Monday, July 09, 2012

Bill Moyers:"The poor haven't lost their voice--They can't afford a voice."

You know while we are all watching "The Newsroom" and lamenting the fact that our cable news stations don't display the same level of journalistic integrity, we should remember that we do have a fine representative of that very integrity in Bill Moyers.

We just need to take the time to listen to what he is reporting.


  1. Anonymous5:05 PM

    You can friend Bill on Facebook and he puts really interesting stuff up. I love Bill Moyers.

  2. Anonymous5:45 PM

    If only you could listen to Keith Olbermann.


    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      Let it GO Baldy! Here....take another puff on that METH pipe and pretend you're running for President! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous6:10 AM

      ??? I don't get it. Do you have a KO obsession 5:45PM? Most people don't give a shit about him but you are obsessed with him. Get help. Seriously.

  3. Look up the word "wisdom" in the dictionary. Betcha you'll find his picture.

  4. emrysa6:12 PM

    love me some bill moyers. the saying "speak softly and carry a big stick" can apply to him. he's so polite, yet that stick beats the truth. need more folks like that. love him. thanks for posting.

  5. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Truer words were never spoken..or so we hope.

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Bill Moyers is the epitome of intelligence, integrity, and sensitivity. He is actively involved in life and has a long list of achievements and awards that he deservedly earned. Love this man! He is an inspiration!

  7. Anita Winecooler8:04 PM

    I've been a Moyer's fan for years. His series "On Faith and Reason", a six part documentary, is one of his best endeavors, IMHO. His contribution to Journalism puts today's "journalism" to shame.
    This commentary was fantastic.

  8. Anonymous8:34 PM

    O/T - Boycott Revlon...let's send a message...
    Romney’s first fundraiser was held at the home of Revlon chairman Ronald O. Perelman. The next was held at the home of Clifford Sobel, former U.S. ambassador to Brazil. And finally, Romney held an event at David Koch’s home. While the protests might have been rather mild, they did hire a local pilot to fly with a black and red banner that read: “Romney has a Koch problem.”

    1. Anonymous8:41 AM

      Recommending to everyone to watch "Wall Street" w/Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen - it shows exactly how Mitt Romney is making his money and it is as frightening as hell!!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  9. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Here are two of our favorites together:

    Bill Moyers and Matt Taibbi and Yves Smith on Big Banks

  10. at around 5:10 "3 things don't go together, money,secrecy and democracy" Truer words were never spoken.

  11. ibwilliamsi5:38 AM

    I love Bill Moyers, and I agree with every point he's made. I have to tell you that this program scares me to death. I can't watch it. It's too real a representation of what I already know is going on. But God bless him for doing it.

  12. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Very disturbing video. Citizens United is a misnomer. Only "some" citizens are united in this country now.

  13. Mr. Moyers is an American treasure. I watch Bill Moyers and Co. weekly. He is a true journalist in a world where journalism is more about appeasing one's corporate overlords, PR hacks, and appealing to the lowest common denominator.

  14. Anonymous8:43 AM

    How do we access the Bill Moyer show on TV? What day is he on? I'm interested in watching/listening to him based on the comments on this blog.

  15. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Moyer's da Man.


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