working class area area that seemed like it was a million miles away from cities and culture and the rest of the "civilized" world. During the summertime, we played and fished and ran up and down the dirt roads until dark every day almost.

    But I remember when the "book mobile" started coming to our area one summer when I was 7 or 8 yrs old. Somehow, it was during that time that I recall that I began to understand that books and learning and knowledge was something that brought my sister and me closer to the world that we weren't born into.

    It's silly but somehow, at a glance seeing the "Obama Pres Library" outhouse, it made me flashback to the mobile library "bus" (actually more like a large bread delivery truck, IIRC) that kick-started a love of reading and learning way back in the middle & late '60's.

    Although many folks in Montana undoubtably live as remotely as we did growing up, kids there have access to an incredible wealth of knowledge at their fingertips. I just hope their parents encourage them to learn beyond their own limitations.

  30. Anonymous6:22 PM

    They are racist bastards. Call em what they are.

  31. Anita Winecooler7:49 PM

    This particular "sideshow" not agonizing over it crap represents the BEST of the GOP. It's ignorant, racist, sexist and stupid.

    Thank You, GOP, for showing your true selves! Take off the sheets and hoods and stand proud and defiant!

    Free Campaign material for the Democrats is ALWAYS welcome!

    Obama/Biden 2012

  32. Let's back up all our comments by not spending a dime I'm their State. Anyone planning a vacation to Montana? Cancel it and write to the State Reps to tell them the reason. It ALWAYS comes down to the $$$$

  33. Anonymous2:20 AM least it wasn't a wood shed, although that would be equally funny


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