Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Homophobia is becoming less and less acceptable to more and more people.

Muppets and discrimination don't mix.
Courtesy of the Jim Henson Company's Facebook page:

The Jim Henson Company has celebrated and embraced diversity and inclusiveness for over fifty years and we have notified Chick-Fil-A that we do not wish to partner with them on any future endeavors. Lisa Henson, our CEO is personally a strong supporter of gay marriage and has directed us to donate the payment we received from Chick-Fil-A to GLAAD. 

Oh you KNOW you have screwed up when even the Muppets won't play with you anymore.

And this is only one example of organizations breaking ties with groups promoting discrimination and homophobia.

This from Yahoo Sports:  

This January, Major League Soccer announced it was teaming up with the Boy Scouts of America to form a strategic partnership. It turns out that 2012 will be the only season this alliance will be in effect. 

Under the partnership, among other cross-promotions, teams held “Scout Nights” at their stadiums with discounted tickets, and players would visit local troops to discuss fitness and leadership. 

Earlier in the week, the Boy Scouts of America announced that following a two-year review, it would continue its long-standing policy of excluding gays.

MLS did not specify if the ruling affected its decision to end the partnership, but it should be noted the league has supported anti-discriminatory causes like You Can Play, an organization dedicated to ending homophobia in sports. 

Additionally, many teams, including the Chicago Fire, Chivas USA, D.C. United and the Columbus Crew have held game promotions for gay and lesbian groups. This May, the Fire announced a partnership with Equality Illinois, a LGBT-rights group.

It is really unfortunate when an organization's prejudice and antiquated thinking negatively affects the children that they claim they are dedicated to serve.

And let's face it, the writing is on the wall.  Homosexuality has been around as long as heterosexuality has been around, and we as a society are simply way behind in our ability to accept the fact that vilifying these people does nothing but diminish us and human beings.

As you can see our gay brothers and sisters, sons and daughters (I love you angel), fathers and mothers, are here to stay. And they are getting stronger every day.


  1. One Million Moms (ha!) to announce a pointless and futile boycott ignored by everyone in 3...2...1...

    1. Anonymous5:06 AM

      Are they up to 40,000 yet?

  2. Anonymous4:21 AM

    G, check this out:

    She's gone rogue again.

    1. Anonymous5:05 AM

      So Palin endorses a Flake after McCain does? Some rogue she is. Betcha she sent him a couple thousand from her stash.

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      Flake is a scary creep!! And Sarah might think people in Arizona care about her opinion. They don't.

  3. Anonymous4:38 AM

    About damn time! Thank you to those organizations & groups, and (if there is such a being) God bless you G for your unwavering support and love for your child

  4. Anonymous5:13 AM

    For every company or organization that steps up we are all one step closer to equality for all.

  5. Anonymous5:18 AM

    In regards to the Jim Henson company - THIS coming from an organization that has insisted for 40 years hat Bert and Ernie are nothing more than "good friends" (ummm-hmmm...).

    Anyway, the CEO was asked his opinion on gay marriage, and he stated it.
    One would think freedom of speech would trump all, but no, only when it doesn't come into conflict with "certain beliefs".

    Screw the Muppets - they never were very funny or entertaining anyway.

    1. The CEOs freedom of speech was in no way affected. He can and did say whatever he wants. He has not and will not be prevented by the government from stating these beliefs.

      1) The free speech protected by the constitution protects you from government interference in your right to speech. It has NOTHING to do with a private company choosing to respond to your statements.

      2) The right to free speech is in no way a right to say whatever you like and be free of any adverse consequences. Wherever dod you get such a foolish notion?

    2. angela8:47 AM

      So . . . . while you are hung up on the riveting subject of the sexual activity of Muppets, you still don't get what freedom of speech entails?

      I say this kindly--- because your loved ones have probably not done so yet----you are a first class loon.

    3. Anonymous5:19 AM

      Nefer and Angela - What I was referring to was the freedom to make a statement without fear of reprisal.
      The CEO never said gays were unwelcome at the restaurants, nor condemned them in any other way.
      He merely stated what he felt was the definition of "Marriage".
      In the overwhelming majority of states, his view is in sync with the current laws.
      Why don't the Muppets and their ilk boycott those states and leave?

  6. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Has this Mitt Gets Worse youtube been posted here?

    "Julie Goodridge was a lead plaintiff in Goodridge v. Dept of Public Health -- the lawsuit that brought same-sex marriage to Massachusetts. In this video, Goodridge shares her family's encounters with Gov. Mitt Romney, including a meeting with Romney, which Goodridge describes as "the most frustrating experience in the entire marriage case."


    Mitt is a flip flopping hatebot.

  7. Anonymous5:27 AM


    Romney spends a week attacking Obama saying business owners didn't built it themselves -- video shows Romney telling the Olympic athletes in 2002, that they didn't get there on there own. The venues helped them!

  8. Anonymous5:45 AM

    Tripp Palin Would Make Perfect Chick-fil-A Spokesperson. And There’s a Same-Sex Kiss-In. Oh Heck, Make a Chicken Fritter Sammy at Home

    With his pedigree and language skills, the adorable, yet poorly disciplined tot would be the perfect replacement for the Muppets who have stepped away from their gig as Chick-fil-A spokespmodels in light of the corporate fowl frier’s ‘tude. CEO Dan Cathy said:

    But as an organization we can operate on biblical principles. So that is what we claim to be. [We are] based on biblical principles, asking God and pleading with God to give us wisdom on decisions we make about people and the programs......................


    1. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Tripp Palin Would Make Perfect Chick-fil-A Spokesperson. And There’s a Same-Sex Kiss-In. Oh Heck, Make a Chicken Fritter Sammy at Home

      What is sad is that something like this is likely to happen. It must kill Sarah/Bristol that the audience and producers haven't given Tripp what they think he deserves. Look at the successful Honey Boo Boo, Tripp is a failure next to her. She is 6 years old and has her own show. It must be hard for Sarah/Bristol to realize and accept the truth. They will reload.

      It is going to be a hard choice deciding what to view next August, Todd Palin in "Stars Earn Stripes" or Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.

  9. Anonymous6:02 AM

    It is even more important for the Palins to bring Tripp up the Palin way. No wonder he hears what he hears at home. They are scared and it is up to their breeding to have more like them. Gots to breed and teach their children.

  10. Balzafiar6:13 AM

    I am very old now and finally learning about a lot of things in life that have helped me to better understand things I have wondered about over the years.

    One book I read this year was "Christianity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality", by John Boswell, 1980, The University of Chicago Press, ISBN 0-226-06711-4. Summary: Gay people in western Europe from the beginning of the Christian era to the 14th century.

    It was written by a highly respected professor of history at Yale University and the information in the book is heavily documented with footnotes.

    New hardback copies are still available, but expensive. It is also available in eBook form, and used paperback copies can be found online at very reasonable prices -- I paid less than ten dollars for mine, including shipping.

    I wish I had known of it when it was first published because it tells a remarkable story about the realities of life. I recommend it for anyone who would like to be better informed about the entire issue regardless of their current status in life. It is an eye-opener.

  11. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Homophobia is alive and well at the Palin's.

  12. Anonymous6:32 AM


    Huckabee encouraging "Christians" to support chick fillet appreciation day

  13. Anonymous6:33 AM

    I didn't know that Sally Ride was lesbian until she died.

    1. Anonymous11:19 AM

      So is Suzie Orman

  14. Anonymous7:01 AM

    So there you have it. The next time you go out to eat at one of the above restaurants, know that your burger and waffle dollars might eventually end up funding anti-gay, anti-choice or other conservative causes.


    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Thanks. Good comments there.

    2. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Yes. Is there a list of Liftime advertisers? Life a Tripp ads?

  15. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Winner? Team Obama

    If you knew nothing about Obama or his politics, it’s not impractical that you could explore just his YouTube page and not only learn everything you needed to know in order to make an informed decision about the candidate, but also get excited about him. I’m not so sure you could do that on Romney’s page. Obama’s page is better designed, easier to navigate and explore, has a narrative that gets his supporters excited to share, and gives undecided voters a place find out more about issues that are important to them. It’s more robust, more intuitive and better executed. And with his videos receiving more views and “likes” than Romney’s, Obama is the clear YouTube winner.


    Obama leads with 333 votes in most recent Electoral College map projection

    President Obama retakes Florida in the most recent Electoral College map projection, giving him a 333-215 electoral vote lead over Mitt Romney. The last update gave Obama 304 votes compared to 234 votes for Mitt Romney. The change entirely is once again due to a new polling in Florida. Last week a poll from Purple Strategies showed Romney with a three point lead, but this week a Survey USA poll shows Obama with a five point lead in Florida. Needless to say, Florida will likely be very close no matter who wins the state's 29 electoral votes.


  16. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Newspaper Under Attack For Refusing To Print Same-Sex Couple’s Wedding Announcement


  17. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I will never eat at Chick-Fila again unless they change their stance on gay people.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      I never heard of them. If I see one I won't bother to stop in.

  18. Anonymous9:15 AM

    As pressure mounts on the fast food chain Chick-Fil-A over its public opposition to same sex marriage rights, the conservative Heritage Foundation tells TPM it plans to keep serving free Chick-Fil-A meals at its regular Bloggers Briefing, an event that brings together journalists, Republican lawmakers and conservative thinkers on a weekly basis, as well as other occasions.

    “Heritage is proud to serve Chick-fil-A at The Bloggers Briefing and other events,” Robert Bluey, media and public policy director at Heritage, told TPM. “We also support the right of individuals to speak publicly about their views on traditional marriage without facing political reprisal.”

    Heritage will be hosting an event about same sex marriage and the election next week. Bluey did not say if Chick-Fil-A will be served.


  19. Anonymous12:39 PM

    I am proud to say that I live in New York, one of those 6 states that permit same-sex marriage.

    The law was passed a little over a year ago and - shocker - 'traditonal' marriages have NOT imploded all over the state, plagues have NOT rained down upon our heads, and a demonic black hole has NOT opened up in the middle of Pratts Hollow (the geographical center of our state, factoid courtesy of Teh Google) to suck us all into the hellfires of Satan's lair.

    In fact, same-sex marriage has been quite a benefit to the economy of our state, particularly in Niagara Falls and NYC, where many couples have traveled from other places to be married. Hotels, restaurants and other travel-related businesses have seen greater profits, as have those businesses specific to wedding services. AND, there have been a lot of faces reflecting the love and joy they can now share legally with the person of their choice.

    But perhaps God just hasn't reached us yet on the list of Evil Places to Smite. It IS a rather long list, I'm sure...

  20. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Now a store in TX is stating that the toys have "safety issues" so no toy for kids. I live in TN and lots of Chick fil a here and don't spend my money at any of them!

  21. Anita Winecooler8:22 PM

    I'm glad that more and more of these stories are coming to light. I thought the whole reason for business is to make a profit, and mixing one's morals with business is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.
    I worked in an industry that catered to everyone, and generally speaking, the LGBT community often has more disposable income to compete for than "traditional" heterosexual folks. Not only do they spend more, they buy better quality goods and show their appreciation by giving referrals and their own return business.
    I hope more of these companies expose their bigotry, so I can navigate my dollars away from their businesses and sponsors.


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