Monday, July 16, 2012

Good morning and welcome to your world.

There that should start your day off right.


  1. cuppajava2:49 AM

    Thanks for that.

    Good morning!

  2. Anonymous3:34 AM

    I live in Utah, and have been trying to buy the latest copy of Bloomberg Businessweek magazine (the one that inquires about the Mormon church making money on a shopping mall, and amusement park) but the stores surprisingly have not received this shipment in. This is the on-line story which is worth the read.

  3. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Nobody in the GOP has been notified if they will be speaking at the convention.

    You jumped the gun just like you did when you boldly declared Bristol's show would never make it on the air.

  4. Anonymous5:02 AM

    Yes, we are. I watched part of a program on an Orangutan rescue operation (sorry, it was on a tv at the gym, so I don't know the name of the program). One of the rescue babies had been traumatized when its mother had been killed by poachers and then was later mistreated as a pet. The baby was aggressive, a bully, and engaged in self-mutilation. The rescuers were uncertain as to whether the baby would ever recover sufficiently to live in a group or be released to the wild again. Emotional damage at an early age to a highly intelligent being -- human or animal -- can last a lifetime.

  5. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I would like to share a little story my daughter related earlier this morning on her drive to work:

    She and her husband have two sons (10 and 8), and for some reason the subject of nursing came up during dinner. The younger one had not related Mom's comfy softness with nursing, as my daughter could not nurse for but a short period of time.
    The older one understood, because he would open MaMoo's shirt when the little one was crying. He just knew his little brother had to be hungry.

    Well, the parents explained that we are no different from other mammalian species and that softness and cuddling is integrated into life supporting functions.

    I think they did well.


  6. Paul - Minnesota8:24 AM

    Wonderful. Thanks for sharing the video with us, Gryphen.

    Also my thanks to the people who made and sponsored it.


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