Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Katie Couric knows how to handle crazy Right Wing ideologues. Just ask Ann Coulter.

The other day when I posted that Katie Couric had invited Sarah Palin to be interviewed on her new show, some of you worried that Couric would simply softball it, and let Palin off the hook.

To answer those charges I present this 2008 interview with the Crypt Keeper's daughter, Ann Coulter.

Now just for fun, imagine Sarah Palin sitting across from Couric while asked similar probing, and completely non-softball, questions.

Are you smiling? I know you are!


  1. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Gryphen, O/T - you have attracted an alphanumeric troll(aka, a twit)... as if Kristy wasn't enough. Is it some deranged sycophant from c4p, or Todd, Wallow, or Brisket?

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Make way 4 the positive day!

    2. Not only is the alphanumeric style irritating, this strange individual contributes absolutely nothing to the discussion. The only apparent reason for the comments is to be insulting and annoying.

      I know Gryphen doesn't like to censor, but every now and again the banhammer can be a good thing.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Poor little Turd...all that positivity is going to make you hungry...better get your ass over to Shit-fil-a...that should get your digestion going! LOL!!!

    4. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Sorry, been out of the loop for a day or so..who exactly is the "alphanumeric troll"?

  2. Anonymous4:25 AM

    LMAO...Ann Coulter was PWNED by the smiling "Perky One."

  3. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Despite Coulter's fillibustering and throwing out "Christian" five times a sentence, it's clear that Couric plays Major League baseball, not softball.
    Sarah would be out in the first inning.

  4. Anonymous5:09 AM

    That was katie s job then. Time time tv

    Day time tv is a totally different animal.

    Judge judy is as intense as they like it.

  5. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Visitation for Sarah Palin's Refrigerator will be Wednesday afternoon from 1pm to 5pm at Lake Lucille. Funeral services will be held Thursday, 10am at Assembly of God Church in Wasilla. In lieu of flowers please vote for Bristol on Dancing With the Stars.


    A Fan From Chicago

    1. This article (terrific, by the way) finally puts out there what has been quietly and privately acknowledged fact for a long time: Sarah Palin is viewed almost universally as an "embarrassment".

    2. Anonymous6:38 AM

      It's about time!

    3. Anonymous6:53 AM

      I truly believe this was in some part Mitt's doing. I don't think it is a coincidence that Nancy French has become Bristol's confidant/adviser.

      I wouldn't be surprised if it has been Mitt's plan all along was to find out Palin secrets,give bad advise and discredit the Palins politically in order to handle Sarah.

  6. Anonymous5:26 AM

    The Spanish invaders told the natives in Central and South America "convert or die". The reason Mexico is 98% Catholic.

    Ann wants to do same to folks in Middle East .. convert and be a Baptist or die.

  7. Anonymous5:31 AM

    And the drumbeat continues:

    "Why Sarah Palin’s Reputation Has Plummeted as Bill Clinton’s Has Grown" over at the Daily Beast

    This just keeps getting better and better.

    Sarah can rent her own hall and host her own little party, but it looks like they won't let her in the door over at the GOP convention. And now even Dick Cheney is saying the obvious.


    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      I'm sure if she visits some of the strip joints featuring look-alike Palin dancers she'll be welcomed and even given a stage to show off her pole dancing.

    2. Anonymous11:56 AM

      Perfect. That's so presidential.

  8. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Sarah Palin wouldn't know what the "Eva Braun of liberalism" meant.

    Heck, don't even put Sarah up against Katie again, she'd shit her spanx going up against Ann Coulter.

    Two ill-dressed bag of bones making up a paid chattering class is frightening, but also makes good political theater.

    1. abbafan6:15 AM

      Anon@ 5:33 A.M.- $arah shit her spanx - fucking brilliant assessment! Spot-on post! Mean-girl junior high Simple $arah doesn't have to worry about a second childhood; she never left the first one, and she never will!

    2. Anonymous7:46 AM


    3. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Y not help 1 another on the way?

    4. Anonymous8:22 AM

      Why not take your ass back to school and complete your education so you can make sense?

    5. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Make life much easier...Justa lil bit easier!

    6. Anonymous9:58 AM

      Okay...now I get it...you're posting comments from your Starbucks cup! Just like your bald headed idol! Don't have an original thought in your peebrain...instead you have to steal! Typical grifter! LOL!!

  9. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Have Bristol on. She'll play with her hair and chew gum. She's slow on the uptake but it doesn't take much to give that perceived slight for her to get her wind up and insults to fly while her mother is representing the whole United States without a title. She has to provide for her son after all, she enjoys it, being a hardworking single mom and whatnot. Make sure the interns line the floor to lead the way for her with Chick-fil-a.

    1. Anonymous6:27 AM

      LOL... I love your comment..

    2. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Yeah! Po$itive!

    3. Anonymous8:23 AM

      Yep...you're definitely a Baldy bot...a dollar sign in every comment! Send more money bot! Baldy needs some new sunglasses to cover up the wonky eye! LOL!!

  10. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Excellent assessment:

    From the comments:
    Sarah Palin is a very small person of limited intellect and appeal who rode onto the stage of history on a statistical accident and who has overstayed her 15 minutes of fame for several years. She has nothing to say and she's been saying it repeatedly since the last election. Fewer people care with each passing year as her virulent style of nasty and unintentionally comical anti-intellectual teabaggery sinks out of fashion.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      That's a great article with some good replies. I cannot understand how this dimwit had any supporters at all after she quit her job for no good apparent reason other than to 'move the basketball down the court.'
      It was so obvious then (and still is)that she's in it for the money. Plain and simple. Levi Johnston said he heard Sarah say she wished she could take advantage of the offers (to make loads of money) that she got after the election. She's such a grifter and is more interested in being a Hollywood celebrity. She was never a real politician anyway.

  11. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Katie wins.
    Sarah loses.
    America wins.

    Sarah is being kept away from the RNC because even republicans realize she's MENTALLY ILL.

    1. Anonymous6:29 AM

      Yep, Sari is mentally ill.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      got 2 have a good vibe!

    3. Anonymous8:19 AM

      I see the retarded Palin cheerleader is still hanging around like a turd dangling from the booty hole! Which pretty much describes the Palin's!



    4. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Poor thing...

      1 Luv

    5. Anonymous10:00 AM

      I love that song! At least you got some taste bot! Still no sense though! LOL!!!

    6. Anonymous1:04 PM

      The only party that hates Palin more than the democratic party is the GOP establishment. She is endorsing the independents running as Tea Party GOP's.

  12. Anonymous5:59 AM

    I'll never forget "the perky one" OWNING Sarah in 2008. If I ever need a laugh on a bad day I just watch that interview over and over. Guaranteed laughs.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:12 AM

      oh man, ANY of "Sarah's Greatest Hits" on YouTube, and I'm simultaneously happy and SO STUNNED that this bitch EVER got into such a position to begin with!

      (sometimes you can end with a preposition, yes?)

  13. Anonymous6:05 AM

    More mitt shambles!

    Kiss my ass this is a holy site!

    " Here's a transcript of the questions and Gorka's response:

    CNN: "Governor Romney are you concerned about some of the mishaps of your trip?

    NYT: "Governor Romney do you have a statement for the Palestinians?

    Washington Post: "What about your gaffes?

    NYT: "Governor Romney do you feel that your gaffes have overshadowed your foreign trip?"

    CNN: "Governor Romney just a few questions sir, you haven't taken but three questions on this trip from the press!

    Gorka: "Show some respect"

    NYT: "We haven't had another chance to ask a question..."

    Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

    Moments later, Gorka told Jonathan Martin, a reporter for Politico, to "shove it." About a half-hour later, the aide called reporters to apologize."



  14. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Maybe Sarah can lift Gorka's line next time she has to deal with any of those pesky ol' "lamestream media" types.... of course, being a good Christian and a lady, we need to clean that up a bit. Hmm, let's see - how about, "Kiss my grits!" or "talk to the hand" Yeah, those both seem presidential and yet kinda mavericky also, too dontcha think?

    1. Oh, I don't think we need to clean it up at all. Remember, ol' mavericky Sarah likes to talk about cojones, and impotence, and limpness, and casually accuse people of being rapists or pedophiles. I'm sure I'm leaving some of her trashier comments out, but I don't think the word "ass" is beneath her at all.

    2. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:17 AM

      Yup, it's "all good" to talk about the "cojones" and "impotence" of the enemy;

      but don't you people EVER, EVER, EVER talk about Sarah in ANY SEXUAL WAY...That is NOt TOTALLY AND Completely FLATTERING to the twisted Quitter!

      Only POSITIVE sexualization of the Quitter will be tolerated by the QUITTER!

      Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT mention:

      her man face
      her crown's hands
      her cellulite thighs
      her knobby knees
      her droopy eyes
      her withered biscuits of boobs
      her sloth-like toes

      She will ONLY tolerate sitting next to you as you sing about when she and toad
      "drilla in Wasilla" in the bedroom (Amy Poehler's rap, SNL).

      Sarah will Raise The Roof on that shit, tho.

      Now *That* is the dignity she is accustomed to!

  15. jcinco6:20 AM

    haha one can only describe Katie's take down of the old tranny annie as handily...if simple sarah had bothered to research Katie's interviewing style she may have had the sense to cancel the interview that led to her becoming a not only national but an international joke. I love Katie more than ever...

    1. Anonymous8:57 AM

      If U get down &u quarrel everyday U R saying prayers 2 the devil

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      Now this must be speaking in tongues because whoTF knows what this translates to in English!

      Get Help Loon 2day!


  16. Anonymous6:28 AM

    DWTS will soon learn how toxic Bristol is now. Just as the GOP has realized how toxic - and batshit crazy - Sarah is. Todd...well, Todd's just a weak little bully boy, and that much will be obvious soon enough.

    Soon they will all go home and stew in those toxins together while they separate stupid people from their money.

    1. Anonymous8:49 AM

      DWTS will make a fortune off Brisket because people will tune in to see her. Even those of us that hate her and understand she's a hopeless mess as a dancer will tune in. Sorry, but the producers know that and that's the only reason they are bringing Brisket back. Why can't americans figure this shit out? It's so obvious!

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      $carah: Have you seen Tawd?"
      Yep. that's why we're still laughing at him, and you.

  17. Anonymous6:30 AM

    $arah got her revenge on Katie, don't you remember? Katie came back in April to guest host Good Morning America and $arah was on the Today show, co-hosting. Apparently $arah got better ratings. I'm sure $arah thought of it as revenge because later that same night she was on Hannity and it was mentioned. She said it wasn't a coincidence they were on TV at the same time. It was planned. Plus, I believe it was Greta Van Susteran who asked $arah about Couric's new daytime show and she remarked very sarcastically, that yes, she 'read about it in a newspaper. I guess doing the news was too hard for her.'

    1. jcinco6:51 AM

      haha, sarah's a train wreck & folks tune in to see how big of an ass she's going to make of herself this time...

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      "I guess doing the news was too hard for her."

      This from the lazy ignoramus that hired a city manager to do her work as mayor. This from "I don't need a title" that still insists on being called governor.

      Shut up, Sarah.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      This from the lazy ignoramus that hired a city manager to do her work as mayor in a town of 6000. (Scarah didn't want a cat to upstage her.)

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Katie Couric does not have a big enough fan base to make a difference any more. Her CBS night time gig destroyed her career.

    1. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Yet Sarah Palin is still scared to death to appear on her show.

    2. Anonymous8:04 AM

      7:15 AM JEALOUS MUCH? Katie is doing much better than THE WASILLA SKANKERBELLE and her SHORT PIMP DADDY WIMPY HUSBAND.

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Sarah Palin, after 4 years, is still seeking revenge. Sarah is no better than a Middle School Juvenile with a grudge. Why hasn't Sarah addressed Todd's PIMPING and SEX TRAFFICKING?
      Since Sarah stays on the BANDWAGON of the President's Birth Certificate, WHERE ARE TRIG'S,and TRIPP'S BIRTH CERTIFICATES? You can bet that both are older than the Palins have claimed. GRIFTERS believe their own LIES. BTW, that PLASTIC SURGERY is BAAAAAD Sarah looks like she has had a STROKE.

    4. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:21 AM

      Katie Couric hasn't lost a thing by hosting the news. She wanted it, she proved herself, and she's done.

      She will have a brand new audience, many who had loved her on "today" and many new people who didn't watch her that early.

      She is beautiful, intelligent and disarming.

      She is perfect for what she is doing.

      But you just cling to your little ideas there.

  19. jcinco7:54 AM

    and as the daily beast article states even the hard core rabid rubes are done with princess sparkleburst. I hope sarah took time out of her busy day, slamming redbulls and gobbling diet pills, to read the article. I see she has fat ass mansewer running interference all over the "nets'..lol

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!9:21 AM

      sarah is more like a fartburst...

  20. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Why no response from GRANNY GRIFTER to DICK CHENEY'S TRUTHFUL STATEMENT about Sarah Palin's selection being a MISTAKE by John McCain? Stand by for a DRUGGED and UNKEMPT appearance on FOX with whomever draws the short straw. Good luck with understanding her WORD SALAD. We all know that even though Dick Cheney said it, LOU SARAH will blame 'HER' PRESIDENT OBAMA.

    1. jcinco12:32 PM

      I guess her spine isn't made of "still".

  21. Coulter is hilarious. While trying to defend against the stereotypes of conservatism she embodies them. What a smarmy skank.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      That's exactly what I thought. She's a slimeball.

  22. Anonymous8:45 AM

    No, the main objection was not that they would be softball questions, it was that Palin would have the interview prearranged and be able to improve on her image that Couric left her suffering with. In any case, Couric knows that and Palin would be anxious to do it and for those reasons it's not going to happen. Leave well enough alone! Or, in other words, when you're wrong you're wrong.

  23. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Coulter writes a book about the slanderous lies that apparently liberals promote and then does a great job of illustrating in her own words and her fellow wackadoodles, just what liberals point out as example of their craziness. Couric pushed back effectively and allowed Anne to fall right into outrageousness. See how she did that? Loved it.

    1. Anonymous11:15 AM

      Spot on 9:21 AM. Perfect example of bagger projection.

  24. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Watch for $carah to agree, make unreasonable demands - $ or pre-vetted questions (and answers) or gold-plated bendy straws. Couric's team or network would refuse to meet such unreasonable demands, and then $carah will do the "but I wanted to and they wouldn't let me" whine.

  25. Katie had to lean forward and get a little loud, sometimes, but she proved why she's entitled to the big bucks.

    It was as if Katie was riding Ann bareback and using Ann's mane as reins.

  26. Katie had to lean forward and get a little loud, sometimes, but she proved why she's entitled to the big bucks.

    It was as if Katie was riding Ann bareback and using Ann's mane as reins.

  27. Katie had to lean forward and get a little loud, sometimes, but she proved why she's entitled to the big bucks.

    It was as if Katie was riding Ann bareback and using Ann's mane as reins.

  28. Anonymous7:33 PM

    What I love is the trap Sarah Palin set for herself.

    She smugly (and publicly) went on the Today Show in order to show up Katie Couric on a day when Couric was guest-hosting GMA.

    To show there were no hard feelings and to pay Sarah the compliment of recognizing that her Today Show appearance beat Katie's GMA appearance in the ratings, good sport Katie then turned around and invited Sarah onto her new talk show - giving Sarah the chance of an interview do-over, in what should really be an irresistible offer to Sarah to turn the tables on Katie.

    Gee, what's a poor quitter to do?!

    If Sarah refuses (which of course, she will), she'll look like she's too chickenshit to face Katie again (despite the excuse she'll give -- that she's too busy or that she doesn't trust Katie -- neither of which really hold water for a TRUE Mama Grizzly who should be chomping at the bit to chew Katie down to size).

    If Sarah accepts -- she'll embarrass herself all over again.

    That's what you call a quandary, folks.

  29. Anita Winecooler7:51 PM

    The contrast was amazing! Poor mAnn Coulter always complains she's taken out of context, she talks about "the sentence before that was what I was referring to" as an excuse, but Katie's a real pro at interviewing people, she's always packed for bear with direct quotes and these pesky little things called "facts".
    Those "interviews" with Palin may have gone viral, but she's done some seriously blunt interviews with strong personalities in her career. She's a master with interrogation techniques. She lays out her argument, actively listens, then leans forward into the other person's "personal space" as they answer.

    Sarah couldn't ever make it through a real, in depth interview with Couric.

  30. AKRNHSNC1:16 PM

    What a great interview. Katie isn't one of those journalists who allow Coulter to talk over them and not answer questions. She had all her facts to back up what she said and took Coulter down hard. Poor Annie isn't going to be returning to Couric's show anytime soon. As for Sarah, she doesn't have the cojones to sit for a real interview where the questions aren't received in advance for her advisers to write out the answers for her. Sarah is a coward and nothing proved it more than when she quit as Governor.

  31. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Gryphon's never had a problem censoring me and I generally agree with him. He's lost my respect but I'll keep reading just not contributing


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.