Saturday, June 16, 2012

Sarah Palin attacks the "old media" by confusing it with the "new media," and laments their desire to put "the Prince of Make-crap-up-istan" on a pedestal. Whatever that means. Update!

You know in my real job, the one that pays my bills, I often have to work with individuals who are very dedicated liars. So dedicated in fact that they believe the lies that they tell to such a degree that to identify what they say as a lie can become very difficult.

But there are what I call "gives." These are subconscious indications (Much like a poker player whose face betrays his royal flush) that betray the truth they are hoping to conceal.

One of these gives is providing TOO much detail in an attempt to make your lie more believable, when in fact you make it too complicated to adequately keep track of all of the moving parts.

The other give is the need to revisit the lie over and over again, much like an arsonist who returns to the building that they set afire over and over to see if people have figured out who did it, or simply to admire their handy work.

Sarah Palin has demonstrated both of these "gives" a number of times.

In the speech above Palin cannot help but revisit a number of her lies, as well as stories that she is still very angry were ever reported on. I cannot help but find it especially entertaining that she has resurrected older stories, ones that hardly anybody talks about anymore, and which were first reported here on IM.

Clearly she is STILL irritated by the fact that I reported on those stories, and in some cases continue to report on them, and is bringing them up in a relatively unnecessary attempt to refute them even though many in her audience have probably never heard of the Montana land deal, or the FBI investigation, or the Hampton's rumor.

That Montana land deal story WAS a very good story, by the way.  And I was quite confident that I had my facts correct, but the Palins apparently quashed it JUST to prove me wrong. Which of course was, at the time, a much better outcome than I was hoping for.

The same was true of her divorce, which I first reported in my, now somewhat notorious, Splitsville post. After that, according to various sources that we have talked to since, Palin circled the wagons and offered Todd a deal to "play the happily married spouse." Once again, in my opinion, the best outcome I could have hoped for at the time.

As for her impossible pregnancy, and Trig's ridiculous birth story, Palin simply CANNOT resist revisiting the burned ashes of that particular lie constantly. I believe that she considers it a successful lie even though the falsity of it is now accepted by a larger population of Americans than never before, and though she is STILL actively working to keep the truth hidden from view.

I wonder just HOW much money the tabloids and blogs have manged to suck out of her bank account in order for her to continue to hide the truth from us?

Another thing I found rather interesting about the speech fragment in the video is that while Palin is attempting to espouse the virtues of the "new media" while slamming the "old media," the stories that she is clearly still irritated by were reported in, what she has labeled, the "new media." Blogs were the ones that discussed her fake pregnancy, her Montana property, and the federal investigations, NOT Katie Couric!  However Palin is on a roll, and as we know with Palin facts rarely matter.

And as for the person she claims wants to be "the prince of Make-crap-up-istan? How is that NOT Rupert Murdoch?

All in all I think we have to chalk this up to yet another Sarah Palin EPIC FAIL!

Update: I forgot to mention that the Grizzled Mama's influence has now been so dramatically reduced that in order to get people to attend a conference which features her as a speaker, Tea is also offering a get rich quick scheme that they guarantee will quadruple the attendance fee:

This opportunity is so important…and I’m so confident that the New Orleans Conference will pay for itself many times over…that I’ll offer you this ironclad guarantee: 

If you attend New Orleans 2012 and don’t make back at least four times the money you paid to register — in six months or less — just let me know. 

I’ll happily give you a prompt, hassle-free refund on your entire registration fee. Every penny.

Yeah but first you have to be subjected to the screech that passes for speech from the "Wasilla Banshee" and spend the day with tricorner hat wearing dipshits who don't understand the Constitution.

I think I'll take a pass.

Update 2: For those who are interested here is the entire speech.


  1. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Reporters don't try to "effect change." They report the facts they can find.The facts lead to the truth.

    Trig's birth -- that's been reported as much as it can be, with questions still unanswered by SP.
    She exaggerates the rest to make fun of the media, old and new.

    Since she's such a communications whiz, with a degree and all, she should know how to present the truth and her story. She hasn't and doesn't, which means that she can't. All the whining and digging up old stories can't make that go away.
    Gosh, golly, gee -- she's still the barely-married has-been politician with out-of-control children, no visible background or education, vindictiveness instead of curiosity, and an unerring ability to shoot herself in the foot.
    By this time next year, even the butchers, the bakers, and the candlestick makers won't want to listen to her silliness.

    1. Anonymous7:13 AM

      the butchers, the bakers, and the candlestick makers


      That's funny1

      Add "bowlers", and those are Sarah's "biggest" fans!

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM

      She did it.
      Got the fake boobs. I don't think those are the Belmont girls...

    3. 9:31, it looks like they are pointing in the same direction, and she was MIA for a while, so maybe....

      I had to link to this based on your comment and what Gryphen had written about the marriage:


  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    I'm not going to watch this, I prefer to have someone write up her "speech" (which I'm sure she came up with on one of her thigh-burning runs) and puzzle over her word salad; but did she really say Make-Crap-Up-Is-Stan?

    How about this, we are tired of the 'new, perennial candidates' of the Republican Party, people who should remain on the fringe as wingnuts and certifiable whack-jobs but are given a platform because an 'iconic representation' of the American Dream, a half-black, half-white man raised in a single parent home who worked his ass off with only his smarts to become worldly and do good for mankind by becoming President, sends them into fits of rage and resentment.

    Instead, we have a Valley Piece of Trash who could barely take anything away from any one of the five colleges she dithered around in, and came out still as emotionally and intellectually stunted as a woman living in a cave.

    She is a liar. She is racist. She is sexist. She is a paranoid, self-serving narcissist who is still surprised she couldn't push-up bra and wink her way into the White House in an eight week effort.

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Anon @6:17 AM: Your comment is exquisitely poetic in its description of her! Well done!

    2. Anonymous7:14 AM

      one of her thigh-burning runs


      I would say if "sweat is {her} sanity",


      MAJOR FAIL!!

    3. Anonymous7:16 AM

      She IS sexist! I didn't think of that before,

      but it seems she really thinks that OTHER women are worthless!

      And you are ONLY worth something if you are popular with The Men.

      Wow. So interesting. Thanks.

    4. Anonymous 7:16 AM
      ...And you are ONLY worth something if you are popular with The Men.
      You are so right, Anonymous. And yet, she so clearly has a vast amount of simmering rage toward men, expressed in her frequent disparaging remarks about their manhood, as well as her stunningly casual and frequent insinuations of them being rapists or pedophiles.

      Despite all her winkin', flirtin', and lip-licking, as well as her hooker outfits and fake boobies, and I think she is one stone-cold frigid woman, with a sexual thermostat stuck at zero.

    5. Anonymous9:47 AM

      I would bet there are a whole bunch of professors kicking themselves for giving the somewhat pretty girl who came crying to their offices after failing the final, that sympathy "D".

    6. Anonymous12:13 PM

      I don't know if Sarah is sexist so much as she just hates anyone and everyone who doesn't kiss her bony ass all day...she's just a vile piece of work all around.

    7. No more for me, thanks2:44 PM

      I think 12:13 has it.

      She just hates.

  3. Virginia Voter6:22 AM

    I couldn't even listen because I was too distracted by the ginormous boonies ready to bust the button of that fugly shirt at any second .

    I guess I'm gonna have to agree with Gina M, looks like Screech really did get implants this time . The bony chest is a dead give away.

    Oh, and I guess Sarah is a Jew now, since she's been sporting that Star of David like its her J.O.B.

    1. I watched the Banshee's Screech last night and was so distracted by the ginormous bazoobas too! I was so busy cracking up that they never moved that I had to watch it again to hear exactly what she was saying!

      Somebody down thread mention her turkey neck tightening has her, not able to turn her big old head as easily! I did notice that when she walked off addition to the flat as a chalkboard ass...she walked and grimaced like she was in pain!

      Usually she walks back and forth across the stage doing her pageant wave but not last night...she looked like she was trying to get to her prescription pills stash! What was she thinking getting titties that big? They looked completely out of place on her chest and those bad boys look like they HURT!

      I don't think she has any more "Screeches" lined up anytime soon so maybe she's heading back under the knife to get them balloons downsized! I betcha' even Beefy and Wallow had a good laugh when they saw Baldy's new friends! Wallow know she didn't mince no words talking about her mama's mammary's! LOL!!

      I think since Baldy's been hanging out in Vegas...the place where old porn stars...uh...I mean old political stars go to die...she must be trying to get Addelson's attention and the only way to that is to get some big ole tit tays!

      I see that BaldyPac is no longer on's dead on the side of the Baldy has to find herself another slightly blind...possibly deaf sugar daddy and old addled brain Addelson seems to be her MAN!

      Now that Murdoch got his own problems and Roger Ailes hates her grifting guts...old man Addelson is on the Baldy's radar!

      Now about that can always tell when Baldy goes off script...she always speaks in that fake ass girly voice and she must have thought she was some kind of stand up comedian because she just knew she was bringing the house down with those stale ass jokes RAM wrote for her! *yeah RAM we know you wrote that shit* And like Gryphen said...that bitch CAN'T LET SHIT GO! It's like babygate and all the other shit she was babbling about is a scab she can't stop fucking with!

      The woman is so full of rage and bitterness and her screeches always show this..get a hint Baldy you're a has been or a never was!

      She's really pissed because NO one will pay her for her screeches anymore and I suspect she is really prostituting herself and Beefy to keep all the skeletons from busting through the doors and booking on down the street to the nearest paying "lamestream media" outlet waiting to hear ALL the stories of the Lunatic at Lake Lucille!


    2. Anonymous2:51 PM

      I see that BaldyPac is no longer on's dead on the side of the rode


      $2.8 million dollars is still a HELL of a lot of money.

      And this is after she said she wasn't running for POTUS (it's a 2012 report).

    3. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Did you read the FEC report? It says she took in 2.8 million...but she SPENT 3.1 million...and right now she only has less than a million left. That's pocket change to long do you think that's going to last her?

      I think that's why she got the giant knockers and is in Vegas wearing a Star of David...she has her wonky eye on money bags Addelson!

      The hotel where this conference was held was at one of his hotels he also spoke at the conference. Baldy is looking for another sugar daddy!

    4. physicsmom4:08 PM

      Does anyone have a link to the full video of her screech? Not that I really need to listen to more than a minute of her voice, but I'd like to hear her latest version of Trig's birth story. Thanks.

    5. Anita Winecooler6:26 PM

      It's 35 minutes you'll never get back, but has some funny stuff!

    6. Anonymous7:04 PM

      Gina, like your two analyses. I think you are correct that SP has her wonky eye on old Adelson. Crazy Sarah.... she just keeps grifting along.

  4. Anonymous6:32 AM

    New Media is a lot more superior than these bizarre Neocons who hide behind the Reagan mantle and think saying his name equates them to being 'ril CONSERITAVES.'

    If Reagan were around, he'd be reigning them in, to make them, not a scary thing. It's got to be all about job creation and putting government back on our side for fungible commodities and the scientists flagging the molecule of freedom also. Progressing main street mom and pop values of Americana to make us once again that shiny city on a hill with the Mat-Su Valley collecting the clean coal and fracking waste at the bottom for our kids to swim in cause to have asthma or skin conditions is all in our heads. We remain an exceptional nation with the smartest kids never having to go to school and pick up their degree a year early and say they'll go to hair school. Cause we can take on China with our up-do prowess.

    I'm here to share with you that I am like Joan of Arc to clean up the so sorry state of journalism that is today with my degree in journalism and poli-sci that proves just how smart I am in these fields. I am intellectual. And so nice and not about the drama that rolls off my back - my boastful pit-bull and barracuda reputation notwithstanding too.

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      Thank you for writing out her speech for us!


    2. Anonymous7:23 AM


    3. Anonymous10:53 AM

      And AGAIN, if she DOES have that degree, which I doubt as well as the minor in poli sci, the University of Idaho is NOTHING to brag about.

    4. The credits don't add up with all the moving around nor do random community college credits always 'transfer' to the four year college requirements. Her moving at the speed of light between part-time college enrollments would make earning 120 credits quite a lofty and suspect feat.

      How funny that after President Obama's Columbia and Harvard degrees were verified they then had to switch to asking for his transcripts, thesis and hall pass copies. In Palin's case, they know better than to even ask for proof of one small, marginal degree in journalism she purports. It's likely become very apparent to any educated folks in the GOP/TP that this woman has no real formal education but they now have to play along with the charade to avoid embarrassment for supporting such a fraud. What does Palin ever offer as proof??? A couple of fuzzy pictures of someone who may be $carab, or may be $carab's sister, who may be wearing a cap/gown or who may be wearing a rental from the local tux shop or borrowed from a friend who pities her......

      She may not have needed a degree to be Guv but after she claimed to have one, she certainly would need to prove it. Because she can't and knew it would be requested and debunked the second time around, sad silly Palin had to drop any further pretense of running for elected office to avoid being publicly caught in yet another fabrication.

    5. Day-yam you are good.

  5. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Great little blog about Sarah's degree and journalism skills.

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      Another great blog! Thanks for the link.

  6. Anonymous6:33 AM

    She's got her Belmost Bra on this time. Whew. Nothing more awkward than seeing her bag of bones concave in that area with her sunburned legs and ill-fitting and conflicting shoes.

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    I was so distracted by the GIANT titties .. I did not hear what she said.

    1. PalinsHoax7:49 AM

      Wow, Tawdry must have been super busy before the event, as I believe Ol' $cary hides Tawdry's used washcloths & condoms in her bras.

      Tawdry's washcloths are then in a safe place as who in their right mind would want to venture near Ol' $cary's bony chest?

    2. Olivia7:59 AM

      Whatever works. Apparently she has realized that she can't stun the world with her brilliant word salad anymore. So pump up the boobies and the world will be mesmerized.

    3. Anonymous8:42 AM

      I think she basically has a pair of flapjacks, upon which she puts a fluid-filled bra. Hence the absence of cleavage, and the presence of side boobage that seems to extend all the way to her back sometimes. Bitch is fake thru and thru.

  8. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Media, don't you know that the troops in the Iraq and Afghanistan are fighting over there so you don't make crap up about her? Stop blogging! Stop blogging right now!

  9. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Where's the flag pin?

    Or the flag bracelet?

    Or the Rhinestone Jesus Belt Buckle?

    Or the ubiquitous flag pin the size of your palm?

    Or Trig? Piper? How about that enormous head we all call Bristol?

    Sarah, aren't you a ril American? Don't you love God, Country or your joy anymore?

    1. Anonymous6:49 AM

      Sarah doesn't have them anymore because her SarahPAC donations are down and she still needed to pay herself and her relatives so she pawned them.

    2. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Why is it that when Sarah Palin wears her tight shirts and her Belmont girls she NEVER has any cleavage?

      I guess the makers of her Belmont false titties hasn't worked that part out yet?

    3. Irishgirl6:56 AM

      The new boobs are so heavy she couldn't wear or carry anything else. She would have buckled under the weight!

    4. Anonymous7:18 AM

      I only care about one...


    5. Her speaking fees are way down, so she can't take her little acolytes along with her on this gig. Probably no more bendy straws either.

      She may have found a new career as a right wing comedian. She sure got a few laughs. Perhaps she should hone that skill. The great uninformed-except-through-FOX masses will eat it up.

      And we all know that there is a dearth of right wing pundits and comedians. Because the right wing does not possess a developed sense of humor.

    6. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Replaced by her Jewish star. Now, Sarah is Jewish, LOL

    7. Anita Winecooler6:35 PM

      She pawned them off for the new boobies and "The only O'bidet in Alaska"!!!!

  10. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Damn! What the hell happened to Sarah Palin? Nasty fake wig, fake breasts and eye glasses, and now her upper lip is gone!

    John McCain, your eye candy has past its expiration date.

  11. Olivia6:47 AM

    If those are her new permanent jugs, she had better revise her wardrobe so she doesn't look like she has outgrown it. It is not an attractive sight seeing the girls straining to burst through clothing that is a couple sizes too small.
    She needs to wear that star because she wants to be in line for some of Sheldon Adelson's money.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      "She needs to wear that star because she wants to be in line for some of Sheldon Adelson's money."

      Ding, Ding, Ding!

    2. Anonymous7:23 PM

      She has not referred to it in some way, used it as a talking point e.g. Jews for Sarah, anything? She is just wearing the symbol for Judaism while she herself is not Jewish nor is she actively talking about Israel... or anything?

      She is obviously pandering for Addelson's attention, big Las Vegas style boobs, huge gaudy Star of David, rougish fashion sense (ie not at all).

      Where's Todd? Did he go to Vegas too. I'd think he'd be all about going to Vegas... But maybe when the cat's away....

      Brisket? Getting ready for the launch of her grand acting debut no doubt.

      Willow? She just always conveniently disappears.

      Piper.... may be in charge of baby sitting Tripp, Trig, and other Palins babies. It's some sort of rite of passage the Palin girls have to go through.

  12. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I don't understand it... if Sarah Palin is so loved in Alaska and did such great work as governor then how come in SarahPAC's contributor list of $200 or more you can count her Alaskan contributors on one hand and still have a lot of fingers left over?

    Didn't Sarah say she was the governor of the largest state in the union.

    It looks like to me the only way Sarah Palin can get money from Alaskan taxpayers is through her Alaska Film Credit Scam she set up for herself and Bristol before she quit being governor of Alaska for the good of Sarah?

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Sarah Palin isn't regarded well at all in Alaska anymore. She and her family have become a huge embarrassment to the majority of the residents.

      When the family is in Alaska, you never see them in the Valley (Wasilla area) or in Anchorage and assuredly not in Juneau (they hate her there!).

      I know that if I ever run into Sarah, Todd or Bristol, as a resident of Alaska, I would tell them what I think of them.

      They are flying commercially now too when coming in and out of more specially owned jets comin' to get her!

      She's a 'has been' and will go down in Alaska's history as their worst governor on record! (Even worse than Frank Murkowski - Lisa's Daddy!)

      Remember too that the Alaska Legislature members actually wore pins w/her photo on it saying "Where is Sarah?" when she was the 'quitter' governor - but, before she resigned!

      She was never present as 'the governor' in the Capitol city of Juneau and it has since been learned that Todd did a lot of her work!

      They are a pair to draw from - both liars and frauds!

    2. Anonymous7:26 PM

      Anon 8:26 - good synopsis but the list of transgressions is long when it comes to the Palins.

  13. lostinmn6:52 AM

    Watching her with the sound off I might be tempted to surmise that she finally did get the D cup implants. Looks exactly like an old g.f. of mine - bony, emaciated with big honkers that had no natural movement. Yep, them's the D cups.

    As for what she has to say? She's grown stale and at some point are people who slobber over her breasts and tongue flicks going to realize that all she ever talks about is herself.

    On a funny related note - yesterday HP had THREE articles about Brisket on their political page. The comments (mine among them) were witheringly ugly telling HP to get her the hell off of the political page. To my surprise (and probably because most of the people telling them to get her off were up there in fan numbers, contributor badges and even moderators) she disappeared leaving only one article under entertainment regarding how she might consider a run for office. I would love to see how her opponent dealt with her lies - or better yet have Levi take her on in a primary. Now that would be worth covering.

    1. jcinco7:52 AM

      Wasn't it grand? Now comments are wide open with little or no moderation on the one remaining story on the entertainment page.

    2. Anonymous1:30 PM

      So, the not-so-bright, not-so-educated daughter of Sarah Palin, whose only claim to anything is that she was introduced to the nation as a pregnant teenager, might consider running for office!!!! Whatever experience can she bring to any kind of political office? Her weeks of DWTS? Her silly speeches for the Candies Foundation? Her vituperative comments about her son's father and family? On the other hand, she has almost perfected the art of victimhood having learned it firsthand from her mother.

    3. Anonymous7:31 PM

      I noticed also that HP put her on the entertainment page where she belongs. I was about ready to quit HP altogether I was so frustrated that they thought she was worth putting in politics. Made no sense except pandering for Bristol and that made me mad. Hopefully HP won't put on that tease again. I'll gladly follow Bristol'
      s career but on the Entertainment section. Next, they should move her mother, also, too.

  14. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Wanna see something weird?

    Look at how tight Sarah Palin's neck is and then look at how she turns her head sideways.

    I think she had her neck waddle tightened too much and it has impaired her neck flexibility?

  15. Anonymous6:59 AM

    blah blah blah same shit different day...oh except for the boob job! Why would a 49 year old woman wait this late to get new boobs? Isn't it pointless.

    1. Sally in MI8:41 AM

      In her rapidly shrinking brain , Sarah still sees herself as President one day. What better job for her: servants, cooks, secretaries, nannies, Secret Service agents for Todd's business to blossom, and do many DC bars for Bristol and Willow tree to visit! And in her mind , it is no bigger job than what Todd and her high school staff handled in Alaska. What could go wrong?

    2. She doesn't think of herself as a 49 year old dignified mid-life professional woman.

      She is the sexiest hottie in the whole tenth grade! Just ask her! Remember Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman? Well, she got her millionaire, didn't she? So there!

      I do believe some version of this yatters around in her wind-blown little skull.

    3. Anonymous11:07 AM

      Sarah IS a BOOB.

      SPalin is a liar and a thief who has absolutely nothing worthwhile to offer.

  16. Anonymous7:04 AM

    If she really was Trig's mother, she wouldn't discuss the subject at all to an audience, because a loving mom would hold the subject of the birth of her baby precious; what a real mother would do is refute the Trig truthers by providing a birth certificate, so the speculation from the old media or new media would just END. But, of course, I'm talking about what a normal caring concerned protective mother would do.

    In Sarah's case, she will beat the speculation over and over and over and keep bringing the story up to anyone's remembrance. Why? Why remind strangers of rumors of questions of her down syndrome child's parentage at a blogger's convention? What torments her soul that she must dredge up her little boy's name over and over and over and over again? No one in the mainstream ever talks about it anymore and SHE is the one that keeps it front and center.

    She is fighting with the wrong crowd. Her battle is with investigative bloggers that want the woman to come clean on what she deems ethical or at least what she deems as a good role model - with her horribly reckless choices during Trig's delivery.

    1. That's what I've been asking for all along!

      Where's Trig's Birth Certificate?

    2. Anonymous9:18 AM

      SP was not involved with Trig's delivery because she was not pregnant with him, as the Mar 14 flat-profile photo shows.

    3. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I think she keeps bringing up Trig's birth for a couple of reasons: 1) so she can remember the story because it's so complicated, 2) so she can tease people into contradicting her various story lines about it, and 3) so she can, once again, claim victimhood. Poor Sarah - such a burden she carries.

      Had she actually been Trig's mother and had she actually have been a good, sane mother, she would never have accepted the nomination for vice president. She would have thanked McCain and said that she had family obligations that far outweighed her political ambitions. Running a state and caring for a family that included teenagers and an infant with special needs should have come first and would have for any sane woman.

    4. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

      So True, Beaglemom. Sarah's always been a narcissist, I doubt she took responsibility as a parent (natural, adopted, or made up), look at how they all turned out!

      Needful, talentless, and dumb.

  17. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Yikes. I don't always click on videos, so I haven't really watched her recently, but I clicked on this and was appalled at her bizarre affect. She's positively vibrating with some weird rage energy. The sarcasm, the tension, the nasty smirking self-consciousness. Who brings that kind of energy to a public appearance? What is wrong with this crazy person?

    1. Anonymous11:11 AM

      You answered your own question...Sarah Palin is a crazy person!

    2. Anonymous11:42 AM

      "What is wrong with this crazy person?"

      You answered your own question!

      Sarah Palin IS A CRAZY PERSON!

    3. Cracklin Charlie4:20 PM

      Maybe someone is coming out with a new story about her "son" Trig. Seems odd that she is rehashing that story again.

      He is 5 years old..why bring this up now?

    4. Anita Winecooler7:09 PM

      The blank affect says it all. She's vibrating with venom and feeds off the attention. She backs up Breitbart, Limbaugh, and attacks the President every chance she gets, while bringing up her own skeletons.

      What mother of a special needs child uses him as fodder for her self adulation?

  18. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Good LORD! There are no printable words.

  19. People still pay to listen to this??? There are obviously still many folks around with more money than sense.

  20. Anonymous7:13 AM

    She walks on stage and from beginning to end puts on this facade of sarcastic comedienne with this smug look on her face. Never serious - just smirking and satisfyingly grinning at her own 'jokes'.

    Same talking points, no change, no growth, no new insights, same old grudges, and petty remarks about unrighteous dog-eaters versus righteous moose-eaters, unrighteous bachelor of feminist degree fun-seekers versus no-talent reality tv-star fun-seekers.

    She is grasping at straws and her disabling pettiness is so evident it's biting her on that hook nose of hers.

    1. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Her voice is equally irritating. She has no control over her voice. It gives away all of her seething emotions that are boiling just underneath her thin skin.

  21. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Governor Sarah Palin keynote at Right Online 2012, 35 minutes.
    The Bellmont girls hard at work with BIG Jewish BLING. Sarah Palin mostly looks down speech.
    (Wild and crazies comments)

    “She absolutely should not be president: no way, no how,” Steve Schmidt said. “I’ve watched her on the public stage over the past four years. There has been zero effort -- zero -- to improve any her obvious deficiencies.”

    1. Anonymous12:05 PM

      She continues the same blathering as well as she also persists in having no idea what it means to be appropriately dressed.

      Oh, those shoes! Elevating her to new heights I her own very small and disengaged little mind. Ha!

      How old is she?

    2. Anita Winecooler7:10 PM

      The belmont's didn't move like these do!

  22. Anonymous7:18 AM

    So the far right's "new media" are hard workin' truth tellin' heros. Any other new media are low life scums. I see. Thanks for the explanation, Sarah. Fail.

  23. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!7:25 AM

    I watched it b/c it was short.

    1) Her chest is a completely. different. color. than. her. face.

    Incredibly distracting.

    2) She is "breathy", and obviously uncomfortable going through her list of "lies" the bloggers have written.

    I think she is definitely "fishing" for a reaction - she wants them to laugh overwhelmingly at these "rill-diculous LIES".

    And like Jesse wrote, she just. keeps. talking.

    I didn't even know what she was talking about when she got the the "making crap-up-istan" but I think that seemed to surprise the crowd the most.

  24. Boscoe7:33 AM

    Wow... We all knew from the beginning that Palin was a scheming self-centered opportunistic shrew, but the way she keeps bringing up topics that she'd be better off if everyone forgot about is simply pathological.

    She really thinks that just because the "old media" haven't *YET* "validated" the Trig Truth concerns by deigning to spend any time investigating them, that she's been cleared and gotten away with the lies so completely that it's safe to gloat?

    $arah, the INSTANT the "old media" thinks it has anything whatsoever to gain by probing your shape-shifting tale of Trig's "birth", you will be toast. Humiliated in the grand fashion you so richly deserved.

    I think I now dub thee: The Queen of make-crap-upistan.

    1. "I think I now dub thee: The Queen of make-crap-upistan"

      That's what I thought. Seconded!

  25. Anonymous7:36 AM

    On Maddow the other night, the nice young man who subs for her had a piece on the tactic of accusing your critic of what you yourself do or are guilty of. We have of course noted this SP phenomenon many times; apparently this is a well-known Roger Ailes tactic.

    The "Prince(ss)-of-make-stuff-up-Istan" sure fits that to a tee. Now, with the magic of unlimited money to repeat this tactic, louder and louder, it is even more likely to work well for SP, Ailes, and all their pals. Hitler sure liked this tactic.

    1. Anonymous8:04 AM

      You're absolutely right, Palin attacks first to avoid being attacked. While she and Bristol claim to have thick skin, the truth is that comments made years ago still haunt them, and they fight those battles over and over instead of letting things go.

    2. Anonymous1:38 PM

      It is a tactic that the Republican Party has honed over the years and now has it down to a science. Unfortunately, for them, trying to accuse Democrats of waging a war on women backfired because the Republicans have been so blatant about it. Attacking the Girl Scouts was proof positive of their war on women!

  26. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Open Secrets has reported on Sarah PAC for the 2012 election cycle. Total funds taken in were $2,808,966. Total funds spent were $3,155,063. Thus, SarahPAC this cycle has spent 350,000.00 more than it took in. Contrast that to the 2010 election cycle where the SarahPAC took in $5.7 million and spent $4.4 million dollars. Two observations are obvious. First the SarahPAC is spending more than it earns, and secondly, total contributions are down.

    The information regarding candidates to whom the SarahPAC made financial contributions is also informative. A total of $55,000 was donated by the PAC to Republican candidates for the House of Representatives, and a total of $10,000 was donated to candidates for Senate.

    No money was donated to any candidate for President. Moreover in the 2012 cycle, SarahPAC has only donated approximately .025% of the money it has taken in to candidates. The unmistakable conclusion from this data is that if you are a donor to the SarahPAC, your donations are being used almost totally to support Sarah Palin, and a fraction of 1% of your donations actually go towards funding a political candidate. It shouldn’t come as any surprise to any donor to SarahPAC that the politician who quit to enhance her personal net worth, is still working to enhance her personal net worth.

    1. lostinmn8:45 AM

      And basically Sara spends a million a month on herself. Wonder how much the new "D" cups cost her? Why does she still dress like crap? How much of the 3.3 is going to hush money? If any of her donors take a look and see she spends less than one percent of the money they send her on supporting candidates will they keep shelling out $$? Isn't their some oversight group - like the one that checks on not-for-profits to ensure they spend at least half of their donations on their cause? Oh, that's right. Sara is the "cause" for SaraPAC so she's hitting a home run regarding spending money on the beneficiary of the PAC. Wonder how Briskets PAC did last quarter? Wonder how much SaraPAC donated to it?

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      What I find shocking is that anyone is dumb enough to give her any money! 2.8 million?
      I wonder how many donors there were in total.
      I'll have to go read the actual report. Thanks.

    3. Yesterday the patients at the Asylum posted her latest grifting letter from BaldyPac asking for MORE money!

      Evidently even her fans are not able to keep her in the style in which she has become accustom to!

      Whatever will the Grifter do?

    4. Anonymous10:42 AM

      Her donators have said they won't donate if the money is going to other people. So posts like these are pointless.

    5. Anonymous1:54 PM

      I think that Trig's upkeep costs plenty, and silence around Alaska doesn't come cheap. Then, there are palms that had to be greased to make sure that Bristol's show got on the air, whether it was with the Massey Brothers (paid 'em off), Trial Dad for Tripp (did Gino get paid off?) and finally, Tripping through Life with Tripp (I don't care if they are going to sue, I'll cover it. Just put the girl on TV so she can be a star. I owe her, I owe her plenty. She's been costing me a fortune! )

    6. Anonymous3:10 PM


      Didn't Sarah repeatedly tell her "fans" and the teacher w. the WGE sign that she was "working to elect politicians that believe in constitution, that believe in..."

      That requires money. And a POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE seems the IDEAL way to give POLITICAL figures much needed donations.

  27. Anonymous7:46 AM

    All I can say is......

    You know your family is white trash when the maternity of one of your children is in question.

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      How about when the sperm donor is questionable for all your children?

      How about when a mother has to come up with a scheme to take control of the daughter's DS baby to protect the mother's and daughter's image?

      How about when the grandmother, mother and son all have to come up with the story that their first born was premature?

      How about when the underage daughter has to be sent away from home to live for months with the auntie until her mono clears up and upon her return is pregnant (again?) while as a junior in high school?

      That aint just white trash... that's Wasilla Hill Billy Trailer Park White Trash.

  28. Anonymous7:51 AM

    Myth requires re-telling. Mention of Trig is supposed to evoke the heroic high-risk mother gritting her teeth at the labor pains to give a political speech then boarding a transcontinental flight without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby and meander out to a tiny hospital with no neo-natal intensive care unit and not even rated to have twins. Oh, and that her husband proudly approved of the whole idiot scenario.

    The funny part is Sarah Palin has no clue that the giant breasts she's displaying today compare hilariously with her itty-bitty chest when she waltzed into the office 3 days after supposedly giving birth. She is PROVING that she did not birth Trig in April 2008.

    1. lostinmn9:05 AM

      That's one of those things most men miss. I recall my rather modest breasted mother of my kids being huge post partum - took her almost two years before she returned to "normal". Instead Sara waltzes in with no Belmont's. I remember someone saying that was "normal" for women who weren't breast feeding to have their regular breasts back sooner than later but THREE freaking days? Not a chance. And yet the mainstream media completely ignored it. Wonder just how much money got paid to the mainstream press to keep quiet? Or was it just plain old fashioned death threats?

    2. Anonymous12:34 PM

      This is very true. They would be even bigger if she's not breastfeeding. They become engorged several days after birth and hurt like shit if you don't express them. Sorry if TMI for some readers.

    3. nswfm5:30 PM

      Three freaking days after a woman gives birth, their hormones, which took 9 months to get up to the top of the rollercoaster, come crashing down to the beginning point at the base--look it up. One of my friends called me on the 3rd day after giving birth and was saying such gibberish-y stuff, I told her for the benefit of our friendship, I was going to hang up now. So I looked into what was her problem and found out about hormonal weirdness, which you can read about below.
      "Dr. Dresner:
      During the course of pregnancy, a woman’s levels of estrogen and progesterone gradually increase in the beginning of pregnancy and remain at an elevated level until delivery, and at the moment of delivery, those levels drop precipitously as well as thyroid hormone levels, cortisol, a whole host of metabolic and hormonal changes occur at the time of delivery and within the first 72 hours postpartum.

      So those first three days postpartum are extremely busy times in a woman’s body re-calibrating, re-equilibrating, and what most women experience in response to that is a feeling of emotional upheaval, a roller coaster.

      They have surges of euphoria and feeling satisfied, gratified and pleased and relaxed, mixed with feelings of overwhelming anxiety, fear, sadness, tearfulness, even agitation. That is completely normal...."

      Yeah, sure Grifter Granny was in the office, signing bills and showing off her new puppy, 3 days after supposedly giving birth....

    4. Anita Winecooler7:23 PM

      Great comments "Myths need retelling".
      Three days after delivery, there's no way in hell any woman could return to work. Especially with jet lag and the wild ride in the mix.
      I don't know about other women, but I was totally emo and focused on bonding, feeding, cuddling, nurturing and totally exhausted. Taking a shower or having a full nights sleep was a luxury, but I wouldn't trade any of it for fame or money or power.

  29. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Interesting - I've not read the comments here as yet, but it appears that the idiot from Wasilla is taking in less than she is spending in SarahPAC.

    Knew this was going to eventually occur. Pretty soon, she is NOT going to be able to afford all that she has and will have to start selling stuff off!

    Plus, she'll not be able to keep people quiet with paying them 'hush' money. Sarah darling! I can hardly wait to see you and Todd in the orange suits in jail where you both assuredly belong as you are both liars and frauds!

  30. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I'd like to compare Palin to a messy yeast infection that seems to be gone... and then, dammit, it's back worse than before. Or to preparing for a colonoscopy with that hideous large intestine blaster cocktail. Or to having a root canal without novocaine... or, or, or. Truth is listening to her spew her vomit is worse, much worse than any of them, all of them.

    1. Anonymous8:36 AM

      I think of her more as a herpes sore.

  31. Anonymous8:00 AM

    The girls will praise the blessed day.

    1. Anonymous8:32 AM

      oh, puke.

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      What big day? Birthday?

    3. The Belmont girls?

      (Cue snare drum)

    4. Anonymous8:00 AM


      The PIMP and the CREEP...yep big day indeed!

    5. Anonymous10:16 AM

      Oh, RIGHT, troll. Happy FATHERS Day. Thank you, Daddies, for teaching us that SLUT sells.

    6. Anonymous11:16 AM

      Ha! Big Day... at the most, they'll get a Happy Father's Day Tweet.

      But why is it a "big day" for only those two sperm donors? Unless you're not talking about Father's Day...

      Oh wait! They're being indicted! Yes, that would be a "blessed day"! Thanks for the head's-up!

    7. Anonymous11:50 AM

      The fleet's in town.

    8. Anonymous11:54 AM

      What will DWTS Bristol do for Creepy Chuckie and Pimp Daddy Todd on Fathher's Day?

      Give them a lap dance and a roll on the floor like Mark Ballas got?

    9. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Why is it a big day?

      Will Todd show them why he is nicknamed Two Tone?

    10. Anonymous1:27 PM

      This was meant to be snark. Jesus people how dense can you be?!
      Any excuse to jump on a "troll".

    11. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Wouldn't it be nice if Tripp's father got to celebrate the day, too?

    12. Anonymous1:27 PM

      Sure it was...thanks for admitting that you are a TROLL!

  32. Anonymous8:03 AM

    The real mainstream media never did much vetting of Palin. They happily accepted the story of Trig's miraculous birth. It was the on-line community that kept that story going, dug up facts, old My Space comments that were supposed to have been erased, and showed the photos of a slim woman with no enlarged abdomen, taken weeks before she was supposed to have given birth.

    Sarah Palin claims to be a good Christian (even if she doesn't go to church). Why is she wearing a big Jewish star if she isn't Jewish?

  33. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hey Sarah you fucking moron, don't you realize that the more often you bring these controversies up, the more suspicious people become? It's called human nuture, something you know very little about. Just keep talking, that's what you're good at. Have a shitty day.

    1. Anonymous9:40 AM

      Even Michelle Bachmann and Christine O'Donnell learned to shut up. Not our Lady Of Perpetual Victimhood! "Full of sound and fury; signifying nothing.”

    2. Anonymous10:40 AM

      LOL, I feel for you and your sad life.

    3. Anonymous1:39 PM

      Whose life is sad? Can't think of a sadder life than one like Sarah's wondering which lie she might trip over at any time.

    4. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Kristy Patullo has a much sadder life.

  34. Olivia8:07 AM

    I watched the clip without sound and she appears very stiff necked and turns her whole body instead of her head alone. They must have pulled it up so tight that she might strangle herself if she turns her head.

  35. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Is this the same "Make-crap-up-istan" to which she is beholden, lock, stock, and barrel?

    Sarah, you're a sanctimonious hypocrite. Clearly, your chronic stupidity knows no bounds. Indeed, it cannibalizes you every time you open that fetid maw of yours, but you're too fucking self-absorbed to see it happening. You'll be done with yourself soon enough. But don't worry, you have a wonderful future ahead of you as one of Rush's pin-up girls.

    Adios, tart!

  36. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Apparently there were only about 1,000 people there.

    1. I thought that room looked a little small! Loved the photographer on the stage...I wonder if Baldy bought up all her pictures so no one would see how small the crowd was!

  37. Anonymous8:45 AM

    She uses the same tired lines in all her so called speeches. She even tells the same old jokes - like polls and poles. She is so boring and predictable. She has not learned a single thing since she lost in 2008 and then quit her job as governor. Her snark is really pathetic and her jealousy of President Obama has made her into a bitter old hag trying to sound like a mean girl. She needs to just go away.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      Just stop stalking her. When you do, you'll never hear about her again. She's not mainstream news. TO you she is because you make it a point to be her sad little puppy dog.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      She has no redeeming values at all!

    3. Anonymous12:44 PM

      10:40. No we WILL keep at it because people have short attention spans and your QUEEN spews LIES and HATRED because the bitch isn't having HER way. DEAL with it.

    4. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Hey troll @ 10:40 AM, why do you keep coming here telling us how sad we are when YOU are the fucking idiot who spends all day trolling blogs trying to defend this moron and demanding that people stop talking about her? I'm glad you admit that your idol is a nobody though, now if only she would realize that and go away!

    5. Anonymous1:36 PM

      The only thing that bothers you @10:40 is we know the truth and we speak the truth about Palin.

      If we don't stay vigilant, then Palin will continue to lie, revise old lies, twist, tangle and mangle. We're just following her advice. Gryphen is the new media and we are looking to him. That's what Sarah said to do. Rely on new media.

      Besides, there are still too many unresolved skeletons in Sarah's closets. Closets(as in many skeletons) not just one closet full.

  38. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Palin is throwing out terms like "marxist", "socialist", etc. Romney at some point, and others, will be asked to back up her statements. Not all believe as she does. Because Obama is well liked, this kind of talk is what they have said not to do. Palin will eventually twist, mangle and destroy the Repub Party more than now and leave it a streaming pile of s--t.

    FYI-A few days before Obama made his immigration announcement, an article came out saying 2.5 eligible latinos are not registered to vote in TX. McCain only beat Obama by 900,000+ in TX. Hope there is a strong GOTV in TX. Hope--I've heard there is. The article is at Texas Tribune. TX could shock in 2012.

  39. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Palin makes it a point to never mention Romney's name. She knows that Romney will not want her speaking at the RNC so she is acting like she is avoiding him. She is so transparent and I can just imagine the kind of games she will be playing in Tampa in her rented space. She is an embarrassment the this country.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      You know how much Sarah Palin was pissed that Obama won... well I'm sure she is pissed off that Romney won the GOP nomination.

      If Sarah's Palin's endorsed Newt would of won, Palin would definitely had an invite into the White House and you can bet she would of slept in the Lincoln Room and brought her parents, kids and their friends.

      With Romney, all bets are off.

  40. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Check out her shoes. She has no class whatsoever.

    1. Anonymous10:11 AM

      FUCK ME pumps. And she expects to be taken seriously. What do you expect with a pimp "husband?"

    2. The whole picture is WRONG on so many levels! That side view shot of her makes her look like a witch...she's going the way of Gov Jan Burntface" Brewer! Baldy better stay out of that Arizona sun because that face is starting to look like an alligator purse with horn rim glasses and if that's the look she's going for...well she's succeeded! Congrats Baldy! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      Nope, the truly "classy" are the people who anonymously comment on trashy blogs with inaccurate information and personal attacks. Please.

    4. Anonymous12:46 PM

      10:39. Inacccurate? EXAMPLES. PLEASE.

    5. lilli1:00 PM

      10:39, I suppose you are going to tell us those are her real boobs and her real hair also too..she's so fake I think she has "made in China" stamped on her arse.

    6. Anonymous2:07 PM

      She is still wearing that huge Star of David! Way here? I could see how she could have assumed the Jewish holy icon would go over at a deli conference - aren't the best delis Jewish?

      But on line blogging? A celebration of Brietbart? Was he Jewish? Did she convert to Jewish religion?

    7. Anonymous3:20 PM

      O/T but I passed by the Chinese restaurant "Chin Chins" yesterday, and I thought of Brisdull.

  41. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Another shot of the shoes and look at the crowd of losers she is in front of. LOL

    1. Thanks for the picture! Umm...the clown in the front row to the he dressed in a FLAG shirt? With shorts and white socks...W T hillbilly Fuck is that???

    2. Anonymous11:34 AM

      Cankle braces!

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      A perusal of the audience shows a couple things:

      maybe 200 people?
      No people of color
      Few women
      Men on the front row are really loving her....

    4. Anonymous3:24 PM


      There is an Indian gentleman in the first row all the way to the right, as well as a large African American woman, and a woman of
      ?Asian/Mexican? descent next to her.

      Did you notice the Breitbart Picture on the vacant chair? Oh geez.

  42. emrysa9:02 AM

    I don't think those are fake boobs... it appears to be the same oversized padded bra that she's been wearing on occasion (when audiences are primarily men) for a few years, only in that time the rest of her body has wasted away, so her padded bra looks bigger. she has lost so much weight that she looks like a bobble-head figure... she didn't look like that a few years ago.

    1. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Meth and Coke will do that.

  43. Smirnonn9:27 AM

    The paylump is a classic psychopath. It's always everyone's fault, she can do no wrong. It's the media's fault that she couldn't answer a few simple questions, THEY made her look stupid. So she avoids the media 'cause they're out to get her. There's no other explanation, like perhaps she's got a borderline retarded IQ or that she's emotionally and intellectually stunted.

    Glad to hear that ScreechyPAC is drying up. Guess the peebots are running out of aluminum cans to cash in.

    I've said it before, I'll say it again - you can't spell "palin" without "pain."

  44. Anonymous9:35 AM

    "My name is Sarah. I'm SO proud of my lack of intellectual capabilities, my PIMP husband-in-name-only, my Menard-son-who-never-saw-true combat, my can't-keep-her-legs-together-trash-mouth daughter, my other trash-a-house-to-the-tune-of-$40K daughter, my stick-your-tongue-out-and-push-media youngest brat......oh.....and Tri-G, wherever he is. Like my 'new' boobies?"

  45. Anonymous10:11 AM

    O/T. Check this out:

    It is a non-profit's report on PAC's. The info on SarahPAC is priceless. Causing quite the kerfluffle over at the Sea.

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      We need a separate thread on SarahPAC. It did raise my eyebrows - read her expenses. Very little on actual candidates but lots spent on administrative expenses. Most of the money goes to support the PAC.

      PS Occurred to me that the PAC would be a way Todd could launder his prostitution money. All cash under the table that comes back as contributions to Sarah PAC, the Palin personal slush fund.

    2. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I refuse to go over to the cesspool, any really interesting comments?

      Are they saying they are now refusing to give to the grifter?

      That would be funny.

  46. Balzafiar10:22 AM

    "This opportunity is so important…and I’m so confident that the New Orleans Conference will pay for itself many times over…that I’ll offer you this ironclad guarantee:

    If you attend New Orleans 2012 and don’t make back at least four times the money you paid to register — in six months or less — just let me know.

    I’ll happily give you a prompt, hassle-free refund on your entire registration fee. Every penny."

    Happily? Hassle-free? Refund? Every penny? Bullshit. That line is at least as big a lie as most lines one hears from tent preachers and/or TV evangelists.

  47. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Blogs are also responsible for a large number of lies told about her. A LARGE number.

    You'd think what your "real job" (as opposed to your grifting the public job where you spread propaganda and lies) would make you more aware of your bias and political ignorance. You can't even retract a statement you made when it was obviously false. One day I might just go back through and list your blog lies. Then I think, Nope, Not worth it. No one really cares, nor do they take blogs seriously. That is been more than proven has it not?

    1. Anonymous1:01 PM

      Hey, please do that! Instead of jumping on here and whining endlessly about all the lies you claim have been told, list specific examples! You're here 24/7 anyway, might as well do something productive. But you won't cause you're a troll who isn't actually here to discuss anything. Let me guess, anything that doesn't paint Palin as an angel is a lie, and your proof of that is "'Cause the Palins said so!" You're a dumbass!

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      No, it has not. Can you please cite your sources?

    3. Anonymous1:13 PM

      Sarah? Is that you?

    4. Anonymous1:25 PM


      If nobody takes blogs seriously, then any was Sarah speaking about them and to bloggers last night?

    5. Anonymous1:32 PM

      "One day I might just go and list your blog lies".
      Maybe a monkey erik will fly out of my ass.
      Do it.
      Palin, thy name is fail.

    6. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Anonymous 10:37 AM You write like a 3rd grade child. If you consider this Blog to be a Liar, go to BRANCY'S Fake Blog. Maybe you will feel better among 'RILL' LIARS. And while you are there, discuss Todd PIMP DADDY Palin's Prostitution Ring, I'm sure you will get answers BWAHAHAHA.

    7. Anonymous1:44 PM

      The blogs uncovered photos of Sarah that showed that she did not appear pregnant weeks before she claimed to have given birth to Trig. The blogs uncovered Bristol's My Space comments where she said in 2007 that Sarah suspected that she was pregnant, so she took Bristol's phone away for a few days. The blogs have shown that Bristol bought a house in Alaska two months before Hanks was supposed to have scared her back to Alaska. The blogs are doing the work that the MSM won't do.

    8. Anonymous2:57 PM

      How many times have you said you were going to make a list..just do it or STHU.

    9. WakeUpAmerica3:22 PM

      If no one really cares or takes blogs seriously, why are you hanging out here and posting so relentlessly? Says a lot about you, doesn't it? Are you familiar with the psychology term "projection"?

    10. No more for me, thanks3:30 PM

      Maybe a monkey erik will fly out of my ass.



      Was that Auto Correct, or did you really name your Ass Monkey, Erik?

      Which is a fine name, by the way.


    11. WakeUpAmerica5:36 PM

      You know, NumbNuts, I don't think you know what "grifting" means. You certainly just used it in an incorrect context.

  48. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Never let go a perceived injury and never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Props for practicing; she almost sounds coherent.

  49. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Sarah and Todd own property in at least 3 states. These states they each have ties to.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      To school, go back to you should

  50. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I see the Belmont twins got an airing.

  51. Anonymous12:09 PM

    I don't get it... if Sarah Palin is so loved in Alaska and did such great work as governor for the good of Alaska, then how come in SarahPAC's contributor list of $200 or more, I only counted one Wasillian that gave Sarah Palin any money. It was a doctor and he only gave Sarah $250!

    I take that one donor in Wasilla as a giant middle finger to the beloved Palins from Wasilla.

  52. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Oh my can someone be as clueless as she is after all this time? "Waaahhh, someone said I was getting divorced, waahhh, someone said Trig isn't mine!" Does this bitch ever talk about anything besides "I hate Obama" and "The media is mean to me!" Why do these fools keep giving her speaking spots? They already know what the she's going to say. What a fucking whiny bore she is.

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM

      It is the lamestream media all right, but Sarah shouldn't be the one protesting them. They are afraid to touch the Trig story and have given her a pass on her ridiculous version of flying for 12 hours while in labor, leaking amniotic fluid, passing up a neonatal ward in Anchorage to have a special needs premature baby delivered by a GP who had delivered 3 kids that year.

    2. Anonymous3:18 PM

      They just go to see what she will wear.

    3. Anonymous3:33 PM

      Does this bitch ever talk about anything besides "I hate Obama" and "The media is mean to me!" Why do these fools keep giving her speaking spots?


      Why stop when it has gotten her (and her no-talent daughter) tv shows, speaking gigs, magazine covers, etc...

      to the tune of over $15 million dollars?

      That's a SERIOUS grifter; she ain't playin' around!

  53. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Does she remember when McCain and the GOP paid off all her thousands of dollars in legal fees, she was supposed to campaign for their candidates and attend fundraisers. She got a pass.
    How much these days is she getting for speaking fees for these useless places and functions she speaks at.

  54. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Sarah can't control her lies anymore. They are in the hands of Someone that is going to vindicate the many people who have prayed for mercy and help from her vindictive self. Sarah cannot control the Lord Almighty. Amen.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      I remember reading an e-mail Sarah sent to Todd telling him to pray to God to "turn this thing around." In her mind, SHE tells GOD what to do.

    2. Anonymous2:28 PM

      She sure does 1:35, like God told her to dress like a whore and preach hate to further His word.

    3. Anonymous3:12 PM

      "Oh what tangled webs we weave, when we practice to deceive."

  55. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Gryphen, My very general comment about Palin hiding the truth didn't get posted. Perhaps there was a glitch in the commenting system. Or not. So now I'm even more intrigued. This may be your most cryptic post ever or I may be losing it.

  56. Anonymous1:10 PM

    O/T - I have been taking care of my ailing mother since Thursday morning. She loves to watch movies on Lifetime.

    I have noticed that there have been no ads for Bristol's reality show since Wednesday. Prior to the Wed. lawsuit, her ads were on ALL the time. Has Lifetime cancelled her show? Postponed it because of the lawsuit or just plain realized that Bristol will be a liability to their network?

    Anyone have any news on this?

    1. Anonymous2:04 PM

      The program is still featured on Lifetime's website.

    2. Anonymous2:07 PM

      Unfortunately, the show is still being advertised on the Lifetime homepage. UGH!!

  57. Anonymous1:31 PM

    HA! I only just now discovered I have Lifetime in my cable package.... I've never watch it! So for fun I took a look at their line up. What a bunch of crap! Bristol will fit right in.

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Lifetime is airing a movie that stars Lindsay Lohan as Dame Elizabeth Taylor.

      They have zero standards.

  58. She is truly vile. Check out this comment from the speech (sorry for the long post):

    "And then we see another shift recently: Enabling and encouraging our promising young people that they can just sign on the dotted line and take all those college loan dollars that are available. Take all you can get. Saddle up and saddle yourself with $100,000 in college debt for a degree in, oh, say, post structural feminist neo-colonial underwater basket weaving because the job market is so ripe for that. Don’t worry about the future, kids. Just have fun. So now we have a generation of folks who are shackled with lifetime debt and often with useless degrees."

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      She has made it clear that she does not value education. She attacks anything that she cannot master: education, media, civil service and government, The POTUS and FLOTUS.....

      Yeah, kiddos..... just find a way to grift. Suckers born every minute.

    2. WakeUpAmerica3:17 PM

      This isn't surprising. Neither she nor anyone in her family values education. Educated people usually see the fake that she is. You control people by keeping them ignorant. Sarah and her ilk glorify ignorance and ridicule knowledge. It is the only way they can sell their wares.

    3. Anonymous4:07 PM

      YEAH SARAH! FUCK COLLEGE! If young people today want to make a living they should find out how to set up a super-pac and get free money from the stupids among us by pretending they are maybe one day going to consider thinking about running for some kind of office. Or they could set up a prostitution ring! Maybe get them a reality show! Stupid, nasty, low-life, white-trash, ignorant bitch.

  59. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Sarah claims to follow the Christian faith. The symbol for that would be the CROSS, not a JEWISH STAR. Why does Sarah wear a Jewish star when she is not Jewish? (The next time that one of you guys find yourself in the mens' room next to Todd, you might check and see if he is Jewish, too.)

  60. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I like the way she criticizes president Obama for something his family fed him when he was nine years old.

    1. Anonymous4:17 PM

      One time as a child in a foreign country, the President ate a a portion of dog meat, so the Palins act like this was a choice he made and he kills a dog and eats it every week. But her slut daughter Bristol is not responsible for getting pregnant at the age of 16/17 years old. That is Levi Johnston's fault and don't you dare suggest otherwise because that is just so mean and immature and untrue. lol this woman's brain is so fucked up.

    2. No more for me, thanks6:13 PM

      I love how it shows how "International" and "Diplomatic" SP is; what would she say if she were the VPOTUS and invited to India (or any other country where what they consider a delicacy, we consider nasty)?

  61. No more for me, thanks2:32 PM


    The pyramid scheme/Ponzi/WHATEVER scheme?

    Who thought they would EVER make it that obvious?



  62. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Is it possible that SarahPAC could have been used to launder Todd's ill-gotten monetary gains?

    It all could have been done in cash - send out a wad to some "friend" or "previous client" and have them farm out "contributions" to the SarahPAC, the Palins' own personal slush fund. If you look at their expense record, very little goes outside the PAC inner circle of expenses.

    1. Anonymous6:08 PM

      Just FYI, the SarahPAC refs are old, from last quarter. Not sure what is prompting current discussions here and by Malia. Next report due mid July. I bet we will see that her contributions remain less than her payouts to her retainers. She is probably hiding a lot in that fund.

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      The sea of urine were in a tizzy over this too. I'd feel bad for the imbeciles if they weren't such mean nasty racist old farts.

  63. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Oh, Sarah. You really should catch up on the 'ol Bible study.

    "Thou shalt not bear false witness" Exodus 20:16

    “And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
    And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.” (Matt. 7:24–27.)

    "And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying, If a soul sin, and commit a trespass against the LORD, and lie unto his neighbour…or hath deceived his neighbour…and lieth concerning it, and sweareth falsely; in any of all these that a man doeth, sinning therein: Then it shall be, because he hath sinned, and is guilty," Leviticus 6:1-4.

    "Ye shall not steal, neither deal falsely, neither lie one to another." Leviticus 19:11.

    "You know, I don't know. I knew early on that the smartest thing for me to do was to work hard, do the best that I can, make wise decisions based on good information in front of me. And then put my life, get myself on a path that could be dedicated to God and ask Him what I should do next. That will be the position I will be in as long as I'm on earth - that is, seeking the right path that God would have laid out for me." (Sarah Palin, 2008)

  64. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Left boob is still lower than right boob (yeah, yeah, the biggest boob is in between - as "boob" is a synonym for $carah) but if these are a result of surgery, not a waterbra - she got'em cut-rate - and you do get what you pay for.

  65. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    Haven't read the comments yet, but I'd just like to give a shout out to a psychotic sociopath with surgically enhanced upper frontals on skeletor's body.

    Hi, Sarah Queen of "Make stuff up itstan"!
    Thanks for confirming what the "old media" and "new media" (eyeroll) we knew all along.

    It seems to have gotten worse, the madness I mean, guess blood flow to her brain has been diverted to the new bazongas.

    Love how the quitter reads her speech with one voice, then goes off script and fumbles in another.

  66. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Lol! She reminds me of comedian ventriloquist Jeff Durham's crazy terrorist skeleton, get it some ugly eyeglasses, dirty wig and water-filled bra and you've got a dead ringer for Sista Scarah.

  67. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Watch out Sarah Shailey Tripp was asked to be a guest speaker at that New Orleans 2012 conference.


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