Thursday, July 19, 2012

Did Ann Romney say "We've given all YOU people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life?"

Courtesy of The Atlantic:

"We've given all you people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life." 

Needless to say, using "you people" is pretty much never a good look -- at the very least, it comes across as patronizing and condescending. Dan Amira reviewed the tape and comes away arguing that's not actually what she said -- that in fact she just stumbled verbally. It's a tough call, but you can watch and decide for yourself. But who cares if Ann Romney had a brief slip? As verbal gaffes go, this one ranks pretty low. People who see this as proof of Romney's irredeemable snobbiness almost certainly felt she was irredeemably snobby already. Nor is it news that the Romneys aren't big fans of the media.

Okay I almost posted this earlier, but I came away unsure if in fact she had said this.  I am definitely partisan but I do try to be as fair as I can be, and I don't want to make crap up like the other side does all of the time, (And like WE get accused of doing constantly.)

However this thing has gone viral, and is all over Twitter, so I figured the least I could do is post it and give all of you the chance to make your own determination.

Did she, or didn't she?

P.S. Even if she DIDN'T actually say "you people" she STILL came off as terribly arrogant and condescending. In my opinion.


  1. Anonymous1:26 PM

    OK, I'll go out on a limb and this is what I think. I think she did mumble 'you people' but what she was referring to was the press, media, journalists, etc. She was talking to Robin Roberts (Bless her heart, in for a real fight, you go girl!) and I believe that's what she meant.
    I'm not apologizing for Ann Rmoney. Both the Rmoney's are out of touch with 99% of Americans. And I do believe they are hiding something.

    1. Anonymous7:04 PM

      I think you have a point there. Robin Roberts rocks. I wonder if Mrs. Romney has ever spoken to a reporter that wasn't white and did not work for her.

  2. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Regardless if the phrase "you people" was directed to the news media or the voters it was she came off as condescenting and arrogant.

    The woman that would be queen is living in the wrong century and in the wrong nation. "WE THE PEOPLE" get to PICK who we want to run OUR country....well sort of....GET OUT AND VOTE!

    1. Anonymous6:30 PM

      Doesn't matter what Ann Romney really said - the 'you people' has already spun out in the media and that has shaped what 'the people' believe. Ha!

      Vote is right!

      "We can't do it to you without you! "

  3. Didn't hear 'you people' in there, but condescending as hell.

  4. laprofesora1:33 PM

    She said "you people". Even if she said, "we've given all you need to know", it's terribly arrogant and condescending to tell the American people what we need and don't need to know. It's obvious the Romney's have had everything handed to them their whole lives. They feel entitled, and have no idea what it means to prove yourself based on more than your portfolio. They lack the humility to ask the citizens of this country for their trust and support. THAT will be the Romney's downfall: the arrogance, the sense of entitlement and the lack of humility.

    1. Anonymous2:51 PM

      Ms. RMoney forgets that her husband is running for a Public Servant's position which is to serve the public and not to be served. I know it's a foreign concept to the RMoneys to take on such a role, and again here is another example of how unfit this GOP candidate is for the office he seeks.

    2. MissSunshine3:46 PM

      Well said, laprofesora. However she worded her response, Mrs. Romney basically said that the American public did not need to have any financial transparency from their potential president (!) Red Flag -

      and she went farther, saying what terms the election would be run on. Granted, the economy is important, but other issues such as honesty, integrity, transparency and personal responsibility that are the core values of a person of good character is a BIG factor.

      I didn't vote for Obama because I thought he was a financial genius; I voted for him because I saw an intelligent, sane man who would work hard and give his best to pull America out of the ditch W. Bush drove us into. Also because he was against torture.

      The prospect of having Sarah Palin, an ignorant, hateful rabble-rouser, a heartbeat away from the WH was the final straw that caused me to vote Democrat for the first time in my life.

      The other point Mrs. Romeny makes - that Mittens tithes 10% to his "church". Well that is required to remain a member in good standing.

      Secretive about their finances, it is estimated that LESS than 1% of tithing actually goes to help the poor.

    3. Poor Ann and Mitt...they're not used to the unwashed rabble daring to ask questions and demand answers. They used to just telling everyone what they want and how it will be and getting service. We need not only to keep Obama in office, but also give him a complete Democratically controlled Congress so he can get things done.
      M from Md

    4. Anonymous7:09 PM

      Well put: Ann doesn't seem to understand the concept of "public servant" but is in love with idea of RULING.....the woman that would be queen. :)

  5. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Whether or not she said it, she meant it. She'll never be able to identify with "you people" because, in her mind, she is royalty. Nasty woman, that one.

  6. Virginia Voter1:39 PM

    I continue to wonder how and why the media and the Romney campaign think this woman's word salady musings are an asset for Mitt. Ann is nothing more than a spoiled housewife whose obvious contempt for "others" is vomit inducing.

    Oh, and she's another one who really needs to lay off the Botox...that face does. not. move. Yeesh.

    1. vegaslib2:16 PM

      She's learned the Sarah Palin "victim card" very well. She thinks she can say anything and if turns out to be a gaffe, she resorts to her illness and she's a mom. What a whiner.

  7. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Just like McCain calling President Obama "THAT one" in '08. It might behoove Ms. Fancy Pants to remember that the house she wants to move into belongs to US, and we have the right to question, research, and comment as much as we like.

    Hear that, Hillbilly Half-Term???

    1. WakeUpAmerica2:52 PM

      Hillbilly Half-Term?
      Ding, ding, ding!! We have a winner (or is that whiner?).

  8. WakeUpAmerica1:50 PM

    Regardless of what she said, the salient question is: What exactly is it in the taxes that would open you to more attacks, and why must you hide it?"

    1. I'm going to tap into my clairvoyance and tell you that me made a lot of money and didn't pay much in taxes.

      ... guess he didn't think that was a talking point in '08.

  9. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Sure, maybe Ann Romney just stumbled a little. But a simple straight forward response doesn't have stumble problems built into it. "I think my husband's position on tax disclosure is clear and I'm behind him 100%" is nice, simple, direct and doesn't risk insulting the VOTERS!!!!

    Ann Romney is a huge liability to the GOP campaign. She is naturally abrasive and condescending. She should be given a limited list of talking points and coached until she can stick to the script. The fact that only 16 weeks before the election, this sound-bite bomber is still being allowed to screw up the message says the Romney campaign is in big trouble.

    You'd think after her unzipped disaster, even Ann Romney would be able to figure out she should be seen often and heard rarely.

    1. And never again in her $1,000 t-shirt, you betcha.

    2. Ann, I'm trying to be fair to YOU people in the Romney family in making my decision who to vote for in November.

      I don't mind someone having secrets, but if I can only get 1 or 2 years of a person's work history and compensation history, and they refuse to offer anything more,then:

      1. I won't hire that person.
      2. I won't marry that person.
      3. I won't invest my $$$ in that company.
      4. I won't buy debt bonds/loan $ to that co.
      5. That person can't be my business partner.
      6. I won't vote for that person.

      I don't have to know exactly what there is about his tax information that is so embarrassing to YOU people at all. But I also don't have to trust your husband to run this country either.

      So while YOU people are deciding if Mitt really wants to be president or not, please ask his campaign fund volunteers not to call me during my dinner hour again. And I won't call you during yours either.


    3. Anonymous4:04 AM

      Under that scenario, Willard shouldn't be allowed out in public either. He's entitled, arrogant, abrasive & puts his foot in it all the time as well as being the biggest liar the country has ever seen. They're a perfect match.

    4. Anonymous7:48 AM

      This is the only.job.interview

      Queen Anne has ever been forced

      To lower herself for, don't cha know?

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    "...and how we live our life."

    The dog on the car top is all I need to know about how Mitt and Ann Romney live their life. I despise them.

    1. nswfm3:09 PM

      ....yeah, same for me about the dog, and I'm a cat person.

    2. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Completely agree. Our current president has never shown one iota of the inconsideration that his challenger has. The dog story, once you've heard it, nothing else matters.

  11. Magic Underwear1:53 PM

    What kind of campaign are you running when Ann Romney is your most prominent PR person?

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      I’m not going to pile on here because I think it's all been said and I think some folks in Alaska need to read some of these things and take some immediate corrective action with therapy for more than just a few of them. My heart goes out to the kids, and I do hope none of them ever feel like it is too late to make drastic changes for the better for themselves, their parents and siblings alike.

      But I want to pass along some good feelings that I hope will inspire some here to focus on all the things that they know are right in their own world and continue to honor their parents and their loved ones. It is no coincidence that it came into my mind after noticing that Robin Roberts was interviewing Mrs Romney.

      I am biased because I think the world of Robin R for all the good things she's done and all the lives she's touched in such a positive way, just because of who she is on the inside.

      Sometimes, I think Robin is too sweet for her own good, but if you want to see some damn fine parents and good kids that are all a reflection of the love from their parents who themselves are just wonderful, plain folks, look up Robin's family on the internet.

      I don't know her very well personally--- we're acquaintances and what I'd call "fast friends" more than personal friends, but we've crossed paths many times over the years as she and I have moved around in order to move up the ladder professionally, and I've watched her grow up and blossom into such a fine person. She and her family are the most humble people and I am so proud for each of them because all the Roberts sisters have always been such very hard workers who've earned their own way and made a ton of friends along the way because they are all so kind, caring and sincere folks. They learned how to care about others first, and the result is that others care very much about them and are happy to see them do so well.

      Those girls are just bursting with love for one another and others too, and their good nature is infectious. Seriously, they all leave behind a trail of good will and harmony, just because of how they were raised and act naturally. They are the type folks that if you ever heard anyone say something bad about any of them, you'd know the person didn't know them at all or that the person talking was the problem that needed to be addressed.

      The one time I experienced that myself where someone was complaining about one of the girls, I asked the person point-blank, "Have you talked to Sally-Ann DEIRECTLY about that because I KNOW she would want to know about this...". A week later, I have someone hugging my neck before I could move my coffee cup (minor spill on both of us which gave us something to laugh about later), thanking me for the best, simplest advice ever. It's funny that I'll bet they both neither even remember their little tiff but I do and I saw how they both handled it so beautifully that they made friends of one another for life.

      I guess my point is that it all began for Robin and her sisters with such fine, loving parents, and the Roberts girls are passing on all the goodness that was instilled in them to future generations. It is no accident or coincidence how these girls have turned out, and how they will teach others to love one another the same way and be happy doing it. It is contagious, and they have all managed to reinforce the things I learned from my own parents and family that I try each day to pass on.

      I'm not a real religious person anymore, but I learned long ago that Jesus taught us to above all, love one another. It's easy to say and not as easy to remember at the worst times, but it is the most important thing that we can do is to teach our kids how to love others. When they do, they will be successful at whatever they choose to do and will carry those simple life lessons with them and teach their own. Bless all of you who love your families and have the courage to do right by them each day.

  12. Anonymous1:57 PM

    You know,I don't know if Tripp said f**k or faggot and I don't much care. It's highly unlikely that our paths will ever cross and at some point these grifters will fade from view. But I do care what Ann Romney says and thinks because there is a 50/50 chance that she will be First Lady of my country for four or eight years.

    She said "you people" (or possibly "the" people) but I don't think she meant it in a racial way. I think she meant it in a class difference way. As in "The rich are different from you and me."

    It's like the quote the other day from the guest at a Romney fundraiser in the Hampton's who said that "my college kid, the baby sitters, the nail ladies" don't understand how the system works. And they are low income so they aren't as smart as she and her friends.

    Mrs. R obviously hs had a life of priviledge where every pronouncement from her or her husband was treated like gospel. People basked in their reflected glory and felt lucky for it.

    No, I don't think Ann Romney and Mitt and Clem and Hash Tagg or whatever their kids names are, and their social friends and donors and relatives and colleagues aren't really racists like the people who love Sarah (though I think there's an element of that here.) They're Wealthists, a word think I just invented. They'll look down their patrician noses at whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians...anybody who isn't in their social strata.

    We're "those people" or "you people" and we need what she decides we need and we better figure that out. As she said in an earlier interview when asked why Mitt Romney should be president, without a moments hesitation and that smug look on her face: "Because it's our turn."

    Get it?

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous3:31 PM

      Well said.

      We are The People as in The American People.

      All she sees is the Great Unwashed. She hasn't spent any real time with average middle income people since she was a child. Even then, her family was more than comfortable and then became wealthy. Then she married Mitt after high school. How the hell could she even claim to know what most of us are like or have to deal with?

      As Temple Mormons, the highest of three tiers of Mormons, Mitt and his bride are considered the elite, worthy of claiming their own planet after dying in this world. I think they have adopted the attitude that they are gods already and except the rest of us to worship and never question them. Too bad, they still live with us and have to deal with us. They are not our gods and I pity and world where they would be such, don't you?

    2. Anonymous9:52 PM

      I grew up in Orange Co., Ca. My Dad sold Cadillac's and LaSalle's to rich people. My school teacher Mom referred to them as "the Country Club Set"

  13. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I heard her say "you people". Even if one gives her the benefit of the doubt, just by saying
    "We've given all you (people) need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life." Sounds pretty condescending! The Romney's want the people of the United States to hire Mitt to be our leader for the next 4 years. I want to know exactly what are in his tax returns, how much money he made, what taxes he paid, what countries he used to shelter his money, etc. It's a big deal to be the leader of the free world, Mitt and Ann. If you don't like the background check, don't apply for the job!!!

  14. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I find Mrs. Mittens really snide and snotty and I don't like her one bit. She's very unlikable from the first minute she opens her mouth and doesn't seem all that bright either. She's the good little spouse, spewing the same monotonous drivel her husband does, dodging exposure. There's something really creepy about her that I can't put my finger on...yet. It's just a gut response, she is reviling.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I hate to say this because I have met some incredibly nice Morman people. But there is an element or group of women that are very Stepford Wife like. I find the religion to be incredibly sexist and demeaning to women.
      I have to say most religions are sexist and demeaning to women but Morman women can't even go to heaven if they don't have a husband. I do like their ficus on families but not when a women's identity is literally defined only by her husband and children.

    2. Anonymous3:32 PM

      She seems to sneer - though it might be a lopsided mouth - but she reminds me of Cheney.

  15. There's also an article on But one Mittster meme than keeps repeating is that he didn't take any salary during the four years he was governor: How many of us could work for 4 years without a salary?

    1. WakeUpAmerica2:50 PM

      How many of us have his billions and pay so little tax? Doofus.

    2. Anonymous3:21 PM

      And who cares that he didn't take a salary. What does that have to do with anything.
      He probably didn't take one because he was being paid by Bain at the time. Just my guess- it really doesn't matter.

      He is DEFINITELY hiding something! Maybe not paying taxes or giving extra millions to the LDS or something worse.

    3. Anonymous3:34 PM

      Good point!

      Bet he was still able to tithe plenty to the Mormon church during those four years.

      It would have been indecent to take money when you are that wealthy.

      Will he forgo the Presidential salary?

      One of the many things I like about President Obama is that he is much, much, much less wealthy than Romney but he is willing to pay higher taxes to help our country. Now, that is patriotism of the best kind.

    4. Dis Gusted6:23 PM

      of course he didn't take the salary - it was good PR and it's not as if he needed it.

      He once said $375k in ADDITIONAL annual income is "not very much".

  16. Anonymous2:01 PM

    It sounded like "you people" to me. But then I thought that Rick Santorum said "black people" too. Apparently that was a verbal stumble also and he only said "blah... people".

    1. Anonymous2:44 PM

      Oh, yeah, I forgot about Santorum's black people comment. Priceless. Oh, these Rethugs and their verbal stumbles.

    2. Anonymous3:35 PM

      I think these could almost be classified as Freudian slips - their true attitudes and feelings are coming through their supposed slips of tongue.

    3. vegaslib3:57 PM

      Kind of like when he called the President a Nig... then got all confused and stumbled over the rest of his statement.

    4. Or Freudian slips?

  17. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Whether she was referring to the media or the American people (I heard "you people" too) she did come across as privileged and condescending. I also thought her body language was very interesting--talk about well-defended! I couldn't help but contrast her bearing with the natural, comfortable-in-her-own-skin style of Michelle Obama, and the comparison was not flattering to Ann Romney!

    1. Anonymous2:49 PM

      Michelle shops at Target and J. Crew. Ann wears $900 tops. Go figure.

    2. Anonymous3:38 PM

      Ann married her money. Michelle earned hers then married a man who earned his.

      I will take the Obama family as neighbors, friends, and leaders any day over the Romneys.

      One family may come from a higher socio-economic class (the Romneys), but the other family (the Obamas) ARE real class.

  18. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Maybe Mitt didn't take a salary when he was the Governor of Massachusetts because their were interests and conflicts that if he HAD taken tax payer money as a salary, would be ILLEGAL. Same reason Sarah Palin didn't take maternity leave...because she knew that if she did and if it ever came to light that Trig wasn't really her kid, that would be FRAUD against the people of Alaska.
    What Ann fails to mention is that Mitt HAS TO GIVE 10% to the Morman Church. It is MANDATORY! How much $ did they give to OTHER CHARITIES. I bet that is a big old fat 0. Mormans HAVE to give. It is required by the church. (Kinda like a MORMAN TAX!!)
    She did say "You People"....
    So, she can suck it.

    1. Anonymous3:39 PM

      Loved your comment. About time we laid it out plain for people. Thanks!

    2. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Good comment! I was thinking the same thing about them giving to charities. Just the way she said they gave 10% to the church made it seem like that's all they give. I don't think giving to your church is the same as giving or working for a charity, but I bet the Rmoney's do.

  19. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Mitt gave McCain 23 years of tax returns when attempting to garner the VP nod. He will only give America 2 years when attempting to be the POTUS?

    1. Anonymous2:47 PM

      Yep. That's Mittens. He's also said something to the fact that if 'the American people knew all his plans he'd never get the job'. That is scary.

    2. Anonymous3:40 PM

      Wish we the people had a copy of those 23 years of returns.

    3. Anonymous3:40 PM

      He actually has not given two full years. One and a half in the best light - but reports are that neither of those "years" are complete - there are parts missing.

    4. Where are the skillful people at Wikileaks when you need them?

    5. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Maybe wikileaks might help us out with those?

    6. Dis Gusted6:19 PM

      pretty scary - the years are incomplete, yet his 2010 return is over 500 pages.

  20. Anonymous2:07 PM

    As I commented elsewhere,this woman is odious..........

    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Oh, I like that word "odious"

  21. Sounded like "you people" to me. Very elitist and condescending.

    But, if I'm wrong, it still speaks volumes that the Romneys see fit to decide what it is that we need to know. If we're on a need to know basis during the campaign when they're trying to woo us, just imagine how things would be if Mittens got into office?

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      If my memory serves me right, didn't Romney, when he was governor, get rid of the computers before he left office?

    2. Dis Gusted6:18 PM

      someone will edit the tape by tomorrow to exclude the YOU part.

  22. Anonymous2:09 PM

    As Rick Santorum said, "What a snob!"

  23. Anonymous2:13 PM

    It seems that whatever she was going to say, she stifled it, and whatever it was, it was uncomplimentary to both her interviewer, the press and the rest of us.

    The sense of entitlement is thick with this crowd.
    I shall leave it at that before I write something intemperate, though I really, really want to.


  24. vegaslib2:14 PM

    Sick or not, I say she is a snobby, high falutin' bitch. What an arrogant pair these two make. Can you even imagine what the GOP would say if Michelle Obama said something like this? They'ed lose their freaking minds.

    She should get off her Dressage "High Horse".

  25. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead2:19 PM

    Oh, Gryphen, you and your silly obsession with um... transparency in the political process.

    What's the big deal? Even if she SAID "you people" she didnt mean YOU people!

    "you people" is code that just means Jews and darkies and mooslins and media elites and progressives and academics and... well, ok, you're right, it DOES mean YOU people.... Never mind.

  26. Anonymous2:19 PM

    No, Ann, I haven't been given all the information I need to know, because this "retroactively retired" gig sounds just perfect to recover my own financial life from George W. Bush's mess.

    Mitt Romney was angling for a presidential run for many (many) years. Even a dolt would know enoung to keep his taxes and employment status in squeaky clean condition. There is no conceivable reason that Mitt can not fork over a decade of tax returns. Unless he's a dolt.

    Never mind.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      I cannot stand the thought of a GOP dominated federal government. I lost almost all of my 401K under Bush-Cheney and it was reviving under President Obama. However, I will pull it all out if Romney gets elected (I am at the age I can do that) because there will be nothing left.

      Wall St. and retirement pensions all tend to do better under Democrats. So, if nothing else, people should vote to protect their retirement - Democrats!

    2. MissSunshine3:55 PM

      Good point!! Romney has been running for president for like the last 6 or 7 years, and you would think he would have cleaned up tax returns for a least 5 years back.

      Whatever is in the 2008/2009 tax returns must be really damning for him to stonewall like this. My guess is that he is worth well over the estimated 250 million, and has paid zero in taxes.

  27. Sharon2:24 PM

    David Corn on Mother Jones has another article due out tommorrow about how Mr. All American job creator actually started his Bain business....all from foreign money. The best part is all of those first investors are in jail or gone in disgrace. Gosh isn't that a surprise. This guy is rotten to the core..start to finish. It makes my skin crawl to think those 2 would represent us in the world. Compare the warmth and charm of Michelle...then look at Ann, yuck...she is just the female version of him, even his sons are yucky....the good looking gene skipped a bit.

    1. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Wow - can hardly wait to see the Corn article!

      People need to start paying attention.

    2. Anonymous8:30 PM

      I noticed that. They are both nice-looking. Repulsive but nice-looking. The sons not too good -looking.

    3. Anonymous4:02 PM

      Actually Mitt and Ann remind me of Mattel's Ken and Barbie. They're just not as life-like.

  28. Balzafiar2:24 PM

    There is an excellent article at Vanity Fair about Romney which I read earlier, and I must say if it is true, this country doesn't need him representing us in ANY way.

    The man is a sociopathic racist. What the hell is he going to do when he has to shake hands with the leader of some foreign nation who just happens to be brown or black? Will he have a hireling to shake hands for him? That doesn't cut it -- you just don't treat people that way when you are the nominal leader of anything.

    Hell, he can't even treat his own race, his fellow workers and employees, with any warmth beyond politeness -- which is forced at that. He may come across in a business deal as warm and all glad-handy to the people he's making a deal with, but after it is signed and sealed, they no longer matter -- it's on to the next plundering he has planned.

    A vote for Romney would be pounding the nail in one's own coffin, something I don't think anyone wants to do.

    1. Anonymous3:05 PM

      Yet millions of Republicans are making excuses for him daily. On HP some of the comments by his supporters were unbelievably ignorant.

    2. Anonymous3:49 PM

      Hey, remember when G.W. Bush had someone had him disinfectant to use after shaking the hands of a black man.

      He also is known for having asked the President of Brazil, "you have black people here, too?"

      I think the GOTP has been racist for a long time. I wonder if that is why most of the elite Mormons join the GOP. After all, the Mormon church would not allow blacks to be leaders in the church until almost 1980.

  29. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I’m going to give her all the rope she needs and upgrade her condescending statement with the inclusive and patriotically all capped:
    “We've given THE AMERICAN people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life.”

    It remains a condescending statement that was made by an entitled out-of-touch 1%er.

    Show us your effing tax records, Rmoney. tick…tock…Tampa cometh

  30. Anonymous2:30 PM

    When you're President, the people (or "you people") are not your servants. We are not an inconvenience. WE ARE YOUR BOSS. When it comes to your money and your work experience, no amount of disclosure is too much.

    p.s. How much did that outfit cost you, Ann? I'm guessing more than my house. So maybe you're right. Maybe I know all I need to know about how you "live your life."

    1. Anonymous3:52 PM

      She has to spend a lot to hide that ugly underwear, hehe.

      Sorry, I would not use a person's religion against them if it were not for the fact that Mitt is supposed to be the fulfillment of the White Horse Prophecy - the One to take over the government, turn it into a theocracy and use it to hasten the Return of Christ. I mean, come on, this is America - not some fundamentalist third-world country.

      If he ever tried that, I fear we would see riots and much blood in the streets. That is not only scary, it is very sad. Hopefully, he would never dare to do that but the Mormon church is so dedicated to influencing society through law --- just think of how they poured money into California for Prop 8.

  31. PalinsHoax2:38 PM

    Well hey Annie Rmoney, guess what - We People, aka by Annie as "You People", are going to give YOUR dear husband Willard all that HE needs to know this coming presidential election. We People are voting FOR President Obama. Yes Annie Rmoney, that is all YOU & Willard need to know.

  32. Anonymous2:46 PM

    When Ann Romney talks about having MS does that stand for "Miss Snooty"?

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      2:46 Suck it! Yes, she has MS but she has all the money in the world to treat it. I have MS (much worse than that of Ms. Romney) and would love to have medically what that woman has. She doesn't have a friggin' clue how lucky she is!

      I'm not one damned bit impressed w/her and wouldn't want either of them in our White House.

      OBAMA BIDEN/2012

  33. I don't think she said "YOU". I think she paused to take a quick breath.

    However, I agree with you, Gryphen, the statement "We've given all people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life" is pretty snotty and arrogant.

    1. Poor gal is just not used to being put on the spot. In her life, it's always been the other way around. And she doesn't even have the intelligence to manage those softballs. Pathetic.

      But, OTOH, she does have a $1,000 t-shirt! And you don't. So there.

      It's their turn. They're entitled. Oooooh, so entitled.

    2. I've changed my mind (I've done THAT before!). It DOES sound like she said "you people", but the word "you" is slurred and somewhat nasal. The slurring might be an effect of her MS, but maybe not, she speaks quite clearly otherwise.

      Either way, she managed to make the issue even worse than it already is.

    3. Anonymous8:21 PM

      She definitely said You people . I was listening to a website where they slowed down the audio and YOU People was very clear.She and her sociopath husband think they are so entitled. Their illgotten fortune and status has protected them from being questioned or challenged. When they are they get this arrogant attitude like "You're questioning ME"?Despicable people.

  34. Pat in MA3:25 PM

    Oh I think it was "you" possibly like Santorum's black/blah people. It's how they truly feel, the lips move faster than the brain and the words get out. I agree with others that have posted, that even if she said "the" people, the question STILL remains, WHAT ARE YOU HIDING???

    Your husband is basing his campaign on his business acumen, and you have not given "the" people enough information of this supposed acumen. Why? Well because if it isn't already patently obvious, your husband's experience is NOT in JOB creation, but in WEALTH creation and this would show in the tax returns.

    God help us all if they steal this election!!!

  35. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Much the same way conservative sympathizers are trying to say Santorum said or meant "Blah" instead of Black people being dependent on free government dollars. . .this white-wash stinks. Imperious, that's a good way of looking at it. The RMoney's think their shit don't stink, and we gotta swallow what they think is good for us.

  36. Anonymous3:35 PM

    “Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me.

    They possess and enjoy early, and it does something to them, makes them soft where we are hard, and cynical where we are trustful, in a way that, unless you were born rich, it is very difficult to understand.

    They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we are because we had to discover the compensations and refuges of life for ourselves.

    Even when they enter deep into our world or sink below us, they still think that they are better than we are. They are different. ”

    ― F. Scott Fitzgerald

    1. And Mr. Fitzgerald was right about that one.
      ...especially where these Romneys are concerned.
      M from MD

  37. Let's pretend she phrased her remarks properly, I.e. "we've provided all anyone needs to understand our financial situation," the salient fact remains which is that the INCOMPLETE information, for only two years, which Romney has reluctantly provided is far from what we citizens need to know to understand his financial situation.

    Disclosure of that additional information is a prerequisite for being a candidate for the office of President, so Romney's choice is simple: disclose, or don't run.

  38. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Did anyone listen to Thom Hartman today? He was talking about how Bain Capitol got their start-up investments in 1984. Mitt got blood money from the wealthy aristocrats in Latin American countries, El Salvador in particular. Does anyone remember what was going on in the '80s and Reagan was funding the rightists who were fighting against the rebels working for justice? Hartman mentioned the journalist (maybe Justin Eliot) who came out with this information. Well, I was just wondering if anyone else heard this. Thanks.

    1. Anonymous6:20 PM

      There's an article in Salon from the republican primary that addressed this:

    2. I was listening too. I used the reminder in a retort to a wingnut defending Michele Bachmann's obsession with Islam.

  39. Anonymous3:51 PM

    It makes a terrible quote but i think she tripped over her word when she said "you people" but the rest of it is just as arrogant. I don't want this heard over and over. The issue about why he won't release his taxes, and the faux outrage that we dare to expect more information, is enough in it's own right. I don't want to distract from the tax issue with his wife mis-speaking.

    But it will reinforce my already-held belief that the Romneys don't think the norms / the rules that apply to others also apply to them.

    It also begs the question--he's been running for Prez since before 2006---why didn't he just stop taking the sort of deductions that people might find odd, or stop having a swiss bank account etc? Poor planning and arrogance.

    1. why didn't he just stop taking the sort of deductions that people might find odd, or stop having a swiss bank account etc?"

      because he never once thought that anyone would question him.

  40. Anonymous4:04 PM

    The first time I listened to the video, I distinctly heard her say "you people". Then later, as Twitter lit up others said she didn't say you. So I listened again and only heard the "y" of you as if someone messed with the audio. Seems so similar to the Rick Santorum "blah" people.

  41. Anonymous4:09 PM

    She can say whatever she wants. Her husband will never ever be president. Why? He flip flops and lies. He's driven by a hidden agenda. Mitt Romney has all the money he and his family will ever need and twice over. It's the power he's after. It's really hard to place your trust in him.

  42. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Thanks Ann for gracing the "little people" with your royal views of the real social structure within this country. Uh, that would be the United States of America...or Amercia as Willard referred to it not so long ago.

    Thanks again for enlightening the masses. It firmed up any doubt about the class-system silliness, which is pervasive in your world. One that you adhere to religiously.

  43. Anonymous4:15 PM

    She said "you" -- quickly seemed to catch herself -- then emphasized the word "People."

    So, yes, she said "you...people." Condescending and patronizing, and at some level I think she realized this and tried to pull it back. Too late.

  44. Condescending bitch said it alright.Surprised she didn't add the "Let them eat cake" with a toss of her head,while rolling her eyes.Those two really do think their money and status make them better then those of us "Average American"citizens that they don't want to be bothered with.

  45. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Yes, Ann, all we need to know. That you are greedy and you have something to hide about it. That's all I need to know.

  46. Anonymous4:51 PM

    ann will never be mistaken for Eleanor Roosevelt. I cringe when i listen to this.

    But i also remember how Michelle O. was attacked becuz of poorly chosen words for a heartfelt expression about being proud of her country. And it made me so angry to see Michelle treated so poorly.

  47. Anonymous4:53 PM

    This is another attempt to use Ann to divert from the substance of the criticism. Someone says she never worked a day in her life, she gets all huffy. The point was and is she was born privileged.

    Its definitely a Sarah tactic.

    So, now, the game is, she "misspeaks" and the debate is about the exact wording she used: once again, she can get huffy in an attempt to divert our eyes from Mitt. This time, lets hope the point is not missed-she and Mitt think they live above the rules, however she puts it.

  48. Absolutely, she said "you people". It's a phrase just like "those people" routinely used by rich snobs to disassociate themselves from the "little people" that Leona Helmes was talking about - you know, the ones who pay taxes. She didn't misspeak, she wasn't even aware of it.

  49. She said it - and she believes it - MSM trying to walk it back - they love the rich ladies

  50. Anonymous5:36 PM

    There are many levels to criticize Ann Romney on for this statement. But, frankly, why is she a spokesperson for the Romney campaign? Shouldn't that statement - no more info. is coming from the campaign -have been made by either Romney himself or his campaign manager. It looks like he's hiding behind his wife's apron strings. How bizarre!

    1. Anonymous6:45 PM

      Right on! I have heard that the campaign feels that Ann is much more real and approachable the Willard. Frankly, I don't see it but that is just me. i.e. one of those people with way too much education and no social STATUS. :)

    2. Anonymous6:47 PM

      Yes! Check it out.

  51. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Why Ann thinks that giving money to the church means they are good people:business is spiritual. Huh? Yeah. . .

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      I am sick of the “I am a tither; therefore I ‘give’ ‘’ narrative. What a bucket of crap.

    2. Anonymous10:35 PM

      Good way to put it. I like the upstream comment too about it being required of temple members-a Mormon tax, not a gift.

    3. Anonymous4:19 AM

      They'd be thrown out of the Mormon Church if they didn't tithe. Has nothing to do with being kind or generous or even spiritual for that matter. They are literally forced to do it. Some religion, huh?

  52. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I went to that link where they were defending her and stated that she started to say a y word then said people. Kind of like when Rick Santorum said Blah people?

  53. Anonymous6:40 PM

    So, Ann, what about the money Mitt got from El Salvador mega-millionaires? Was that reported?

    Many thanks to and Thom Hartman for bringing to light Mitt's connection to El Salvador. Specifically the amount of money the El Salvador elite invested into Bain captital when it was a start-up. How much more is there to this sotry, huh, Ann?

  54. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Hmm, so Ann Romney is saying that Mitt's VEEP choice only has to disclose a year (and part of another) of tax records. Or maybe Ann Romney is saying the VEEP can disclose LESS info than Saint Mitt because, hey, Saint Mitt made the pick.

    Or, maybe, (just maybe), Ann Romney is an illogical idiot and Saint Mitt is going to come out with a statement tomorrow explaining why his VEEP choice has to trot a bunch of years worth of tax records.

    This is certainly going to an interesting little problem for the eventual VEEP candidate. And the GOP. Obama's campaign team must be laughing themselves silly.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      AND for as much as they'll deny it, especially the Queen herself, there WILL be no more mistakes like $arah! WOOT!

  55. I heard 'you people' very clearly.

  56. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Who said she didn't say "you people"? Ariana Huffington? Got to make it a horse race. When your "best" surrogate (wife) goes out and says you won't release your tax returns because bad stuff will come out about you - then your campaign is pretty much fucked.

  57. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Wow. She is absolutely clueless. How do you call this First Lady material?

  58. I haven't been able to read all the comments yet so this might have been mentioned already. If not, it's an excellent article from late this afternoon:

  59. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Oh, Lovely Howell isn't ready for prime time. She is getting a bit testy as people vet Mittens! Does he always send his wife out for damage control?

    I had no idea Robin was the one interviewing her! That makes the "you people" much worse!

  60. Anonymous7:23 PM

    I wonder if Mitt thinks that 1 year of tax returns is enough when he is vetting his VP candidate? Didn't think so.

  61. I'm sure poor Miss Anne was a bit miffed at being interviewed by the fabulous Robin Roberts, a professional woman of color who helped President Obama come out for marriage equality. An insult like that can throw certain breeds off their stride.

    1. Anonymous3:51 AM

      Tracy, love that last sentence:
      An insult like that can throw certain breeds off their stride!
      Well said, what an ill-bred bunch they are.


  62. Anonymous7:56 PM

    One has to wonder how pissed Lovey will get when someone asks her about the Salvadoran Death Squads and their relation to Bain Capital.

  63. Ya gotta love it when a rich bitch loses it. She totally cancels every gracious blonde moment she's ever cultivated. Ann Romney did it with just two words. She removed all suspiciion, for however long anyone has ignored it, that she is an arrogant, mean-spirited person.

  64. Anonymous8:24 PM

    If it hasnt already been said. . FU Ann and the dressage horse you rode in on!!!

  65. Don't see how anyone could not hear the "you people". It sounded very clear to me and let me say this...Look, lady, it's not up to you to decide what I need to know in order to choose who to vote for. If you or your husband wants a job working for me (the people), we are fully capable of making the decision what we need to know. And no, we don't know everything we need to know about your finances and the way you live your life.

  66. Anita Winecooler10:03 PM

    Wait, what? Anne, how can we know about his finances with just two years of tax forms? Because YOU feel that's all "we people" need to know, doesn't mean it's true.

    This is how her "Mitt Class" horse stacks up to "the average middle class family"

    Ann can relate, she writes the checks!

  67. Anonymous3:37 AM

    One thing that caught my ear was when she said that they donate 10% of what they make every year to the Mormon church. What if they didn't? Besides possibly not having paid any taxes some years, do you think that holding out on their church could be something they would want to hide?

    1. Anonymous7:01 AM

      Most definitely! I lived in Utah (Orem) for 8 years and these Mormons are extremely controlling of their members. Family home evening, primary, ward meetings, etc. The hierarchy of the church control every aspect of their members' lives and knowing how much they make and how much they tithe is absolutely in their radar. He's hiding something, either from the IRS or from the LDS and I'd bet my son's college tuition that he's more concerned about the LDS Church!

  68. Anonymous3:58 AM

    She definitely said "You People." And then to say go on & say that if Mitt were to release more tax returns it would just give them more to criticize him about. Can you say "Clueless & an arrogant, entitled bitch? A match made in heaven with Willard.

  69. She said "you people" which makes one wonder if by "you people" she meant the media, the American public or black people! She is as arrogant and condescending as her dumb ass husband! Wouldn't you like to see her debate Michelle Obama! What a slam dunk for Mrs. O that would be!

  70. Anonymous7:10 AM

    It won't be Obama who criticizes her. He's above that. Someone on the left will, but it won't be the president or anyone in his family. He has more dignity than that.


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