Thursday, June 28, 2012

Caption Contest! Update to include Palin's venomous ghostwritten Facebook diatribe.

This is the new banner that the Sea O' Pee put up just a little while ago.

I think it is supposed to show Palin's disappointment in today's decision, but my first impression was that the lunatics had finally realized that Palin will NEVER set foot in the White House.

So I got to wondering, what does it say to you?

P.S. By the way one of the articles featured prominently over there is titled, and I kid you not, "Breitbart’s Pollak on SCOTUS ObamaScare Ruling: Wrong, Wrong, Wrong."

You can literally almost hear him banging his hands and feet against the floor in a tantrum when you read that, can't you?

Boy is today a great day or what?

Update: Well it looks like Palin rattled RAM's cage and demanded that she earn her keep. ( "Get up bitch I have venom to spew!")

This courtesy of the Grizzled Mama's Facebook page:

Thank you, SCOTUS. This Obamacare ruling fires up the troops as America’s eyes are opened! Thank God. (Oooh passive aggressive, I love the passive aggressive Palin! You can almost hear her teeth grinding from here.)

This proves to be such an unsettling time in America as we undergo the fundamental transformation that Barack Obama promised he would do to us if elected. Obamacare was dealt in deception and confusion by flooding the public with an overwhelming amount of conflicting “rationale” via thousands of pages of unread legislative detail, which is the radical left’s M.O. Obama promised the American people this wasn’t a tax and that he’d never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. We now see that this is the largest tax increase in history. It will slam every business owner and every one of the 50% of Americans who currently pay their taxes. The other 50% are being deceived if they think they’re going to get a free ride – because Medicaid is broke. Recipients of Obama’s “free health care” will have fewer choices and less accessibility. Trust me – this much more expensive health care WILL be rationed; to claim otherwise defies all economic and common sense. (Oh boy, SOMEBODY spit their meds into the toilet this morning!) 

We will not retreat on this. A newly elected legislative branch is key to defending our Republic and fundamentally restoring all that is good in America. (Translation: "AHHH, this can's t be happening! We OWN the Supreme COurt! Who forgot to pay Roberts this month?) 

SCOTUS now rules this is a tax? Well, Congress has the ability to create taxes – and also has the ability to rescind them. Upon their return from the July recess, Congress should act immediately to repeal this terrible new tax on the American people, and indeed they must repeal all of Obamacare. This is the most brazen and sweeping new tax and government overreach imposed on us. We the People did not ask for this tax, we do not want this tax, and we can’t afford this tax. This is not an answer to America’s health care challenges. (Translation: And in closing let me just say, TAX, TAX, TAX! It's gonna be a goddamn tax people!) 

It’s time, again, for patriotic Americans to rise up to protest this obvious infringement on our economic and personal freedom. November is just around the corner. Today, the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. In November, We the People will issue ours. (Translation: Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck fuck!")

- Sarah Palin

Palin is an idiot if she believes this hurts the President or proves that she was right about "death panels." It does neither.

But perhaps one of the best parts of this decision is that it REALLY irritates the moosecrap right  out of Palin.  Like I said, it sure is a good day!

Update 2: Damn, it looks like Klondike Kardashian is getting eviscerated on Twitter!

Gotta love it!


  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I don't have a caption for that picture but to me it looks like Sarah is very sad because her flag kite got caught up in a dead tree. Too bad. :(

  2. Looks like the same typeface used on Absolut Vodka bottles and ads.

    1. Balzafiar3:39 PM

      The font used on Absolut bottles and in their ads is a derivative of Futura Extra Bold Condensed. The script font used on the bottles is proprietary to Absolut and very different from the one on the C4P banner.

  3. Dinty9:45 AM

    I only wish Breitbart could have live to see this day so that it would have given him the heart attack that killed him.

    Wow, did I just say that?

    Oh, and for my caption: "Sarah haz a sad"

    1. Olivia10:04 AM

      "I only wish Breitbart could have live to see this day so that it would have given him the heart attack that killed him."

      Best comment yet!

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    When the banner came up I couldn't quite read the subtitle as it was too small. My first thought was "just the farts." I guess that was a freudian slip.

  5. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I'm afraid I'm not too clever, so I won't try to write a caption. I'll only ask: WTH?

    On the left, a profile of 2008 Sarah, writing on her hand (not visible), and, on the right, an apocalyptic bare tree and our flag very unpatrioticaly upside down in a thunderstorm?

    I protest! The peepers may not have gotten what they wanted, but freedom hasn't died! The system is working: the Supreme Court upheld the right of Congress to vote in legislation for our country.

    If you don't like it, peepers, don't vote for Romney, but wait for Sarah in 2016. That's the best strategy for you!

    1. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Sarah in 2016? She'll do an "Elvis" by then and take her place beside Breitbart in hell. She is DONE politically and she knows it.

    2. Anonymous12:24 PM

      She is DONE politically and she knows it.

      That will never stop the grifting.

    3. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Exactly. The Supreme Court, for the first time in a long time, stood up for the Constitution and PEOPLE, like they are supposed to. Since Palin and all the 'heads' on Fox are not lawyers, their opinions mean nothing. And since this is now law, the GOP cannot repeal it. Look how much they hate Roe, adn they are not trying to repeal that. They just lost their big slogan for the fall...what a crying shame.

    4. Just listen to all that WAY-lin and gnashing of teef by all the con-sta-TOO-shun lubbin' PAY-tree-uts, in-CLUED-in OW-er Serra!!!

  6. Anonymous9:48 AM

    I think it means the American flag (and the power that goes with it) will always be out of reach to her.

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM

      And looking down at Trig thinking, "it's all YOUR fault. YOU were supposed to bring me votes."

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:19 AM



  7. Olivia9:49 AM

    AWWWW, Sarah haz a sad.

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Me Sad. Me like White House, me get in with broken con-vention? Me cry.

    1. Leland10:07 AM

      You forgot this: "Then me leave like Dick!"

    2. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Leland, LMAO!! Also I read somewhere she really did say "broken" instead of "brokered" :)

    3. Anonymous11:13 AM

      KKKonvention Kaos is my friend.

      The Paultards are my friends.

      Willow needs her own show.

      We need another bus vacation to raise more money.

      I am going to be nominated in 2013.

      Is the "Pimpin in Alaska" trademark approved yet? Also, too, should we trademark "Pimp in Alaska" just to be sure?

    4. Anita Winecooler11:38 AM

      Poor Dear, she may be broken, but she's not flat broken, especially on horse racing day!

    5. Awwww, why the looong face, former half-term gub'ner?

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Why are they disgracing the American flag like that? There are rules and specific criteria for flying the flag upside down, disagreeing with the ACA is NOT one of them.

    1. IOKIYR.

      It's OK if you're Republican. If you're a "lib" it's treason.

    2. Anonymous11:03 AM

      That flag is the same one she wrapped around her body. It hated it so much that it upended itself and flew into the tree.

    3. Anita Winecooler11:43 AM

      Sarah has a long history of ignoring flag etiquette. She posed on a magazine with the flag touching the floor while dressed in her running outfit with black skank hose while winkin to the camera. The flag should never touch the ground nor be used for self promotion.

    4. Anonymous12:56 PM

      She signed her name on at least one too, another no-no. If a liberal did these things, the world would be'd be "The Liberal War on the Flag!!!" If Sarah does it, why, she's jsut bein' patriotic and such, dontcha know.

    5. Anonymous1:27 PM

      This was my first response. It's desecration of the American flag. Something a militia sympathizer like Sarah might approve of.

      These people really are full of sour grapes. They have no respect for anyone who disagrees with them. This includes the supreme court. Because they aren't very Intelligent, they are incapable of critical thinking skills which might illustrate to them how wrong they are about certain issues.
      Too bad ( for them) that they are so fucking stupid. Haha.

  10. Anonymous9:54 AM

    " I hope my family doen't get to use death panels on me now!"

  11. How about "We Don't dare Put Up a Recent Picture"


    "I haz a sad, plz snd all yr $ kthxbai"

    1. MC30312:10 PM

      "I haz a sad, plz snd all yr $ kthxbai" - LOVE IT! That about sums her stupid ass right up. Gotta love the tweet responses to her. Go Tweeters!

  12. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I have no caption but the phrase "just the facts" on the same page as something Palin related caused my irony meter to go tilt.

  13. AJ Billings10:02 AM

    O/T a little, but here's a web app ( javascript) that will give us some idea of what the newly upheld ACA will mean for the American people

    For the poor, elderly, and folks like me without any health insurance, it sure is good news.

    The best price I could find on a $10,000 deductible policy right now is about $750 a month, and it has a LOT of exceptions and "donut holes" in it.

    After ACA takes effect in 2014, I will probably have to pay only $300 a month for a decent policy

    thank you President Obama, and f/u to $arah Paylin and her brain dead friends @ Fox

    1. Anita Winecooler11:50 AM

      Thanks for the link! Sending it off to everyone in my address book. What I'm most grateful for is that my kids can remain on our plan while in college, that, alone helps my entire family's security and budget. It's all good.

    2. Hoping you stay healthy until then! (And afterwards, also, too.)

    3. AJ Billings, that is an AWESOME link! Thank you so much!

  14. Like others, my first thought was "I haz a sad."

    My second was "everything I touch dies"

    But really, I couldn't stop laughing because Sarah Palin's head in this photo looks like a muscrat is humping her brain!

    1. Anita Winecooler11:51 AM

      ha ha, slim pickin's for the muskrat, but then ANY attention is good attention to a palin!

  15. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I see an upside down high heeled shoe in a tree. The shoe is decorated like an American flag. There is a sad person on the left side of the banner.
    Perhaps the person is sad because they kicked off the trappings of power (the shoe) (quit being governor) and now has no power and is stuck in the arctic.

  16. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Sarah Palin accepting the "America's Biggest Shame Award".. I can't deny that you DON'Tlike me, right now, you DON'T like me!

    1. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Sally Field won't be proud :)

  17. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:09 AM

    Photoshop ain't for everybody.

  18. Anonymous10:09 AM

    More Palin Child Abuse – Episode 4

    1. Anonymous11:27 AM

      I refuse to watch this garbage. At the link above there are screen grabs where Willow(?) is driving with Tripp in the back. One hand on the bottom of the steering wheel. On an icy road or if they meet a moose that's asking for a loss of control accident.

      There is snow in the background,there could be ice and snow on the road. There are lots of colliding with moose accidents in the winter in Alaska.

      That one hand driving nonsense is putting Tripp in danger. Were they actually driving down the road while it was filmed?

      Something else. Is the child seat Tripp is in positioned in the seat correctly? Don't they have to be placed where a person sits to be secured with the belts properly? I'm not an expert on this but many here will know for sure.

      Not that Palins would not use seatbelts or fail to restrain a child. They believe in those government safety laws.

    2. Anjaak11:58 AM

      I thought that screen shot picture of Willow was Kirsty Allie at first. Opps, my bad...

  19. Gyphen said....

    So I got to wondering, what does it say to you?

    "That I'm an idiot and I can't believe these idiots think that I want to be President...WONK"

    Meanwhile in the recently repaired Dayroom the patients have torn off their hospital gowns and taken off their depends and are throwing excrement at each other in RAGE! It's a mess I tell ya'!

    The nurses (moderators) are trying to get the patients back into their rooms but the loonies aren't cooperating! I saw that the Hospital Director (RAM) made an announcement over the loudspeaker (Twitter) to calm them down! But it didn't work!

    I did notice that some of the nurses(moderators)had passed out pacifiers soaked in Prozac for some of the REALLY crazy patients...Brian BigAnus is one who had begain spewing latin and venom in rapid succession till the point that I think he may have stroked out mid sentence!

    Luckily the nurses (moderators) turned the TV to FAKE News and one of the patients began singing some hymns and they all started eating their "store bought cookies" and drinking from their juice boxes which prompted me to skaddled my ass out of there!

    I'll check back in later...apparently Baldy is going to be on VanCrookedFace tonight and I thought I saw some of those old nasty men patients buying little bottles of baby oil from the patient store! EGADS!

    1. Sunny from Albuquerque10:23 AM

      GinaM..please stop the reports from peepond we DO NOT think they are funny AT ALL!!
      Keyboards United Against Beverage Spills.

    2. Anonymous10:32 AM

      KUABS? Isn't that what Palin women suffer from?

    3. Anonymous10:37 AM

      It's comical that Sarah's strategy for EVERYTHING is so predictable.

      1. Send scathing tweet.
      2. Stern post on Facebook.
      3. Go on Mumblebutt's FOX show and yammer incoherently.

    4. Anonymous11:19 AM

      GinaM -- once again, I bow to you! You are hysterical!

      Southern Virginia Voter

    5. Sunny from Albuquerque10:23 AM

      Oh dear! I'm soon as I heard about the ruling I had to take a walk on the crazy side and those folks did not disappoint!

      I was going to post their ACTUAL comments but my brain wasn't able to decipher what they were saying...I guess some of the crazies were so fit to be tied that their OWN keyboards REFUSED to make any kinds of SENSE!

      Please accept my apology...I know some folks can't deal with too much crazy in one day!

      *extreme hard stare @ Krusty the Krazy Klown*

    6. Anita Winecooler11:59 AM

      WOO HOO! Gal pal Greta van mush mouth drew the short straw, AGAIN.
      Oh this is going to be precious! I can see it now, her SECupp reading glasses, bloodshot red eyballs, clenched jaw, crooked millipede infested roadkill on head, some kind of wrinkled, ill fitting, old lady outfit, skank shoes then one long "Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

      Kuabs is one union I'd join!

    7. Them KUABS that Sarah has makes her KUATCH kindly itchy. You better put a little Neosporin on that or when you wear that tigh-ass pencil skirt, you'll be friggin' flakin' all over your Jimmy Choo zzz!

    8. Anonymous3:04 PM

      anita winecooler,
      you're forgetting $carah's white trash, jr high school level, half gallon of lip gloss to try and mask her probable current herpes outbreak .... wonder if $he contracted herpes from glenn or maybe anyone of her already married brad hanson types, that or maybe her skank mother sally passed 'em along to her when $he was
      spawned ?

  20. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Maybe she'll hang upside down like the bat she is during her stint on GVS tonight in solidarity with "her" flag.

  21. Anonymous10:12 AM

    "Shoot I really thought it was in the bag!.."

  22. Anonymous10:12 AM

    15 Democrats just voted with the Republican scum to hold holder in contempt.

  23. Gasman10:13 AM

    "THINK! Now, who the hell was it that Paul Revere was going to warn? The Swiss? The French? The Italians? The Iranistanis? Oh, shit...."

    Q: Why is the flag upside down?

    1. Anonymous11:36 AM

      She is just like Bush Jr.

  24. This should be seen:

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Love it!

    2. Anonymous11:17 AM

      I love it!


    3. Anonymous11:30 AM

      That's ready for when Sarah gets arrested for driving under the influence.

  25. If a liberal site had an upside down flag, you know "conservatives" would have a fit. IOIYAR.

    1. Anonymous12:52 PM

      So very right! They'd be having kittens over the 'unpatriotic liberals.' But IOKIFYAR, or the GOP is not paying a lick of attention to her any more.

  26. AJ Billings10:15 AM

    What is says is:

    "I hate my country because it's legally appointed judges don't like my TeaTard viewpoints"

  27. Anonymous10:16 AM

    "Golly, RaptureGod, why haz ya' forsakeeen me?.."

  28. lostinmn10:19 AM

    Dear Sara

    I served under that flag you are disrespecting with this image. Take your AIP bullshit and stuff it up you hoo-hah along with all the other disrespectful things you have done. People who support you are not patriots, they are mentally deranged anarchists who want nothing more than the overthrow of our democratically elected pols. I might not like a good number of them but I understand they got elected - and they haven't quit like you did. Eff you, you hateful divisive witch - and get out of my country.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      Co-signed by a lowly ret Army Field nurse.
      The Palins and the Heaths are nothing but a kkklan of anti American secessionists.

    2. Anonymous12:06 PM


    3. Anita Winecooler12:08 PM

      One would think someone with a son in the service would know better.

      Thank You (and your family) for your sacrifice and service.

    4. Anonymous12:44 PM

      a son who is in the army instead of jail for cutting school bus lines while they were all parked in the lot,, how many children would that asshole have killed if one bus would have run? no he is nothing but a damn criminal who got military instead of prison cause of fucktard mommy and bought judges.

    5. "No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America." Section 8
      "The flag represents a living country and is itself considered a living thing."
      ---Section 8j of U.S. Flag Code

      Section 8g of the Flag Code reads, "The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature."

      Sarah Palin breached section (i) of the U.S. Flag Code when she had a partial U.S. flag painted on the side of her bus. Section (i) states "The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner ..."

      Sarah has consistently shown disrespect to our country's flag, but I've never seen her be disrespectful of the AIP flag, probably because it has a Mama Grizzly Bear on it.

      Just what kind of "American Patriot" does this idiot think she is? She's one of those fair-weather grifting hypocrites that calls herself a patriot but she supports our country only when it favors her position and pads her own pocketbook.

      In short, she's a grifting traitor, and a cancer to civilized society.

  29. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Holy cow...that Brianus guy over at C4P is DERANGED. Check this out.

    "Run or not, she's the leader of the Free World. She's either got to be on the throne herself or the power behind it. It's either that or it's over.

    Trig and all Trigs are now squarely and remorselessly in their sites. They're endangered like never before. Think she won't be front and center?

    Sarah's got to be our Refounding Mother--and it's more than "appropriate" that a mother saves the nation from this! Another "Hand" is involved Sir Brianus."

    1. Anonymous10:37 AM

      "She's got to be on the throne..."? lol You mean like on the toilet? Yeah, ok. I agree with him. That's a real good place for Sarah Palin to be.

    2. Anonymous10:43 AM

      We all know what Brianus does with HIS hand concerning Sarah. Just sayin.'

    3. Anonymous11:00 AM

      So the ACA really is just a cover for a complex operation to wipe out all people with Down Syndrome? Seems like an awful lot of trouble to go to for such a small minority of people. I think BriAnus may have to rethink this a bit.

    4. Olivia11:13 AM

      I hope Mr Anus is one of the infiltrators.

    5. Anonymous12:22 PM

      "Trig and all Trigs?" He is starting to sound like one of us. I guess he saw Brancy's new Ruffles pic, too.

    6. Anonymous1:27 PM

      I suspect Mr. TwoAnus is definitely an infiltraror.

  30. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Gryphen, I hope you've grabbed a screen shot of the comments on Sarah Palin's Twitter page. What a hoot!

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Hilarious! Thanks for sharing that screenshot!

    2. Any day that Sarah Louise Heath is pouting about not getting her way... is clearly a good day for those who truly care about what's best for our country's interests in the long-term.

      I suspect that Sarah's actually just pissed off because her Grifter, Jr daughter's faux reality show has crashed and burned before ever getting off the launch pad.

      The American public has your number now, Sarah. So don't call us, we'll call you.

    3. Anonymous4:12 PM

      Sarah should be ashamed of herself as much as her hometown is of her behavior.

      "Shut up, Sarah. You ran out of good ideas before you opened your big mouth again. Just give it a rest, because you're not just embarrassing your family, but our whole town AND state!"

      "Sarah, you're a hypocrite and a liar, and you're unable to influence anyone other than the truly ignorant who don't want to hear the truth."

  31. Tap Tap Tap on her blackberries: "Obama Lies Lies Lies OMFG I'm suppose to be in the White-House- I've already made Todd a home improvements to do list!!!

  32. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Sarah tweeted today that freedom died a little today...

    No Sarah, if anything "died" a little today, it was blind allegiance to your brand of stupidity on the part of people far wiser than you. You're no constitutional scholar. You're no lawyer. And you are certainly no philosopher. You're just a stupid, angry, bigoted white woman with nothing to add to the conversation.

    If anything, America took a step closer to the rest of the civilized world today, whereas you and your ilk would cut down entire swaths of the population as a matter of preserving your outmoded and deranged ideology. Talk about about a "death panel!"

    And look at you know: A bastion of impotent rage if ever there was one whose most memorable (and lasting) contribution to humanity is a family of fame-crazed idiots. So take your morbid, overdone sentimentality, shove it square up your ass, and keep your fetid maw shut in the next life: you'll go further that way.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM


    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Sarah's "death panel" meme died today. That's all. What was rekindled today was hope that health care reform will continue in this country until one day we truly have universal health care coverage.

    3. Anonymous11:32 AM

      Palin projects.

  33. Anonymous10:27 AM

    "What you sayin' Ril Murcia? No mo'money hunny.. sniff."

  34. Anonymous10:29 AM

    The Republicans gleefully promised not to spike the ball with the Court shot down Obamacare. Ah, if only they'd promised not to don sackcloth and ashes.

    And a mighty wail went up across the land, and a gnashing of teeth and a rending of breasts, and those with the true teachings of Christ in their hearts smiled, for they knew it was good.

  35. Anonymous10:30 AM

    My caption:

    Sarah texts; America dies.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      Sarah texts; ears bleed.

  36. Anonymous10:31 AM

    She wouldn't know a fact if it hit her in the ass!

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Because she HAS no ass! It's all just wrinkled, loose skin and dimpled cottage cheese.

  37. The upside down flag is a signal of distress, like when a boat is going down. Palin's hopes for the presidency just went up in flames. As time goes on an the Dems correct the distorted image of the ACA, people will not only accept it, but they will praise it. Just like Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      Sarah feels the pain.

  38. Chenagrrl10:41 AM

    Wanna bet that Triggy Bear and his dopplegangers are all on Social Security?

  39. Sarah P.10:43 AM

    Facebook entry, June 28th: And for that bitch Katie Couric [you just know she reads everything I post]: For your information I can see the Russian flag right this minute from my compound here in Wasilla, smartypants.

    1. Balzafiar3:49 PM

      It must be the one flying from the flagpole in her back yard.

  40. Anonymous10:49 AM

    She's saying...Golly gee, I sure hope my kids aren't ringing those bell and sending those warning shots on the way to taking me to face those there DEATH PANELS! You betch...


  41. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:49 AM

    Oy vey--here we go! The ghostwriter is earning their salary today (posted at the Asylum4Palin from Facebook):

    "Thank you, SCOTUS. This Obamacare ruling fires up the troops as America’s eyes are opened! Thank God.

    This proves to be such an unsettling time in America as we undergo the fundamental transformation that Barack Obama promised he would do to us if elected. Obamacare was dealt in deception and confusion by flooding the public with an overwhelming amount of conflicting “rationale” via thousands of pages of unread legislative detail, which is the radical left’s M.O. Obama promised the American people this wasn’t a tax and that he’d never raise taxes on anyone making less than $250,000. We now see that this is the largest tax increase in history. It will slam every business owner and every one of the 50% of Americans who currently pay their taxes. The other 50% are being deceived if they think they’re going to get a free ride – because
    Medicaid is broke. Recipients of Obama’s “free health care” will have fewer choices and less accessibility. Trust me – this much more expensive health care WILL be rationed; to claim otherwise defies all economic and common sense.

    We will not retreat on this. A newly elected legislative branch is key to defending our Republic and fundamentally restoring all that is good in America.

    SCOTUS now rules this is a tax? Well, Congress has the ability to create taxes – and also has the ability to rescind them. Upon their return from the July recess, Congress should act immediately to repeal this terrible new tax on the American people, and indeed they must repeal all of Obamacare. This is the most brazen and sweeping new tax and government overreach imposed on us. We the People did not ask for this tax, we do not want this tax, and we can’t afford this tax. This is not an answer to America’s health care challenges.

    It’s time, again, for patriotic Americans to rise up to protest this obvious infringement on
    our economic and personal freedom. November is just around the corner. Today, the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. In November, We the People will issue ours.

    - Sarah Palin"

    Hey! I think I'll respond like a Pee-er would right now:





  42. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Now THIS is the image the peepond should be using:

    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I put that picture on my desktop background this morning. Love it!

      As for Ms. Palin's ghost written drivel... who cares? She can scream from the roof tops for all I care. She doesn't matter. We have all had our anti-venom shots and she's IMPOTENT. Too bad she doesn't realize it.

  43. Anonymous10:55 AM

    During the Bush Administration people were arrested for hanging the flag upside down as a distress symbol in protest of the invasion of Iraq. At that time the American flag was simply considered to be too sacred. I guess that changed when President Obama was inaugurated. Well, Sarah and her friends should practice what they preach and show some respect for the flag.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      You have to get real drunk and embarrass your family before it is acceptable to make a public display of dishonoring the flag. It is much better if you are an elected official and representing America on foreign soil.
      Sarah and her blanky

      What would happen to a Democrat in this shape?

  44. Doh! Damn activist judges.

  45. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Has anybody noticed the National Enquirer today? Sarah is upset all of the family in reality shows is tarnishing the Palin brand??? I thought she was the one pushing the reality shows. Now, that they are tanking she is throwing her family under the bus... That's our Sarah.

    1. Anonymous11:58 AM

      How right you are. Sarah didn't count on Bristol's show flopping.

    2. Anonymous12:16 PM

      LOL the stupid bitch is IN Brisdull's show!

    3. Anonymous4:18 PM

      Who's embarrassing who, Mom?

    4. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Of course Sarah is behind the "reality shows." It's HER company Helping Hands LLC, the production company that is hoping for the big Alaska Tax film credits.

  46. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Well well well, The Lego Hair will be on Greta tonight.
    Wait to hear more crap/lies to spill out.

    1. Anonymous1:21 PM

      But you know what's great? Nothing she - or any of the other right wing nut jobs - says makes any difference! They lost, they were wrong, and they are on the wrong side of history. So all the hacks on Fox, all the "pundints" and all the Palins together in one shrill chorus don't matter now!

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      I KNEW it! OF course Sarah will be on Greta to give one of h er best performances. Can't wait for the laughs!

  47. ThanksABunchJohn11:15 AM

    Gryphen: Now THIS is a photo for the ages!

    1. Anonymous12:24 PM

      Please oh please let her special combination of hate and stupidity get the better of her and let her just call President Obama the big 'N' so that she can finally be swept into the pariah dustbin she so rightly belongs in.

      I can only imagine the look on Greta VanWreckface's ransom note of a face if that were to happen.

    2. Anonymous12:59 PM

      LOVE IT!

    3. ManxMamma1:30 PM

      That is the best ever! I wish I could post it to Facebook.

  48. Anonymous11:15 AM

    HahaHohoHeehee - congratulations USA!

    May the elderly and those who lacked affordable health care find relief and solace so they can now sleep well at night. Still, there's more to do, but this is a good start.

    May those like Palin realize that their selfish motives in trying to prevent charity will come back and bite them in their saggy butts.

  49. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Evil man face bitch!

  50. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Sorry, Gryphen, but I don't think that's a new banner at the Pee Pond. It was used last year:

    They used the same photo of Sarah with a different background for her PAC:

    This is the original banner, which always looked strange to me, Sarah turning her back on us to gaze at Alaska:
    When they thought that Sarah was running for President, they changed the background to show Washington DC. Unfortunately instead of having Sarah with her eye on the White House, she had her eye on the Capital Building. All of those white buildings look alike. Eventually, someone pointed out their mistake:

    The banner at the Pee Pond doesn't show an upside down flag, it's just a sideways view. There is an article where the flag looks like it is upside down, but I don't give them credit for that kind of symbolic thinking. They are completely reactive and immature, no heavy thinking. As for a caption for a banner showing Sarah Palin smiling with Washington DC in the background, I would say, "Dream on, Sarah, dream on. You ain't goin' nowhere."

    1. You said:

      "The banner at the Pee Pond doesn't show an upside down flag, it's just a sideways view."

      It is most certainly not "a sideways view." As printed/displayed on the website, the the US flag is upside down (the Stars are in the lower right, not upper left, corner).

      It is a cheap-assed insult, just like Sarah Palin (AIP).

      And yeah, the C4P banner chafes me. They are in "distress" because 30 million more Americans will have access to health care.

  51. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Sarah is the last person to speak about lies and liars. I guess the whole "I have a servant's heart and a fire in my belly," were just heartburn and gas, right grifter?

    And the C4Pers are just pathetic. This grifter fleeced them and lied to them about running in
    2012 and they still support this vile con artist?!

  52. Smirnonn11:23 AM

    Actually, Gryphen, the message of that image is very clear. The key to understanding it is the dead tree. The dead tree symbolizes death, which is the great equalizer - we all die. So, if you replace the dead tree with an "equals" sign, the true meaning of the banner is clear :)

  53. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Not to worry the Golden Child/Brancy to the rescue! They will save Sarah's ars on this one and post a comprehensive prayer for the weary warriors.

  54. sarah palin on her best day could neither write or give a speech using this screed on her website.
    She not smart enough or has the intellectual capacity to write this. Her fans are fools if they think she is this smart.

    Flying the flag upside down is a universal sign of distress.
    Something this country should have flown when she became the VP candidate in 2008.
    And should fly every time this women appears in public and speaks.
    She is

  55. Anonymous11:28 AM

    She's riling up the violent crazy conservative base AGAIN! the AZ tragedy was not enough for dear Sister Sarah.

  56. Anonymous11:32 AM

    If anything died today it was that ray on top of her head

  57. Olivia11:34 AM

    Funny to watch the grifter seize on what probably appears to her to be a new way to con money out of stupid people.
    I really think her faux outrage has run out of steam. Dull normals(formerly borderline retarded) have a very short attention span and most of them have lost interest and crawled back under their rocks.
    It will be kind of fun watching her try to rally the rag tag baggers but pimping her family on TV has lost her what little respect she may have had left. I am sure she will resort to some kind of attention getting gimmicks to stir things up so get out the popcorn and kick back for the show.

  58. Anonymous11:39 AM

    That pic of Granny Lulu reminds me of a screen shot of a sci-fi movie. Saree looks like the nurse that is there to steal the baby ( Satan's baby) from the bio Mom.

    Is that what happened to you Bristol?

    1. Anonymous2:38 PM

      I still think Sarah is the baby born in Rosemary's baby. "look at it's eyes! What have you done with it's eyes?"

  59. Anonymous11:39 AM

    It's not been a good week for the Palins has it? Bristol's show tanks in the ratings. The Supreme Court upholds Obamacare. No one gives a shit what she or anyone in her family does or says.

    What a great week!

    1. You forgot about Arizona, Palin's adopted state.

  60. Anonymous11:46 AM

    I'm glad she is being put in her place via twitter she's so ridiculous talking like she's a real serious politician, going into vile vulgar verbal attacks against President Obama, she reminds me of every trashy ignorant drunk hillbillie wife picking fights does she think President Obama is going to respond and tell her, "oh yeah? meet me at the park bitch kick me some ass!!"..she's a trip.

    1. Anonymous1:06 PM

      All she needs now is for John McCain to come out and say how he supports her since she can do no wrong. Mitt must ask her to be his Veep since she is already vetted.

  61. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Fighting the urge to pull out my vinyl "Bat Out Of Hell" album and crank it in her honor.

    1. And if we read about or watch South Park's "The Succubus", we can think of the boys as the Libs/Dems, Chef as America, and you-know-who as The $uccubu$:

      read about it (whilst listening to "Bat Out Of Hell"):

      watch it:


  62. Anonymous11:50 AM

    O/T but important: I downloaded Google Chrome today and it makes viewing Gryph's blog a dream! No more getting caught up when downloading comments, pics or vids. Smooth as silk.

    Try it. You'll like it!

    1. Anonymous12:32 PM

      Wonderful isn't it? I used to have the same problem until I got Chrome.

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      I use Firefox and have never had a problem. Ever.

    3. Anonymous2:18 PM

      I don't have a problem with Firefox.

    4. The reason i switched back to Chrome from Firefox is because i missed the ability to right-click on the tab and Duplicate Tab in Firefox. A Duplicated Tab in Chrome carries all the original back-button information with it.

      Chrome is a memory hog, but that's because each tab runs it's own processes, rather than one browser window processing all the tabs together.

      Personally, i despise having to program for all the browsers, individually (IE, Opera, Safari, Chrome, FireFox, mobi, etc.), and that's why a lot of people in my profession drink and smoke weed :)

    5. Anonymous4:24 PM

      Chrome is the only way I can quickly access IM on my laptop.

  63. Anonymous11:53 AM

    It's obvious that the the Palin girls learned the fine art of Facebook teenage fights from mommy dearest, I mean FACEBOOK? Give it up Sister Sarah he will NEVER respond your taunts, not by twitter facebook text or snail mail.

    1. Anonymous12:49 PM

      Yup, and he won't call her for 'energy advice' either...'cause we aren't to the point that we need to burn s*** for fuel.

  64. Anonymous11:54 AM

    It is a good thing Alaskans don't have to worry about where Schaeffer Cox is and what he is up to today.

    He might have thought this was a SHTF thing.

    1. Anonymous1:09 PM

      The Palins need to worry about Schaeffer Cox and his buddies when their dumbasses figures out who snitched on them to avoid prison time for pimping and money laundering.

  65. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Do you get it yet Sarah? Nobody gives a rats ass what you have to say! All you are good for anymore is a laugh. See what being a stupid bitch did for you?

  66. Anonymous11:56 AM

    WOOT! One of those YAYS is mine!!!


  67. Anonymous12:22 PM

    So I got to wondering, what does it say to you?

    She is drunk on madness or is it the meth? Red Bull and vodka? Wine Coolers?

  68. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Barack Obama is a pathological LIAR!
    Who would vote for a pathological LIAR?!

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Anyway you can give us an example of how Obama is a liar? Didn't think so.

    2. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Yeah right. Have you been snorting too much meth Sarah. You are projecting darling. Take another Valium and a shot of whiskey.

    3. Anonymous12:37 PM

      Project much?

    4. Anonymous12:48 PM

      If Barack Obama lies (and no one who claims that ever offers a shred of evidence) then what does that make the entire GOP? None of those folks could tell the truth if they were being paid by the Kochs to do it. You are a sad troll.

    5. Anonymous12:51 PM

      We know you're angry Lou Sarah, but seriously, couldn't you rein in the projection just a little?

    6. Olivia1:09 PM

      Everyone who voted for Sarah Palin voted for a pathological liar. And there are lists of her lies everywhere.

    7. Anonymous1:22 PM

      12:22 PM You voted for a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR, SARAH PALIN. When has she ever told the truth.

    8. jcinco3:15 PM

      hey sarah, you brainless shrew, go pop a few ludes and chase it with 3 shots of tequila, you dumb bitch.

  69. Anita Winecooler12:28 PM

    The c4p banner caption "Crazy Lady lynches torn upside down flag while she ponders why she's got two different shoes on the wrong feet"

    The RAM diatribe is classic Palin, hide behind facebook while tossing grenades.

    The Twitter capture is priceless. So glad to see her get skewered so harshly.


    Oh YES, he DID!!! November IS around the corner, who stuck their neck out, put his political capital on the table and didn't flinch, while you accomplished nothing? Coward!

    That's right!

    Barack Obama 2012!

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM


  70. Anonymous12:32 PM

    He didn't lie! The Supreme Court said it would have to be a tax!

  71. Anonymous12:50 PM

    That banner doesn't look like a Conservatives4Palin banner, it looks more like Palin's Alaska Independence Party banner representing how the AIP wants to throw America down the river.

  72. Anonymous12:50 PM

    C4P is the Jerry Sandusky of political websites. It exists solely to groom victims. That banner says Sarah Sandusky is disappointed and will not smile again until you do her a favor.

    1. Ahhhh... a 'stealer-of-souls'...

      "If you tell anyone (don't send me money), you'll never see your parents, again (i won't be happy)."

      $he insinuates they get to $tand on the $idelines.

  73. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Caption: My world is upside down and it's the n******'s fault!

  74. Anonymous12:55 PM

    I posted this on the last thread, but it should go here, too. This is a video of Lawrence O'Donnell explaining that mythical mandate. Lawrence did an excellent job!

    A short history of the mandate

    What about Sarah's death panels? What about those 254 aged and/or disabled Alaskans who died from lack of state run Medicaid services during her partial term in office? It was the first time in history, the federal government had to step in and take over Medicaid services from the state with the smallest population after eight wrongful death lawsuits were filed. That happened during Sarah's partial term in office, so what about Sarah's death panels?

    Great job, Gryphen. I don't say that enough.

  75. WakeUpAmerica12:59 PM

    "Oh crap! Do I have moose poo in my mouth again?"

  76. Anonymous1:04 PM

    How can Sarah Palin be a conservatives when her and her family constantly comes up with scams to try to milk Alaska's taxpayers out of money by coming up with retarded shows like Life's A Tripp, Sarah Palin's Alaska, Big Hair and any other shit they tried to ram through the public's face?

    Why can't the Palins just go out there and get jobs and earn money like the rest of the Alaskans do?

    Sarah Palin is leaching and living off the American public as well through her SarahPAC scam.

    Sarah Palin conservative? Don't think so, the Palins are just a bunch of leaches hanging onto the asses of the Alaskan tax payers.

  77. Paul - Minnesota1:16 PM

    Her poor refrigerator. It's going to look as if a baseball sized hail storm hit it.

    That's one reason Sarah always needs more money. She's very hard on kitchen appliances, yet not from using them.

  78. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Caption in a parallel universe: "I'm too ashamed to lift my head"

  79. Anonymous1:18 PM

    SARAH PALIN is cringing with embarrassment over her Alaskan clan popping up on more and more TV reality shows – and she’s afraid it could destroy the “Palin brand,” sources tell The ENQUIRER.

    Sarah why were you telling your fans on Facebook to watch Bristol's piece of shit?

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Sarah Lou Sandusky is incapable of feeling shame.

    2. Anonymous1:50 PM

      Yup. That's Plan B. In case it get's TOO unbearably embarrassing pretend that you didn't have anything to do with it and throw family under the bus to keep vanityPac money coming in for your imaginary political career.

    3. Anonymous4:26 PM

      I wonder if Bristol is beginning to see that her mother stole HER life.

  80. Anonymous1:20 PM

    The LIAR is Sarah Palin's PIMP DADDY HUSBAND. Why does Sarah Palin have an opinion on everything PRESIDENT OBAMA, but has said NOTHING regarding Her Husband's PIMPING AND SEX TRAFFICKING? GRIFTER GRANNY, who looks like a TRANNY should focus her time on the LIES that THE PALINS have told the American Public. Fake Pregnancies, 9 MONTH MONO for 2 daughters, Unwed Teen Mothers(Bristol and Willow, Weight loss for her OBESE DAUGHTER WILLOW, and PIMPING.

  81. "I've been doing everything I can to turn this dern country upside down for four years and it pisses me off that I just can't do it."

    Poor pitiful Palin still doesn't get that the GOP/TX folks who fax her staff and writers their position statements and daily talking points are using her. Who else would stick their scrawny neck out and utter this crap in their own name. She'll spout whatever they send over as long as it contains a negative verb and the word 'Obama'.

  82. Beldar J Conehead1:24 PM

    Gryphen, I'm in a quandary. (Not IN a quandary, exactly, but within about a mile of a quandary, give or take)

    You know that I'm a HUGE advocate for civility in political discourse and I often take you to task for making unkind comments about Alaska's least respected part-term ex-governor. (Ok, I don't literally take you to task, but I'll sometimes think "ouch! that was mean! good job, G!")

    Anyway, not a day goes by where someone doesnt say to me "Beldar - if that's really your name, which I seriously doubt - you always refer to someone we all know and love as "The Screechy Wretch(tm)" when you KNOW "Shameless Twatface" is a more accurate descriptive moniker." But do you ever see me refer to her as "Shameless Twatface"? "Shameless Twatface" said this!"? "Shameless Twatface" said that!"? Never, right?

    Well, my quandary is that after reading all these apoplectic anti-President Obama messages she's vomiting up in response to the SCOTUS decision to uphold Obamacare, it's starting to feel like "Shameless Twatface" is a more accurate description than "Screechy Wretch(tm)"

    I want to do the right thing by that cold blooded harridan, bless her heart, while still sharing my own feelings in a straight-forward manner.

    "Shameless Twatface" or "Screechy Wretch(tm)" What's it going to be?

    1. Beldar, I think Shameless Twatface works.
      You bless her heart? She has a heart?

    2. Sir Beldar Insert Conehead (if that really is your FSM-given name), in the battle of our collective sophomoric minds, Sir (also, too), i, and undoubtedly many other individualized and lessly-empowered souls, do so bow to your flagellant (fiery belly-laugh-and-otherwise-projectile-inducing) prowess.

      Undoubtedly undoubted...

    3. Anonymous3:18 PM

      Did you mean "flatulent"?

  83. Anonymous1:39 PM

    What a hypocrite she is her children have all been on healthcare through Todd's heritage. So that has always been free plus they all get state checks, saw yesterday in the custody agreement she made sure she got Tripps. What a bunch of no goods. Don't want other ppl to be able to get health care but always take it free for themselves.

    OT I just got game change at Big Lots for 50 cents. I'll be able to read somthing on the plane.

  84. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Caption: I'm gonna make sure that secret service guy behind me gets fired! He didn't even check out my ass!

    1. Anonymous2:15 PM

      What ass?

    2. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Pancake ass and fake boobs.

  85. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Dear Sarah,


    The Thinking Wold

  86. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Not taxes are involved, folks, Do the research yourselves.

  87. Anonymous2:23 PM

    If you live by the twitter, you die by the twitter.

    The Queen of Right Online in Las Vegas knows the rules.

  88. Anonymous2:28 PM

    And again - the Palins have Federal health benefits through Indian Health Care. They don't care if anyone else has health care.

    1. Anonymous3:23 PM

      Sarah doesn't. Only if she were pregnant would she get pre-natal care with ANMC, and she doesn't have the guts to fake another pregnancy again.

  89. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Tawwwwwwwwwwd! Where the hell are my twins? I told you I should have strutted them out for the SCrOTUSes at Alec's party. And who the hell is Alec anyway? Never got to shake my booty for him. And WTF, all that time gone to waste learning Bristle's tit shimmy when I should have stayed with shorts and pantyhose. Tawwwwwwwwwwwwwd!

  90. Anonymous2:35 PM


    You hung the freakin' flaaag up-side down, Taaaahhhd! Yer a ideeiot, Tahd, joost like oBOMuh!

    Piper Diaper, get Momma a ladder, pumpkin. See piper-diper, other than hannnngin' out with hiz prahstaTOOTin rings, yer Daaad just cannn't do shit right, I telll ya! And Willlow, don't be letting boys go up to yer rooom while I'm fixin' shit your dadd can't get riight. Yer alreadee knocked up aginn, hunnee. So you can slooow don't nooow sugar britches, and joost blooow Andee downsteers. You need to avooiid those steers cuz you know you can't seee yer feeet aneemore! Cooz weer pro-life heer, re-mamber? You betcher freeedumb-luvin ass!

  91. Anonymous2:41 PM

    shut the front door sp! You couldn't even answer one little question back 4 years ago. Just stfd. You can't read you can't talk normally. You speak gibberish and the same darn lines the last 4 years. Absolutley nothing new from you. get it? You don't even know .0000001 that goes on in Washington D.C. so stop trying to put a sentence together that indicated you may have some .0000000000001 ounce of knowledge. Your an idiot.

  92. Replies
    1. Anonymous4:38 PM

      lol that IS hilarious, especially the top commenter with 1,585 likes!

  93. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Gryph, can you find the video of Sarah when she lost the Lt. Gov nom back in 2002? She had a little cheese and whine going on that is second only to her crying when she lost the VP position. One of the local tv stations were in her home when the results were read. IT is pure petty Palin they caught losing.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.