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"What? We're cancelled?" |
Bristol Palin's short-lived reality series, "Life's a Tripp!" has been canceled by Lifetime, but lawsuits are still pending against the young star and the network. A local man has again sued Palin and Lifetime for capturing him on film and airing his words without explicit permission.
Okay well right now THIS is the only source I can find that says the show is cancelled. If anybody else finds more please send them our way.
I cannot imagine that it would necessarily surprise too many of us, though to be honest I kind of thought the Grizzled Mama had signed some sort of contract with Lifetime to air ALL of the episodes. Or perhaps the contract was just to make sure they aired the one last night where she scripted that her daughters had to spend the entire episode telling the camera how awesome she is, what a rock star she is, and how grateful they are to have her as their mother, because I'm sure THAT was the one that she cared about the most!
And you can see how ridiculous that sounded for yourself by watching the episode for yourself right here.
(Second half of last night's episode here.)
Update: ABC has a recap:
Since the announcement last week that “Life’s a Tripp” would be moved to 11 p.m. – placing it after a full hour of “Dance Moms” repeats — morale has been low around this recap blog. This new time slot is as cold as the Alaskan wilderness.
Hard to believe we’re on the fifth episode already, but time flies when you’re having almost no fun at all and the network is blowing through the season so it can have more room in the schedule for that show starring Jennifer Love Hewitt’s cleavage.
Oh yeah, everybody just LOVES this show.
Update 2: False alarm, the show is not cancelled, apparently the editors at Christian Post are not exactly on the ball. Here is how it has been rewritten now:
Bristol Palin's short-lived reality series, "Life's a Tripp!" has been canceled from its time slot by Lifetime and has been moved to a less prominent showtime, but lawsuits are still pending against the young star and the network.
Well good, now we get to watch the rotted corpse decay right before our eyes. Good times!
I wish they had cited their source. I'm not seeing any other confirmation of a cancellation online (just rumors of an upcoming cancellation due to dismal ratings). Hopefully, we'll see more credible posts on a cancellation soon.
ReplyDeleteI hope it gets cancelled! Boring show.
DeleteDid anyone notice in epi 6 the RNC TriG is used? Yes get some screen shots before the show gets cancelled.
The pic of "TriG" that Barstool posted on her blog a week or two ago was of "Blue TriG".
A big FU to Screech, I'm thinking.
One a FAS one is DS.
Both being passed off as TriG.
"Is is Real or is it Memorex"?
In Palin reality it is Memorex all fake!
Dr Brad Scharlotte insists there are NOT two Trigs and that there isn't a Trig with a congenitally deformed ear. He thinks it's all light and shadows-photography.
DeleteHe also said talking about this makes us all look stupid. He says he has a good reason for this and he will elaborate. The problem is that he has never even bothered to talk to ear specialists and as one, I believe he is very very wrong.
And admonishing other bloggers or readers on a blog without doing any real research is irresponsible.
He also thought Bristol and Willow were charming and engaging in the show. Even though he doesn't watch TV he did an entire post about this.
Yet we are all stupid idiots. Hmmm
"... I kind of thought the Grizzled Mama had signed some sort of contract with Lifetime to air ALL of the episodes..."
ReplyDeleteJust like all of us, I'm sure Sarah Palin wants that nightmare to end too. Surely Sarah realizes that Bristol's show reveals how dysfunctional her family really is.
I betcha Life's A Tripp is a great disappointment to Sarah Palin and makes Bristol looks like an ass.
Somehow, I do NOT see that $arah would see it that way. To her, ANY publicity is GOOD publicity... Remember, $he is a narcissist.
DeleteBristol already looked like an ass on DWTS, and Sarah seemed totally on board with that.
Delete$carah had the final say on what was aired, so she must think ALL families are dysfunctional. If this is what passes for normal in this family, then it explains a lot. No shame, no self-awareness, no self respect at all. IF Levi really is Tripp's father, he should be able to get custody after watching this KRAP of a show, and what they are doing to the boy. So, she has Tripp calling Gino "Daddy" now they broke up, so who will the next Daddy be? What a disgusting way to raise a child.
DeleteFirst let me start out by saying that...I couldn't watch this shit last night...got my 4th of July drinking going on early and didn't want to to fuck up my high by watching "The Stupids"....so I just finished watching both episodes on my IPad!
DeleteThe entire time I was watching it all I could think....WHAT...WHY?
Wallow saying about the Occupy Wallstreet protesters...."Karma will get to them and then GOD will punish them"
Beefy riding in the car to her book signing says..."I couldn't see any protesters standing outside the bookstore. But it's hard to tell when the book signing starts".
Cro magnum man Gino mumbling to the camera..."I know that Tripp needs a Dad so I don't mind if he calls me Daddy'.
And I agree with Gryphen...Baldy and RAM wrote the script for the DC episode. Don't forget RAM is a failed script writer and now we know why! Favorite scene..the Baldy impersonator appears out of no where and Beefy acts offended that this poor stupid deluded woman dresses up as Baldy and some homeless guy starts talking to the Baldy impersonator about Health Care and then walks away without...as Beefy says...."He didn't acknowledge me, but he was totally convinced that she was my mom"...WHAT...WHY?
Couple things about the DC trip...anyone see the black security guy holding Beefy's book in his hand while they climbed into the SUV? You just know dude threw that shit in the TRASH!
Wallow the Gang Banger talking about her pepper spray and pocket knife...when in reality she really has a razor blade under her tongue! Who loved the scene when the heifers were in the hotel setting up a "surprise" b-day for Baldy and she comes in and speaking in a tone that only dogs can hear says..."All my friends are here...all two of you"...then she goes to hug Wallow who anticipated this and was trying to get away and I guess she remembered the script so she turns towards Baldy and gives her that shoulder hug and then the most distasteful look goes across her face! Uh...how bad did Baldy SMELL Wallow?? LOL!!!
Another thing about that scene...I hope the hotel threw out that dining room table that Beefy was sitting on with her legs gaped open on! WhoTF sits on a dining room table like that...HILLBILLIES THAT'S WHO!!
And finally...anyone else notice when they were sitting at the table talking...*SNICKER* politics...that none of them drank their beverages out of a glass or a cup?
Baldy was swigging that blurred drink like it was Schlitz Malt liquor beer...Wallows was guzzling down that giant bottle of water like she was in the desert and Beefy couldn't even put her phone down while she was eating...fork in her left hand and Blackberry going in the right hand!!!
And this is just my observation about the DC episode...next comment will be about Baldy's surprise party in Hillbilly Land Wasilla!
The Birthday episode! If y'all could have seen my face...my expression was a combination of...incredulous...disbelief...and amusement!
DeleteTRIPP (shaking my head).....TRIPP ( needing a hug).....TRIPP(beating the shit out of whoever got close)...TRIPP....that kid is going to be FUCKED UP!
Piper...walking with Beefy in the store...totally unrecognizable...thank god Lifetime kept posting the names of these heffa's because between fat Wallow and REALLY fat Wallow...I was having a hard time telling them all apart...SNARK off! LOL!!!
Okay lets talk about that scene with the Toad! The lady girl voice talking about Baldy taking care of the kids while he was on the SLOPE...all I could think of was what Joe M. said about Baldy and her parenting...uh...skills...dirty stanking nasty clothes everywhere...dirty dishes in the sink...Beefy and Wallow burning mac and cheese and the cou de grais....Baldy shoving baby Piper across the barn floor when the Toad came home talking about..." you fucking take care of this kid"! And then Baldy going into her room to watch REALITY shows! LOL!!!
That whole photography scene was fucking hilarious...especially when...again...thanks Joe we know that the girls had to replace the "boudoir" picture Baldy and the girls in men's shirts had displayed in the barn...LOL!!
Baldy y'all ain't fooling nobody with your shit! And loved how they slipped in Britta and Beefy's DWTS baby...opps...I mean Kyla! Poor whichever Trig that was in the picture...that Trig was the one without his glasses and had the tongue thing going and the Trig at the party...you know the one that they were treating like a monkey with a grinder..."Dance Trig...Dance" they said! Not a cute scene at all..the way they were looking at Trig was...indifference!
Anyone see Sally Heath walking through the living room like a ghost when Tripp was slapping the shit out of Piper? And um...the Toad's militia outfit was....in my RuPaul voice...."STUNNINNGGG"!
Baldy's b-day party at Creepy's house needs to be watched again y'all....VERY interesting folks in the background...Molly holding a different Trig with blue glasses...Baldy holding Trig like a stranger. Question...why was Piper dressed like a Dr Seuss character..."Thing 1" who was "Thing 2"?
Obviously Wallow did Piper's hair...that honey bun looking thing on her head looked just like the one Wallow had in DC! Hair school and Wallow don't seem to be working out!
I hope they don't cancel this shit! The fact that Baldy and RAM think that they are re writing the Palins lives to make America LOVE them is COMEDY!! I started laughing from the first scene and had to hit my inhaler because I couldn't stop LAUGHING!
And at the end of the episode...Beefy is trying to tease us with a marriage proposal from Gino to get us to stick around! Uh...how much money are they going to pay Gino to marry Beefy?
BaldyPac is BROKE! Baldy doesn't have any paid speeches lined up...and the Toad already got sent back to wherever...from his fake soldier playing!
Oh...old man Adeleson may be who Baldy is pole dancing for...she gotta pay to keep ALL those mouths shut! Notice Creepy didn't get ONE speaking spot and I don't think Sally can even SPEAK at all!
All in all...thanks Palins for continuing to represent.....that hillbillies with a little money ALWAYS act the SAME way! LIKE IDIOTS! LOL!!!
"Beefy sitting with her legs gaped open" is the only way she knows how to sit!! How will she be able to meet Trigg's next stand-in Daddy if she tries to behave like a lady?
Deleteha ha ha ha
ReplyDeleteBristol is not a young "star." She's a fricking train wreck in need of some serious psychotherapy.
On MSNBC they were talking about Romney's vp pick and just said Sarah Palin left a bad taste in everybody's mouth and was laughing at her.
ReplyDeleteThe Mitt camp says Sarah ¨poisoned the well.¨
DeleteYes, and John McCain is still so proud of Ol'$carah. A little demented are we, John?
DeleteAll I can think is that McCain WANTED to lose the election. He probably realized how much work was needed to clean up after Cheney/Bush and decided to pick a loser to blame for his loss. That is why no other repubs. ran, also why McCain still praises Palin. She saved his wrinkly old arse from being in charge now that he has no Daddy or Grandaddy to cover for him.
DeleteThis was on Daily Rundown.
ReplyDeleteBristol, how is that new plastic face working for ya? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!
My eyes! My eyes! Oh, the stupid burns!! It burns!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure Bristol wants that show cancelled as well.
ReplyDeleteBut....but....we were going to see the REAL Bristol......and LOVE her! $arah said so!
Was the money worth Bristol looking like a total idiot?
ReplyDeleteAny and all money the Wasilla Hill Billies get at the expense of their dignity is worth it to the grifting Palins.
DeleteI can HARDLY wait until she enters politics, speaking of a total idiot. Her stupid BURNS and she's creating an absolute monster son.
DeleteThanks for the links Mr. G. I tried. I really did. But I can't watch it. It's just too awful.
ReplyDeleteTime to make the macaroni salad and deviled eggs...
Happy 4th of July everyone!
Hey, that's what I'm making! Ding dong the show is gone, which old show? The bad old show..ding dong the worst show on TV is gone! Now if someone could just cancel the Palin 'family' completely, we'd have a perfect Fourth!
Delete"Young Star?"
ReplyDeleteI sure hope this is true. It's certainly not hard to believe. When your show is pre-empted by not only an obese woman flagrantly abusing tiny dancers but RERUNS of an obese woman flagrantly abusing tiny dancers- well, let's just say while many of us will be truly thrilled if this is true, none of us will be SURPRISED about it.
ReplyDeleteAs for Grifterella signing a contract, I'm sure she did but I bet you the terms are such that the Palins get PAID for every episode- regardless of whether or not the episodes are aired.
I HATE the fact Bristol was given this platform on which to spew her hatred, bitterness, and obvious jealousy toward Levi and Sunny. HOWEVER- if the child abusing little witch was going to be on television, I'm glad it was on the air just long enough for Levi to gather up the necessary evidence for a custody modification.
Ah come on, you know Levi is not going to do anything.
DeleteI understand that Dance Moms is popular. After all, Lifetime runs four 1-hour episodes of that show before Bristol's show came on. I tried watching the episode that replaced Bristol's show. Thank you for describing it so accurately. An overbearing, overly made up woman who runs a dance studio seems to use the same plot each week. When I looked up what wikipedia wrote about the show, each episode sounded the same. The same girl wins, and here's the coincidence, her mother works (or worked) for the dance studio. The other girls and their moms are always jealous and thing that something is going on, yet they stay for the abuse, knowing that they will always come in second. I'm sorry to see such trashy shows on Lifetime, but the other cable channels seem to show equally bad programs. I guess that there's nothing wrong in pandering to the lowest taste possible on TV.
DeleteThere is no way in hell I'm going to click on the link and attempt to view. It would irreparably damage my psyche.
ReplyDeleteI am disgusted by the posts stating "Mom is a rockstar" What the fuck? Personally, I don't want a rockstar for a mother. My Mom is a saint. Period. And I like it that way.
'''Personally, I don't want a rockstar for a mother. My Mom is a saint. Period. And I like it that way.
My sentiments, exactly.
My mother was a saint as well. She trusted me enough to give me freedom to explore, and loved me enough to know when to reign me in.
DeleteIt may sound old-fashioned, but she taught me how to behave like a young lady (poise and etiquette), and I'm glad she did... it didn't stop me from learning how to "curse like the boys" on occasion, or how to repair household appliances (NO ONE touches MY tool kit!)... but I must admit... I handle my wire stripper daintily. :)
I wish we could cancel ALL the Paylins from any appearances, tweets, or idiotic facebook rants.
ReplyDeleteMaybe the execs at Lifetime finally realized what most of us knew before this boring trash TV ever aired.
Speaking of airing, the blind worshipers of $arah over at C4P continue their stupidity this morning by posting tributes to $arah, and explaining how if she's not elected President, we will never have another 4th of July.
Their conflation of prejudice, religious fervor, and blindly following the ravings of Lunatic Paylin never cease to amaze me.
They constantly keep saying we need to "take back our country" and are always propagating fear and loathing for anything but their own myopic vision of how "things should be" in America
In their world view, there is only a white Christian conservative heterosexual married couple with 2.5 kids, a white picket fence, and a mega church where they go on Sunday to reinforce the prejudices against all else that's foreign to them.
What they NEVER realize is that no one is forcing them to give up their guns, gods, or religion, or their blind adherence to whatever mythology they want to believe in.
It still is America, we still have freedom of speech, religion, the press, and there will be another 4th of July.
Today I celebrate the joy of knowing we live in a secular society, and we are free from the shackles of tyranny and that we don't live in a theocracy.
May it always be so
DeleteI like it when they turn on their own over there and call each other names and fight like little brats.It happens more and more each day.The moderators have even had to intervene.In fact,they act like Bristol and Willow.
DeleteSpeaking of tyranny and the C4P, there is now a zero tolerance policy on wishful thinking that Sarah is going to sashay into the GOP convention and become the 2012 nominee.
DeleteTheir reasoning is that they don't want to look stupid to the "outside" world.
A little too late, don't ya think? :~)
Delete"never have another 4th of July"?
But we are having one today? Their lack of logic is stunning!
I'm reading some Theosophy books and they were written in the late 1800's and early 1900's and the Religious nuts are just like today.
HPB couldn't stand them!
Their narrow minded idiotic thinking has persisted to this day!
Happy 4th to all the TriG Truthers!!!
Hey Screech lets see BOTH TriGs together!
ReplyDeleteYou want the show canceled because you know what's coming but won't tell your readers.
ReplyDeleteBristol and Gino get engaged on national TV.
Why would I not want my visitors to know that Bristol is going to start on her first of a string of failed marriages on national TV? Personally that cracks me up.
DeleteYou do realize what "on again, off again boyfriend" means right? However if Gino is willing to deal with all of Bristol's baggage in the hopes he can live in the lap of luxury, Alaska style, I say more power to him.
Judging from what I saw he certainly has the IQ to fit in with the Palin clan.
Who cares? You're two uninteresting kids about to make yet another big mistake in your lives. A more interesting show would be Bristol enrolls in college. Or Bristol tries out different jobs/skill sets. Or Bristol spends a day at pre-school or summer camp with Tripp and her other children.
DeleteAfter a while, you have to stop thinking rejection is because people are "jealous of you" and accept the fact the total mass population is just not that into you.
Sorry hon! :(
That might be a recent ploy to keep the show on the air. We´ve seen this act before with Levi in ´08. Trust me, Gino may say (if the price is right) he will marry Bristol but ain´t no way in hell would he actually marry her.
DeleteBristol is not marriage material unless you´re over sixty.
7:51 - she's not even marriage material for the over sixty crowd that can still think. There's nothing "hot" about her and the whining - my god the whining. I'd take her out camping and leave her skanky ass in the woods.
DeleteShe's a total embarrassment to humanity
OOOoooohhh, now that is interesting. I bet that will generate a lot of interest and ratings for her show. NOT!
DeleteAny male that marries into this tribe is an utter FOOL.
Hell, most anybody can get engaged. I've known quite a few young people who've been 'engaged' -- until something better comes along and they and the 'fiance' part ways.
DeleteBristol and her boyfriend du jour could be engaged, married and divorced within a reality TV show season. For people like them, marriage doesn't mean much.
Yet a gay couple who's been together 20 years wanting to get married signals the end of civilization.
Engagement? A real engagement? Like when Levi tattooed Bristol's name on his ring finger? Bristol sported an "engagement" ring while they were on the 2008 campaign. They had to keep up this appearance to attract Sarah's conservative religious base. Gino could be the bait to catch a second season, with the promise of a wedding on TV. I'm sure that he is being well paid to keep his mouth shut and go along with the script. It beats working.
DeleteOn national TV!!??? Wow!
DeleteBhahahahahahahahsha!! What other response is there? Yes I'm sure Gryphen wants to keep this hush hush top secret info from us!
Bwhahaha!! Really, who gives a F !!!!! Dang, you people are NUTS and stupid!
What?! That makes no damn sense!
DeleteThis is what Gryphen does! Why would HE want the show cancelled?! He promotes it!
Lifetime why didn't you listen to the Immoral Minority bloggers? We warned you not to televise that piece of shit and did you listen?
ReplyDeleteThe Palins aren't the only ones with moose pie on their faces... Lifetime joins them with turd on their faces.
I agree. I already emailed Lifetime before this show aired. Bitchtul is an embarrassment to humans as is her mother. They offer nothing but stupidity when they speak.
DeleteThis show never should have aired; I hope the idiot that produced this as well as Lifetime have fun cleaning to egg off their faces.
Hey Bristol you loser, Levi, Sunny and all of Wasilla are laughing at you.
ReplyDeleteSad thing is that Bristol brought Tripp down with her. Oh we can't forget Willow, she too looks like an idiot as well.
ReplyDeleteGreat job Bristol, you took down Tripp and Willow with you.
I could only make it through one of the previews. I am repulsed by her obviously plumped lips (that she has trouble talking with) and the obviously fake eyelashes while talking about people in California being overly concerned about their image. Not to mention The Chin.
ReplyDeleteIf Bristol got paid in advance, Lifetime might as well keep on televising Life's A Tripp so we can all laugh at the Palin's fucked up show.
ReplyDeleteI tried too Gryphen, but even for you, after watching a minute or so of the "rock star" dialogue I turned it off. Gag inducing beyond belief. WTH is the matter with you Lifetime? Forever tainted.
ReplyDeleteLifetime had really already become tainted; going lower and lower in their programming, with this being the bottom of the barrel (unless they scrape up another reality show for Sarah, yuk). I was checking my daytime tv schedule earlier looking for a good movie to watch while painting and "Life's a Tripp" except they bill it just as "Bristol Palin" is showing back to back episodes followed by back to back episodes of Wife Swap? Man, keeping it class at Lifetime today on this 4th of July!
DeleteTodd told Bristol to quit whining that she was not the only single parent in the world. Willow told her to quit CREATING drama where there was none. I thought at least her own family told her the truth. Lifetime keeps showing her left hand ring finger. Is Bristol married to Gino?
ReplyDeleteFather Todd comes walking right in to the apartment and tries to give Bristol some fatherly advise. It's so set up, you can see right through it. She interrupts him when he says something about 'stop feeling sorry for yourself' and that's it, he 'has to go.' So scripted and phony.
DeleteGino can´t save that show.
DeleteThere is only one thing that can save Bristol´s show: Eye candy.
I don´t think Aunt Sadie, Sunny and Levi will cooperate, though.
Not to mention the voluptuous Mercede.
DeleteOops! Sadie IS Mercede! (That's what too many holiday morning beers can do to one.)
DeleteMust suck to have a bully PIMP for a "father" and a narcisstic bitch for a "mother." Sorry, Bristol, you do NOT get a pass. You're just like 'em and you could escape it if you wanted to, which you don't, so STFU already.
DeleteThe absolute TRASH this family is just boggles the mind.
Wannabee Khardashians wanna wedding. Alaskan style.
DeleteBristol must think that whining = getting attention. It's the same thing that we saw when Piper acted up on Sarah's bus trip last summer. They don't know any other way.
DeleteIt aint over yet Bristol, wait until Tripp goes to school and his friends starts making fun of him and his mother.
ReplyDeleteYou really fucked up his life and Tripp won't forget that or forgive you.
Tripp will RUN to Levi at that point.
DeleteThat's why they will choose home schooling. There doesn't seem to be one member of that family who thinks that having an education is essential for life.
DeleteI might add that many in the Republican party like to keep their people dumb, too. That way they can't question what their politicians are doing. Is it any wonder that they want to rewrite text books, exclude teaching evolution or any kind of critical thinking?
Tripp will have his own name-plated chair in the office waiting for the principal. IF he ever DOES attend school. If there's one thing this tribe hates, it's book "lurnin."
DeleteWhat will happen to Tripp is Sara will announce he is graduation high school early next year so he can go run the fish business with Toad
DeleteHere's an excellent review I hadn't noticed before:
Lifetime’s “Life’s A Tripp” is the worst reality TV fiasco since “Jersey Shore.” Britsol Palin has turned into the Queen of Narcissists, much like dysfunctional mother Sarah Palin, who encourages a 17-year-old daughter Willow, to give up her youth and become the nanny to her nephew. You wonder why Bristol ended up pregnant at 17? You wonder why she made such poor choices and exhibited bad judgment and ended up pregnant by a serial deadbeat dad? I still am mortified by the appearance of this family on stage, pretending to the Republican party that they were anything decent, wholesome or caring. Sarah Palin has made tens of millions of dollars selling books to people who cannot read, people who live in a right-wing universe, stuck on social issues, and not Lifetime dares to bring this to the TV.
Kind of odd that NONE of the major news sources are reporting this, and looking at previous works by the author of the column, I suspect her quality of reporting is not exactly up to 60 Minutes standards.
ReplyDeleteLet's not celebrate just yet.
I don't know but abc news recap of last night's show is pretty hilarious! Brancy makes an appearance.
Yes, this was a good recap. I made it through one show but could not make it through the next one. The Palin impersonator looking for work was hilarious.
Delete"Tell you Mom if she ever needs a double" HAHA The could have used her for the fake pregnancy. Or did they? Hmmmmmmm
What amazes me is that this giant stinking turd ever made it on air. The moron in programming at Lifetime that gave this festering pile of shit the green light should be unceremoniously fired.
ReplyDeleteDo you imagine that anybody in the business associated with this fetid excreta will bother to put it on their résumés?
Thanks Gasman, that reminds me, I emailed Lifetime a few weeks ago telling them I would remove their channel from my favorites if they were stupid enough to air this thing.
DeleteTime to let them know I DID remove Lifetime and LMN and A&E. No views for them, even channel surfing on the way by.
Did anyone ever do a list of the whine-fest's sponsors?
I was hoping for a list too. Maybe there weren't any sponsors? I tried to watch it several times but after a couple of minutes was grossed out. While channel surfing the only commercials I noticed during the show were Lifetime's own ads touting their other shows. No actual 3rd party sponsors that I saw which shows you that NOBODY wanted to sponsor or be associated with this trainwreck. They must have been afraid of being boycotted and felt it just wasn't worth it.
DeleteBRISTOL IS THE LUCY ONE. Can you imagine all the lawsuits if it ran full cycle. Sarah can get rid of the little gnats (lawsuits) that have come up so far. It won't cost her that much. They are so lucky to get rid of that thing. Now they can just claim she made a great documentary and use it as suits them.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievably stupid drivel -- and the really sad part is that family is ruining another child--Trip.That kid most likely will grow up to be a monster.--So very sad and pathetic
ReplyDeleteAnd, of course, they'll blame it on Levi.
DeleteI wonder what kind of early childhood Track had. I'll bet Bristle had to pay Britta to appear. At least I hope she did.
DeleteAustinisafecker has a good recap with still pics:
ReplyDeleteBad Parenting From Bristol Palin – Episode 6
Posted on July 4, 2012
I’m giving you fair warning that this episode is utterly appalling. Bristol whines incessantly about Tripp’s behaviour and how she can’t disicipline him. She does this when Tripp is present. He is hearing every word. And yes, his behaviour is disgraceful – but whose fault is that?
So, if Bristol is as enterprising as she says she is, she will offer herself to "The Nanny," who will get both Bristol and Tripp in shape.
Delete'The Nanny' would take care of Bristol!
DeleteNotice the silence from Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil.
No one cares about the parent alienating another parent. Replacing a parent and not all mates working together for best interest of child.
No one cares about all the abuse they heap on Tripp. Poor Piper she is on her own, trying to be one of those impersonators that Bristol can't understand.
Dr. Drew and Dr. Phil suck. Must hate little kids or they would try and help the TV nation to understand what is happening and heal from the wounds inflicted by this crap.
If true, I'm sure it's because Lifetime is not prepared to invest $$ for legal fees and possible $$ for settlements.
ReplyDeleteRemember -- Massey Bro's lawsuit did not include Brisket and their's is the stronger case. They have agents, legal access and have been in the industry longer than BrisketButt has. The Massey 'Bros' 'protected' her. Sounds like one or both of the 'Bros' were porking her!! Maybe both!
I saw an ad for a new show this week. It's about 'Celebrity' weight loss -- like this hasn't been done before. Doesn't anyone have 'new ideas' anymore.
I'm sure Kyle Massey was one of the ones in the ad on one of the bikes. It looked like the Biggest Loser gym or very similar to it. It went so quick, I didn't catch the name or network/cable it would be on.
Your daughters can’t step into your Naughty Monkeys.
ReplyDeleteWho’s going to pay the bills now, Sarah? You might have to make another fake run for the presidency. Surely your followers still have some change in their sagging couches (no crotches, although that works, too).
God, these people gag me; Sarah AND her followers! I hate fake righteousness.
I finally figured out who the sisters remind me of: Bevis and Butthead!
ReplyDeleteStella Guadalupe
lol! good one Stella! :)
DeleteBristol kept yapping about people wanting to be like her mom - the impersonators. What does she think it will be like for Tripp if he ever adjusts to life. Magnify what he will experience with the impersonators of his father.
ReplyDeleteWhile waiting for a car repair the other day, I was reading the funnies. I wish I could remember the name of the strip, but the comic went something like this: I think I finally figured out why they call it the Lifetime Network: Watching one of their shows drag on seems like a lifetime. Was this Bristol inspired?
ReplyDeleteThere might be another aspect of her 'reality' show. Continuing to bash Levi, most specifically in front of her child, opens the door for Levi to sue her for defamation, as well. Even regular people, i.e. non-Palins, face legal ramifications for alienating their child's affection for an absent or non-custodial parent. Taken far enough, it can be considered child abuse.
ReplyDeleteGood Gawd, didn't anyone in that family preview this show and at least advise Bristol on toning down some of this clueless display... of whatever?
ReplyDeleteThe show is really bad.
Todd does not look well in that scene they are discussing Tripp and discipline. His eyes look dopey and he is puffy. Drugs?
ReplyDeleteWhat's up with his voice?? He sounds well, almost girly
DeleteMore disturbing about that clip is that it was first aired as NEWS. Some producers should be hanging their heads. Ugh!
ReplyDeleteAt HuffPo they put everything Bristol in politics. This is the forerunner to her run for office.
DeleteRun for office! Snort!
With no other sources confirming the show's cancellation, it appears that ChristianPost might have jumped the gun. I've left messages at Patheos and CP. Still awaiting replies from both.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to go to Lifetime TV's website, too. Under contacts, you can reach a page for feedback.
DeleteHe's almost 4 and still sleeps with mommy and a bottle?? WTF?
ReplyDeleteWhen Bristol goes to DC, Tripp sleeps with Gino.
DeleteIsn't that weird how he sucks away like he is not yet one year old and she talks pillow talk like he is an older man. Can't believe I saw that? Is it may imagination? Someone wrote that scene and did not edit it out?
I just saw the show. They hate a lot. The family of hate show.
ReplyDeleteI watched this for the first time last night because I wanted to see if it was as awful as everyone says before it gets cancelled. It was terrible, and the writing was awesomely bad. I have only taken a handful of writing classes (the ones required for my degree), but even I know the rule of "show, not tell." Good grief. Hearing catatonic Brisdull droning on, "My mom's a rock star, she is a mom and grandma, she is awesome, she wants to bake cookies, etc." rings hollow and is just complete bullshit anyway. Blech. I really hope this crap gets cancelled.
ReplyDeleteWashington Post had this article on Feb 13, 2012 about Bristol's "book signing" in D.C., as seen in last night's show.
This show is a stinker, and many of us knew it would be.
ReplyDeleteScarah had editorial control and actually thought that everyone would think that everyone would think they were so cool and awesome. She has absolutely no ability to see herself or her family as others see them. Everything they say or do is automatically great and anyone who doesn't think so is just jealous and a "hater."
Newsflash Scarah -- No one wants to be around you or your obnoxious family unless you are paying them or they are getting some other kind of compensation. Period. You have no real friends. No one really likes you or enjoys being around you.
This needs to be said. Idiot mother Sarah Palin brought Bristol on the national stage as an unwed mother and promotion of that fact was done. Now this stupid show has been on TV (w/horrid reviews and shows Bristol and Willow to be nothing more than spoiled rotten brats!) which Sarah had control over. What 'regular' mother would do this bullshit to her kids?
ReplyDeleteSarah has now put Bristol under the bus for the SECOND time and is pulling Willow into the same scenario. Both daughters are in a bubble and have no clue or understanding of the real world surrounding them. They obviously are not smart and only see celeb and money status as sad as that is to say.
Has anyone thought that the continual lack of success could possibly cause Bristol to commit suicide? Or, she could end up with a horrible case of depression? She appears fragile to me which has been done at the behest of her evil mother!
The kids need to get away from their parents and learn what REAL life is all about. They need better education and wholesome jobs that teach them the NORMAL ways of life.
Sarah and Todd are horrible examples for ANYONE TO FOLLOW much less their children! And, I sincerely believe Piper will end up being the child to have the most probelems....just wait and watch!
I hear you - but I don't think Bristol knows any different than the life she's in - and she seems to revel in it. The anonymous bloggers of the world can't be the only people in the world telling her to get a fucking clue. Or an education. Or away from her toxic mother. She's going to do whatever she wants, no matter how much it's fucking up her life. I think Bristol now believes she's a famous superstar and all is right in her world - failures? What failures? Sad superficial life of denial, but she's also doomed her son with the same existence.
DeleteAlbert Einstein Quotes. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Sarah Palin's Alaska, failure, Life's a Tripp, failure. Can't wait to see Todd's star turn. It will be as successful as Sarah Palin's run for VP.
DeleteThat photo of Bristol and seeing more of Willow on screen show that the girls are part Alaskan native. They have both inherited the facial structure of our wonderful women native population in Alaska. It will continue showing more and more as they age.
DeleteToo bad Bristol destroyed her face for a good aging process.
DeleteYou can sure see the ghastly plastic surgery in that pic, but a perfect definition of the Palins. GHASTLY PLASTIC.
ReplyDeleteThat was pretty creepy listening to Bristol fearing everything about being out in public. The paranoia was amazing. Then...the book signing...nothing to fear. They couldn't even FAKE a protest.
ReplyDeleteWillow didn't get a chance to use her pepper spray or brandish her pocket knife.
I'm sorry to be so petty, but maybe the producers of BP:LAT should have introduced Nancy French to a good clothing stylist and hair stylist. She looked even frumpier than Sarah Palin usually does, in that too-small striped shirt and lank streaked hair (it looked greasy and dirty).
And what was with Bristol wearing a sweatshirt pullover and Sarah wearing Carhartts, a longsleeved top AND a down vest indoors when McKinley (the camera hog) and Piper were wearing sleeveless summer tops?
Someone in that household has body temperature issues. Someone should check their thyroid function and other hormone levels.
Sara forgot the Belmonts and had to wear the vest to cover her flat chest
Deleteremember bristol's words when she was doing the media rounds promoting the show "I am excited that people are going to see the real me." BWAHAHAAAA yeah people saw the real bristol and they didn't like it!
ReplyDeleteall the myths that the quitter built for bristol have been forever shattered. she will always be remembered as the shallow ignorant whining mean girl terrible mother that she was on this show - the REAL bristol! tee hee I'm going to have to drink to that later.
Ditto! From Bristol's lips and Sarah's.
Delete"I am excited that people are going to see the real me."
DeleteYES! She was going to prove she was NOT A ROBOT. She also claim that she had control of the project. Every little detail was under her control. Like she alone, not Sarah, not Nancy write, edit and take care of everything. The buck stops with Bristol. That is what she claims.
It must have cost C4Pers...er, SarahPAC a FORTUNE to hire those 20 bodyguards complete with earpieces and coiled wires hanging out of their ears to guard Sarah on her entrance to the CPAC hotel...
ReplyDeleteI'll bet they were paid by the hour.
One hour.
Just like that stroll out of the beauty shop in California when she gave that fenced-off lecture at the UofCA-Stanislaus campus a couple of years ago. Fake "danger".
Best part of the campus lecture -- the microphone being left 'open' after her speech. Hearing those classified as low totem pole reporters being forced to attend and report -- they sure did!!
DeleteI wondered if all of those body guards came from Craigs List like the book signing attendees lol. It appeared the lobby and hallway was crowded. It did not appear the crowd had gathered for a rock star. I did not see the majority in a frenzy clamoring for Sarah aka servant, patriot risking her life for her country to give a speech.
DeleteFunniest tweet ever about the show:
ReplyDelete"The U.S. government is stockpiling episodes of Bristol Palin's reality show to be used as an alternative to waterboarding."
Now we know what 'self-deport' means!
DeleteWatch a few and they'll go running back across the border!!
I feel sorry for them having to be subjected to this crap!!
DeleteTBogg has a devastating put-down of this ridiculous show: http://tbogg.firedoglake.com/2012/06/30/america-unfriends-k-mart-kardashian/
ReplyDeleteBy all means, read the rest of that ABC recap. It's entertaining right to the end.
ReplyDeleteThere is no way that networks or cable stations are going to 'take meetings' with Scarah to push anymore Palin unreality shows. That's the Alaska show cancelled after 1 season. Brisket's tanking. There was the push for Toad's own show that no one bought. The Massey/Brisket show tanked and ended up in this heap of shit. Toad is on the other reality show but it's not 'his'.
ReplyDeleteMark Burnett has had too many successful shows to continue to listen to that 'bat' for any further ideas. Even the Alaska tax credit is not worth his reputation being further smeared.
Bristol has proven to anyone watching this crap what an awful mother she is to Tripp and what a whiner she is. It was beyond sickening that Tripp calls Gino "daddy" and that no one corrected him. This has to be the most dysfunctional families ever and yet they have no clue how they come off to the public. I noticed that they made a spectacle of Trigg at the end of the show. Beyond unreal.
ReplyDeleteWhy the Chin's truck at crazies4paylin open thread? Because it's Independence Day and Bristle's the epitome of independence? LOL!
ReplyDeleteAnother thing: In the scene where Bristol and Willow are leaving (via the service entrance?) the hotel to get into their humongous black Escalade, and the random guy shows up to rant to the Sarah impersonator -- why does it never occur to him that "Sarah" is walking away down the street without an escort of any kind, completely alone?
ReplyDeleteTalk about scripted totally fake scenes.
Gino, poor guy (fell out of the ugly tree and landed on his face), in the scene at the Palin compound, sounds 100% more genuine than those two girls and their mother. But Gino...you're getting sucked in to the maelstrom. Run before it's too late!
Finally got a look at what Willow was wearing at CPAC. A white tablecloth!
Ha ha...Bristol, after wiping her bare feet all over the dining table, goes "ugh, disgusting" when Willow licks the adhesive of the birthday card envelope. Now there's a little typical Palin bassackwardness.
I'm even more convinced that the lone CPAC "heckler" was scripted, just like Stephen Hanks' heckling was in the bar scene. I'll bet the event handouts to the CPACers said, "When the heckler shouts, all stand, face the back of the room, and begin shouting 'USA, USA'. A gift will be waiting for you as you leave, and thank you".
Another scripted totally fake scene.
It is already too late for Gino.
DeleteFor Gino - I think he is dim enough that a couple of cowboy shirts, some cheap beer and access to Briskets overused hoo-hah will keep him around. Plus he can at least sit with his friends and claim to have done her like the rest of wasilla. I'm guessing he's gone when the well of money dries up, or Brisket does.
DeleteThe "heckler" scene was boring...possibly the most exciting thing at CPAC other than the "surprises" its attendees found in their Depends after the screech, but still very boring. Gino looks high in every scene. Can't say I blame him.
DeleteDid she really say at the beginning, re the Occupy Protesters, "Get a job!!"?
ReplyDeleteBristol, they are standing up for what they believe in, in the American way, so they CAN get a fair paying job! What are YOU doing??
Not to mention that plenty of them DO have jobs!
DeleteI don't know why anyone wants to see this get cancelled. Bristol is making a stupendous ass of herself. Sarah looks more and more like a carnival barker. Todd is about to embark on his own campaign to embarrass everyone involved. Yay. These things make me smile.
ReplyDeleteSo true!!!!!! I agree! I wish they would show reruns !
DeleteI'm really wondering if Andy is living on the compound too. he seems very familiar with it. Last week he was talking to Bristol and Willow wasn't around. Why would he be there without Willow? Then this week he's in the "garage" with Gino and of course Willow and Bristol aren't there. Me thinks he's living there. Granny P loves that because she can control everyone when they all live under one roof. Remember Levi lived there too despite all the Palin denials.
ReplyDeleteIts not just Gino, even Andy fellow is around the house when Willow is not home!
DeleteWho is Andy? That's a new name to me.
DeleteMaybe Sara is getting a little of Andy and Gino on the side - momma gets some good young stuff while Toad pimps hoe's
DeleteThey make it look like Gino lives there and sleeps with Tripp and Bristol. If not why doesn't he have a life and a home?
Delete"All my friends!" ?? WTF? Did Sarah expect to see a whole room full of fans and hangers-on...or the whole fam dambly of Heath/Palins? Disappointed "Two friends". Aw.
ReplyDeleteNow that I've listened to the first-birthday-cake-surprise discussion about not wanting to live here (the East coast), Bristol said "doctorate school", not "doctor school". Either way, she doesn't know the terms use for higher education, like medical school, law school, graduate student...
I'm guessing Krusty wasn't there - or RAM? Or any see of pee'ers? What a shame....
DeleteI didn't like that scene either. Well, I liked none of it, but when Willow rolled her eyes and said "Libruls" it was so plain that it was simple parroting of what she's been hearing from the adults in her life- not her own thoughts on the matter. So many teenagers just spew what they hear and do no research to create their own world views. It's developmental I'm sure, but it's pathetic to watch nonetheless. This family is ignorant beyond words.
DeleteWTH happened to Piper. She has certainly changed in appearance.
ReplyDeleteOne can tell she is very uncomfortable with the cameras around. Poor girl, she is damaged for life!!!
DeleteI agree - Sarah and Todd have ruined the lives of all their kids. Friggin' idiots!
DeleteYes, quite a difference from when she seemed to eat up the attention a mere 4 years ago. She hammed it up for the cameras, but then, she was the "cute one" back then. Not much cute going on when you are a "tween" and mommy has no use for you.
DeleteI wondered why Dr Drew has not said anything about this dysfunctional family. He normally picks on everyone else.
ReplyDeleteDr Drew did weigh in on the fuped family when he had Bristol as a guest. He referred to the family as "enmeshed" without healthy boundaries. He made it pretty clear that he thinks the Palins are dysfunctional. I have always been surprised that more hasn't been made of Dr. Drew's diagnosis.
DeleteHe is slacking if he does not address this show. even if it is canceled what it is doing to single parents, parents, families and children is horrendous. This needs to be called out or can you imagine how much worse things will get in future? He is a media maven and a media doc who puts on like he cares. No way can he drop the ball on this with looking like a total fraud.
DeleteWhats up with Willow hair? It looks like rag-doll hairdo.
ReplyDeletePiper and Willow both seems to be putting on weight, they should follow Ms pres. advice, eat some broccoli.
Palin B'day, Todd did not greet or show any emotions when Plain walked in. Did anyone see them kiss/hug?????
Wallow's hair looks awful in every scene. I keep waiting for her to clean it or do something positive.
DeleteLast night show again was just one complains and whining, no wonder the show sucks.
ReplyDeleteTripp calls Gino dad, WTF!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's all Lifetime's fault! Just ask speppers69 at c4p, they edited out the good parts that show Bristol as "a fearless young woman that is not afraid of working hard to support herself and her son and that is NOT what Lifetime is showing" says outraged "peppered brain".
ReplyDeleteHilarious...in a sad way!
DeleteThe Palins may claim the same. SP alleged Couric edited things to make her look bad.
Sarah could have hired Breitbart to edit.
DeleteWith the law suits coming forward I'm sure both Lifetime and the Palins are in agreement to cancel the show with the advice of their lawyers. This is absolutely hilarious! I think what we are seeing is damage control...who knows how many more lawsuits would be started with the remainder of episodes.
ReplyDeleteGino and Andy guys they seem to be spending more time in Palins house then the Palins!!!
ReplyDeleteAwww. That's a bummer.
ReplyDeleteBut, hey. Gryphen, why have you taken down your interview with Shailey Tripp?
I didn't.
DeleteIt was on Zaki's YouTube account and he took down all of his political videos. Including the Shailey interview.
I have the video, and I am going to put it back up on my account, but I'm having trouble with my disk drive right now.
None of this reflects well on Sarah Palin. Karl Rove warned her some time ago that having a reality show on TV was not the road to the White House. Boy, was he right! Sarah Palin's Alaska looked fake, and made Sarah look fake. We could see for ourselves that she didn't know how to shoot a rifle.
ReplyDeleteBristol's show only puts that family in a worse light. I can't imagine that it helps Sarah's image a political commentator. It doesn't make Bristol look appealing, and it would scare away any nice guy that might have been interested in her. Most of all, it actually makes Levi appear believable. Bristol's treatment of Tripp is really child abuse. Now that Tripp sticks his tongue out at Bristol and rudely pulls her face, we can see that she is doing a miserable job as a parent. Sadly, I don't think Bristol knows any better. It probably reflects the way that she was raised by an equally disturbed mother. The only good thing that I can say about Bristol's show is that it shows the Palins for exactly what they are-- trash.
Bristol and Willow told Tripp to stick his tongue out at the photographers in CA. Now she's paying the price as he sticks it out at her. It serves her right.
DeleteAnonymous10:02 AM
Delete"Now that Tripp sticks his tongue out at Bristol and rudely pulls her face,"
That was so damn funny! When Tripp was pulling on Beefy's face in the store...anyone else who has a small child digging their little nails in your cheek you would at least yell....not Beefy...I guess since Beefy's face is full of plastic...she couldn't feel it!
And how funny would it have been if the cheek bone had MOVED then Beefy would have ended up looking like a ZOMBIE! Now THAT would get some ratings! LOL!!
Cute kids loose cuteness real fast when they are taught mean old ugly hate.
DeleteSarah actually had a part in Bristol's debacle on Lifetime. Sarah, Todd, Bristol and the rest of their clan are total idiots! I cannot imagine ANYONE even wanting to be anything like them! Yuk!!!!!!!
DeleteIf this dumpster fire has been cancelled, I can only imagine how much of the blame will be shifted to those pesky 'libruls' or even to President Obama.
ReplyDelete"If my rockstar mom was prez'dent, she'd have every person in the country strapped to a chair with their eyelids pried open like in A Clockwork Orange to make sure my show got top ratings every week!" -Big B.
this twaddle doesn't qualify to be posted on you tube, Who in their right mind would actually broadcast it on a real cable station? Obviously sarah produced it and pays lifetime to show it...once again, she's not doing bristle any favors.
ReplyDeleteBristhole has her mother's screechy voice.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone have a link other than Lifetime to see these recent episodes? I can't view it from Canada. It seems lifetime is like HBO if you don't have a subscription.
ReplyDeleteOMG. Willow is obese and looks terrible. She used to be pretty, what the heck happened? You can see Sarah's turkey neck up close when she is in the red shirt with the 2 girls eating the cake...around minute 18:00...her face is really tight--NO wrinkles, but her neck has a sagging jowl...which appears to be gone now.
ReplyDeleteTripp calling Gino 'daddy'? That is sick and cruel to Levi. Gino is absolutely hideous. Willow's hair--in ALL the scenes...OMG! If she plans to become a hairdresser she will have NO clients. Who would trust their hair in her hands? Wow, maybe 'hair school' will teach her everything that she clearly does not know about making hair look good. Won't comment on Piper since not fair, but wow...
Having your little one call your boyfriends "Daddy" is sick and cruel to the little one.
DeleteCreates attachment disorders.
Um, she didn't make him. And in other clips, she refers to him as Gino around Tripp. Even Gino said he doesn't want Tripp calling him daddy. Way to make a mountain......
DeleteWow Anon 10:31, I sincerely hope you're hermit who doesn't interact with people, esp girls. Willow is FAR from obese, even far from overweight. She's hot
DeleteYou're apparently NOT a parent.
We know that the aired episodes are compilations from various times, the chronology could probably be worked out if anyone had that much interest. Irish Girl broke out some stills from the last 2 episodes and has posted these. There is a photo of Willow seated, she is not heavy or obviously pregnant in that still photo. Willow is various sizes throughout the episodes, and in my opinion from the episodes shown last night, pretty clearly pregnant.
DeleteThese women have become quite confident in their ability to control the release of news of pregnancy and childbirth. Perhaps they have become overconfident.
Is anyone doing Google+ ???
ReplyDeleteLevi Johnston and Bristol Palin
Note how they put a star covering his ring finger like they put a star over Sara's hoo-hah whenever she tries to flash it for more money.
DeleteLevi was moving in on her spanx.
DeleteIn that picture why is Tripp getting shoved off to the lower corner? Is that for her to show us her skanky feet instead of Tripp?
I don't understand this. Old and pointless?
DeleteI watched the two new episodes mainly because I wanted to see what Trig looks like now. Didn't accomplish much as he was on such a short time. Did SP ever acknowledge him or hug him or even act as if he were even there? I went through it pretty fast and didn't see her pay him any attention.
ReplyDeleteThe Palin family is such a train wreck. Can someone please confront them and maybe get them help?
I really doubt that they would accept it but they sure need it.
I've seen more than enough, never want to see them again.
Thanks Jesse for all you do. I don't know how or why Alaskans put up with her.
But then I don't know why Floridians, of which I am one, put up with Rick Scott either.
Didn't Curtis Menard confront Sarah Palin about her bad parenting. Look where that got him. Plunging into an icy lake when his plane started sucking up water from its gas tank.
DeleteEpisode 6 was adorable. Tripp is a hoot. He and Sarah are cute together.
Delete"Can someone please confront them and maybe get them help?"
Help with what? They work, value family, and don't let ignorant trashtalkers get them down.
It appears you're projecting again. I think it's YOU who needs a life and happiness.
If this had been, oh I don't know, Chelsea Clinton's path in life, what do you think the Republican conservatives would have said?
ReplyDeleteMy God, even the Bush twins went to college and haven't had kids out of wedlock..but it's OK for a Palin cause their Christian, God-fearing and gun-toting..
The Palin/Heath clan are ALL full of shit and don't follow christian ways at all. Plus, they don't attend church...Bristol is on record as having said 'they were too busy'!!
DeleteYou're sure judgey. Why are you comparing people? All the above have been crucified for different things. Why are far left loons (and far right) so naturally hateful?
DeleteAnon 9:40 & 10:48 & orange triangle
ReplyDeleteDr. Drew is laying low -- trying to stay under the radar at the moment as he's getting publicity -- but not the type he wants.
"Feds Allege Glaxo Paid Dr. Drew $275,000 to Tout Antidepressant"
"Tucked into court records from Glaxo’s $3 billion fraud settlement is the allegation that the celebrity doctor was paid six figures to talk up Wellbutrin as a libido booster—something the FDA says it’s not approved for."
Dr Drew -- the Drug Pusher!!!
I've not watched his show in ages...seemed to me that he set up the people he had on his show OR put words in their mouths. I just didn't believe or trust him. Think I was correct in my gut reaction!!!
DeleteOh great! I thought he was after Big Pharma and all about helping addictions.
DeleteI'm about as likely to watch this as I am to watch the "Hey, check out these warts!" show.
Yet you waste time commenting on it?
The first lawsuit by the heckler was thrown out in federal court. The 2 pending ones are the heckler's new state court one. The Massey's made it clear in a televised interview that they were NOT suing Bristol.
ReplyDeleteWhy would they sue Bristol? She can't control a producer's greed. She shows up, talks, leaves.
DeleteI'm certainly shocked Hawks finds ANY grounds to sue. That confrontation has been on air for ONE YEAR. He did a followup interview bringing more attention to it. He had a sly look on his face in the aftermath, whereas Bristol was emotionally hurt.
DeleteThe only grounds he might have are against the company that used his likeness without permission, though TMZ taped it as well and aired it.
When Bristol said we'll get to see the real her, she sure wasn't kidding! We got to see how fake she is and her poor parenting skills. Sarah is always bragging about how strong and independent Bristol is, but in reality Bristol is a whiny, needy, young selfish mother who can't handle her own child.
ReplyDeleteDid I hear Bristol say her mom has TWO grandchildren?
Tripp and Track's kid make two. Did Sarah call Track daughter Track JR?
DeleteSarah can't herself request that any number of episodes be aired. I don't even think Sarah would have that much of a say in a network matter. It takes A LOT to make a show work. Many factors influence the success. Even great actors and infamous stars have issues carrying shows. Do you even know how many pilots are shot on a daily basis, how many cast changes are made AFTER the pilot or after a season????
ReplyDeleteThings change by the minute.
Fortunately for Bristol, her real life isn't contingent upon her success outside Alaska. I doubt she even pays attention to anything relating to celebrity. Common sense and knowing how busy she is with her down to earth life.
Opportunities come to them, they take them. They move on. People don't have to watch. They know this. There is no need for validation or they'd work harder at pursuing public oppotunities. They've actually not done too many public things. Look at how much isn't publicized.
Bristol is shocked by Sarah Palin impersonator but thinks nothing when young sister Piper is the impersonator?
For Huffinton Post this is politics. I say it is rotten script writing. Don't you think the impersonator and 'the man' were paid or given favors? They had to sign a release.