Saturday, July 28, 2012

A comparison.

Mitt Romney at the Olympic games being photobombed by a spectator.

The First Lady at the Olympics doing the country proud.

I'm just saying.

(H/T to the Obama Diary.)


  1. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I cannot handle that smirk for four/eight years.

    And his politics suck, too.

    1. You won't have to - although I guess he could try again in 2016 - He'd lose then - also, too

    2. Anonymous7:48 PM

      "You won't have to"

      I'm holding you to that, TS.

    3. @7:48 - please do - I'll be on here cheering the landslide.

    4. Anonymous7:51 AM

      TS: As we say in my faith, from your lips to G-d's ears!

    5. MotorCity Begonia8:34 AM

      Anon. 7:51 - as a Pagan, I say "from your lips to the ears of ALL the Gods!" And in this case, may they listen and agree - please!

  2. And her style and dress sense is impeccable compared to another person of similar age and sex.

    Flotus looks fabulous - look at the photos here

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Flotus looks fabulous, and IS fabulous. I've never been prouder to have such a President and First lady in all my long years.

  3. Mitt the Shitt looks like he's in need of some preparation H. Or he's thinking "God, these COMMON people. Ann is going to have to give me a Purel rub down."

    Meanwhile, First Lady Obama has been a delightful, engaging, amazing, genuine ambassador for our nation.

    Love her. As a black woman who is gravely concerned about the state of young black girls in America, (or "Amercia" if you'd rather, mittens) I am so pleased they have this unmatched role model.

    Yay for Michelle, our Belle!

    Booooo for Mitt the Shitt!

    1. Anonymous7:50 PM

      Michelle is definitely as great role model for young black - and white and yellow and brown and whatnot - girls and women of all ages. She is class act!

    2. His smile looks like he can't move the face muscles very much - now what causes that?

    3. Anonymous8:10 AM

      Agreed that Michelle Obama is a role model for American women. She's smart, hard-working, and clearly loves her girls, neither of whom has ever been caught drinking underage, drugging it up, destroying people's homes, or getting pregnant in tents. As a matter of fact, we rarely see the Obama girls except in carefully-selected snippets.

  4. So...he did show his weaselly face at the Olympics. Ick.

  5. Anonymous5:41 PM

    He looks scared and totally out of his element.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      He was surrounded by non-whites...

    2. MotorCity Begonia8:36 AM

      Not only non-whites, he was surrounded by thousands of hop-polloi. Ooooh, ick, common folk. Annie didn't look too comfortable, either. (I wondered if she was mentally reviewing people around her for suitability for hiring as household staff.)

  6. Anonymous5:44 PM

    In 2008 Bush made a drunken fool of himself in Beijing.

    Romney looks like a man with removable hard drive in his pocket.

    1. Maizen Blue6:50 PM

      Ditto. Have you ever seen the episode of How I Met Your Mother where Marshall figures out what is so creepy about The Captain? "The bottom half of his face ... is smiling. He seems happy. Seems like a nice guy. But the top half of his face ... wants to murder you!"

      I see a definite resemblance.

    2. Anonymous8:28 PM

      James Lipton from The Actors Studio said the same thing.

      Lipton offered Romney some advice about how to act sincere. (There's a joke there, about how hard it is to fake sincerity). Lipton said that Romnney laughs at odd moments. When you see him on TV laughing, cover his mouth and just look at his eyes. The eyes are not laughing. There is no joy. Maizen Blue's description: wants to murder you works, too.

      Romney has been running for president for so long that he is simply programed to be running. It's a joyless job. Michelle Obama is so thrilled to be in the White House. It is beyond her wildest dreams. She gave up her work as a lawyer to be a good First Lady, and she is going to enjoy every minute of it. Her experience as a hands-on mother allows her to be at ease with kids and families. She IS sincere, warm and friendly.

    3. Anonymous5:12 AM

      Makes you wish Stepfordwife Laura or one of the girls would write REAL tell all, doesn't it.

  7. Romney's appearance physically scares me--on a visceral level. I have never known, or seen, anyone with such dead eyes.

  8. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Watch and learn….

  9. Anonymous6:09 PM

    AMAZING FLOTUS...She's everything the RMoneys aren't...gracious, humble, sincere, joyful, fun loving, respectful, appropriate to the occasion, GORGEOUS, people love her, want to touch her, hug her, be close with her, soooo bright and inspiring...she's a perfect person to represent the U.S. at the Olympics with her 'Let's Move' program. Just perfect.

    Are you watching Mitt? Michelle Obama gives a masterclass in diplomacy

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Although we've had many First Ladies who were classy and elegant, I can't remember one who was as approachable and clearly comfortable among any group of people as Michelle Obama.

      She fits as well among Queens, Kings, Presidents and Prime Ministers as she does among Girl Scouts planting the White House garden. It's always wonderful to see her and the President interacting with children. That's where they both seem the most relaxed and happy.

    2. Anonymous5:09 AM

      Remember how much the queen loved her and broke protocol by putting her arm around Michelle?

  10. Anonymous6:13 PM

    'Some Americans shouldn't leave the country': Nine time U.S. gold medalist Carl Lewis attacks Romney over diabolical first visit to London

    Read more:

  11. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Romney is an asshole and I cannot imagine him representing us! His wife is arrogant too!

    Can you imagine having to look at Mitt's constant smirk? Good god!!! Poor President Obama when he has to debate him!!! I'd personally want to slap him across his dead-eyed face! (Meaning romney, of course, of course!)

    1. Anonymous5:23 AM

      ArrogANNt Rmoney.

      Marie ANNtoinette Rmoney.

  12. Meh looks worried that someone is going to ask him about his tax returns! And what happened to his top lip???

    That is one soulless looking man. Nobody is home behind those eyes!


    1. Anonymous10:06 PM

      mitt looks scared to death someone will speak to him....just sayn.

  13. Anonymous7:56 PM

    I thought he was going to Israel to see his old buddy Netanyahoo...another vulture capitalist who has no qualms accepting our money and our weapons and then threatening the stability of the Middle East, not to mention trying to wipe out the Palestinians by with holding food and water and destroying their homes and shooting their children going to school. If these are your buddies, Mitt, the US does not need your leadership on any front. Why don't you retire and entertain your grandkids at the mansions? Surely you have enough money to last even you for the next 100 years.

  14. WakeUpAmerica7:56 PM

    Look how Michelle's smile lights up her whole face! While, Mittrat's smile stops at the lips. Dead eyes, one of the signs of a sociopath.

  15. Anonymous8:12 PM

    The more I see of Mitt Romney and his family, the more they frighten me.

    God help us all if they end up in the White House.

  16. Myth looks like he has had too many prunes. He is struggling to maintain. That is the gentlest assessment I can give.

  17. Anonymous9:00 PM

    God, she is so fucking beautiful.
    That is all.

  18. Anonymous9:09 PM

    With Obama having gotten 78% of the American Jewish vote in 2008, Romney is doing all he can to chase after that vote. As we know when Mitt is around, there is no low too low and he doesn’t care who he hurts to get what he wants. Those qualities contribute to the narrative he’s establishing that he is a diplomatic nightmare and is best left to the boardroom picking over the carcasses of starving American small businesses rather than pursuing posing as a shambles of a statesman.

  19. Anonymous9:11 PM

    If there is one thing nations of the world understand with impeccable clarity, it is that the United States of America stands by its allies. If there is one thing Willard Romney fails to comprehend, it is that America is Israel’s staunchest ally in the world, and his contention that President Obama “threw Israel under the bus” is a recurring claim with no basis in fact, but then again, Willard is renowned for making fallacious claims for political expediency and campaign donations. There are several reasons for Romney’s alleged “special relationship” with Israel, but regardless the motives, he certainly is not looking out for America’s best interests and by extension, jeopardizes Israel’s security every time he talks about war with Iran.

    As Willard proceeds on his “fundraising world tour” after insulting the British people, he meets with his old pal Benjamin Netanyahu to plot a course for war with Iran if he wins the White House in November. It may seem curious for a cowardly draft-dodger to pant for another war in the Middle East, but there are ulterior motives other than just being Israel’s protector. Romney has impugned President Obama for not supporting Israel for some time, but the facts tell a different story.

    1. Anonymous3:49 AM

      Just amazing - given the fact that one is not supposed to address such subjects when meeting foreign dignitaries abroad. Romney is a superb jerk.

    2. Anonymous5:25 AM

      How many munitions companies is BAIN invested in?

  20. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Chick-Fil-A's brand approval is tanking

  21. Anonymous9:28 PM

    In an attempt to criticize and attack President Obama on foreign soil, Romney ended up attacking the Religion of America's Middle-East Allies and ended up telling the world that Romney would bring back the failed Bush/Cheney Foreign Policies.

    Romney told the conservative Israeli News, owned by Rightwinger Sheldon Adelson, "Israel Hayom" that he is "very concerned" about the "Islamic Leaders" being elected in the Mid-East.

    ROMNEY: We're disappointed in seeing Tunisia and Morocco elect Islamist governments. We're very concerned in seeing the new leader in Egypt as an Islamist leader."
    Romney's Comment Disturbing on many Levels.
    Romney is saying he disapproves of letting people elect their leaders and Romney is tossing out bigoted comments about the Religion of most of America's Mid-East Allies in order to fearmonger against members of one religion. By the way, who is this "We" Romney refers to?
    Also disturbing in Romeny's comment is that he is insulting America's Mid-East Allies as most of America's Mid-East Allies have Islamic Leaders and some of those Allies are even Islamic Republics.

    U.S. Allies in the Mid-East with Islamic Leaders:
    Saudi Arabia: Islamic Absolute Monarch. Governed by Sharia Law
    Jordan: Islamic Leader, King Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein
    Turkey: Islamic Leader, President Abdullah Gül
    Egypt: Islamic Leaders for decades. current Islamic Leader: Mohamed Morsi Isa al-Ayyat
    Pakistan: Islamic Republic
    Qatar: Islamic Leader, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
    Algeria: Islamic Leader, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani
    Afghanistan: Islamic Republic put in place by Bush/Cheney
    Iraq: Islamic Leader, Jalal Talabani under Bush/Cheney's watch
    Kuwait: Islamic Leader, Sabah IV Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah

    How can any of America's Mid-East Allies trust Mitt Romney when he fearmongers and tosses out the boogie-man words like, "We're very concerned" about the Religion of American's Mid-East Allies? Um -- also, is Romney a bigot against one religion?

    1. DetroitSam11:56 PM

      One of the many things I can't comprehend about people who vote for republicans is why people of Arab descent flock to the republican party?

      During the time when Palin was leading the rabble against that Muslim center in NY I heard one of the Muslim leaders say that he would still vote for the republicans if Palin became a candidate for pres. I just about choked on my hot coffee when I heard that.

      I really don't get it.

    2. DetroitSam11:57 PM

      The fact that Romney has been attacking President Obama while on his tour greatly disturbs me. It is also disturbing that the excuses for media in this country are giving
      Romney a free pass.

      Am I the only who is disturbed by Mitt's disrespect of Pres Obama overseas?

      The media silence is deafening.

    3. Anonymous3:52 AM

      Romney's use of the "royal" "we" is bizarre. Does he think that Islamic countries should choose the Mormon church as their form of government. Just chuck out their centuries-old cultures and go with the LDS!

    4. Anonymous5:32 AM

      Let's put it this way, Detroit. These are small business men. They don't separate municipal, state, or federal government, like most 'Baggers. They are also used to living in societies where bribes are "the way the world works."

      They open businesses in usually poor neighborhoods and then get ticked everytime a food safety official tells them they can't sell expired food, no cigs to minors, etc. Or, they open seasonal (fireworks businesses and then pitch a fit when someone says don't smoke. The are pretty insecure as a rule, because of the equality issues of women - suddenly, when they are here, their very manhood is threatened and they have to face dealing with 51% more competition because is is a level gender playing field. It is, in part, the TeaTHUG war on women that attracts them, as well s the free for all the TeaTHUGS want re: business.
      I see this on a daily basis with international students.

    5. Anonymous6:58 AM

      Anon 3:52 AM

      You win. This is exactly what he and his cult think which is why they are salivating in SLC about Mitt as prez. It would be their crowning achievement and legitimize their cult forever, not to mention fulfill one of Joseph Smith's many (and all failed) prophecies.

  22. Anonymous9:33 PM

    YouTube user GodGunsGutsGlory4KJV, a right-wing anti-gay asshole, took his very young daughter to his local CFA to show support for their anti-equality views and donations (apparently he's not too big on "supporting" his arteries). On the way in, he made sure to remind his daughter why they were eating at CFA. Because nothing says awesome parenting like indoctrinating your children with hate for other human beings. And filming it. Once inside, things got even more interesting.

  23. Anonymous10:47 PM

    There is no comparison between the Obamas and Romneys! The Obamas excel so much more!!!

    Much prefer having the Obamas represent us! They just do it so easily as well as relating well to the rest of us.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  24. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Looking at Romney's weird face in this photo, brings to mind how he may be hoping his "magic underwear" is really working, as he no doubt soiled them, in Britain.

  25. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Kinda redundant, but good anyway:

  26. Anonymous8:27 AM

    I am so proud of FL Michelle.


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