Saturday, July 07, 2012

Bill Nye the Science Guy schools CNN bimbo on climate change.

Seriously this lady needs to watch her attitude. Bill Nye is a God to science geeks everywhere, and if she pisses them off she will never get an IT guy to fix her computer for the rest of her freaking life.

You know if I close my eyes I cannot tell if I am watching CNN or Fox News up until the point that Anderson Cooper comes on. 


  1. cdngrlinus11:06 AM

    A fine example of why CNN is down in ratings.

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM


    2. Anonymous1:00 PM

      I have crossed it off my list of places to go for information and news.

  2. Anonymous11:19 AM

    Come on, there wasn't anything wrong with her attitude. Her point about forest management practices was worthy of discussion, and Nye addressed it just fine.

    I'm not defending CNN mind you. Until they throw Erick Son of Erick Erickson out to the curb and he lands on top of Dana Loesch, they will continue to suck big time. And the two of them can share a cab with Wolf Blitzer (a man who exists on a strict diet of drywall and hard cheese).

    1. Anonymous2:18 PM

      Her attitude struck me as being quite unnecessarily confrontational. She was trying to catch him up and make him look bad. (Which backfired spectacularly.)

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      It's just a difference of opinion, then. Maybe I'm a bit jaded, having watched douchebags like Hannity and O'Reilly just shout over anyone who disagrees with their propaganda. Compared to those clowns, this CNN gal was downright polite.

      And you're correct - Nye pwn3d her.

  3. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!11:20 AM

    "kooky guy who doesn't know what he is talking about"??

    Kooky - for the bowtie, sure. But who o who was it that used to loooove bowties?

    Tucker Carlson! (Well, he *is* beyond "kooky", so...)

    but "doesn't know what he is talking about"?


    Um, how bout you go Fuck Yourself, Greasy?

    He is your GUEST!

    who is this asshole lady?

    1. A. J. Billings1:43 PM

      Right on.

      She starts out by insulting her guest, then cocks her head to one side like a self righteous Teaparty type, and dares him to prove he doesn't beat his wife

      A typical blond news-droid, with the IQ of $arah FUCKING PALIN!

    2. One more employee who was told by CNN's puppet-string master to make fun of intelligent people or lose their jobs. I stopped watching CNN a year ago. It was too horribly sad to see them cave to the Kocks or Murdock's wishes. They are another reason America is failing -- journalists are toadies. Bloggers Rule.

  4. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Was she hired from Faux Snooze?

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      Pretty much. CBS affiliate in Columbus, Ohio.

  5. Looks like a student of the Rush Limbaugh School of Condescending Attitudes...

  6. angela11:34 AM

    Interesting. An ignorant snarky, pompous, anti-science talking head. Gee . . . there are hardly ANY of these scumming up the place anymore. (snark off).

    Does this woman duck in shame after the camera is off? And talking to Bill Nye like that? Moronic woman.

  7. WakeUpAmerica12:00 PM

    LOVE Bill Nye the science guy. He demystifies science and makes it fun.

    Stupid maroons who deny climate change.

  8. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Fox is the one you never ever watch except when you do.

    Does that help?

  9. Gasman12:15 PM

    The ridiculosity of the "he said, she said" model of journalism is highlighted whenever the topic of global warming comes up. This ditz seems to think that a couple of dozen stooges paid by the oil and gas lobby carry the same intellectual heft has the OVERWHELMING preponderance of scientists in virtually every scientific discipline.

    I suspect that if this ditz covered the topic of pedophilia she'd have on Jerry Sandusky to speak in FAVOR of the sexual molestation of children.

    On some topics there really is NOT a credible other side worthy of consideration. So it is with man made climate change.

    1. The Right-Wing thinks that saying (or lying) about something enough makes it a Fact. And, they seem to be winning. When "my opinion is more important than your facts" prevails for the majority of Americans, what can we do?

    2. Anonymous1:08 PM

      "Fair and Balanced" has come to mean balancing truth with lies, lots of them.

  10. Anonymous12:23 PM

    The questions and viewpoints should always be presented with respect not "ATTITUDE".

  11. "and if she pisses them off she will never get an IT guy to fix her computer for the rest of her freaking life."

    Ha! Gryphen, you SO get it! Thanks for calling these right-wing hacks out for their incredible know-nothing comments. Science should be revered, NOT "refudiated." And, NO, Sarah! Dinosaurs didn't coexist with Jesus. Just go away and leave the educating to wise adults, not FOXCNN. Makes me think of an acronym:

    C-hristian (with 'air quotes')

    1. Anonymous1:29 PM

      As someone pointed out in a HuffPo comment (I paraphrase) it's the one's screaming about American exceptionalism who are doing all they can to make us less and less exceptional.

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Amen to that!!!

  12. Chella1:07 PM

    Doesn't know what he's talking about? The nerve of that woman, does SHE know what she's talking about? Or is she just repeating what she is told to say?

    Bill Nye brought science into our living rooms, and made it fun, interesting, and accessible to children everywhere. To say the man doesn't know what hes talking about, because he took hard scientific knowledge and broke it down to understandable terms, is ignorant.

  13. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Well, he's not "a god" to science geeks.

    He's funny, articulate and makes science cool to the general population.

    William Nye is also a science guy himself. A working mechanical engineer and aeronautics consultant. Cornell University. Developed a hydraulic pressure resonance suppressor for Boeing, still used in the 747.

    Unlike Carol Costello. From Ohio. An arts degree in journalism. Got her big break and push through the rockstar anchorwoman development pipeline at a station in Columbus, Ohio.

    She appeared quite drunk (or maybe residual effect of last night's fun still with her?) reporting the last shuttle launch.

    What a bitch. But she's from Ohio. What would you expect? They don't believe in science there. They aren't born that way. It's a lifestyle choice.

  14. Anonymous1:16 PM

    As always, the stupid people run the world.

  15. Anonymous1:31 PM

    This is the woman that Sarah Palin was trying to copy in appearance and clothing. The hair. The 'Wilma'/Fred Flintstone rock jewelry.

    Palin is modeling Carol Costello.

  16. Anonymous1:56 PM


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    Keith Golden, P.E.

  17. BabyRaptor1:58 PM

    Female IT who wouldn't ever touch her computer either, right here. You don't Fuck with Bill Nye.

    1. Anonymous5:47 AM

      I'd touch it but she sure as shit wouldn't like what it did after I was done with it....

  18. Anonymous1:59 PM

    WTH, why the personal attacks on the man, not his message, before the man even talks? Her head shake of obvious disgust is sickening. Wow, CNN, it's a wonder their ratings are tanking. Trying to be like FOX?

    I swear their must be Neilson Ratings tampering with FOX, though.

  19. I agree with the concept that not managing forests in the recent past added a lot of fuel to these fires. Other than that, the woman deserves nothing but contempt for her rudeness. She was offensive from the moment she made her initial remark to Bill Nye and continued to demonstrate her ignorance with everything she said afterwards.

    Yes, it was exactly like listening to Fox. Disgusting!

  20. Anita Winecooler9:26 PM

    Dr Nye is way too classy, smart and kind to give her the "Tameron Hall" treatment. But he did get his point across.

    Seriously, I have no clue who "generic peroxide blonde newsreader Model 133" is, but she fits right in with the "Fox News" camp.

    Anderson should have gotten a clue when Piers Morgan got hired. I love his reporting and "keeping them honest" segments.

  21. Randall8:31 AM

    She has journalism confused with being snotty.


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