Friday, July 27, 2012

And the worst part is that she's from Alaska.

Update: Oops, as it turns out this letter was a prank, Gee if you can't trust the internet.....

Still, as I am sure many of you know, this does indeed reflect the attitude of a lot of people. In fact the idea that you "have to believe in something" has been expressed to me more than a few times.

A concept by the way that I have never understood.

Well in a way I am a little gratified to learn that there was no Alaskan who seriously sent this to their local newspaper. Don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of batshit crazy Alaskans (Looking at YOU Wasilla.), but at least none of them wrote this letter as anything but a joke.


  1. angela2:07 AM

    To all the sane people of Alaska . . . .
    I feel bad for you.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    Poor deluded Alice. I'm so tired of faux Christians.

  3. Anonymous2:20 AM

    fukin' alaskan taliban skank ..

    wonder if she bakes cookies for that other kenai peninsula carpet bagger fuk_tard, norm olsen, and his dipshit 'militia' ?

  4. A. J. Billings2:22 AM

    Little Ms Alice would make a PERFECT Paylin-Bot, if she isn't already worshiping $arah.

    Before long, there will be statues of the Blessed $arah in people's yards, standing inside a bathtub half buried in the ground.

    Instead of Blessed $arah praying, of course she'll be holding a Blackberry as she texts nasty messages to Van Flea

  5. Anonymous2:41 AM

    And she probably has relatives here in my little sw VA town...... I do believe in God, but I also feel pretty certain that He/She is not thrilled by some of us who profess to do so

  6. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Having some sort of religious conviction (esp christianity) doesn't keep people from committing crimes:

    Admittedly, this is an old study from 1997, but it more than likely also reflects current numbers.

    Atheists operate on ethics, not religion. Religion excuses people (that "salvation" thing) so that they can keep committing "sin" over and over without real repercussions unless they're caught violating secular laws.

  7. Anonymous2:58 AM

    The problem isn't one of sects or isms but simply one of ignorance....which tends to only be noticed when directed at one's particular ism.

  8. Anonymous3:00 AM

    Atheists cause religious people to commit crimes? Because most of the criminals did have a religious background. Sandusky was very active in his church. The Joker guy from Aurora was attending church regularly. Warren Jeffs was the prophet of his church....

    It's strange how having some people not believing in God causes the God fearing folks to act immoral

  9. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Gryphen,its a hoax.

    1. Well that's annoying.

      Oh well that's bound to happen occasionally when you post as often as I do in a day.

      Still, as it says in the Snopes article, this kind of attitude is fairly prevalent and does reflect the genuine opinion of a lot of people out there.

      Still since it was a hoax, I guess I have a little egg on my face. Oops.

      Thanks for keeping me honest. Of course you're not allowed to come back here anymore, but I thank you nonetheless.

  10. Olivia3:19 AM

    She is definitely an "igmo" - ignorant moron.
    I sure would love to know the logic of "atheism leads to crime".

  11. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Have they stopped burning witches in Soldotna?

    They say it is a satirical letter printed in an Alaskan newpaper in 2007. Still they & I think it reflects the attitude of a large group of people.

  13. Anonymous3:59 AM

    Good grief. There's a good old open minded Christian for you. Winder why she didn't mention Jews and Muslims? They believe in God. And she does know that "In Gid We Trust" was not on our currency until the 50's right...the NINETEEN fifties? Because of an act of Congress? No, she probably doesn't, and wouldn;t believe you if you enlightened her.
    My sister is part of some strange group that refuses to name itself but I think they are connected to 7th Day Adventists...barely. She hates Obama ("but I hate a;; politicians becuase they lie!") and was certain that her business would die when we electd him because there would eb so many regulations and new taxes. On the contrary, they are thriving, and busier than they have ever been. So now her attack is on the USPS, because they don't deliver parts fast enough, and 'if the government can't run the post office, why would I trust them with health care?' My mom pointed out that the PO is a separarte entity, but to no avail. "No, the government runs it, or I could sue them." People like this are so stubborn they can never see another side. They are right, and the world is wrong. They know best and the rest of us need to watch Fox more so we know 'the truth.' No thanks.

  14. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Everything should be run through snopes before posting - doncha think?

  15. Anonymous4:16 AM

    You might wan tot look at this one first, Jesse. Although the last line is one with which I concur.

  16. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Then I'd check who sent you that - and not rely on them again for editorial content.

  17. Anonymous4:18 AM

    Alice Shannon is not a real christian. She's also too dumb to realize we have freedom FROM religion here in America. I feel sorry for her children. I'm sure they are abused. I don't care if she has never committed child abuse, Alice Shannon is the reason child abuse is rampant.

  18. Obviously she missed the part that freedom of religion also includes freedom FROM religion. The Founders knew EXACTLY what they were doing with that clause. A significant number of them weren't Christian - they were Deists.

  19. Kimosabe4:38 AM

    Oh well gryphen, looks like you better pack your bags.

    But what about the next article, "Let's Keep on Fishing": Let us fish the Kenai River until ... what, all the fish are gone?

  20. Anonymous5:00 AM

    Even though Snopes exposed the letter as satire, it did also mention that they received a lot of emails that endorsed the sentiments of the fake letter.

  21. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Thank goodness it's fake! My husband and I were packing our bags and booking flights to Canada. :)

  22. WakeUpAmerica5:38 AM

    I was just struck by the lack of grammatical errors. Those seem to go hand-in-hand with Christian Nazis.

    As for "You have to believe in something," I always took that to mean that it was important to have goals in order to have a meaningful life. Even as a Christian, I have never thought that it meant you had to believe in a higher power to have a meaningful life. There are too many atheists who have proved that wrong.

  23. This letter may be fake, but the sentiment is not, otherwise why would they have published it. Christians belong in their own little hell, you know, the one they believe is for everyone else.

  24. Anonymous7:05 AM

    Romney As A Mormon Bishop: What Was He Like?

  25. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I know it's a joke letter, but...

    When you make all us atheists leave the country, we will enjoy hearing about America's decline into the darkness (literally). Who will keep the power plants working? Or who develop the next vaccine? Most scientists/doctors/engineers I have met are agnostics at least. Or do the agnostics gets to stay? What about the Hindus? Muslims? I'm assuming there's no room for them in America either. And what happens when the country is free of atheists and agnostics in ten years and crime is still rampant? Are you going to decide to kick out the Mormons next? Or will the not so godlike Methodists be sent packing?

  26. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Prank it may be,but those sentiments sound EXACTLY like the freaks who post their love letters on Barstool's FB page...


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It just goes directly to their thighs.