Sunday, June 24, 2012

This new pro-Obama ad is definitely going to be a "Bain" in Mitt Romeny's ass.

Here is some of the text from the ad courtesy of Politico:

 "Out of the blue one day, we were told to build a 30-foot stage. Gathered the guys, and we built that 30-foot stage, not knowing what it was for. Just days later, all three shifts were told to assemble in the warehouse. 

A group of people walked out on that stage, and told us that the plant is now closed, and all of you are fired. I looked both ways, I looked at the crowd, and we all just lost our jobs. We don’t have an income. 

Mitt Romney made over a hundred million dollars by shutting down our plant, and devastated our lives. 

"Turns out that when we built that stage, it was like building my own coffin. And it just made me sick."

Okay THAT is pretty powerful.  And it hits Romney right where he lives, in that as he keeps trying to convince Americans that HE is the only salvation for the country's economy, the evidence demonstrates that Romney was a corporate raider who essentially ran over the average worker in favor of making his clients, the top 1% it you will, even MORE wealthy.

That is not the kind of message that will win him to many votes from anybody who is not lighting their cigars with hundred dollar bills.


  1. angela4:14 AM

    Ugly, ugly, ugly . . . .
    I know its strange, but as souls go--I don't believe Romney has one. He has dead eyes. They say psychopaths can go against the law or become part of society and work their aggressive natures out in "seemingly" appropriate ways.

    That stage sounds like something Romney would think was funny.
    You know--the practical joker who forcibly cut a horrified kids hair, ran blind people into doors, pulled people over while wearing a cops uniform.

    1. Sorry Angela, in my home we just call it being Mormon.

    2. Okay, Tyroanee, you've brought up a little problem. Democratic Mormons.

      My senator here in NM is Mormon, and I had no trouble voting for him. I'd also vote for Harry Reid if I lived in NV. And there's a fine young Mormon running for Congress in either OR or WA. Stewart and Mo Udall - the fathers of Tom and Mark - were active liberal Democrats and they were staunch Mormons.

      So I think the problem in REPUBLICAN Mormons. Can anyone else think of a Democratic Mormon?

    3. Anonymous7:27 AM

      '''That stage sounds like something Romney would think was funny'''

      Exactly. He is twisted like that.

    4. Anonymous8:04 AM

      Generations ago Mormons were primarily democrats. It might have been in the 40's or 50's, perhaps earlier (it was before my time) that things changed. Several decades ago, one of the General Authorities stated that you can't be a good Mormon and a democrat, too (wish I could remember his name). These days, the church is quite insistent that they don't tell anyone how to vote, but everyone knows the score.

      There are some demoratic Mormons - just not a lot of them. And there have always been some Mormons in high positions - cabinet positions and such. Most of them from the intermountain area or southwest where there is a larger percentage of them. Mormonism didn't seem to be as much of an issue back then.

      Maybe Mitt's problem isn't that he is a Mormon as much as the fact that he is just so unlikable. Even if he wasn't a Mormon no one would like him. I don't like him, either. It's kind of hard to pinpoint it though, so I think people focus more on the religion thing.

      It should be a concern, though. Mormons definitely have an agenda. People often equate this with the Kennedy/Catholic thing but it is not the same. Kennedy was just a Catholic who got elected into the White House - Romney is seen as fulfillment of Mormon prophecy. With that as their mindset, "American Exceptionalism" is only the beginning and it will go downhill from there. Like I said, they have an agenda.

    5. WakeUpAmerica9:37 AM

      Wow, Tyroanee! Those aren't Mormon traits; those are characteristics of a bully and of a person lacking empathy. Those kind of people are found in every walk of life. I am not Mormon, but I know many wonderful, kind, compassionate Mormons who would give you the shirts off of their backs if you needed it. You just can't paint a whole group with one brush. You have to evaluate each one as an individual. However, it does sound like you have had a number of unpleasant encounters with Mormons. Really there are many wonderful ones just like there are some god-awful christians (cough, evangelical).

    6. ibwilliamsi10:44 AM

      Sorry, WakeUpAmerica. I've interacted very heavily with the Mormon church over the past 25 years and I can assure you these are Mormon traits. Compassionate Mormons are compassionate for Mormons, and for people that they feel that they can convert to Mormonism for the 20% tithe. Our rules are not their rules.

      If anyone really wants to know what happens to an organization that represents honesty and hard work when the Mormons come to town, ask the Boy Scouts of America. A Mormon Eagle Scout is a Mormon Eagle Scout. All Mormon boys are Eagle Scouts. They're advanced through the ranks whether they show up or not. Their elders plan and execute their Eagle Scout projects. The only real Eagle Scout is one that is not a Mormon.

      As you say, I'm sure that there are exceptions to this rule, Mormons for Mormons IS the rule.

  2. Romney's motives while at Bain were to maximize profits for investors. If that meant shutting down a company, reducing the work force or shipping jobs overseas or perhaps even building a company that is what he did. His notion that he knows how to improve the jobs picture in the US because of his Bain experience is flawed to say the least.

    One of Romney's contemporaries and former Bain Capital VP is Meg Whitman. In 2008 Ms Whitman ran for the Governor's office in California. Romney supported her as she ran on the platform of knowing how to create jobs claiming the same business acumen as that which Romeny touts. She too said that she could create jobs. Having lost that race, Ms Whitman is now the CEO of HP. Her first act of business was to announce the termination of 27,000 employees to improve the company's profits (which Forbes magazine claims is bad management:

    Yep, they sure do know how to create (?) jobs.

    1. Anonymous10:07 AM

      Of COURSE they know how to create jobs! They've created LOTS of jobs: financial advisors, accountants, lawyers, nannies, landscapers, housecleaners, garage elevator installers...

      Ohhhh, you mean jobs for the 99%...oh, nevermind.

  3. Anonymous4:55 AM

    You said it: Powerful!I have nothing to add< because it speaks for itself.


  4. Anonymous5:03 AM

    This is one of the most effective political ads EVER and should be shown constantly throughout the campaign. Mitt Romney is a menace and, if elected president (God forbid), will be an across-the-board disaster. Really, what REAL qualifications does he have? Wanting to be president because, after all, it's your TURN doesn't cut it. One must have the desire to SERVE and this has never been part of Mitt's resume. His goal in life, aside from being mega-rich and surrounding himself with others in that catagory, is to surpass his dad, plain and simple. It was probably George Romney's hope and Mitt, the ever-dutiful son, has made it his life's work. But how does that help US?
    While he may be a devout and committed Mormon, the fact remains that he is still a dishonest man with no core, no empathy and no vision. In his heart, he is still the bully he was as a young man. I do not believe that he has moved beyond that and I think there needs to be A LOT more discussion about that troubling trait. Imagine how he will treat "the others", the disadvantaged, the undocumented, the poor, WOMEN, GAYS... and on and on.

    1. Anonymous5:35 AM

      Well stated!

    2. ibwilliamsi10:48 AM

      "His goal in life, aside from being mega-rich and surrounding himself with others in that catagory, is to surpass his dad, plain and simple."

      Hmmm... who does that remind me of? It's right on the tip of my tongue, as though it was someone who was very very disastrous in our nations recent history because he had to be a bigger presence than his dad. Hmmm... Maybe I'll go outside and plant a shrub and it'll come to me.

  5. Anonymous5:51 AM

    I am waiting for the ads attacking him for all his offshore money accounts.... Caymen, Swiss, etc.

    Nothing says "I believe in America" more than investing your own money overseas.

    Even the dumbest redneck GOP voters will understand that no President should ever bet against the USA.

    Has there ever been any President with offshore accounts?

    This is something a middle east dictator would do (Saddam Hussain, Kadafi, etc). Maybe Mitt is preparing in case he has to seek political asylum.

    1. Balzafiar6:41 AM

      Mittens also keeps his soul in a lockbox in the Caymans.

      I am, of course, assuming that he has a soul. He certainly does not have any empathy.

    2. Anonymous7:05 AM

      ''Has there ever been any President with offshore accounts?''


  6. Since they cannot (I assume) run the ad on Fox News, I hope they are showing it on every stupid reality show that the morons turn to when they've had their fill of the lies on Fox News.

    Only if they actually SEE the ad is there a possibility that the message might penetrate their brains, so they realize it is time to stop voting against their own interests.

    1. WakeUpAmerica8:47 AM

      Yes!! They may as well shoot themselves in both feet right now. They are low-information voters who listen only to FOX News. They have no real clue about what is going on.

  7. Anonymous6:15 AM

    He did the same thing to a small town in Indiana and if you even mention his name you get the evil eye. I know for a fact even if someone who lives there might vote for him, they'd never, ever tell anyone.

  8. The ad reminded me of the Germans during WW2 who would have Jews in an area dig large ditches and then have them stand on the edges to be shot. That, more than the coffin analogy would be true, but they can't use that, I guess.

    By the way, I hope the ad will have a website the viewer can go to that will give the pertinent facts about this specific case. Dates, whether Romney was in charge of Bain, etc.

  9. Anonymous6:55 AM

    That was coldblooded what Romney's company did to those folks. Told to build a stage so the Bain folks could get up on it and fire them.

  10. Anonymous6:56 AM

    This testimony reminds me of Rick Scott heading up HCA. He turned profits by firing 2 out of 3 minimum wage employees so one person do three jobs. Then they increased the workload at least 20% of others threatening and implicitly demanding no overtime degrading employees to their faces.

    The irony is most of the public hails the rich guy displacing anger as if the little guys not even given meal breaks are to blame they get less for their money. Then they elect the rich guy who profited killing jobs, won't provide enough employees so people can take a meal break and become enraged at the guy who speaks of greed at the expense of others.

    IMO technology has eliminated jobs also replacing people. There are simple minded people who think that because they do not own a house, have no savings that why should they care if the economy drops out? Then they are surprised to not have their job or hours reduced. Why are realators who "agreed to lie" to home buyers lying for lending institutions surprised they are without houses to sell?

    For all the spewing about God and christian values the denial of lying rendering destruction, bankruptcy, collapse to make mega profits is shocking to me.

  11. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Romney is not worried about anything
    He already knows he will be president
    and Obama already knows he is going to lose
    But they have to put on a good show for everyone
    like Pro Rasslin'

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM

      I sincerely pray that you are wrong. This is not a show. This is the future of this country that is at stake. Republicans do not care about the future; they all seem to want to wallow in some past time - before slavery ended, before there were unions, before women had the right to vote, before schools were desegregated. They are and always have been against progress. Given that attitude, their position on climate change is dooming not only the country but the planet. What kind of world do you want for your children? One where there is a "good show" for everyone - watch while people are mistreated and suffer and die?

    2. Anonymous8:16 AM

      I hope you are wrong, too, but I fear you may be right. No one likes Romney and if he gets elected it certainly won't be because the populace wanted him. It will be because of electoral fraud and right wing manipulation. Republicans don't even bother trying to hide it anymore. Florida is only the beginning.

      All one has to do is look at the crowds at Obama gatherings as opposed to Romney gatherings and the sentiment is obvious. Yet Romney actually stands a good chance of winning. I fear the fix may already be in.

    3. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Anonymous7:24 AM

      You ARE wrong. President Obama is going to win. Again!

    4. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Anonymous7:24 AM

      Don't you think the Pres Obama reelection committee, is well aware of all the GOP dirty tricks. We Democrats got this!

    5. Anonymous11:22 AM

      Who are you? The Anonymous Psychic?
      I call bullshit on your prediction.

    6. Anonymous11:54 AM

      How did Bush get re-elected??

  12. telah7:53 AM

    You know, Gryphen, I almost never comment on your political posts because I am just so overwhelmed and saddened at the state of politics and this political season, in particular. But I really appreciate them. I am hoping and a little hopeful that there is an awakening and voters will see that we can't stop progress and won't allow the Teapublicans to overrule our best interests. And I am donating and plan to phone bank to help make it so.
    Obama 2012!

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      I am going to phone bank, too.

  13. Dinty7:57 AM

    Doonesbury has a great take on Romney and his assertion that as a businessman he would make a great President:

  14. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Reminds me of forcing the Jews to build the wall around the Warsaw Ghetto.

    1. Anonymous11:02 AM

      And when the Jews were forced to dig their own graves. Then they were lined up along the edge of the graves and shot.

  15. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Like several of the other posters, I worry most about voting machine manipulation and election fraud. We just had a 'trial run' up here in a local election in Anchorage. The fraud was so obvious that the city clerk and her associate were fired or forced to quit, and yet the results were allowed to stand. (I do not know what the outcome would have been had there been enough ballots and the Diebold machines and ballot boxes operated properly.) Just like in Florida ... Gore probably truly won the election but the flawed results stood and look what we got with Bush. It's very troubling.

  16. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Willard For Dummies….

  17. ibwilliamsi10:39 AM

    I think it bears mentioning that not only did these people lose their jobs as Rmoney and Bain collected "fees" off the top, the private and public investors that Bain sold those shares to lost their money as well. This is where pensions funds went to. Myth Rmoney's pocket.

  18. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Also Romney is a man who has his money tucked away in the Cayman Islands, and Switzerland, that is just about as unpatriotic as you can get, but the Repub sheeple will still vote for him.

  19. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Get on phone banks, Dems, and encourage the Dem electorate to make sure they are registered, and ready to vote.

  20. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Check this out. Mitt and Michael Milken.

  21. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Fucking Romney is an out-of-touch silver spooner. He has NO clue about what it means to earn a living. He's a cardboard-cutout-douchebag dullard stuffed shirt elitist mor(m)on.

  22. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

    Great Ad! It showcases Romney's contempt for workers and his cruelty in the pursuit of getting rich. And I love that people see Romney for who he is, a wealth creator, not a job creator. He's been trying to obfuscate his experience with Bain, but it exposes him to the core for his clueless bravado in saying he was a job creator, and President Obama had no business experience, and therefore should be unqualified to run a country.
    Running a business is one thing, running a country is another, and running a country like a business is impossible.

    It does my heart good to read comments from people moved to action in getting our President Elected. I've been working with OFA for a few years and have met THE most impressive people, especially young people. Our State is run by a republican who's added a voter id law. We're getting everyone ready for compliance and set up with a ride to the polls. And you'd be surprised how many traditionally republican voters are fed up with Congress and voting for Obama!


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