Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The scary thing that keeps the Republicans awake at night summed up in one poster.

Apparently this was found under somebody's windshield wiper down south.

Let me just say as a white person, that having fewer of us is not necessarily a bad thing.


  1. Anonymous2:26 AM

    That is just brain dead. If the freaked out cracker who wrote that would think for a minute, as long as he/ she were alive, there would still be white people in the world. If all of us white folks did die out, we wouldn't care.

    1. Adding to the paranoia: A whole lot of white folks are not 100% white, especially down South with it's history of slavery. Just because they look white, doesn't mean their bloodline is 100% white. Be afraid! Be very afraid!! Baahahaha!

  2. Sally in MI3:14 AM

    The only people killing white people is the denying the necessity for universal health care, they want people to die in the streets. Oh, and then there are their incessant wars, which they hope will kill poor minority kids, but which also kill and maim and leave mentally bereft MANY white kids as well. And don't gorfet, GOP, when you decimate public education in poor states, those white people may still vote for you, but they are now poor and stupid, which means they might read your poster and go shoot somebody, which means they will be a poor dumb hailed white person...who doesn't vote!
    I think what they really mean is "Save the rich white male...end abortion, end contraception, and make your white wife bear those chillins." Personally, I think God is fed up with the 'superior race.' They haven't been honoring Him for many decades now.

  3. An European viewpoint3:25 AM

    I'm totally prepared to live in a world without white people. Less sunburn all around - having a skin that has to be lathered in sunscreen as soon as there's a little sun outside is a big burden that I could really do without.

    And I'd be delighted if my kids married non-white people. Mixed people are often so good looking. I'd have beautiful grandchildren !

    1. Speaking of mixed people, don't we have the cutest president? Esp those adorable ears. (He calls himself a mutt!)

  4. Olivia3:47 AM

    What overwhelmingly fucked up thinking!
    Apparently whoever wrote this thinks they will wake up one morning and be the only white person left in the country. Maybe the rapture will happen and all the other white people will be sucked up to the sky and he will be left alone to deal with all those scary shades of not white.

  5. Anonymous4:26 AM

    And how many generations back are those white people no longer white? Not many for some of them.

  6. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Let me just say as a white person, that having fewer of us is not necessarily a bad thing.

    Pretty stupid thing to say.

    Recognizing racism is one thing but suggesting that there be more or fewer people based on their skin color does nothing to advance anything.

    1. Agreed. We will truly be beyond racism and prejudice when we can recognize the contributions of people regardless of ethnicity, including "white" people. There have been geniuses and scoundrels of every race.

      Denigrating your own ethnic background is just unnecessary. And sad.

  7. Come on G, your whyte race needs you! Yeah, we even needs you, man. Wees DESS-per-it.

    IN FACT, we needin ALL of the good whyte kkkrist-yun 'Mericun patriots, plus'n hell, we'll even let the bleeding heart libruls an' you god-hatin' atheistic devils ta help us out on this un, so's longs they's kaw-KKK-shun folks without no mixed nig blah blood! No moo-lotters, like Hoo-SANE Obomba, inn-udder words.

    Mos' times, you heathen libruls ain't worth killin', but this is even bigger thun the good RE-publikkkin ole white men kkkonservatives beatin' down the well-fair dem-crat party libruls --- this here's war, I tell ye.

    It's cum down to tha whyte race a-ginn the "all-the-time-fuckin-n-makin-too-damn-many-babies" mud peoples of tha world! Itz 'bout tha good kkkrist-yun whyte folk mebbe losin' out to the fence-jumpin-river-swummin'-brown-beaner ill-leagles an' the burr-headed-well-fair-lovin-hub-cap-stealin' nigras an' them slant-eyed-commie-yeller-chink bastards an them DOT-on-thar-four-head-darkie-injuns (not tha same ones John Wayne wuz always a-killin), an' finely them towel-headed-googledy-gook-talkin'-ter'rist A-rabs that costiz me rat neer hunnerd dollers ever time ta fill-UP tha truck!

    No shit, G, this is war!

    So QUIT yer lollygaggin' 'round on all that damn shiny new gym equipment, an' quit drankin' them mussel-mass-buildin' shakes and takin' them steer-oids that make yer nut sack shrank, and get yer lily-white ass ta makin' sum babees!

    Do it fer the whyte race! White Power!

  8. Anonymous6:26 AM

    I kind of like thinking that the world is becoming more multi-ethnic and diverse instead of less. Look at what the "aryan" thing did in Germany! Maybe if all of the peoples of the world were one people we would be better able to cope with the huge issues that confront the human race: climate change and its ultimate effects on water supplies, food, etc. The only hope for mankind is true racial diversity.

  9. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Apparently, this is real. They've got the website listed on the poster and claim 10 chapters of members and growing.
    They call themselves "Guardians of Diversity."


    The Guardians of Diversity is an organization concerned with protecting and maintaining the world's human diversity and a future for White people therein.

    The objective of the Guardians of Diversity is to raise awareness to continuing downward trends of the White population in the world.

    We are interested in ensuring that the White people of society have every amenity available to them currently enjoyed by other races e.g. Scholarship funds, civil rights actvists, protection under hate crime laws.

    We are interested in creating a society that operates under a meritocracy rather than conferring benefits based upon race e.g. admissions into academic environments, private and public employment, governmental benefits.

    We are interested in preserving and celebrating White cultural identity something which is unfairly discouraged e.g. White history month in schools.

    We are proponents of freedom of association. External influences should not dictate to us whom we as a people prefer to live amongst, attend schools, have business dealings, and spend recreational time with.

    We are proponents of a homogenous land for White people as the world currently lacks one today. Asians have their land, Arabs have theirs, Africans have theirs, and Latinos have theirs. Whites do not.

    We acknowledge the importance of racial and ethnic groups having a government and leaders who share their ethnic identity and loyalty to their group. We assert that diversity can only be preserved by each human subcategory having a land of their own.

    They have a webradio show called "The White Voice."

    Does this make anyone feel weird? I hope this makes you all squirm a little bit.
    Who was Jim Thorpe, again?

  10. Anonymous7:01 AM

    A little, but not completely OT:

    I found this link at a pro-Palin blog. It's a "Sarah Palin Conspiracy" Facebook page (pro-Romney, GOP page). While I'm not a conservative, I did enjoy this post:

    "Regarding Palin's being given a political voice over at Fox News, cause they never hold her feet to the fire, just let her have run of the place:

    They did it with Perot, from the outside, this time around, are doing it from within, by acting like there is a movement WITHIN the GOP, by giving Palin a voice, from within, claiming to be working for the interests of winning for the GOP. Palin is not a legitmate representative of the GOP voter, she is sterotype of what the liberals like to say we all are, a joke, narcassistic, self-centered, childish, superficial and spoiled. That's what the leftists want to think the typical GOP voter is, so that they can seem rational by comparison. Oh, and did I mention an undertone of racisim? That's the impression the leftists want to give the GOP voter. Palin is being advised by Tammy Bruce, a radical, former Hillary Clinton Lover. I bet anything many of Palin's so called supporters on the Internet are actually working for the leftists, trying to suck others into the false following that has been created for Palin. Palin, though, believes it"

    Link to the FB page:

    I would link you to the pro-Palin blog where I found this, but I really don't want to subject someone to 18 different fonts in various sizes and colors.

  11. Randall7:09 AM

    White people are becoming a minority?

    Hmmmm... are you saying that you're worried because minorities are so severely discriminated against?

    1. Anonymous10:25 AM

      yeah, I know, right?

      If being "minority" means they get all this neato-keeno stuff and all kinds of benefits, then why wouldn't they want to be "minority"?

      Sounds like they have a REAL awareness of how it might suck...

  12. PL - MN8:27 AM

    Ha, I already don't count myself as a totally white person. Euro-Mutt with some far distant Asian bloodline tossed into me.

    Suck it, KKK tea racists and USA Taliban.

  13. Seriously, diverse genes protect mankind against disease pandemics. If we're too much alike, one good virus could wipe us all out. Hybrid vigor FTW.

  14. Anonymous10:59 AM

    LOL.... People of color are already the majority globally, and will be the majority in the US, very soon. And by white people, male and female having children with people of color, it will come sooner than people think.

  15. Anonymous3:33 PM

    So if Asia is for Asians and Africa is for Africans that must mean The Americas are for... oh that's right its for the red folks.

    Go home cracker.


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