Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Bristol Palin crappy reality show open thread. BYOB.

"What do you mean nobody can find the ratings for my show? Is that good?"
Okay well apparently Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have stood me up again. Bastards!

So I bought the oh so sophisticated "Box O'Wine," and will once again subject myself to Bristol's brain cell killing unreality show. (I get combat pay for this, right?)

Obviously rumors last week that the show was cancelled proved premature, but since Lifetime kicked it off the prime time schedule perhaps they just forgot that it was still on. That could happen.

Anyhow as usual I will put this open thread up now when the show is scheduled to start on the east coast even though those of us in Alaska have four more hours of blissful ignorance before we are subjected to its Palin mythology enforcing bullshit. But don't feel you all have to wait for us, let the snark and sarcasm fly!

However for those who are a few hours behind the east coast, and yet still want to get an early start on trashing the show, here is a preview that I found over on Brancy's blog.

Ooh, I think I threw up in my mouth a little.

Please ladies let me assure you that most Alaska men are not idiots that cut down trees and burn crap in order to show affection to their women. Though admittedly we do have a few, but as you see they are all currently trying to mate with the Palin girls.

Please, for the love of God, stop breeding.


  1. Anonymous6:06 PM

    See the lines on the sides Bristol's mouth-chin region? It looks like she got it from a ventriloquist dummy.

    Gino, Levi, Ben and Kyle.... If you stick your hand up Bristol's ass can you make her mouth move like a talking puppet?

    1. Anonymous6:53 PM

      You are so right. The outline of her chin implant is SO obvious, just like with fake boob implants. How can this dullard think she looks good?!!

      And The Chin has horrible 'vocal fry', meaning her voice rattles. So easy to correct with correct breathing and a little practise. Most people in the (not so) public eye would strive to sound as good as possible. But like $arah aka $creech, Bri$tol won't take the time to improve the way $he sounds.

      Delusional Lo$ers, both.

    2. Anonymous7:20 PM

      I still think her chin looks like a butt! Check her chin out and see if you don't agree.

    3. Anonymous9:09 PM

      I hope Willow is getting half the proceeds from this show. She's in almost every shot, and there would be no one for Bristol to complain to/about with Willow.

      Get that check, Willow, and your residuals, if there are any.

  2. Anonymous6:09 PM

    It starts in one hour! Lifetime moved it!

  3. I totally forgot it was on. Thanks G. Dammit. I don't think I can do another round though...I'll wait for recaps. Trying to be chill. :) The way she treats her son upsets me too much. There must be a Frazier or Everyone Loves Raymond rerun on SOMEWHERE.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      Are you serious? I think we have a couple of "Everybody Loves Raymond" NETWORKS! I can't believe I pay $65/month for this.

    2. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Sorry, but after finding out about the ash-holic political leanings of grammer I CANNOT watch that show anymore. Remember, he campaigned for mccain in 08.

  4. Sally in MI6:17 PM

    Between this Bristol crap and the "President Obama was not vetted and it doesn't matter what money Mitt has hidden and I think when he has a chance to get his message out because it is Sean hard to get his message out when the media is in Obama's pocket still also when I ran for Vice President, I well had an awesome just awesome way of getting in front of crowds and getting them ginned up remember they kept yelling for me it was so exciting for Palin/McCain and if the journalists, I know my journalism who what why where because had they, you know, those real journalists here even on Fox, had they just treated me fairly why I would be running for a second term right now. But Mitt will have to tell the truth about the awful slanted crooked limp impotent media in this great country that we all love for freedom and because I have been through this, I could perhaps help him through the woods of the media masses and show him how it's done. Obama is bad. Obama is socialist. Watch Bristol's show."

    1. Anonymous6:33 PM

      Whew! Can you read that in one breath? You got it down perfectly.

    2. Anonymous7:27 PM

      With the run-on sentences, her use of "crooked limp impotent" language, praising Brisdul, and putting down Obama, this sure looks like something Sarah would write herself. Could this be Sarah?

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Awesomest rundown ever!

  5. From Crooks and Liars post about Tea Party hypocrisy:

    So that is who we are as a species. If we screw up it's bad luck. If the guy or gal down the hall does, there was evil intent or they are incompetent or quite likely a member of the Palin family trying to do another reality show (nice work Lifetime!). Although, to give Bristol Palin credit, she deserves some kind of a prize for convincing 1.1 million people who actually thought the idea of watching Dancing Moms to be a good one, to put the Cheetos aside once the mom-folk stopped undulating, lean forward in their Barcaloungers and turn the channel to anything where Bristol Palin was not.

  6. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Ohhhh cutting down the tree means a lot to Bristol!

    Does that mean that Gino gets to ride the Beefalo in her canvas tent as a thank you? Gino remember to wear your raincoat.... dems Palins are very fertile and you don't want to be trapped and have Bristol reveal in the next episode that you are the daddy and have to marry her.

  7. Anonymous6:21 PM

    How does Todd shows his affection to Alaskan women?

    Does he screws them then offers them a job as prostitute working for him?

  8. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Sarah is probably thinking when will this Life's A Tripp nightmare end?

    Aint Karma a bitch Sarah?

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      I think she's probably proud of it. To a sane mind, it's just a show highlighting one way of life To a hater's mind, the trees in it are offensive. Most people don't watch these types of shows.

      Actually, th emore I think about it, since Bristol couldn't care less with how the show does, I doubt Sarah does either.

    2. Anonymous8:01 PM

      AAAND here's Kristy.

    3. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Well, yeah. Sane minds realize the Palin's way of life is mean and spiteful. We get it. If Bristol and Sarah don't care about her her show does, why the blog posts and Sarah's FB and on-air promos of it?

    4. Anonymous8:51 PM

      ""Bristol couldn't care less with how the show does"" Thats obvious from her performance.

    5. Dillingham Donna8:54 PM

      The obsessed psycho stalker is here.

      Let me tell ya something Kristy and try to get it through that thick skull of yours!!! Bristol DOES care how the show makes her look. She does. It's all she talks about in her real life. Do you know her in real life. Ya know : REAL, as in the flesh, not in FB or a blog?? Tell us Kristy. Do you?
      You don't and I do. Yes I do. And you haven't a clue about who the real Bristol is. Get a life for Gods sake and stop makin things up!!

  9. Anonymous6:24 PM

    Is this an Alaskan mating ritual? Where's all of Alaska's oil when you need it?
    Off to see the rest....

    1. Anonymous7:23 PM

      You like chocolate, Bristol likes a clear view of the lake. Gino is a pretty big outdoorsman. They go hunting and fishing frequently.

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM


    3. Anonymous8:09 PM

      So she cut down live trees to see a dead lake. Love that Palin logic.

    4. Anonymous8:53 PM

      It seems like the common sense idea of having a few trees for a windbrake from winds off the lake just has never caught on in the Palin family.

    5. Dillingham Donna8:56 PM

      Shut your trap 7:23. You don't know these people in real life and they don't need your defending either. Go see and talk to your own family and stop stalking ours

  10. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Well see now here's the difference:
    Us Canadian women don't need a man to trim branches for us or burn them. We've got our own saws & matches thank you.


    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      Love strong Canadian women - I are one! :)

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      I'm not, but I like your approach!

  11. Re-posting Baldy on InSannity tonight...

    Just finished watching The Ghoul of Wasilla on Insannity...and she did not disappoint!

    First...she looked like an iguana sunning itself on a rock with skin to match! She had that slow blinking thing going on and I KNOW I saw a forked tongue slither out of her lip gloss coated lips! I also think she was having a hot flash before she appeared on camera...because I could have sworn I saw her 5 pieces of bangs blowing off those spider lashes!

    Well she had to be warm because she had on a blue jacket with BIG shoulder pads (H/T to 3:28PM)...her blotchy chesticle was hanging out but word from the top must be don't show those fake boobies of hers. Because the banner at the bottom covered up the whole area every time they showed her dumb ass!

    Baldy reminds me of a drunk who doesn't want anyone to know she's drunk...you know the one who is balanced on the bar stool...trying not to fall off...so she speaks....real S L O W.

    But this IS Baldy we're talking about and as soon InSannity asked her a question about President Obama's poll numbers...the pole/stripper in her ran off at the mouth...mispronouncing words and phrases all over the place!

    Loved how she said "tastic" instead of "tactic"...then she really got on a drunken roll....InSannity showed her a clip of Debbie Wasserman Schultz talking about Rmoney's Swiss bank account problem...and that drunken fool lost her composure and said "If that isn't the pot calling a kettle...uh a kettle calling the pot BLACCKKKKK or whatever's it' s called"!


    She was ON ONE y'all....and then when InSannity tip toed up to the VP question of who she thinks Meh will pick....lonnnng pause from Baldy then a flurry of word salad and all I heard was "thrashing somebody's record" ( I think she meant "trashing" but hey she's drunk!) and "known commodity" and I believe she was trying to look angry but due to the lack of feeling in her forehead she wasn't able to pull it off! Did she get a new top lip because I don't remember seeing that dent before? Anybody else notice that?

    I think Baldy is crossing over y'all...not the dark side...she never left that....Naww....I mean she's turning into a MAN!

    Her and the Toad are changing places and IT AIN'T PRETTY! IF she makes it to the RNC convention she may be sporting a beard (not Toad...HeHe) and sounding like James Earl Jones...the way she's going, somebody needs to tell her to lighten up on the testerone...it's not a good look for her!

    And as far as Beefy's show tonight...Between the visit to the Asylum and watching the Ghoul...I just ain't got it in me to stay up and watch that car crash!

    I'll catch it without the commercials tomorrow...but just from the sneak preview posted by Beefy on her blog...I'll need a GOOD nights sleep to endure that SHIT!

    1. Anonymous7:12 PM

      Last time she was on tv one of the inmates over their was saying something about how much she loved Sarah's "new voice"WTF? Who gets a new voice at almost 50?

    2. Anonymous7:19 PM

      The clipon hair extensions were 6 inches longer on one side of her head than the other!

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Gina,your comments aren't even coherent.

    4. I think you qualify for hazard pay, also, too, Gina!

      She is getting more manly lately. I always thought she looked like a transvestite (no offense to any transvestites), but lately, she seems to be manning up more quickly.

      And as an aside - has anyone else noticed that this woman can't pick a decent shade of lip color? She always has a hideous shade of tan or something on. I hate having to look at it. You're a brunette for fucks sake just wear red! How the fuck hard was that? Isn't one of your little tramps in beauty school? Haven't they gotten to lips yet, or are they still working dying children's hair?

      I'm glad I got that off my chest...

    5. I think Gina's doing just fine...besides you'd have to duck tape me down with an IV drip of some kind just to get me through the previews of that torture hour before I'd off myself.

    6. Anonymous8:11 PM

      I love Gina's recaps. Laughed out loud several times!

    7. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Keep it up Gina! OMFG an new episode of Bristol's show AND the sow grizzly on Insannity! ALSO TOO!!! Cable is still cancelled and I'm still feeling like I need a drink or four!

    8. Anonymous8:53 PM

      She just sounds like a mental person who can't think coherently. Just pointing out that she's a big reason why this blog has become trashy.

    9. Anonymous8:55 PM

      Krusty really loves Gina but is embarrassed to tell her in public.

    10. Anonymous9:17 PM

      Gina has me laffing out loud! Keep up the great work on the Grifter so the rest of us don't have to watch. HeeHeeHeee

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    My TV just broke.
    I can`t watch Bristol Palin Lifes A Tripp.

    Dam where that can of corn.

    1. Anonymous9:25 PM

      If you had actually tried to watch it, your TV would have blown up.

  13. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Bristol's chin implant looks like a mini BUTT. Man, what a freakin' mess. Karma really is a bitch, isn't it Brisdull?

    1. Anonymous7:25 PM

      There's no implant. She just has less of a round face. facepalm

    2. Anonymous8:03 PM

      "There's no implant. She just has less of a round face."

      You know, no matter how many times you repeat that, no one believes you. No matter how many times you repeat that, it isn't and never will be true.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      It is an implant dumbass!

    4. Anonymous8:12 PM

      I don't think you know how that face palm thingy works 725.

    5. Anonymous8:44 PM

      Anon @7:25 PM

      You just performed a face plant.

    6. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Anon 8:03, then why does her actual chin look the same? To get a chin implant, one has to take time to physically heal. Bristol's never been in one place long enough for that. Thats all I mean.

    7. Anonymous8:53 PM

      Anonymous 8:05, then why does it look normal at times? The CHIN is the same. Her face shape fluctuates. DUMBASS

    8. Anonymous8:56 PM

      "There's no implant. She just has less of a round face. facepalm""

      You mean they actually implanted a palm in the chin on her face?It looks like it.

    9. Dillingham Donna9:00 PM

      Kristy-she did get an implant. You know nothing you gullible Stalking fool!

    10. Anonymous9:25 PM

      How many times do I have to tell you that it was jaw realignment surgery?

    11. Anonymous9:25 PM

      Do you think maybe she wrapped her chin in that awful scarf in Haiti in all the heat to hide the work?

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Oh LORD. I don't have cable but I killed off more brain cells than Sarah and Bristol have between the two of them, watching last week's episodes of this tripe on the Lifetime website. It's so bad it's sort of addictive.

    B&W reminded me of second-graders who think it would be fun to make a video and then get all tongue-tied and just look at each other and giggle once the camera's rolling. And we already knew how wooden B's acting skills are, but DAMN! that girl cannot inflect to save her life (or at least not to save her show). Willow seems to do a lot of eye-rolling, both at Bristol and at all the Sarah adulation. She has her lines, but her facial expressions tell us how she really feels!

    And there's something so unfortunate about Piper's appearance...not sure what, but she almost seems to be trying to look as unattractive as possible. Her sisters were so horrid to her that, as bratty as she's been in the past, I felt really bad for her.

    I almost liked Todd though. He reminded me of my own dad--"Get off your butts and do something." I had to remind myself he's a pimp and a bully.

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      "Life's a Tripe"?

    2. Anonymous9:24 PM

      "life's a Trap?" More like "Trapped in Life"

  15. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Four more hours? Dude, you may need another box of wine.

  16. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Can't Bristol, daughter of Frontier Sarah, cut down her own trees..Woosie!!!

  17. Anonymous7:00 PM

    ooooooooooooooooobarf. What a waste of air. I plan to enjoy the fresh air and watch the sun go down. I have not watched this show except for bites here and that is enough for me. The entire palin family is just too disgusting for me. Cant believe such cockroaches live in beautiful Alaska. Keep them off the streets Alaska.

  18. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Bristol and willow go to the library to look at recipe books? Do they not have the Internet in wasilla? Weirdos.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      I'm too cheap to pay for cable, so I'm just reading comments. Do they really go to the library to look at recipe books instead of going online?

    2. Anonymous8:12 PM

      Apparently Mama Grizzly doesn't have recipe books at home..well I guess when you go to Taco Bell and only make Cheesy Moose hot dogs you don't need cook books!

    3. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Or just owning one copy of The Joy of Cooking or Fannie Farmer? Can be bought used on amazon, or, with their millions, they could pay cash at a local bookstore, if there is one, and then be able to use it for hundreds of meals to come.

    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      They were afaid the camera man would shoot over their shoulders and see them spelling recipes wrong.

    5. Anonymous9:23 PM

      I guess that they always eat "take out" food.

  19. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Why do the young men who hang around the Palin compound look like Todd? Part of his stable?

    1. Anonymous8:00 PM

      Because girls marry men who look like their fathers. Or all Alaskans just look alike. I noticed that too. AND they dress alike.

    2. They probably smell alike, too. Like caribou lure...

  20. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Gino sounds like sloth from the goonies.

  21. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I'm sure Sarah HAS said she wants to punch Todd in the face Willow, especially after she first heard about Shailey Tripp.

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Or when he ordered the Tripp license plate for Trigs birth.(OHHH.Maybe they were gonna name him Tripp,then she found out and wanted to pretend she said they would name him Trig.Then Bristol thought of that cool Tripp name she thought her parents were naming Trig---Maybe-"Trig was Tripp before he was Trig" ?)

  22. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Of course the palins celebrate valentines by destroying the environment. Disgusting.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      You're an angry person.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      8:01 - Move away from the mirror.

    3. Anonymous9:01 PM

      No.They are a disgusted person.

    4. Dillingham Donna9:07 PM

      8:01- stop judging others Kristy. Isn't that your usual saying. Hypocrite. If anyone is angry, it's you. What kind of kook stalks someone on the Internet. Bristol is your imaginary friend. Isn't she? Who is the real angry one ? Look in the mirror. You spend all your free time defending someone you don't know who wishes you would STFu. Haven't you been told to stop more than once??

    5. Anonymous9:20 PM

      Hi Bristol, You shouldn't be wasting your time here. You'll have to write your comments for Nancy to polish up for your blog where you explain that what you meant to say was...and that Tripp really looks cute when he sticks out his tongue...and that he didn't say "I hate you Gino," he said something like, "That was the bestus Valentimes dinner ever, Mommy, you sure are a good cook." Yeah.

  23. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Bristol fails at cooking again. What a moron.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Dude, does she profess to be a good, accomplished cook? Chill.

    2. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Dude-ette,she had them film her cooking.Duhhhh

    3. Anonymous9:06 PM

      Any self-respecting frontier woman (or man) knows how to cook. (I should know, I grew up in frontier country, and baked my first pie at 9.) Get real. She has a child. She should know how to make the basics. What does she feed the poor kid? Cold cereal and spagettios?

    4. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Willow I know this is you. Dude? Chill? Home schooling and lack of class on display

    5. Anonymous9:19 PM

      How hard is it to get Amazon to deliver a cook book up there in Alaska? For that matter, how about a book written for single mothers-- not Bristol's book, a real book with some advice for her, like "don't feed your kid a cupcake before dinner because it will spoil his appetite, and he'll act up because of the sugar rush." I guess no one in that family has ever read a book.

  24. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Ur a psycho! Rilly!!

    No ur a psycho! Rilly!



    1. Anonymous8:02 PM

      There are loads of girls in twitter fawning over these two, saying they're relationships are just like the Palins sisters. lol I wouldnt say Bristol and WIllow are different It's just funny that people are tweeting that

    2. Anon 8:02 ~

      ... ever heard of 'make-crap-up-istan'?

    3. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Yes,a lot of 13 and 14 year old girls act like that and brag about it.

    4. Anonymous9:17 PM

      People think that's cute? Willow Pillow, Bristol Pistol, Piper Diaper, Nah nah nah, how old are those girls, 8 and 11 or 18 and 21?

  25. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Bristol's "house" is not even decorated. It's sooo ugly and doesn't feel like a home but a reality show stage.

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      The apartment? Maybe because it's a temp apartment

    2. Anonymous8:49 PM

      A temp apartment for her temp show.

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      So your saying Sarah has the lousy taste?

  26. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Tripp opening his mouth showing the food at the dinner table then sticking his tongue out? He says "I don't like Gino" he sounds so confused like he knows hey that not my daddy. Poor Tripp.

    1. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Who does he like? So sad at his age to hate/not like. How tormented he is.

    2. Anonymous9:16 PM

      I liked the way that Bristol and Gino disciplined Tripp, giving him I-don't-know how many final warnings. Bristol: You are supposed to explain to Tripp that
      if he trips over the candle holders, he will get burned because of the candles and the fire. Fire is dangerous. Fire is hot. Don't touch. If he does not mind you the first time, you put your hand on his and remove it, repeating that you don't play around fire, it's hot. He could burn himself. It's hard to tell who is the adult when there are two children in that little family.

  27. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Gino's gift was cute. If one can do it, that's awesome. Is everyone jealous that at least half of Alaskans can accomplish things without stuffy college degrees or elitest mentality?

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      "jealous" "at least half" "stuffy college degrees" "elitist mentality"

      Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Wait, are you saying at least half of Alaskans don't have "stuffy" college degrees? Cuz my Alaskan cousin--a geologist who flies to remote areas all over the state to monitor volcanic eruptions, who lives in a cabin with no running water, who chops trees for his own firewood, and who has a master's degree--might beg to differ.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      "at least half of Alaskans can accomplish things"?? I think you're selling them short. No one here is insulting Alaska.

    4. Anonymous8:08 PM

      "Is everyone jealous that at least half of Alaskans can accomplish things without stuffy college degrees or elitest mentality?"

      Isn't this statement in itself an example of "elitist" mentality, albeit a different kind than the right-wingers generally mean? Elitist means exclusionary, superior, etc. Whether you admit it or not, you clearly hold uneducated, outdoorsy Alaskans to be superior over the rest of us, and therefore they are the elite.

    5. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Get real. No one is jealous of those nitwits. A guy being able to cut down a tree on his own property is nothing to crow about. I grew up in real frontier country, where women cut down their own trees, if it needs done.

    6. Anonymous8:23 PM

      Stuffy elitists buy or make valentine's day cards, kiss and hug the ones they love, rarely stick out their tongues at each other, and often can be seen making a meal from scratch, setting the table, then washing up.
      Such hoity-toity snobs. I can just see Jean Harlow say it, only, compared with the Palins, she did have some class.

    7. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Oh, why yes, we are all so jealous because Alaskans are the only ones who know how to cut down trees and accomplish all those "things" without stuffy college degrees. The rest of the "lower 48" doesn't have anyone to cut down trees. damn. where are those Alaskans when you need them.

      Oh, and do any of them do anything during the day? Work, school? they are hanging around the "compound" never a word about a job, or anything that they do.

    8. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Many of us can accomplish simple tasks like tree removal WITH an education.

    9. Cracklin Charlie8:52 PM

      Girl, you are cracked!

    10. Anonymous9:10 PM

      He cut down a tree.Ohh,wow.Yesterday we cut down 3 pines that made that tree look like a dwarf,and 2 large oaks.In Louisiana in 100 degree weather.An old lady and a 10 and 12 year old.Still have to finish cutting up some of the trunks,my chain saw isnt quite big enough to do half the diameter at a time.The trees died from last years drought and heat damage from a house fire or we would not have cut them down.Burning the pine branches nearly caused us heat strokes.Maybe Bristol can manage to carry a twig .

    11. Anonymous9:12 PM

      ROFL! Are you kidding? Stupid small minded moron. Who wi would be jealous of these girls? Behahahaha

    12. Anonymous9:12 PM

      Cutting down trees is not a gift. It's destroying nature. I'm amazed at how many tings Bristol and Gino can accomplish. They speak. They eat. That's amazing!

  28. Anonymous7:23 PM

    of course they don't have internet...they don't even have phones! they live in complete isolation out in the wild woods of Alaaaaskaa! at least according to SP's testimony....

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Yes. No Secret Service was watching her. She swore she lived in the woods under testimony. The young man that she lied to convict is not finished with the matter. He will be going to school and may become a lawyer.

  29. Dis Gusted7:26 PM

    Life's a Tripp came on after Dance Moms..... I had to turn off that horrible voice that sounded like fingernails on a chalkboard.

    Who wants to watch two creepy cruds arguing with each other... and seriously, who cares if Gino might get hurt 'wrastlin' with the big boys?

    if the show wasn't cancelled, it should have been. What a gawdawful mess!

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      He wrestles? And he rides bulls? Damn

    2. Anonymous8:50 PM

      Just what Toad probably was thinking! ewww.

    3. Anonymous8:51 PM

      He wrestles? And he rides bulls? Damn

      Just what Toad was probably thinking!

  30. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Nice snap-on chin, Bristol. Seriously, you had to alter your face so drastically? It really was a bad idea. Well, I guess I did some stupid things in my early 20s, too. Can you change it back, though?

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      The would be a de facto admission of error, and we all know that Palin's are NEVER wrong.


  31. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Gryphen, do you have Alaskan friends? Because half of your posts insult Alaskans and make it sound like you've never lived there or been there,

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      Quit makin stuff up Bristroll.

    2. Anonymous8:11 PM

      Um, when does Gryphen insult Alaskans? He stands up for the TRUE ones, trying to salvage their reputation after the Palins have so thoroughly trashed and soiled everything to do with the state.

      The Alaskans I know are ashamed that their beloved state has become synonymous with Sarah Palin in many people's minds. Gryphen is championing the vast majority of Alaskans who love their state and hate the way Palins are representing it.

    3. Anonymous9:10 PM

      Gryphen is not insulting Alaskans. Bristol is fair game however. If she wants to be on TV in her own reality show, then she has to take the criticism with the praise. It's an awful show and it shows just how immature Bristol is.

    4. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Do you?

    5. Anonymous9:13 PM

      Grow up and get an education for Gods sake!

    6. I haven't been to Alaska?

      Then where the hell am I?

  32. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Burning live pine trees is a "good fire" ? OMG she is an idiot. She knows nothing about the outdoors.

  33. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Ok so there are lots of people on twitter saying they are just like Bristol and Willow, as sisters. I will admit my own sister and I are a lot like these two in many ways.

    1. Anonymous8:08 PM

      And this is something you want others to know? Oh dear.

    2. Anonymous8:20 PM

      Sure they are. And here's a nice little place for you to rest, dear.

    3. Anonymous8:42 PM

      At anon 8:08, don't even bother replying. Just ignore. Someone is looking for attention.

    4. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Why is that a bad thing? You must not have a sister or are an only child.

    5. Anonymous8:51 PM

      I wouldn't admit it unless you are 12 years old! Geesh

    6. Anonymous8:54 PM

      If you're talking to me, yes I do have a sister. My parents would have been horrified to see us treating each other that way. Yes, even at these girls' ages, or even today. It would not be tolerated.

    7. Anonymous9:12 PM

      You poor thing.Did you count the people on Twitter?

  34. Anonymous7:39 PM

    The forced indoctrination of Tripp into "snow machines" is child abuse. The kid is telling you no.

    Oh and gino.."3 year old " my ass. That kid is 4-5.

    1. Anonymous8:06 PM

      Bristol likes that Tripp isn't babied. I guess she wants him to be independent. He DOES ride a bike without training wheels.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      How would you know what "Bristol likes" and wants for Tripp?

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Next week he'll be playing with knives and fire.

    4. Anonymous8:58 PM

      isn't babied..hahaha, that's why he has a binky and drinks a bottle at night.......he should ride a bike, my neighbors little girl is 3 and ride a bike also..big deal!!!!

    5. Anonymous9:14 PM

      Well,at least he didn't have the pacifier in his independent mouth.Now if she could just get rid of the bottle at night ,seems like thats where I would start his independence.

  35. More child abuse - Bristol wants Tripp to uphold the "family tradition" of riding in the Iron Pup - whether Tripp likes it or not. Tripp doesn't want to ride the snow machine by himself so Bristol says she's going to give it away, while Gino laughs at Tripp crying. Nice parenting.
    Willow needs to get a refund of the tuition from that Hair School - her hair is about 10 different colors mixed together and she looks like the before picture of a badly needed makeover.
    The only good part of watching that stupid show was the plum wine spritzers that I drank!

    1. Anonymous8:09 PM

      Thats shocking Tripp doesnt want to ride it himself when Im sure he has before and hes been raised as independent/not babied. That isnt child abuse btw. Stop tossing the phrase around.

    2. Anonymous8:32 PM

      And you would know this how? It is abusive to force a young child to do something, threaten to get rid of something because he won't do what you want, and to laugh at him when he doesn't. What kind of parent does that?

    3. Anonymous8:40 PM

      "if he quits this, he's just gonna quit EVERYTHING his WHOLE LIFE."

      Stunning. What a pathetic parent.

    4. Anonymous9:02 PM

      Wow Anon 8:40, how is that pathetic? You need help.

    5. Anonymous9:15 PM

      He is a recipient of child abuse. How sad that you can't see this. It's clear to anyone who knows about children and parenting.

    6. Anonymous9:18 PM

      No,dumb ass,that is child abuse.Or did you condone your boyfriend laughing at your child when he was afraid and crying?Its called emotional abuse.Bristol is using the threat of giving away his expensive toy to force him to do something he doesn't want to.If you aprove of this,you are misguided.I feel sorry for your children.

  36. WakeUpAmerica7:50 PM

    If ever there was a case for forced sterilization, the Palins are it.

    So, every time Bitchtol says her life is so hard, should we hit your PayPal button, Gryphen? LOL I think it's only fair since you're the one in the trench, or is that "stench"?

    1. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Funny because if I were any one of your parents at this blog, Id be ASHAMED.

    2. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Her parents? How old are you? 12 ??

    3. Anonymous9:31 PM

      I would be ashamed if you were my parent.I wonder if Bristol is ashamed that her daddy is a pimp?

  37. Anonymous7:51 PM

    First, poor Gino - nice guy but sounds like he's walking backwards and keeps saying, "ValentiMes Day." He is very nice to Tripp. Bristol is a plain old bitch. She clearly does not love him. She turns her head when he goes in to kiss her. She's using him big time and he should run.

    For someone who's mantra is that family is everything, Bristol and Willow =have said they hated each other now at least 15 times. Bristol tells Willow to leave her apartment, and then tells everyone that Willow took off and left her hanging. Gee, who does the victim shtick sound like? Before she kicked Willow out, she slammed the refrigerator door on her.

    Serioiusly, in the first episode tonite, there was not one single sentence that was of any value. Do these people ever have conversations about anything other than themselves?

    Why am I watching this?

    1. Anonymous8:10 PM

      Bristol's a prude.

      Why are you watching it if you dont like it? many people find it entertaining. They are sisters that siblings can relate to.

    2. That's pure baloney. My sister and I have been living together in a blended household for 10 years, and we've NEVER interacted like those two moronic Palin girls have.

      If anyone feels they relate to either Bristol or Willow, I feel pity for that person. Get help.

    3. Anon 8:10 ~ Bri$tol's not a prude; hypocrite, maybe, but not a prude.

      What do you think about 'many' people witnessing Bri$tol's abuse of Tripp? Yeah, people are horrified by that!

    4. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Why are you judging people you've never actually met and are only watching 20 minutes of their "lives?" SEEK HELP.

    5. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Kristy-you are judging us..just saying...But I admit,I do judge her daddy for being a pimp.

    6. Anonymous9:32 PM

      Look who is talking. Hypocrisy. Google it. You are on a blog criticizing people you don't know. Sound familiar? Look what you wrote silly

  38. Anonymous7:55 PM

    The preview was enough for me. Cutting down trees is a big Valentine's Day gift? She's making excuses for him. He couldn't pony up for a real gift, and knew she would probably keep pestering him about those trees... two birds; one stone. How romantic.

    "Gino's really clever when it comes to gifts"

    Plus, he didn't have to whip out the credit card at Moosetown Jewelers. That IS clever! What a catch.

  39. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Another example of Todd showin more affection for Tri-G than Sarah. She's not even there to see him off for the iron dog.

    1. Anonymous8:11 PM

      That was when Sarah was in NY and visiting Track.

    2. Anonymous8:19 PM

      How can you make the comparison if Sarah's not there? I think she was in NY no?

    3. Anonymous8:30 PM

      Funny how when a Palin is not where they're supposed to be they use Track as an excuse. Is that the way Sarah uses him ?

    4. Anonymous9:00 PM

      I don't understand your comment Anon 8:30. Track has been overseas most of this year, only coming home around fathers day.

      That was the time when he left for Afghanistan. There was rumor Sarah was over there. But she WAS in NYC the week of Vday, post CPAC.

    5. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Would you see him off if one of his prostitutes might show up?

  40. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Child abuse alert! The kid doesn't want to do it. What don't you get? He's telling you "I hate it!" This is disturbing. Bristol is so overly-sensitive to "quitting". Hmm I wonder why.

    1. Anonymous8:47 PM

      Thats surprising given how many daring things Tripp does. Maybe he's just used to riding a snowmachine with someone.

  41. Anonymous7:58 PM

    A "3 year old" should "face his fears"? Really?

    1. Anonymous8:45 PM

      Hey, the kid is 3 and does some brave things. Smart girl.

    2. Anonymous9:21 PM

      Bristol should face her fear of college.

  42. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Bristol the diva holding up the start of the Iron Pup.
    Bristol the diva holding up the start of the reindeer run.
    Just like her mamma a total psycho diva.

  43. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Afraid of reindeer? Has Bristol heard of Rudolph?

  44. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Wait.....is it the Bristol reality show or the Willow show?
    And what's wrong with a box o' wine?

  45. Did anyone else notice the dent in Bristol's fridge? You can see it when they open and close it--on the right hand door.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      No, I don't watch her show but that is funny. Was Sarah there?

    2. Anonymous8:44 PM

      She was wearing a cast early last year. Maybe she and my husband share the same behaviorisms and punch the fridge?

  46. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I love how prudish Bristol is. It's cute. And Willow is the funniest person ever.

    1. Anonymous8:27 PM

      Andy is that you?

    2. Anonymous8:51 PM

      Christ, give it a rest already. Prudes do not get up on television and tell the world how they lost their virginity.

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      So prudish to get drunk on wine coolers and have sex in a tent

    4. Anonymous8:55 PM

      I love how prudish Bristol is. It's cute. And Willow is the funniest person ever.

      Oh gag me with a big moose turd

    5. Anonymous9:00 PM

      Maybe Willow should go to Comedian school.

    6. Anonymous9:19 PM

      Bullshit. Why don't you go twitter. You sound like a retarded adolescent.

    7. Anonymous9:24 PM

      Bristol's daddy had some cute prostitutes.Since you know so much about the Palins...Has Toad quit his pimp job?Does he still provide hookers to help get government contacts now that Sarah quit?Where does he keep his facecloth collection?

  47. Anonymous8:27 PM

    that was child abuse plain and simple. i was horrified.

  48. Anonymous8:33 PM

    We watched it and we LOVE Willow. She's entertaining. Bristol ran Willow out of her apt. then whined that Willow bailed on her.

    1. Anonymous9:32 PM

      I didn't watch it but I hope people are not calling where Bristol lives as an apartment if she is living under her parent's roof.

      If Bristol is living with her parents then she is living at home... “no ifs, ands or buts” about it!

  49. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Damn, that Palin defending psycho troll is all over these posts.

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      With that person and all the immature Gina-copycat assholes, this blog sucks.

    2. Anonymous9:09 PM

      That's how the troll gets her kicks and looking for attention. Ignoring her is best.

    3. Anonymous9:30 PM

      I'd rather be a troll than a hateful judgmental asshole who acts like a paint-eating imbecile.

  50. Anonymous8:43 PM

    A bot posted this recently


  51. Anonymous8:47 PM

    This is going to require a coconut cuban screwdriver. Or two...

  52. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Have these been seen?


  53. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Gino is clearly higher than monkey balls in every scene. Did they pay him in weed?

  54. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Bristol and Willow trade insults calling each other "crazy" and "psycho." Bristol was furious when someone used the "R" word-- not in reference to anyone in her family, but in the context of a political conversation. She exploded about how we have to be sensitive to the disable. There are also people for whom mental illness is a real issue. They require medication to function, and the last thing that they want to hear is that they are "crazy" or "psycho." Practice what you preach, girls.

    1. Anonymous9:28 PM

      Bristol was furious when someone used the "R" word--

      That's because it was said that she is border line retarded in high school.

      I guess the truth hurts her?

    2. Anonymous9:29 PM

      They are all anti- the word retarded. But I think you may be the only person who would think of the above.

      The word crazy and psycho are used often, as is the word retarded. Naturally, give their brother, they are sensitive to that word, whereas millions are not.

  55. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Why are "democrats" so cosed-minded? You all think there is only one type of person: you. You look down on anything you wouldn't think of or do.

  56. 191 comments? Over eleven thousand visitors?

    Did you people not get the memo? This is a defunct blog.

    You are making Andrew Breitbart turn over in his grave by visiting here. And if THAT isn't a good enough reason to stop by then I don't know what is.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.