Monday, July 16, 2012

Five myths cleared up concerning the Affordable Care Act.

Courtesy of the New York Times:


Some of the job-killer scare stories are based on a deliberate misreading of a Congressional Budget Office report that estimated the law would “reduce the amount of labor used in the economy” by about 800,000 jobs. Sounds like a job-killer, right? Not if you read what the C.B.O. actually wrote. While some low-wage jobs might be lost, the C.B.O. number mainly refers to workers who — being no longer so dependent on employers for their health-care safety net — may choose to retire earlier or work part time. Those jobs would then be open for others who need them. 

Ultimately the Affordable Care Act could be a tonic for the economy. It aims to slow the raging growth of health care costs by, among other things, using the government’s Medicare leverage to move doctors away from exorbitant fee-for-service medicine, with its incentive to pile on unnecessary procedures. 


Let’s be blunt. The word for that is “lie.” The main thing the law does is deliver 30 million new customers to the private insurance industry. Indeed, a significant portion of the unhappiness with Obamacare comes from liberals who believe it is not nearly federal enough: that the menu of insurance choices should have included a robust public option, or that Medicare should have been expanded into a form of universal coverage. 


To the extent there is a profound difference of principle anywhere in this debate, it lies here. Conservatives contend that if you give consumers a voucher or a tax credit and set them loose in the marketplace they will do a better job than government at finding the services — schools, retirement portfolios, or in this case health insurance policies — that fit their needs. 

“Ten percent of the population accounts for 60 percent of the health outlays,” said (Health economist Karen) Davis. “They are the very sick, and they are not really in a position to make cost-conscious choices.” 


The Republican alternative to Obamacare consists in large part of letting each state do its own thing. Presumably the best ideas will go viral. 

You’ve heard a lot about the Massachusetts law. You may not have heard about the seven other states that passed laws requiring insurers to offer coverage to all. They were dismal failures because they failed to mandate that everyone, including the young and healthy, buy in. Massachusetts — fairly progressive, relatively affluent, with an abundance of health providers — included a mandate and became the successful exception. To expand that program beyond Massachusetts required ... Barack Obama. 


When Mitt Romney signed that Massachusetts law in 2006, the coverage kicked in almost immediately. Robert Blendon, a Harvard expert on health and public opinion, recalls the profusion of heartwarming stories about people who had depended on emergency rooms and charity but now, at last, had a regular relationship with a doctor. Romneycare was instantly popular in the state, and remains so, though it seems to have been disowned by its creator.

I provided just a brief synopsis of each point so if you want a fuller explanation of columnist  Bill Keller's points simply click the link at the top.

However this will hopefully provide you with a little more ammunition to use against those who keep insisting that Obamacare is the ruin of western civilization as we know it.


  1. That is a great article. Unfortunately, the people I know who need to read this have neither the attention span nor the reading comprehension ability to get all the way through this. That's why they like Fox so much, they don't have to use any brain cells. Fox sums it all up nicely for them.

    1. Anonymous6:04 PM

      Sadly, I find that true, as well.

    2. linda7:40 PM

      agreed. the other day my cousin told me that there is some study that found that 83% of doctors surveyed said that they considered quitting medical practice due to "obamacare." i have no idea where that came from, but, as i pointed out to her, i'd like to know what they are going to do for a living when they quit practicing medicine. you cannot talk sense to this right wing crazies, of which she is one.

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    Leave it to the Right to frame something that will save countless lives as a "job killer." I mean, how are jobs to be created when people are dying too soon to fill them? (Don't waste your time trying to figure it out Palin at al., this point was lost on you the moment you tried to make yours).

  3. Anonymous5:46 PM

    We live in Texas and just received a $340 refund from our insurer because they had not spent the required 80% of premiums on health care costs, as is now required by the ACA. The letter explained that they had only spent 71% of their customers' premiums on health care services, and so they were sending out refunds to comply with the law. The truth is slowly getting out there. My republican husband was pretty impressed. Of course he'd never heard of that provision in the ACA, but I had and was expecting the refund. It was so fun to surprise him with it. We are self-employed and self-insured and so are the group most likely to have overpaid for our insurance coverage. Thanks, Obama!!!

  4. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Yes, Fox lies in those little bumper sticker sound bites: if you go anywhere on the web you read them. It is really sickening that Murdoch and Ailes hate America so much, and that the Fox employees follow their direction likke sheep to the slaughter. Only THEY have health care, so the slaughtered are the rest of us.

  5. "Give me Liberty, or Give me Death!" - Patrick Henry

    What a brilliant ruling by the United States Supreme Court on the affordable health care act (Obamacare). Stunningly brilliant in my humble opinion. I could not have ask for a better ruling on a potentially catastrophic healthcare act than We The People Of The United States received from our Supreme Court.

    If the court had upheld the constitutionality of the individual mandate under the commerce clause it would have meant the catastrophic loss of the most precious thing we own. Our individual liberty. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Supreme Court.

    There is no mandate to buy private for-profit health insurance. There is only a nominal tax on income eligible individuals who don’t have health insurance. This is a HUGE! difference. And I suspect that tax may be subject to constitutional challenge as it ripens.

    This is a critically important distinction. Because under the commerce clause individuals would have been compelled to support the most costly, dangerous, unethical, morally repugnant, and defective type of health insurance you can have. For-profit health insurance, and the for-profit proxies called private non-profits and co-ops.

    Equally impressive in the courts ruling was the majorities willingness to throw out the whole law if the court could not find a way to sever the individual mandate under the commerce clause from the rest of the act. Bravo! Supreme Court.

    Thanks to the Supreme Court we now have an opportunity to fix our healthcare crisis the right way. Without the obscene delusion that Washington can get away with forcing Americans to buy a costly, dangerous and highly defective private product (for-profit health insurance).

    During the passage of ACA/Obamacare some politicians said that the ACA was better than nothing. But the truth was that until the Supreme Court fixed it the ACA/Obamacare was worse than nothing at all. It would have meant the catastrophic loss of your precious liberty for the false promise and illusion of healthcare security under the deadly and costly for-profit healthcare system that dominates American healthcare.

    As everyone knows now. The fix for our healthcare crisis is a single payer system (Medicare for all) like the rest of the developed world has. Or a robust Public Option choice available to everyone on day one that can quickly lead to a single payer system.

    We still have a healthcare crisis in America. With hundreds of thousands dieing needlessly every year in America. And a for-profit medical industrial complex that threatens the security and health of the entire world. The ACA/Obamacare will not fix that.

    The for-profit medical industrial complex has already attacked the world with H1N1 killing thousands, and injuring millions. And more attacks are planned for profit, and to feed their greed.

    To all of you who have fought so hard to do the kind and right thing for your fellow human beings at a time of our greatest needs I applaud you. Be proud of your-self.

    God Bless You my fellow human beings. I'm proud to be one of you. You did good.

    See you on the battle field.


    jacksmith – WorkingClass :-)

  6. O/T but Al Green made the Romney camp take down their ad with Obama singing...copyright infringement. It's gone.

  7. Anonymous7:13 PM

    As part of that 10% who is really sick (cancer for many years) even saying we "are not in a position to be cost-conscious" is a huge misstatement of the problem.

    If we socialized and planned for our health needs, we wouldn't have hospitals competing , for example by buying newer equipment when old ones work perfectly well. We wouldn't have 10 hospitals within a 10 mile radius in some cities, while it can take HOURS, by helicopter! for others to get emergency care (think south Dakota, Arizona)

    The patient shouldn't have to think for one minute about costs. Imagine if the system were planned and managed with care, not profit, as a guiding principle.

  8. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Great article and too bad that more people don't get it. It seems like that reality shows, FOX news and trash receive the attention. Says a lot about the society we now live in.

  9. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Thanks for posting this. My kids put up this link on their facebooks.

    The Race For The White House 1.0

    A presidential election simulation game with realistic elements for political neophytes and serious political junkies!

    - Nearly 20 playable and customizable candidates - Features 3D animated faces and voice imitations of real political personalities
    - Hundreds of policy proposals and playable locations taken from actual political campaigns and agendas
    - Marketing campaign: TV spots, poster campaigns, Internet campaigns, and human billboards
    - Campaign budget management: establish HQs; organize rallies; gather donations from super PACs, lobbies, and other kinds of organizations...
    - Media involvement: televised debates, press events, TV shows, election night results...
    - Low blows: rumors, fraud, discrediting your opponent... that's politics, too!
    - Continuously appraise statistics and poll results on participating candidates on the game's website!

    Several game modes

    -Take on an opposing candidate controlled by the computer, or by another human player online with internet rankings
    -Realistic mode: Run for office with actual opinion polls and vote projections
    -Equal Start mode: All candidates start with equal poll results

    Official trailer here:


  10. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Oh My God, Gryphen. OMG!

    The way their arms are intertwined is breathtaking...and that is one happy PBO.

  11. Anonymous8:08 PM

    and this:


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.