Sunday, July 29, 2012

Dancing with the Stars producer talking about Bristol Palin: "I don't know. I wonder about her." Gee really?

Courtesy of The Clicker:

Say the name Bristol Palin, and you'll usually get a strong reaction. This was certainly the case on Friday when ABC revealed that the reality TV personality would be participating in "Dancing With the Stars: All Stars" this fall. 

"It's called All STARs! How exactly is Bristol a STAR? Or a dancer?" wrote reader Kelly Chapman on our Facebook page. 

"Palin has to be the biggest joke ever! You mean there wasn't one other person out of over 100 dancers you could choose from?" commented Michele Moran McDevitt. 

You get the idea. (Yeah that is just BARELY the idea. This reporter cherry picked the comments to find a few that were not as damning as many others that were on that page, yet still managed to make her point. Here is a more honest example:Keep that douchebag, lying, hypocritical bitch out of DTWS!! I will not watch her fat ass roll around the floor again. Enough of the trailer park trash Palin family!! They are like an incurable cancer!! See my point?)

With such reactions in mind, we caught up with "Dancing With the Stars" producer Deena Katz and asked her whether the young Palin will be just as polarizing in her second go-round on the hit show. 

"I don't know. I wonder about her," Katz told "I wonder about everyone. These guys were the charm of their season. ... Do they all have the effect they have before? It's not just Bristol. It's all of them. I'm so curious to see how the audience votes because all of these people were the sparkle of their season."

Ms. Katz is being very diplomatic here, but in reality it is NOT "all of them" that she really needs to be that concerned about.

Unlike her fellow competitors, who have each accomplished SOMETHING in their lives to gain their "fame," Bristol is solely the product of reflected fame, and has simply held on tight to her mother's coattails until they deposited her at the door of DWTS once again.

During her first stint she was able to stay on well past her expiration date solely due to the well publicized efforts of the Palin-bots who were still laboring under the false, and ridiculous assumption that the Grizzled Mama was going to run for the GOP nomination.

This time without that political prick tease to agitate the paint chips eaters, it is unlikely that Bristol will fair anywhere near as well.

And for a young woman who has demonstrated a rather limited ability to handle stress ("Get out of the car Gino!"), and whose entire life has been taken over by a crazy ass stage mother on steroids, this cannot be something that is ultimately in Bristol's best interests. Nor for that matter Tripp's, even though she claims that HE is the reason she does these things.

So yes this producer should indeed be very concerned about Bristol. Because considering how completely manipulated she has been most of her life, and the psychological damage THAT has clearly caused, there really is no telling how this experience will affect her, or the people with whom she is expected to perform.


  1. Olivia6:06 AM

    I am so grateful to you, Gryphen, and to all the others here who make the supreme sacrifice and watch this steaming pile of moose shit so I don't have to. I didn't watch the last time and I won't watch this time but I know I won't miss a thing due to your excellent reporting and the comments from all the others here who have walked that extra mile.

    1. Anonymous6:15 AM


      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Anonymous7:00 AM

      I agree. Not watching. Worried about brain damage or a stroke.

      Palins are watching Gryphen watching Palins.

      How's that internet bloggy commenty thingy workin' for you lately Sarah? A little harder to troll the world as opposed to trolling the Frontiersman, Peninsula Clarion and Anchorage Daily Snooze.

      It, also, too, always helps to have someone close to you in bed with the press. That's just an alleged rumor though. Isn't it?

      What's up with Chip? Any depo action yet? Betcha can't wait to tell your side of this!

    3. Olivia7:51 AM

      Ooo, this is sounding juicy, Juicy! I can' wait to hear your side!

  2. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Granted it is simply ludicrous that Bristol Palin was invited to be on an "all stars" anything, but the "accomplishments" and "fame" of the others certainly did not deserve the gushing by ABC's public relations people the other day. Their names may be well known because they are constantly being bantered about on E! News but their "accomplishments" are more questionable.

    1. Ailsa6:57 AM

      Emmitt Smith, Helio Castroneves, Apolo Anton Ohno, and Shawn Johnson are not accomplished?

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Ailsa, they probably called everyone else who was on the show and the fools who said yes are the bottom of the barrel.

    3. Anonymous7:44 AM

      Ailsa, Those you named have class and talent. They probably boycotted when they heard BP was being asked back. What a slap in their face.

    4. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Ailsa, apparently to the bots, an Olympic athlete who's trained for years and competed on a national level is nowhere near as "accomplished" as a drugged-out, drunk ho who slept around in tents and whose only claim to fame is getting knocked up as a teenager.

    5. Anonymous8:05 AM

      DWTS has said "all stars" means the people who were their season's darlings.

    6. Anonymous8:06 AM

      Im hearing some people are pissed so many winners were brought back, that people like misty may (ap) and Mel were not. I disagree. Though they were good, they weren't interesting. DWTS desperately needs a ratings boost from past seasons.

  3. lostinmn6:23 AM

    And please let's get your take on Russel Brand calling out Sara as the prick tease she is.

    1. She is a frigid prick tease for sure, but is it really a two way street?

      Brand said that people want to fuck her. I question that. Aside from her aging horndog fans, are there really many people these days who say "Well, I don't like her politics, but boy she's hot"?

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      I would imagine the people who's received charity from her appreciate her. Sure some people want to bang her. But it doesn't detract from the thousands she's inspired and from her acts of charity. A lot happens away from the camera. You're so ignorant of whom she is.

    3. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Not even Sarah´s daughters are considered hot these days.

    4. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Just replace her with a blow-up doll. At least they don't talk. Yikes.

    5. Anonymous9:20 AM

      @Anonymous 8:04 What charity has she given to? As far as the I'm a Twit reality show, her visit to Skid Row was a stunt.

    6. Good name for Bristol's show: My Life as a Twit/Twat. Sarah is a cock tease to those old angry white men who can't get it up without the help of a pill or a pump. Sarah just gets their libido active enough for them to get to the medicine cabinet. Then comes the four hour erection. Cause Sarah can't complete. Anything.

  4. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Viewers tune in to watch train wrecks. Bristol will probably help with ratings, and, knowing her, will probably provide the expected train wreck.

    1. Anonymous7:42 AM

      Then cry "victim".

  5. angela6:33 AM

    The only good thing about Sarah dragging Bristol around like a slightly putrid turkey towards all this tv idiocy is that Piper has been spared being starved and made to have cosmetic surgery so she could be shopped around as a Nickelodeon actor---- like Sarah initially wanted.

    But maybe I spoke too soon . . . .

    1. Anonymous6:46 AM

      Oh angela, I totally forgot about the Nickelodeon thing! Imagine the diva Piper's going to be.

      That tribe needs psychotherapy. Any of 'em, all of 'em.

    2. Anonymous7:33 AM

      Education is not in the Palin cards. Its either hair school or reality tv.

    3. Anonymous7:46 AM

      That's right, Piper the Nickelodeon star! No wonder the Palins got furious that the Obamas beat them there, too.

    4. AuntieRuth8:07 AM

      I suspect that the Nickelodeon contracts are pretty strict about the child being required to attend school on the set etc. That could really screw up Sarah's lifestyle. Having someone actually paying attention to Piper's education would not sit well with her.

  6. Anonymous6:37 AM

    tell the truth.
    there is excitement about Bristol being on DWTS, so that everyone can watch the train wreck and gloat about her crashing.
    without her, what would be the point?

    1. Anonymous7:15 AM

      Let's go with "excrement."

  7. Anonymous6:40 AM

    DWTS jumped the shark when they had her on the first time. She is no "star," she didn't want to put in the work needed, she just wants to give the big middle finger to America because the overwhelming majority of us see through the bullshyte facade and will not adore her as she so desperately needs us to.

    The catastrophe she was/is begat changes in voting rules so the crazies can't stuff the ballot box. This is nothing but a gaffe done strictly for ratings so people will tune in to watch the freak show.

    SO many others more deserving of the slot than her. Just another opportunity to embarrass herself again and she will! Girl can't help herself. Just like Mommie Dearest.

  8. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Bristol is loved by fans and fellow competitors. Her light shines on them just like the spelunkers' light or the proctologists light.

    All the other DWTS contestants will be proud to be compared with a hardworking baby raising single parent high school graduate abstinence advocate tool of god. Manager of some type at some doctor's office too!

    Haters just ernergize her. She ignores them. Even the gays she loves hate her, thats why she was so upset at Tripp using the f word. None of that is tolerated in the Palin households. Haters can believe what lies they choose to believe. It just rolls off this mama ducks back!

    Haters,judgers,lamestream medias, all just making a buck off the Palins!!! She really hoped god was going to tell her to go back to the dead lake and go fish picking, but not yet. When you know you are just a tool its' a hard roe to hoe!!!

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      She's a tool, all right!

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      What a load of crap your comment is.

      Keep trying to convince people that Bristol isn't a total failure. It won't work here...we know she is a loser, a failure, a joke, a liar, a homophobic pig.

      She is destroying the life of her child, in living color, in front of the world, while sucking off the publicity he generates. She is NOT hardworking. She is NOT special in any way, shape or form.

      She is an abusive 'girlfriend' to Gino.

      She claims that she is impervious to criticism, but all she talks about it how people criticize her, which makes her NOT impervious to criticism.

      She and her family are homophobic (look at her sick ass mother making a big deal standing up for Chikafil garbage, to get in the news and to dog whistle to the bigots out there), so for you to suggest otherwise is LAUGHABLE.

      As far as what is tolerated in the Palin household, well let's see...there's lying, cheating, prostitution, incest, murder, abuse of power, fake books and internet posts, baby stealing, coverups...shall I go on? You aren't fooling anyone with your comment.

      The Palin/Heath clan is one of the most disgusting, evil, twisted, despicable families I can remember ever seeing in the public eye. They are horrific eyesores that need to be purged out of our lives in a permanent way.

    3. WakeUpAmerica7:31 AM

      Great satire! LOL
      Unfortunately, some here will think your comments are serious.

    4. Anonymous7:40 AM

      7:13, I think that was satire.

    5. Olivia7:45 AM

      It was snark! Relax.

    6. Anonymous7:47 AM

      Anon at 7:13
      Your Snark-o-meter appears to need some adjustment.

      Did you not read the last line of the post?
      "When you know you are just a tool its' a hard roe to hoe!!!"

    7. Anonymous7:52 AM

      +1, 7:13 AM!

    8. Anonymous8:02 AM

      "Her light shines on them just like the spelunker's light or the proctologist's light."

      It's called satire, 7:13.

    9. Anonymous8:49 AM

      That's a really funny post. I like the image of Bristol being illuminated by the proctologist's light. You have described her perfectly. She's a piece of it all right.

    10. Anonymous9:07 AM

      7:13 I owe you a beer.

    11. Anonymous9:10 AM


      How could anyone not recognize this as snark.

      I edited it (added extra snark) to be sure every single paragraph had at least one blatant snark.

      "Her light shines on them just like the spelunkers' light or the proctologists light."
      Oops. That sounds like faint praise! Spelunker and proctologist? Should have used proctologist and scatologist!

      "All the other DWTS contestants will be proud to be compared with a hardworking baby raising single parent high school graduate abstinence advocate tool of god. Manager of some type at some doctor's office too!"
      Need more clues? Ok, I give up.

      "Haters just ernergize her. She ignores them. Even the gays she loves hate her, thats why she was so upset at Tripp using the f word. None of that is tolerated in the Palin households. Haters can believe what lies they choose to believe. It just rolls off this mama ducks back!"
      Missed the mama duck reference? Sorry. Oh, missed loving the gays, also, too? Sorry there also (/snark).

      "Haters,judgers,lamestream medias, all just making a buck off the Palins!!! She really hoped god was going to tell her to go back to the dead lake and go fish picking, but not yet. When you know you are just a tool its' a hard roe to hoe!!!"
      Ok, I guess I can see how this paragraph failed as snark! (/snark)

    12. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Does Beldar think this post rises to the occasion like a bad case of flatulence?!

    13. Anonymous9:54 AM

      Good Lord, what planet do you live on?

  9. Anonymous6:40 AM

    I can proudly state that I've never seen an episode of Bristol Palin Life's a Bitch (or whatever it's called). Her voice is quite grating (can someone get a bitch a throat lozenge?!).

    I also don't watch DWTS, so whether or not she clomps around the stage will have no effect on me personally.

    However, she's bound to have at least one breakdown or "vibrant" moment (she still has two middle fingers, after all), so the upcoming videos and commentary on that should be quite entertaining.

    The Palins: It's like a special edition of Tosh.0.

  10. Anonymous6:44 AM

    While Willow more or less demonstrates the compassion and empathy of a sociopath, Bristol jut seems. . .dumb. Special needs almost. She just plays with her hair and chews gum and stares dumbly as Gino pours his gutteral, inarticulate feelings for her.

    Sparkle? Bristol? There you go again media, making things up again. Why oh why does Track bother to fight for our freedoms.

    1. Anonymous7:07 AM

      Because Track's a Menard.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Why oh why does Track bother to fight for our freedoms.+++++++++++

      Any proof of that? Don't you think it is just more of the myth? Track is hidden because he has a lot to hide. They use the Army.

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      There is one c4p lunatic that is very excited Willow is now 18. Thinks she's much hotter than Bristol. He's probably 80.

      Doesn't their mother worry at all about her daughters and the crazy nuts out there drooling and jacking off over them?

    4. Olivia7:47 AM

      Once again, snark is flying over heads this am.

    5. Anonymous8:47 AM

      @7:16 Track is not fighting for OUR freedoms. He is fighting for his. Go back a little while, when he was caught up in a prank gone-bad involving school buses. Track suddenly went to Michigan to finish high school and play hockey. (No place closer in Alaska, no sir). We don't know if he ever finished high school, really got an injury or what, but the next thing you know, there he was in the Army! Sarah wanted to be picked as the VP nominee and Track was good at getting into trouble. He needed to be someplace where she could brag about him.

    6. Anonymous9:08 AM

      The stupid is strong today.

    7. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Consensus is Bristol is boring, homely, learning-challenged, spiteful, damaging, no-talent daughter of a liar. Who's paying for all of the attention and WHY?

  11. Anonymous6:50 AM

    connections of this loon? $carah plant? Joey Miller?

  12. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Why would Bristol want to ruin her body by joining the show again? She'll just gain another 40 pounds again. She must be desperate on so many levels. Obviously, exercise made her GAIN weight (fat, not muscle) last time, and that's really not healthy for her. So for her health, (and mine, frankly,) she should quit now.

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      If Todd's new boy toy from Stars Earn Stripes showed Bristol any type of attention you can bet Bristol would throw Gino out faster than she did on the side of the road in Alaska.

    2. Anonymous7:54 AM

      I think before she didn't expect all the hate and stress-ate. She wasn't small/fit like she is now so she had no routine.

    3. Olivia8:16 AM

      But,but dancing wasn't nearly the workout she did playing basketball! Don' t you remember she said that was the reason she gained weight every week, despite burning over 15000 calories a day dancing?

    4. Anonymous8:27 AM

      Yeah sure 7:54, keep kidding yourself. Are you insane or stupid?

  13. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Former Vice President Dick Cheney said that John McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin as a running mate in 2008 was a “mistake” in an interview with ABC News.

    'I like Governor Palin. I’ve met her. I know her. She – attractive candidate. But based on her background, she’d only been governor for, what, two years. I don’t think she passed that test…of being ready to take over. And I think that was a mistake.'

    1. Anonymous7:35 AM

      Oy, Dickie is going to be on the Shit List now.

    2. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Proof once again that "Game Change" told the truth no matter how the crazies try to spin it as propaganda.

    3. The urinal is crapping all over Cheney as we speak. Too fucking funny.

    4. Anonymous8:50 AM

      And Cheney was not a mistake himself?

    5. Anonymous9:16 AM

      Sarah's camp just spins this as the good old boys establishment insider business as usual. Her schtik has all bases covered and surprisingly effective for her low information supporters.

    6. Anonymous9:41 AM

      If Sarah gets in a pissing war with the big dick or daughter dick, some of the man sized safe contents might leak out. Like the rumored tape. Go on Sarah, rilly piss him off!

  14. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Willow will be pissed off to see Bristol get another 250K from DWTS.

    Willow ..too bad you are sucking hind tit in money grifting. Tell mom you want more money or you will spill the beans.

    1. Anonymous7:52 AM

      Willow's stoked.

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Willow is stoked? How old are you? 47 going on 12?

      Also Willow is a friend of mine. She doesn't like crazy stalker nuts writing about her. And she wants you to STFU and stop writing trash and BS about her and her sister. Get your own life!

    3. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Maybe Willow will finally realize that there is more money to be made writing a "Mommy Dearest" book. More money than Beauty School, and easier hours. I bet that the National Enquirer would pay a million dollars easily, maybe even two million is Willow had photos and/or actual proof of Trig's birth, his parents, and Sarah's faked pregnancy. If you do it, Willow, you'll be a bigger star than Bristol, and you won't have to dance. All you'll have to do is sit in the chair, let them make you up, and interview you. Think about it!

    4. WakeUpAmerica8:51 AM

      "Willow's stoked." Well, yeh, she likes to laugh at her sister.

    5. Anonymous9:13 AM

      I think Willow is better off staying the fuck away from her family of gargoyles. I hope she really is in hair school. She is young and has a terrible attitude, but if she can get herself out in the real world and meet some normal people who won't tolerate that bullshit, I think she has a chance.

    6. Anonymous9:22 AM

      8:29: "Also Willow is a friend of mine. She doesn't like crazy stalker nuts writing about her. And she wants you to STFU and stop writing trash and BS about her and her sister. Get your own life!"

      Tell willow to get off our TVs if she is so worried. What an idiot.

  15. Ailsa7:07 AM

    One of the best comments I've seen on the subject of God as Bristol's agent -

    "Wow. Dick move, God."

  16. Holly7:14 AM

    And at the same time ABC is preparing to air an interview with Evil Overlord Dick Cheney calling Palin a mistake as vp pick....Per TPM.

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      wish they'd get Bush to say CHENEY was a mistake as VP pick. I belive he's the one that said deficits don't matter, and we went from a surplus to 14 trillion dollars in dept?

    2. Anonymous9:11 AM

      Bristol should dance with Tripp strapped to her back.

      That's essentially how most single parents have to get by, since their choices are often either lousy, non existent, or unaffordable child care.

      Sarah can dance the part of the shadow behind her, since she is. Dang though, all those people tripping over everyone.

    3. Anonymous9:32 AM

      The 'first' and 'only' time I agree w/anything warmonger Dick Cheney has said. Seriously think Cheney has more pull nationwide than does McCain!! Doubt he can counter Cheney's statement much! About time!

  17. Anonymous7:15 AM

    i am pretty sure that she will have an "injury" or something that will keep her from continuing after a paycheck or two....jmo

    1. Anonymous9:29 AM

      I thought of 'injury' immediately too! She's lost weight quickly - appears to be not healthy like her idiotic/stupid mother. She's not use to physical activity at all and is going to be forced to 'dance'/workout/practice on the show.

      Truthfully feel sorry for the 'real' dancer who has been selected to partner w/her. I'll wager DWTS has to pay them extra!!! Haha!

  18. Virginia Voter7:16 AM

    Agree with some of the others, Bristol was brought back as the contestant the viewers will love to hate, everyone will wait 2 here her or her kid call someone a faggot , give the audience the middle finger, and see her trailer trash family and pimp daddy in the audience . Bristol is being played like a fiddle, and is too stupid to realize it.

    Lots of folks are thrilled that Bristol is back on DWTS, including Kathy Griffin, Howard Stern, Harvey Levin of TMZ, and the manager of the Cheesecake Factory at the Grove. She will provide them with endless material and mockery,

    I for one can't wait for the many flashback packages with her pregnant belly, bloated face, and old chin. The contrast will be jarring. Good times.

  19. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Boycott that shit. Of all the people they chose this clumsy nobody. What about Jennifer Gray, Melanie B, Nicole S, And there are many alumnae who are really great dancers.

    1. Anonymous7:49 AM

      Because they need to boost ratings back to where they were.

      Im shocked they didn't choose Nicole. Btw EVERYONE go vote for Sabrina.

      She and Mark need to win. She was the one who was sent home way early and there was a riot.

    2. Anonymous8:11 AM

      Anonymous7:49 AM

      They robbed Sabrina, she is a great dancer, but they will let a clumsy ox like Bristol go on to the top, and be called back.

  20. If that's not a supercilious smirk on Bristol's face, I don't know what is. I imagine she's thinking,

    "thanks, Sarah, for the diet advice and the starter pills, and thanks for setting up the laser fatburning treatments. With the help of our friends, I ought to be busy again until November. I'll bet you're already planning our next gig."

    1. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I was just going to comment on that smirk too. She has the sarah smirk (we are soooo much better than all of you).

      The only time she's not smirking is when she's crying. Or snarling. Poor victim.

    2. Anonymous7:47 AM

      No wonder she's been working out and hiking.

    3. Olivia7:59 AM

      "No wonder she has been working out and hiking." ...which will make her pregnancy last time all the more obvious. What an igmo!

    4. Anonymous8:32 AM

      She looks terrible! She is not cute at all anymore and no I don't hate her. I feel sorry for. She's a victim of abuse and doesn't even know it. And she isn't smart enough to know she needs therapy and treatment for her body dysmorphea. It's very sad.

    5. Anonymous8:36 AM

      If "working out and hiking" = lounging around on a couch and texting, then sign me up for the next Boston Marathon!

    6. Anonymous8:53 AM

      She looks nervous and sedated to me.

    7. Anonymous9:43 AM

      She is smirking in many of the recent pictures. I hope she isn't doing ketamine. They think they are the best dancers.

      She is on something.

  21. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Bristol will never be a star, if you keep forgetting to use a "bumpit".

  22. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Now everybody knows DWTS is rigged.

    1. Anonymous7:46 AM

      LOL. If you say so.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Yes, it is indeed.

    3. WakeUpAmerica8:49 AM

      It was proven, Maroon. Try reading the news once in awhile.
      The guy who set up the whole scam admitted it and explained what he did.

    4. Anonymous9:44 AM


      I did not watch before. Do you have any links to the best stories and the guy who admitted his scam? Thanks.

  23. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Bristol sure does have a big face and how come her hair looks greasy and dirty? Is Bristol following her mother's grooming habits?

  24. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Somebody at ABC is in love with the Palin's otherwise this talentless girl would not be on that show, not once, but twice.

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Bristol was the show sweetheart and favored star last time. ABC has said all these all stars were. Bristol does have several friends still who are apart of the dwts family. This isn't rocket science. DWTS ratings have taken a hit in the past coupleseasons.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      I call BS, 7:45, to the sweetheart shyte.

    3. Anonymous8:13 AM

      BS. The REAL stars are repulsed that she was on that show, and that she is called back.

    4. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Anonymous7:45 AM

      Puh-lease. Bristol was not the show sweetheart, she was the show CLOWN. People were laughing at her being dragged around on the floor.

    5. Anonymous8:35 AM

      ROFL! The show sweetheart? You are sick in the head Kristy. This simply is not true. Why do you make up these lies? Do you dream about Bristol and write fantasy stories about her?
      Your comments are so ridiculous. Get help for your own sake!

    6. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Sorry, 7:45, but Bristol's show with Tripp has terrible ratings. She is not going to help DWTS this time.

    7. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Bristol believed lies like yours.

      Until she walked out in public...

      And a reality check made her buy a new face.

      Like her mother before her, the people who know Bristol the best like her the least. There is good reason for Bristol to suspect the dancers, contestants, staff, cameramen, and DWTS audience can´t stand the sight of her.

    8. Anonymous9:09 AM

      Bristol said it herself: she has zero friends. I am sure your little stalker heart broke into a million little pieces when she didn't say, "Now I have zero friends, except for one devoted, middle-aged shut-in in Rhode Island."

    9. Anonymous9:18 AM

      Shailey Tripp was Bristol's daddys sweetheart and favored prostitute.

    10. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Boxed wine is not your friend.

  25. Anonymous7:36 AM

    DWTS used to be the flagship of amateur competition on tv. Now its lowered its standards by having Bristol on it twice. Bristol is truly an insult to the dancing pros on that show.

    As the saying goes:

    Fool me once shame on you... Fool me twice shame on me!

  26. Anonymous7:36 AM

    love her frumpy outfit next to all those sexy legs!

    1. eclecticsandra8:29 AM

      I wonder if her legs are recovering from liposuction.

  27. Kimosabe7:39 AM

    Washington Post style section led with BP/DWTS debacle today, including half-page pic of the moth outfit. Reality shows pick contestants for the drama, not the talent. Bristol, drama? Oh yeah. Talent? Hahahahah!

  28. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Bristol looks distracted? Is she looking around for a new bed buddy?

  29. A show that was somewhat interesting changed for us when B.P.appeared.I stopped watching it at that point and dont'expect that to change.Supporting a program that highlights and promotes Sarah Palin in any way is poison to this Country.She is a blight on our way of living.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      In agreement with that!!!!

  30. Anonymous7:40 AM

    I realize Bristol has scored some really nice paydays in her short life but they seem to have come with an incredibly high cost to her as a person.

    There is no amount of money you could give me that would make me comfortable walking down the street, knowing that 7 out of ten informed people would rather spit on me than tell me to have a good day.

    At some point, this amount of daily ridicule would take its toll on even the strongest of individuals and with her family as her only support group and with no real friends that we know of, even with "Her" gods help, I don't see any possible ending that doesn't include shock therapy.

    Bristol, if you really do believe in a God, and that there is a hell, and that people are actually held accountable for their sins, you have a very small window to fix something that is very, very broke.

    Your mother is beyond repair and will willingly take you to her "Special place in Hell" with her because that's what she does, so when the day comes, and it will come, when you feel the need to cleanse your soul and let the world know of the burdens you have had to carry for simply being the offspring of 2 of the most transparent charlatans of our time, please do yourself a big favor and don't do it for the money.

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      "knowing that 7 out of ten informed people would rather spit on me than tell me to have a good day. "

      That fact that this would cross your mind shows your lack of maturity. Just because you would spit at her doesnt mean most people would think that way. You just showed your true colors.

      What's broken? Who's beyond repair? Why are you so openly ignorant?

    2. Anonymous10:05 AM

      Anon 8:30 questioning someones maturity and calling names when you disagree with them rather than providing reasoned argument just shows your ignorance and lack of maturity. The only reason the Palin's are still in the news is that we are all gobsmacked that they continue to do and say things that are so polarizing and ridiculous. People hate them because that's what they put out there. You can't continue to lie, misrepresent, and manipulate and expect people to not hold it against you. The way she treats that child on that stupid show is enough for me to want to spit in her face.

  31. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Dick Cheney On ABC: John McCain Made A Mistake Choosing Sarah Palin For VP In 2008

    In an interview scheduled to air in full on ABC tomorrow, former Vice President Dick Cheney said that while he personally likes Sarah Palin, it was a mistake for John McCain to choose her as his running mate in 2008 because based on her political background, she was not ready to fill that position at the time.

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      I guess that means that Sarah won't be speaking at the Republican Convention.

  32. Anonymous7:44 AM

    She makes a good point. Who knows what reaction each of these once-favored contestants will receive. They were all favorites and different traits appealed to their fans. Some of the winners won by personality. Shawn beat Gilles probably because she's adorable (that was a good season). DWTS knows what they're doing. Bristol has several friends who are part of dwts. Ratings, drama, and wat they originally brought. NONE of these stars are shockingly being brought back.

    1. Anonymous8:17 AM

      Bristol has no friends in the DWTS alumnae, she use to have Kyle, but that has changed since she stabbed him in the back.

    2. Anonymous8:18 AM

      I stopped watching the show when Bristol was picked as a contestant.

    3. Anonymous8:37 AM

      You already wrote this BS twice last Kristu.
      Are you insane, in love, psychotic or what?
      You don't have to post 50 times the same BS.

    4. Anonymous8:54 AM

      Bristol got as far as she did because her mother's fans gamed the system. Period.

  33. Off topic - got to be worried when you agree with Dick Cheney

  34. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Bristol is thinking I hope they don't ask me about my homophobic son or my dumbass trial husband or my daddy the pimp or about my mom's new breast implants or why did I name my son after my dad's prostitute or why do I keep Tripp away from his Grandma Johnston or how will it feel seeing Kyle Masey after I stole his mother's reality show concept or is my mom on drugs and has to wear those ridiculous non-prescription sunglasses 24 hours a day to hide her stoned eyes or how many kids I have?

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I think it's interesting that the producer who butted his head between Kyle and Bristol in their show worked closely with dwts. Luckily, Bristol and kyle aren't at odds.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM


    3. Anonymous9:38 AM

      Anon 8:28 "Luckily, Bristol and kyle aren't at odds."

      Kyle is suing Bristol dumbass!

  35. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Will there be strict confidentiality agreements like last time?

    1. Anonymous8:27 AM

      I don't think that's how these shows work. There's no secrecy behind dwts, other than not revealing things about dances. What would Bristol have to hide? People love her there.

    2. Anonymous10:02 AM

      Anon 8:27, for someone who likes to pretend she's "in the know," you are seriously out of the loop. Everyone at DWTS did indeed had to sign confidentiality agreements last time Brissy was on--a first. And what she was hiding, dimwit, was her latest pregnancy.

      This is a well-known secret in Hollywood, right up there with Tom Cruise being gay. And NO ONE hates her more than the wardrobe people who had to try to cover up her swelling belly--except perhaps the people who actually had to interact with her. She is famous for being rude, self-absorbed, and really, really stupid.

      Sweetie, you need to get out more.

  36. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I can read Bristol's little mind: Hmmm I scammed Kyle Masey and his mother the last time I was on this show.... who can I scam this time?

    1. Anonymous8:37 AM

      Now that's a good idea. Let's write to DWTS and ask them to replace Bristol with Kyle. It would only be fair.

  37. Anonymous7:53 AM

    The performers receive a $50,000 sign on bonus. Then they receive more each week they stay on. The finalists (top 3, which this clod was among) receive altogether $365,000 total. So no wonder she signed on again. I guess it is too much to hope for that this time will be different, without her mother's "fans" gaming the voting system. Maybe next time Willow will be on the show???

    1. Anonymous8:07 AM

      How do you know the tea baggers won't game the voting system? And I think it's only fair to ask her about why said on her unreality show that's she was through with L.A. and heading back to Alaska to raise her son. Yeah, right.

    2. Jess Spivey8:26 AM

      She lives for her son and because she believes in living life to its fullest. Why do you think Tripp has such an active life?

    3. Anonymous8:36 AM

      Sarah. That's what new new big boobs are for. Sarah is auditioning for the next reality show. Please, anything, just as long as she gets to be on TV.

    4. Anonymous8:41 AM

      I was reading this year's new "voting system". Apparently, you can vote 5 times via email. All 5 for one contestant, or split among the contestants... but here's the kicker: Everyone in your family can vote. In other words, those "fans" will be creating TONS of fake email accounts and spending most of their waking hours voting as their spouse, their 20 kids, the dogs, the dust bunnies, that used kleenex in the trash bin...

    5. Anonymous9:53 AM

      One way or another the system will be gamed. It goes with the Palin territory. If it is the old casting couch routine it may stay TOP SECRET.

      Have you checked out Kristen Stewart's love story? Where they ever entitled, they got caught being so free.

    6. I wish there was a way to limit the IP address to five votes.

      Frankly, the producers love the controversy Bristol will bring with her. Controversy = ratings.

  38. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Her only real asset was her hair. Before the lamestream media invaded her life, she and Brillow both had gorgeous long healthy hair. Now, sheesh. She's one step from wearing a dead animal on her head, just like mom.

    1. Jess Spivey8:25 AM

      Her hair is still amazing. I don't see what you see.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      So somehow it was the media that made Willow change her natural hair into an over-processed, three-toned dried tumbleweed on her head?
      Brian Williams, Wolf Blitzer and Steve Doocey all went out to lunch at one of those chi-chi Manhattan restaurants, probably ordering some kind of French food, ate with their pinkies in the air, and, by the time their espresso was served, they'd decided that Willow Palin should get rid of her "gorgeous long healthy hair." The power of the media indeed!

    3. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Was it the lamestream media that turned a reasonably attractive Sarah Palin into an unrecognizable, overly plastic-surgeoned, scarecrow?

      Again, I think it must have been Norah O'Donnell, John King, Arthur Sulzberger and Sean Hannity who went out for a long dinner at a chi-chi restaurant, and over their cognacs decreed that Ms. Palin should immediately start wearing dirty clothes and different wigs each time she was seen.

  39. Anonymous7:53 AM

    The sound you just heard?

    That was Palin being thrown under the bus. Or put back on the bus to Alaska and told to stay there during the RNC convention. Wonder how the tea baggers are gonna take that?

  40. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Bristol's face looks oily and long?

    1. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Sometimes even plastic surgery can't help. Ugly comes from within and the Palin family is filled with hate and ugliness.

    2. Anonymous8:39 AM

      It's long from her chin implant. The plastic surgeon should be sued. The first surgeon refused to do this and the entitled princess went elsewhere.

  41. Anonymous7:59 AM

    From Wikipedia: Three Strikes Laws are statutes enacted by state governments in the United States which mandates state courts to impose life sentences to persons convicted of three or more serious criminal offenses.

    DWTS is taped in California and California has the 3 Strikes Law.

    Isn't this Bristol's 3rd strike in California?

    Strike 1: Bristol's first DWTS appearance
    Strike 2: Bristol's and Willow went to Los Angeles to tape Bristol's Life's A Bitch
    Strike 3: The return of Bristol the dancing gorilla to DWTS

    Can we make a citizen's arrest?

  42. Anonymous8:04 AM

    I will boycott ABC, They have defeated the reason DWTS was created. It is for STARS. Bristol is not a star, never has been, never will be.

    Bristol did poorly, and she is not a star. So why is she brought back for the ALLSTAR show. There are so many who could have been called back, real good dancers. Chynna, Brandy, Jennifer G, Mel B, Laila, Nicole S, SO many.

    DWTS has gone to the dogs, it should be off the air.

  43. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Fuck! Bristol sure does have an over sized face.

  44. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Just another ignorant producer who doesn't recognize a grifting fame-whore evidently. Or doesn't care.

  45. Anonymous8:11 AM

    Deena wonders about Bristol's power to attract the same ratings, just like she wonders about the other stars' power to attract the same ratings.

    Bristol first and foremost lives for her son, who has a full, fun life.

    Bristol's time and time again proven she can handle the stress of 'fame" AND she's grounded enough to denounce herself as a celebrity and just take fun opportunities as they come. She is the anti-Kim, who's foundation is fame.

    Bristols just a girl from wasilla who loves the outdoors and works a normal job, who happens to be offered fun gigs on dwts. Nothing wrong with that.

    Did you see the pic she uploaded of her and Tripp ice skating recently? Cute.

    1. Anonymous9:32 AM

      Yeah, you just go on telling yourself these lies.

    2. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Oh puleez. She put her life and her kid's life on the teevee for all to see. Should we just pretend we didn't see how cruelly she treats him and just listen to your blather?

    3. Anonymous10:05 AM

      You need some serious meds.

  46. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Agree here, this is not good for a person like Bristol. She seems to be more obsessed with her image than her mother lately, by posting her 'second thoughts' and wanting feedback. She is seeking acceptance, any acceptance, from total strangers, because she probably didn't get it at home.

    A young adult should be content with personal deep strong relationships they develop. When they seek a disproportionate amount of adulation from unknown commenters, they are calling out for help. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this out.

    I can't believe that no one in Bristol's family counsels her to take a breather, away from the spotlight, and get back into a routine with her son. This restless jumping from project to project, acting like she's a single career woman, with no responsibilities, is catching up to her. She isn't a single career woman. She's a mother of a young needy child. Traipsing him all around from state to state, home to home, in an adult world, with no other children his age he can relate to, is doing more damage to that boy than she knows. It's insanity that Republicans turn their heads, turn off their conscience, turn away their hearts from this spectacle. This is the daughter and grandchild of the Tea Party darling, the great Fox News contributor, the Queen endorser of the GOP.

    Where's Huckabee, Jindal, Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Santorum, Pawlenty, O'Donnell, etc., all those self-claimed christians? They see this, yet all they can point their finger to are homosexuals, liberals, minorities who seek asylum, welfare recipients, food stamp users, and can't see the tragic exploitation of family by their idol, Sarah.

    It's none of their business, right-wingers say? Well, if it's their business to call out others, then why do they purposefully ignore a growing problem with young people who are crying out for help with no direction in their lives? How can they not see that what the Palins call black is white, and white black, and the collateral damage could be the children. Government can't fix it, but isn't it their christian 'mission' to steer others towards a healing, caring, responsible mature way of life? They own the airwaves, so why the silence?

    I can't totally blame Bristol for her confusion. She is alone, with no one to direct her in the right path. Her family, friends, Nancy French, all are using her to reach their own goals. And the church world watches, and says absolutely nothing. Sarah walks away with fistfuls of cash. It tells on this society when the only decent humans that speak out about this tragedy are liberal bloggers, and atheists, non-religious. It says that the western church has no more 'love' than a rooster, and they are being outdone in good deeds by those they look down on.

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      This is an incredibly insightful comment and more compassionate than any I have read. I've begun to feel very very sorry for Bristol and Tripp, two generations of damaged half-souls. Why exactly id she opening herself to criticism, making Tripp's life more unstable, and returning to a setting, Hollywood, she claims is not good for her?? There can be no good answer, so yeah, you're right that the girl is confused, and it's sickening to see that no one who pretends to love her is actually loving her.

  47. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Hey Bristol here's a thought for you.

    How about starting the DWTS show with a canvas tent in the middle of the dance floor and when the music starts they raise the tent and you would be seen riding a mechanical bull while wearing your gorilla outfit for one of your dance recitals while accusing the audience of hating your mother because they are Gay. Then Tripp could run around the DWTS floor sticking his tongue out at everybody and calling them faggots while your mom fleeces the audience for her fake 2016 presidential run while daddy is looking through peep holes in the ladies (and men's) dressing rooms? Maybe you can take Willow with you backstage so the DWTS groomers can tame Willow's trademark rat's nest hair style she thinks is cute?

  48. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Among the celebrities gathered for the panel, Bristol Palin in particular was in the crosshairs of reporrters, including one who asked her how she would feel being partnered with a gay dancer. (Just fine, thanks.)

    Asked why she was subjecting herself, once again, to the scrutiny of the media as a “Dancing” contestants, Palin replied, “I just think that God provides opportunities like this, and you can either go out and do them or not do them, and I figure the press will be talking about me, no matter what.”

    But as the daughter of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and, like both her parents, a reality star, has she made herself “more vulnerable by making reality television the Palin family business?” another reporter asked.

    “I definitely don’t think it’s our business,” said Palin. “You guys will be talking about us either way, and I might as well be doing something enjoyable and fun and with a good group of people.”

    Read more here:

  49. Anonymous8:25 AM

    O/T: Dick Chaney Picking Sarah Palin for Vice president was, "a mistake". Gee, ya think?

  50. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Only slightly o/t, still palin related, lol.

    There was a group from C4P that created the Earthquake Movement after her 10/5/11 announcement that she wasn't running, only an earthquake could make her. They have been gathering donations, putting up billboards, etc.

    C4P is worried about the non-transparency of this group's donations and has been deleting the fan's links to a 'commercial' they made from the cowboy-boot screech.

    They keep claiming SP knows nothing about it and isn't affiliated. But the fans claim she said she loved it. Check for yourself

    Sounds like she gave a big thumbs up to me!

  51. Anonymous8:31 AM

    “I just think that God provides opportunities like this, and you can either go out and do them or not do them" -Bristol Palin

    Bristol, God also gave you a canvas tent and I'm sure God didn't mean for you to lie to your mother about your intentions of drinking wine coolers and banging Levi all night with your friends outside listening a few feet away outside your canvas tent? Then getting pregnant again in your junior year of high school and getting your mom the governor to pardon you with a GED.

    Can't blame God for that one but knowing you, you have to blame someone.

    Oh I forgot, on tv you blamed Levi, your baby's daddy, for raping you.

  52. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Bristol looks scared shitless.

    She's wondering if she is pregnant again on DWTS like she was last time.

  53. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Bristol claims to have gotten the phone call from DWTS while she was filming that Tripp show. That means that DWTS had no idea how bad Bristol's ratings would turn out to be. Well, that's their problem-- the same way that they knew that Sarah's fans were gaming the voting, but it brought attention to the show, then, too. (We know it was crooked voting because DWTS changed their voting procedure for the next show).

    "Tripping through Life" showed Bristol to be an immature, self-centered girl who did nothing but whine, talk about herself and fail to discipline her son. I don't know what was appealing about that image that DWTS wanted to hire her. Maybe no one else wanted to go back. Maybe Sarah was pushing hard for Bristol to have another chance.

    The comments at DWTS about Bristol are negative. If they thought it was cute to invite someone who stirs up a bit of controversy, then they picked the wrong dancer. Bristol is on record as saying how much she hated Los Angeles. She thought that people there were superficial, and now she's back for more. She is simply a living train wreck. The only serious problem with her is how badly she seems to treat Tripp while denying Levi visitation. The boy would benefit from having someone to love him and guide him.

    Despite the really bad ratings, Lifetime seems to want to air all of Bristol's shows. Each one is more horrible than the last. Kicking Gino out of the car might have been a made-for-TV stunt, but Tripp didn't know that. That was as cruel as telling Tripp that Levi was coming to see him when Bristol knew that Levi was not coming. I wish that enough people would write to DWTS and tell them that there surely must be a real star who can put one foot before the other to replace Bristol. Putting Bristol on that show is really insulting.

  54. For all Kristy's fantastical yarns about the alleged affection shared by Bristol and phantom DWTS producers, the same cannot be said of the talent. Given the antipathy harbored by one surly Russian in particular, she's lucky Captain Zero's keeping an eye on that fabled "narrow maritime border".

  55. Anonymous8:35 AM

    You people don't like Bristol because you're Gay and she's famous.

    1. angela9:20 AM

      That is so true. She's famous for being talentless, lazy, dumb, homophobic . . . . And if some of us are Gay . . . ummmm ok.

      I'm also cool if this is just snark, 'cause its kinda funny and Palin-like.

  56. Who did Bristol blow in order to secure a spot on Dancing with the Stars All-Stars?

    In any event, I will not watch the program until she is voted off. I hope ABC suffers horribly in the ratings from pulling this stunt.

  57. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Two facts we can't do anything about: The Palin name interests lots of people and that sells advertizing on t.v. The producers need no more motivation than that because that is their only interest. And the second fact is that she is a beautiful woman and that alone could make her suitable.

    As if any of this had anything to do with dancing and her ability to perform. Even though that's a complete joke, she will still sell very well to the audience. In fact even people who hate her guts and hate her mother's guts will tune in. And that means they will buy the product.

    Stop obsessing over it, it's not going to help but it is going to give her more exposure.

  58. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Clearly some sort of untoward pressure is being applied somewhere.......

  59. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Sarah Palin is back in the news after she posted a photo of herself online in support of Chick-fil-A. Now, the fact that Palin tweeting a picture of herself at a fast food joint is newsworthy is quite stunning, but this morning on CNN, a segment on the Palin story began with the musical stylings of Pink’s “Stupid Girls.”

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      Back in the news as an attractive mistake also too!

      google Palin Cheney attractive mistake.

  60. angela8:56 AM


    CNN played a lead in to a Palin story by playing Pink's Stupid Girls this morning.

  61. Anonymous8:58 AM

    There is something dreadfully wrong when your mother/manager markets you as "The Original Teen Mom"! That line just spews aganda.

  62. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I don't think that the viewer's votes kept her on last year. I think Mama Sarah made a deal that she had to stay on until the final.

    Probably why the lifetime train wreck is still on. A no-cut clause in the contract.

  63. Anonymous9:04 AM

    This girl is way too young to be the side attraction at a carnival freak show.

    1. Anonymous9:47 AM

      Bet me! She lives for it. A walking contradiction just like Mommie.

  64. WalterNeff9:05 AM

    Bring back Katherine Jenkins and I'm there.

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      She was lovely and so talented.

    2. Anonymous10:06 AM

      DWTS producer had no affection for Bristol. The want high ratings and high paying sponsors. They are using Bristol to create controversy in hopes it brings both. They used Chaz Bono the same way because he Cher's son and transgender.

  65. jcinco9:07 AM

    she kind of looks like the woman in avatar in that picture, not blue just distorted features..

  66. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Let's turn back the pages of history, and look at the first time that Bristol was magically chosen to dance with the stars. Timeline:
    1. There were rumors that Bristol was pregnant, summer 2007. Sarah heard them and punished Bristol by taking away her phone for a few days. That'll show her!
    2. Bristol had mono and went to live with her Aunt in Anchorage. Never mind that if Bristol really had mono she might have given it to her cousins, she was out of sight at the end of 2007, early 2008.
    3. Early in March, 2008, John McCain became the Republican candidate to run for President. Sarah knew that she was on the short list. It would be especially good if she could attract conservative voters.
    4. Surprise! Who knew that Sarah was pregnant and expecting a baby? In previous pregnancy photos, Sarah was as big as a house. This pregnancy didn't show, thanks to distracting scarves.
    5. Surprise! Sarah gave birth to a DS child, cementing her Right to Life credentials. (I'm getting to Bristol, hold on. This might be a good time to remember Levi saying that Sarah kept begging him and Bristol to let her adopt their baby).
    6. More surprises! Sarah was chosen to be John McCain's running mate, and surprise! Bristol was pregnant.
    7. Announcing Bristol's pregnancy was supposed to prove that Sarah had given birth to Trig. No, it was just embarrassing for Bristol. Trig was born prematurely, but not in April, 2008. Earlier.
    8. We're not sure of the date when Tripp was born, end of December 2008, even January 2009. Bristol appeared on Greta's show with her bundle of joy. Bristol said that it was her choice to have Tripp.
    9. What a surprise! Bristol had her own condo in Anchorage, a swell job managing a doctor's office, a full time sitter and for a while she claimed to be going to school.
    10. Summer, 2009: Bristol, Levi and Tripp, all dressed in white, announced their engagement in some tabloid magazine, and they wanted a reality show of their own.
    11. A week later, after Sarah picked up the tin cans and got a new refrigerator, Bristol moved back to Mom's house. She became a spokesperson for abstinence, and what a surprise, she was invited to DWTS. (Bristol claimed that the show called her at her job in the doctor's office. I think that it was more like a nudge from Sarah, breaking up the engagement and offering Bristol another prize instead).
    12. Every contestant on DWTS brags about how much weight they lost during rehearsals and dancing. Bristol gained weight. Sarah's fans openly bragged about gaming the voting at DWTS, and Bristol finished 3rd.
    13. Bristol has been rewarded with a condo, TV show, book deal, and more undeserved riches, despite the fact that her only talent seems to be giving birth. Bristol is not going to be a ratings magnet for DWTS this time. Her current show has terrible ratings.

  67. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Bristol, if I had your advantages, I would have had my Mom get me into a first class college in the fall; take classes in the summer on how to study; and basically plan on how to live the rest of your life.

    Your Mother and you have shown what happens when you give women that have not progressed past the age of 14, money and unearned success.

    By the way, your Mom has very fair skin. She will be dealing with age spots and skin cancer very soon. Learn from her errors. Be yourself.

    Have that chin thing removed. Move to Vermont.

  68. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Bottom line is this family gets off on stirring up hatred and controversy, and the more the better. Christian values and God are just buzz words to them, they've shown it over and over in their actions. Raping the ignorant all the way to bank.

    This is simply another circus act for attention-starved untalented Bristol to prove it.

  69. Anonymous9:16 AM

    The producer said this to bring attention to Bristol and his show DWTS. And, he got it - the vast majority think it assinine she has been named to appear on the upcoming show.

    Plus, Bristol was trying to bring attention to herself by dressing "Wasilla hillbilly" when compared to the other females that actually are 'stars' that are appearing on the show.

    Bristol Palin is no more a 'star' than am I!!

    I know I'm not watching the show until the horrible mother (the kid needs to be raised by Levi and his family!)/sister/daughter is voted off!

  70. Bristol's new jaw is terrifying. I swear, she looks like the Jay Leno's daughter.

    She should definitely get her money back from the plastic surgeon who botched the procedure.

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      That HUGE lump at the bottom. Wonder if it double serves as a flotation device in the dead lake.

  71. Anonymous9:30 AM

    If I were Willow, I'd be royally put out, and would be for a long time.
    Here she is, washing other people's hair and being asked to work on Saturdays !!!, living in a tiny apartment, with no income other than what she can make behind the counter at a convenience store.

    Her big sister now will have been on three reality shows, has or has had several real estate investments, and her name in lights (however dim the bulb).

    Live is unfair, God! Willow prayed for opportunities and all she got was hair school. What's with that, God? Do you love Bristol more than she loves whipped cream and red licorice?

  72. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Run for the hills!

    Dick Cheney calls Sarah Palin pick an attractive mistake!

    "Those are important issues, but they should never be allowed to override that first proposition," Cheney explained. "And I think that was one of the problems McCain had. I like Gov. Palin, I've met her, I know her, she's an attractive candidate, but based on her background -- she had only been governor for two years -- I don't think she passed that test."

    "I think that was a mistake."

    Ask him about Bristol on DWTS!!!

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      I guess that Sarah won't be speaking at the Republican Convention.

  73. Anonymous9:34 AM

    14. I forgot a few details. During DWTS, Bristol made friends with Kyle Massey. Together, they hatched an idea for a great reality show. Bristol, Tripp, Kyle and Kyle's brother would all live together in a house in LA, while TV cameras filmed them for a reality show. They would work at a small charity and... it never did well in front of test audiences.
    15. Bristol bought a house in Maricopa, Arizona, a good distance south of Phoenix, literally in the middle of nowhere. Yup, that's where I would want to live too. She claimed that she lived there, showing off Tripp's room with a big swinging chair.
    16. Bristol got a new boy friend, Gino, who was in real estate in Arizona and surprise, he was from Alaska. Bristol told the tabloids that she wanted to be married and have a baby by 2011.
    17. We all watched Sarah Palin with great excitement last year, wondering if she would announce her candidacy for president. I don't know how it would look for Mom to run for President and daughter to have a TV reality show at the same time.
    18. What a let down. Sarah wasn't going to run. The good news was that Bristol could have her show. Sarah does have some show biz connections! How about "Trial Marriage" where Bristol lives with some guy and tests whether he'll make a good husband and father.
    19. What a let down, "Trial husband" got thrown out of court. What could Bristol do? She needed a show to really stick it to Levi. She needed a show because she felt that she was star material. And, she had some left over film that was shot with the Massey Brothers. (She could cut them out, just like she could dump a guy at the side of the road).
    20. Finally, Bristol is a true reality TV star. Except, not very many people watched her show. "Life with Tripp" is her 4th try, first being the one that she wanted to do with Levi, second with the Massey Brothers, third was the "Trial Marriage." Oooh, on second thought, now that Bristol has found God and a Christian website for her blog, better wait until she is married to have sex. (If you believe that, I have a bridge to nowhere to sell you).
    21. The first two episodes of "Life with Tripp" featured Bristol sticking her tongue out at Los Angeles. She and Willow picked over clothes, complaining that LA was too superficial. Now, what a surprise, Bristol wants to return to LA. Maybe she'll find time to spend another 15 minutes working for that charity.
    22. With little talent, Bristol has had a busy career in show business, likely arranged by her influential mother. Bristol has been constantly reward with TV show which should beg the question-- what did Bristol give Sarah to warrant so many wonderful favors??? Why is Bristol enjoying such riches, when her siblings don't seem to be cashing in the same way? It does give one pause. I can hear the trolls clawing away, under the bridge to nowhere.

  74. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Dick Cheney slams Palin again this morning. Time to give it up Slinky neck. This desperate attempt to extend your moment in the sun through your damaged children just seems sad and pathetic at this point.

    Let's face it, a dancing hamster could draw a bigger crowd than you. Your daughter's reality show is being used in early childhood development classes as a cautionary tale about what not to do. Your sawed-off husband is about to be humiliated weekly on national TeeVee by a gay ex-marine.

    And Gabby Giffords and Captain Kelley are still waiting for that phone call.

    Stay classy Grift Family Palin.

  75. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I think the reason Bristol wore pants and a non low-cut top in that photo is because she wants to impress her fans and one-up the other contestants in modesty. It's like she's saying, 'look at me, how modest I am compared to the girls I'm sitting with; they're exposing their legs and cleavages; I'm not at all like them; I'm SO much better than them'.

    Again, Bristol trying so very hard to keep her fake clean image in check.

  76. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Wonder if Pissy Brissy will be knocked up this time around?

    Will she CONTINUALLY gain weight as before?

    Will MOMMY DEAREST be able to get her LOOSER, club footed cow of a daughter the votes to barely come in LAST....AGAIN???

    How will BP PLAY THE VICTIM ROLE to gain sympathy this time for her POOR OVERWORKED SINGLE MOM ACT?

    Is there ANYTHING that a PALIN won't do for $$$ and/or spotlight?


  77. Anonymous9:57 AM

    I kill to go through their shoe closet. HOT

    I bet you anything that if dwts doesn't give her Mark again, theyll give her Tristan or Val.

  78. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Controversy sells. Bristol has been trending on Yahoo since Friday. The Palin fans that don't usually watch DWTS are gathering together to back her and vote for her and posting that on her FB wall. Bristol is on the list of worst reality "star's" week with KRIS JENNER & others as due to the publicity of Tripp's language more writers are tuning in to have something to write about. They knocked her for throwing Gino out of the car BUT they advertised her show.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.