Monday, July 09, 2012

Bristol "explains" the constant changes in Tripp's hair during the filming of her unreality show. Yet another EPIC FAIL!

Courtesy of Brancy's blog:

On reality television shows, it’s important to keep everyone’s hair in generally the same shape, from beginning to end. That makes editing easier, if the producers aren’t worried that in scene one your hair is long and in scene two your hair is short. 

Some of you have noticed that Tripp’s hair is sometimes different in the scenes. That’s because Willow — now that she’s in beauty school — loves to experiment with his beautiful golden locks. Every time I turn around, she’s done something to it!

Sure, I guess that sounds reason....oh who are we kidding, that's bullshit! 

Everybody knows that the crappy show has been filming for the last two years and in that time obviously Tripp has grown.  The reason that his hair seems to change so often is because they edited together bits and pieces from the entire two year period and hoped the viewers would not pick up on it.

Sadly for Bristol the average reality television viewer is not nearly as stupid as the average Palin supporter, so of course they noticed. However I am interested in how Brancy would go about explaining the changes in Tripp's size and weight during the show as well.

Is Willow ALSO a dietician and personal trainer?

Besides even if we were to believe that the hair color changes are the result of a seventeen year old future beauty school drop's experimentation, WHO in their right mind let's their child get used as a guinea pig? And more importantly WHAT reality show producer in their right mind would allow that to take place during filming?

The answer? None!

But hey while we are on the subject of explaining changes in appearance, perhaps Brancy would like to explain this one to us?

Go ahead, we're listening.


  1. Ah. So the reason Tripp's appearance drastically changes is because Bristol let her teenage sister do "whatever" to her toddler child's hair- over and over again.

    Sure, that's believable!

    Well, coming from the "mom" who jerked her small son's arm so hard he collapsed in tears rather than get up off her lazy ass and be a parent.

    So Bristy Frenchlin, is your next blog post going to be about why Bristol's nose and chin keep changing in appearance? Is Willow also a budding surgeon? I hear she DOES like to carry a knife.

    1. How much STUPIDER can these "SKANKER" sisters BE??? First...who is dumb enough to believe Beefy's story that Wallow...who can barely comb and style her own melon...dyed the hair of a small child? Palinbot's of course!! That's why we call them bot's...they eat whatever shit sandwich that the Palin's serve them!

      Never mind logic or reason...if the Palins said it...the bots believe it! So that explanation wasn't for us...logical and sensible folks...oh no...if Beefy told those dumb asses that she strapped on some feathers and flew across Dead Lake Lucille those idiots would ask her...did Baldy the Junkie do it too! Paint chip eaters the lot of them!

    2. Anonymous4:14 PM

      So Barstool...
      How do you explain the "Different TriGs"? On your show there appears to be the TriG from the RNC.
      Remember kids the TriG that smacked Screech in the face before she handed him off like a hot, very hot potato to Franklin Graham...
      And then we have the TriG that was going to Bible school.
      This TriG looks more like a FAS baby then DS and his eyes track, he has control of his tongue.
      Just like the baby we nicknamed "Blue" TriG on Bree's blog.

      I have to admit DS TriG is a cute little guy...but why isn't he wearing his REAL glasses? The coke bottle glasses?
      That to me is child abuse.
      But ya, I think there are 2 babys...twin!
      Why don't they just admit it?
      Bristle had twins in '08?

    3. emrysa7:16 PM

      "So Bristy Frenchlin, is your next blog post going to be about why Bristol's nose and chin keep changing in appearance? Is Willow also a budding surgeon?"

      lol that is just perfect.

    4. Anonymous7:39 PM

      WHO in their right mind let's their child get used as a guinea pig?

      The worst mother in the world, that's who. She doesn't care about that kid. Why not have a 16-17 kid have her way. Bristol is a big doofus or so she says. She knew nothing about wine coolers and says she let her lazy butt get 'raped.' Letting her kooky kid sis use toxic poison on a small kids head is right up her alley. They had him hanging out in the nail parlor sucking in fumes, neither one are smart and they don't give a rats ass. Sorry Tripp, you may not have any brain cells left to be concerned about.

  2. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Well the skanky sow's idiot fans don't have a clue (all twenty who comment there) they believe every word Brancy types down. Barf!

  3. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Even if that pile of moose dung "was" true, didn't Willow learn at her beauty school off a matchbook cover that excessive dying of hair is NOT good nor wise? Especially at a young age?


    1. Anita Winecooler8:30 PM

      Also, too, while pregnant, just sayin'

  4. Anonymous1:59 PM

    What "hair school" is Willow attending? Her creations are simply outrageous, not attractive.

    1. Anita Winecooler8:39 PM

      Let me guess-

      It's a vandalized "double wide" trailer on property she doesn't own?

    2. snork!

  5. lostinmn2:04 PM

    Just how old is this kid? I'm guessing five and she must be holding him back from Kindergarten so he can have a leg up academically.

    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      She doesn't want the public to know that Tripp is really older than she says he is. It all has to do with covering for Trig's birth - by Bristol. She makes Tripp look and behave younger than he is.

    2. Anonymous4:07 PM

      The Palins never do anything "academically."

  6. Anonymous2:06 PM

    That's the spin Brancy's blog is putting on her "second thoughts" post? Why Tripp's hair changes? What about the obvious weight fluctuations the Palin girls go through? Bristol's face changes? The fact that the "show" is an utter flop? The fact that Bristol is being criticized for her bad parenting?

  7. Anonymous2:08 PM

    There is no problem with the ears. It's photography tricks!

    Don't you think Sarah loves Professor S?

    1. Anonymous3:36 AM

      stsrting to think Dr. Scharlott is disinfo agent now.
      Camera tricks? Fuck me and my education.

  8. Anonymous2:08 PM

    I just shake my head when reading about things the Palin do in their daily lives!

    Bristol does nothing more than USE her son for media purposes and, trust me, he is going to hate her when he becomes a teenager and becomes privy to all the things she has said and done publicly!

    The fact she'd let her sister dye the kid's hair, at his age, (if actually true?) would be friggin' amazing!

    It's been nice not hearing from Bristol, since her show so drastically FAILED and I wish she'd go back into hiding w/her Mom and Dad. It's where they ALL should go! They are failures from the top of their heads to the bottom of their feet!

    1. Anonymous3:36 PM

      Well, OF COURSE she lets her sister dye his hair - remember, she took him to sniff the fumes of the nail salon, too!


    2. Anonymous4:29 PM

      Even more evidence of her poor parenting skills. Levi, use this in court!

    3. Cracklin Charlie4:31 PM

      Willow is NOT dying the child's hair. His hair is getting darker as he ages. Just like his dad's hair did.

      Just another lie they tell, to cover up the lie that is the reality show.

    4. "His hair is getting darker as he ages. Just like his dad's hair did."

      Yep. My youngest was born w/blue eyes and blond hair. His father crowed at the time, that he came from a looong line of blond/blue eyed babies. By the time my son was 3, his hair was medium brown w/red highlights and his eyes were green, like my own.

      They're just trying to explain away the footage that was likely filmed under the Massey contract. I didn't notice anyone actually asking about Tripps's hair...anyone else? Maybe I don't read enough there.

  9. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Entire Lifetime Network Nearly Canceled Over Poor Ratings of Bristol Palin Show

    7/7/2012 8:06 PM Matt Rock - The Lifetime Network – not a show on the network, but the whole network itself – managed to narrowly avoid being canceled this weekend, after board members at A+E Networks, which owns Lifetime and is in turn owned by Hearst Corporation, Disney, and NBC Universal, held a vote on whether they should keep Lifetime on the air or not. Board members noted that the ratings for Bristol Palin's reality show, “Life's a Tripp,” were so terrible that canceling the whole network was really the only sensible thing to do.

    “We very narrowly avoided the ax here. It isn't often that a whole TV network gets canceled because of one crappy show,” said Lifetime's President and General Manager, Nancy Dubuc. “Her show is just that awful. Everyone at Lifetime that approved the show has been lined up against a wall and done away with, and everyone that knew about it and didn't speak up was set on fire, but they'll survive. I'm not sure how much else we can do to convince the brass that we won't make this terrible mistake again.”

    [Warning: Political Satire and Parody Site]

    1. emrysa7:21 PM

      HA HA! that was fun. sad thing is, the people at the network were probably wishing it was true. I mean really, who sleeps at night knowing that they okay'ed this garbage?

    2. Martha again4:32 AM

      This is a shocking thing to admit, but I'm enjoying the show. I'm obsessed with the Palins. There's no other way to explain it. But when Bristol and Willow and Gino, go YES together and buy Sarah a pink-handled pistol for her purse, I think, this is really great TV. And Sarah LOVED it.

    3. "together and buy Sarah a pink-handled pistol for her purse, I think, this is really great TV. And Sarah LOVED it."

      I'm really glad *you* loved it because that clip was aimed at *you and your* ilk--those who will believe anything that ridiculous family tells you. Smart people know this and they also know that gun is at the bottom of a closet somewhere in one of the Palin houses.

      But you go ahead and believe that she carries it and shoots stuff. Hey, wanna buy a bridge? It doesn't go anywhere but it's very reasonably priced ;-)

  10. Anonymous2:13 PM

    I hope that Bristol will also explain how her face and weight kept changing. After all, she explained that the people on the show wanted hair to stay the same length from beginning to end-- but she didn't mention that Willow would show us her homework from beauty school.

    What's really lame is that Bristol has to respond to everything-- Tripp's changing hair color, or her ridiculous quote that fatherhood gave her heartache-- oh, wait, do over, I want to explain-- I meant that the father of Tripp upsets me, not my own father, or any of you nice guys out there who happen to be fathers.

    Being mature means that you think before you speak, especially on camera. You stop and wonder if your cute little comment might actually hurt other people. Bristol insulted many people in Los Angeles by condemning all of them for being body and fashion conscious. Bristol was in LA to film a video, and the entertainment business is a big part of the LA economy-- a business which does depend on looking good.

    Bristol and Willow also mentioned that they received thousands of death threats when they were in Washington DC. Thousands, Bristol? Really? Where were all of your body guards, given the thousands of people out to get you? It makes everything said on that show unbelievable.

    I'll tell you what the problem with Tripp is-- and it isn't the color of his hair. It's the fact that Tripp acts up and Bristol doesn't know how to handle him. She blames Levi for not being there to discipline Tripp. Since Bristol took over the custody of Tripp, that's HER job. She has been complaining about Tripp from the time that he was a baby on her hip, crying all the time. She called Tripp a terror. He is simply living up to her expectations of him-- or at least her descriptions of him.

    Bristol may have been unprepared to be a mother when she was a teen, but she has been using that story to define herself for the last couple of years, so it's time to take the job seriously and take good care of Tripp-- instead of just using him as her biography and a vehicle for a TV reality show. He deserves better treatment than that. Yes, he acts up, and it has nothing to do with his hair color. He has more serious problems than choosing between being blond or brunette. He wants attention and love, and he needs boundaries.

    Here's a message for Bristol: When you are the single parent of a child, there can only be one child and one adult. Tripp is the child. Grow up!

    1. Anonymous5:16 PM

      Very well said!

    2. emrysa7:23 PM

      great advice, but she won't get it. she doesn't understand anything beyond the point of exploiting her spawn for profit. that's what she learned from mommy, and it's probably one of the few things she's learned in her entire life.

    3. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Bri$tol should take some parenting classes. Nearly every community offers some kind of new parent support.

      Speaking of unbelievable things Bri$tol has said: who can forget her testifying in court under oath that she "lived out in the middle of nowhere."

    4. Bristol and Willow wish they were important enough to get death threats.

      Seriously, who would bother? Do they think they affect the fate of the U.S.? Egotistical little bimbos.

  11. Sally in MI2:16 PM

    I finally figured out the title of this is not about the pre-schooler at all. No, it's about Bristol's trips to LA, Arizona, Alaska, LA, Arizona, Alaska and throw in a little NYC and DC for variety. They just can't spell! (Either that, or on the final episode, the truth about Todd and Ms. Tripp is going to be revelaed! Yeah, right.)

    1. Anonymous3:20 PM

      You can tell from the advertisement above how important Tripp is to this "reality" show.

      Biggest Word (and in bold): PALIN
      Second Biggest Word: BRISTOL
      Afterthought in tiny letters: Life's a Tripp

    2. Anonymous4:24 PM

      3:20 : Until you mentioned it, I did not even NOTICE the tiny script underneath! :(

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Hey Brisket, if you would just stay out of the bars and come home every evening at a decent hour, maybe you wouldn't come home to find that your "babysitter" got bored AND pissed off at you for taking advantage of her, so she decided to "change" your kid's hairstyle time and time again.

    Oh, wait, I forgot, "It's sooooo hard being a single Mom."

    Boo Hoo, you lying twit! You talk a good game just like your mother, but both of you are sorry as hell as parents, Brisket.

  13. Anonymous2:21 PM

    If like two little girls, playing with dolls

  14. Anonymous2:25 PM

    That's because Willow -- who now is in medical college -- loves to experiment with Trig's adorable little ear. Every time we turn around, she's done something to it!

    1. But there is a hair problem in two of those photos. 2 weeks apart and the cut straight across hair becomes longer and uneven.

    2. Anonymous3:28 PM

      bada bing! Funniest comment of the day award!

    3. Anonymous4:27 PM

      I think the correct term is Doctor School!

    4. Anonymous5:38 PM

      "Willow -- who now is in medical college"

      Another lie told on this soon to be defunkt again blog!!!
      In REALITY Willow is actually training to be a banker, just like her grandpa Jethro did. She's been cipherin' on just what a LIEBOR is, and has the LIE part figgered out nearly! It is in the news some, and trends on the twitter, that's how career planning is done now. Hard working responsible money grubbers can always call Mitt for job at one of his offshore slush funds.

      This blog had another lie last week, it was suggested that Bristol was going to go to law school or some such nonsense! Like that will happen! NOT!! Her investyments and property flippin' is going so well SHE DOESN'T have time for law school.

      The longest thing she ever did took nine months, and no studyin' either. Matter of fact, at this blog, also too, are the persistent rumors that she did those nine months more than once! That's why it will soon be just as defunkt as the Lifetime Network.

    5. emrysa7:26 PM

      lol 5:38, probably a lot of truth in that.

  15. angela2:38 PM

    I guess since this family think they fooled the world with numerous disappearing children, gargantuan weight gain while on DWTS and a mother who is an actual medical miracle with a three week pregnancy and no brain to speak of and a non-existent husband---Bristol surely thinks telling an idiotic story about her sister coloring her child's hair (please someone report this idiot hillbilly to CPS already) will fly with the Palin howler monkeys.

    Oh hell---the Palin family is such a damned mess they need 24/7

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:07 PM

      "Palin howler monkeys"

      Now THAT is a thing of beauty! :)

    2. Anonymous7:56 PM

      $creech $creech!!! Good one -

    3. Dis Gusted4:54 AM

      yes - the dumb one lets the dumber one put known carcinogens on the baby's head next to his brain.

      Can't hurt what isn't there.

    4. Anonymous5:36 AM

      Is there a link for emoticons of howler monkeys? None allowed here, but I really want 'em for use elsewhere!

  16. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I'm sorry, but doesn't the normal toddler get maybe three trims a year max (I know that when I finally got my sons beautiful blond curls cut off, everyone got really ticked off at me) and who in their right mind would let their sister use CHEMICALS on the head of a child that age?

    The sign of a compulsive liar: when they make up stuff for absolutely no good reason!

    1. Anonymous4:10 PM

      A lie that is so easily refuted...

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      And where is Tripp's vanishing pacifier in this 'real time' $how?

      He's Momma Chin'$ little $ugar Daddy, you betcha!

    3. Anonymous8:34 PM

      Just like Sara's lie about rowing the boat so she would "go into labor with Willow and have her on July 4th" --- "but Willow wasn't born until the following day", which somehow results in Willow being born on July 7th...

      These idiots just make it harder for themselves to remember the lies that they tell, one right after another. The fact that they're lying constantly about such simple shit doesn't seem to slow them down either. And Baldy probably has no clue why her PAC donations are down over 50%, Bristol can't even give 125 books away for FREE, and that silly reality show might have 100 viewers left by the time the 10th episode airs.

      What a trashy bunch of people! I am thankful they are not my neighbors.

    4. Anonymous10:25 PM

      There's no way a Childs hair could grow that fast.
      When I was a kid, I got a doll for Christmas and when you pushed her belly button and pulled on her pony tail the dolls hair would grow. In real life, there's no way Tripp Johnstons hair could grow from Long blond curly hair that takes awhile to grow from birth, then shaved into a Mohawk (just like gino wore his hair, strange) then grow it enough for Swallow oops, I mean Willow to cut it that many times. For a child who's Only 3 1\2 yrs old that's hard to believe. Why is it so hard for that family to tell the truth?

    5. "I got a doll for Christmas and when you pushed her belly button and pulled on her pony tail the dolls hair would grow."

      I had Velvet :-)

  17. Anonymous2:43 PM

    All I can say is: Bristol, think of the thousands of service families who are missing one parent who is overseas, while the parent at home must be all things to all people.
    This is just one glaring example of how you are so blind you cannot see the rest of the world -- and how lucky you are.

    Finally, it would have been ultimately wise not to point out the differences in Tripp's hair, since it just makes people notice it -- and then notice how Tripp changes size, too. And how you and Willow go up and down in weight, change hair styles, etc.
    Enough. No one was paying that much attention in the first place.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:06 PM

      Bristol's "remedy" to your first paragraph would be "To you, I'm sending free copies of my book, Bristol Palin, Not afraid of Life with Nancy French" so you, too, can be inspired by my story, and keep watching "Bristol Palin, Life's a Tripp", my reality show on Lifetime network"

      She's incapable of "thinking of others" because she's busy concentrating on keeping her hair the same length.

      And Tripp has discipline problems.

  18. Anonymous2:48 PM

    It's also a great way to distract from the fact that Tripp's not a cute little toddler anymore -- he's a preschooler whose hair is darkening, who has been taught to stick out his tongue, but who evidently isn't being read to, whose mother examines her split ends while she's texting as he sits next to her, invisible. The only way he gets attention from her is to act out. That's probably the way all the Palin kids were taught.

  19. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Who is Professor S?

    1. Anonymous3:25 PM

      an asshole.

    2. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Who is Professor S?

      The latest blog that Krusty the Krazy Stalker hangs out at posting the same shit that she tries to post over here.

    3. Anonymous5:58 PM

      Brad Scharlott.
      He's a respected professor who has proven many of Gryphons ludicrous theories wrong.
      But, you won't publish this will you Jesse?!

    4. Anonymous6:26 PM

      Guess that showed you 5:58!

      As far as I know Scharlott hasn't proved shit. The paper turned up the heat and got some coverage. Again, what has he PROVEN? Please be specific. Except that he proved that the media won't cover much of babygate. Which was already known.

    5. Okay well I wasn't going to name names but this is an example of what I was talking about when I mentioned that there are blogs that simply attempt to increase visitors by attacking this blog and then daring my visitors to come over and defend whatever post they have decided to take on.

      Then they come over here as "Anonymous" and challenge people to defend me, and the next thing you know they got a few hundred hits more than they ever could get on their own.

      Simple tactic, and it has been used time and time again. My advice is not to fall for it.

    6. Anonymous7:07 PM

      GinaM have I told you that I 'net love you? I do, I do! When it comes to troll squashing nobody does it better babe.
      Relax 'em buttocks you IM uptight old biddies it's all good.

    7. emrysa8:30 PM

      k gryphen, if I am to connect the dots here it seems that the issue holding up the book is the number of babies and the fact some bloggers thing there's only one and others think there's more than one? I sure hope that's not true. because really the number of babies is irrelevant to the fact that the quitter faked a pregnancy - THAT is the issue. the number of "dupes" can be left out entirely, and if that's what the book hinges on then that's stupid.

    8. Anonymous8:36 PM

      Yep, you're right, G. Yawn. G'nite all.

    9. Anonymous10:57 PM

      He has very few readers. He has a right to an opinion but the way he goes about things is very harmful to out cause of exposing Sarah.
      He is a shoddy researcher who lives in an ivory tower.
      He has proven nothing. But he has demonstrated that Kristy is certifiably insane
      Really, she has serious issues and needs help. I've never seen any one person post do obsessively. .

    10. Dis Gusted4:51 AM

      Brad Scharlotte doesn't know much of anything. He doesn't even know the name of Gina Louden....he called her Laura something.

      It's obvious to anyone with eyes that more than one child has been used as a TriG stand-in. Ears don't ruffle, then unruffle, then ruffle again. Hair does not grow in two weeks AND a pregnancy does not appear overnight only to disappear again in time for a wild ride.

  20. Anonymous2:55 PM

    In the last photo, Tripp looks a lot like Trig, doesn't he?

  21. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Willow & Bristol's Hair House!

  22. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Is she crazy to think anyone will believe that? First of all, hair dyes are extremely dangerous to young kids, in that they could get in their eyes, which can cause eye damage. And who would believe a 3 year-old is going to sit still while his aunt experiments with his hair, washes it, styles it, colors it, or uncurls it? Ridiculous. And what mother would expose her kid to the chemicals?

    Tripp especially, seeing how he swipes his arms at anyone when he's angry is not going to sit still and let anyone work on his hair. Impossible and Bristol's stupid excuses aren't concincing. Give it up already. We know. And the Masseys know.

    1. Anonymous3:45 AM

      Let's relax. It's probably just sun in and a blow dryer to keep him blond.

  23. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Looking at the ears again and now I'm back on seeing two different sets of ears. Even if the collar hides a small part, the roundness of one ear is so distinct compared to the angled ear. How does one hide another baby for the rest of his life?

  24. Anonymous3:33 PM

    HAIR from 10/2 to 10/18 does not grow that fast either! (10/2 looks like a punk cut, shaved, and on 10/18, it is all even, and long(er) and different color, too...

    It is criminal what Bri$tol is doing to that kid. If she lets her sister experiment with his hair color, that means she actually lets Willow BLEACH his hair and then apply some color.

    NOT sound for a less-than-five-year-old child!!!

    1. Anonymous6:36 PM

      Oh, it's okay cuz the Tripster is over 5 1/2 years old.

  25. I'm confused... again.

    How has Willow both attended beauty school and hopped from Wasilla to LA so she can babysit for her older and long-suffering sister?

    Even if she is taking classes, I don't think they start with color treatments... and I'm having a very hard time imagining that anyone suggested that putting permanent color in a 3-year-old's hair is a good idea.

    The obvious answer is as you said: there's at least 2 year's of footage being used and the boy is growing. My brother was blonde as a toddler (and during summers) and became more dark-haired as he got older.

    These people really will lie even when the truth is safe, won't they?

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Willow home schools the so-called hair school gag. Like she buys the kits at the super market and someone helps her read the instructions. Sarah is so proud that she getting an education and showing up those dern east coast elitists. No Palin would bother to read any warning labels, that is for libruls. As far as Tripp sitting still long enough or not flailing his arms, they medicate him and tell him if he behaves he can have the sweets after he lightens up.

  26. vegaslib3:40 PM

    If my aunt, who was a hairdresser as well, had "messed around" with my hair when I was younger, my mother would have split her lip. My mom and dad where the only ones who would take me to get my hair cut up until I was in my mid teens. As usual, Palin bullshit strikes again.

  27. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Tri-G must be smarter than the rest of them put together.

  28. Anonymous3:47 PM

    It is dangerous to use hair coloring chemicals on young children. Shame on Willow!

    The reason that Tripp's hair is darker is that he is also older. The show was filmed over a long period of time.

    This is a distraction so we won't notice that Bristol constantly bashes Levi in front of Tripp-- and that Tripp constantly acts up and is an unhappy child.

    Seriously, how can anyone have a TV reality show and then need to explain what the reality was really all about? Bristol has very thin skin.

  29. Anonymous3:53 PM

    "However I am interested in how Brancy would go about explaining the changes in Tripp's size and weight during the show as well."

    That's easy to explain. Its all an optical illusion like Bristol's chin. Everybody thinks because Bristol chin grew about a foot and 1/2 and that she got a chin implant surgically installed to give her round fat face that Kim Kardashian look. The truth be told is that Bristol lost 5 lbs and wears her hair different and that explains why her big ass chin looks abnormal. Same with Tripp's hair, heighth and weight. Bristol's 5 lb weight loss also affected Tripp and made him taller and heavier. Tripp's hair change is because Willow hasn't matured enough and she is still playing house, engaged at 16 years old and dressing up Tripp. Maybe Willow should have finished her senior year of high school?

    1. emrysa7:31 PM

      heh these people are nuts, wouldn't surprise me if they tried to use an excuse like this.

    2. Anonymous3:48 AM

      Isn't Scharott trying to say Tri-G;s ears and size diffeences are all optics and camera lens distortion?
      no no no.

  30. Anonymous3:55 PM

    That truck Willow received from her parents, I wonder if that was a bribe to get her to post pone her engagement?

    We will buy you a super duper truck if you don't marry that loser Andy and put your baby up for adoption.

  31. So I am assuming this is the beginning of offering up a defense to the charges brought by the Masseys? So they can say "oh Willow was just experimenting with Tripp's hair!" instead of his every changing appearance (hair, weight, height) being attributed to the FACT that the Masseys shot ALL of the L.A. and some of the AK. footage? I mean, come on Bristol. Do you really think that people are as stupid as you are?

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      The fans who Brancy writes the blog for ARE as stupid as the Palin's are..all of them are in the same mentality!

    2. Anonymous6:58 PM

      4:27 As stupid as the Palins? Surely you jest, they might be ALMOST as stupid but JUST AS? Impossible feat my friend unless they cross the border to RETARDVille.

    3. Anonymous7:17 PM

      I think they all crossed the border!!

    4. Anita Winecooler9:18 PM

      ToesIn The Sand, you're spot on with this, but it must have come from advise from her lawyer. There's no way they could finesse this on their own.

  32. "Sadly for Bristol the average reality television viewer is not nearly as stupid as the average Palin supporter, so of course they noticed."

    Now that's just cruel!

  33. Smirnonn4:04 PM

    If it comes from the mouth of a paylump, it's a lie.

    Plain and simple.

  34. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Picture this, you have a brand new 3 year old car and your brother who got kicked out of high school wants to be a mechanic and hasn't had any mechanic classes yet and doesn't know a wrench from the hole in his butt.

    Do you hand your keys over to your prized possession car and tell your drop out brother to have at it and experiment with your car?


    So why would any mother let their high school drop out sister with no training with dyes and cutting hair have at it with her prize possession, her only child?

    Wait a minute.... I think I know why?

    1. Bristol is lying about Willow fixing Tripp's hair.

    2. Tripp is not Bristol's prize possession only child. Bristol has more!

    3. Bristol was too busy texting and didn't give a shit what Willow did to Tripp.

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      4. Tripp was acting up again and for his punishment, they changed his hair color again. That'll show him.

    2. Anita Winecooler9:20 PM

      Romeny has hair cutting skills as well, rumor has it that he prefers "blondes"!

  35. WakeUpAmerica4:15 PM

    Nancy French is nothing more than a little girl writing in her journal. She has nothing in common with real journalists and writers. If she could, she would have have hand-drawn hearts and happy faces all around her posts.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:24 PM

      Perfect Analogy!

      Even on her "own" patheticos blog, she writes like a little girl who dot's her "i"s with little hearts.

  36. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Well of course we noticed that Tripp was older in some episodes! Bristol has to be nuts to think that no one would notice! Hope the Masseys sue big time!

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Blond: Massey Brothers film
      Darker Hair: Bristol decides to take the film away from the Massey Brothers

      Anything else: Step away, Willow, little kids should not have their hair exposed to harsh coloring chemicals. Use them on your own head.

  37. Anonymous4:16 PM

    So how does Bristol explain her Jay Leno chin? In one scene her chin is stubby and round and in the next scene Bristol's chin looks like it was birthed from Jay Leno and Jim Carey.

    1. Anonymous4:49 PM

      jaw realignment

    2. I heard it was lipo. -:)

    3. Anonymous6:55 PM

      I heard it was an ill fated attempt to become the right wing's faux xristian klondike kardashian..sad.

    4. emrysa7:34 PM

      @ 6:55 pm, it's is so obvious when one sees bristol's recent poses, the angle of the face etc. that the chick wants to be kim kardashian. what a sad life! to want to look like a loser reality star! great parenting todd the pimp and sarah the whore.

    5. Anita Winecooler9:27 PM

      slack jaw and gravity - time for a new "alignment", and she's a few quarts low on "smart", sadly, they don't have a quick fix for that.

    6. Anonymous12:43 AM

      next, bristol gets a butt implant

  38. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Where in the hell do the palins find people who will blatantly and continually lie for them. I guess good Christians like nancy French will say and write anything for money.

    1. Anita Winecooler9:29 PM

      Yes, they sure do love collecting their "in God We Trust's", no matter how much they have to lie to do it.

  39. Anonymous4:21 PM

    The film crew must have the original tapes and would show exactly when they were created. I hope everyone suing will ask for them to prove when they were created.

    1. Anonymous8:14 PM

      They will have to settle and not go to court. Court would be a disaster.

  40. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Can somebody tell me what the fuck happened to Piper's hair? What kind of mother would allow a girl as young as Piper Diaper to do that shit to her hair?

    Is Piper Diaper the new Palin Wild Child?

    1. Piper is not the "new Palin Wild Child"...Piper is a DEPRESSED child. I feel sorry for Piper most of all...the isolation that she must be experiencing and how her so called sisters treated her on NATIONAL TV is CRIMINAL!

      I hope that some one in that disgusting family is keeping an eye on Piper and I PRAY that it's not Creepy Chuck! Piper looks a LOT like Baldy at this age! And that's all I'm going to say about THAT!

    2. Anonymous5:35 PM

      I feel bad for Piper, too. If Bristol and Willow treat her like shit when they know they are being taped, you just know they are straight up nasty bitches to her the rest of the time. Not to mention the foul creature who gave birth to her. There are many names used to refer to sociopaths, but the worst of all is "mother."

    3. Anonymous6:07 PM

      The child molesting-incest suggesting comments let through on this blog are fucking disgusting. Shame on you.

    4. Anonymous7:15 PM

      6:07..I agree!!

    5. emrysa7:37 PM

      fuck you 6:07, there is obviously some very weird shit going on in this family and if they were so honest and open as their sycophants claim, there would be no reason for suspicion! get it?

    6. Anonymous6:07 PM

      The child molesting-incest suggesting comments let through on this blog are fucking disgusting. Shame on you.

      One word for YOU troll....SANDUSKY!

    7. Anonymous8:21 PM

      What is digusting is when the obvious gets swept under the rug to protect institutions or people. Sandusky, Penn State, too many to count Bishops, the Catholic Church and numerous people and families we never see or know about that committ atrosities.

      If it quacks like a duck it usually is. That family has all the signs. They want the attention and parade the whole bunch for the public to observe.

    8. Anonymous8:22 PM

      6:07 PM and Mrs. Sandusky - SHAME ON YOU.

    9. Anonymous8:52 PM

      What father puts a naked child on a motorcycle when she is two years old or so? (Oh w/shoes I guess not completely naked)
      What father tells his teen daughter that its healthy to sleep in the nude?
      What father shielded a a friend who was a pedophile?

      Chuck Heath!
      Fuck you 6:07 &7:15!
      I hope you do not have children.

    10. Anonymous4:01 AM

      Now why would anyone defend a man who covered up and did not report the abuse of several children? Friend or no friend, only someone who didn't think the abuse was that "big of a deal"? The parallels to the Sandusky trial are obvious. Raymond Carter (Principal, who knew of the abuse and did not report it) was a longtime friend of Chuck Heath's (Sandpoint, Idaho HS & was on the same Football team as Heath in 1955) Their friendship continues to this day in Wasilla, AK. Would YOU defend a friend who KNEW about young children being abused? Would you defend the abuser, George Koenig? (who received 15 yrs. prison + 5 yrs. probation) Birds of a feather?

      QUOTE [Sarah Palin’s father Chuck Heath, who in the past fiercely protested against the dismissal of Iditarod school principal Raymond Carter, who was fired in 1983 because he all but ignored serious allegations of child abuse against music teacher George Koenig. Chuck Heath and his friends “created a lynch-mob atmosphere” against critics and investigators back then in order to reinstate Raymond Carter, but were not successful in the end.

      George R. Koenig was thirty-three years of age at the time of his offenses. He has a master’s degree in philosophy and was the music and language teacher at a Wasilla grammar school. Koenig was initially charged with sixteen counts of sexual abuse and sexual assault involving eight victims: S.L.F. (age nine); K.L.M. (age nine); M.A.S. (age twelve); D.M.I. (age eight); J.L.S. (age nine); G.L.H. (age eleven); E.E. (age eight); and H.D.K. (age eight).

      Ray Carter, on the other hand, closed his eyes when the parents told him about the allegations, for whatever reasons. And Chuck Heath later felt compelled to whip up the “mob” for his friend.]

  41. Anonymous4:35 PM

    It sure is fun watching you get freaked out over frivolous shit.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      You mean that frivolous shit Brancy posted on her blog about Tripp's changing hair color..the Palin's can post frivolous shit but we can't comment on the frivolous shit they post.....yet here you are freaking out and commenting on all this frivolous shit!!!!

    2. And it's fun watching clowns like you trying to defend the frivolous shit aka Bristol.

    3. Anonymous6:51 PM

      Bwahahaha! it sure is fun watching your skank crush's ratings and "fame" plummet week after week after..week...

    4. Anonymous6:53 PM

      It sure is fun reading your freaky posts keep 'em coming retard!

    5. Anonymous7:51 PM

      It sure is funny to see you freaked out to post here. LOL!

  42. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Whats Bristol going to tell us when Tripp starts losing his baby teeth..Willow's going to Dental School?

    1. Anonymous6:24 PM

      Tripp losing his baby teeth could be sooner than Bristol tells us. At what age do kids lose their baby teeth? 7 or 8? And Tripp is what? 5 1/2?

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      5-6 between kindergarten and 1st it should be pretty soon, maybe that why she shoves a binky in his mouth.

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Depends on the kid. Some start losing them at 4. Others don't lose any until they are 8. Most start around 5 or 6.

    4. Anonymous7:56 PM

      First baby teeth usually come out during Kindergarten or first grade (age 5-6-early 7).

      They'll just get the kid a "flipper" (isn't that what they call the false teeth hideous mothers get their little beauty queen daughters who lose their teeth?).

    5. Cracklin Charlie8:32 PM

      Most kids start losing baby teeth around second grade, so about 7.

      Tripp is only 4.

    6. Dis Gusted4:43 AM

      I'd love to know how old he really is. One thing for sure, he's older than three...which is what the Palins claim he is.

      Lots of first graders lose their first tooth. It can happen anytime after 5.

  43. Anonymous4:58 PM

    If Bristol is that sensitive to comments and criticism, maybe she doesn't have a future in reality TV.

  44. Anonymous6:13 PM

    WOOOPWOOOPWOOOP (sound of grift alert)

    Toad gas up the bus!

    Nannies, get the Triggs!

    Willow get yer hair stuff!

    We's goin' to Warshuington Dee Cee agin!

    "Yeah, you read that headline right. The lobbying and policy shop Strategic Health Care is hosting a "White Trash Reception on the Hill" next week."

    "Healthcare Lobbyists To Throw Smashing ‘White Trash’ Party"

  45. Anonymous6:20 PM

    How does she explain her and willows drastic changes in appearance? Body doubles?

    1. Anonymous9:31 PM

      Lizard shape-shifters.

  46. Anonymous6:23 PM

    This is not just Bristol, it's mainly her mom that has to respond to every little thing. Sarah is the one behind the constant explanations. It makes Bristol look stupid. Why not just tell the truth??? They lie when it's no big deal. The problem with the show is that it's boring and self-serving, not that the film is from a longer time period than it appears so Tripp's hair is different. Why not just explain that's how many reality tv shows work? They can't stand cluing the audience into the fact that what they are seeing is not 100% authentic. But no reality show is, so lying about it makes them look ridiculous. Their lies are not even believable. It's just nuts.

  47. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I wish Willow would take a pair of scissors to her sister's hair -- way, way too much of it, swinging around all over the place. I guess it balances out the chin and nose, but it's not attractive.

    Although Bristol does use a comb. Willow hasn't signed up for Brush and Comb 101 class as yet, so still just runs her fingers through her hair.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      She has to take remedial finger combing before she can register for Brush and Comb 101.

  48. Anonymous6:35 PM

    As usual,its all someone elses fault.Bristol has learned from the master about that.

  49. In the picture where Tripp is holding a truck he looks just like Levi. I've seen that same expression on several photos of Levi. As lil Tripper grows to look even more like his Dad I think Bristol will become even more hateful looking at his face every day. I also agree with those mentioning the hair line on the two middle Tri-g photos. Complete and proportioned regrowth in 2 weeks??? strange.

    The latest Brancy post again confirms that the palin clan spends a lot of time reading anti-palin blogs and comments. How many comments about Tripp's changing hair and size did they have to read before they got their inspiration?? lol

    They are such amateurs. Incompetent posers, all of them. I'm so happy to see their names and faces plastered all over the more low-rent tacky tabloids where they belong.

  50. Anonymous6:52 PM

    The TV audience watched a child being abused by his mother running down the child's father TO the child.

    And what does said mother think should be discussed on her blog? The length and color of the child's hair!!!!!

    Bristol Palin is the daughter of a sociopath. It shows.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      This comment sums it up.

      The only thing not mentioned that for some reason ( money? power? fame?) lots of loyal bots always gather to do the work that is required. Drawn like flies to shit.

    2. emrysa7:39 PM

      +1 great observation.

    3. Anonymous8:24 PM

      But this is how all "Momma Grizzlies" treat their young in the wild, don't cha know? That and fucking each other over for a dollar.

  51. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Willow dyed a three year old's hair? In whose world is that okay? Oh yeah, right... the Palins. Got it.

  52. Anonymous7:45 PM

    The Chin says "Willow is in beauty school." ??

    So how can she be 'living in LA' over the two years this tripe has been filmed? Cripes, the bull riding/bar fight scene took place a year or more ago. Now that's "reality" Paylin $tyle!

  53. Bristol proves she has to lie just like Sarah by trying to explain changes in Tripp's appearance. We know that much of the footage is over a year old and so does everyone else watching it, including the Massey brothers. Do they plan on using this defense as proof that they weren't using video from last year's original show suggested by the Masseys'? If so, she's far more stupid that I could have ever thought her to be. Nobody will buy any of this nonsense just like they never believed Sarah's lies. She just thinks she got away with it but everyone else knows the truth. This family lies as easily as they breathe. Bristol, how are you going to explain the changes in your own size from week to week?

    If Willow is actually going to "hair skool", why doesn't she cut Trig's hair? Every pic shows him with a horribly crooked hair cut. Is Sarah afraid to have it done somewhere professionally for fear they'll snip a piece complete with roots to be compared for DNA? Yep, she's that neurotic, so she leaves him looking like an orphan. What a despicable, disgusting family!

    Bristol, let's see the proof of these thousands of death threats...we're waiting!!

    1. Anonymous10:42 PM

      "she's that neurotic, so she leaves him looking like an orphan"


      It shouldn't be funny, but it is true and it does sound funny.

  54. Anonymous8:08 PM

    Hi I am bristol Palin and I can explain everything. First me and my sister Willow appear to gain and lose weight because all of you need glasses. It has nothing to do with adderall, red bull, binging, or pregnancies. Also two the thing I had in my hand that I was looking at at the end of the show it was a book. I can now read almost the whole book and I am 21. That will show you darn liberals a thing or two!! Also poor me I had a hard day today texting and twirling my hair. Later I have some wine coolers to pick up I have a camping trip to attend. Life is a trip you all...

  55. emrysa8:25 PM

    so brisDULL lets her sister dye her 3 year-old child's hair.... fucking really? who in their right mind thinks this is a good excuse for the kid's changing hair color? what a nutbag! a sane person would not have said a word about it!

  56. Anita Winecooler8:26 PM

    Oh her first line is genius! (NOT)

    Hey Nancy, isn't "patheos" a "Christian" blog commuinty? And if so, can you please show me where Jesus said it's ok to lie or to lie for money, over and over and over again.

    I think you and your "charge" need to visit THIS real "reality television show" STAR.

    Do it and write a post about it, I DARE you.

  57. Anonymous8:28 PM

    KIDS Tripp's age will suck on their toy guns. Is that one she has in that show promo picture made in China?

    Is Tripp off of the pacifier yet. As insecure as he must be I wouldn't be surprised if he still needs it.

  58. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I find it strange that Willow would be interested in playing with the color of a young boy's short hair instead of sisters' Bristol and Piper's long hair.

    1. Anonymous11:08 PM

      Doesn't Piper have blue or purple hair? I thought I seen it dyed?

    2. You know, you have to sit quite a while, while your hair is being colored. I have mine done, and usually I just bring my kindle along and read. What, exactly, is a little kid going to do while he has to sit still and not let it run down his head? Because I have a grandson a year older (and not nearly so ill-mannered)and HE runs all the time.

      Incidentally, blond hair is a natural advantage in out country. Why would anybody darken blond hair on a little kid? How stupid is Willow, anyway, and how little attention is Bristol paying, that "every time she turns around" Willow's scorched his hair with dye?

      Damn, I can understand the occasional lie, but these are fucking stupid lies.

  59. Bristol's Real Chin8:56 PM

    "...beautiful golden locks. Every time I turn around, she’s done something to it!"

    Only Bristol would be dumb enough to use the word "locks" for hair without knowing that the word is plural, not singular.

  60. Anonymous9:23 PM

    They are saying that Willow does his hair but they post a picture of another lady doing him. If that isn't weird.

  61. Anonymous10:41 PM

    20 year old Bristol sticks a piece of plastic in her chin so why would anybody be surprised that she lets her 3 year old going on 5 dye his hair?

    Very motherly of Beefalo.

  62. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Whats Bristol going to tell us when Tripp starts losing his baby teeth..Willow's going to Dental School?

    Bristol will either home school Tripp or tell him not to open his mouth or smile because the other students and teachers will find out his teeth are falling out and guess his age and you know the Palins, they don't trust anybody! I wouldn't be surprised if they start teaching Tripp to wipe his DNA off his cups and forks in public places and if his teeth falls out make sure he picks it up and wraps it in one of Todd's face cloths so nobody can collect Tripp's DNA.

  63. Anonymous10:56 PM

    What's the big deal?

    Tripp gets his hair dyed, so what's wrong with that?

    Doesn't all mothers dye their 3 year old son's golden locks hair when their dark roots show?

  64. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Bristol if you want Willow to practice on anybody, let Willow dye your pubes! Leave 5 year old Tripp's hair the color God intended it to be. Another thing, we don't want to hear that Tripp lost 5 pounds and his hair color changed. Bristol we didn't buy it when you used that lie on your chin and it won't work with Tripp's hair color.

  65. Anonymous11:11 PM

    Wild Child Willow couldn't keep up with the students in high school so she was home schooled.

    Don't tell me Wild Child Willow is being "hair home schooled" and is practicing with Tripp Johnston?

    Somebody call the Alaskan Children's Protective Service!

  66. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Bristol if you polled 100 people and ask them what is the first thing they look at when they see a picture of your face and 95% of them will say they look at your chins.

    The other 5% are lying if they say they are looking at something else.

    Bristol most likely looks at her new chin too!

    People just can't help it... it's natural... people can't pass a car accident without looking!

  67. Anonymous5:52 AM

    The Palins dyed a 3 year old boy's hair?

    What the fuck is wrong with those morons? Are they borderline retarded or full blown retarded?

    If those unemployed people are bored up north with nothing to do but dye Tripp's hair then why don't they go out outside their compound and find a job or enroll in school? Find something to do besides putting chemicals on a baby's head.

    What kind of mother is Bristol to allow this?

  68. Anonymous5:57 AM

    So what really happened to Bristol's dog?

    Did Willow experiment dyeing the dog's curly black locks to golden blonde locks and the dog died from chemical burns or did the dog run away because he was humiliated from his new color?

  69. Anonymous6:00 AM

    hair dye is a carcinogen if it contains coal tar. another Mothering FAIL by Bitchtol.

  70. Anonymous6:02 AM

    In a million years nobody would guess that parents dye their baby's hair. Nobody would imagine doing this or allowing it done to a baby's head... unless of course you are are the Wasilla Hill Billies.

  71. Anonymous6:17 AM

    You telling me that Bristol won't allow Tripp to see his Grandmother Johnston but allows a high school drop out / breaking and entering gang leader to dye her son's hair?

    What is that, some kind of Colony Girl's gang initiation for Tripp?

  72. Anonymous6:22 AM

    What kind of mother is Bristol? She dyes one of Tripp's baby hair and allows her other baby Trig's hair to look like a homeless hobo!

  73. Anonymous7:41 AM

    line up the two middle baby pictures - not only is the hair wrong, (hair cut drastically changed) but the ears don't match at all.

    those two middle pictures are not the same child and neither one is a match to the alleged TriGs with the ruffled ears. Everything about them is different.

    The only thing common with these 4 pictures is they all have human ears.....

  74. The Johnston genes kick in!

    Tripp is a born hockey player, NOT a snow machine racer.

    Somebody's daddy is going to be very proud.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.