Tuesday, July 10, 2012

In a list of the Top Ten Worst Running Mates in Presidential History, how could Sarah Palin NOT be on it?

"What are you talking about? I was CHOSEN to be the VP, right up until God killed off John McCain and handed me the presidency!"
My only complaint about this list from Buzzfeed is that they only ranked Palin as the tenth worst running mate when I personally believe she should have been placed much higher.  (Edit: Oops I stand corrected, apparently they are in random order. So of course we all KNOW who was the worst one don't we?) However I absolutely loved the write up they did to describe her disastrous run as John McCain's VP:

The half-term Governor from Alaska is widely recognized as the single most glaring reason for John McCain's defeat in 2008. She has sparked thousands of jokes and parodies, and, while remaining a largely comic figure among the public as a whole, remains a popular figure inside of the Republican party. 

Palin was selected after very little vetting by the McCain camp, who was facing an insurgent Barack Obama who had historical context on his side. Palin, at the time a little known figure, was shown to be either unable or unwilling to answer simple questions during debates or interviews, often whiffing at even softball questions like "what newspapers do you read." Much like Admiral Stockdale, a Saturday Night Live parody image of her emerged (former President Gerald Ford also suffered this fate) that she was unable to overcome, and was largely viewed as unready for the office of Vice President. This was compounded by McCain's age when compared to Obama, as many viewed it more likely that Palin would be thrust into the Presidency, should McCain become elected. 

These issues were compounded by the fact that, before her selection, the most effective attacks the McCain campaign had on Barack Obama were his relative inexperience. The selection of Palin severely neutered those attacks, as she was views as having much less experience and credentials than Obama. In contrast, Obama selected Joe Biden, a six-term Senator and the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee as his running mate, widening the perceived gap between the two campaigns. 

The McCain staff became increasingly frustrated with Palin, and sheltered her from unscripted encounters from the press, an action that was eventually criticized by Mitt Romney and Bill Kristol. In late September, conservative commentator Kathleen Parker suggested that Palin should resign from the ticket, while former Bush speechwriter David Frum said she had proven she was not qualified for the office. The McCain campaign quickly came to resent Palin, and eventually blamed her for the loss to Obama.

Yeah I think that about sums it up.


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I agree with this list except for Thomas Eagleton,
    who was a brilliant attorney and politician, but who didn't disclose the skeleton in his closet.
    Odds are, forty years later, whether we would accept a major candidate in his situaion.

  2. Anonymous3:09 PM

    NOTE: The ten figures on this list are not presented in any specific order.

    From Buzzfeed:

    The Ten Worst Running Mates In Presidential History
    Mitt Romney is in the process of vetting and deciding who will be filling out the second half of his ticket. Here are ten historically bad running mates who possess qualities Mitt Romney should avoid. NOTE: The ten figures on this list are not presented in any specific order.

    1. Then, mebbe, she could be at the top of the list. Wouldn't surprise us none!

      She's definitely at the top in the Most Dangerous category. And Most Ignorant/Stupid category.

  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Oh, and William Miller, who was a trusted and well-regarded U.S. Congessman from Buffalo. He wasn't a household name, but he had the education and expericence for the job. After Goldwater lost, no one wanted to hear from Miller again -- just as they don't want to hear from Palin anymore.
    btw: Bill Miller's daughter Stephanie has been the host of a liberal radio talk show for years, and had her own tv show for a while. She's funny, quick, smart and totally winning.

    1. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Stephanie Miller is very funny and her co-hosts are too. It's a great show, and I encourage everyone to give her a listen.
      And, no, I'M NOT STEPHANIE! Just an fan for many years.

    2. I didn't know Stephanie Miller was his daughter. I love her! So smart and funny.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      AND star of the Sexy Liberal Tour along with the smokin' Hal Sparks and John Fugelsang (the guy who's interview with Mitt's guy led to the Etch-a-Sketch moment).


      Definitely worth a listen--I have to stream her show (and Stephcast) since there's no such thing as progressive radio in this neck of the woods.

    4. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:39 PM

      Another StephHead here--she's also on Current TV at 9am-12pm EST, if you get that channel. She's a brilliant commentator/comedienne and her back up team is great. She sometimes talks about campaigning with her dad (though she wasn't dragged around from stop to stop like the Palin tribe). She calls herself the "wolf child" that the family tried to hide at the time!

  4. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Gryphen, you said they ranked her at 10. The website itself says, NOTE: The ten figures on this list are not presented in any specific order.

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      So they ranked her as the worst, right???

    2. Buzzfeed may not rank Palin as the worst but I sure do. She has more mental problems that Eagleton, is as dishonest as Agnew even though it hasn't been proven, is a trouble-maker, can't get along with anyone, more gaffes than Quayle. AND her hair is worse than Burr's hair.

    3. Anonymous4:40 PM

      Anonymous and Sharon, in a list of 10 worst, she should be #1 if they thought she was the worst. Putting her at #10 would mean that they thought she was better than the other 9.

      Either way, the list was NOT ranked. It was just a list of 10.

      I'd put her as the very worst, also.

  5. Cracklin Charlie3:24 PM

    McCain blames HER?

    HE chose her! Why don't these guys EVER take responsibility for their actions?

    1. Olivia4:22 PM

      Think about it...a BLACK man with an African name beat a WHITE war hero with a blonde wife. A lot of people thought it was an easy win for McCain. He only needed a token woman for a running mate. He picked Palin, which looked like a great choice for a week or so. He had no clue about her ambitions. Then she opened her mouth, then she went rogue, then people started talking about her background. Palin LOST the election for McCain. If she had kept to the script, tried to learn a few things, and not showed how mind-numbingly stupid she was, things might have turned out different, although I think her background would have sunk the campaign anyway. I hope he thanks his God everyday that he lost because if he had won, he would be long dead by this date.

  6. Anonymous3:28 PM

    She's on Hannity tonight. Ewwww. Expect her to wear a big jacket with shoulder pads to refute the 98 pound rumors.

    1. Just finished watching The Ghoul of Wasilla on Insannity...and she did not disappoint!

      First...she looked like an iguana sunning itself on a rock with skin to match! She had that slow blinking thing going on and I KNOW I saw a forked tongue slither out of her lip gloss coated lips! I also think she was having a hot flash before she appeared on camera...because I could have sworn I saw her 5 pieces of bangs blowing off those spider lashes!

      Well she had to be warm because she had on a blue jacket with BIG shoulder pads (H/T to 3:28PM)...her blotchy chesticle was hanging out but word from the top must be don't show those fake boobies of hers. Because the banner at the bottom covered up the whole area every time they showed her dumb ass!

      Baldy reminds me of a drunk who doesn't want anyone to know she's drunk...you know the one who is balanced on the bar stool...trying not to fall off...so she speaks....real S L O W.

      But this IS Baldy we're talking about and as soon InSannity asked her a question about President Obama's poll numbers...the pole/stripper in her ran off at the mouth...mispronouncing words and phrases all over the place!

      Loved how she said "tastic" instead of "tactic"...then she really got on a drunken roll....InSannity showed her a clip of Debbie Wasserman Schultz talking about Rmoney's Swiss bank account problem...and that drunken fool lost her composure and said "If that isn't the pot calling a kettle...uh a kettle calling the pot BLACCKKKKK or whatever's it' s called"!


      She was ON ONE y'all....and then when InSannity tip toed up to the VP question of who she thinks Meh will pick....lonnnng pause from Baldy then a flurry of word salad and all I heard was "thrashing somebody's record" ( I think she meant "trashing" but hey she's drunk!) and "known commodity" and I believe she was trying to look angry but due to the lack of feeling in her forehead she wasn't able to pull it off! Did she get a new top lip because I don't remember seeing that dent before? Anybody else notice that?

      I think Baldy is crossing over y'all...not the dark side...she never left that....Naww....I mean she's turning into a MAN!

      Her and the Toad are changing places and IT AIN'T PRETTY! IF she makes it to the RNC convention she may be sporting a beard (not Toad...HeHe) and sounding like James Earl Jones...the way she's going, somebody needs to tell her to lighten up on the testerone...it's not a good look for her!

      And as far as Beefy's show tonight...Between the visit to the Asylum and watching the Ghoul...I just ain't got it in me to stay up and watch that car crash!

      I'll catch it without the commercials tomorrow...but just from the sneak preview posted by Beefy on her blog...I'll need a GOOD nights sleep to endure that SHIT!

    2. Anonymous7:18 PM

      I <3 you GinaM!

      Thank you for another brilliantly hilarious description of a Baldy appearance. You rock!

    3. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Me too! ♥ GINAM♥

    4. AKRNHSNC9:35 PM

      Thanks for the hilarious description of the idiocy displayed on Insanity tonight. No need to watch it now, although it's rare I subject myself to her over-the-top freakish behavior. I'm not a masochist! If I didn't think Hannity was lower than dirt, I'd almost feel sorry for him for drawing the short straw on a regular basis, being subjected to pretending to "interview" Palin and play along with her alleged answers to his non-questions.

      I can't wait until January when her contract is up. Will they finally pull the plug on the Witch from Wasilla?

    5. Bless you, Gina; you are truly brave. I always look forward to your fabulous recaps!

  7. The way she disrespects the USA flag grates on me.
    The fact that none of her fawning groupies calls her on it is just sad.

  8. And that sums up John McCain's legacy in 4 paragraphs. That's all anyone will remember him for. He's the one that foisted $arah Palin and her family of grifters on the world. Thanks, John!

  9. WakeUpAmerica3:39 PM

    She's a stupid git.
    Only thousands of jokes and parodies? Oh I think it's much higher than that.

  10. I needed something to brighten my week and this post did it. I think this is my favorite part: "while (she) remains a largely comic figure among the public as a whole...". Yep, that's right! haha

  11. Palin got picked AFTER Rmoney turned over TWENTY-THREE YEARS of tax return to Johnny Mac. And the machine went TILT for the first time, and for the second with Palin.

    There's something really damning tucked away in that paperwork.

    1. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Maybe....but...maybe McCain just Romney's just a really big tool and no one wants to be friends with him?

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Plus -- 2008 was a REALLY bad year to be in politics and associated with finance!

    3. vegaslib4:55 PM

      I just read that too! WOW, if Palin was a better pick as VP, what does that say about Romney as POTUS? He is the epitome of a rich, out of touch Repug.

  12. AJ Billings3:54 PM

    YeeHA, the $erpent from Wasilla $trikes again, and makes another "worst ever" list.

    Schadenfreude is so tasty with a side of $nark!

  13. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Haha Katie Couric defeated you Sarah! She exposed you for the idiot you are in front of the whole country. You will forever be known as a failure. And now Bristol is following in your footsteps on the path to irrelevancy.

  14. Nice picture, Sarah. Protocol for the American flag,section 8 d: the flag shall not be worn as apparel.

    1. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Psssst , no $carah fan here, but isn't that an impersonator pic?

    2. Anonymous8:06 PM

      definitely - look at the hands.

    3. Anonymous9:00 PM

      It's a Man, Baby!

  15. lostinmn4:08 PM

    OK, here's my two cents worth. Spit on me if you like - and no - I'm not saying she was good. In fact I think she is in league of incompetence of her own. On the other hand - and not in defense of John McCain - I think she was vetted and that someone/ones knew exactly what they were getting. In fact they scrubbed how many computers? I sincerely doubt they didn't look before they scrubbed. So someone knew and my guess is this. John McCain won the primary despite the best efforts of the traditional GOP. Once that momentum was done then they grudgingly accepted he would run and they didn't care so much because they knew it was going to be almost impossible to win the election after eight years of unmitigated damage done by Bush. So they threw him out there and arm twisted him into taking Palin. They knew he wouldn't win but were surprised at the hatred and bile that came oozing out of the walls. Once it was obvious she wasn't going to cut it they just let her roam and spew hate and whip up the masses of racist hatred. That served its purpose and coupled with the new hatred and the conspiracy in Congress to stonewall Obama they were sure he would be a one term President and they could get their boy back in the White House. So Palin served a purpose and still does although her star power has faded they keep the racists from seeing that Obama is working the best he can for them. That's critical to have any chance to unseat him. Now they have Mittens and he's another McCain - not the choice of the traditional but they've got their own problems with the TP. Palin aroused them and now they've got one very smelly mackerel around their neck - and her name is Sara Palin.

    1. Anonymous4:34 PM

      I agree with your assessment.

    2. Jeanabella4:42 PM

      I believe You Nailed It lostinmn!!!
      The only thing I believed that really threw the McCain Staff was just how ignorant Palin really is!
      The other shock was her disturbing behavior!
      Yes, I think the Evangelicalnutjobs twisted John's arm & he had no choice!

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:42 PM

      "...but were surprised at the hatred and bile that came oozing out of the walls."

      Just like the Amityville Horror!

    4. Anonymous11:05 PM

      "Game Change" was on again on HBO and I watched it for the second time.

      Palin was horrible during that campaign and I cannot imagine having had to work with her! She showed herself to be ignorant and a pompous ass!

      Thank God, President Obama beat them and I'm sure he is going to do it again. (Romney!)

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    5. lostinmn -- no spit for you! :-)

      Great assessment; thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts.

  16. LOVING IT! Baldy FINALLY gets the recognition that she DESERVES! Also, too...I took a walk on the wild side today..."Crazies4Palin" of course and all I can say...


    I know that Baldy attracts the Klan...but DAMNYUM...who would of thunk that they would actually post an article that PROVES it! Well today...the patients took off their ROBES and not their hospital ones and light a
    teeny tiny burning cross in the Sanctuary and got their RACISM....ONNNNN!

    Apparently this article was submitted by Klan Member Mary Beth! The title alone gave me pause..."Palin's Effect on Women vs. Obama's Effect on Black-Americans"....Uh....BLACK hyphen AMERICANS...oh Lord...give me strength!

    Needless to say it was downhill from there! I highly recommend those who are brave enough and have been properly inoculated to go read that shit for yourself! All I saw was "blacks" and "blacks" and then I started to see RED!

    Several of the patients who are very familiar with the "N" word and probably were at quite a few "cross burnings" themselves
    had this to say about..ahem..."Black-Americans"...

    gop4ever Today 01:00 PM

    With respect to the Obama's effect on America, he's done irreparable damage. This is because Obama is the quintessential black American. He is completely ignorant of history, economics, law, political theory, and philosophy. Such ignorance is pervasive among many black Americans. As a result, Obama's reckless and destructive policies simply represent the same reckless and self-destructive attitude shared by most blacks. Just visit ANY predominately black community and you'll see a common theme. They're all crime ridden, unsanitary, and impoverished and populated with ignorant, uneducated, hostile people. This is the result of years of a black electorate and a black political leadership who think like Barack Obama. His presidency has served to expose the negative results of electing liberal blacks on a national scale and will hopefully dissuade people from voting for blacks who share Obama's opinions.

    Great and wise Americans, like Col. Allen West and Niger Innis of CORE, understand the damage that's been done. However, black conservatives are in the minority within the black community and they know it. Sad, but true.

    Not to be outdone by his fellow brethren...another Klan...er...patient had this to say...

    cuatrocinco45 Today 11:26 AM

    Very good article. All good points. I'd focus more on the political effect.

    Since Obama's election in 08 how many other black dems have been elected to key positions? How many black dem Governors, Senators and Congressmen have been elected? There have been 0 Governors and Senators. Maybe some congressmen but I can't think of any offhand. Are any blacks even running for statewide office for the dems this year?

    *in my Archie Bunker voice*

    "Awwww....Geez Edith"...

    Then this idiot trots out the ole "hey-I-know-a-black-american" story in word salad worthy of the Priestess of Darkness herself...Baldy!

    chzn2bfree 13 minutes ago

    Seeing my SP pic, the termite inspector took a double take.
    'Oh...that IS Sarah: great lady'....surprised, 'you like Sarah Palin????'
    'I love her,' he said all in upbeat tone, yet matter of factly while setting up ladder.
    He is black ...

    Ummm....*cough*....Let's see....*GinaM reaching for a drink*...*BURP*...okay...that's all I got folks!

    One more thing....the crazy school teacher Adrienne and the college student Jasmine..for their safety were not allowed into the
    Sanctuary for discussion! LOL!!!

    1. Anonymous5:30 PM


    2. Dear Gina

      I have been known to dip in the pond - mainly to see the implosions - but it really is a mire of racist uneducated idiots who vote against their own best interests because they "sat up straighter" when Sarah Palin appeared upon the stage. For a fleeting moment they thought they had a savior - and then she opened her mouth.

      They are the result of the GOP dumbing down the education system - to benefit the money elite - who would be VIPs at Romney fundraising.

      They would do well to read Griffs post on Schaeffer Cox and make sure they just talk the stupid - rather than try and implement same. I eternally worry that a true nutcase might believe their bile.

    3. Anonymous8:17 PM

      That Mary Beth article is nothing more than a long, drawn-out projection hit-piece.

      She even admits it in the 2nd paragraph: "It’s a rather bold statement, but considering how some on both the left and the right continue to sell out Sarah Palin by insinuating she’s hurt the chances for future female prospects within the GOP, it’s certainly an easy conclusion to come to when you examine the facts."

      Of course it's an easy conclusion when your only intent is to post a childish "well, so are you!" article, with no real facts... just assumptions and anecdotal "evidence".

      Mary Beth: Princess of Makeupcrapistan.

  17. Beldar Code Duello Conehead4:13 PM

    Gryphen, I clicked on the list of the 10 Worst VP candidates of all time and was quite surprised. I had just assumed that The Screechy Wretch(tm) would appear in 5 or more of the 10 spots. I mean, I knew Dan Quayle. Dan Quayle was a friend of mine. And believe me, Screechy is no Dan Quayle. Hell, she isn't really even much of an Aaron Burr, if you want to be brutally honest about it!

    Regardless, it's just another in a lifetime of proud achievements for her and family's very impressive legacy. Well, done, Screechy!!!

    1. Anonymous4:35 PM

      Aaron Burr had better aim?

  18. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Hmmm....I think Palin is a giant git, but...it's a toss-up between her and Stockdale for the worst ever. I think giving the impression that you're about to keel over is pretty bad form for a running mate. However, not knowing why Korea is two countries and needing a tutorial on WWII is also pretty bad. On the other, other hand....for a while, and you young's might not remember this, but for a while, it looked like it was going to be a close, three-way race...after the Stockadale pick, though, his numbers plummeted whereas McCain was NEVER going to be Obama.

    Of course, it's never good to be ranked lower than the guy who shot Alexander Hamilton (unless you're on a list of famous duel victors).

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      To his credit, Vice-Admiral Stockdale has an illustrious record of service to his country. He earned a number of medals and was a prisoner of war. His problem was that he was past his prime.

    2. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Yep, Stockdale was a fairly introspective and able writer too. I remember reading something of his from a humanities course about the positive effects of being well-read.

  19. Durham4:30 PM

    OUCH! You know Palin is going to read this and will feel its pain, and it may even dampen her oversized ego and her narcissism. But, chances are she will not understand what she read and it will just fly by her hollow skull. If it doesn't fly by her, she can always go read the comments posted by her fellow hollow skulled supporters at Sea4Pee to help lift her spirits.

    1. Anonymous5:26 PM

      I think she's happy to read even negative comments because it means she's getting the attention she craves.

    2. Anonymous5:50 PM

      She'll just be thrilled she made the top 10.

    3. Anonymous5:59 PM

      Narcissism is a permanent condition. It cannot be dampened. If anything, she will just project more anger and victimhood. Her cretinous base will rise to her defense. She is an ignorant dullard but she knows how to manipulate the bottom feeders who adore her.

  20. Anonymous4:37 PM

    The movie "Game Change" showed how unprepared she was for the VP slot or for any other office. I was literally blown away by her lack of basic knowledge that she should have learned way back in grammar and high school. If they vetted her properly they would have known she didn't fit the bill for VP slot or Governor. Either Alaska has very low standards in education or she winked her way out of school.

  21. Jeanabella4:37 PM

    Palin & her brand has fallen off a cliff of her own making!
    Just thinking as I read this post what a big difference from 2008!
    Palin brand is toxic but I don't think she's done as far as she's concerned. Grifters don't give up that easily, especially when they're delusional.
    She's going to be the new referral for the proverbial "train wreck"!

  22. Anonymous4:39 PM

    If you compare Sarah Palin to any vp pick of any country known to mankind, Sarah Palin has to be the worst vp pick ever.

    Country First My Ass!

    1. AKRNHSNC10:09 PM

      If McCain had been Country First, they would have spoken to people in Alaska who really knew Palin. As it was, they waited until after their first problems with the press and the questions they posed. That prompted a couple dozen representatives from the McCain campaign to go to Alaska, research Palin's background thoroughly and clean up the state's website, especially those questionable pics of Sarah when she was allegedly pregnant with Trig. They changed Bristol's birthdate because apparently for the fundies a 17 year old, unwed, pregnant teen was FAR MORE ACCEPTABLE @@ than a 16 year old pregnant teen.

      I'm certain that both McCain and Schmidt, not to mention the entire campaign staff, would love to go back and have a re-do when it came to choosing their V.P. Sarah lied her way through the interview with Schmidt & _____?(I forget who was with him when he interviewed her prior to McCain) especially the line about having a "servant's heart". Who the fuck says something like that about themselves? It's so pretentious and only someone like Sarah would ever think to say something so ridiculous about themselves. Her lies soon caught up with her and what does she do but double down on them, whining that nobody in history has ever been beaten up by the press like she has...this is after two weeks of being named as the V.P. nominee!!! The RNC pushed this stupid idea so much that some of them actually looked as if they were believing the b.s. they were trying to sell.

      Sarah has only one person to blame for being in the position she's in today and that's herself. She got it into her mind when after only 6 years on city council in a town of 5k people, that she was capable of not only being Governor, but being President.

      Only a moron would consider themselves ready to be the leader of the free world with the minimal amount of education Sarah had along with her anti-intellectual stance and lack of curiosity about the world around her. Worse yet, she still has a few people who actually think she's ready but thankfully there are far more intelligent people in the world than the nuts at Crazies4Palin.

  23. Sarah Palin was comedy gold for a time, and wits like Tina Fey and others mined every bit of it for our delighted consumption.

    But as we learned more from bloggers like Gryphen and Syrin, a darker side of Palin was exposed, which was more sinister and disgusting than it was humorous.

  24. Anonymous4:53 PM


    Further confirmation they want to put women back 100 years.

    Look at the Olympics Opening ceremony outfits -- Are you kidding me? My grandmother dressed like that.

    The athletes will be dressed for hours, standing waiting to enter the arena, and then because of the height of the 'arena' outer wall, there will be no air circulating on the field together with it being mega athletes jammed together, then when sitting in seats.

    The athletes, many known for wearing little for practice and competing, will melt. Definitely whoever is heading the Olympic Committee is freaking out of their mind.


  25. But, but, but, but… she’s going to bring on the Raptuuure!

  26. Pat in Seattle5:16 PM

    Makes me SICK to see her wrapped in the American flag. DISGUSTING...I thought the rule was it was never to touch dirt! Oh well, maybe the rules don't mean "that" kind of dirt

  27. Anonymous5:23 PM

    McCain disgusts me. He STILL insists that Palin was a good choice, and would have made a great President. I have never respected McCain since I watched the display he put on at the POW hearings, swearing at the sister of a POW, who pleaded for the searches to continue. Some other people told he they had seen her brother in captivity, but McCain did not want the searches to continue. He was so foul mouthed I really thought he should have been reprimanded. Then he pushed his chair back and stormed out, still swearing. Nobody said a word, it was a disgusting display of truly bad manners. He is no hero, he is a bad tempered foul mouthed disgusting person. Then I read the article about him in Rolling Stone, telling just the type of "hero" he REALLY is. He would have been a horrible President, he is no gentleman, or even a caricature of one. Little bantam rooster.

    1. angela6:11 PM

      I know this is just speculation, but I always thought McCain's sick anger at that poor woman had less to do with him wanting normalized relations with Vietnam than him not wanting any more witnesses to his stay at the Hanoi Hilton.

      I know the man was brutalized, and he could probably only take so much. But I find his denial of realities that he has experienced
      quite disturbing. His denial of any more POWs in Vietnam and his denial that Sarah Palin was a nightmare and that she frightened him.

      Most assuredly a man who never got help for his PTSD.

    2. Anonymous11:12 PM

      And, the asshole is on video calling his wife the 'c' word (four letters folks!).

      He and Palin were a pair - there is no doubt! What he leaves behind is not going to be good - he graduated low in his class at the academy, crashed airplanes, didn't follow rules, married and divorced multiple times - leaving one wife that had MS - has a terrible record in Congress and then he picked Palin.

      He's a jerk!!!! As is Sarah!

  28. Anonymous5:29 PM

    O/T: Mitt Rmoney stopped in at the Care and Share here in Colorado Springs today. (C&S has been at the forefront of distributing food to people displaced by the Waldo Canyon Fire.) Rmoney's visit wasn't publicized in advance, although of course cameras were there to catch him putting together food packages. I assume this was a "See, he does care about the common people" ploy. Besides, Obama was here last week to check out fire damage, so I guess Rmoney had to look concerned as well. Of course, there was a *slight* difference between stuffy-face in his mom jeans and the President in his work-rumpled blue shirt and slacks walking up the sidewalk past burned houses, thanking the firefighters, and interacting with evacuees. President Obama is dignified. Rmoney just looks perpetually constipated.

    ANYWAY, a little while before Rmoney's visit and knowing nothing about it, I stopped at a gas station a block away to buy soda. The woman working there told me he was coming and then launched into an impassioned speech about how he only cares about rich people, the Republicans have never cared about the middle class, Rmoney outsourced American jobs, etc. (She then lessened the effect of her outrage by admitting she doesn't vote.) I was pretty impressed that here in conservative Colorado Springs, this woman (a gas station attendant with a missing tooth--not to stereotype, but not most people's image of an anti-Republican) felt so strongly against Rmoney that she made sure I, a random customer, knew.

    I told her about my "Dogs Against Romney" shirt, which unfortunately I wasn't wearing, and she howled. Wouldn't be surprised if she goes home and orders herself one tonight. :)

    1. Anita Winecooler10:42 PM

      LOL I love it! The only thing better would be her learning who shares her values and what a privilege it is to be able to Vote.

      We might not convince her, but it would at least make her think about it.

      FWIW, We all have Dogs Against Romney shirts, and our dog has a (home made) "I Ride Inside" shirt.

    2. Anonymous11:13 PM

      Romney walks funny - watch him! Weird when compared to other men!

  29. Anonymous6:01 PM

    O/T but I think it would be great if we could make this go viral. This needs to be seen by as many people as possible. Especially independants.


    1. Smirnonn6:50 PM

      I've seen that before. It's perfect. Demand creates jobs, not tax cuts.

    2. I love this video. Thanks for posting it.

  30. Anonymous6:06 PM

    When Ferraro spoke, she spoke in complete sentences. She was not nearly as dumb and uninformed as Palin. She just wasn't the right candidate. Eagelton was not a bad choice. It is unfortunate that at that time, there was such a stigma attached to mental health and shock therapy.(At that time in history, Obama never would have been nominated. He might not have been in the Senate, either. Times have changed). By the same token, John Edwards was a good candidate, who connected well with people. He is being judged by his current bad behavior. When he ran as a VP candidate, he and Gore actually did win more votes. He wasn't that bad-- then. It will be a good discussion: who is dumber, Dan Quaule or Sarah Palin? Dan Quayle was an awful VP. He was chosen to be the mean attack dog so his presidential candidate could stay above the fray.

    As for Palin, the fact that the Republicans had to keep her away from the media speaks volumes. She was dumb, and she still is dumb today. Asking Willow's advice about Syria- what's Syria- ranks right up there with ringing those bells and firing those warning shots. Sarah never learned anything in school the first time around, and she has demonstrated that she is incapable of learning anything today. She cannot learn. She makes up for it with those overly long, complicated sentences that don't go anywhere except to make people hate President Obama. She still can't get over losing to him, almost four years ago.

    Sarah set such a fine example that her daughter, Bristol, is proud and happy to imitate her. Bristol has not bothered to read any books about raising a child. She doesn't seem to have a group of single mothers who share advice with her. Her advice seems to be coming from Willow, the l8 year old babysitter (what's Syria?). Most of all, the only thing driving Bristol and her ridiculous show is her hatred of Levi, also going on four years. She is irrational in spewing her hate of Tripp's father in front of Tripp. That can't do the kid any good. It's emotional child abuse. And, she learned how to hate from her mother (and probably her father, too).

    1. Anonymous9:42 PM

      Palin is dumber than Dan Quayle who graduated from law school and passed the bar. Palin could never do that, not in a million years.

    2. Beldar Pea Soup Conehead7:20 AM

      Eagleton suffered the stigma of mental illness - depression - and yet today the media dutifully reports every time the defiantly unhinged Screechy Wretch(tm) deigns to share with us any randomly loopy 'thought' that burbles up through her fog-enshrouded brain and out across the Fox airwaves or tweety twat-o-sphere. What a world we live in...

  31. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Sarah Palin Blames Media ‘Manipulation’ For Romney’s Polling, Warns Voters Are ‘Wiser’ This Time


  32. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Abby Huntsman Reveals Her Dad ‘Cringes’ Over Clip Of Himself Introducing Palin

    She admitted that her father “cringes” whenever he watches the clip of himself rather hoarsely introducing the “history-making” Palin just four short years ago. “Yes,” she said, “that’s one of his least favorite clips.” In fact, she continued, that marked one of the first and last times he’s ever mentioned Palin.


  33. Anonymous10:54 PM

    When you view that photo of her, it is amazing how much she has aged in four years!!! Her evil, nasty thoughts and deeds have oozed out her pores and turned her skin to that of an old woman!

    Plus, she should never have wrapped herself in the American flag. That is a no no, but we now know what an idiot she is!!!

    1. Anonymous4:10 AM

      Now that beautiful American flag she wrapped herself in STINKS and needs to be burned. How DARE she do that? She has not one drop of class in her entire scrawny body.

  34. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Talk about defacing the American flag!

  35. Anonymous6:46 AM

    From the Flag Code:

    "The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery. It should never be festooned, drawn back, nor up, in folds, but always allowed to fall free."

    Found here: http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagcode.htm


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