Sunday, July 29, 2012

Well you knew this was inevitable right?

You know I am still tickled every time a pundit or news reporter, from anywhere in the world, uses Sarah Palin as the yardstick to measure how poorly Mitt Romney is doing.

Do you even remember the time when we actually thought we were in danger of having her as the presidential nominee?

Just seems like a bad dream now doesn't it?


  1. Anonymous3:12 AM

    This version of Sarah Palin looks more feminine.

    1. Balzafiar6:22 AM

      I've been pondering that image too; it reminds me a lot of Shirley Phelps of WBC notoriety.

  2. I can hardly wait to see the unfortunate soul picked as Willard's running mate. What a loser.

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      Agreed...anyone with half a brain and the ego to want to run ahs to see the chaos of the Romney campaign. And how many unsuccessful VP candidates have ever been POTUS? I think it's three. So who's got the ego to think they can save Rmoney from himself, count on voter suppression, and Adelson's billions to get them through? Christie comes to mind, but he's so arrogant I don;t think even NJ likes him any more.

    2. Don't forget, the second "m" is silent.

  3. Anonymous5:13 AM

    Yeah, but Darah's so dense, she's going to mistake this as a reason to gloat they didn't push / beg her hard enough to run herself.

  4. A. J. Billings5:27 AM

    For you astute folks in Alaska, the very concept of the psychopathic narcissistic spoiled brat Paylin being elected VP must have induced nightmares.

    It's like imagining your crazy kook Uncle Ignatz being elected Senator, except even worse

    I will give Romney credit if he can keep the Witch of Wasilla away from the convention causing her to scream her indignation out to the univers

    1. Or at her pizza stand in the nearby mall.

  5. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I'll say this for Romney -- at least his kids went to school. How many Spawn de Palin have spent a DAY in a college classroom?

    1. Anonymous8:53 AM

      $arah obviously didn't either.

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Willard, like Sarah, couldn't have embarrassed himself any more with all the ridiculous gaffes and misinformation he stupidly spouts. It is too unreal that he continues to be oblivious about facts. He does the legacy of Sarah very proudly.

    This moronic Mormon lies and makes more blunders as time passes. Unfortunately, the uneducated mouth-breathers could care less. They hate that Barack Obama is President of the United States and don't care who runs against long as he is not black.

    The Hate in America is being voiced more and more. It is frightening to witness the vitriol, the lies, the hatred that is being spewed about and towards President Obama.

    The moronic Republicans lead the pack of haters and have no qualms about their mission of having Obama be a one-term president. They will say, do anything to accomplish their mission.

    I shudder and hate to think that President Obama would lose this election. I have faith and hope that he will remain our president, but sometimes I falter as I see and hear the vile and ugly HATE against him.

    OBAMA 2012

    1. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Well, Jimmy Buffett put it best "There's no dumbass vaccine"

  7. Anonymous6:51 AM

    What is astounding is the number of poor and middle class Americans supporting Republican policies that will be their death knell, and it is down to their racist hatred of President Obama. There have been volumes written about the lunacy of people voting against their own self-interest, and despite knowledge they will suffer the effects of Republican policies, they still support giving everything to the rich. Much of the blame falls on the media who are remiss to inform the voters of the consequences of government by Republicans, but they are wholly owned and operated by the wealthiest corporations in the world so their malfeasance is borne of greed and self-preservation.

    1. linda7:35 AM

      i don't think that the poor and middle class who will vote for romney have the knowledge that they are voting against their own self interest. the people i know who fall into this category totally believe that they will someday be rich (through dint of their own hard work) and that they will benefit from a republican run country. i find it amusing that these people do not realize that even if they work themselves to death most of them will never be "rich." they can't accept that though - they have totally bought into the american dream that all it takes to succeed (defined as earning lots of money) is hard work. i've pointed out to them that i am one the best educated and hardest workers they'd ever hope to meet and after 45 years of employment i'm not "rich" yet. comfortable, yes. and i know many, many talented people who have worked hard who are not even "comfortably" employed. these poor and middle class people are just not in touch with reality. they live in a fantasy world and vote according to their fantasy.

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      I know many Republican w/in my circles that are NOT going to vote for Romney - they don't want more war either! - and are in the midst of changing their voter's registration.

      Even though the media is doing a horrid job of covering this election cycle - we 'each' have a vote and 'can' outdo all the money that is being provided this war monger, Mitt Romney.

      He is frightening as hell to behold!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  8. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Darth 'the dick' Vader comes out of his hole again to admit the obvious:

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      But I thought loopy Lizzie, who also has VP aspirations, thought Palin was a fine choice?

  9. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Is Mitt Romney a wimp? That’s our cover this week, which asks if the former Massachusetts governor—who’s dodging the press, hiding his tax returns, and fearing the base—is too insecure to be president.

  10. Anonymous8:17 AM

    What is deeply disturbing in all of this is the fact that Romney continues to demonstrate how out of touch he is with the changing world the Obama Administration has inherited. Romney describes the world of today as a "dangerous, destructive, chaotic" place. But it was the reckless and neglectful policies of the Bush Administration, not the Obama Administration, that created this state of affairs. Two failed wars, a failure to use diplomacy when it might have made a difference, a penchant for unilateralism and a reliance on practices that violated the rule of law and tarnished America's image, all combined to produce widespread anti-American sentiment, an expansion and emboldening of extremist movements, and a weakening of American allies.

  11. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Obama Campaign Slams Romney For Embarrassing America


    'Can I just say this, Matthew? I would probably give that answer, too, if I hadn’t flown to London and embarrassed myself in front of our strongest ally in the world. Look, Mitt Romney wondered aloud whether London was ready for the Olympics, and I think it’s clear that voters in this country wonder aloud whether Mitt Romney is ready for the world, and I think the world is not yet ready for Mitt Romney.

    I think there’s — literally to go overseas, stand in the country of our strongest ally, and on Olympics that they’ve been preparing for years for, and question whether or not they’re ready does make you wonder whether or not he’s ready to be commander-in-chief.'

    Gibbs was speaking for the Obama campaign when he called Romney’s London disaster an embarrassment for the country. The fact that Romney’s gaffes overshadowed the opening of the Olympics means that the perception of Romney as a foreign policy bumbler has been set. Sure he is going to give the now typical Republican boilerplate speech on Israel and Iran, but the dye has been cast.

    After eight years of George W. Bush many voters are sensitive to the perception of a potential president who is warmongering foreign policy fool. The Obama campaign doesn’t have to compare Romney to Bush. He is doing it for them. Mitt Romney is morphing into an unholy combination of Sarah Palin and George W. Bush in real time before our very eyes.

    And the Obama campaign is going to make sure that the impression of Mitt Romney as America’s international embarrassment sticks in the minds of voters from now until voter cast their ballots in November.

    Mitt Romney is about to find out that you never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  12. Anonymous9:03 AM

    More like a reoccuring nightmare.

  13. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Re: return to DWTS
    I recall that SP supporters believed that Bristol dancing was the road for SP to be president. I am wondering if the remaining supporters will rekindle that other pipe dream.

    Interesting ...rogue reality tv, teasing the public about a run while secretly selling many reality show concepts has rendered the Palins to their best capacity giving middle fingers. Seizing photo ops at fast food chain to smile their F U while others are prepping for the convention.

    I was appalled by what I saw on BPLT. Their family believes black is white and up is down.

  14. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Great article, make sure to read it and listen to the video in it's entirety. Why don't people SEE this? Why is anyone voting for him?

    Mitt Romney Melts Down in Israel and Embraces Being a Wimp

    ...All of this has Mitt Romney telling the press, I don’t care if you call me a foreign policy wimp, which evokes Nixon’s I am not a crook line in its transparent lack of truth. This is the man who had to walk back his Olympic comments after being smacked down by Prime Minister Cameron, got slammed by Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr for putting words in his mouth, and is now using Obama’s own words to define how his foreign policy is “opposite” of Obama.

    Mitt Romney’s optics problem is that whereas George W Bush was a swaggering faux cowboy appealing to the Right’s authoritarian fantasies of themselves as independent alpha males taking on the world, Romney says the same things as Bush but then backtracks, bows down, fawns over, and makes a general fool of himself trying to right the Titanic that is his foreign policy tour (we are Britain because we love Downton Abbey was a real low). Romney’s word is worth nothing.

    Add to this the way Romney lets foreign leaders kick him into backtracking on his stupidity, and he appears weak. The Right was trying to defend Romney’s Olympic gaffe by saying he had the courage to tell the truth, but that defense dies out of the gate, for obvious reasons, but seeing this through the lens of the Right, it falls flat on its face when he backtracks hours later. Romney appears to be the worst of W without the false illusion of strength.

    Romney has the wimpiness of H.W., the secrecy of Nixon, and the epic fail of Palin. This is not a strong leader; this is an insecure, delicate man who can’t even handle the press at the Olympics and responds to that disaster by trying to hide from the press.

    America does not like wimpy presidents, and one thing President Obama will never be painted as is a wimp.

    1. Anonymous10:53 AM

      He called Bush a 'great President' today. Geez.

  15. Anonymous10:25 AM

    How Uncle Sam Helped Mitt Romney Build His Fortune

    At events across the country, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign is trying to convince voters that small business owners in fact build the roads and bridges they use every day. Unfortunately, Romney's "We Did Build It" gatherings have hit some potholes, with many participants revealed to be the recipients of government contracts and subsidies and others unaware of the full context of President Obama's selectively edited remarks now under attack.

    But Mitt Romney has another, much larger problem with his baseless contention that President Obama is "insulting to every entrepreneur, every innovator in America." Because on his road to becoming a $250 million captain of private equity at Bain Capital, Mitt Romney had a lot of help from his uncle. Uncle Sam, that is. As it turns out, the U.S. tax code doesn't merely allow Romney to pay a lower rate than many middle class families. Without the public subsidy that is the corporate debt interest deduction, there might not be a Bain Capital--or a private equity industry as we know it--at all.


  16. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Mittens won't even see his wife "compete" in the Olympics. Then again, why should we expect anything less from a misogynist?

  17. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I think Dick Cheney brought up the subject of Sarah Palin today (negative as to McCain having picked her for his ticket! Dah!!!) to direct attention to her and away from 'war mongering' Mitt Romney and his middles east trip.

    Hopefully, Americans are paying attention to what Romney is saying while over there. Note too that his largest financial supporter from America (a Jew)is on the trip with him!

    Don't forget that Romney is being advised by Bush administration members and they all want war in the middle east.

    We need the draft back for the military and that way Romney's boys would automatically be called to serve! Then, perhaps, he wouldn't be so eager to push us into another war that the USA cannot afford. Plus, the poor and middle class from America would be serving in the military and the rich, rich would give a shit less!

    Romney didn't serve when he could have - selected instead to do his Mormon calling overseas. (France, I believe.)

    Before anyone puts up that President Obama didn't serve - he was a youngster during the Viet Nam war - so, don't go there!

    I'm doing everything I can to assure Romney doesn't win if picked to be the candidate for the Republican party. Talk to your friends and family members and assure that people are getting out there to vote in November.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  18. A friend suggested today the possibility that Mitt used his wife's prancing horse as a "medical expense" since it is supposedly so instrumental in the remission of her disease...or some such B.S. as he spouts about that. It would be interesting if that is one of the many things they doesn't want "you people" to see on his tax returns.

    (Google's messing with me here, so this comment may pop up more than once.)

  19. Anonymous12:49 PM

    I think that thing may be an HR rep I used to know.

  20. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Is it me or does Sarah Palin look younger and better looking?

  21. Anonymous6:08 AM

    He kinda looks like Alice Cooper.


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