Monday, July 30, 2012

In "News we used to love and have now forgotten about" Rush Limbaugh continues to hemorrhage advertisers.

I occasionally listen to Limbaugh while in my car just to test my ability to drive correctly while seething with rage. He is still the biggest douchebag on the planet and seems completely unable, or perhaps unwilling, to evolve into an actual human being.

Personally I am looking forward to the day when he is relegated to talking to a handful of conspiracy nuts from a ham radio in some undisclosed location as liberalism sweeps the country.

And yes I do believe our day is coming.



  1. Anonymous2:07 AM

    I don't know how to track it, but any advertising by the U.S. government -- Army recruitment, for example -- should be disallowed on his, or any, political opinion show.
    There was recruitment advertising on Life's a Tripp.

  2. Leland2:18 AM

    More power to you, Gryph! My blood pressure wouldn't allow me to listen to this piece of garbage.

    I have said it many times in the past. Fanaticism for ANY reason is dangerous. And this man (?) is worse than the Taliban in my book.

    Losing EVERY advertiser he has would be too good for him! The man hasn't a CLUE what tolerance means and probably wouldn't accept it if he DID!

    Your stomach must be stronger than mine ever was!

  3. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Don't get too comfortable. The NeoCons are on the march with their candidate, Mitt Romney.

    Pay attention to the men behind the curtain.

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Yes. This.

      Did you hear Mitt yesterday fanning the flames of war with the uber aggressive and irresponsible Israeli? nd American ex-pats in Jerusalem? Once afghanistan is done, I hoped we would be really at peace. Instead Mitt encourages old men to start a war in which young men will die (while he and his defense weapons cronies will make million$).

    2. Anonymous9:01 AM

      Are Mitt's five sons of military age? Bring back the draft and see how many wars will be avoided because ALL American citizens would revolt! When it was Mitt's time to serve his country he chose to go live in a French castle and evangelize the French for Mormonism. When he came back he made fun of draft dodgers and war protesters so he was for the Vietnam War for everybody else but his sorry ass. I truly hate this Mitt Romney candidate! He would destroy this country just when Obama righted the sinking ship after 8 years of lying Republican policies. The Bush administration people are running Romney's campaign and they will just pick up where W left off. Why did Dick Cheney get a new heart when there had to be many more worthy recipients? Cheney is the one trying to start something through Romney with Iran and Israel. Let those old fu*$ers go and fight on the ground the wars that they begin!!

  4. Anonymous2:57 AM

    If the man had a brain,he'd be dangerous.........

    1. Balzafiar5:30 AM

      If the man had a brain, he would take it out and play with it -- and it would be the only thing he has worth playing with.

  5. Anonymous3:32 AM

    psst.... hemorrhage

  6. Anonymous3:46 AM

    I was thinking about that guy the other day. Don't know why it popped into my head. Maybe someone in the next car was listening to him and I could hear it?

    Whatever the reason, it went along the lines of "cannot believe his younger, botox, bleach blonde wife (#4?) will have sex with that pig -- not enough money in the world!!!!!" Sort of like The Donald, when he was in the news constantly, photographed with his wife, and I was wondering how she could ever think that anything his money could buy would be worth sleeping with him. Yuk to the 10th power.

    Not only are those two completely repulsive physically, they are the lowest of the low, in human species terms. Perhaps in any-living-species terms.

    Perhaps the chick-fil-a people will run ads on his show, if they don't already, in spite of the fact that Elton John sang at this wedding. Of course that now makes me wonder why Elton found that there was/is enough money to justify sing at that bigoted freak's wedding.

    1. Balzafiar5:34 AM

      Some of these men never touch their wives -- it's in the pre-nup. They marry just to have arm candy because their own physical attractiveness is in such negative territory.

      Jackie Kennedy Onassis was one such example; it was well known at the time. One look at Aristotle Onassis, who would blame her?

    2. Balzafiar5:35 AM

      Oh, we will always know where to find Rush, yes we will.

      Any country with little boys with brown skin.

    3. Anonymous9:07 AM

      Heard Chick-Fil-A sells pork. Isn't pork one of the prohibited foods in the Bible along with lobster and shrimp? Oh, that's right, those people don't REALLY want to adhere to EVERYTHING in the Bible just pick out the parts they don't like and then stand up for those things. R-I-G-H-T!

    4. Anonymous9:10 AM

      Yea, druggie Limbaugh was found with a suitcase full of oxycontin on his return from the Dominican Republic. A black man returning with that much oxy would be serving a life sentence in the local prison. Hate Limbaugh!

  7. Anonymous4:41 AM

    If the FCC reinstated the fairness doctrine - he and his ilk would be toast.

    1. Anonymous5:56 AM

      They are going to be toast anyway as Clear Channel is losing millions. Bain won't be keeping it around much longer, just sayin'.

  8. Anonymous5:32 AM

    Oh, he'll be around. A figurehead like him serves a purpose, for some reason, even if we can't figure it out.

    It's an act. That is why Elton John could manage to stomach performing for him. And the money was green. It's an act and he's a useful tool in that kind of showmanship. He comes off as terribly likeable when he's off radio and presented in a different medium, just like Mike Huckabee, they seem like goofy little dough boys, but what they offer to the world is venom on a plate. People like Sarah Palin can't help but feed off it and regurgitate it (cause she can't allow calories) to spew it out herself also too.

  9. Anonymous6:10 AM

    We own the palin "family". They are our puppets. Tell us more about how Bristol named her second kid after Shailey. You know Todd's prostitute? Levi pulled the strings on that one, gotta give him major credit.

  10. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I can't even listen to him for a short time. It makes my blood pressure rise to dangerous levels. He's a disgusting excuse for a human being.

    Sue in Kansas

  11. Anonymous8:11 AM

    New Palin endorsemnt ad runs in Missouri.

    "Governor Sarah Palin"

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Should have been Former Governor or Half Term Governor. The nerve.

      What's funny is she pronounces Sarah Steelman as Sarah Stillman and at the end of the video the candidate comes on and says her name correctly -Sarah Steelman. Makes Palin looks really stupid in this one.

  12. Anonymous10:05 AM

    I can hardly wait until this asshole has no national voice. I suspect his evil, black heart will eventually succumb to a massive heart attack and then hell awaits him!

  13. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Chick-fil-A Boycotters are Winning as Fox News Attacks the Boycott as Un-American

    If Americans have to choose between siding with people like these two Alaska secessionist yahoos,

    --pic of Sarah and Todd

    and the idea that marriage is for everyone and gay people don’t have to “get their own thing,” the vast majority of Americans are going to choose to support the boycott.

    1. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Hey, I'd say we all encourage the Fox crowd to eat Chick-Fil-A for ALL three meals a day for 365 days. See how many of them are left after a year. Way to kill their sorry asses off. Did anyone see the movie, "Fast Food Nation", I think about the guy who ate McDonald's food for every meal for something like three months? His doctor was alarmed after only the first month how the guy's heart was going to suffer permanent damage but he kept going. And if you think of the average age of the Fox viewers they're all close to kicking the bucket anyway so it will just speed up the process. So I say eat Chick-Fil-A for every meal you Republican bitches!

  14. Would love to see Bain step in and 're-organize & save' ClearChannel. Save quite a few bucks by outsourcing Rush's job to Wasilla -- studio facility already in place so no capital impvt $$$ needed. It's even likely Palin could put in a good word for newly unemployed Rush over at Chick-fil-a since she's become their new spokesbigot. Everybody wins but the chickens.

  15. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Anyone who continues to buy any crap this guy is selling is a hater just like Limbaugh.

  16. Anita Winecooler5:47 PM

    Whoa, you've got a strong constitution! I have to hit "mute" a few times when there's a clip with him talking. He's in the same league as Sarah, tolerable in small doses. gut wrenching at the one minute mark.


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