Thursday, June 28, 2012

Supreme Court upholds the Affordable Care Act! Update!

Pete Williams of MSNBC reported that the Supreme Court has upheld Obamacare!

This takes away one of the Republicans BIGGEST weapons to use against the President, and is going to be devastating to the Romeny campaign.

This is incredibly good news!

Update: Here is what the Washington Post has to way:

The Supreme Court just upheld the Affordable Care Act as constitutional, affirming Congress’ authority to require Americans to purchase health insurance coverage. 

It’s no doubt an understatement to describe this as a huge victory for the law, and the Obama administration. The Affordable Care Act – after spending two years in legal limbo – now has the court’s backing to move forward. That does not, however, mean the law has smooth sailing ahead. Many obstacles still stand in the law’s way, ones that could derail its success nearly as much as an adverse legal ruling.

That may be true, but this ruling is a monster victory for the President, and one that simply CANNOT be overstated.

Update 2: I found this on Reddit, as reprinted from the SCOTUS blog:

1) The Medicaid provision is limited but not invalidated. 
2) The bottom line: the entire ACA is upheld, with the exception that the federal government's power to terminate states' Medicaid funds is narrowly read. !!!! 
3) Chief Justice Roberts' vote saved the ACA. 
4) The money quote from the section on the mandate: Our precedent demonstrates that Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it. 
5) The court reinforces that individuals can simply refuse to pay the tax and not comply with the mandate. 
6) On the Medicaid issue, a majority of the Court holds that the Medicaid expansion is constitutional but that it w/b unconstitutional for the federal government to withhold Medicaid funds for non-compliance with the expansion provisions. 
7) The key comment on salvaging the Medicaid expansion is this (from Roberts): "Nothing in our opinion precludes Congress from offering funds under the ACA to expand the availability of health care, and requiring that states accepting such funds comply with the conditions on their use. What Congress is not free to do is to penalize States that choose not to participate in that new program by taking away their existing Medicaid funding." (p. 55) 
8) The Court does not reach severability issues, having upheld the mandate 5-4. 
9) The Court holds that the mandate violates the Commerce Clause, but that doesn't matter b/c there are five votes for the mandate to be constitutional under the taxing power. 
10) The Court holds that the Anti-Injunction Act doesn't apply because the label "tax" is not controlling. 
11) Justice Ginsburg makes clear that the vote is 5-4 on sustaining the mandate as a form of tax. Her opinion, for herself and Sotomayor, Breyer and Kagan, joins the key section of Roberts opinion on that point. She would go further and uphold the mandate under the Commerce Clause, which Roberts wouldn't. Her opinion on Commerce does not control. 
12) Kennedy is reading from the dissent. In opening his statement in dissent, Kennedy says: "In our view, the entire Act before us is invalid in its entirety." (Big Surprise there ha? /s)

So far this is the best rundown I have seen on the internet.

Update 3: It looks like CNN, in their overly impulsive desire to report that SCOTUS struck down the law, joined Fox News in their journalistic accuracy.

 And THIS is why I rarely ever visit CNN for news anymore. Idiots!

Update 4: The Lunatic from Lake Lucille tweets her anger at this decision:

 Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies.

Hee, hee, hee! It looks like somebody got up on the wrong side of history today.

Update 5: Wow! I am used to Palin having the dumbest responses to these things, but check out Rand Paul's response to the decision by SCOTUS:

 “Just because a couple people on the Supreme Court declare something to be ‘constitutional’ does not make it so. The whole thing remains unconstitutional. While the court may have erroneously come to the conclusion that the law is allowable, it certainly does nothing to make this mandate or government takeover of our health care right,” Sen. Paul said.

You know I don't believe that Paul UNDERSTANDS what "Constitutional" means. nor what the Supreme Court's role IS in determining what is, and is not constitutional.


  1. WakeUpAmerica6:17 AM

    WOOT, F---ING WOOT!!!
    This is absolutely wonderful news!

    1. Anonymous6:33 AM

      And, may I say, ahem; woot.

    2. Dinty7:10 AM

      To elaborate on your earlier point,


    3. Anonymous7:34 AM

      Double fucking woot. I am so thrilled with this. It could be a huge turning point not only in the solvency of the country and the health of the people, but maybe the end of the obstructionism of those f'ing T Partiers.

    4. I'll add a few "YIPPEE"s

    5. Anonymous10:20 AM

      This bill is about caring about people, which the Repubs can't find themselves to do. Ever.

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Wow - 6-3. I can't explain why but I am in tears right now. Relief for the president but also happiness for those the law has already helped.

    Our wonderful president has been the subject of so much vitriol. And yet he keeps trying to do what is right despite the most disgusting amount of smears I have ever seen.

    Maybe the majority will start to understand now just how much crap this president has had to take, and how gracefully he has handled it.

    Obama 2012! Eff the GOP.

    1. 5-4 it was - not to mention CNN got it wrong - no wonder their ratings abelow zero

      Don't let Mitt Romney appoint any members to SCOTUS - this was as close as it gets

  3. WakeUpAmerica6:18 AM

    Oh yeah, LOVE the picture!! Perfect.

    1. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Where is Thomas? I bet he fell over in a dead faint from his 652 pounds of stickers.

  4. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Congrats to you America.

    We here in Canada salute the common sense of the court.

    Sucks to be you, GOP.

    1. Cheers from Canada as well! I am so relieved for the people of the US. Next step: Medicare for all!

      Obama/Biden in 2012

    2. Anonymous7:32 AM

      I love Canada. Thank you!

    3. Anonymous8:09 AM

      Hello, Canada! Hopefully sometime within the next twenty years the US will finally achieve universal health care. But the Affordable Health Care Act is a first step and having the "Supremes" (although it should have been unanimous given the benefits those clowns get) behind it will give impetus for the next steps.

    4. Anonymous9:15 AM

      Thank You Canada! (again)

    5. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Sorry to rain on everyone's parade here, but we need to realize a few things.

      1) This may make November a harder win for President Obama. People who are more secure risk being more complacent. On the other hand, this pisses of the base base of the TeaTHUGs. Anger energizes.

      (And I wouldn't be at all surprised if that line of thinking with or without collusion entered Roberts head.)

      2) It probably puts us farther from universal healthcare, because no one will now want to upset the applecart.

  5. ManxMamma6:22 AM

    I am shaking! This is the best news in a long while! Obama/Biden 2012!!!

    1. Ailsa6:51 AM

      Me too, ManxMamma. I was trembling with nerves before it came down and now trembling with joy!

  6. AJ Billings6:24 AM

    This IS wonderful news for the millions of less affluent working Americans that have no real access to health care besides begging in emergency rooms.

    I must say though, that this is going to cause the Teaparty and fanatic ultra right nutcases like Paylin, Demint, Brownback, the Koch brothers, Limbaugh, and Mark Levin to go insane with hatred.

    They will now begin to try and bring about a civil war, and may try murder and assasination of anyone who opposes them.

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      AJ Billings I share your concerns, those people are downright scary.

    2. Olivia9:33 AM

      I am very worried also.

  7. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Mr G, you scooped everyone -- according to my search on the net. I can't believe it. I was preparing for the worst. Wow! Thanks for the great FIRST heads up re this.

    1. I was also prepared for the worst, and was ready to go medieval on the Supreme Court's ass.

      When Williams read that it was upheld, I was literally shocked and thought he had not read it correctly.

      Awesome day for America!

    2. Anonymous6:42 AM

      CNN had a countdown and reported WRONG!
      They have just joined Fox News as "NO NEWS"!!!
      On twitter there was a screenshot from CNN, that "Obamacare was shot down"! Idiots!
      Great day for USA! Fuck the teabaggers!
      Obama-Biden 2012

    3. Anonymous7:07 AM

      The NYT took 7 more minutes to get it (after IM). After I saw it here, my CBS link still did not have it. I was trying to get over my delighted shock (of well-deserved good news for a change) by surfing.

      Mr G: How did you get it?

      I'm still in shock.

    4. Anonymous8:11 AM

      I decided a long time ago that certain Alaskan bloggers were better with the news that the vaunted New York Times. Hooray!
      Obama/Biden/Democratic Congress 2012

    5. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Sorry to rain on the Gryph parade, but Political Carnival had it up within seconds of the verdict.

    6. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Anonymous8:35 AM

      Not to worry Anon, Gryph is still Amazing, Wonderful, Expressive, Resourceful, Caring, and We Love Him despite the "rain!"

  8. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:26 AM


    I read a wonderful comment this AM that we'll eventually drag the Cons into the future with us. Visualize a bunch of pouty tots kicking, screaming and throwing their toys just about now.

    Thrilled!! Thanks, Gryphen, for all you do as well. Back to work...

  9. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Bye Bye Sarah! Now please take your "death panels" and shove them up your saggy ***ss!

    1. AJ Billings6:31 AM

      Yes, $arah, I guess your hate speech LIE known as the death panel is dead.

      Maybe those damn elite folks on the supreme court might know a little bit more than a 5 college non graduate like you!

      Sux to be $arah Paylin this morning.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      She has already responded with some pap: "Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies." SarahPalin via twitter.
      What a flippin dumb Kunt!
      We all KNOW who the LIAR is!!! You! Baldy!

    3. "Obama lies; freedom dies"?

      Oh Please! That facepalm stupid coming from someone who faked a pregnancy for political gain and came up with 'Death Panels' voted as being the "Lie Of The Year".

    4. Anonymous9:18 AM

      The intellectually and emotionally deprived sarah-the-idiot-liar cannot comprehend the fact that, other than a handful of other morons, nobody cares what she thinks at all!

    5. Anonymous11:38 AM

      And . . . one cannot lie in restrospect. She's a dunce.

  10. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Thank-you John -'Earl Warren'- Roberts...!

  11. Excellent news, and wonderful graphic!!!

  12. Absolutely the best thing for Obama's presidency. Now we need him for 4 more years to make ACA better.

  13. NOW THAT IS THE BEST NEWS TO WAKE UP TOO! WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO! Take that Baldy! You and your damn "death panels" can take a big walk off of a short pier at Lunatic Lake Lucille!

    Sticking my tongue out at the She Devil!

    *GinaM taking a page out of Beefy's book*

    1. Gina -- The bots are sobbing in their Bud Lite over at the pond. "It's the end of America as we know it!"

      It appears the Bald One has issued a tweet. I guess your avy had it planned in advance. :-)

    2. Anonymous8:21 AM

      Did she also say "I HATE YOU?"

      *CIP taking a page out of Brissie's "Exceptional Parention" guide.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Sarah is happy that no one is paying attention to her loser kid Palin, worst mother of the year.

    4. Anonymous10:30 AM

      Did she also say "I HATE YOU?"

      Tripp is getting his own reality show. Sarah doesn't want to steal his title.

    5. HEY HEY pol....I took a walk over to Crazies4Palin to see the reaction to today's Supreme Court decision and posted this on Gryphen's other post...Re-posting for YOU!

      Meanwhile in the recently repaired Dayroom the patients have torn off their hospital gowns and taken off their depends and are throwing excrement at each other in RAGE! It's a mess I tell ya'!

      The nurses (moderators) are trying to get the patients back into their rooms but the loonies aren't cooperating! I saw that the Hospital Director (RAM) made an announcement over the loudspeaker (Twitter) to calm them down! But it didn't work!

      I did notice that some of the nurses(moderators)had passed out pacifiers soaked in Prozac for some of the REALLY crazy patients...Brian BigAnus is one who had begin spewing latin and venom in rapid succession till the point that I think he may have stroked out mid sentence!

      Luckily the nurses (moderators) turned the TV to FAKE News and one of the patients began singing some hymns and they all started eating their "store bought cookies" and drinking from their juice boxes which prompted me to skaddled my ass out of there!

      I'll check back in later...apparently Baldy is going to be on VanCrookedFace tonight and I thought I saw some of those old nasty men patients buying little bottles of baby oil from the patient store! EGADS!

  14. Anonymous6:32 AM

    Yes!!!!!!! This is a landmark day for our country! I am so happy!

  15. Let me rain on your parade, folks: This will make the Tea Party even more determined to elect Mitt Romney, the corporation masquerading as a person.

    This is good news, but things are not over.

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      I agree: With the mega money, voter suppression, and voter fraud, the GOP still has a good chance of winning.

    2. Dinty7:09 AM

      It is imperative that the Tea Party put the architect of The ACA in the White House so he can kill it?

    3. So - who cares - no way can Mitt Romney win - not even the GOP think he's any good. Doom & gloom not needed

    4. Anonymous7:43 AM

      Fuck! We know "Things" are not Over!
      But this is good news!

    5. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Gee Everyday! I bet you're a real hoot to hang out with. Keep your negatives for tomorrow. We're not idiots. We understand the work to come.

      Today - we celebrate!

    6. To Dinty @7:09 AM

      Yes, it is ironic that the people who hate the ACA have nominated a guy who passed something similar as governor. He will have a hard time explaining it away to most people. But I think we have seen that Tea Partiers are adept at seeing what they want to see. More than half of Republicans still think Obama was not born in the USA. I think their hatred of Obama is stronger than their distaste of Romney. To a lot of people, Mr "It's Okay for MA But Bad For All 50 States" will look ridiculous. But not to the people who hate any candidate with a "D" after their name.

      Plus I think that if President, Romney would roll over for Republicans in congress.

    7. To Anonymous @7:48 AM

      Never stop to celebrate. Conservatives and Republicans met on the day of Obama's inauguration to plot against him. They never pause, and neither should we.

      I don't care whether or not I am a "a real hoot to hang out with". I DO care about not living in a corporate theocracy. If you are upset about someone staying vigilant, then in all seriousness start memorizing Bible verses. It sounds like you'll need it.

  16. Beldar J Conehead6:34 AM

    Obamacare +1

    President Barack HUSSAIN Obama +1

    Obama2012 +1

    1. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Rmoney -1

    2. Anonymous9:38 AM

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012 Yeaaaaaa!!!!!

  17. Randall6:37 AM

    I am very pleasantly surprised, to say the least.

    History will show that this was the right decision for the United States of America.

    On a humorous note: turn your television to Fox News and watch them gnash their teeth and spin, spin, spin.

    1. Uh un baby! The best place to be is at Crazies4Palin! They are on SUICIDE WATCH! All 15 patients! Baldy just posted on Twitter some shit...I guess they had to wake her from a drunken stupor because it sounds like a drunk Tweet!

      "Sarah Palin ‏@SarahPalinUSA

      Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies."

      Bitch Please! You mean whatever political career you THOUGHT you had left...has DIED!

    2. Gina - you are a doll - except for that picture - I just saw that tweet - what a joke she is - she'd have left town after 6 months if she had to cope with the issues the President has faced - and won.

      The media sure had everyone fooled about this one - they thought if they yelled loud enough the SCOTUS would fold to their superior rubbish. Not a good idea to follow the ideas of the quitter. Big Fail

    3. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Crazies4Palin will just spin this into PROOF that Sarah is running for President. See... she's been planning this all along.

      Then a few bible verses that have absolutely nothing to do with ACA...

      A couple of historical quotes from Lincoln and/or Jefferson...

      Hmm, now that I think about it, I guess it's just a typical day at the Peepond.

    4. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Sure goes to show that AGAIN the national media was WRONG!!! Cannot trust them at all! FOX - CNN.

      I truly don't think the race is close between our wonderful President Obama and Mitt Romney. I think Romney is going to get his ass beat good and I can hardly wait to watch the results come in in November!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    5. "she'd have left town after 6 months"

      6 months?! One week and she would have been found sobbing and drooling in a corner somewhere, curled into the fetal position with smoke coming out of her ears.

      That bitch can't take the heat, which is why she'll forever lob her spitballs at President Obama from the safety of twitter and facebook.

  18. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Just woke up (I work 2nd shift in the Central Time zone) to the best news I've had all week. Take that Palin!

  19. My first stop to celebrate was to come here ! :)

    I can finally stop holding my breath, after a bit of celebrating it will be time to get back to work to improve the health bill we have and there is room for improvement that is for sure - but at least we have a good start !!!

    Obama/Biden 2012

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Last night I was on the proverbial pins and needles hoping and praying for this outcome, but also worried about the decision that SCOTUS would hand down.
      And yes, Lady Rose, I agree that this is a "good start." What a wonderful start it is!

      This morning brought Surprise and Relief! The Affordable Care Act has survived!

      And yes, Lady Rose, I agree that this is a "good start." But oh, what a wonderful start it is!

  20. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I guess this means we can look forward to another scathing tweet... or a sternly-written facebook post from Sarah. Oh, she and her keyboard will really put us in our place. I'm trembling. What a political powerhouse she is. [[snort]]

  21. Olivia6:47 AM

    I am verklempt!

    I suppose soon we will see Sarah with the wig tilted on her head, veins popping out on her face, snarling and sniping on Faux. Suck it Sarah Palin.

    Obama-Biden 2012!

  22. I am so excited!
    I am so proud that Roberts did the right thing and showed he cannot be bought.
    A pox on the rest of the judges that cannot seem to bring themselves to care about all Americans, just the rich.
    Now the republicans will be angry and they will go after Holder!!!!

    1. Dinty7:06 AM

      John Roberts affirm a scheme cooked up by the Heritage Foundation? That's just crazy talk!

    2. Anonymous8:05 AM

      Of course that turd can be bought. Let's not go overboard. Roberts is very conscious of his image. He knew "his" Supreme Court was on very shaky public image ground. This was his way of trying to improve its image.

    3. Anonymous8:41 AM

      8:05 AM


    4. Anon 8:05 I agree. I believe that this was one step Roberts couldn't take. Thank Goodness!!!

  23. Anonymous6:53 AM

    3-2-1. . .Palin screeching on Facebook yet? Or is she still face down in a pile of moose crap.

    1. She Tweeted:
      "Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies."

      Just a warning - if you wander over to the PeePond today, be sure to wear your waders, the tears of rage are flowing like crazy over there!
      Obama 2012!!!

    2. Dinty7:05 AM

      She wrote this on Twitter:

      "Obama lied to the American people. Again. He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies."

      Sour grapes, anyone? LOL

    3. Not What You Want to Hear7:33 AM

      Yes, her tweet about a tax. What about the tax people pay so her family can get free healthcare because her husband is 25% Native Alaskan?

      Typical rightwinger. What's good for me is not for thee...

    4. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Sarah had to be put in a straight jacket this morning!!! Haha!

    5. Anonymous9:46 AM

      John Tiemesson. John Roberts.

    6. Anonymous10:41 AM

      I'm not on twitter, but someone should tweet that at her. What a hypocrite!

  24. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I am soooo happy with the way this came down. Thank you Chief Justice Roberts for doing the right thing. It doesn't make up for Citizens United though... gotta work on that one.

  25. Anonymous6:57 AM

    This Supreme Court decision makes Sarah Palin even more inconsequential. Apparently the Supreme Court couldn't find those death panels she loves to go on about. Love it!

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Next she'll be whining that the Supreme Court does not matter anyway.

  26. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Come on, guys--I just donated $25 to the Obama campaign, you all need to give what you can! TODAY! We don't need W. Bush Romney as our king. We need to move forward.

  27. DelMartian6:58 AM

    I just came from reading the fools comments on C4P. Go there if you want a good laugh! The idiots are really whining.

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Brancy will be running for office. She must have a blog post up soon. You don't think she would be a slacker on this one?

  28. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Congratulations America! Such great news. Thank you President Obama for making this happen in the first place. We have become a nation that cares about everyone, not just the rich and privileged.

  29. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:02 AM

    Just over at the Insane Asylum (couldn't help myself) where the buzz is that The Queen will emerge on her balcony and comment to the peons tonight on Greta. Oughta be a hoot!! She'll start medicating now!

    1. Anonymous9:52 AM

      They really need her now. Rally those troops. Send her money. ASAP. She won't let them down, she has that conventional thing figured out and she will be the only one who can beat the competition.

      The only thing standing in her way are those kin of hers, like Todd, who do those goofball reality shows. What are they thinking? Don't the kin know that Sarah's quest for leader of the free world will not be taken serious if her family looks so stoopid?

    2. Sally in MI9:54 AM

      Ooohh...her balcony. Maybe she'll jump off into the Dead Lake and Toad can use his new helicopter jumping skills to save her! THAT would change the topic at Fox for a minute or two.

  30. Anonymous7:04 AM

    No surprise, attention-whore Palin has already bad-mouthed the President in response to the Supreme Court decision. Your 15 minutes is up, Bitch.

  31. lostinthemidwest7:05 AM

    I heard tiny explosions earlier, which I took for firecrackers. Turns out it was republican heads exploding around me.

    Great day. With a second term President Obama may be able to tweak this into something even better!!

    Obama/Biden 2012

  32. Anonymous7:06 AM


    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      The Palin Curse spares no one or nothing!

  33. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I am thrilled.. I thought after what happened to Gore they would do the same. I think truly out of respect for Ted Kennedy as he was the one who asked Obama to see this through.. Amen.. This will help so many and will saves on taxes..Yeah!!!!!!!!I am so happy..

  34. Dinty7:07 AM

    Sarah Palin was heard this morning as saying "bbbut, bbut DEATH PANELS!!!!!1!!!!"

  35. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I just donated $100 at I am not rich and the money could go a dozen other places, but I feel that I must put my money where my mouth is. This is such a great day for America and for those of us who want a country that cares about ALL of us, not just the privileged few.


    1. I cried reading the announcement that healthcare is upheld!

      I'm always broke (artist!) and but I am DIGGING DEEP to support President Obama, the Democtatic Senatorial committee, and DOWN TICKET races.

      Donating is one concrete thing I can do to make clear the kind of country I want.

    2. Anonymous7:41 AM

      I agree: Obama needs a sea of small donors too. Even if the total $ is not that high, the # of participants is v important too and tells its own story.

    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      I have donated too. Most important is making sure that people get out and vote for him and have the proper ID to assure their vote counts.

      The Repubs are shitting green nickels they are so pissed. Makes me laugh!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    4. Sally in MI9:52 AM

      I donated yesterday, thinking that we would need the money to fight the right more than ever. What a wonderful morning!

  36. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Thank God!!! Now we have to work on overturning citizens united on a state level, in every state. It has ruined our democracy!

  37. Palin tweets Obama is a liar.Classy

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Poor loser meme, her Poppy taught her that back in ol' Alaskee.

  38. Anonymous7:18 AM

    The CRAZY WONKY-EYED BITCH is going to IMPLODE on Faux tonight! That THAT, you HARPY! THIS is "REALITY!"

    1. Anonymous8:16 AM

      Should read, "TAKE THAT!" And she's already calling Obama a liar? Hey, Esther! Look in the mirror, you skank.

  39. A. J. Billings7:19 AM

    The whining begins:

    This morning, my local AM radio station has Glenn the idiot Beck on.

    He is screaming that this is all George W Bush's fault, because he nominated John Robert for chief justice.

    Beck is now even more behind Romney, and I'm sure the rest of the KochLickers will be right on the case for getting Romny elected.

  40. Anonymous7:21 AM

    A huge victory for the president! Although I maintain that the ACA is hugely flawed at least we have a start.

    I tuned in to Hannity last night while flipping through channels and he had that ass hat Frank Luntz who refers to himself as a pollster. Their focus group this go round was primarily folks who had voted for Obama but opposed to the ACA AND YET...when he asked the group how many would now vote for Romney three hands went up (out of a group of over 40). Sean and Frank were doing a mad scramble to end that segment pronto! LOL! Ooops!


  41. Not What You Want to Hear7:32 AM

    This ruling just saved a lot of peoples' lives.

    Well done, President Obama. Well done.

  42. Having fun with CNN to let off some of my giddiness. On their "breaking news/hot tips" line : my breaking news right after the decision was "you got it wrong!" And my tip an hour later: try and get the news right before you report. Fun stuff!

  43. Anonymous7:44 AM

    I have to admit, I'm enjoying the Twitter replies to Sarah's scathing tweet this morning. A few gems:

    "Shhhh. The grownups are talking."

    "Sarah Palin says this is a sad day for “real” Americans who “[should] be allowed to die alone and in debt to for-profit health providers”"

    "Levi Johnston got in your daughter's thighs RT @SarahPalinUSA: Obama lied to the people He said it wasn't a tax. Obama lies; freedom dies." [Nice addition to her "rhyme"]

    "Once again @SarahPalinUSA steps up to the plate to remind us that people who wear glasses are not necessarily smart."

    1. Anonymous9:15 AM

      This is one time I wish I did the tweeter thang, people need to spread the word about Palin not having to worry about healthcare yet she would deny it to millions less fortunate than her.

  44. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I'm so happy my husband can't be turned down again for a pre-existing condition. I wish someone would go punch Palin in the neck with her daggum death panel.

  45. How good it felt to exhale. I was so prepared for the worst news. Didn't anyone mention to Palin that this was a SCOTUS ruling?? Won't her next tweet have to now claim that the President has the 'right-wing majority' Supremes in his pocket or something equally braindead.

    Who could have guessed Palin's 'death panels' would eventually serve as little more than assisted suicide for her own career? Gonna be a rough week for ol' Willer. Bristol crying on one shoulder and mommie dearest on the other.

  46. Anonymous7:55 AM

    This was no victory for Obama
    It cost him the election
    voters will vote
    for Romney now

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Thanks for the lol! This is a victory - for Obama and America. President Obama will serve two terms. America is not full of witless haters though I do grant that they sure make a lot of noise.

    2. Dinty8:43 AM

      Vote for the guy who was the architect of the plan originally? You do know that ObamaCare is based heavily off of what Romney enacted while he was Governor of Massachusetts, don't you?

    3. Then they are stupid.
      As Governor of Massachusetts, Romney as Governor, passed almost an identical health care bill.

      How will he spin that?

    4. You know what? As our President has said, "it's the right thing to do." People will live instead of die. Isn't that the important thing?

      Those of us who care about our country and its citizens and who want a just and sane and compassionate country will work, donate and VOTE to make that happen.

      Bring it on!

    5. Anonymous9:22 AM

      Romney spun it today by saying he'd get rid of the law the first day he is in office! Which, of course, he cannot do w/o the approval of Congress!

      Thank God, he'll not be elected over President Obama - I see a landslide ahead for President Obama in spite of what the media and Republicans say!!!

    6. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Don't you have somewhere else to go?

    7. Sally in MI9:50 AM

      Yeah right. Americans who now have health care are going to vote for the guy who will 'repeal it on day one," leaving them in the dust? Sorry, nice try, but President Obama is the greatest President we have seen ever, adn the right can't stand that they are checkmated at every turn. Poor babies.

    8. Anonymous10:57 AM

      You just can't stand it that President Obama is an intelligent, thoughtful, and decent human being who is doing and supporting the right things for Americans.

      Better toddle back to Faux Newz and join their Bash and Trash Lying Foolishness.

  47. Anonymous7:59 AM

    A great day for the USA and even sweeter because it was the more "conservative" justices who make is so.

    Palin, as usual, puts up some BS on twitter that shows that she doesn't know what the hell she is talking about.

  48. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Rand Paul is a moron. Just some people...on the Supreme court! Go back to obstructing progress on congress, a-hole, in a desperate attempt to make your insane father proud.

  49. hedgewytch8:11 AM

    It was great to turn on the internet this a.m. and read about this decision.

    But I have always thought that the GOP was between a rock and hard place on this one. If they struck down the AHCA, then it would have let the argument open for Universal Health Care, which I would have preferred, but the loss of the insurance companies would have put a lot of people out of work.

  50. Anonymous8:12 AM

    today Obama taxes the middle class again

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      Oh please... is that the best you can come up with? "It's a tax!" Good luck with that one. Americans are much smarter than you seem to think they are.

    2. You lie. And where did you get "again"?

    3. Anonymous9:11 AM

      @8:12 Care to elaborate?

    4. Anonymous9:19 AM

      8:12 AM, are you taking a bath-salt again?

    5. Anonymous9:25 AM

      Hey Dipshit - President Obama never called it a tax. The Supreme Court did.

    6. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Go away!!!

    7. Sally in MI9:48 AM

      Yeah, you are so smart. Your taxes are lower than they have been in your lifetime. What tax has President Obama put in place? NONE. Stop watching Fox and listening to Rush and Issa. All lies. All of them.

  51. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Romney said that on the first day of his presidency, he will repeal the Health Care bill. Excuse me, but i thought that it was Congress and the Senate that passed laws and they are the ones who have to vote to repeal laws.

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Romney should not be allowed near the White House - he is a proven liar and only says what he thinks the Repubs want him too.

      He is going to be beat significantly by President Obama and I can hardly wait to watch the returns come in across the country.

      Vote the Republicans out of office across the nation and Dems in.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. Sally in MI9:47 AM

      Yes, it will be an interesting fall. If he manages to ho-hum his way through the 1st debate, he will fall flat on his face discussing foreign policy, women, health care, and any other subject. I just pray the moderators hold him to acount, and don't let him 'pull a Palin." (I will not answer the way you want me too, or I will not answer that gotcha question because I know all about energy and oil and dead fish.)Romney's will be: I will not answer that question the way you expect because I supported health care mandates, Olympic horses as a tax writeoff, and hiring lots of cheap labor. I know all about running a state and meeting deadlines and raising money. My foreign policy experience extends to the Caymans, where I am quite knowledgeable, or my accountants are, about the banking system, which is fine since there are no odious regulations on them. Obama is a bad President. What was the question again?

  52. The Palin Family Refrigerator8:17 AM

    I am happy for you all. Truly. I hope you enjoy this victory. I am sure it will save many lives. I only wish the Affordable Care Act extended to large appliances. I am having a rough **OOF!** go of it **POP!** lately. Namast**OUCH!**, my friends. Oh, dear, not the hominy, it really smarts...

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM


      Southern Virginia Voter

    2. Anonymous9:31 AM


    3. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Awesome! LMAO

  53. Anonymous8:18 AM

    The Dems have now been snookered into a position that is hugely unpopular with the people. That is, everyone is now going to be required to buy very expensive insurance that they can't afford. The insurance companies will have no mercy which will make the downside for Obama bigger than the victory. Americans still don't get it right and won't until they demand single payer universal health care. That won't happen until the Dems control all branches of government.
    luv from Canada. (where we know how it's done right)

    1. Anonymous8:40 AM

      Ahem, insurance companies will be limited as to what they can do under the Affordable Care Act. I suggest you read the law or an objective summary of it. Perhaps listening to President Obama's statement might help you understand how wrong you are.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I just posted a reply that suggested you do more research because, in my opinion you are wrong about what insurance companies can do but I do agree about the necessity of Democrats being voted into both the Senate and House so we can put this stupid debate behind us and concentrate on the economy. Single payer is the way to go after we get the economy under control.

    3. Anonymous8:48 AM

      I found this comment on another blog, which rings true.

      "Not only do I believe Conservatives are ruining the world, I think trying to work with them only empowers and emboldens them. They must be rejected and ejected from all seats of power. There is no other way."

    4. DO you know how much it costs to be sick and uninsured?

      People realize the need for health insurance. the more people in the system the costs go down.
      Or do YOU realize that your health insurance also pays for those that can't will not pay for their own?
      Do you really think hospitals give out free health care?

    5. LOL "luv from Canada". Knew you'd show up to spread the opposite of love.

      Here's the deal: I'll take "snookering" any day over having millions of humans suffer or die for lack of health care.

      As to "forced to buy very expensive health care" I suggest you read the health care law regarding subsidies. While you're at it, read the entire law.

      Yes, we will eventually have single payer as long as we keep working and ignore the twatwaffles.

      Have a nice day!

    6. This is a complete and total lie: "...required to buy very expensive insurance that they can't afford."

      Single-payer insurance was absolutely not going to pass at the time. What we have is a start. No one, including the President, thinks that the plan passed is perfect as is. The Democrats were not snookered.

      Time and time again, you demonstrate your ignorance of America and our political processes.

      Take your passive-aggressive so called "luv" from Canada and shove it.

    7. Not What You Want to Hear8:59 AM

      luv from Canada, look at it like this. If we were to outlaw the health insurance industry in one legislative act, hundreds of thousands of people would instantly be out of a job. We cannot do something that reckless.

      Also, if we were to switch to single payer, we would see our taxes go up anyway.

      Plus, there are many things in this bill that reign in costs and profiteering, and not just by insurance companies.

      Now maybe one day we will officially be single payer. But until this, this Act goes a long way in expanding access to health care and getting control over skyrocketing costs.

      And it's about damn time.

    8. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Thank you Liz, very well said!! "luv" from Canada is obnoxious at best.

    9. Anonymous9:12 AM

      @8:18 Is that Sarah? Snookered is a favorite Sarah word. It should be "luv from Wasilla."

    10. Anonymous9:43 AM

      Did you know there are subsidies for people who can't afford to pay for health insurance? And there will be insurance exchanges to offer insurance options in a usable format? Read about the law before saying stupidities.

  54. Anonymous8:19 AM

    No comment from Bristol yet? She's SO knowledgeable of political matters!

  55. Leland8:20 AM

    Oh come on, people! Did you really expect anything INTELLIGENT from the idiot who said Paul Revere was riding to warn the BRITISH? So far, the ONLY thing that woman has ever said with which I agree is that one can see Russia from Alaska!

  56. Anonymous8:22 AM

    I am shocked!!!!!

    Now I am just sitting at my desk listening to my boss & co-workers rant & rave about it. Drives me nuts!

    You should have heard them after BO won the election;)

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I'm sorry. Why don't you move to New England, NY or the West Coast where you find the intelligent, informed, compassionate people. By the way, your boss' comments are harrassment and you can take file a complaint against the idiot and your employer.

  57. Anonymous8:25 AM

    The new site banner at the peepond is HILARIOUS!!

    1. Holy Tim Burton, Batman!

      I hadn't seen that because of my browser cache but . . . words fail me.

      Fits right in with Brianus hoping "the Lord" will shorten the lives of "younger" Supreme Court justices.

    2. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I had to clear my cache to see it... but it's okay. Sarah doesn't see the flag, as she's obviously too busy sending a tweet.

    3. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Here;s another hilarious from the Peepond. (You may have seen this one before or some version of it in discussions about earmarks: Requests for federal earmarks declined dramatically in each of the fiscal years for which Sarah Palin exercised budgetary authority for the State of Alaska.

      "In FY2007, Gov. Frank Murkowski requested $350 million in federal appropriations, which Gov. Palin reduced to $256 million in FY2008, $198 million in FY2009, and $69 million in FY2010.
      Overall, Gov.Palin cut earmark requests by more than 80% during her tenure as Governor. "

      One minor problem there, folks. That FY means fiscal year. According to my quick research, Fiscal Year 2010 began on July 1, 2009. $carah Palin resigned as governor on July 3rd 2009 - so in three days, she requested $69 million in earmarks? If she had continued at that rate, she would have ended up requesting something like $6.9 billion for fiscal year 2010.

      Feel free to correct and take this one apart those who have the time or AK knowledge to do so.

  58. Excellent post, Gryphen. Thanks!

    5) The court reinforces that individuals can simply refuse to pay the tax and not comply with the mandate.

    Lawrence O'Donnell's did an excellent segment on this last night. I wonder how long it will take the rest of the media to start reporting on this and other provisions of the law instead of being a megaphone for political hacks.

    1. Your 5) is incorrect - if they don't buy health insurance - they have to pay the tax. The court said the opposite of what you have written.

      Don't copy CNN - get the facts right before you go into print

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      True, but the law says no jail time as right wing extremists had claimed.

  59. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Chills up and down my arms! Thank you Mr. President!

  60. Anonymous8:37 AM

    This is comiing from somebody that gets free healthcare because her husband is part native American which nobody reports

    1. Anonymous10:10 AM

      She can't get free health care. Only her children IF they are 25%. If she is getting free health care then something is horribly wrong and needs to be investigated.

      My 'aunt' (who is white) moved to Alaska and married my uncle and while my uncle has health care, my aunt doesn't. Their children didn't make the 25% blood and they aren't covered either.

      So if Palin is covered, then I would be really pissed off.

  61. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Does this huge victory energize us to do our tiny part by getting the Palin Baby Hoax revealed? In spite of the MSM blackout? Not sure how, what would work. But if we succeed, it would put an end to SP calling the President a liar. A liar! Imagine SP calling anyone (else) a liar!

    Scharlott and Floyd seem to think the best avenue is a Johnston Family tell-all, which might also earn some Move-away-from-AK-money for them. Mr G you said the babygate book is written. What are your plans, esp for getting attention for it? This is the moment! Well before the election. How can we help?

    This would be our contribution to helping the electorate understand the dirty tricks of the last election, so they can be more vigilant and aware of them in this 2012 election. Please, let's figure out the strategy and by God do it: unmask the Palin Baby Hoax, which serves as a symbol of the deceit of the GOP, in 2008 and up to the present day.

    Do you need a hard-core central team? Choose from among us commenters. I bet each of us would help.

    1. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I'd be more than willing to help financially. The truth needs to come out about the Palin white trash prior to the election.

      Sarah Palin needs to be exposed for the asshole she is - with Todd and Bristol. Levi is the one to do it!!!

  62. I am glad for all Americans. I, personally, hope for single payer, but right now I'm glad we aren't going backwards. Like many, I have a personal interest: a 20yo granddaughter who doesn't have a job with medical yet, and who was born with what will be called a pre-existing condition. She can stay on her folks' insurance for awhile longer.

  63. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Who cares what that cheap whore Sarah tweets? She's a ridiculous cartoon for dog's sake!

    1. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Thank you! I think it should just be assumed that she said 'Duh,' and leave it at that. No one would be the wiser -- least of all her.

  64. Obama addressed the Supreme Court ruling at 12:10 p.m., saying today's decision was "a victory for people all over the country."

    He said he did not pursue comprehensive health care reform because it was 'good politics.'

    "I did it because I believed it was good for the country," he said. "I did it because I believed it was good for the American people."

    He said he had a framed letter in his office from a woman who bought health insurance, but because she was diagnosed with cancer 18 years ago, her insurance company kept increasing her rates. She eventually had to surrender her health insurance.

    He said he carried her letter around every day during the health care debate.

    "It reminded me of all the Americans across the country who have had to worry not only about getting sick but the cost of getting well," he said. "I'm as confident as ever when we look back 5 years from now, 10 year from now, 20 years from now, we'll be better of because we had the courage to pass this law."

  65. Anonymous8:58 AM

    As a resident of Massachusetts and a beneficiary of Romneycare, I'm here to tell you of the HUGE relief it is that there is a level playing field, that my children are covered, no matter what -- when people understand how fundamentally this will change their lives, they will honor the name of John Roberts forever.

    Obama/Biden 2012

    P.S. Mitt Romney just said he would repeal Obamacare on his first day in the White House. How, exactly, would he bypass both Congress and the Supreme Court? What would he put in its place?
    Answers, please. Maybe Sarah can help?

    1. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Why sure. Going back to traditional means , of course. Every American will be required to raise a flock of chickens in their back yard. When they need medical care, they just go out back, wring a neck or two and pay the doc. (Of course in $carah's case, she'd have her daddy wring that neck for her.) And in Annie and Mitten's case, it would be the hired help.

  66. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Telling Sarah Palin She's Full of Crap (by shared a link via Left Action.
    2 hours ago
    Obamacare has been UPHELD by the Supreme Court! In a 5-4 decision (with Chief Justice Roberts in the majority!), the Court has defied expectations, and upheld ALL of it!

    Click "like" if you like this, and then... click below, speak out in support of Obamacare, and send the President a note of congrats!

    And remember -- share, share, share!

  67. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I'm so so pleased for our President and the nation!!! And, for someone who has MS - a pre existing disease!

    The Republicans are pissed!!! Too, too bad!

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  68. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn9:13 AM

    Oh, dear. Traipse on over to the Cee and check out the heartbreaking new graphic the Rill Amurikans just put up. Guess the babies thought they'd be doing a happy dance today. Sooooo sad.


    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      They did do a happy dance for about 3 minutes while FOX was misreporting the SCOTUS decision. It was funny watching them do a double-take.

  69. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This is a GREAT GREAT DAY!

    o/t Don't mean to be a downer but this is funny too. Laughter is the best medicine!
    ___“Sarah worries how seriously she will be perceived if her kin are always out there doing goofball things and turning up on reality shows,” revealed an insider.
    The 48-year-old ex-governor has left the door open to running for president some day but fears her family could ruin her potential plans.______

    Isn't that rich? It is not Sarah's fault, it is those rogue kin of hers. That darn Todd is at it now, I say it is grounds for divorce! After all she has gone through and done for him, now he is ruining her chance to redecorate the White House! She will never be able to save the world from 'Death Panels' now. (Those dudes in the above picture look like Todd when he plays Snowmobile Racer.)

    1. Anonymous9:37 AM

      Please, that article is a total crock, just like the vast majority of the shit in the Enquirer is. Just because they get a few things right on occasion doesn't mean they don't make shit up, like this.

    2. Anonymous9:37 AM

      One would imagine that such a down-home Christian like Sarah should not be surprised by her reaping what she has sown. Then again, we are talking about someone who doesn't think beyond the next word she speaks, nor knows what it is before she speaks it.

      Palin, you're a dolt, an asshole, and you will NEVER be president. Go home.

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Sarah did make things up for the National Enquirer before. That is hardly the first time she plants something in the NE.

    4. Anonymous10:59 AM

      This is too funny. Poor Sarah trying to get Todd and Bristol to cool it on teh teevee failures. Like Sarah Palin’s Alaska was not a joke and a mistake?
      “Sarah’s tried to tell her clanto cool it, but it didn’t take,” said the insider. “It’s become a circus.”
      Confided the insider: “Sarah just wants the whole family. to shut up and get back to Alaska where they belong!”
      The Palins’ appetite for reality TV fame is nothing new.
      Levi wrote about it in his book. Too little money in politics, more money in reality TV and books. Years later Bristol has little else to write about for her show. She has to call Levi a liar and goes so far as to shoot up his book. It is that important to her, she can't let any of it go. She will pass her intense feelings about Levi and his book down to their son.

    5. Anonymous11:13 AM

      Sarah would never be elected President for many, many other reasons besides her 'kin'! Remember, the map she had put out there that got people killed and horribly wounded? Plus, there are too many of us out there that know too much about her past in Alaska.

      We'd dig up all the 'dirt' that surrounds the broad if she even put her ugly face out there again! She's not qualified is the first negative!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  70. Anonymous9:26 AM

    The GOP has no chance without voters like me. My son is often as insecure about President Obama´s reelection as most of you. I´ve said it here before, and I will say it again...

    He is a lock for 2012.

  71. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Sarah probably told Bristol to keep her mouth shut since the semi retard has exposed herself so horribly on her crappy show!!!

    The Palin family needs to be brought down and exposed for all the lies they have put out there.

    President Obama will be re elected and I can hardly wait! Sarah will have to be placed in the API (institute/hospital) in Anchorage and the key thrown away!!!!

  72. honeybabe9:28 AM

    humongous sigh of relief and tears of gratitude for the thoughtful decision the supreme court handed down. the republicans really thought the supreme court was their rubber stamp!

  73. Anonymous9:40 AM

    It would be wonderful to show the world who the real liar is here - someone open that box of lies called babygate NOW please. Time to show Palin's true colors to the world. She is so hateful!

  74. How awesome is this?!!! **^%$## There are no words to spell how giddy I am! I've been ecstatic since I heard. I noticed Faux News got it wrong, as well as CNN. Were they trying to scoop each other?

    Anyway, as excited as I am by the ruling--I expect it to give Progressives a lot of swagger in this election cycle, it also gives every single TP/GOP a platform as well. We have to get off our asses and fight to retake the House and strengthen our majority in the Senate. Not to mention as many down ticket races as we can. This is no time to rest on our laurels.

  75. Yay! So glad they passed it. I really believed they would not.

    I found this through twitter. Thought you all may enjoy this. People moving to Canada because ObamaCare passed

    1. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Hysterical! Please tell me these future expats know that "socialist" Canadahas had universal health care for years.

  76. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Just rolled out of bed, got my coffee and checked in with Gryphen. Hallelujah! Praise the SC! Bless Obama, and on to Nov. It's a glorious day and I am going to celebrate with a donut- well... a gluten, dairy, and soy free donut shaped lump of dough covered with pink frosting (sorta)!
    A caption? This image reminds me of the movie "What dreams may come" with Robin Williams. It's one of my favorite movies because of the cinematography- I just love the watercolor look of their heavens. The above image is SP's hell. The one she exists in with all her hate and lies. The one she just dragged her eldest daughter into and the one she tries to control others with- like Levi(you go Levi and Sonny!) I've often thought of this move in reference to Scarah. The scene where they cross the sea of souls,for instance. It makes me shutter but that's how I see the Ma Griz and her wretched cubs.
    Very sad. But today, a cloud has passed and all the colors across the land are a little bit brighter. Thanks G, I read it here first!

  77. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Way too wonderfully, beautifully, helpfully and rightly go PRESIDENT OBAMA and SCOTUS!

    Now a word from Lies'R'UsRobme just an hour after the news about Health Care was announced.

    Less than three hours after the Supreme Court ruling, Romney campaign sent out a fundraising email asking for donations to stop 'Obamacare.'


    Today, the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare. But regardless of what the Court said about the constitutionality of the law, Obamacare is bad medicine, it is bad policy, and when I'm President, the bad news of Obamacare will be over.

    It was always a liberal pipedream that a 2,700 page, multi-trillion-dollar Federal Government takeover of our health care system actually could address the very serious problems we face with health care. With Obamacare fully installed, government will reach fully half of the economy - that is the recipe for a struggling economy and declining prosperity.

    On Day One, I will work to repeal Obamacare to stop the government's takeover of our health care and intrusion in our lives. I will push for real reform to our health care system that focuses on helping patients and protecting taxpayers.

    We cannot afford Barack Obama's on-the-job learning, Big Government proposals, and irresponsible spending. Our basic liberties are at stake - and I will fight to restore our freedoms, renew the respect for our Constitution, and halt the government takeover of health care.

    This November it's all on the line. The stakes couldn't be higher.

    Donate $10 or more to put a stop to the policies of Barack Obama and the liberal Democrats.


    Mitt Romney

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      Barf! Isn't this plan similar to the one Romney had when governor? What a jerk!!!

      Thank God, President Obama will be re elected for a second term!!! I'm sure he will be!!!

  78. Anonymous10:27 AM

    As a single person with no children I pay a HUGE amount of taxes out of each paycheck and it burns sometimes seeing people buying crap with their food stamps or getting energy assistance, housing assistance and so forth when I work full time and I'm not eligible.

    However, I am okay with paying a little bit more taxes to help others from getting denied health coverage by preexisting conditions or bankrupting themselves while trying to keep alive. I'm good with this decision.

    Obama/Biden 2012

  79. GREAT news!! Wow. Cans must be flying in Wasilla, especially after Beefy's (h/t to GinaM!) show bombed. And Mitt must be positively apoplectic that his 'magic underwear' let him down! Makes me think of the Edward G. Robinson character in the film, The Ten Commandments ... "Where's your Moses, now?" But insert the words "Death Panels" for "Moses."

    Thanks Gryphen, for all you do for our Democracy! And let's all ... Remember, remember, the sixth of November. Democratic LANDSLIDE!!!

  80. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Eat shit and die in your death panel Sarah!

  81. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Obama said over and over it was NOT a TAX
    The court is now saying it IS a TAX
    Obama is a liar.. again
    He is a used car salesman


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