Tuesday, July 31, 2012

So Mitt Romney is on the final leg of his worldwide tour to just three countries. He got off to a rocky start but surely he did better in Poland, right?

Staffers attempt to block the Ron Paul signs that greeted Mitt Romney in Poland. (Source.)

But surely that was just a minor glitch, Look, they love him! Wait, what is that over to the left?

Wow, now that is just awkward!

Well hopefully the rest of his visit went fine. I'm sorry what happened?

The Republican hopeful arrived in Gdansk, northern Poland, for a two-day visit he hopes will attract Polish-American voters. The visit was also aimed at showing Romney would be tougher on Russia than his opponent President Barack Obama, who is running for a second term. 

Romney arrived at Gdansk‘s city hall and briefly chatted with locals before meeting with Tusk. A group was heard chanting, "Obama! Obama!" as Romney later made his way to his next meeting with anti-communist icon Lech Walesa, the former leader of Solidarity.

Then later when reporters tried to get Romney to answer some questions about his earlier gaffes in England and Israel, one of his staffers lost his shit:

CNN: "Governor Romney are you concerned about some of the mishaps of your trip? 

NYT: "Governor Romney do you have a statement for the Palestinians? 

Washington Post: "What about your gaffes? 

NYT: "Governor Romney do you feel that your gaffes have overshadowed your foreign trip?" 

CNN: "Governor Romney just a few questions sir, you haven't taken but three questions on this trip from the press! 

Gorka: "Show some respect" 

NYT: "We haven't had another chance to ask a question..." 

Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect." 

Moments later, Gorka told Jonathan Martin, a reporter for Politico, to "shove it." About a half-hour later, the aide called reporters to apologize. 

Damn, how dare these reporters do their job when the candidate is concentrating on trying to look presidential! What were they thinking? I mean can't this poor guy get respect anywhere, from anyone?

Well at least he had his wife with him to provide a little comfort.

I think he might have brought the family dog as well.

Yeah, you know the Brits, Palestinians, and Poles are right, he IS a giant douche!

We simply cannot allow our country to be represented by yet another clumsy Republican asshole like George W. Bush.

Obama 2012!


  1. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

    Please tell me he actually said these exact words.

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM


    2. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Anonymous 6:43, you could play the video and read the transcript & decide for yourself. Gryphen is pretty good about linking to his sources; just click on the words "lost his shit" in the article.

    3. Anonymous9:29 AM

      Thanks, Ted, but I was just being dramatic.

    4. Olivia9:55 AM

      And then he said "Shove it!"

      It just doesn't get any better than this.

    5. Anonymous10:24 AM

      What was the Holy Site, exactly?

      Was it inside a cathedral? Or in the Gdansk Shipyards.

      #1 -- okay, wait until everyone's outside before shouting questions -- or answering with vulgar epithets.

      #2 -- it's an historic site, sure, but tourists ans sightseers and cameras and politicians go there every day. It's not a consecrated space. All the press secretary had to do was say: "See you in ten minutes, over by the buses, where the candidate will answer you questions."
      Instead; he used the magic Mormon incantation of "kiss my ass" and "shove it," passed down from Brigham Young to all his little munchkins who are being bothered by questions from the unanointed.
      We are beneath contempt, either here in the US or on foreigh soil.

      Go to the BBC one-hour take on the Mormons shown on youtube. It'll give you pause.
      Mitt is the chosen of the chosen....

      or didn't you get that message from the 12 Elders yet?

    6. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Can you imagine what the media coverage would have been like if someone in President Obama's press group had uttered these words? Oh my God, President Obama would have been strung up on the cross and it would have been ALL his fault!!!

      Romney and his crew think they are so much better than the rest of us. They need to be brought down and massively defeated in November.

      Get people out to vote - family, friends - and make sure they have the proper ID because many of the states have changed their voting rules to make it harder to vote for minorities and the poor folks. Many people will need rides to their voting stations too.

      This is a time we ALL need to come together and help each other to assure we DO NOT end up w/Romney and his group running our country. It would be devastating to all of us!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  2. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Dems let's make sure we have all our Dem friends and family, and all other Pres Obama supporters registered and ready to vote for Pres Obama.

    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      Check out to see if you are registered at


  3. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Good god, what is that ugly-ass schmatte Ann's wearing?

    1. Just assume it costs several thousand dollars. That's all that matters. To them.

      You people can be sooooo bothersome.

    2. Just be impressed that it costs umpteen thousand dollars. That's all that matters. To them.

      You people can be soooo bothersome.

    3. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Strong conservative women can B intimid8n. U have nothing2 fear from Sarah's policy prescriptions.

    4. Anonymous9:12 AM

      Dear 8:39AM, Sarah is the Devil. She is an evil monster. She has no "policy prescriptions"... only adderall, xanax and diet pills.

    5. Olivia9:57 AM

      "She has no "policy prescriptions"... only adderall, xanax and diet pills."

      You forgot ketamine

    6. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Whatever... maybe that schmatte top served to cover up her magical unders?

      just wondering...fromthediagonal

    7. Anonymous10:29 AM

      Ann Romney has TERRIBLE taste in clothes.They are absolutely disgusting. She's never met a hideous pattern she didn't like.I assume she thinks if they cost alot they are in good taste. We the little people aren't qualified to judge.Remember that scary top with birds that cost $1000?

    8. Anonymous11:45 AM

      I think she wears the wild patterns to cover up her lard ass, mega boobs and thunder thighs. Sorry, Ann, it's not working for ya.

    9. Anonymous2:31 PM

      I could care less how much FLoTUS cloths cost.

  4. The pictures are priceless, especially the one with the dog. I'm from a city that has a large Polish-American population and they are strongly pro-Democratic. They are blue collar, union members who worked hard to achieve the American Dream for themselves and their children. They have absolutely no connection to people like RMoney except to see someone who looks like him, wearing a four thousand dollar suit, posing in front of a now-closed steel plant. They are the backbone of this country, people like those Polish-Americans, not the to-the-manor-born asshat trying to use the good people of Poland to further his political career. RMoney even appearing at the birthplace of the fight for the freedom of Poland is an insult to them and to everyone who supported Solidarity.

    1. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Remind them that Rmoney wants to take us back to the days of Sinclair's "The Jungle" and the wage slavery of pre-union days. Remind them of how the Pinkerton guards shot at children (like my then father-in-law) who were gathering spilled coal along the railroad tracks, just to keep their family from freezing during a winter strike.
      The Poles of Gdansk are too polite to say it, but, as his landsmen, I can call him as he is:
      Rmoney = Bałwan
      Rmoney = Skurwielu
      or,one that my mother, who rarely swore,sometimes used (transliteration of the Polonia word for "dipshit": dupiosh

    2. Anonymous10:49 AM

      Appreciate your comments 8:55. How many in the US are aware of the history? We need to express these things to our friends and family members.

      Hopefully, many of us have Polish-American friends to whom we can discuss and learn about their family backgrounds.

      Romney has no clue about anything!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  5. Anonymous7:11 AM

    "Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

    The cognitive dissonance must be overwhelming. To put "kiss my ass" and "holy site" in the same sentence is just so laughably sad.

  6. Clueless… spent his entire life in a rich-person bubble.

    I didn’t think anyone could be more politically clumsy than Bush. This is why Hillary has someone like Huma at her side; to avoid these gaffs.

  7. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Why did the aide want the reporter to kiss Mr Romney.

    1. Snicker...

    2. He needs all the lovin' he can get.

  8. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The Romney campaign is already imploding and it is only July imagine how they are going to be talking by the end of August when the heat gets turned up about another 10-20 degrees and the number of gaffs, inconsistencies denials and tax questions reaches the point where every question is a confrontation. I don't see how Obama can lose this one. The debates are going to be nothing but a series of questions about Romney and his ignorant statements and calls for clarifications.

    1. He may be looking for an early exit to that planet where he is king and you people don't have a ticket to. (We can only hope!)

    2. HAHAHAHA King of kolob

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Haters are going to Hate!

    No matter what they do they are going to be criticized!

    The critics are going to criticize, the haters are going to hate, so you might as well tell them what you think!

    Opinions may vary, also, too, when faced with reporters behaving disrespectfully! The petting zoo hours were not yet over. The lamestream media spin is making me dizzy!

    For a more fair and balanced ANALysis of this event I checked out what the vaguely grizzled one had to say. His view was different! Arrest all disrespectful reporters! Build a wall! Sue! Sue! Sue! (paraphrase from the article titled Romney aide cusses out disrespectful reporters in Poland posted at http://joemiller.us your version of what is there may vary.)

    1. Still chug-a-lugging that Red Bull, $carah?

    2. Anonymous8:57 AM

      It's snark.

      Check out Joe Millers site for "Romney aide cusses out disrespectful reporters in Poland".


    3. Haters? Who are you the insufferable bustol and palin? Haters=Truth. I swear that word is worthy of immature limited vocabulary people who dot their "i's" with emotioncons.

      What do you think this is some communist nation where the dictator tells us and we accept them for their word? Reporters can ask viable questions to shift out their lies.

      It's our right to find out everything before one become President. If one can't stand the heat get the fuck out of the kitchen.

      Disrespect? GMAFB What is this? Throwing out words in hopes of embarrassing reporters? The only one showing disrespect are the romneys with their lies and stupid statements.

      baggers can't stand to face the truth.

    4. Anonymous10:43 AM

      Good Goddess people, it was obvious snark. Grow a sense of humor.

    5. OK, some of you need your Snarkometers calibrated. Then read 7:14 again.

    6. Anonymous1:06 PM

      Snark and pretty funny at that.

  10. Anonymous7:16 AM

    at this point you have to start to wonder if a) the corporate masters have gone barking mad by putting this dolt up for nomination or b) they intend to lose the election by putting this dolt up for nomination. either way, November 7 is probably going to be the beginning of the end for us. if Obama wins the rightwing will loosen the last strap on the straitjacket and, fueled by every conspiracy theory since JFK, go completely bonkers or, if Romney wins through the voter suppression tactics, we will have neverending war and profiteering for the rich while the rest of us reside in a toxic wasteland as Oliver Twists in a Mad Max landscape.....either way, I guess we should all start hoping the mayans have it right..... just saying...

    1. baggerws have already showed their asses when it comes to President Obama, so who gives a rat's ass.

    2. I'm beginning to think something is going to happen that will take RMoney out of the running. He is a walking, talking disaster. Even the Kochs are fed up with him.

      Divine intervention perhaps?

      I'm getting that hinky feeling.

      Problem is: who would they replace him with?

    3. I know someone who is waiting in the wings and would be only toooo happy to step into the ring. And I'll bet you know the same crazy bitch.

    4. Anonymous1:05 PM

      10:21 Perhaps the Teabaggers will put up Palin at the convention!!! Too bad it can't be legally done!

      But, wouldn't it create a fiascal and assure the sales of popcorn and booze to increase one hundred fold!!!

      The Republican party is a friggin' mess!

    5. Ron Paul is waiting in the wings. And he's scary too for other reasons.

  11. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Translation: "Don't disturb me when I pander and create photo-ops"

  12. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I don't believe I've ever heard an aide for any one running for President of the US telling a reporter to "kiss my ass" and "shove it". Romney and his posse would be very bad for the US. I would worry about him having his hand near the red button. He doesn't think before he speaks.

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:37 AM

      Bullies, all.

    2. that old coot is still saying the insufferable, uneducated liar palin was the right pick.


    3. Anonymous10:39 AM

      I so dislike the majority of Republicans in our world today (Tea Baggers too!)

      But, many of my Republican friends have indicated they are changing their registrations and will NOT vote for Romney. Very, very interesting!!! Yea!!!! Romeny is proving more and more to be a total embarrassment to the USA and world!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  13. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Can either Ann or Willard ever wipe that condescending smirk off their face? Even when Mitt was "praying" at the wailing wall he had a smarmy smirk on his face. These people are not real humans.

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      Every time I see them, I want to knock those smiles off their faces. Creepy couple! Sure are gaining more and more 'dislike' across the USA and world!

      Much the same as the Palin family. They have no clue and could care less.

    2. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Totally accurate. I think their smirking says it all. They remind me of a semi-attractive but widely disliked suburban couple I once knew who were invited to parties galore and then, because they were so cold, dull and lifeless, ignored and dismissed as guests sought out more interesting and engaging people.

  14. And the Romney campaign continues to take the high road...

  15. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Best comment I have read about the Polish leg of the trip - "I hope he does not call the hotel manager and ask him to send 3 Polish workers to his room to change a lightbulb"!!!

    1. Anonymous7:45 AM

      Not Mitt!

      More like

      "I hope he does not call the hotel manager and ask him to send 3 NONUNION Polish workers to his room to change a lightbulb"!!!

  16. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Lech Welesa is not universally loved in Poland of today. Romney should have done some research on what's happening in that country now.
    As for his press secretary's indiscretions -- and rudeness to the press corps by not answering them or giving them access to the candidate for days on end -- whatever blowback he gets, he deserves.
    What do they think they are? The Royal Family, to whom you never ask questions, or impertinently query why somthing is being done?
    No, you're a candidate in a democratically run election, where you are supposed to be able to answer -- short or long -- at every chance. You're a double Harvard degree, right? Let's see your native intelligence, Mitt, not your speechwriters' crafted words. Otherwise, you're just a puppet with a snippy, ill-mannered spokesman. You both need to go.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Yes, they think they are the Royal Family.

    2. Anonymous10:35 AM

      And, it's more than time the citizens of the United State of America bring them down to size so they stop feeling so entitled.

      He is not going to be regarded well outside of the United States and would make a horrible president (if elected).

      I suspect President and Mrs. Obama and VP and Mrs. Biden will be reelected in a landslide.

      There are many more voters across the nation than the money that is going to be spent in support of Romney. (I feel sorry for the person who runs w/him - is he or she ever in for a rough ride!)

      The money for this election could be better spent in feeding the poor and providing shelter for the homeless. The Republicans are going to be wasting their money!

  17. It scares the crap out of me to think that no matter how badly this guy behaves or the stupid shit that comes out of his mouth that people continue to forgive his idiocy. I simply can't wrap my brain around that at all. Why would anyone want this guy running our country is just beyond me!!!! Be afraid if Myth wins this election!!!OBAMA 2012

    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:39 AM

      Well, he's all kinds of the right "white".

      Pretty much it.

    2. Dems aren't so fast on letting romney's stupid words pass. Everywhere I look his words are coming back to harm him.

      baggers are forgiving because that ass is the best they have.

    3. Anonymous9:31 AM

      And pissing off the press isn't going to do him any favors.

    4. Anonymous12:58 PM

      v287:40 AM- Most repubs don't care what Romney does or says, especially the mormon ones. All they care about is getting Pres. Obama out of office. To them, he seems to be the worst person of all. Go figure..

  18. Anonymous7:41 AM

    The sense of entitlement of this couple is sickening. It's as if Adelson and Koch have told them not to worry; the GOP will assure their moving into the White House. The ICK factor is huge.

    1. Olivia10:04 AM

      I think McCain and Palin were told that too.

      The puppetmasters were so sure that a "war hero" and his tongue flicking, bumpit wearing, lipsticked pit bull were a shoo in, if only because the opponent was a black man.

    2. Anonymous10:28 AM

      There are more voters than the money being afforded this asshole. We just have to make sure people have the correct ID for their particular state (since the Republican Legislatures are trying to assure President Obama is not reelected) and get as many as possible out to vote.

      We can beat their money!!!! Romney is a liar, secretive, wishy-washy, flip-flopper and is constantly covering up what he has done in his past and currently. He would be horrible for the White House - we'd never know what he was up to!!! Plus, he wants more wars which the USA cannot afford.

      We need to go back to the military draft - then we'd get Mittens boys all fighting and perhaps he wouldn't be so eager to declare war! He'd be horrendous in the White House!!!

      Thank God we have President and Mrs. Obama! In looking at the Romneys, we truly know how fortunate we are! Same should be said for VP and Mrs. Biden - they are a class act and relate to 'all' people so well.

      Can you imagine Mrs. Romney as First Lady? She is far too entitled and the couple doesn't relate at all to the poor and middle class.

      Vote to get the Republicans out of office on the national, state and local levels. They are creating nothing but havoc. Plus, women's rights are a huge issue in the way the Republicans across the nation are trying to change the laws. Romney is anti abortion even in the case of rape and incest.

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  19. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Maybe Mitt Romney should have just stayed in London and watched the dancing horses.

    Or just stayed home. Even though his recent trip to England was largely a public relations disaster, he made a more serious mistake in his next stop, Israel, and got a major rebuff in his last stop, Poland.

    The whole trip reminds me of Richard’s Nixon pledge in 1960 to campaign in all 50 states, forcing him to waste the weekend before the election flying to Alaska (whose three electoral votes were hardly critical) instead of campaigning in states that might have given him a victory over John F. Kennedy.

    Romney’s trip abroad in the waning months of this presidential campaign had three goals: establish his credibility on foreign policy while in England, woo the Jewish vote while in Israel and entice Catholic voters while in Poland.

    In retrospect, he should have spent the time in Ohio, Virginia and Florida, all of which I think he needs to win in order to beat President Barack Obama.

    In England, Romney didn’t show any particular foreign policy expertise. He did manage to insult his British hosts by criticizing the London Olympics, but that won’t lose him any votes in the United States.

    And his campaign did get in one dog whistle, which was so obvious it was more like a dog baying at the moon: A Romney adviser told a British newspaper that Obama was incapable of fully appreciating the “Anglo-Saxon heritage” between the U.S. and Britain. “We are part of an Anglo-Saxon heritage, and he [Romney] feels that the special relationship is special,” one said.

    Translation: A black guy just isn’t a member of our club and never will be.

    But in Israel, where the local headlines got better, Romney screwed up by turning a pander into a slobber.


    1. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:46 AM

      Makes as much sense as Palin's trips "abroad" that were supposed to beef up her foreign policy cred.

      She went to a US Army base in Kuwait(?) for photo ops holding Guns;


      Yup. Totally wordly.

      That was until she was able to studiously absorb all the color palettes in her hotel room in Korea.


      of course! HAITI!! Sarah's UNRELENTING assistance (BRISTOL n Todd, too! FACT!)
      to the Haitian people!

      She was so struck by their plight, she has been back many, many times with funds she raised through VOLUNTEER RALLIES!


      Yeah, not even a second thought about a single person in Haiti.

      Or the hurricane victims Sarah used to get her ugly mug on camera.

      Oh, sorry. We were talking about all her "foreign policy" experience; like having her ass plopped next to Russia.

      With that logic, EVERY continental AMERICAN is either a Foreign Expert of Canada, or Mexico.

      Dumb, selfish twat.

    2. Anonymous8:59 AM

      "[Romney] feels that the special relationship is special,"

      Sounds like Frank Burns, of M*A*S*H fame "It's nice to be nice to the nice."

      Come to think of it - Rmoney is Frank Burns in so many ways.

    3. Oooooh! That's rough...even for Frank Burns! ;)

  20. angela7:42 AM

    "Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

    It seems we have finally found the source of the phrase "You can't make this stuff up."

  21. Sharon7:43 AM

    To be a fly on the wall of GOP HQ....all those millions wasted on this laughing stock, it boggles the mind to think what that money could have done. We have to take back Congress, then Obama can fly. The debates are gonna be awesome.

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      Think about the atmosphere of this campaign. There is probably some reason there is a lack of competent help for Mitt. Can you imagine going out for a few beers with him after a long week on the trail?

      On The Trail With Mitt Episode 13.

      Mitt: TGIF!

      Staff: We thought mormons didn't drink?!

      Mitt: Who said anything about drinking? Who is doing THAT? That's not allowed. People say stupid things when they drink!

      Staff: (!) tgif?

      MITT: Thank God I'm Famous!

      Staff: WTF! Not Again! Still need drinks...

    2. OMG. This will finally sink the fraud. The debates are going to be like palin's. STUPID GOOD. HAHAHA

    3. Man, I am just hoping we get another good read out of this campaign - a Game Change the Next Round. Although we'll have to come up with a more appropriate title. 'Cause you know when the election is over and HOPEFULLY Obama will still be in charge, people are going to start muttering. I predict another astonishing bestseller.
      M from MD

    4. Anonymous1:59 PM

      His aides stink because no one likes him, everyone knows he's going to lose, and he's pretty insular and I suspect that he has tried to stick with only LDS staffers. The A team of GOP politics are probably nowhere to be found or are working for Super pacs

    5. Anonymous6:03 AM

      Not quite right: Dan Senor is Jewish and has a major position. Nonetheless, he is just one of the clowns in the Romney circus and he may as well be LDS.

  22. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Romney goes to Israel to pander to the Jewish community, he pandered so much his campaign nearly committed Romney to a military strike on Iran if he became president. Romney goes to Poland to pander to the Catholic community. When Romney has an audience with the African-American community by speaking before the NAACP he comes to insult, by letting the "negroes" know they would not get any hand-outs from the government if he is elected president. Even blacks who call themselves Republicans should get the message that Romney is appealing to the backward, Neanderthal, elements of the tea party.

  23. Cracklin Charlie7:53 AM


    "Staffers attempt to block Ron Paul sign"! That is the most hilarious photo I've seen yet of Rmoney's Magical Mythstery Tour!

    Nah, they don't look too ridiculous holding up those gigantic umbrellas on a bright sunny day!

    I seriously can't believe these clowns! They've almost got me wishing Ham Rove would go and show them how to run a campaign. Almost!

    1. Anonymous8:48 AM

      Mitt's Mary Poppins...

      The WORST GOVERNOR EVER would have known: you act like you're making nice, then you go back and yank that sign down when the cameras aren't looking,

      right, Toad?

  24. Anonymous7:54 AM

    ‘Kiss My Ass’: Fear And Loathing In The Romney Campaign

    If Mitt Romney’s purpose in traveling abroad this summer was to prove his credentials as a potential world leader, the verdict is mixed at best. Neither his tendency to utter bizarre insults nor his shallow, ideological approach to policy inspired much confidence, although he managed to garner support from Israel’s right-wing prime minister and an eccentric former leader in Poland. (Our allies in the United Kingdom may never want to hear from him again.)

    On the trip’s final leg, the world saw the most unattractive side of the Romney campaign when the traveling press secretary loudly told reporters to “kiss my ass” and “shove it” in a display of the attitude that trickles down from the top.

    Contempt toward the press is an important aspect of this attitude. For most of the campaign so far, Romney has pursued a media strategy that has become increasingly typical of Republican presidential candidates: Speak with Fox News and avoid the rest of the national press corps. That is because Fox journalists (an oxymoron?) are far less likely to ask questions that the candidate doesn’t wish to answer, such as the inquiries shouted at Romney in Warsaw on Tuesday.

    Why were they shouting at him? Because during the entire trip, he had essentially refused to engage with reporters at all.


    1. Anonymous9:02 AM

      FOX fought for the right, in it's whistleblower fight against Jane Akre to not be charged, as journalists are, with reporting the truth. THey have invoked that right time and time again in their coverage.

      In short, yes, it is an oxymoron.

  25. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Mitt Romney's Offend the World megatour continued in Poland today, where the gaffe outbreak is apparently now contagious. Fresh off putdowns of the British and Palestinians, Romney aide Rick Gorka chipped in today by giving the press a lashing for ... asking about all of the gaffes abroad. While leaving the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, reporters from CNN and the New York Times sent some questions in Romney's direction, causing Gorka to snap, "Have some respect." When a journalist noted, "We haven't had another chance to ask a question ... " Gorka shot back, "Kiss my ass. This is a holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect." Then he told a Politico reporter to "Shove it."


  26. nogravity7:56 AM

    Romney's now outsourcing his gaffes.

  27. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Barack is winning across the board!



  28. Does anyone have any insight into why there would be support for Ron Paul in Poland?

    1. Good question. Maybe Maddow or someone else will look into that.

    2. Olivia10:07 AM

      Americans visiting Poland?

  29. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Mitt Romney isn't on an ordinary world tour. He's on an insult-the-world tour, during which he's constantly trying to outdo his previous personal best. How else to explain the Republican presidential candidate's horribly offensive comments about Palestinians during his recent trip to Jerusalem, so soon after the clunking insults leveled at his British hosts in London last week?

    Over a £16,000-a-plate campaign fundraiser breakfast with Jewish donors in Jerusalem, Romney aired his deep thoughts on "the dramatic, stark difference in economic vitality" between the Palestinian and Israeli economies. These thoughts were obtained by reading books, he prefixed, before surmising that Israeli accomplishments were down to "at least culture and a few other things" – oh, and also, "the hand of providence". So Romney thinks that Palestinians are screwed because Israelis have a better culture and a better god. It's a shame he didn't add something about bad karma and the Palestinians not doing their positive affirmations properly.

    The presidential hopeful doubtless believes this standard-issue, superiority-complex racism – and that it's what his donors want to hear. Romney was, after all, only in Jerusalem to assure rightwing Israelis that he is an even bigger fan of their peace-quashing ways than President Obama. Sitting next to the Republican candidate at that Israeli hotel breakfast was American casino-billionaire Sheldon Adelson, who bankrolled Romney's visit and has indicated his readiness to part with $100m (£63.5m) for the Romney campaign. Adelson thinks that the Palestinians are an "invented people", supports Israeli hard-right prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu and vigorously opposes a two-state solution, so we can presume that Romney's remarks were designed to help him reach for his wallet.

    Or perhaps, when the Republican visitor noted that Palestinians were stumped by "a few other things" he was just using internationally recognised shorthand? Maybe he meant "things" like Israel's 45-year occupation, which has kept a chokehold on Palestinians, while at the same time creating a captive market for Israeli products, boosting the occupier's economy. Maybe he's parsing for "things" like the checkpoints, barriers and roadblocks that thwart movement of Palestinians and products – and thereby railroad any attempts to revive an economy. And he couldn't possibly have referenced "things" without it also alluding to America's generous aid package to Israel, the largest annual recipient of US financial assistance and whose military aid was upped just prior to Romney's visit.

    Romney must know all of this, because it's practically impossible to avoid. He could have just glanced out of that Jerusalem hotel window and seen the Israeli separation wall, which has helped to stifle the Palestinian economy – and Palestinian cultural life with it. He could skim through...


  30. Anonymous8:21 AM

    I hate to nitpik (no I don't!) but what the hell is Marie ANNtoinette Romney wearing?? How much did that hideous frock cost? Probably more $900 T-shirt.

    1. Anonymous12:30 PM

      That woman has the worst taste of anyone I know. Just goes to show that money can't buy class and taste. Even the Tundra Twit Palin dresses better than that--which is saying a lot. What an ugly beaotch, inside and out (I mean AnnAntoinette "let them eat cake"). Compare that trollop to our first lady, classy Michelle Obama!

  31. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Gosh golly, I can't wait to see what Stewart and Colbert do with this leg of Rmoney's 'I'm Mitt and I'm white and filthy rich' tour!

  32. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Gorka: "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."



    Irony, much?

    1. Quote is right up there with "There is no fighting allowed in the War Room!" (Dr. Strangelove)

    2. Anonymous6:27 PM

      Quite possibly my alltime favorite movie quote. That and another Kubrick movie line. "More wine?" Ex Cat

  33. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:31 AM


    That gave me the BIGGEST smile! Those peeps are awesome.

    I bet Mittens' anus tightened up a smidge more than usual.

  34. I've sent the dog-on-head photo to everyone I know, using the caption, "Are you people happy now?"

    1. Anonymous3:50 PM

      when I see that picture, I hear "Honey, have you seen the dog?"

  35. FUCK YOU MCCAIN!!!!!!8:33 AM

    Ann Romney (sung to "Don't cry for me, Argentina):

    "Don't cry for me, poor Pol-anders,

    the truth is I never loved you,

    you are all foreigners,

    you are all different,

    I'll keep my houses,

    you keep your distance."

  36. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Karl Rove, the IRS is coming for you and your shady 501 (c)4 non-profit social welfare group for conservative millionaires.


  37. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I wonder how Greta would have reacted if she'd been told to "shove it" if she'd been that reporter?

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      Whenever Sarah Palin says, "kiss my ass," Greta replies, "with pleasure!!"

  38. Anonymous8:56 AM

    ‘Mitt Romney’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good Very Bad Trip To Europe’


  39. Anonymous9:16 AM


    Money shot found at bottom of article on page 2:

    "The emerging truth about the man who will soon accept the Republican presidential nomination is that – like Sarah Palin – his handlers cannot trust him to cope with unscripted questions."

    Handlers? Romney don't need no stinkin' handlers, after all he's supposed to be a big boy! He needs a muzzle, as do his handlers.

    As for Palin - spot on. I'm thinkin' Steve Schmidt could give quite an astute comment on this!


  40. WakeUpAmerica9:46 AM

    "Kiss my ass. This is a Holy site for the Polish people. Show some respect."

    Right, because nothing shows respect for a holy site like "Kiss my ass."

  41. Anonymous9:54 AM

    If the Romney campaign doesn't fire this aide as of YESTERDAY, then they are a bunch of assholes.

  42. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Maybe he should buy a new pair of running shoes and get himself a glass of lemonade!


  43. Rick Gorka, the press aide who said "kiss my ass" and "shove it" to reporters is reflecting Lord and Lady Romney's attitude even though they are both too nasty-nice to say something like that. Another way of saying "YOU PEOPLE don't deserve answers".

    If Romney acts this way and permits his aides to act this way when he still wants our votes, what will he be like if he wins? "Show some respect"!?when he shows no respect for the country, the President or the voters.

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      Somehow it just seems particularly wrong to use the word "ass" at a sacred spot.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      Romney looks like a horse's face and acts like a horse's ass. Pure ugliness.

  44. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Romney and his Campaign are ABOVE EVERYONE. They are above all the little people, all the people who are of different colors and cultures--as was witnessed by his racist statements on this trip of horrors.

    They definitely don't view the Presidency as a job to serve the people, they see this as a "corporate venture" of raising money and only giving respect and attention to those who GIVE MONEY generously.

    Do you think Romney is aware that the office of President is that of serving the people..ALL PEOPLE, and to respect all and that includes the media who try to provide information to the people of this nation. He has no clue about what it is to be a public servant.

    Why anyone would vote for this waking horrible nightmare is frightening because there are many who would do just that.

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  45. Anonymous11:41 AM

    No pun intended, but the hits just keep on coming...

  46. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Holy shit, he is playing Lego Hair card, blaming the media for his gaffs!!!! WTF LOL

  47. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/07/31/1115449/-Harry-Reid-says-Bain-investor-told-him-Romney-paid-no-taxes-for-10-years

    If this can be proven, it explains a whole lot.

    1. Anonymous3:27 PM

      Some news outlets are speculating that Romney will have a very hard time finding a VP, because the names he is considering have all previously released more years of tax returns than Romney has. How can the VP candidate have multiple years of returns out there in the public view when the Pres. candidate only has one year of returns???

  48. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Don't kid yourself, G. That Paulbot sign was put there by a very rightwing fringe group in Poland. They know what he's about. Google the name on the sign--I found it, so can you.

  49. Anonymous1:38 PM

    from dailykos

    "...one of his aides uttering the phrase "Kiss my ass, this is a holy site," which is one of those sentences that pretty much never is a good idea in any real-world circumstance you can think of. "

  50. Anonymous1:49 PM



    That's what the Guardian is calling it!

    "Politico reports on the event today that no one is calling "Assgate" – yet – with a blow by blow account of what happened as American journalists shouted terribly rude questions – such as "Are you still beating your wife?" and "Made any more gaffes today?" – at Mitt Romney while he walked around Poland:

    Romney ignored the questions and got in his car.

    But his traveling press secretary was furious.

    “Kiss my ass; this is a holy site for the Polish people,” said aide Rick Gorka. “Show some respect.”

    Gorka then told a reporter to “shove it.”

    Gorka subsequently called a pair of reporters to apologize, saying he lost his cool.

    “It was inappropriate,” Gorka said.

    Romney was at the square to visit the Polish Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. After he did that, laying a wreath and greeting Polish military veterans, the GOP hopeful decided to walk down to a monument on the other side of the square.


  51. There's a well-written commentary over at HuffPo on Romney's outrageous Israel and "culture" statement:


    It's a great analysis of Romney's loud if inaudible racist dog whistles, and also a reminder of what the TeaBagger philosophy espouses, "a mystical America in which life is equally fair for everyone, one in which winners and losers reflect their innate virtues. So help yourself to a giant tax cut, wealthy Americans, because you've earned it! And look in the mirror, struggling people who may need help, because you are the loser spawn of damaged culture."

    Here are some other snippets:

    "By standing in Jerusalem on Monday and declaring that Jews are richer than Palestinians because of their culture -- this, as he was asking wealthy Jews for money at a campaign fundraiser -- Romney effectively exploited the Israeli-Palestinian divide as cover to annunciate a racist notion that resonates with a key slice of the electorate at home: white voters."

    "Culture makes all the difference," he reportedly told those gathered at the Jerusalem fundraiser. "And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things." (One wonders what those "few other things" might include -- skin color perhaps?)"

    "Can we for a nanosecond imagine Romney at a country club in some posh Detroit suburb celebrating the innate superiority of the predominantly WASP crowd in attendance while using "culture" to explain the wealth gap with the predominantly African American inner city? Yet this is the very sentiment he catered to in Jerusalem. In essence, Romney said that whole races of people are better than others."

    * * *

    "Yet the brilliance of Romney's mislabeled "gaffe" goes beyond such narrow calculations. More broadly, it taps into a current of resentment among white voters, the core artery of support for Romney's candidacy. It injects the race card into a presidential contest against an incumbent who happens to be the nation's first black president, while pretending to be merely an observation about a far away conflict."

    "For Romney's campaign, race is treacherous ground that he can't resist mining for votes, and he has just used Israel as a means of tapping it from a safe distance."

    "Romney can't resist employing subtle racist appeals because he draws support from white voters who despise Obama, and for reasons that are often intertwined with crude racial stereotypes. Consider the ugly accusations -- not just from Romney, but from other Republicans in the course of the primaries -- that Obama is a socialist, who has turned us into a country dependent upon government handouts. Such depictions have carried more than a faint echo of old-school talk of "welfare queens," a term in which "black" always seemed like a silent consonant."

  52. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Check this out, front page of the Huffington Post, I hope it is true.

    Harry Reid: Bain Source Told Me Mitt 'Didn't Pay Any Taxes For 10 Years'

    1. Anonymous2:55 PM

      Either it is true or it is false.

      The only way to know is for Mitt to release his tax returns.

      Shorter Harry to Mitt: Hey dipshit- batter up!

  53. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Politico.com (see sidebar) has a headline that Romney is planning a bus tour before the GOP convention. Maybe he can use Sarah's bus! I'm not too sure of this as a campaigning ploy for Mitt. He will have to meet an awful lot of the 99%ers. Not too many of the 1% will come for a rally around a bus.

  54. Anonymous4:02 PM

    omg gryphen this goofy picture of the dog strapped to his head is funnier than hell, im still laughing,,good one!!

  55. Anonymous6:05 PM


    OBAMA 2012!!!

    1. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM

      Great Job!

  56. Anita Winecooler8:37 PM

    What a gift this week has been for President Obama! I can imagine his team doing the happy dance at every stage of Romney's Photo op a palooza!

    Contrast that with President Obama's visit to Germany.

    Your last photo is a riot! The brits so love their fascinators, but this one takes the cake!!

  57. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Poland fracks the magog off the planet!!! Why are the last nazi war criminals, like Alois Bruner, hiding in Syria? Nesselrode sent Porphy Uspensky to de-Hellenize the Antiochians which led to Michel Aflaq founding the Nazi Ba’ath party which is why ras-Putin hid Saddam’s WMD in Syria! Ohlig & Puim show Islamic extremism came from Syriac miaphysates, products of Chrysustolm trying to consummate the Channukah crimes of his Seleucid forefathers. (“Questioning is the subversion of faith” Homily I on I Timothy I- Such was the dark mind that led Justinian to abolish the universities and Olympics and bring on the plagues.) Ochrafuxy is the mother of Islam and bolshevism because they reject Aristotle in favor of Plato. We need a Christian Samaritania buffer state surrounding Israel. Just as we neutralized Greece during the Crimean and Cold wars, we need to give the Balkans back to the aboriginal Albanian Pelasgians to prevent soviet access to the straits. Iran and North Korea both share borders with Russia and are ras-Putin’s ploy to raise oil prices which is why we must fearlessly pursue the therminucular rapture against the magog’s attempt to destabilize the Saudis.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.