Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
Hey maybe we DON'T want her to sit down and shut up.
This was worth posting just for the picture alone.
Soon, for better or for worse, Ronmey will chose his running mate. Said running mate will have an undergraduate degree from an accredited college, and a graduate degree. He will be strong resolute, and have a sense of humor. His kids won't likely be romney robots, but individuals all their own. Not a peep will be heard from the Palins for along time after the conventions, until the indictments start getting handed down.
I vote for indictments sooner than later. Time for old palins to pay up. Answer questions under oath and be charged and convicted of many charges. There welfare is over. Time for all of them to face the music. LIAR LIAR LIAR......
Romney was feted and wined and dined in Wolfeboro NH on the 4th. He held a rally at the 4th of July parade. Lots of people were PO'd at the parade being displaced for his campaign signs. Whatever.....
He was very COZY with Kelly Ayotte, another crook. SHE will be his choice as a running mate.
Goodness. That photo startled me - I mean you use some seriously ugly shots of her but this one - yikes. Is she taking testosterone? Mannish features and that might explain the Belmonts.
Clearly the stress, lifestyle, lies and reality is catching up with old sarah and her little pond of pollution. It is over for her. She knows it. There is no hope for her. going down?
HaHaHaHaHa!!! Now that's a great picture! She really needs to learn how to control her facial expressions if she wants to be taken seriously. I realized years ago that I had the same problem which is why I most of my job history has been in call centers. No one can see me roll my eyes and I can hit the mute button before the sarcasm comes out to play.
This picture also puts paid to the question of whether or not her glasses are real. There's no scrip in those lenses .... at all. There's no break in the face/cheek line (profile). Even a featherweight lens will show a small bump on camera. Look how smooth (except the wrinkles) the side of her face is. Nope, as someone who has had to wear glasses all her life, I think I can safely say that those babies are nothing but clear glass. like zirconia not the rill dill.
Is that what's always bothered me about the lenses? Then again I've heard she had laser surgery and had her tubes tied. So she still needs glasses and her tube tying didn't take - guess that must suck for Sara, two non-reimbursed surgeries and they both failed or maybe not
"naturally expressive?" Oh, that sounds so model-like. She's expressive all right. She expresses anger, disgust, sarcasm...where are photos of her happy, content, loving, tickled about something a child did, being a normal human being? There are none. She is a bitter aging woman who can't get over losing the VP slot due to her own machinations. get over it, Sarah. Loser. Loser. Loser.
The glasses would definitely make her seem more intelligent if she would put them in her mouth, preventing her from screeching her deranged blather on things about which she hasn't a clue.
Just as the little tiki umbrella in my drink by the pool yesterday did not prevent the sunburn on my nose and forehead, the aesthetics of Palin's glasses don't come close to overshadowing her lunacy.
She will need bigger glasses to hide that lying face. They do not add intelligence to her, they do not hide her ugly hateful face, she does not look well and looks like she need heavy meds. A break down is coming.
Anonymous 8:44 PM I thought Mitt was going for boring white guys. I'm not sure why Sarah or Michele Bachmann would think they fit the qualifications. -------------------------- They're morons?
Interesting that Google (which at other sites serves up things I've been shopping for) at IM has bible study ads and stuff promoting Sarah. It's the anti-interest algorithm.
She has the remarkable talent for making some pretty unforgettable faces and not in any good way either. Frightful. And revealing of the mind and soul beneath the skin too. M from MD
I "was" going to say HELL NO to speaking, but after the train wreck failure of Bristol's self-deluded "reality" show, and PIMP Todd's sure-to-follow-suit show next month, I say KEEP TALKING, $arah.
This should be FUN to watch. She gets NO headlines/attention like she used to and she's not going to stand for THAT! Watch the melt down...we know it's coming!
How pathetic the narcissism that they can't/won't realize they've become a laughing stock worldwide. ALL for the Benjamins. God indeed, Queen Esther.
OMG - that picture is priceless! I don't want her to sit down yet or Bristol either. I want it known to everyone just what a truly dysfunctional person/family that McCain and others allowed to be even considered as VP of this country.
If dysfunction means seeing ones family daily, enjoying your time on earth, and knowing what life is about, you should all be jealous of Bristol and her family. Incontrast, where are you all at night on July 4th?
LOL. I know it hurts but you gotta admit you're a loser before you change your life.Bristol and Tripp are out having adventures and you're hermits who crave computer time.
We are? Gee. And you're here talking at us. What does that make you... utterly pathetic and beneath contempt? No wonder you're a Sarahfan.
(Hey, Sarah? We ARE laughing at you. AND at Bristol- this is the one you tried to convince us was an honor student? She doesn't know the meaning of the word "honor!"
Adventures? In that "reality show" Bristol is afraid to slide down a snowbank on her butt.
Her adventure of going to Washington DC consists of walking into and out of a hotel. And she told us she couldn't have come if someone hadn't stayed home with Tripp, so no Tripp adventures there.
Have we ever seen her with her child at the zoo or the beach or an aquarium or a children's museum? Does Tripp have a tricycle, or does he need motorized toys to make him a man, like his Grandpa? Is there a boat anywhere in Alaska that Tripp might enjoy? Do we see Tripp going fishing or learning how to swim? Has he ever had a puzzle?
Oh, speaking of the family who LOVES family, where are the great grandparents Chuck and Sally? Where is Sarah shown playing with her grandchildren, as opposed to being photographed with them.
Anon 9:34, So you WANT Them to be MORE public? Is your life that boring?
Tripp doesn't have a tricycle. He has a pedal-less bike that he rides without training wheels. If you follow her on instagram, you'll se Tripp shrimping, you see them enjoying snowy activities and hunt.
So judgmental are the blackhearted people. Get lives and stop fabricating your own fantasy world where everything you don't agree with is black.
In what way do the Pallins demonstrate "knowing what life's about?"
Do we see it in the empathy they show for other single parents? Do we see all the support and time they give to help others financially? Do we see their compassion when they volunteer at hospitals? Or fundraise for the developmentaly disabled? Do we see their kindness to their neighbors? Do we see their brilliant contributions to science or medicine? Do we see the beautiful music and art they bring into the world?
Because life is about kindness, empathy, compassion or sacrifice. Life is about beauty, struggle, achievement, not going to photo shoots and remodeling houses, or suffering without a live-in babysitter.
Oh, but they must do all that humble stuff off camera, in private. uh huh.
Anon at 10:14 pm. Excuse my ignorance but what is a "pedal-less bike"? I really have no idea. Other than that, I couldn't agree with you less. The Palin family would be left in peace if they left everyone else in peace. Even Dan Quayle was bright enough just to go away after his disastrous four years as vice president.
Sarah Palin should have gone back to Alaska in 2008, completed her term of office and then gone home to Wasilla to be heard of no more by the rest of us. Her daughter should have stayed away from the tabloids and the rest of it. NONE OF US WANT TO HEAR FROM ANY OF THEM EVER AGAIN.
Fantasy world? You mean the one that appears before us in print and video? The one that foists itself upon our sensibilities with a hillbilly vengeance?
I spent the holiday with my family, aged a few months to 90. In that group of laughing, loving people were a few PhDs, a lawyer, a psychologist, an award winning engineer, and lots of skilled workers. Nearly every one over 22 had at least one college degree, from associates on. No one's been arrested, no scandals, not pettiness and hatred- geez you're right, we are boring.
Tripp has some mini recreational vehicles he drives. He has all the toys a boy his age in Ak would want. His problem is not lack of adventures and toys. He needs discipline. His mother has alienated his father and picked out another guy for him.
Tripp needs his paternal family. He needs a mother that gives him postive attention and who has time for him, not just her cell phone and whining to a sister. Tripp could use a better diet and adults that do not teach him the hate he is exhibiting. The adults around him also think that is cute, they all enable him as they do Bristol and Sarah. Notice the trolls that come here and make excuses and say things like he is 'cute' he is on an 'adventure.' Enabler trolls just do what enabler trolls do. Tripp is the loser in the end because he is only taught by the severly disturbed who will do anything to keep the false narratives going. The nuts want to control everybodies mind.
We have bigger fish to fry. We have no need for this smelly group of nobodies from the toxic pond in wasilla. Americans have heard enough from this loon. We must work on the zit united crowd.
Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
Palin is stuck in her own stupidity and vengeful rhetoric. The same tired, worn-out, mean-spirited rants without any regard for the truth. Truth is her enemy as she mindlessly blathers away. That she actually thinks she has something to cogently contribute is hilarious.
Only the rilly dumbed down, low on brain cells and oxygen watching her, think she is "oh, yeah, that Sarah she sure nailed it, woo hoo and pass me another beer after I go to the bathroom!"
Time traveling thought: Thank you so much McCain for being equally stoooooopid with your pick for VP. How could you do that in all honesty?
Her almost four year campaign to destroy our President just shows the world how vindictive, spiteful, mean-spirited, vicious, bigoted, and overall evil, she really is.
Alaska is where the good people are going for the end of the world. They are waiting for their mother ship or deity to scoop them up for heaven. Look at the smiley faces of believers. It is typical cult behavior.
I just watched the last episode of BP/LAT and during Scarah's "surprise" party she looks absolutely wasted. Every reaction of hers in that scene is slurred and over exaggerated. Especially when she says to Bristol " wanna share me a piece a cake?" and of course her look of disgust in reaction to Bristol telling her that Tri-G (her darling little son) spit on it. She's wasted. Btw, I'm a mom and wouldn't bat an eye if my toddler made razberries on my cake. That's what toddlers do!
And I'm a big Seuss fan but something about Piper wearing a "thing 1" costume makes me sad. It's just too telling about how this family treats her. The photo selection scene was horrible. How dare Wallow and Beefy treat their little sister like that! They are grown young women, Piper is still a little girl. They should be protecting her.
These people are despicable. Sarah Palin is a Loser!
Bristol was the one who was grossed out by a toddler sptting on a cake. Sarah seemed to not care. And Bristol and Willow are protective of Piper. Yes, they were blunt but I think their mentality was they were the planners.
Anonymous7:33 PM.... A toddler spitting on a cake is NOT what toddler's do. Why would you think that is normal? That is just as gross as if a big child did it, or an adult did it. You have to correct your children.
Do Britta and Kyla live at the compound or is that how Bristol is with her daughter? Britta would be working and seen around town, no one outside of "family" sees her in a small town?
@anon4:09AM. I never said I would not correct my child. Trust me, as the mother of a very adventurous 2.5 year old I spend the majority of my day correcting and redirecting her. I said I wouldn't bat an eye as in I am not surprised with odd little things that toddlers do. They are experimenting and learning. And sometimes even TRY to push our buttons. They do not understand right from wrong. Unlike an older child or an adult who SHOULD know that making razberries on a cake is gross. You must not be a parent.
On second thought, my toddler wouldn't make razberries because we haven't taught her to, nor would she stick her tongue out at people. Again, something we haven't taught her to do. Trig must have learned that kind of behavior just like Trip learned to stick his tongue out at people from his mother!
I watched that one episode and was laughing at how hard having a simple little birthday party was for Bristol. Delivery pizza,some Walmart decorations(not homemade),a lopsided cake with canned icing that looked like Tripp did it.But it was such a big deal! Have they never done this before?Why was it such a worry?
"Bristol was the one who was grossed out by a toddler sptting on a cake. Sarah seemed to not care. "
You obviously haven't watched that scene. Sarah looks absolutely disgusted when Bristol tells her Tri-G spit all over the cake. She realizes in her slow brain that she shouldn't be disgusted because Tri-G is her "son" and tries to save it by saying "It's all the same..(long pause)..Palin saliva". Go watch it.
LOL Right sarah! ;-) "Palin saliva" How about sending some of that "Palin saliva" to a DNA testing facility and proving that you gave birth to him? It's easy. Maury Povich does it almost every day.
Sarah was wasted out of her mind in that scene. "Iiiiii....don'" Scary.
And does Bristol ever do anything with her child other than threaten to put him in time out while she files her nails and insist he sit on the couch? No wonder she thinks little Tripp is "such a punk". Engage in him, or them, Bristol!
Bristol doesn't even take care of her own kid. She whines for Willow to do it. You don't seriously expect anyone to believe that she'd look after her niece? And that Track and Britta actually stupid enough to hand over a baby to her? Geeze, the last thing I'd give a Palin is something I value for them to take care of.
Brisdull is not a person I would entrust with my child. She's a terrible mother and lazy as hell. And it's all on film for the whole world to see. Her mother wanted it out there because she is too delusional to know the difference. I sure do.
well the truth is that she doesn't do "her side" any favors cause she's such a clueless dumbass. SHE HAS FUCKED HER OWN SIDE because she's so unaware of reality, it's hilarious. keep talking, quitter! only the inmates at c4p think you've got it together, and that is a huge laff. what is there, 2 dozen of them? ROFL yep that's your crowd! less that 100 people out of 300 million think you know what you're talking about, lol. whew, what a rock star, LOL!
If the Palins are so 'busy enjoying life' why hasn't this been shown on Bristol's reality show? All they seem to do is sit around and complain. They're pathetic.
You act like she's had shittons of PS. Lipo isn't not shittons of PS. It's not uncommon either for people with naturally round faces. Should she have waited to be older than 20, maybe. But who cares. She looks the same.
"Anonymous10:01 PM If the Palins are so 'busy enjoying life' why hasn't this been shown on Bristol's reality show? All they seem to do is sit around and complain. They're pathetic."
Yup, with LA at her door all Bristol did was gripe. She went to the beach, and complained. She went shopping, and she complained. She went out to eat, and she complained. She can't get out of herself, so she might as well have stayed in Alaska. Wherever Bristol went, it was all about Bristol. I flurve to travel, and meet people, and when I do, I'm not thinking about myself. But, I love adventure, and diversity, and I'm not afraid of life. ;-)
O/T but Baldy related! Fireworks have started at the Asylum AGAIN! Just when the staff (moderators) had gotten things under control in the Dayroom (Open Thread)...commenter "wisetrog" (anyone remember him?) showed up and started carrying on about Exxodus being kicked out of the Insane Asylum (banned)! I missed what he said...but the Acting Director of Crazy had this to say...
"StacyDrake Moderator 27 minutes ago in reply to Guest
You have your facts wrong...
I banned Exodus.. Yep, not Mary Beth, not Steve, but me. Would you like to know why? Because she violated the rules over and over and over again that we asked her to comply with. She overtook the threads. She was disruptive, and abused her privilege.
"For being a Palin site, we are now enforcing Romney's orders." <<< Are you serious?
Let me make this clear, ONCE AGAIN... I do not support Mitt Romney. I am not voting for Mitt Romney. I can't stand the fact that Mitt Romney is Obama's main competitor in this year's election. It's a horrible reality, and I do not, nor will I ever support Mitt Romney. Mittens is not what any of this is about!
I have stated that the hard-working moderators of this site will no longer be subjected to taunts and insults by comment posters who do not know how to obey rules. Since you've been gone, know that this behavior is no longer welcome on our boards.
Now that you know, don't try this sort of post here again. No blog would put up with their contributors and editors being constantly trashed on the threads. Nobody.
Lucikly Director Stacy's had some support from the not as crazy patients...who had this to say...
"AmazedOne1 r 16 minutes ago in reply to Yankee4Palin
Yes, it was a unanimous decision among the moderators.
Wisetrog, have you gone back and read all of what went on when you were gone? Exodus was declaring that if Sarah did not live up to the expectations that exodus put forth, then Sarah was not trustworthy.
Exodus was told to quit posting that idea and given many, many opportunities to comply. Instead, she decided to continue posting in blatant disregard and even taunting of the moderators.You're welcome to set up your own site with your own rules."
"Yankee4PalinYesterday 11:52 PM in reply to Guest
Ex posting comments holding Sarah to Exodus's magical thinking and in so many words that Sarah should prove herself. Since you said you were away, then you need to back off your attacks when you don't know what the facts are. Exodus was given more than enough chances to back off her side door attacks on Sarah. Exodus kept it up spamming, she begged to be banned with her comments"
Well that made Stacy feel he went further...
"StacyDrake Moderator 8 minutes ago in reply to AmazedOne1
Yes, all of the moderators discussed the issue at length, but I pulled the trigger on Ex. I see a lot of her supporters going after Mary Beth & Steve over this, and I don't like it. If they want to come after someone, they can come after me."
Loved how one of the patients acted like Stacy's back up...
" IsraeliCojones 4 minutes ago in reply to StacyDrake
Her sycophants are just like $carah - very thin-skinned.
Ever read Huffpo, Stacy? Peple dis the mods all the time. Even my local paper editors get slammed for some of their comment removal choices - guess what, Stacypoo? They are mature adults who simply ignore it. Really, go back to kindergarten, Stacy.
Is Gina unstable? Or is she 11? ___________________________________________
I see Krusty was drunk commenting again last night! Poor friends to share a bbq and watch fireworks with!
I pity you Kristy. Go call your family instead of on this blog defending people YOU DON'T KNOW...a family so reviled that your pitiful cries of defensiveness just makes you look even more deranged and deluded. At least you can say you fit right in with your IDOLS!
Well at least Gryphen gave you a place to hang out at...otherwise a lonely bitter middle aged woman such as yourself wouldn't have anything better to do! Get some sleep Krusty...your shift will be starting soon! LOL!!!
Gryphen, I am not very good with computers. but I think there is a story on WAAF-tv website out of Huntsville,Al. I think you might be interested in. These people are a bunch of racist trying to be seen. They live in Winfield Al. Wish I could give you a link to this story but like I am not computer literate. You might even find it if you google Winfield AL. There are some crazy people in tis world and this is just like a group Sarah would pal around with,
We live in a world where a man who verbally abuse another person, do aftermath interviews, and sue for invasion of privacy. We live in a world where an immature teen boy can make money from distasteful, disgusting interviews, while ignoring the feelings of his son. We live in a world where an ill-equipped man can become President, and out first black President, and where people disparage others for possessing the SAME qualities as he has.
Are you really shocked by anything given the above?
If you are implying that President Obama is "ill-equipped" to be president, you could not be more wrong. There is no way in the world that Sarah Palin can be compared to President Obama. She can barely put five words together in a sentence. No one is completely sure that she graduated from college. She faked a pregnancy. She lies every time she opens her mouth in public, and probably in private too.
"We live in a world where a man who verbally abuse(sic) another person, do(sic) aftermath interviews, and sue(sic) for invasion of privacy."
Nothing you said makes sense but it seems like you don't like the "world we're living in". Why don't you do something about it then? You won't be missed.
I have a suspicion that even the dumbest Americans are beginning to pick up on just how much the Fox Nation, and its denizens like Palin, are habitual liars and complainers...and are tuning out.
If Tawd runs out of sandpaper while working around the house, he can always grab Sarah and rub her cheeks on the woodwork. My God, what vile skin! Maybe if she washed up once in a while and ate a decent diet she'd look her age instead of 10 years older. And, of course, her mean disposition adds to the frown lines greatly.
I read this blip about the Nasty Trash, Teresa, from Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Teresa then drops a pretty heinous bomb: She says Rosie felt left out because Kathy "hated the fact that her sister was gay." This stands in stark contrast to everything we've seen ... and even if it may actually be true, it's about the lowest blow dealt on this show. Teresa continues to flip the script, reminding Rosie -- who originally came to defend her sister -- that she can always come to her with any familial issues. It's a very crafty move, and one that makes me wonder if we're not giving her credit where credit is due.
I mean, don't get me wrong -- I've met dirt with a higher IQ than Teresa; but her calculated manipulations are proof that people who can't form full sentences can still sharpen their words into poison darts.
Sarah Palin and Teresa could be BFFs - until they killed each other! Now THAT is a Reality show I would watch.
Teresa takes a minute to spit-shine her halo and tuck her tail back into her jeans. She reminds Rosie that she's seeking therapy with her brother since the Mutiny on the S.S. Friendship has left her completely alone.
Teresa deserves an Emmy for Best Actress in an "I'm the Victim" Role.
WOLFEBORO, N.H. (AP) — Mitt Romney's wife has disclosed a tantalizing detail about her husband's intensely secret vice presidential search: He's considering choosing a woman.
"We've been looking at that, and I love that option as well," Ann Romney told CBS News in an interview broadcast Thursday. She added: "There's a lot of people that Mitt is considering right now.... including New Hampshire Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte — who walked in a July Fourth parade with Romney on Wednesday — as well as South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman...."
WHAT? WHERE IS SARAH PALIN'S NAME? Bristol must of fucked up Sarah's chances at VP with Life's A Tripp? Hey Sarah when will you endorse Romney? LOL... The Sarah Palin Curse continues...
"Squeak Sarah Squeak" seems more appropriate. She always reminds me a chi-wah-wah trying to be the center of attention. Just needs a good swift push with the shoe and out the door.
Not only was Krusty very busy drunk commenting last night looks like she "just can't quit the Palins"'ve been bad again Krusty! LOL!!
Love your new blog...and especially this part...
I disapprove of people who hatefully lie more than anything in the world, which says a lot because I typically dislike nothing. I am one of the most easy going, personable and driven people you’ll ever meet. I disapprove of the self-righteous and self-absorbed. I have no reason, personal or otherwise, to dislike Sarah Palin. I do not claim to know her or her family. I, however, do personally know a few of their acquaintances, including a former coworker of Bristol’s, two former teachers, and a neighbor. That said, I would assume nothing about any of the above people unless I personally witnessed an event. With this blog, I hope to successful portray public figures objectively, passing no judgments, distorting no statements, and inserting no opinion. I let words speak for themselves, plainly. Again, I do not distort or read into things, something opinion bloggers who claim they know truth, need to learn avoid in order to maintain a sense of morality and dignity.
"Again, I claim nothing on this blog to be absolute truth. I write with objective observation
**All images courtesy of Palins public facebook pages"
Gryphen, I know you are probably trying to take the high road by not responding to his palinesque bullying tactics, but what say you regarding Scharlott's calling you out to the playground during recess AGAIN?
It's obvious he wants to pick a fight with you. Why? Is he THAT insecure about his "research"?
His ear overlay as "proof" of one Trig is asinine. As the palinproject Flickr clearly shows, overlaying Tripp and Trig ears provides an IDENTICAL matchup as well. Guess what, Braddy- sometimes brothers have the same ears!
His claim that the recent "VBS" photo is not an ear deformity but rather "light and shadow" is laughable. He was wrong and he should just admit it.
Brad, YOU are the one making us all look stupid, not Gryphen.
I swear, why is it obviously a priority for people in CERTAIN CAMPS to cast doubt on Jesse? THOSE are the people who are worried about their reputation, I'd say.
Brad is a fucking moron who has ridden into the Sarah Palin drama to get clicks, nothing more.
Not sure why laura novak's blog was ever popular, but isn't that where he originated/
I found it weird that Novak's blog popped up (not that it was new, it just wasn't "on my radar", but then people here [or Palingates?] mentioned her blog),
at the same time as "ME AGAIN", who literally said "Sarah Palin is jealous of Laura Novak because Laura is everything Sarah is not - a writer, a good mother, etc".
I don't necessarily agree with you about Laura, but you've got Brad pegged. His blog is incredibly annoying to someone who has followed this saga for 4 years. He's an opportunist at best.
I'm glad to see I am not alone in my feelings about the whole situation. I too feel Brad is monumentally insulting to the people who have carried the burden of Trig Truth as a heavy yoke for all these years since 2008. And I can't say much about Laura as I was never a longtime/frequent reader. However, it's oddly curious to me how people tend to shoot down Floyd Orr as a dramatist when he says there are "blog wars" behind the scenes. I do know from other comments that Laura was all bloggy BFF with Brad and then suddenly she "quit" active Trig Truthing on the same day she removed Brad (and political gates) from her side navigation. Gryphen still remains there.
Obviously political gates has aligned themselves with Brad and that's a real shame because they are great investigators and he is just a loudmouth who thinks because he teaches a certain subject that he's the ONLY ONE who can EVER have a correct hypothesis.
I too work in a university setting (one with about fifty times the population of students Brad's has) and I would never think to use that as an excuse to justify my own opinions.
For what it's worth, I should note that Gryphenhas rejected someof my comments about Brad even though he obviously knows how Brad is trying to paint him. So that tells me Gryphen not only can be but IS ruthlessly fair on the matter.
No gryphen. I want her to sit down and shut up. There are bigger fish to fry than this ugly rapture witch living in a toxic pond. Her voice does not have anything to do with President Obama's ratings going up. She is a nobody from wasilla, up to her ugly face in legal bills and taxes. NO I would like her to shut up and go away. This witch feeds the hate and ignorance infecting this country. She was trash before 08 and she continues to be trash along with her family. AMERICA AND AMERICANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF HER IGNORANCE AND SOCIOPATH OPPORTUNIST WAYS.
Well I went to see if anyone had commented on Brad's blogging equivalent of "Gryphen meet me by the jungle gym with your dukes up"- and the post was gone.
So. Good!
I know the palinproject Flickr person doesn't necessarily sound as refined as a professor, but the reason I choose her little ear graphics instead of his is because Brad's just leave NO room for human error, interpretation, anything. He says "Gryphen is wrong", period. But guess what- there used to be highly regarded PROFESSORS- who were 100% CERTAIN the world was flat- and they ridiculed those who suggested otherwise.
I'm not even saying Gryphen is "definitely" right. That's just it, there are so many contradictory things I wouldn't ever say "so and so is WRONG, because they are WRONG!"
Brad has it all mixed up about Gryphen making Truthers look silly. Brad is handling that post just fine.
I usually avoid those blogs like the plague, but I visited and do feel the need to correct something that was said over there about my considering myself "famous," and saying so in an e-mail.
I don't, and I didn't.
This is the section of the last e-mail I sent that I think BS is referring to.
"In the future when you start a blog determined to invalidate a famous post by another blogger, you may consider that said blogger might not be terribly interested in helping to publicize it. I mean really."
That post received 72,000 hits in one day, was talked about for weeks all over the internet, and remains the most well known of my blog posts. So referring to it as "famous" seems relatively appropriate.
I, on the other hand, am decidedly NOT famous. Which is perfectly fine with me.
I'll tell ya, I'm no Valentino and I've got so many friggin skeletons in my closet that I hadda build another closet. But the countenance of this woman, it kinda defies description. Can you imagine, holy shit,can you imagine what a fucking kiss would feel like from this woman? My God.
Wow, that pic really shows why Sarah had to get all that plastic surgery!
ReplyDeleteYes, but now she probably cannot scowl like that because her face won't move.
DeleteSoon, for better or for worse, Ronmey will chose his running mate.
DeleteSaid running mate will have an undergraduate degree from an accredited college, and a graduate degree. He will be strong resolute, and have a sense of humor. His kids won't likely be romney robots, but individuals all their own.
Not a peep will be heard from the Palins for along time after the conventions, until the indictments start getting handed down.
I vote for indictments sooner than later. Time for old palins to pay up. Answer questions under oath and be charged and convicted of many charges. There welfare is over. Time for all of them to face the music. LIAR LIAR LIAR......
DeleteRomney was feted and wined and dined in Wolfeboro NH on the 4th. He held a rally at the 4th of July parade. Lots of people were PO'd at the parade being displaced for his campaign signs. Whatever.....
DeleteHe was very COZY with Kelly Ayotte, another crook. SHE will be his choice as a running mate.
Goodness. That photo startled me - I mean you use some seriously ugly shots of her but this one - yikes. Is she taking testosterone? Mannish features and that might explain the Belmonts.
ReplyDeleteClearly the stress, lifestyle, lies and reality is catching up with old sarah and her little pond of pollution. It is over for her. She knows it. There is no hope for her. going down?
DeleteHaHaHaHaHa!!! Now that's a great picture! She really needs to learn how to control her facial expressions if she wants to be taken seriously. I realized years ago that I had the same problem which is why I most of my job history has been in call centers. No one can see me roll my eyes and I can hit the mute button before the sarcasm comes out to play.
ReplyDeleteThis picture also puts paid to the question of whether or not her glasses are real. There's no scrip in those lenses .... at all. There's no break in the face/cheek line (profile). Even a featherweight lens will show a small bump on camera. Look how smooth (except the wrinkles) the side of her face is. Nope, as someone who has had to wear glasses all her life, I think I can safely say that those babies are nothing but clear glass. like zirconia not the rill dill.
Is that what's always bothered me about the lenses? Then again I've heard she had laser surgery and had her tubes tied. So she still needs glasses and her tube tying didn't take - guess that must suck for Sara, two non-reimbursed surgeries and they both failed or maybe not
Deleterumor has it that she did indeed have laser surgery but she feels that people will think she's intelligent if she wears glasses.
DeleteKerry - then she opens her mouth and removes all doubt she might be. Love that quote though I paraphrased it.
DeleteYes, I've worn glasses since the 2nd grade..I am now 67 years...She is wearing fake glasses...which is appropriate for her.
DeleteSarah's naturally expressive. How would you look if you were photographed at every second? Probably worse.
Delete"naturally expressive?" Oh, that sounds so model-like. She's expressive all right. She expresses anger, disgust, sarcasm...where are photos of her happy, content, loving, tickled about something a child did, being a normal human being? There are none. She is a bitter aging woman who can't get over losing the VP slot due to her own machinations. get over it, Sarah. Loser. Loser. Loser.
DeleteThe glasses would definitely make her seem more intelligent if she would put them in her mouth, preventing her from screeching her deranged blather on things about which she hasn't a clue.
DeleteJust as the little tiki umbrella in my drink by the pool yesterday did not prevent the sunburn on my nose and forehead, the aesthetics of Palin's glasses don't come close to overshadowing her lunacy.
I have been wearing glasses for decades, and I am in my 60's.
DeleteAnd yep, you can tell clearly, by this photo that that is plain glass. Those are not prescription lenses.
There is no break between the line of her face, and the lens.
9:07PM : "Sarah's naturally expressive."
DeleteWow! The stupid is thick with this one. You really need to think before you pen your idiocy.
She is still brooding over she and McCain's loss.
Delete"Sarah's naturally expressive."
DeleteThats why Todd screws prostitutes.She makes that face during sex and he runs for his pimpphonebook.
She will need bigger glasses to hide that lying face. They do not add intelligence to her, they do not hide her ugly hateful face, she does not look well and looks like she need heavy meds. A break down is coming.
DeleteSarah. Never. Laughs.
DeleteShe may smirk; she may "harumph"; she may even force a chuckle...
But she Never. Laughs.
Think about it.
Where did you find this? If true, wonderful. But I do refuse to listen to her at all as her voice grates on my soul.
ReplyDeleteGoogle ad serves me up a poll- Pick the V.P. with picture of Chris Chistie, Sarah Palin and Bobby Jindahl. Puhleeze.
ReplyDeleteRomney wouldn't pick her w/a ten foot pole!!!
DeleteI thought Mitt was going for boring white guys. I'm not sure why Sarah or Michele Bachmann would think they fit the qualifications.
DeleteAnonymous 8:44 PM
DeleteI thought Mitt was going for boring white guys. I'm not sure why Sarah or Michele Bachmann would think they fit the qualifications.
They're morons?
Interesting that Google (which at other sites serves up things I've been shopping for) at IM has bible study ads and stuff promoting Sarah. It's the anti-interest algorithm.
DeleteRomney is desparate. He is going to get BBQ'd very soon. He will be flippin like a carp out of water soon. Its already over.
Delete@5:20- Do you like to poke around C4P? Maybe that's where the clicks lead - to pro-Sarah ads.
DeleteWhat's wrong with her eyes? Is Palin stoned or something?
ReplyDeleteIn the last thread, some troll did write about Tripp's drug addled grandmother.
DeleteThey've always had that dead look. It's the look of someone who hates herself or of someone completely unable to emphasize.
DeleteStroke. Stress. lies. All catchin up to the rapture witch from a toxic pond.
DeleteThose eyes are seriously BLOODSHOT! The clear signs of a DRUNK!
DeleteShe has the remarkable talent for making some pretty unforgettable faces and not in any good way either.
ReplyDeleteFrightful. And revealing of the mind and soul beneath the skin too.
M from MD
I guess that the glasses don't make Sarah look all that intelligent.
ReplyDeleteShe's a friggin' retard!
DeleteHs ha ha. She's so delusional and ridiculous that she'll probably interpret this data as being proof of her own vitality. Because she's stooooopid.
ReplyDeleteI "was" going to say HELL NO to speaking, but after the train wreck failure of Bristol's self-deluded "reality" show, and PIMP Todd's sure-to-follow-suit show next month, I say KEEP TALKING, $arah.
ReplyDeleteThis should be FUN to watch. She gets NO headlines/attention like she used to and she's not going to stand for THAT! Watch the melt down...we know it's coming!
How pathetic the narcissism that they can't/won't realize they've become a laughing stock worldwide. ALL for the Benjamins. God indeed, Queen Esther.
bitchtol is nasal. willow is nasal. both are disgusting little twits. What a waste of air and space.
DeleteOMG - that picture is priceless! I don't want her to sit down yet or Bristol either. I want it known to everyone just what a truly dysfunctional person/family that McCain and others allowed to be even considered as VP of this country.
ReplyDeleteIf dysfunction means seeing ones family daily, enjoying your time on earth, and knowing what life is about, you should all be jealous of Bristol and her family. Incontrast, where are you all at night on July 4th?
DeleteLOL. I know it hurts but you gotta admit you're a loser before you change your life.Bristol and Tripp are out having adventures and you're hermits who crave computer time.
We are? Gee. And you're here talking at us. What does that make you... utterly pathetic and beneath contempt? No wonder you're a Sarahfan.
Delete(Hey, Sarah? We ARE laughing at you. AND at Bristol- this is the one you tried to convince us was an honor student? She doesn't know the meaning of the word "honor!"
Adventures? In that "reality show" Bristol is afraid to slide down a snowbank on her butt.
DeleteHer adventure of going to Washington DC consists of walking into and out of a hotel. And she told us she couldn't have come if someone hadn't stayed home with Tripp, so no Tripp adventures there.
Have we ever seen her with her child at the zoo or the beach or an aquarium or a children's museum? Does Tripp have a tricycle, or does he need motorized toys to make him a man, like his Grandpa? Is there a boat anywhere in Alaska that Tripp might enjoy? Do we see Tripp going fishing or learning how to swim? Has he ever had a puzzle?
Oh, speaking of the family who LOVES family, where are the great grandparents Chuck and Sally? Where is Sarah shown playing with her grandchildren, as opposed to being photographed with them.
Do anti American secessionists like the Palin's even celebrate the 4th of july?
DeleteAnon 9:34, So you WANT Them to be MORE public? Is your life that boring?
DeleteTripp doesn't have a tricycle. He has a pedal-less bike that he rides without training wheels. If you follow her on instagram, you'll se Tripp shrimping, you see them enjoying snowy activities and hunt.
So judgmental are the blackhearted people. Get lives and stop fabricating your own fantasy world where everything you don't agree with is black.
In what way do the Pallins demonstrate "knowing what life's about?"
DeleteDo we see it in the empathy they show for other single parents? Do we see all the support and time they give to help others financially? Do we see their compassion when they volunteer at hospitals? Or fundraise for the developmentaly disabled? Do we see their kindness to their neighbors? Do we see their brilliant contributions to science or medicine? Do we see the beautiful music and art they bring into the world?
Because life is about kindness, empathy, compassion or sacrifice. Life is about beauty, struggle, achievement, not going to photo shoots and remodeling houses, or suffering without a live-in babysitter.
Oh, but they must do all that humble stuff off camera, in private. uh huh.
anon @ 10:14 pm,
Deleteyou're being sarcastic, right ?
you undereducated inbred dipshit fuk_tard
Anon at 10:14 pm. Excuse my ignorance but what is a "pedal-less bike"? I really have no idea. Other than that, I couldn't agree with you less. The Palin family would be left in peace if they left everyone else in peace. Even Dan Quayle was bright enough just to go away after his disastrous four years as vice president.
DeleteSarah Palin should have gone back to Alaska in 2008, completed her term of office and then gone home to Wasilla to be heard of no more by the rest of us. Her daughter should have stayed away from the tabloids and the rest of it. NONE OF US WANT TO HEAR FROM ANY OF THEM EVER AGAIN.
Fantasy world? You mean the one that appears before us in print and video? The one that foists itself upon our sensibilities with a hillbilly vengeance?
DeleteI spent the holiday with my family, aged a few months to 90. In that group of laughing, loving people were a few PhDs, a lawyer, a psychologist, an award winning engineer, and lots of skilled workers. Nearly every one over 22 had at least one college degree, from associates on. No one's been arrested, no scandals, not pettiness and hatred- geez you're right, we are boring.
"Have we ever seen her with her child at the zoo or the beach or an aquarium or a children's museum?"
DeleteNo, but we have seen pictures of Bristol and Willow as Disneyland without Tripp.
Anon @10:14 PM - "blackhearted people"
DeleteYou nailed the Palins you clever devil.
Tripp has some mini recreational vehicles he drives. He has all the toys a boy his age in Ak would want.
DeleteHis problem is not lack of adventures and toys. He needs discipline. His mother has alienated his father and picked out another guy for him.
Tripp needs his paternal family. He needs a mother that gives him postive attention and who has time for him, not just her cell phone and whining to a sister. Tripp could use a better diet and adults that do not teach him the hate he is exhibiting. The adults around him also think that is cute, they all enable him as they do Bristol and Sarah. Notice the trolls that come here and make excuses and say things like he is 'cute' he is on an 'adventure.' Enabler trolls just do what enabler trolls do. Tripp is the loser in the end because he is only taught by the severly disturbed who will do anything to keep the false narratives going. The nuts want to control everybodies mind.
Washington D.C., the Smithsonian alone would be a place to take a kid. And the National Zoo - PANDAS!!!!!!
DeleteFace it - Bitchtol is a selfish, shitty mother - just like $carah
Todd has lots of adventures with prostitutes.
DeleteWe have bigger fish to fry. We have no need for this smelly group of nobodies from the toxic pond in wasilla. Americans have heard enough from this loon. We must work on the zit united crowd.
Delete"Sarah" aka RAM or Brancy, posted about "adventures" in the first Facebook post about the show, yes?
DeleteThis must be their new "Word" - Krusty has sprinkled it among a few posts.
Oh, and Krusty?
Albert Einstein said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
ReplyDeletePalin is stuck in her own stupidity and vengeful rhetoric. The same tired, worn-out, mean-spirited rants without any regard for the truth. Truth is her enemy as she mindlessly blathers away. That she actually thinks she has something to cogently contribute is hilarious.
Only the rilly dumbed down, low on brain cells and oxygen watching her, think she is "oh, yeah, that Sarah she sure nailed it, woo hoo and pass me another beer after I go to the bathroom!"
Time traveling thought: Thank you so much McCain for being equally stoooooopid with your pick for VP. How could you do that in all honesty?
God, is that woman ugly!!!! Evil inside and outwardly!
ReplyDeleteHer almost four year campaign to destroy our President just shows the world how vindictive, spiteful, mean-spirited, vicious, bigoted, and overall evil, she really is.
ReplyDeleteThat is the face of pure unadulterated evil.
Yes it is.
DeleteYep. Evil. Ick.
DeleteAgreed. Evil.
DeleteShe looks like she's trying not to cry...taken as John McCain gave his concession speech and her intention to take the stage & speak shot down?
ReplyDeleteWell, maybe not, as in this picture she looks like she does these days...much aged and hardened.
Sarah, Sarah , Sarah. What a reveal.
ReplyDeleteI am all for her yakkity yakking until she is done. Please let that be soon.
How many similarities to the little Palin situation in little old Alaska?
"Attack, don’t defend"
Alaska is where the good people are going for the end of the world. They are waiting for their mother ship or deity to scoop them up for heaven. Look at the smiley faces of believers. It is typical cult behavior.
Deleteyou're collecting pale skin.
W.T.F??? HOW has no one commented on this?
What the fuck are you talking about, Buffalo Bill?
"Collecting Skin"?????
Delete"Collecting Skin"?????
Hey...I'm still trying to figure out WTF "spitton" is!
I just watched the last episode of BP/LAT and during Scarah's "surprise" party she looks absolutely wasted. Every reaction of hers in that scene is slurred and over exaggerated. Especially when she says to Bristol " wanna share me a piece a cake?" and of course her look of disgust in reaction to Bristol telling her that Tri-G (her darling little son) spit on it. She's wasted. Btw, I'm a mom and wouldn't bat an eye if my toddler made razberries on my cake. That's what toddlers do!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm a big Seuss fan but something about Piper wearing a "thing 1" costume makes me sad. It's just too telling about how this family treats her. The photo selection scene was horrible. How dare Wallow and Beefy treat their little sister like that! They are grown young women, Piper is still a little girl. They should be protecting her.
These people are despicable. Sarah Palin is a Loser!
Bristol was the one who was grossed out by a toddler sptting on a cake. Sarah seemed to not care. And Bristol and Willow are protective of Piper. Yes, they were blunt but I think their mentality was they were the planners.
DeleteSarah wasn't going to eat it. She lives on Red Bull.
DeleteSo the "planners" get to be brats to a 10 year old? (or whatever-I don't really care about Piper's age).
DeletePiper NEVER looks like she is having fun.
Anonymous7:33 PM.... A toddler spitting on a cake is NOT what toddler's do. Why would you think that is normal? That is just as gross as if a big child did it, or an adult did it. You have to correct your children.
DeleteDo Britta and Kyla live at the compound or is that how Bristol is with her daughter? Britta would be working and seen around town, no one outside of "family" sees her in a small town?
DeleteAnon at (:01 pm. "their mentality was they were the planners" - what does that mean? Sounds like the party was a giant fiasco as is everything Palin!
Delete@anon4:09AM. I never said I would not correct my child. Trust me, as the mother of a very adventurous 2.5 year old I spend the majority of my day correcting and redirecting her. I said I wouldn't bat an eye as in I am not surprised with odd little things that toddlers do. They are experimenting and learning. And sometimes even TRY to push our buttons. They do not understand right from wrong. Unlike an older child or an adult who SHOULD know that making razberries on a cake is gross. You must not be a parent.
DeleteOn second thought, my toddler wouldn't make razberries because we haven't taught her to, nor would she stick her tongue out at people. Again, something we haven't taught her to do. Trig must have learned that kind of behavior just like Trip learned to stick his tongue out at people from his mother!
DeleteI watched that one episode and was laughing at how hard having a simple little birthday party was for Bristol. Delivery pizza,some Walmart decorations(not homemade),a lopsided cake with canned icing that looked like Tripp did it.But it was such a big deal! Have they never done this before?Why was it such a worry?
Delete"Bristol was the one who was grossed out by a toddler sptting on a cake. Sarah seemed to not care. "
DeleteYou obviously haven't watched that scene. Sarah looks absolutely disgusted when Bristol tells her Tri-G spit all over the cake. She realizes in her slow brain that she shouldn't be disgusted because Tri-G is her "son" and tries to save it by saying "It's all the same..(long pause)..Palin saliva". Go watch it.
LOL Right sarah! ;-) "Palin saliva" How about sending some of that "Palin saliva" to a DNA testing facility and proving that you gave birth to him? It's easy. Maury Povich does it almost every day.
Sarah was wasted out of her mind in that scene. "Iiiiii....don'" Scary.
DeleteAnd does Bristol ever do anything with her child other than threaten to put him in time out while she files her nails and insist he sit on the couch? No wonder she thinks little Tripp is "such a punk". Engage in him, or them, Bristol!
I read that Track split up with his wife. Is that true? Poor Sarah everyone except for the 'bots' know Sarah is one dumb biotch!
ReplyDeleteNope. Not true. And you're a gullible dumbass. Bristol still babysits her niece pretty regularly as well.
DeleteBristol doesn't even take care of her own kid. She whines for Willow to do it. You don't seriously expect anyone to believe that she'd look after her niece? And that Track and Britta actually stupid enough to hand over a baby to her? Geeze, the last thing I'd give a Palin is something I value for them to take care of.
DeleteWere they ever together, they only had a fake marriage and not a real one.
DeleteBrisdull is not a person I would entrust with my child. She's a terrible mother and lazy as hell. And it's all on film for the whole world to see. Her mother wanted it out there because she is too delusional to know the difference. I sure do.
DeleteAnonymous 9:00 PM
DeleteThey did split.
"Nope. Not true. And you're a gullible dumbass. Bristol still babysits her niece pretty regularly as well."
DeleteDoes Bristol babysit her other kids Trig, Ruffles, DWTS baby, Tripp....
Does Bristol babysit the children of her dads prostitutes,or does he always remember those condoms he wraps in face cloths and puts in his pocket?
DeleteIt's not called babysitting when you are looking after your own three children. Sucks to be you, Brisket!
DeleteHappy Birthday to Malia Obama today as she turns 14.
ReplyDeleteDidn't she want Willow to be born on the 4th?
DeleteYeah she did , but she also wanted to know who Willow's baby Daddy was but that was before DNA testing became a common standard.
DeleteLittle Rabbit
Little Rabbit, you're an idiot.
DeleteGo take a fucking shower, psycho.
I see the troll has been reduced to personally attacking the regulars here. Good. That means we win. Keep up the good work IM'ers!
Deletewell the truth is that she doesn't do "her side" any favors cause she's such a clueless dumbass. SHE HAS FUCKED HER OWN SIDE because she's so unaware of reality, it's hilarious. keep talking, quitter! only the inmates at c4p think you've got it together, and that is a huge laff. what is there, 2 dozen of them? ROFL yep that's your crowd! less that 100 people out of 300 million think you know what you're talking about, lol. whew, what a rock star, LOL!
ReplyDeleteYeah, she's really fucked them, which is why they're busy enjoying life and you're collecting pale skin.
DeleteIt's a crime to call Ol'$cary a "rock" star because rocks are way, way, way more intelligent than she is.
DeleteIn the photo above, it looks like Ol'$cary finally got a whiff of her own body odor.
Now she can understand why "odeur de Palin" is one of the many reasons that so many people are totally disgusted with her.
Oh please, let me enjoy life by having plastic surgery! Cut me, bruise my face! oh this is so enjoyable.
DeleteAnd tanning beds! So fun to lay there like a corpse and give yourself skin cancer.
If the Palins are so 'busy enjoying life' why hasn't this been shown on Bristol's reality show? All they seem to do is sit around and complain. They're pathetic.
DeleteYou act like she's had shittons of PS. Lipo isn't not shittons of PS. It's not uncommon either for people with naturally round faces. Should she have waited to be older than 20, maybe. But who cares. She looks the same.
DeleteAnon @10:08 PM
Delete"She looks the same"
A trip to the Opthamologist is recommended. Squeeze it in on the same day as your trip to the psychiatrist. Think of it as a two-fer.
"Anonymous10:01 PM
DeleteIf the Palins are so 'busy enjoying life' why hasn't this been shown on Bristol's reality show? All they seem to do is sit around and complain. They're pathetic."
Yup, with LA at her door all Bristol did was gripe. She went to the beach, and complained. She went shopping, and she complained. She went out to eat, and she complained. She can't get out of herself, so she might as well have stayed in Alaska. Wherever Bristol went, it was all about Bristol. I flurve to travel, and meet people, and when I do, I'm not thinking about myself. But, I love adventure, and diversity, and I'm not afraid of life. ;-)
""shittons ""
Todd has "shittons "of fun with prostitutes.
DeleteO/T but Baldy related! Fireworks have started at the Asylum AGAIN! Just when the staff (moderators) had gotten things under control in the Dayroom (Open Thread)...commenter "wisetrog" (anyone remember him?) showed up and started carrying on about Exxodus being kicked out of the Insane Asylum (banned)! I missed what he said...but the Acting Director of Crazy had this to say...
ReplyDelete"StacyDrake Moderator 27 minutes ago in reply to Guest
You have your facts wrong...
I banned Exodus.. Yep, not Mary Beth, not Steve, but me. Would you like to know why? Because she violated the rules over and over and over again that we asked her to comply with. She overtook the threads. She was disruptive, and abused her privilege.
"For being a Palin site, we are now enforcing Romney's orders." <<< Are you serious?
Let me make this clear, ONCE AGAIN... I do not support Mitt Romney. I am not voting for Mitt Romney. I can't stand the fact that Mitt Romney is Obama's main competitor in this year's election. It's a horrible reality, and I do not, nor will I ever support Mitt Romney. Mittens is not what any of this is about!
I have stated that the hard-working moderators of this site will no longer be subjected to taunts and insults by comment posters who do not know how to obey rules. Since you've been gone, know that this behavior is no longer welcome on our boards.
Now that you know, don't try this sort of post here again. No blog would put up with their contributors and editors being constantly trashed on the threads. Nobody.
Lucikly Director Stacy's had some support from the not as crazy patients...who had this to say...
"AmazedOne1 r 16 minutes ago in reply to Yankee4Palin
Yes, it was a unanimous decision among the moderators.
Wisetrog, have you gone back and read all of what went on when you were gone? Exodus was declaring that if Sarah did not live up to the expectations that exodus put forth, then Sarah was not trustworthy.
Exodus was told to quit posting that idea and given many, many opportunities to comply. Instead, she decided to continue posting in blatant disregard and even taunting of the moderators.You're welcome to set up your own site with your own rules."
"Yankee4PalinYesterday 11:52 PM in reply to Guest
Ex posting comments holding Sarah to Exodus's magical thinking and in so many words that Sarah should prove herself.
Since you said you were away, then you need to back off your attacks when you don't know
what the facts are. Exodus was given more than enough chances to back off her side door attacks on Sarah. Exodus kept it up spamming, she begged to be banned with her comments"
Well that made Stacy feel he went further...
"StacyDrake Moderator 8 minutes ago in reply to AmazedOne1
Yes, all of the moderators discussed the issue at length, but I pulled the trigger on Ex. I see a lot of her supporters going after Mary Beth & Steve over this, and I don't like it. If they want to come after someone, they can come after me."
Loved how one of the patients acted like Stacy's back up...
" IsraeliCojones 4 minutes ago in reply to StacyDrake
...and I will come after them."
DUH DUN DUNNNNN!!! Happy 4th of July Everybody!
Happy 4th to you GinaM. And kudos to you for having the fortitude to visit that fetid cesspool.
DeleteIs Gina unstable? Or is she 11?
DeleteYou (Anon @10:36 PM) live on this blog slinging childish insults and then you throw out "Or is she 11?" You are not well. Get help, please.
DeleteHer sycophants are just like $carah - very thin-skinned.
DeleteEver read Huffpo, Stacy? Peple dis the mods all the time. Even my local paper editors get slammed for some of their comment removal choices - guess what, Stacypoo? They are mature adults who simply ignore it. Really, go back to kindergarten, Stacy.
Anonymous10:36 PM
DeleteIs Gina unstable? Or is she 11?
I see Krusty was drunk commenting again last night! Poor friends to share a bbq and watch fireworks with!
I pity you Kristy. Go call your family instead of on this blog defending people YOU DON'T KNOW...a family so reviled that your pitiful cries of defensiveness just makes you look even more deranged and deluded. At least you can say you fit right in with your IDOLS!
Well at least Gryphen gave you a place to hang out at...otherwise a lonely bitter middle aged woman such as yourself wouldn't have anything better to do! Get some sleep Krusty...your shift will be starting soon! LOL!!!
As Ex-C4P poster Exodus2011 would say:
lol @2emptynest!
ReplyDeleteI am not very good with computers. but I think there is a story on WAAF-tv website out of Huntsville,Al. I think you might be interested in. These people are a bunch of racist trying to be seen. They live in Winfield Al. Wish I could give you a link to this story but like I am not computer literate. You might even find it if you google Winfield AL. There are some crazy people in tis world and this is just like a group Sarah would pal around with,
Here you go! I am guessing this is what you're talking about, posted 1 day ago.
guntersville is a beautiful area down there.
Deleteunfortunately there are crazy folks everywhere. i hope things are peaceful for the community till this thing passes in a couple of days.
this link below tells a little about the situation.
Yes that is it. A bunch of racist rednecks. KKK is there also.
DeleteWe live in a world where a man who verbally abuse another person, do aftermath interviews, and sue for invasion of privacy. We live in a world where an immature teen boy can make money from distasteful, disgusting interviews, while ignoring the feelings of his son. We live in a world where an ill-equipped man can become President, and out first black President, and where people disparage others for possessing the SAME qualities as he has.
ReplyDeleteAre you really shocked by anything given the above?
I would be shocked at how incoherent your rage makes you, but it's actually kind of funny to see how you try to deflect.
DeleteIf you are implying that President Obama is "ill-equipped" to be president, you could not be more wrong. There is no way in the world that Sarah Palin can be compared to President Obama. She can barely put five words together in a sentence. No one is completely sure that she graduated from college. She faked a pregnancy. She lies every time she opens her mouth in public, and probably in private too.
DeleteSomething is wrong with 10:35.
Delete"Something is wrong with 10:35."
DeleteYup, it's a typical Palinbot; ill-informed, incoherent, uneducated, and off its meds.
"We live in a world where a man who verbally abuse(sic) another person, do(sic) aftermath interviews, and sue(sic) for invasion of privacy."
DeleteNothing you said makes sense but it seems like you don't like the "world we're living in". Why don't you do something about it then? You won't be missed.
We live in a world where Todd Palin recruits prostites and his wife says thanks formaking some extra money.
DeleteI have a suspicion that even the dumbest Americans are beginning to pick up on just how much the Fox Nation, and its denizens like Palin, are habitual liars and complainers...and are tuning out.
ReplyDeleteHer constant nasty attitude is showing in this photo - it's also aging her horribly. Sara honey, you look nothing like you did even four years ago!!!
ReplyDeleteIf Tawd runs out of sandpaper while working around the house, he can always grab Sarah and rub her cheeks on the woodwork. My God, what vile skin! Maybe if she washed up once in a while and ate a decent diet she'd look her age instead of 10 years older. And, of course, her mean disposition adds to the frown lines greatly.
ReplyDeleteI read this blip about the Nasty Trash, Teresa, from Real Housewives of New Jersey.
Teresa then drops a pretty heinous bomb: She says Rosie felt left out because Kathy "hated the fact that her sister was gay." This stands in stark contrast to everything we've seen ... and even if it may actually be true, it's about the lowest blow dealt on this show. Teresa continues to flip the script, reminding Rosie -- who originally came to defend her sister -- that she can always come to her with any familial issues. It's a very crafty move, and one that makes me wonder if we're not giving her credit where credit is due.
I mean, don't get me wrong -- I've met dirt with a higher IQ than Teresa; but her calculated manipulations are proof that people who can't form full sentences can still sharpen their words into poison darts.
Sarah Palin and Teresa could be BFFs - until they killed each other! Now THAT is a Reality show I would watch.
One more reality show - cage match cat fight?
DeleteTeresa takes a minute to spit-shine her halo and tuck her tail back into her jeans. She reminds Rosie that she's seeking therapy with her brother since the Mutiny on the S.S. Friendship has left her completely alone.
ReplyDeleteTeresa deserves an Emmy for Best Actress in an "I'm the Victim" Role.
Brisdull!!! You LOST that, too????
Tripp needs a mother, not a failing retard reality flop who loves wine coolers!
ReplyDeleteMaybe Sarah is sad in that picture because she may have found out that Todd could be cheating on Sarah and Shailey Tripp?
Type in Todd Palin and there will be two search results:
Todd! You been cheating on Sarah and Shailey?
WOLFEBORO, N.H. (AP) — Mitt Romney's wife has disclosed a tantalizing detail about her husband's intensely secret vice presidential search: He's considering choosing a woman.
ReplyDelete"We've been looking at that, and I love that option as well," Ann Romney told CBS News in an interview broadcast Thursday. She added: "There's a lot of people that Mitt is considering right now.... including New Hampshire Republican Sen. Kelly Ayotte — who walked in a July Fourth parade with Romney on Wednesday — as well as South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman...."
Bristol must of fucked up Sarah's chances at VP with Life's A Tripp? Hey Sarah when will you endorse Romney? LOL... The Sarah Palin Curse continues...
Mittens would NEVER pick Palin as his VP candidate! She'd be the black plaque to his campaign and he knows it!!!
DeleteMajority in the Republican party do NOT like her either!!!
"Squeak Sarah Squeak" seems more appropriate.
ReplyDeleteShe always reminds me a chi-wah-wah trying to be the center of attention. Just needs a good swift push with the shoe and out the door.
Palin uses PAC as personal treasure chest, doesn't give a dime to any candidates.
Not only was Krusty very busy drunk commenting last night looks like she "just can't quit the Palins"'ve been bad again Krusty! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteLove your new blog...and especially this part...
I disapprove of people who hatefully lie more than anything in the world, which says a lot because I typically dislike nothing. I am one of the most easy going, personable and driven people you’ll ever meet. I disapprove of the self-righteous and self-absorbed. I have no reason, personal or otherwise, to dislike Sarah Palin. I do not claim to know her or her family. I, however, do personally know a few of their acquaintances, including a former coworker of Bristol’s, two former teachers, and a neighbor. That said, I would assume nothing about any of the above people unless I personally witnessed an event. With this blog, I hope to successful portray public figures objectively, passing no judgments, distorting no statements, and inserting no opinion. I let words speak for themselves, plainly. Again, I do not distort or read into things, something opinion bloggers who claim they know truth, need to learn avoid in order to maintain a sense of morality and dignity.
"Again, I claim nothing on this blog to be absolute truth. I write with objective observation
**All images courtesy of Palins public facebook pages"
Screenshots baby...screenshots! LOL!!
good. bitch may be so busy on her pos blog that she'll leave this one alone..
Deleteyeah, right.
She changed the blog to PRIVATE! Gotcha' Krusty! LOL!!!
DeleteGryphen, I know you are probably trying to take the high road by not responding to his palinesque bullying tactics, but what say you regarding Scharlott's calling you out to the playground during recess AGAIN?
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious he wants to pick a fight with you. Why? Is he THAT insecure about his "research"?
His ear overlay as "proof" of one Trig is asinine. As the palinproject Flickr clearly shows, overlaying Tripp and Trig ears provides an IDENTICAL matchup as well. Guess what, Braddy- sometimes brothers have the same ears!
His claim that the recent "VBS" photo is not an ear deformity but rather "light and shadow" is laughable. He was wrong and he should just admit it.
Brad, YOU are the one making us all look stupid, not Gryphen.
I swear, why is it obviously a priority for people in CERTAIN CAMPS to cast doubt on Jesse? THOSE are the people who are worried about their reputation, I'd say.
Brad is a fucking moron who has ridden into the Sarah Palin drama to get clicks, nothing more.
DeleteNot sure why laura novak's blog was ever popular, but isn't that where he originated/
I found it weird that Novak's blog popped up (not that it was new, it just wasn't "on my radar", but then people here [or Palingates?] mentioned her blog),
at the same time as "ME AGAIN", who literally said "Sarah Palin is jealous of Laura Novak because Laura is everything Sarah is not - a writer, a good mother, etc".
Anybody remember that?
I don't necessarily agree with you about Laura, but you've got Brad pegged. His blog is incredibly annoying to someone who has followed this saga for 4 years. He's an opportunist at best.
DeleteI agree that Scharlotte is wrong about the ears. MY ears match Ruffles too according to his logic.
DeleteI'm glad to see I am not alone in my feelings about the whole situation. I too feel Brad is monumentally insulting to the people who have carried the burden of Trig Truth as a heavy yoke for all these years since 2008. And I can't say much about Laura as I was never a longtime/frequent reader. However, it's oddly curious to me how people tend to shoot down Floyd Orr as a dramatist when he says there are "blog wars" behind the scenes. I do know from other comments that Laura was all bloggy BFF with Brad and then suddenly she "quit" active Trig Truthing on the same day she removed Brad (and political gates) from her side navigation. Gryphen still remains there.
DeleteObviously political gates has aligned themselves with Brad and that's a real shame because they are great investigators and he is just a loudmouth who thinks because he teaches a certain subject that he's the ONLY ONE who can EVER have a correct hypothesis.
I too work in a university setting (one with about fifty times the population of students Brad's has) and I would never think to use that as an excuse to justify my own opinions.
For what it's worth, I should note that Gryphenhas rejected someof my comments about Brad even though he obviously knows how Brad is trying to paint him. So that tells me Gryphen not only can be but IS ruthlessly fair on the matter.
That's really disappointing about PoliticalGates.
DeleteNo gryphen. I want her to sit down and shut up. There are bigger fish to fry than this ugly rapture witch living in a toxic pond. Her voice does not have anything to do with President Obama's ratings going up. She is a nobody from wasilla, up to her ugly face in legal bills and taxes. NO I would like her to shut up and go away. This witch feeds the hate and ignorance infecting this country. She was trash before 08 and she continues to be trash along with her family. AMERICA AND AMERICANS HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF HER IGNORANCE AND SOCIOPATH OPPORTUNIST WAYS.
ReplyDeleteAs to the comment in Purpose. Easygoing and driven are two contradicting things. That makes no sense. Kind of like the author of Purpose.
ReplyDeleteWell I went to see if anyone had commented on Brad's blogging equivalent of "Gryphen meet me by the jungle gym with your dukes up"- and the post was gone.
ReplyDeleteSo. Good!
I know the palinproject Flickr person doesn't necessarily sound as refined as a professor, but the reason I choose her little ear graphics instead of his is because Brad's just leave NO room for human error, interpretation, anything. He says "Gryphen is wrong", period. But guess what- there used to be highly regarded PROFESSORS- who were 100% CERTAIN the world was flat- and they ridiculed those who suggested otherwise.
I'm not even saying Gryphen is "definitely" right. That's just it, there are so many contradictory things I wouldn't ever say "so and so is WRONG, because they are WRONG!"
Brad has it all mixed up about Gryphen making Truthers look silly. Brad is handling that post just fine.
Uh Nyah...I think you might have spoken too soon! Brad's post is up and highly...ummm...interesting to put it mildly!
DeleteAlso check out who the first person to comment...why it's the middle aged shut in Krusty the Klown of course...with a NEW name...SURPRISE...NOT!
PS...Brad is bugged!
I usually avoid those blogs like the plague, but I visited and do feel the need to correct something that was said over there about my considering myself "famous," and saying so in an e-mail.
DeleteI don't, and I didn't.
This is the section of the last e-mail I sent that I think BS is referring to.
"In the future when you start a blog determined to invalidate a famous post by another blogger, you may consider that said blogger might not be terribly interested in helping to publicize it. I mean really."
That post received 72,000 hits in one day, was talked about for weeks all over the internet, and remains the most well known of my blog posts. So referring to it as "famous" seems relatively appropriate.
I, on the other hand, am decidedly NOT famous. Which is perfectly fine with me.
Holy shit! 72,000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteI'll tell ya, I'm no Valentino and I've got so many friggin skeletons in my closet that I hadda build another closet. But the countenance of this woman, it kinda defies description. Can you imagine, holy shit,can you imagine what a fucking kiss would feel like from this woman? My God.