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Just one of the "freedom loving patriots" that showed up to see Palin. |
Yesterday, Americans For Prosperity held a fake grassroots rally called “Patriots in the Park” in Belleville, Michigan near the Detroit Metro Airport. Around 400-500 tea party supporters and Sarah Palin fanatics showed up to bake in the hot sun to witness an event, dubbed “Kochstock” by LOLGOP, bought and paid for by the conservative group that bills itself as a non-political 501(c)(4) nonprofit group. This nonprofit status allows them to hide their donors and to sponsor these types of events around the country as long as they don’t support a candidate.
The result was a several-hour long anti-Obama, anti-Democrat hatefest where not a single Republican candidate got mentioned.
Aha! So despite reports to the contrary by lying Palin-bots there really were ONLY 400-500 idiots there. I knew it!
Sarah Palin adorers were everywhere. In fact, if she wasn’t the headliner, they never would have had 400 people there. It was a level of adulation and reverence that I haven’t seen since the Obama rallies of 2008.
Except during the 2008 campaign the reason ONLY 400 people would have shown up to see Obama was if he were traveling incognito, and heavily in disguise. And even THEN I would expect a larger turnout.
Apparently there were even sightings of Palin mingling with the crowd looking more lifelike than usual.
But of course these sad little people did not pay money (No seriously they DIDN'T pay any money.) just to see a cardboard cutout (Despite the fact that it undoubtedly had more human qualities), and the Grizzled Mama eventually DID make her appearance.
And then it was time for the main attraction: Sarah Palin in the flesh. She was introduced by an AFP guy whose wife spoke on stage right before him. “I’m sandwiched between my wife and Sarah Palin,” he joked.
Okay that made me throw up in my mouth a little.
The undercover reporter then goes on to report about Palin's speech which of course we covered Saturday. However I thought the way he summed up his experiences at this fake rally was worht sharing.
The adulation of Sarah Palin is almost unseemly. Women in the crowd were clearly in love with her but the men … well, my wife calls it “political porn”. She’s right. Between one emcee calling her a “stone fox” and a “hot babe” and another one talking about being sandwiched between her and his wife, Sarah Palin is, for her male admirers, little more than a political porn star, a sexual fantasy figure.
What this does for women in politics is horrendous. As Republicans wage their War on Women across the country, they are promoting an unhealthy and flagrantly sexualized role for their female politicians. You would never hear about a Democratic female speaker being referred to or introduced in such a fashion. The fact that Palin allows it says pretty much everything you need to know about her and about her political party.
You know his description of her attractiveness might have been true four years ago, before plastic surgery, constant dieting, and the stress of keeping all of the Palin family secrets under wraps had taken its toll, but seriously WHO thinks of Palin in sexualised terms these days?
Oh, okay well I guess that clears THAT up.
One correction, Gryph. These people did not PAY to get in. AFP put on the event for free. So when you have a free event in an easily accessible part of the state, and she only draws 400 and the 'bots call it "massive," you see why the GOP does not want her anywhere near their convention. Consequences, Sarah, cosequences.
ReplyDeleteShe looks more pregnant in that picture with the red shirt than she did anytime in 2008. Did Tri-G make an appearance? You'd think she would bring her "son" to this event...right?
ReplyDeleteHey, is she pretending to be preggers again? Look at the baggy white pants and the top that looks more like a maternity top than anything she wore when she faked Trigg. Sarah Palin, one trick/one speech pony.
ReplyDeleteI wonder whose kid it is this time if that is true? Willow, Bristol?
DeleteShe looks cachexic.
DeleteAll Old. White. Stupid People.
ReplyDeleteSo she has support of 400 sad brainwashed Americans out of 300,000,000. Her support is even worse than I imagined. Jill Biden could get more people to show up in the rain during the week.
Your description of her working the pole and dancing for dollars couldn't be more accurate. She's nothing more than a sexual fantasy for teabaggers who can't get it up for their wives. She single-handedly set back women in politics by at least 25 years. She is truly a national shame.
ReplyDeleteOnce you take off the wig, the ever-thickening troweled makeup, the fake boobs, and spanx, there's nothing left. A totally marketed f-me bimbo.
ReplyDeleteAs a friend said, "Sarah? Yea, I'd do her....but then she opened her MOUTH!"
I wouldn't do her with Todd's dick. Oops, neither does Todd.
DeleteIf liberals speak truth, why are there so many lies on blogs like these? How does Pres O get away with so many lies?
ReplyDeleteMore Democrats need to actually pay attention and not get their info from blogs.
We are paying attention. Are you?
DeleteWhat lies? Be specific when you accuse people.
You have us confused with Breitbart's crowd.
DeleteThe door is down the hall to the right.
And conservatives need to get their news from more than one source, Fox News. I get my news for multiple sources, I come to IM for the community of commenters and Gryff's amusing commentary.
DeleteAnonymous4:42 AM
DeleteIf liberals speak truth, why are there so many lies on blogs like these? How does Pres O get away with so many lies?
Be specific or shut up.
Also, too? More republicans should actually pay attention to the truth and not get their info from demented lying chain mails.
Please specify the lies -- facts, figures and dates.
DeleteSimply stating "lies" means you have nothing to back up your allegations.
If she goes to Tampa, she'll have to decide whether she wants to speak on Fox (if they'll let her) or speak at the convention (if they'd let her). She's either a politician or she's a
Delete"Fox political analyst." She can't be both, although she wants to try.
The minute she wants to become a politician again, then her deal with Fox is over. Remember Huckabee, et al, who decided to keep the income and forgo the political race?
Tell us the truth about Todd and his prostitutes.Come on.I dare you.
DeleteHA! Scarah's not even a good "pun-dint" these days. She's too desperate to be seen as a real political player, AND SHE'S JUST NOT!
DeleteMy golly!
I'm sure at this point, even McCain wishes he'd never even HEARD that loser b*tch's name!
"...why are there so many lies on blogs like these?"
DeleteBecause, dear, you keep showing up and spreading lies. You have raised lying to an art form. Congratulations, I guess. At least you are famous for SOMETHING.
We can get our information from blogs, since you obviously get yours from Your Ass!
DeleteWho is Pres O?
Did you mean President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama?
What is sexy about Sarah?
ReplyDeleteGiven a choice of screwing Sarah or a warm snake hole in the ground ... I would go for the snake hole.
4:53 AM---
DeleteSame choice for me, even if the snake hole is frozen - still can't be as cold as Granny Grifter.
What the hell? Does this woman own a Funhouse mirror or has she just completely given up?
ReplyDeleteThose shoes. Don't get me started.
DeleteNow that was funny!!!
I have never, in a store, in a catalog, or on a real, live woman, seen shoes like these.
DeleteWhere does one obtain them?
Do they send a special, hyped-up FM message to old men?
They seem nothing so much as a Chinese woman's bound foot -- total subjugation.
Looks pretty close to the Colin Stuart Victoria's Secret line.
Delete@anonymous 9:26 AM
DeleteYou're right! Had to google the line, but they match the Colin Stuart's Crisscross Wedge Sandal. If she wants to be taken seriously (I know, right?) then why is she wearing 5 1/4" platforms to a 'political rally'? I don't know of any female politician (in her own mind) that wears the sort of shoes Sarah Palin does.
Those were Victoria's Secret catalog? Well, now that does make sense.
DeleteIf you Google them you can get them for $25 or less on Amazon.
DeleteCan we say quality polyurethane shoes for a quality political power broker?
Her only draw is her appearance and that will require constant cosmetic tweaks as her 40's are waving goodbye.
ReplyDeleteIf she doesn't get serious and study her future is dim. Ailes doesn't like saggy broads. Remember Greta's face lift?
She need to start buying her pants in the boys' clothing section at Wal-Mart, not the ladies'. I'd suggest a pair of boys size-12 would fit her flat ass without all that saggy droop in the butt area.
DeleteIt would be real easy for any country wanting to conquer the United States on our own soil - just take away our lawn chairs and our Fritos and coolers. We really need to put all citizens on no-carb diets. Teatards = old, fat, lazy-looking, and hateful. Also, can't draw penises and scrotum worth a durn!!
ReplyDeleteI've had that same fear. Can you imagine a Red Dawn situation in this country. I do understand now why these people have a problem with Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign. They don't want to. Period.
DeleteGryphen, it is Eclectablog, not "Electablog." (I am a Michigander.)
ReplyDeleteFixed it. Thanks.
DeleteWhoever does the blog should know that the adjective for a Democrat is "Democratic." It is the Democratic Party, not the "Democrat Party," which is Republican-speak from back in the Truman days.
DeleteAnonymous 7:54 AM
DeleteWhoever does the blog should know that the adjective for a Democrat is "Democratic." It is the Democratic Party, not the "Democrat Party," which is Republican-speak from back in the Truman days.
"The result was a several-hour long anti-Obama, anti-Democrat hatefest where not a single Republican candidate got mentioned."
Hi Anonymous, in this sentence, I think he was referring to Democrat as a person --"anti-Obama, anti-Democrat (individuals), not the Democratic Party as a whole. Believe me, he is well aware of that slur.
Jesus, Mary, and Joseph those people are disgusting looking!!! Where were all the scooters!? Also, too, I think that first pic is of a swollen middle finger? Probably what the guy in the pic would like to give Sarah.
ReplyDeleteA middle finger that's what I got out of that as well... I'm not really sure how the comment above would get penis, errr nooo.
DeleteAlthough the old guy does look like a dickhead.
When I first saw it, I thought it was an arrow pointing downwards. But the middle finger makes more sense.
DeleteRomney's problem - Palin
"...seriously WHO thinks of Palin in sexualised terms these days?"
Well, Sarah Palin, for sure.
Sarah? Sexual? Naah, more in terms of necrophilia.
DeleteWhile most of us here ( excepting Palin trolls) know Sarah is a horror show, there are 1000's of tea toad men that salivate over her still! Believe me, I hear it from those fools here where I live. She's old, washed up and worn out. The fact she's still using the same LAME taunts from 2008 confirms that she's incapable of saying anything new. Unless specifically told about something from the minions that surround her.
ReplyDeleteEvery time someone from around here hands me that Sarah is awesome idiocy I laugh in their face and ask them if that's a pencil in their pocket or did they took a Viagra for breakfast! They really have no respect for her, they just want to end up in their fantasy rack with her. The women are worse. They want to be Sarah in the looks department, UGH! They think that's the only value they have. GOPTP women disgust me. They would trample on women's rights just as fast as their menfolk and then pray the same wouldn't be done to them. Pfft to Sarah and all her lame minions.
Irony: You wrote The women want to be her in the looks department. The irony of Palin twisting the knife in Michelle Obama's healthy eating and fitness initiative is priceless. If those women listen to Sarah they may stuff themselves with more s'mores, cakes and lunchables lol
DeleteSarah is for Sarah. For an attractive woman she has downgraded women and ridiculed fitness, health amd education. She prefers tacky and trashy.
"Sarah is for Sarah. For an attractive woman . . ."
Correction: "For a ONCE-upon-a-time questionably attractive woman . . ."
There is NOTHING attractive about Sarah. And whenever she opens her mouth, all the vilenss, nastiness, viciousness and incomprehensible gibberish that is within her spews out. Sarah defiles everything in her surroundings.
They are fantasizing about an outdated image. Notice how the peepond recycles the old photos? If they just showed the new ones, t would be harder for the fetishests to reconcile with the image in their heads.
DeleteIt occurs to me that to these revolting old, fat men with their revolting old, fat wives, she probably does look pretty good to them by comparison...sort of along the lines that if you're 90, somebody 60 looks pretty good.
DeleteI concur Ms. Lynne :)
DeleteHey, Lynne - I'm 60 and I still look good and not just to 90 year olds.
DeleteI wasn't putting 60 year olds down even one little bit...just making an age difference comparison.
DeleteOkay, I don't mean to be rude and I only write this because im certain no one in the photos will see my comment. But, seriously...why do people leave the house like this? And how do they live with their own slovenliness? That women with the Doritos! My god; lay off the Doritos, wear something that shows you have a little self respect and clean yourself up! She just looks so uncomfortable and miserable and it makes me so mad at the idiot politicians that subsidize foods that make people sick and fat and allow high fructose corn syrup. I don't mean to be nasty, but all those spectators are people that if they were here in Australia they'd be stared at and pitied for being so hugely overweight and slovenly. It's one thing to be slightly overweight and dress smartly so that it shows you take care (I think western society encourages us to be slightly overweight but anything more than that there's no excuse for). They must think of Sarah as a tiny swizzle stick or light snack when they see her! And I laugh to think of the contemptful things she undoubtedly says about them when safely out of earshot!
ReplyDeleteThat's America for you . Many fat , indeucated , indoctrinated losers who want to eat their fried pork ribds but get their Lipitor for free.
DeleteLOL! I had to laugh at your entire comment! You are so right...that poor woman baking in the sun eating some fritos IS Baldy's base! Look how miserable that woman looks...did she need help getting out of that lawn chair I wonder? I think food is her friend.
DeleteFuck off with your superior Aussie attitude.
DeleteHave you visited France recently? The UK?
Butterballs with more fashion sense than any Sheila or Bruce.
Great article on Baldy this morning...love the title...
Delete"Where is Baldy Palin?"
6:38 am
DeleteHit a nerve?
Gina, I was so hoping that the headline actually read; "Where is 'Baldy' Palin?"
DeleteAnyway, good article. Just my observation while reading through the comments, there were many idiotic anti-Obama comments, but NO, zero, zip, nada pro-Palin comments!
She's so over and done.
The abcnews article is written by one of Sarah's fan girls from way back. Walshe has been, at best, an apologist who happily points out all the positives she can find while ignoring any legitimate questions, or God forbid, actual criticism of her gal pal. Walshe just moved up to a bigger forum, but she's still deep in the tank for Sarah.
DeleteIt's worldwide - including Australia - and sadly as we age, we get less mobile and food becomes one of the few pleasures left in life - which is where many of the folks in these pictures now find themselves.
DeleteThus said, given what Mrs Palin wears to events at which she is paid to speak - I fully understand why what audience members wear tend to equate to a laze in front of the TV. They don't want to appear overdressed compared to the speaker.
The Romney campaign probably doesn't want her at the convention because they would have to pay for a decent set of clothes for all the extended family members, which as John McCain found out - is not a cost effective investment.
Also notice that the woman with the Doritos is facing in the opposite direction of everyone else.
Oink oink
DeleteEven better than Doritos!
"The 7-Eleven convenience store chain is now featuring a Slurpee-type machine that dispenses mashed potatoes and gravy."
DeleteRegarding Sarah's appeal as political porn, the money quote is "The fact that Palin allows it says pretty much everything you need to know about her and about her political party."
ReplyDeletePerfectly sums up what we will one day soon remember as the Sarah Palin era of the GOP.
Has anyone heard what Sarah's new word is?
ReplyDeleteShe's kind of worn out "vet" and "lamestream" and the phrase "rage against the machine" among others.
I find it amusing when she learns a new word or phrase but hasn't yet quite mastered the use. ("via" comes to mind)
I wonder if "I'm a little tea pot" will become her mantra?
DeleteAt events for the President, diverse people are pushing against the rope line to shake the President's hands or to greet him. In the seats, so many arms are upraised all at once to get pictures of the President speaking.
ReplyDeleteAt republican/tea party events? Rows of lawn chairs, wide butts plopped, arms crossed, homogeneous grumpy faces, no diversity.
I'm sure there are exceptions, but even looking at pictures on opposing sites, it seems to generally hold true.
lol@ rows of lawn chairs. It's true! And these people call themselves "rugged individualists." --shakes head--
DeleteNot to defend the bots, but it was freaking hot here on Saturday and they had to wait under the scorching sun in a dry field for over four hours before she showed up. (They would not advertise the time of her speech). There were a bunch of speakers before her, so it really was a picnic kind of event. That also explains the ultra casual clothing of many people. If she were the only speaker and they came only for her speech, I'd agree with you.
DeleteIs Palin pregnant? Or is the maternity top disguising a boob job that will be rolled out at the RNC so she can get maximum all-about-Sarah-buzz?
ReplyDeleteThey are ramping up the hot-chickie talk because that's all Sarah's got. No natural intelligence. No education. No ability to express herself and no ideas to express except hate and self-pity. She's almost 50 years old with no life experiences except for a failed governorship and a disaster campaign with McCain. Yeah, yeah, I know, she's got 4 or 5 kids. So what?
Sarah is a disaster, always has been a disaster and is being rolled out by Koch out of desperation because Romney is stumbling all over himself. Sarah is the strip-tease act on the carnival midway.
My daughter and I have a name for the people on the right and left in the last photo. We call them...
ReplyDeleteThe Flaggetts!
They came to see her in the flesh....that's what they got....flesh and bones! She looks like she's been in a concentration camp. Ugly! Sarah, get some help. You are an embarrassment. Your brain is starving for nutrition. It isn't working. Looking at that "crowd" they certainly didn't appear to be stimulated. Koch must have paid them to attend and furnished the chairs and umbrellas...they all looked the same. Guess they parked the buses behind one of the cow barns on the fairground. Bet they were given boxed lunches to bribe them. Wonder if they passed out earplugs too?
ReplyDeleteWhat is Sarah doing before she goes on stage? Scratching her ass or trying to fix a wedgie?
OUR Sarah, keeping it classy, as always.
She's holding up the baggy pants so they don't fall down. Wouldn't want to give the geezers heart failure with a wardrobe malfunction.
DeleteWardrobe malfunction with the Screecher?
DeleteThe ominous sounds of the gnashing of gums and dentures with the smell of vomit in the air.
The horror.
She still has the upper arm fat though. That's probably the only thing keeping her alive now, those strange "Tyranosaurus Rex" little short arms with their store of fat on the triceps. She's living on the fat on her triceps, for now. It's rather frightening from a human aspect to see her physical degradation. I guess she's one of those "tiny starlets" that she so denigrated during the campaign. How's it feel Sarah, to be so tiny and emaciated? Probably not too great; there would most likely be some arrhythmia at this point and other heart malfunction that must be unpleasant. I'd like to wish her the best, but she kind of deserves anything that is coming her way.
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of www.tinyurl.com ?
DeleteGuess what Sarah's poor Job Creators have been doing in tandem with the House GOP? Sitting on their thumbs, if not direct obstructionism, to make the economy look bad or flounder, so that it would look like Obama's fault.
Thanks for the link and an idea for a Twitlonger Tweet...
DeleteThat voice. That screechy, unmodulated, oddly punctuating voice.
ReplyDeleteShe could be hot for a middle-aged granny were it not for her emaciated body, crispy hair, bad taste in clothing AND that voice!
Not a single comment on this fawning article. Not one.
Wow...what a turn out for Palin! The fans she has left are as stupid, ignorant, mentally challenged and disconnected from reality as she is.Palin's fan base is just plain base...like her.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if she reminisces about those good ol' days when she was commanding 90-100k per recycled speeches and flying around the country in private planes. Those days are long gone.
What does she see in the mirror...if she dares to even look. Her ability to dress herself appropriately or have a hair style that is becoming...is lost in her tiny little stump of a brain.
She is over the hill and scrambling for any kind of attention or venue to spout her never ending ignorance and stupidity. Go Palin Go!
Todd, get your wife a fucking sandwich
ReplyDeleteNothing says hottie like an anorexic grandma, he, he
She is falling in stature there is no doubt. Grand entrance via the dirt! She also looks skinny and scraggy (white pants) - the blouse was to hide her weight lose there is no doubt. 400 in the audience? Wow!!! Poor, poor Sarah! (Kidding!)
ReplyDeleteAnd, no place in the Republican Convention! Wonder if she is getting the message?
Being that skinny also only encourages osteoporosis the older she gets. She already has a hunch, so it's going to get much worse.
DeleteIt amazes me that a grown woman who was Gov. of a state in the US, wears the most childish jewelry. That Wonder Woman bracelet is hideous. She doesn't have to wear Cartier or Tiffany's but you can at least not wear .99 cent store jewelry. You just can't buy class. And don't get me started about that ugly see through shirt.
ReplyDeleteThere is some beautiful jewelry made in Alaska..funny she doesn't wear any of it, jade, gold nugget, black diamond etc. Nope she's tacky and needs to wear her wonder women bracelet.
DeleteThat Sarah Piglin is a Fucking Idiot
ReplyDeleteShe looks like Skeletor. My god, her pants are baggy enough for two people to be in there. I expect to hear about her being hospitalized in the near future.
ReplyDeleteIf she keeps up this weight loss she'll have a serious cardiac event which she will survive, or not. I don't think she's treated her old body very well for quite some time so I'd bet that dehydration and extreme ketosis will take a toll on her organs and her heart (if she has one). Middle aged anorexia is nothing to take lightly as the body does not have the strength to recover as it does in younger cases. If she doesn't succumb in the near future she's taken years off her life and won't see her late 60's unless she does something now.
DeleteThat Sarah Palin is a Fucking Retarded Idiot
ReplyDeleteWhat is Sarah doing before she goes on stage? Scratching her ass or trying to fix a wedgie?
Sarah is wondering where did she misplace her ass... it was in her pants a couple of weeks ago.
What is Sarah doing before she goes on stage? Scratching her ass or trying to fix a wedgie?
Sarah is wondering where did she misplace her ass... it was in her pants a couple of weeks ago.
Oh, THAT ass is gone forever, along with the rest of her once-alluring features.
However, the OTHER ass which she still has, Todd Palin, well, she won't find him in her pants --- at least he hasn't been in her pants for the past 15 years or so.
Right now, Todd is still in the CLOSET, right where she left him.
Right now, Todd is still in the CLOSET, right where she left him.... with his new BFF butt buddy from Stars Earn Stripes.... the guy Todd went swimming with.....
DeleteThere was a time when Todd used to carry Sarah's purse for her but after the Todd Palin prostitution ring scandal with Shailey Tripp surfaced we don't see Todd with Sarah anymore. Same with Bristol, we don't see Bristol with Sarah after Life's A Tripp has been shown on tv. As far as Willow is concerned, Sarah never did appear with the Wild Child and her rat's nest hair doo doo.
ReplyDeleteI guess Todd, Bristol and Willow are bad for Sarah's image.
Sarah must be having a ball going to fairs without her grandson Tri-G with his home schooled hair cuts.
ReplyDeleteMaybe if Sarah spent $9.00 for a professional haircut for Tri-G then she wouldn't be embarrassed to take him with her like in the old days when he was cute and drugged up.
It looks like some fanatical offended flying monkey from sea of pee has had the link to this story flagged and taken down! It is SUSPENDED according to the url.
ReplyDeleteTodd, get your wife a fucking sandwich
ReplyDeleteNothing says hottie like an anorexic grandma, he, he
Todd, get your wife a fucking decent wig
Nothing says hottie like an anorexic grandma wearing a cheap horse tail wig, he, he
Where's Tri-G?
ReplyDeleteKnowing that Sarah is a Palin like Bristol... Sarah probably conned some goofball in Wasilla to babysit Tri-G for free.
Gino is probably babysitting Tri-G and Tri-P while Bristol is out entertaining the local boys in her canvas tent and Sarah is enjoying the summer days at a Michigan fair with cotton candy, rides, candy apples....
Life must be great for Bristol and Sarah that these women can get a cheap babysitter so they can hit the towns as single women....
Bristol burned her bridges when she took advantage of babysitter Willow in Los Angeles and Bristol probably doesn't want to leave her son with Todd a known Alaskan pimp so it only cost Bristol a case of beer and some ass to get Gino to play mommy to Tripp.
DeleteFunnel cakes, you forgot the funnel cakes!
DeleteDid the Koch Boys pay Sarah in rolls of Georgia Pacific (tm) toilet paper?
M. I. C. .... H. I. G. .... Aaaaa. Nnnnn. (sung to the tune of Mikey Mouse song)
Todd you need to check Sarah when she gets home to see if she has any used condoms wrapped in face cloths in her pant's pockets.
Those Palins sure do use a lot of face cloths.
DeleteGlen Rice wouldn't touch Sarah Palin the way she looks now. Sarah doesn't have an ass anymore. Nothing left back there but a sagging moldy old smelly saggy wrinkly flapjack skin.
DeleteThe reason it smells back there is because Sarah's grooming habits are terrible. She probably doesn't lift her skinny ass flap skin to wash underneath it.
What do you mean not enough work for Glassner?
DeleteWasn't Michael Glassner offered the 24/7 SarahPAC paid nanny job to Trig but turned it down.
Sarah Palin's Incredible Shrinking Act Is Almost Complete
For a second I thought it said 'Shrinking Ass.'
DeleteDon't forget this week's gossip item in the National Enquirer which talked about a famous female politico who was desperate to conceal her recent liposuction; she wants people to think she stays thin through exercise.
ReplyDeleteThat blouse conceals the tummy pads you have to wear post lipo-suction, the same ones she was wearing in that infamous photo when she was pretending to be pregnant with Trig.
Why does somebody so skinny need liposuction? Bizarre. She must have the lowest self-esteem of anybody on the planet, next to her daughter Bristol, maybe.
She had lipo when she was supposedly "pregnant" with "Trig. She Tripp's "Boys will be Boys."
DeleteThe link and the pix don't work because Chris Savage's @Eclectablog is "down" -- follow his tweets.
ReplyDelete"Our traffic has skyrocketed lately and we've outgrown our web host. Site is down until we move to a new provider...."
Sarah is rubbing what's left of her ass because she doesn't know if she has a turd sticking out or if it is her tail bone sticking out.
ReplyDeleteThat's the problem with being anorexic, you don't know if you shitted in your pants or if your tail bone is protruding out.
DeleteI wanna be grammar police, please? Just this once, okay?
DeleteThe proper term would be that Sarah doesn't know if she SHAT her capris, or if her tailbone is protruding out.
Shat...I like that word.
shit, shat, shot, shittered, shizzled, went poo poo
DeleteI'm with u crackin chas--- shat seems to be best fit.
And next month you can see Sarah on the fairground circuit in those small pockets of Rill Amerikkka in the tent with the bearded lady and lizard man.
ReplyDeleteIf Glen Rice won't go to the mountain then it looks like the mountain will have to go to Michigan, Glen Rice's home state!
ReplyDeleteGo maize and blue!
DeleteFrom a figure skating website, of all places:
"This weekend I attended a tea party rally with my husband, who identifies strongly with them. One of the reasons I went was that Sarah Palin was speaking, and I was very curious about how she was as a speaker and I wanted to share my experiences."
Favorable review, of course.
That cardboard cutout was dressed very nicely. Must have been left over from the 2008 campaign.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like they have had it in their front window, because there is a fade line at about where the jacket's lower hem meets the skirt.
DeleteAnd yes, it's from 2008, I saw the same one riding a firetruck in my city's Halloween parade in 2008. My daughter put her hand over my mouth as Sarah rode by.
Nothing says Republican/TeaBagger like a big swollen diabetic man with cankles sitting on his porta potty holding a sign. "Team America, Fuck Yea!" (Hat tip to Trey Parker and Matt Stone from their movie Team America)
ReplyDeleteI wonder what her speaking fee is these days. There's no way she's getting $100k plus perks anymore.
ReplyDeleteMore supporters showed up for John Edwards' acquittal speech that this sad sack rally. Saggy pants sure isn't the draw she used to be.
ReplyDeleteMan, that bitch looks pretty rough for only being 60 years old. Ex Cat
ReplyDeleteJohn, is that you?
DeleteSarah is becoming a caricature of herself! A living cartoon character....
ReplyDeleteDid Sarah go to this event all by herself? Where was the entourage? She never goes anywhere alone so who drew the short straw this time?