Sunday, July 29, 2012

I think Michelle Obama might qualify for an Olympic gold medal in charm.

First Lady Michelle Obama is picked up by U.S. Olympic wrestler Elena Pirozhkova.

First Lady Michelle Obama greets former Olympic swimmer Summer Sanders, right, and her children, Skye and Robert, following a “Let’s Move! London” event at Winfield House in London.

Yeah somebody might want to send these pictures over to Mitt Romney and let him see how it's done.

I don't really see it helping much however.

(H/T to the Obama Diary.)


  1. Anonymous11:37 AM

    I have so much respect for our First Lady. She makes me proud to be an American.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM


    Cheney: Picking Sarah Palin for VP Was 'A Mistake'

    (Well, maybe not so much for the comedians.)


    1. vegaslib12:25 PM

      I'd say no shit. I wonder if she has the balls to hit back at Darth?

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I love the 2nd & 3rd pics of FLOTUS!!

    They continue to show the kids -- anyone's kids -- are so trusting of & believers of both POTUS & FLOTUS!!

    O/T - FYI

    Every time Ann Romney spews about riding 'her horse' for her MS therapy -- there are some issues & many lies. Surprise, Surprise.

    Ann Romney's making it sound like she's riding the Olympic bound dressage horse for therapy -- bull. Yes - riding horses for therapy is very good for many people but a highly trained horse for a specific sport is not then used for 'therapy' riding or pleasure riding for that matter.

    Second -- The rider, Jan Eberling, would be the main and possibly only rider of the horse as you don't 'pleasure' ride or 'therapy' ride a horse so trained it was picked to go to the Olympics. You don't let an 'occasional' rider ride it. Only other possible rider might be another dressage trainer. Think about it -- you don't take a thoroughbred racehorse 'pleasure' or 'therapy' riding.

    Third -- Getting to know Jan Ebeling:

    His horse, Rafalca, is part-owned by Ann Romney, wife of politician Mitt Romney.

    Ebeling splits his training time between Germany and Moorpark, Calif. Rafalca has been known to spend months in Germany.

    So how would she 'therapy ride' a horse when it's located in either California or Germany??? Romney doesn't live in either location. They're in CA when they spend time at their 'vacation' home. Long flights for a 'therapy' ride!!!

    Checked the Day 1 and Day 2 - Individual and Team Dressage -- No Eberling or Rafalca on the list of competitors. There is Grand Prix Individual & Team Dressage On Aug 2 & 3 and Grand Prix Special (?) on 7th and Grand Prix Ind Freestyle on 9th. Who knows as I can't find any lists of competitors for these various events but I think it's the 2 & 3 Team event.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Hey Ann, let me tell you about the therapeutic healing benefits from steaming piles of horse manure when used as an oral dressage. It's all you need to know, really.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:39 PM

      I was *just* saying to my husband-

      How "odd" is it that at this time where seemingly everyone is hurting financially,

      the woman who is hoping to be the First Lady of the US, is "competing" for a Gold Medal in the Olympics-

      via a sport that doesn't require her to participate(!)


      is possibly the *most* exclusive sport featured in the Olympics?

      How many Americans had even HEARD of dressage before Ann Romney? Not I.

      That seems to embrace everything the Olympics is NOT!

      Once again, Queen Ann and her Master Mittens, are trying to BUY something that in the past has ONLY been available through HARD WORK!

      (Yes, yes, of course some training facilities are better than others, etc. etc. Most of you know what I mean).

      It's like the owner of the winner of the Kentucky Derby. The owner gets the money, but the horse ran it, and the jockey ran the horse. The owner just watched.

      The Romneys are just...gross.

    3. I think if you go back and look at the first mention of Ann Romney being interested in dressage, and riding horses for exercise therapy for her MS, I don't think she ever has been quoted as saying she rode Rafalca, or that she rode a dressage horse of any kind.

      True, that's the IMPRESSION that's been promoted by the Romneys and the willing media lackeys who write the stories.

      There's a story of her riding a therapy horse at an arena in Florida recently. If you see a picture of her with a helmet seated on a white horse (joking about the horse being asleep), that's the story. That horse was just an ordinary horse, not a dressage horse.

    4. Anonymous5:14 PM

      She doesn't - Rafalca is just one of her horses, is my understanding.
      By 2011, the horses she owned and kept at Ebeling's Moorpark, California, stables, which she is a partner in,[35] were valued at more than $250,000." (bostonGlobe)

      Supposedly though she has competed in and won in both amateur and professional dressage events.

      But she's still an arrogant, ugly, entitled bitch.

    5. Anonymous6:50 PM

      But she is not competing in the olympics, as a rider, even if she has won as a rider in the past.

      If I won a gold medal, I would want it to be because of MY accomplishment

  4. She is so lovely. A gold medal in charm would be just perfect.

  5. vegaslib12:26 PM

    Mrs. Obama shows how to be gracious, classy, warm and compassionate. Thank God Palin never got close to the White House.

  6. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:27 PM

    She is so natural; i just *love* her.

    You could *not* have more polar opposites in respect to the two families running for the title of First Family.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Ann Romney is as big a LIAR as Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous5:15 PM

      And as clueless as $carah:
      Ann Romney ran for the position of town meeting representative in Belmont in 1977.[15] She studied local issues and engaged in door-to-door campaigning, and won the election.[15]

      Her first prolonged public exposure came during her husband's eventually losing effort in the 1994 U.S. Senate election in Massachusetts,[25] during which she campaigned for him on a nightly basis.[20] She was seen as superficial and too deferential to him[25] and some columnists labelled her a "Stepford wife".[28] Late in that campaign, she gave a long interview to The Boston Globe.[20] Her statement in it that she and her husband had never had a serious argument during their married years[20] came in for ridicule,[29] and her portrayal of the couple's student years as financially impoverished, while they lived off of sales of George Romney's stock and loans, made her seem privileged and naïve and brought a harsh public reaction.[30][31][15] Boston University political science professor later said, "She definitely hurt him in that race."[25] Asked at the time if she would be involved in future campaigns, Ann said, "Never. You couldn't pay me to do this again."

  8. Anonymous12:30 PM

    More Michelle Obama Olympic awesomeness, the entire US Men's Basketball Team (and coaches) lined up to hug her after their game today:

    Watch out Barack!

    1. Anonymous8:32 PM

      What a great video! Love how all of the players AND coaches lined up patiently waiting their turn to hug the FLOTUS.

      I don't think Hubby-in-Chief has anything to worry about. He plays basketball too AND he's got a pretty good set of pipes to serenade her with!

  9. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!12:42 PM

    **I also just wanted to say that I think our wrestler friend wouldn't mind taking Mrs. Obama home; she looks like she's taking home the Gold already! :)

  10. honeybabe12:47 PM

    michelle obama is such a wonderful representative of our first ladies and an advocate for america. the other countries (even russia! who knew!) seem to pretty much love her too.

  11. Pat in MA12:52 PM

    Great pics! God help us if the flip-flopping, phony, Stiffingtons make it to the White House.

  12. Can anybody imagine Ann "Let them eat cake" Romney in any of those pictures? She wouldn't let "you people" get close enough to touch her. Our First Lady, however, makes friends wherever she goes and sets an amazing example for everyone who wants to be a great parent.

    America is so incredibly lucky to have such a beautiful (inside and out) woman representing us.

    Best First Lady ever!

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      You took the words right off my computer - well said. OUR First Lady is so warm and open - accessible to everybody she meets. I am so proud SHE represents the kinder gentler side of our nation.

  13. Anonymous12:58 PM!/search/American%20Borat/slideshow/photos?

    On twitter - they are calling Mitt Romney the American Borat. There are photos of Mitt in the lime green thong, and others

  14. Pat in MA1:03 PM

    What Rmoney should have said:

    “The United Kingdom - they’ve had a phenomenal year, I mean they’ve pulled off a major wedding, a diamond jubilee, and now the Olympics, they know what they’re doing; we’re just excited to be here." --- Michelle Obama

  15. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Of course the freepers hate Mrs Obama because she is too casual, and too "unpolished" and not a proper "lady" like Mrs Nixon and Mrs Hoover. Course the GOP loved Sarah Palin and her fake folksy blue collar appeal. They like casual ladies, as long as they aren't black Democrats.

  16. Anonymous1:06 PM!/search/american%20borat%20romney/slideshow/photos?

    Photo of Mitt in a mankini -

    1. You made me look and i will say the entire slideshow is, uh, ... let's just say i can't get the shoes and socks that were in the next image out of my head LOL!

  17. Randall1:36 PM

    ...meanwhile, Sarah dresses up to look like a desperate, aging pornstar and gets up in front of multitudes, well... hundreds anyway - and continues to preach hate and exclusion, thinking it makes her look "presidential"...

    THANK GOODNESS we have Barack and Michelle Obama as our president and first lady!

  18. vegaslib1:51 PM

    Pay attention Palin, this is how a lady behaves, not like a two dollar hooker with a foul mouth and nasty attitude.

  19. Anonymous1:53 PM

    A "lady" is someone who makes others feel comfortable around her.
    A "lady" is charming, gracious and generous.

    A "lady" doesn't stand on ceremony when her hosts are casual.

    Michelle Obama is a graduate of Princeton and Harvard. She could be an old-style First Lady if she wanted to put on airs -- of course, then she'd be accused of being out of her element.

    Instead, she displays her intelligence and breeding by being enthusiastic and happy. Vibrant! She's the best possible ambassador for our country.

  20. Sharon2:40 PM

    When you wonder how it is possible for Obama to keep going after years of the vicious bashing & constant lies....she is the wind beneath his wings. The world (and us) see this couple as the "american dream", they both came from nothing but hard working, loving families....and because of hard work, not money...became the people they are. Michele was so right when she repeated the wedding, the olympics, they know what they are doing. Not to mention...both Princes are military men, Robme has 5 sons and he wants another war sending everyone else. Ann and her prancing horse is just the cherry on top.

  21. LeBron James came over to Michelle Obama for a hug after the US basketball teams's victory and then the entire team and all of the coaches lined up for hugs from the First Lady!

    Sorry I can't post the link--iPad issues with the blog software--but theres a link at the Obama Diary or you can find it easily on YouTube.

    Mrs. Obama's warmth, charm and intelligence may be one of our country's most valuable secret weapons.

  22. We dodged a bullet. If Palin had won she and her daughters would hold a Let's Laser Fat sesson with s'mores.

    It has been a year of exceptional celebratiions for Britain. I am glad our first lady acknoweledged them.

  23. Anonymous4:01 PM

    To all of you complimenting our First Lady, I agree and raise you one: her husband is no slouch either!
    On running the risk of repeating myself:
    I am no hero worshiper, but with this couple of highly evolved individuals of this species called humanity, I am coming close.


    1. Anonymous4:19 PM

      I don't believe in 'worshiping' people nor do I attach 'hero' to it in that that word has been used and abused.

      I have much respect for both SCOTUS & FLOTUS and believe in them -- they are living their truthful lives before our eyes. They are ones to reach out to help -- to give a hand up.

      There are so many things that can be said of them.

      I also think the same of Joe & Jill Biden.

  24. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Not everyone loves children but the Obamas are one of those couples that truly seem to love kids. I find them noisy, distracting and overall messy and tedious, but that's why I'm not a parent! It's nice to see those that like those little guys and gals interact with them in a healthy way. More power to them I say!!!

  25. Anonymous5:23 PM

    With her own platform of healthful living, Michelle was the no-brainer US representative to the Olympics. She projects a joie de vie that most normal folks find very appealing (yes, I'm looking at you, Republicans). I remember reading when the Queen first entertained the Obamas, she was reportedly quite charmed with them. And pretty much no one has had to put up with more pretenders and dippy heads of state than she has.

  26. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Many of the former First Ladies have attended events and behaved with politeness and grace, but there were times you could tell they were performing their expected obligations.

    Michelle Obama always looks like she truly enjoys the events she attends and makes a point to have a great time. I'm sure there are many occasions where she'd much prefer to be home alone or with her family, but you never get the impression that she's any less than thrilled to be wherever she is. And she seems to make the people around her feel that they are truly important to her. What a gift!

  27. I just saw this posted over at Balloon Juice under the title, "The First Hugger".

    Thank you for sharing it with us at IM.

    Isn't Mrs. Obama just the most fabulous and and wonderful First Lady? I utterly adore her!


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