Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You know I think I would really enjoy breaking bread with this couple.

There are a lot of phony relationships in politics, but THIS is clearly one of the most honest and loving that I have ever witnessed.

Great couple, great President, great hope for our country.


  1. So genuine. So heartwarming. Funny and fun. A real treat to watch. Thx for posting this. Mr G.

  2. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Break some bread while you're watching Bristol break Levi's balls tonight.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Great couple, great President and great actors!

  4. Now that the MSM is talking about Edwards again (re the Rielle/Edwards breakup), using terms like "moral leadership," "a double life," "a public campaign of deception," I think of the yet-unacknowledged PalinBabyHoax.

    The contrast between the Obama relationship and what it tells us about their values and the values of Edwards/Palin could not be greater.

    And Edwards was no longer important as his scandal was being exposed. But the PalinHoax and its enablers is still affecting our national dialogue re the next election.

    I guess that's why there's the blackout on coverage of the PalinHoax.

    1. Anonymous2:00 PM

      True, and huffPo is still giving her space to talk about death panels! And Bristol still appears on the POLITICS page - wth? What's with that? She should be under Comedy or something - or better yet, both/all Palins should be blacklisted from HP/AOL altogether.

  5. Anonymous8:45 AM

    What a beautiful couple! I must admit though I'm a teensy bit jealous of our First Lady because I have a huge crush on President Obama. Sigh.

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Reverse the two and ditto here!

      She's one of those smart gals whom you trust to know and discern what's best for both of you, and she never lets you down in that regard.

      She gets you to do what she wants you to do, all the while making sure that you think its at least partially your own idea.

      As lazy as I want to be at the end of a day after work and all, one smile from "Moochie" and I'm on my feet in the kitchen helping clean up, thinking I'm Ward Cleaver about to get a little sugar once I finish my "chores".

    2. Anonymous2:01 PM

      9:34, sounds like you have a pretty good thing going just like the Obama sweethearts :)

      I'm hoping that I get picked for this dinner. I'd probably fall over dead with the excitement.

  6. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I think this is the most loving couple we have ever had in the White House.

  7. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Don't miss all the action today! and yesterday!


  8. It's fun to be around folks who are intelligent and have love and respect for one another as well as a genuine concern for others.

    The fact that both have a sense of humor and a passion for life would make it a memorable evening, to say the least. They are both comfortable "in their own skin", so they are not afraid to show a part of themselves that is not evident in many people who seem to be more like a 2-dimensional cut-out than a warm-blooded human being.

    The Obamas remind me of some couples that we are friends with and some family members as well that we always enjoy visiting with, even if we're doing nothing more than just sitting around talking. We feel a "connection" with those who aren't afraid to reveal their true selves, warts and all. And this connection provides a personal trust between us that allows us to laugh at ourselves about things that might seem pointed, potentially hurtful, or inappropriate in a different setting.

    Laughter and Hugs--- if I have some of both today, I've had a good day already, and otherwise, I'm pretty easy to please.

  9. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Oh, that is just so cute. I just love them.

  10. Anonymous10:49 AM

    They should have got their story right on whether it was lunch or dinner.

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Naah, the fact that it happened over 30 years ago gives them a little wiggle room on background details like time of day, location, day of the week, etc. The fact that they were actually together and what began at that time and has thrived since then is the real take-away, IMHO. It's still "their story", even if the memories aren't 100% in sync.

      Unless, of course, you think that there's a chance "Moochie" is lying about even sharing a meal with Barry, and that she actually ate alone at Sonic because he was actually in Kenya at the time. ;)

  11. Anonymous11:38 AM

    It is both. Trying to accommodate everyone. I got the invite email that it explained it.

  12. Anonymous12:02 PM

    They're just so cute. I think they celebrate their 20th in August!

    My husband and I just marked our 19th. The Obamas seem as happy as we are. It seems like this would be impossible to fake.

    Yes, I am a lucky lady. :) So is Michelle. I only can hope they get another four years. If they just keep being themselves, and the debate goes as we all know it will, I think everything will be OK.

  13. Sharon2:24 PM

    The way he looks at her....you can tell he feels like he won the lottery in life, and having those 2 beautiful girls is the icing on the cake. I think that is how he manages to control himself in the face of such hatred and the wish to destroy the country he loves. There are simply no personal scandals or honest attacks to be had and it drives the Republicans nutz. If there was ever a family to be a role model for modern America...it is the Obamas.

  14. Anita Winecooler8:50 PM

    They're still newlyweds! We'll be hitting thirty years in October

    They're the genuine article, their relationship is a team of equals. Some couples lose themselves in their marriage or seem to have "settled", but there's none of that with The First Couple. They're strong individuals who make up a strong couple.
    As much as I loved the Clintons, if their campaign kept sending me e-mails for a chance for dinner, wishing a happy birthday, mother's day, father's day, etc. would have bothered me.
    The Obama's could send me an invite to watch paint dry, and I'd write the check in a heatbeat.

    They'd be fun company no matter what the activity.

  15. Anonymous1:56 AM

    You all should be very proud to be American's with this lovely couple in the White House. Enjoy this moment, you'll likely never get to see it ever again. The beautiful thing about them is that they are setting a new standard for home, life, health, well being and how politics should be run in the U.S. today. Its something that people admire everywhere. Good for them! It can't be easy given the constant beating they get from republicans. Cudo's to the american voting population for getting this guy in. And I am certain that they are staying right where they belong for another 4 yrs. They send a great message and I believe most of americans see this.
    From a proud Canadian across the border.


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