Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Conservatives fear of contraception summed up in one graphic.

Yeah I think that about covers it.


  1. Anonymous2:48 AM

    Now, Gryph...where did you find that picture of me? ;-)

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Conservatives CAN lick my heel!

  3. Anonymous5:14 AM

    Ooohhh. I want one of those!

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Someone crafty should photoshop the grifters face on there! LOL!!!
    And rename the pic "Viagra babe" and show the shoes with the RED heel!
    Change to votes Con:
    Penis loving √ (think Glen Rice)
    Pill poppin √ (adderall)
    Satan's girl √(Lies, Sarah LIES constantly)
    Then the pic will be perfect! :D

    1. Anonymous7:17 AM

      AND add Rush Limbaugh's face to one of the men staring.

  5. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I think that picture pretty much sums it up. That's how men who hate women see women. It bothers them that their sexual desire has such control over them and the way they handle it is to make women the problem. To accept women as equals is a frightening consideration for them. It would mean they are responsible for their own behavior and this they cannot allow. They have to hold onto the idea that women get raped because "they asked for it" and women are always going off and "getting themselves pregnant".

    The way they handle it in the United States is by denying women equal rights and refusing to allow them control over their own bodies. In Saudi Arabia they do this by forcing women to cover themselves from head to toe in black sheets and refusing to allow them control over their own bodies. In other areas they forego even that much and just set up rape camps and refuse to allow women control over their own bodies.

  6. hedgewytch7:56 AM

    Power over sex and sexual reproduction is just part of it. It is about CONTROL - all aspects of it. Poster above is right, these types of men are unwilling and unable to exercise self-control over their own sexual issues. But it is also because that they have no self-control, or control over their own lives, that they must therefore control those who are "weaker" around them - not just a woman's sexuality, but all other aspects of a woman's right to govern, decide her own life.

  7. An European viewpoint11:17 AM

    What I don't get is why "I don't follow no square man's rule, get it" would be a sentence offensive to Republicans.

    Since when are members of one gender required to follow rules made by the other gender, whatever their shape may be ? Or is it a basic Republican assumption that I'm missing ? I'm puzzled.

    As for "penis lovin'", doesn't it come with the territory when one is a heterosexual women ?

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      11:17 I'm assuming you are from somewhere in Europe from your post name? "Square" was a 1950's term that meant not up-to-date/modern or backwards thinking. Or at least that is my interpretation of the term. "Penis lovin" doesn't necessarily go with the territory. Some women (plural, woman is singular) have sex so they can get "kept" or have someone take care of them. The poster is showing that men FEAR women who love sex. Until the feminists (age of birth control) came along women were usually not free to enjoy sex without the fear of being kept constantly reproducing. In some extreme cases that's the way men wanted it. Keep the women down and out and keep them from getting uppity then the men were in power. It's all about power, one gender over the other.

    2. An European viewpoint1:59 PM

      Thanks for the explanations. I am European, and a non-native speaker. And sorry for woman/women, I was lax on the proofreading.

      I think that sex has been much too much used as a tool to get power in the past. Like religion. No wonder it was thought of as not very enjoyable back then...

  8. physicsmom1:06 PM

    Is that supposed to be Sandra Fluke? There is a slight resemblance. I understand where this is coming from, but still find it somewhat offensive. I wish there was a way to humorously convey the same message in a positive way.

  9. Anonymous2:17 PM

    It could be that conservatives are terrified of women knowing anything about sex or about birth control because then those women would not believe that "the average man" has equipment about the size of a fountain pen.

    Tom, FL

  10. Anita Winecooler7:17 PM

    While I like the message this poster conveys and think it's funny that they're using "sex" to "Sell contraceptives".
    I do find the premise that female sexuality equals a commodity to sell products a bit tiring.
    Why don't they "sell" birth control pills and other "female" methods with "buff, scantilly clad men"?


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