Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Something to keep in mind for those complaining about fundraising e-mails from the Democrats.


  1. No you are not crazy, I removed that last post because the image was four years old.

    THIS one is new.

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM


      Really would like to know.

  2. Anonymous10:50 PM

    And they plan to get rid of unions precisely BECAUSE they are effective fund raisers for the left...the ONLY one by the way. SO when unions are gone, the left will have NO chance at all to move this country forward, and the Kochs will turn the US into whatever crappy top heavy religious, white male, anti-woman, anti-middle class theocracy they seee fit. Thanks for the reminder Gryph. WE must be the voice of progress....every one of us.

  3. WakeUpAmerica10:54 PM

    What's the source of the graph?

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

  4. Paisley1:58 AM

    Something to show people who STILL think the UNIONS unduly influence politics. Thanks for posting this updated version.

    The dwindling of unions is catastrophic. The rise of legal bribery of politicians authorized by "our" Supreme Court via Citizen's United decision is the second to last nail on our collective coffin.

    The hammer for final nail is held by the ultra-wealthy who have no compassion nor understanding of the struggle of day to day lives of most Americans. They worship at the altar of Almighty Profit & Power. What care they for our petty lives?

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      Unions do not go into the voting booth with us, so they do not control our vote. But there is nothing wrong with them giving us suggestions. Everybody gives suggestions, even the Repubs.

  5. Anonymous7:07 AM

    The only way Dems candidates are going to get needed donations, is to ask for them.

    I am just appalled at the immaturity of the Dem electorate. This is why we always lose elections. They will not be satisfied until we have Repubs running roughshod over all of us, in Washington.


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