Thursday, July 19, 2012

"Would you like a side of homophobia with your chickenburger?"

Courtesy of The Washington Post:

“Guilty as charged” is how Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy answered questions about his restaurant chain’s support of traditional marriage earlier this week. 

That’s according to an interview published Monday in the Baptist Press, in which Cathy says his Atlanta-based company is “very much supporting of the family — the biblical definition of the family unit.” 

Cathy also said on Ken Coleman’s radio show in June that people advocating for same-sex marriage are “inviting God’s judgment on our nation.” 

“As it relates to society in general I think we’re inviting God’s judgment on our nation when we shake out fist at him and say, ‘We know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage,’” Cathy said. “And I pray God’s mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to try to redefine what marriage is about.”

Well unfortunately we do not have a Chick-fil-a up here in Alaska for me to boycott, but  if there were you can bet they would not get another red cent from THIS supporter marriage equality. And hopefully there are others that will do what I am geographically unable to do.

What is it with these people, that THEY think their "GOD" is actually about to rain fire and destruction down on this whole country simply because two dudes want the right to officially tell the world of their commitment and love for one another?

And how petty would it be for the entity who supposedly created these individuals in HIS image to then punish the heterosexual people living on the same continent because they allowed these two individuals to become legally bound in matrimony? And is THAT an entity worthy of worship?

The idea is so ridiculous that I simply cannot believe that an individual intelligent enough to start such a successful business still labors under such cruel and terrible delusions. Yet clearly he does.
This kind of thing actually makes me ashamed of the stupidity demonstrated by my species. And the fact that these people use their religion and Biblical references in an effort to deflect criticism is even more disgusting to me. Especially when it works.

We have come so far, only to discover how much further we have yet to go.


  1. Oh crap! I actually like Chick-fil-A. But,I like my G/L friends more.And I believe very strongly that they should have the same Right to marriage if they so choose that I,as a heterosexual female,have.Sooo,no more Chick-fil-A in my future.

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Never ate at a Chick Fil A, and now I never will.

    1. Anonymous7:22 PM

      You are not missing much, believe me.

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Funny how these jack asses think they know what God thinks. If that is the case, I think God hates these bigots since he made them so freaking stupid.

    1. Anonymous7:43 PM

      amen to that alright.

  4. Anonymous5:14 PM

    It makes me so sad that some people believe it is quite ok to discriminate against their fellow human beings because they are gay. Hate is ugly.

  5. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Take action. I already made my comment on Chick fil A facebook this morning as soon as I heard about it!

  6. In the Bible, I recall reading about men with multiple wives. In a biblical marriage women were chattel; had to leave the home when menstruating as they were unclean. Also, there was slavery in the Bible and a lot of other horrific happenings.

    Yeah, I want a biblical marriage. I just love being enslaved, abused and replaced when I can't deliver a son.

    1. Anonymous5:56 PM

      Also, too - don't go to/live in China! Baby girls are dumped...think one child only edict (boys can "provide", girls can't).


    2. MotorCity Begonia9:10 AM

      Not to mention that in addition to multiple chattel wives, if a guy had enough property or livestock, he could afford concubines, too. Heck, i can see where some chauvinistic men would LOVE a biblical marriage but it sure doesn't offer much for the female side!

  7. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Even though I can't eat chicken stuff (cooked in peanut oil - allergic), I did enjoy some of the breakfast items. Have a gift card with some $$ left - think I'll see if I can get actual $$ for the amount left as I won't be eating there anymore.


    1. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Good for you for trying to get your money back. Thanks for supporting the cause!

  8. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Actual, better title is: Would you like a side of homophobia with CHICKEN???

    That's what CFA built their business on - being the first to see sell chicken sandwiches.


  9. Anonymous5:47 PM

    A Biblical marriage! Awwwrriiiighhhht! Like Joshua in the Book of Genesis. First I'll marry one woman....and then also marry her smokin' sister.....AND get to have sex with the maid, too! Let's hear it for Biblical marriage!

    Tom, FL

    1. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Yeah. Also, too, what about the guy whose wife was turned into a pillar of salt simply because she chose to look back the city God was destroying, and then was "seduced" by his daughters. Such a guy! That it was endorsed by Church leaders and the daughters slandered when, in all probability the father raped his daughters because he no longer had a wife available to service him. What crapola.

  10. We don't have a local chick-fil-a here to boycott either. I guess they don't like franchising in the gay state of California. Two librul.

    But I'm sure they'll enjoy losing some business in some of the other states where they are. Of course the bible thumping haters will probably just make up the difference by dining there seven nights a week.

    I'll bet the chickens they buy live tortured and abused lives before they're killed. Probably killed with cruelty too. Isn't that the Xian way? After all, they have no souls and were put on this earth to be used (abused) by man.

    Jeebus would be proud.


  11. Chic-Fil-A was our fast food restaurant of choice. Not anymore. Today was a good teaching moment for the kids. I'm sure we'll be discussing it further, but their organic take was, THAT's NOT NICE and IT'S NOT NICE. So while they will miss it, they understand why they won't be going anymore.

    1. Anonymous7:28 PM

      What a great parent you are and what great kids you are raising. Kudos!

    2. Anonymous7:34 PM

      Where we live, McDonald's has something called the "Southern Chicken Sandwich" -- to me it's practically identical to Chick-fil-A's original chicken sandwich. Wendy's also makes one that's remarkably similar. There are so many other options when buying fast food... I'll be fine never buying anything from Chick-fil-A ever again.

      Yes, I know we should all eat homemade meals from organic food and locally grown produce and maybe no meat and raw foods... blah blah blah. The majority of us do stop by *some* fast food place once in a while. The main thing is: We do have options.

    3. Anonymous7:43 PM

      IT'S NOT NICE. perfect! (that's # 2 on my list of Golden Rules for non-religious people)

  12. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Open note to Mr. Cathy...

    I am most certain that if God were around, he would take a flame thrower to you and your ilk as a matter of expressing his dismay with your chronic abuse of faith.

    There's your fucking "judgment."

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      Maybe not. Remember our "God" could be a Mormon like Mitt. After all, as a top degree Mormon he and his wife get to rule their own planet as gods. Think about Mitt as your God and it will make you queasy.

  13. Leland6:09 PM

    I adore their chicken salad sandwiches.

    I LOVE my LGBT friends!

    Bye Bye Sandwiches!

    1. Anonymous7:29 PM

      So many wonderful people posting today! Thanks to all of you!

  14. Rover6:15 PM

    Well Gryph, I do have them here in the Chicago area and up until last week, ate there fairly regularly. They will no longer get my business nor the business of my family and several of my friends who were disgusted to find out that their hard earned dollars were being funneled into a hate group.

    1. Anonymous7:03 PM

      Don't have them here- but those of you boycotting, please be sure they know why!

    2. Anonymous7:30 PM

      Wow, the good news just keeps coming. Thanks!

  15. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I may have eaten at chick fil a in an airport once?? I guess I wasn't impressed. I will choose somewhere else to eat when I'm on the run.

    I think some back lash is in order!! Come on DEMS where's your "cojones?"

    Lets push back with the same fury that these ignoramuses use. Ellen and the 1mil moms against JCPenny came to mind. If they can make a difference so can we. His tune will change when the numbers drop!!

    You are either in or your out!! This is a consumer economy. As democrats we need to stand by our convictions. The younger generation gets it. We need to make sure that this kind of politicobusiness isn't a "healthy" direction for our country...which means respect fot the people on the ground who make a difference everyday, when you run a business.

    1. Anonymous7:36 PM

      You're right, and all the comments above prove that people are going to vote with their wallet on this owner's views.

      I always enjoy this blog, but today has given me a lot of satisfaction that there are people who truly are compassionate and will take action to show their support of the LGBT community as equals and who will teach crass and misguided "Christians" such as this what it means to really care for one another regardless of sexual orientation.

      I am very proud of all the supportive comments here! It will make a difference in the lives of so many people by knowing they have the support of other Americans.

  16. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Chick Fil A serves beef burgers? I don't think so

  17. I LOVE Chick Fil A. They really do know how to cook chicken. I will never eat there again. I hope they go out of business. Or apologize and admit they were mistaken.

    1. Anonymous7:14 PM

      I think it was on Huff under the Food section of how to make the chicken. Sounds easy and thereby never have to step foot or add to the profits of the bigot's business again.

      Marinate chicken in dill pickle juice and then batter it -- fry or bake.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      I doubt this guy will apologize or change his "religious" views. So I join you in hoping his self-righteous business gets a wake-up call in the sense of lower profits.

      I do feel sorry for the people who work there. I hope it comes out that some (or many) are members of the LGBT community. Wouldn't that be cool. He'd probably choke on his chicken.

  18. No CFA in my state but I used to look forward to biz trips to Sacramento so I could grab some CFA nuggets and BBQ sauce. Looks like In/Out Burger will have to pick up the slack for me now. I realize In/Out was also created by an uber religious family but so far I haven't heard any claims that they abridge the rights of any segment of American society. First I hear of any funny business with them I'll be down to Chinese Chix salad at Mimi's. Walmart and Home Depot may not miss me after boycotting them for years but I sleep better knowing that I'm not helping to fund bigoted, soul sucking hypocrites.

  19. Beldar Torus Klaatu Conehead7:07 PM

    C'mon, Gryphen, how homerphobic could their president be when he apparently enjoys that everyone refers to him as "Cathy". Not suggesting he's gay, but perhaps he's more... um... flexible than what the official company policy is?

  20. Anonymous7:13 PM

    OT Fox News Pressures Romney to Let Human Disaster Sarah Palin Ruin his Convention

  21. Anonymous7:16 PM

    The Daily Show -- don't miss it.

    Opening segment was on Bachmann. Jon at the end should have done arm wave and a 'Snap'!!

    I spewed water on my laptop with his ending reference to Marcus!!! Hilarious. 'Snap'

  22. Rover7:42 PM

    Did you ever see Mrs. Betty Bowers, America's Best Christian's take on "Biblical Marriage"? It's hilarious. I think it's on You Tube.

  23. Anonymous7:55 PM

    It's gross greasy food anyway. I have an aunt that loves to bring Chick Fil A platters of something resembling a chicken tender soaked in grease for a week to our family get togethers. I like to counter her questionable culinary offering with some grilled teryaki chicken skewers or various veggie and meat kabobs. My platters are always empty at the end of the picnic; the strange "chicken" things usually remain mostly uneaten.

  24. Anonymous8:33 PM

    O’Reilly Downplays Bad Blood Between Romney And Palin: ‘She Should Have A Platform’ At Convention

    O’Reillly pointed out, was not very enthusiastic about Romney during the primary campaign (she was publicly telling people to vote for Gingrich at one point), and the Romney campaign hasn’t forgotten. Daily Caller reporter Michelle Fields added that the Romney campaign has two other probable concerns: Palin’s level of enthusiasm could outshine Romney, and a public embrace of Palin would not play well to independents.

    1. Anonymous9:50 PM

      And don't forget that she overshadowed Mitt's announcement that he was entering the presidential race with her disasterous Paul Revere revisionist history family vacation bus tour with Piper Diaper. That had to sting the Mittster.

  25. linda8:34 PM

    i've only eaten there a few times and don't really like their food. i agree with the boycott and i will spread the word among my friends.

  26. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I voted with my dollars locally just yesterday. Was shopping for mattress/box spring for my son's room. Refused to go to Bailey's for their financing of the summer of hate T-shirts in Anchorage. Bought elsewhere.

    1. Good for you I have also avoided Bailey's here in Anchorage ever since our summer of hate.

    2. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Avoiding Bailey's Furniture is pretty easy; they sell complete and utter crap that, while affordable, falls apart in a few months. Metro Home Furnishings is the place to shop for furniture in Anchorage. They have Natuzzi leather which will set you back a bit but will last you for many years and stay very nice. Bailey's is a horrible xtian outfit selling cheap ass crap, and they market it with their little homeschooled boy all grown up, which makes it even more abhorrent.

  27. Thank goodness I'm completely ignorant on what a Chicka Fil is... doesn't even sound like food from what I've read here.

  28. Anonymous9:28 PM

    It's true!
    God does hate fags
    coz HIS only son
    was a fag

  29. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Time to boycot the Boy Scouts. No more using public schools to hold those homophobic den meetings

    1. Anita Winecooler11:14 PM

      I agree! They're sending the wrong message, and they need to lose money.

    2. Anonymous5:03 AM

      Pulled my son out of Boy Scouts after about three or four meetings. The final straw was painting flower pots with "I love God" on them. Too much God for me.

  30. Anonymous10:10 PM

    This cannot be real. Please, tell me this is a joke. No sane business owner would go out of their way to abuse a segment of his potential customer base. That is just too stupid to be believed.

    1. Anonymous11:59 PM

      Sorry to inform you -- The moron did what the story says. It is the truth of what the stunned and stupid did.

    2. MotorCity Begonia9:22 AM

      I lived in California for years and refused to eat at Karl's Jr's (a burger-fast food chain) after discovering when I worked there for 1 month that the founder was a homophobic right winger who used his profits to support anti-gay organizations. I made the mistake of telling my manager I was looking for another job, and why, and gee, the drive-through drawer I was working that night came up $5 short and I was fired on the spot. Funny - no one else was fired when the drawer came up short. Xtian values at work, I guess.

  31. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Fox News Pressures Romney to Let Human Disaster Sarah Palin Ruin his Convention

    ...The answer is that Fox News wants to get something back on their Palin investment. Sarah Palin is worthless as a political figure right now. She tried to revive the Palin brand with Bristol Palin’s ratings disaster of a reality show, and with a new vice presidential nominee being selected soon, Palin will be just another failed running mate.

    Fox News needs her to speak at the convention. The Romney people need her to stay far, far away. The main reason why she is not invited is because Romney holds Palin up as an example of what not to do when selecting a running mate. The Romney campaign has made it very clear that they think Sarah Palin was a total disaster.

    It is clear that Fox News wants Palin speaking at the convention. So far Mitt Romney has caved to every right wing demand, but a speaking slot for the Alaska lunatic who trashed him during the GOP primary might be too much.

    In the end nobody should be surprised if spineless Mitt caves to Roger and Rupert, and gives Sarah the Obama Stalker 15 more minutes of undeserved fame.

  32. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Romney Says Porn Crackdowns Not Tax Returns are His Top Priority

    Mitt Romney refuses to release his tax returns, but he has been privately promising right wing culture warriors he will crackdown on pornography.…

  33. Anonymous11:00 PM

    A local San Antonio, Texas TV station wants to know, “Will Chick-fil-A’s stance on gay marriage affect your decision to dine there?” Let them know!

  34. Anita Winecooler11:13 PM

    I've known they were "Christian" based for years, the entire chain closes on Sunday so their employees can honor "The Lord's Day". I tried them once, and was unimpressed. It's basically the same fare one gets from KFC but in sandwich form.
    This Cathy douche deserves a hit in the wallet. If my money's not good on "Sunday", it's not good on any other day, but like you said in your post, How do you boycott a place you don't go to

    It's "Cluck U" all the way for me.

  35. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Bottom line: Chick-Fil-A may be trying to appear that they’ve seen the light, are changing their ways, but there is no indication whatsoever they will stop spending millions of dollars on groups that are actively working to demonize gay people and stop spending millions of dollars fighting same-sex marriage...

  36. Anonymous3:50 AM

    The owner can believe whatever he likes regarding marriage so long as he doesn't require others to adhere to his beliefs.

    A larger concern of mine is the practice of a pre-opening group prayer/reading at their restaurants. I'm sure there's absolutely no discrimination against employees, supervisors or managers that disagree with that.

    Can you imagine the news coverage if a non-Christian business owner did this?

  37. Anonymous3:58 AM

    I knew the Cathey siblings [Dan, Don, Trudy] in high school in Georgia,and went on several trips with them. They seemed to be good-hearted people then. Their father - the man who started the restaurant - often donated to our school [a private school, by the way, and the same school where one of then Gov. Carter's sons attended]. Interestingly, the middle brother was known as "Bubba" then. The siblings were all in the school band; the brothers were quite decent musicians on trumpet and trombone. They were most assuredly not known as intellectual, but they did have decent grades in school.
    Even then, they also were very religious, and rather unquestioning of their Southern Baptist leaders. They were friendly and considerate, even to the least popular in the school.
    The "mother store" for the restaurant was one of the early adapters of self-serve frozen ice cream dispensers - that alone probably insured their success in pre-air-conditioned Georgia as much as anything.
    One of the things Truitt Cathey [the dad] always insisted upon was that his restaurant be closed on Sunday. He was willing to limit his profits in order to act as he thought God willed. And Mr. Cathey would not employ those who he considered willful sinners (didn't attend church, were not faithful in marriage, abused others, or were greedy and uncharitable). He and the children were active in all the local civic organizations and donated freely to these organizations.
    But they certainly were willing to offend potential customers, even back in the early 1970s. They felt they had a "higher calling" in the testimony of their lives, and believed God increased their wealth as part of their submission to "his will."
    All that being said, I haven't darkened the doors of their restaurants in over 25 years. I abhor their stands on various issues, but I do think their conduct is founded on misinformation and lack of analysis, and comes from blind allegiance/faith in their religious leaders, rather than from anything inherently evil in their nature. I do not believe it would be possible to change their beliefs.

  38. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Actually, from the very beginning the huge billboard advertisements alone the highways were grossly misspelled..."Eat Mor Chikin" and their like over the decades were always directed at their base:
    First and second graders and their elders who cannot spell either, but who will hear it from FOX.

    This statement by Mr. Cathy will never faze them. In fact, it will probably increase the bottom line while keepin' them stupid and In the Faith, Baby!

    Boycott the sanctimonious Basterds!


  39. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Oh, Gryphen, after that nasty meal served up by the homophobic jerks, I thank you for the nice dessert of seeing those two very handsome men.
    The sentiment on the shirt expresses the absurdity of it all quite succinctly.

    Love Rules, and it should not have to hide!


  40. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Boston Mayor Vows To Block Chick-Fil-A From Opening Restaurant After Anti-Gay Remarks


  41. Anonymous3:00 PM

    I live right here in that homophobic bigot's hometown and the place of Chick-Fil-A's founding.I haven't eaten there since they first announced their support of the Tea Party a couple of years ago,and I will NEVER eat there again.
    If Mr. Cathy is so devoted to upholding the "Biblical definition" of the family,then he should hop in a time machine and go back to Bronze Age Israel.
    HOWEVER,the people I DO feel bad for are the working people who have to work in his restaurants to feed their own families,who probably don't share his same beliefs and don't deserve to lose their jobs.That's what pisses me off the most,how he doesn't give a shit if he puts poor people out of work for the sake of upholding his twisted sense of "values."


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