Thursday, June 07, 2012

Romney campaign continues struggling with fourth grade level spelling words. Update!

Apparently this comes from a slideshow put together by a Romney pollster and sent out to top campaign fundraisers to demonstrate that Obama's low poll numbers indicate he will not be reelected.

Of course it comes on the heels of the Romney campaign's various other spelling gaffes like "Amercia" and "offical," which is never a good thing for a candidate whose education plan is already catching flak.

You know the President may indeed have low poll numbers but at least he can spell "Ronald Reagan," now can't he?

I think that Romney better get his shit together if he is counting on support from the rabid Right Wingers in this country.  After all it is one thing to spell "America" wrong but spelling "Reagan" wrong?  That's sacrilege!

Update: I watched this segment on Lawrence O'Donnell yesterday with my jaw somewhat slackened in amazement.  Just when you thought Mittens could not be any stranger, now we have the Romney cop fetishist story.

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Nothing says "Presidential" like dressing up in a cop uniform and using a flashing light to pull over vehicles, don't you agree?


  1. Anonymous9:29 AM

    What is going on here? Does Romney's campaign hate him, or what? When my husband sends out a memo at his job that will be seen by many employees, he writes it, edits it, runs a spell check, and then forwards it to me to proofread and offer suggestions to improve the clarity of his writing. He then revises it if he thinks it's necessary, sends it back for me to proofread, and reviews it again himself before sending it. It is just a memo in a moderately-sized logistics company. This is a presidential campaign! Can all of these errors really be attributed to a failure to proofread?

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      shiny object, distract from substantive issue debate
      they know their base and there base do’nt not git spelin errs, but we do. nothing more than a mosquito in the tent, but irritating nonetheless. Koch-dumbing-down iz verkin

    2. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Perhaps he has outsourced that too! English can be confusing when you have to fiddle bank accounts in different countries and languages!

  2. Gasman9:30 AM

    Spellin iz for soshullust pussies.

  3. Anonymous9:55 AM

    I don't think the low information Republican's could give a rats ass about spelling.

    If someone votes against their own best interest, they can't be that bright.

    I suppose that is why the GOP is trying to bankrupt education, so that the idiots continue to vote for them in the future.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      My parents believe voting Democrat means voting against their own best interests and those of their children and grandchildren. There is no convincing them otherwise. Any time I try to confuse them with "facts," they just make comments like, "Well, I don't know about that," "I've never heard anyone except you say that," or "You have too much time on your hands if you're researching this stuff." I've told them they fall into the category known as "low information voters," and even that didn't shame them into better educating themselves about issues.

      They swear they do not get their information from Fox News because they don't have cable. What I've pointed out to them time and again is that they get their (mis)information from friends who do watch Fox and from e-mails, and if you trace the lineage of the latter back far enough, Fox News is still the source.

      I've introduced them to,, and Any time those sites contradict my parents' dearly held beliefs (such as that Obama was incontrovertibly born in Kenya and his long-form birth certificate is a badly Photoshopped fraud), my parents simply dismiss those sites as being biased. Same thing with that Pew study Gryph quoted awhile back about how conservative candidates get more favorable MSM coverage than liberal candidates. "Well, obviously the people conducting the study have a liberal bias, or they never would have reached those conclusions!"

      Sorry about the rant. Can you tell how frustrated I am?!

    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      My mother just visited.

      "Forget Bush" is what she said when I reminded her HE put TWO wars on a credit card.
      She is convinced MO closed down Harrods in London at taxpayer expense {I even tried to find this online, no dice. MO was in 2009.
      Then she said that PO was the"most pro abortion president there has ever been".

      I told her there was no such thing as pro abortion, but she could care less.

      After weagreed to stop before it got very ugly, I realized that when she was talking about MO, the word in my mind was "uppity".

      Uppity. Black.woman.

      Yup. Mom is a racist, and will swear until her dying day that it is not the case.

    3. Smirnonn1:20 PM

      I've given up arguing with people like that. It's a waste of time and energy. They will NEVER stray from their beliefs. It's almost like religion with these people - they believe what they want to believe. That's their reality. "Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind's already made up."

  4. Anonymous10:01 AM

    It's spelled R-a-y-g-u-n !

  5. Anonymous10:06 AM

    Don't pay attention to the polls! Look just what happened in Wisconsin - Cable - Maddow, Ed, Lawrence, Wolf and Chris kept indicating it was a close race and it WASN'T even close. I was very, very disappointed in all of them!

    I don't believe any of the media and am paying less and less attention to it. Just make sure you learn everything you can about Romney's history and record and what President Obama has been able to accomplish his first term, in spite of the obstruction by the Republican party.

    It becomes a pretty easy solution. Everything can be accessed on line vs listening to the likes of Rush Limbaugh and the various TV channels (to include cable).

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  6. Seems like he knows how to spell "Impersonating a Police Officer":

    While the statute of limitations is long since over for this, it just points out how weird this guy really is.

    1. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Ann always loved when Mitt would wear the police uniform and handcuff her to the bed.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:44 PM

      i haven't watched the video yet, but what about impersonating a police officer

      is LEGAL?

      Or is it LEGAL for Sons of Former Governors, only?

      seems to be A pattern, right, Track?

  7. Olivia10:11 AM

    Only elite radical leftist commie pinkos can spell. Remember all the teabagger signs last year? Seriously, not a single Republican will notice those misspelled words.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:46 PM


      you *would* stick up for a "Forren Muslin"!


      Palin/Beck 2013!

  8. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Another GOP in the closet, watch how he always preens when people the closet before the elections Mitt.

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Juan Williams mocks Sarah Palin’s new hairstyle on The Five

    1. Anonymous12:13 PM

      Thanks, I'll take your word for it, I'd rather throw the IdiotBox out the window than go to Fox and I'd rather smash my keyboard than go to any wingnut site. BTW, aren't you a bit fed up with all things Palin, hair horrors also too? Gryphen's blog will always be my fave, with or without the Queen of Grifters "news". Peace!

  10. angela11:38 AM

    Disappearing a tortured animal. Terrorizing and bullying others.
    Impersonating a cop---in an actual uniform and pulling people over?!

    I've seen movies about serial killers that weren't this bizarre.

    I'm a liberal and am going to vote for President Obama no matter what,
    but even if I was right of Attila the Hun I wouldn't vote for Mitt Romney.
    I'm pretty sure the next thing we'll find out is he's into nazi paraphernalia.
    What a freak the man is!

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      A freak for a freaky Party, that's why we must not grow complacent and assume November's in the bag, I don't trust those sociopaths in charge of the GOP not to cheat and use every dirty trick to put Mittens in the WH. Shudder.

  11. I'm betting some campaign managers are double-face palming with the unveiling of Mitt's uniform fetish.

    They cannot catch a break hee hee.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:47 PM

      Maybe they'll catch a predator!


  12. So Willard liked to pretend to be a cop.In other words,his pretense and role playing began at an early age. At this time,he pretends to be intelligent;he pretends to have a clue;he pretends to have the answers;he pretends to have emotions;hell,he even pretends to be human.I think we need to see his real birth certificate,because I am not sure he was even born on this Planet. I'm starting to think he is some kind of outer space pod person from a cheesy 50's Sci-Fi movie that invaded his hosts body.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:50 PM

      so, apparently Willard will do ANYTHING to avoid the WORK required to GAIN a position rightfully and on his own merit.

      Why "WORK" to be a cop? They can get, like, killed and shit. How bout I just put on a uniform and ACT like a cop?

      Why "WORK" to be a trusted elected official? I'll just kiss ass of all the corporate bigwigs and SuperPacs and buy this election, the way GOD and the Founding Fathers intended.

      This shit in WI was pretty scary.

      Maybe there is something to this money over people thing.

      If these SUPERPACS aren't "taken out" before Nov., we could be in serious trouble.

      I don't even want to think about it.

      Apocalyptic situation.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:52 PM

      We're getting our asses handed to us in the fundraising dept.

      How are regular people with donations from $5- $500 supposed to compete with corporate donations,


  13. Just read about this at HP. Apparently, this was frequent, and creepy, behavior.

  14. Okay the walking...talking cardboard cutout AKA Rmoney is one STRANGE ass dude! Why are we just finding out all this shit about Meh NOW! Hasn't he been running for President since...oh....2006!!!

    And who's running his campaign...Beefy and Wallow?

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:53 PM

      they really, really, REALLY did. not. want. him. Gina.

      They picked Corn Teeth McShame over this Fancy Mormon and his dressaged wife.

      But he has, Literally, PAID his dues, and they have no one else.

  15. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Willard likes cutting hair and dressing up as a policeman. Betcha he's got some vinyl LP's of the Village People tucked away somewhere...

  16. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Bye Bye Barack
    once you go black
    you CAN go back

    1. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Serror? That you? Still missing Glen?

    2. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Dream on and while you are at it don't forget to send your last pennies to your queen of fools.

    3. angela2:17 PM

      Actually---you can't. (Unless you're Sarah Palin--then she just obsesses over a black man she will never have anyway).

      Of course you can go extremely sick freaky if you pick Mittens. Dog torturer, bullying haircutter and Village People wannabe.

    4. Anonymous2:58 PM

      It took you all day to come up with that Sarah? You do realize it's pronounced "ba-ROCK" don't you? Like he rocked you in 2008. Oh bless your heart you think you wrote a little love poem. Shouldn't you be looking for Charlie?

    5. Anonymous1:18 PM

      Hey Baldy! Still missing Glen "BabyOil" Rice after ALL these years! It's to bad you "can't go black"...AGAIN huh!

      You know it doesn't matter how many times you try and act like you didn't LOVE your time "interviewing" Mr Rice...your racist tea bagging buddies(your base!) still remember what you did and how much you LOVED it!

      Good luck trying to erase that picture from their memories! LOL!!!

    6. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:40 PM

      You do realize it's pronounced "ba-ROCK" don't you?


      OMG that's fucking hilarious!

      Do you think dipshit was trying to rhyme?


      Another Edumacated Repugnant.

  17. Anonymous1:46 PM


    Jill Stein?

    Rocky Anderson?

    Fred Karger?

    Gary Johnson?

    Not the same old, same old.

    I simply cannot vote for Barack Obama again.
    He's failed us, on purpose.
    As a Russian sage (I don't recall whom) observing our one-party system in action said, "Typical of American excess, America has two of them."

    1. Anonymous3:06 PM


      As if you voted for him to begin with.

      Fuck off Bitter Pill Phil.

    2. angela3:12 PM

      Who cares? Vote the way you want to so you can weep and thrash and screech when Romney gets in and starves the rest of us.

      Sorry, but as a progressive living in the real world---I won't throw my vote away--you better believe the baggers, evangelicals and birthers won't.

    3. Anonymous3:25 PM

      Not only did I vote for Barack Obama, but I am saddened to say I also walked door-to-door to bring out the vote for him. I also contributed (a very small amount of) cash to his campaign.
      But not again.
      No, I am not Phil.
      I am Anonymous, same as you. Except polite.

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!3:38 PM

      I simply cannot vote for Barack Obama again.
      He's failed us, on purpose.

      Go cry to Mitt Romney about it you stupid cow.

      I'm sure he will be REEAAAALLLY concerned about you.


    5. Anonymous4:37 PM


      I don't think the Obama campaign will miss your peanuts. Why you felt the need to post your sad sack comment about not voting for President Obama on here shows how bitter and depressed your life must be. Nobody here cares if you do or don't vote for the President. Enjoy living in your bitterness and disappointment.

      Was that polite enough for you?

    6. Anita Winecooler6:31 PM

      Good luck with the "third party" option mentioned in your link. That'll fix the problem. It's just as delusional as the far right "Fox News" folks. President Obama (and the DNC) didn't fail Wisconsin, it's "fair weather Democrats who sat out the election AND the mass influx of "citizens united" money.

    7. Anonymous4:33 AM

      If you don't vote for Obama, you're voting for Romney. I learned long ago that a vote for a presidential third party is a waste. Yes the two party system sucks, but we have to work with what we have at this point in time.

  18. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Anyone know how to research and find out if there are any unsolved rapes committed by someone impersonating a police officer and pulling over women during that time?

  19. Guys, it worse than that! Look carefully. That chart has President Obama winning in 2012.........

  20. Wasn't there a story about how he dressed up nas a cop and pulled over his former girlfriend and her new boyfriend? It was in Michigan. Scared the crap out of them.

    Romney: The Stranger Beside Me (Portrait of a psychopath.)

  21. Grey Lensman5:12 PM


    I like a louse.

    But this guy suits me entirely too well.

  22. The correct spelling of 'official' whenever related to Romney should be 'offal'. Rubbish is as rubbish does and Mitt does it with puzzling impunity.

  23. Anita Winecooler5:58 PM

    Now I see why Ann was so smitten with mittens!
    He styles hair, abuses animals, Dodges the draft, plays dress up, can't spell "Dyslexia", and is impersonating a Presidential Candidate!

    Don't get me wrong, I love a man in uniform, but one who's earned the honor.

    Mitt Romney, Amercia Frist!

  24. I think Rmoney's education plan is to provide so little education that the average voter won't notice any words are misspelled.

    Most of the right already don't notice. Just look at some of the home-made signs they carry to anti-everything rallies.

  25. Many on the right already don't notice the misspelled words.

    I think Rmoney's education plan is to deform our school system to the extent that all future voters won't be able to distinguish misspelled words.

    You know. Put everyone on the cognitive level of Faux Noise viewers, Limbaugh fans and the Palin family.

  26. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I will still be voting for President Obama again and I hope with all my heart that he will be re-elected. However, I am also aware that Romney has BIG money behind him who will DO and SAY ANYTHING to win.

    Romoney doesn't care about the middle class, the poor working class, the people receiving public assistance, or the mentally ill. He is heartless, clueless, and oblivious to the struggles of everyday people.

    Romoney only cares about Money, Power, and Control. If he wins this election, America and Americans are screwed big time.

  27. Anonymous4:41 AM

    Ted Bundy also liked impersonating a police officer

    1. Anonymous10:12 AM

      True. He carried a fake badge. That's how he ensnared some of his victims.He'd flash his fake badge and order them to come with him. Thankfully some escaped and told of their abductor.

  28. Bedlar J CenoHaed6:56 AM

    Perhaps Mittens was in such a hurry to serve his country - but not anxious enough to ACTUALLY serve his country - that pretending to be a cop was faster than attending the academy and joining the force. I think it shows great initiative and creativity.

    And that is why I have endorsed Millard "Mittens" Rmoney to be a severe conservative president of Amercia just Ronald Regan, Richard Noxon and The George Bushes.


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