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"Oooh, and I was so close." |
The Republican congressman from Texas has doggedly worked his way through the GOP primary/caucus season, unwavering in his conservative-libertarian message, steadily picking up delegates to the August convention as his enthusiastic and loyal supporters turn out in droves to cheer him on.
But in his last chance to be nominated at the Republican convention in Tampa, Rep. Paul failed. What would have been a highly-visible event at the venue where Mitt Romney (who garnered the necessary 1,144 delegates two months ago) almost certainly will be nominated, will not happen.
At the GOP state convention in Nebraska on Saturday, Mr. Paul didn’t win enough delegates to be nominated for president. It also means he won’t be able to demand a speaking slot at the convention.
So Ron Paul's subversive attempt to get his name on the ballot goes limp before the money shot, which should inspire a huge sigh of relief from the Romney campaign. However if Romney thinks it is smooth sailing from here on out, he really does NOT know this new Republican party very well.
This courtesy of Politico:
Romney’s high command and the Republican National Committee are warily eyeing three potential events outside of the actual convention next month that could serve as distractions to thousands of reporters looking for any semblance of news surrounding the official proceedings.
Paul, the libertarian-leaning GOP congressman from Texas, is planning a “Rally for the Liberty Delegates” across town at the University of South Florida on the Sunday before the convention begins.
Just down I-75 that same night in Sarasota, Trump is set to receive a Statesman of the Year award from the Sarasota Republican Party at a local party dinner.
And then there’s Palin, whose PAC earlier this year spent $4,500 to reserve space for an event within walking distance of the Tampa Bay Times Forum, where the convention will be held.
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"I can SEE the convention from my rented space at the plaza. Just wait until Romney rears his head!" |
Any of the three could divert attention from what will be a carefully crafted, down-to-the-minute agenda aimed at elevating Romney and hammering President Barack Obama for his stewardship of the economy. But while organizers ultimately have little control over such outside events, they do determine who exactly is and is not allowed a turn before the cameras inside the arena. And on this – mindful of divisive conventions past like 1964 and 1992 — they’re treading lightly.
Except for the convention four years ago (for obvious reasons) I have not paid much attention to these GOP conventions, but I have to say that THIS one looks to be the potential equivalent of a three ring circus, under surprise attack from an alien invasion, right before a volcano erupts and sends the entire party fleeing into the sea to avoid the molten lava. In other words, I would not miss it for the world! (Note to self: Buy more popcorn!)
However it still looks like the Romney campaign is doing everything they can think of to make damn sure that the pinhead and bearded lady from side show do not get in the way of the main act.
In the case of the more provocative figures in the party, the Trumps and the Palins, organizers are quietly hoping they’ll be satisfied during the week by having access to the various news outlets arrayed in Tampa and believe they can be made to feel important without necessarily getting time on the stage.
Too bad really, I can hardly think of anything that would be more entertaining than watching the Romney campaign trying to salvage a shred of their dignity while Little Okey-Dokey Annie and Howdy Doody's illegitimate, and overfed, offspring cling to the stage for dear life while GOP officials drag them out of camera range.
Oh well, you can't have everything!
Jesse, I know you are not a religious man, but won't you join me in a whispered prayer to the weather gods for an August hurricane? Not too much damage since Gov. Voldemort will hang his citizens out to dry when it comes to help, but a nice localized downpour, some power outages, maybe raise the roof off of a couple of venues..... what do you say?
ReplyDeleteI live in Tampa and second that prayer.
DeleteI don't know... ever since BriAnus over at Crazies4Palin said "I am not directly asking the Lord to remove Roberts or any of the other traitors; He alone is Lord of Life and Death—BUT, HE decides how long each one of us draws breath and life on this Earth. WE cannot take such matters into our hands, but it is just possible that, the Lord willing, Sarah's presidency could coincide with many openings on the High Court, including the places now held by some of the “younger” Justices."... I've decided to let the chips fall where they may.
DeleteThat little "unwish" of his left a horrible taste in my mouth -- even more than his daily 'Sermons on the Pot'.
It sounds like a "loophole" prayer to me: "Dear Lord, I'm not directly asking for anyone's death, but since you'll be taking them eventually... maybe you could take them at a time that benefits Sarah and the Tea Party?"
Horrible people over at the peepond... simply horrible.
Same here, and after reading that awful post by the anus jerk I've never lurked again I used to feel bad for them thinking how crushed they're gonna feel after the convention but no more, there's a reason they worship that horrid sociopath, they identify with her viciousness.
DeleteIf I'm not mistaken, Tampa is directly in the projected path of a Tropical Storm which is expected to reach Hurricane status before it makes landfall during the week of Aug. 27-30. Hurricane Sarah is expected to cause damage to the Republican Party that could be catastrophic and take years to rebuild.
DeletePopcorn, anyone?
Lord, I'm not asking you to nuke all of Supreme Court justices and lettin Sarah pick 9 more gun-lovin Zionist-loving Arab/Muslim-hatin good white kkkhristyun judges, unless you decide it best for them heathens. Of course, I'm indifferent since you're the boss, but I know you's registered Republicuns like us good kkkristyuns.
DeleteBut let's just say you were carryin around a couple of lightning bolts and some napalm while the all the justices were heading out to their cars after work one day, I'm thinking you might accidentally DROP em, you know, like it's a pretty day and you're not paying attention and woops! There goes some napalm outa one hand and the oops! You trip again and drop then lightning bolts, and they just happen to head towards the Supreme Court Judge parking garage.
Now, be careful and don't zap the GOOD Judges like Ito, Thomas and Scalia, you know, the GOOD Conservatives. Maybe Kennedy, maybe not, tell ya what--- you decide, if it'd be just easier for ya to just drop 6 of em with one whack. If so, Kennedy and Roberts gotta go with all them libral Satan-worshipin commies, uh, that is if you won't mind.
And since us teabaggers, er, I mean our country needs a hard-workin common sense conservative, oh you know how you like the GOOD middle mericun folks, can you maybe give a thought or two to puttin Sarah in office? Hell, I just remembered, um, 'scuse me, sorry bout that, I mean, can we just git Sarah on the ballot at the convention? I mean it's gotta be your idea and all, but we know you like the GOOD republicans, and Serror is that best, don't you think so? Okay, I think that's all for now, 'cept maybe givin us the Senate too, if you want to in November, also, too.
Love, Bree's Anus
@11:36 - I'm pretty sure that BriANUS = RAM.
DeleteUhm, Toast, I think you may be reading an old weather report - that storm (Tropical Depression $carah)and damage were in 2008. And it still hasn't been repaired. It even damaged the rest of the country.
DeleteAbrout BriAnus, now we know why he is named that, referring to the above comment...
DeleteHe Shits through his mouth!
No one can possibility be THAT stupid?
And another thing...those "impreccartory prayers" of BriAnus sound suspiciously like,
DeleteBlack magic.
Such fucking hypocrites they are.
Gryphen your political commentary is both informed and entertaining as hell. You have a real way with words and an admirably incisive way of getting to the heart of the matter. Loved this post.
ReplyDeleteI wholehearedly agree..I love you Gryphen!
DeleteI concur with both comments!
Delete"In the case of... the Trumps and the Palins, organizers...believe they can be made to feel important without necessarily getting time on the stage."
Organizers believe that if they pack the right toys for the trip, they can keep the toddlers occupied and quiet while the grownups are busy?
Goooood luck with that, organizers!
Trump and Palin on the sidelines and not on the real stage? Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with that? LOL...good luck stuffing that Tea Party genie back in the bottle, Mittens!
DeleteTook the words right out of my mouth! Perhaps the organizers can stack a bunch of boxes with a construction paper Presidential seal affixed and let Trump and Palin take turns playing CIC!
DeleteGood luck with getting the children to share though.
The 1976 GOP convention was also a doozy -- Saint Ronald tried to get the nomination away from President Gerald Ford, and then there was a battle over who would be named Vice President. Walter Cronkite's name was even floated around before Ford chose Bob Dole as a middle-of-the-road surprise compromise.
ReplyDeleteReagan had been trying since 1968 to get the nomination, one way or the other. It took him until he was into his dotage to do it.
Was that the convention where there was talk about Ford/Reagan being 'co-presidents?' I seem to remember that. Yeah, those were the days.
DeleteSarah Palin's Incredible Shrinking Act Is Almost Complete
My favorite comment on Fark, today:
2012-07-16 01:37:52 PM
Sarah Palin is to RNC as Levi Johnston is to Sarah Palin.
I never was very good at word relationships and associations. Gimme a hint. Are they all BFF ?
DeleteSarah is the thorn in the RNC's side, as Levi is the thorn in Sarah's side.
Sarah is the key to the unraveling of the Republican Party, as Levi is the key to unraveling Sarah's public persona.
Donald Trump as "statesman" is laughable.
ReplyDeleteDonald Trump as "Statesman of the Year" is pathetic.
Seriously, if he actually shows up and accepts this award, the joke is on Donald, and whether he ever "gets it", everybody in the room will be laughing behind his back.
DeleteThis was just like that "Mother of the Year" joke award that they gave to Sarah a couple of years ago. lol Neither Don nor Sarah have one tiny bit of self-awareness, and they're eating that shit up like they've really done something big. Haha
So if Ron Paul, who has spent six months and millions of dollars amassing delegates, fell short and 'cannot be nominated for President,' how in Hades does Sarah think she'll be plucked from the floor and begged to run? Isn't that against all the rules?? It does figure that she would not do a lick of work, spend money, or even learn about the issues, and still think she's qualified for POTUS.
ReplyDeleteHere, read this:
An interesting take on Palin's quest for the White House
Hmm. What are the chances of her *not* showing up in Florida and making a lot of noise? I'm guessing she actually *reads* the crap over at C4P and believes even the most deranged of her fans posts.
DeleteI was so hoping that Paul was going to make it. It would have been perfect for Romney to have had to share the convention stage. The human hagfish will likely come up with some way to garner some of the attention by emitting a big mess of slime in coordination with the convention. The thing about hagfish: they sometimes emit so much slime they get caught up in it themselves.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard of the hagfish before - so I wiki'ed and sure 'nuff - a $carah closeup - on right.
"...believe they can be made to feel important without necessarily getting time on the stage."
ReplyDeleteHear that Sarah?? Romney thinks he can make you feel important without letting you on stage? This will not stand! You must show your mama grizzly skills are rear up to defend your cubs' honor!
Sarah Palin: not good enough for America, not even good enough for her own party's convention.
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney: Not Inviting Sarah Palin to Tampa? Former Vice
Mitt in the remake of "Gone with the Wind".
ReplyDelete"Scarah, frankly I don't give a damn!"
Gryphen...what an excellent post! The dogs days of summer ain't gonna have shit on the RNC convention in Tampa! I don't think I have enough popcorn to get me through the upcoming shenanigans!
ReplyDeleteHey somebody in the other thread left this great link to The AtlanticWire titled...."Baldy Palin's Incredible Shrinking Act is Almost Complete"...well I saw another article that I had never seen before...it's about RAM! The first line is freaking hilarious...
"Rebecca Mansour is Sarah Palin's web guru, aggressive online defender, and maybe a little bit of a troll.
She's somewhat elusive, and the subject of much fascination among people in the part of the Venn diagram where interests in Palin minutae, Twitter, and gossip overlap. The Atlantic Wire falls into that space, naturally, and that's why The Daily Caller's Jonathan Strong's collection of Mansour's private messages is so fascinating. She indicates her boss was planning to run for president last summer, and that she thinks Mitt Romney is a joke, a conservative blogger is a jerk, and that Bristol Palin is a little bit embarrassing."
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...she called RAM a TROLL! LOL! Anyway the rest of the article is even more hilarious...here's the link...
One more thing...the picture they posted of RAM is one of her...oh I'd say...15 or 20's ago or maybe 75 lbs ago...I guess they didn't have her current picture!
*GinaM looking at her avatar and giggling*
They might have meant this one, it's more relevant- -
Delete"Palin turned her gig as a Fox News commentator into an outlet for airing old grievances from the 2008 campaign, taking not-very-relevant shots at Trig Truthers and the McCain campaign. Once Republicans started voting in the primaries, Palin sounded pretty much like any other pundit, and she seemed to know it. When Neil Cavuto asked her who she voted for, Palin said, "It is tough for me to spin out of a question like that when it comes from a Fox reporter."
Sarah had her clam bake on the same day Mitt announced his candidacy, just a few miles away.
ReplyDeleteMitt will never forgot or forgive this stunt.
No invite for you Sarah .. Mitt says, FUCK SARAH
I bet Mitt was glad he was upwind, not that I care!
ReplyDeleteShe will not go quietly!
Romney is understandably trying to ignore a former half-term governor from Alaska:
Palin would certainly light up the base at the convention—her 2008 vice-presidential acceptance speech was, in terms of partisan enthusiasm, the high-water mark of the McCain campaign—but a jolt of Palin at Romney’s convention seems most unlikely. The Romney campaign prides itself on a slavish adherence to script, and Palin cannot be trusted to avoid the impulse to go rogue. That is why, perhaps, the Romney campaign has not asked Palin to speak at the convention nor contacted her about even attending the party’s marquee event in Tampa. Queries to the Romney camp about any possible Palin role at the convention meet with a stony silence.
And we know how she reacts to stony silence, don't we? If the former vice-presidential candidate is barred from speaking at the Convention, the Tea Party restlessness will surely grow. Ed Morrissey analyzes:
The article seems to be pretty heavy on sourcing from Palin’s camp, and very little from Tea Party activists. In fact, it seems very heavily sourced from Palin herself. The one comment made by “one adviser associated with the campaign” was that they thought Palin’s contract with Fox would preclude her from speaking at the convention, which Palin refutes herself on the record (and Fox concurs). It looks like a shot across the bow, leveraged through Boyer with some very weak Tea-Party-is-angry dressing, aimed at Team Romney to give Palin a platform in August. We’ll see if the message is received, and what the response will be.
Cue the popcorn.
"The article seems to be pretty heavy on sourcing from Palin’s camp, and very little from Tea Party activists."
DeleteSarah's feeding herself into the news cycle once again. I'm disappointed that Newsweek took the bait and disgusted with their over-the-top-inventing-news headline and effort to keep Palin relevant. The one tea party leader interviewed, Jenny Beth Martin, didn't even say she wanted Palin at the convention, let alone anything about being 'livid'...only that "it would be good for him to have someone LIKE Palin speaking at the convention."
Poor Sarah. Romney won't invite her. What's the dill here? Its got be a conspiracy against the teabaggers! First President Obama refuses to call Sarah and then he refuses to call Bristol and they are still waiting by the phone. Not even Glen Rice will call. And now this??? What a slap in the face lol.
DeleteHi sarah & trolls! Proof positive that Sarah's experience as a mayor doesn't mean much. A cat named Stubbs has been the mayor of Talkeetna, Alaska for nearly all of his life. And guess what? He's no QUITTER!
ReplyDeleteHere's the story and video:
Could it be you just figured out who Romney's running mate is?
DeleteLove Talkeetna. There's a sign, painted on pieces of driftwood, that reads, "Welcome to beautiful downtown Talkeetna," right next to the one paved street in town.
DeleteWe were taking the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks, and stopped off, like so many others have done, to take a small plane to Denali and fly around the summit. (Most awesome thing we've ever done.)
We'll never forget Talkeetna.
Love Talkeetna. There's a sign, painted on driftwood, right next to the one paved street in town, "Welcome to beautiful downtown Talkeetna."
DeleteWe were taking the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks and stopped off to take a small plane to Denali and fly around the summit. (Most awesome thing we've ever done.)
We'll never forget Talkeetna!
Thanks, Coleen. I love Mayor Stubbs, the toilet planter was a nice touch! Beats what's in front of Wasilla High!
DeleteUh...not sure if anyone else saw this...er interesting comment on the other Baldy thread...thought it was worth...er...re-posting!
ReplyDelete"Political Jules10:49 AM
Except photo above is not her. Those are staged photos with a palin look alike. There is a reason none of the videos have a close up of Palin's speech. This one in particular has some really terrible shots, and in that same series of photos there are the fake palin photos circulating that make her look unflattering.
The key to knowing the real palin photo from the fake? Her left lapel has only one pin, a blue star pin in the fake photos. The video and the real photos have her lapel showing two pins.
The dark glasses is also a dead giveaway. The palin look alike has green eyes. Sarah does not. We are not stupid, but the lame stream media lies border on criminal. This is all obama's left, and he has got to be voted out this november. Or else we will suffer more of this trickery, and lies about what our opinion of any thing should be."
YIKES! More than ONE Baldy running around! It's like that episode of The Flintstones when the ailen's made a bunch of Fred's and all they kept saying was..."YABBA DABBA DOO"...but in this case all the Baldy's say...."You Betcha" "Don't Retreat...Reload".
Not to mention that President Obama has hired a bunch of Baldy lookalikes...to do...What now??
Sounds like this person is an escapee from the insane asylum...oh, wait...the C4P IS the insane asylum.
DeleteDiagnosis: Paranoid with heavy delusions
DeleteYABBA...DABBA..DOO--great episode! I can hear the robot Freds now.
DeleteNah, IMO, the thought of more than one Sideshow Sarah is a Pee-ers wet dream. That way they can each have a limited edition clone of their own (hey, it beats those big rubber dolls). The only problem is that the voice keeps getting shriller with each quasiPalin produced. The last person to send in their $10,000 donation will have to plug their ears with mortar for the rest of their lives--but they'll never have to buy paint stripper again!
I can see dopplegangers from my house!
DeleteAnd he typed ALL that fantasy using one hand!
Delete"The dark glasses is also a dead giveaway."
Yes, they is!
Oh Snap!!!
"That way they can each have a limited edition clone of their own (hey, it beats those big rubber dolls)"
Thanks for the update, Gina. You're one brave warrior!!!
Does this mean Todd, Track, Bristol, Willow, Piper, Trig and Levi will not get front row seats at convention?
ReplyDeleteoops.. forgot Chucky and Sally
I believe Toad will be busy opening his new 'business' at the Palin rental site. Maybe a family affair?
DeleteAw, and Todd needs new underwear. Now where is he gonna get it ?
DeleteGryphen, are you SURE you have your facts straight? I've got a pretty reliable source telling me that The Screechy Wretch(tm) has no interest in disrupting or even attending the convention and has actually rented the strip mall space to establish a Pizza Hut franchise. That makes more sense to me. After all, the only three businesses that do better during a GOP convention than pizza delivery services are out-call escorts, strip clubs and.... truthfully, out-call escorts actually shows up on the list twice....
ReplyDelete....the truth is out there....
Are you sure it isn't the other two choices? I mean, after all it is a convention.
DeleteOh, this made me laugh: "...in the case of the more provocative figures in the party, the Trumps and the Palins, organizers are quietly hoping they’ll be satisfied during the week by having access to the various news outlets arrayed in Tampa and believe they can be made to feel important without necessarily getting time on the stage."
ReplyDeletePalin content and feeling important "without getting time on the stage? Ha, ask McCain who had to fight her off highlighting herself at his concession speech, and his team who literally had to turn the lights off to get her off the stage. If her two legs were broken, she'd still crawl to get on the stage.
Well you know, they don't need to be like those elitist organizers.
DeleteLook at R-money'sax returns.
He doesn't invite palin to the party and there will be a third party revolt.
ReplyDeletePalin will go on to be know as the women who lost the republicans 2 elections.
I wonder if her invite will include the entire Palin clan and will they also be on stage with her. Will Levi show up? Inquiring minds want to know.
DeleteDear Sarah,
DeleteCan I sit between Brisket and Willer since she's 18 now? Them conventions can get kindly boring sometimes, and one of them two, or hell, both of em could sure take the edge off a headache while yer up there doing your speechifyin'.
Creepy Chucky Jr
P.S. If you don't go to Tampa, can I still sell my book in your space in that mall like we been planning to do?
P.S.S. I told BreezyAnus that it was okay to say a prayer for you something 'bout some libruals and maybe Mitt being struck down by God or somethin' 'nother. You know how he gets, so I told him fine, okay?
Don't you just want to say this to some of those palin fanatics?
ReplyDelete"You're kind of like a beaten wife who keeps going back to her abusive husband.
GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK SKULL. Politicians lie to your face while they're pillaging your wallet and stealing your power and setting themselves and their friends up to benefit at your expense.
That you don't get this...that you continue to support the same folks who do this to you over and over...
...is tragic."
Sadly, it is actually written by one of those fanatics replying to an anti-palin comment. HAHA!
ReplyDeleteCan you check Wikipedia, I see someone a few mts ago as made changes oh her Wikipedia page. Thanks
That's funny as hell!
DeletePossible 2012 presidential and Senate campaign
I love how they pulled this one out of obscurity-
In response to another question, she said "It’s time that a woman is president of the United States of America."[273]
This (somewhat tongue in cheek) article is where the quote came from:
She's setting up the patients, for a "please give your one time best offering" to SarahPac for "The final push"
Maybe Romney will pick a veep candidate with a pregnant unwed daughter. And Sarah, Todd and Bristol will give advice on the talk show circuit. One can dream, after all.
ReplyDeleteBut, in reality, Romney probably possesses proof regarding the birth of Trig Palin. That is enough to keep Sarah Palin on the fringes of the action, whining softly.
Ardent fans are still convinced their queen is just waiting for her moment to announce her presidency.
ReplyDeleteI keep telling people, don't buy popcorn, invest in a popcorn company. You'll get rich!
ReplyDeleteWhat? Sarah got no invite? Awwwwwww......I was so looking forward to watching her light her hair on fire.
ReplyDeleteAs a resident of Tampa and being familiar with our weather, that short little walk they talk about from the convention site to Palin, will not be so easy as they seem to believe. In fact, August is the worse time to come to Florida because temperatures are generally in the 90's along with high humidity. It's also our rainy season and thunder storms can develop very quickly, and frequently occur on a daily basis.
ReplyDeleteI'm also wondering how the satellite broadcasting trucks will be able to cover her at her location once they have set up near the convention center. I doubt they can just pick up and move from one location to another, and then back again. With Palin's great need for attention, I bet she goes to them instead of them going to her. I don't think anyone would argue against me in saying she is only there for their attention and to get her name out front. In my 62 years of life, I have never seen a politician so desperate for attention that they would invite themselves to activities they weren't invited to, and then lie and say they were. Or go to a location she knows the press will be and seek out their attention such as Romney's announcement he was throwing his hat into the ring. This women has absolutely no respect towards others and exhibits her narcissism and personality disorder on almost a daily basis.
You know what people shouldn't do...
ReplyDeleteI mean, it would just be kind of mean...
A bunch of women should NOT dress up like Sarah Palin, set up little cardboard stands around the convention area with
"Political Opinion 5 cents"
printed on the front in crayon,
and then each "Sarah Palin" stand behind her
own cardboard political stand shouting
That wouldn't be nice at all.
...on every corner
...clips of different ones edited together on Youtube
...wouldn't be very nice.
Political Opinions 5 cents
DeleteBlow Jobs Free (Gift w/purch of Pol Opinion)
The GOP are so short on Statesmen - TRUMP is "Statesman of the Year" - hahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteGoing to make a great comedy routine for President Obama at the next Correspondents dinner.
What's interesting to me is the idea that all four of these events are "competing" for attention. I'm certain they believe that is their own intent, but to me the bigger picture is that the world is going to see that the "right wing consciousness" has had a complete nervous breakdown and has manifested itself literally as it's own component parts fighting with itself.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of that Star Trek episode where Kirk has a transporter malfunction and ends up split in two.
You've got Romney, who represents the soulless amoral corporate "American" who is clearly loyal only to profit, Paul who represents the reality-challenged conspiracy fringe who, despite evidence to the contrary, believe that arming everyone + having no laws somehow does NOT = Somalia and then you have Palin/Trump the two-headed opportunist-hydra who don't care what damage they do so long as their bank account and egos are fed.
Unfortunately they lost Huntsman, who was the closest thing they had to representing a sane, balanced, intellectual approach to conservatism.
Florida is going to be a quadro-ouroboros...
Anyone wanna bet Palin is gonna host a Ted Nugent concert?
I heard a commentary on U of Penn's radio station, WXTU, that Paul and Romney may have to "debate" and if Palin, Trump, Santorum, etc.. do appear, Romney's campaign may want them to do taped (scripted) appearances, not live. He can't risk being upstaged or caught off guard by one of these people, he's been on record on all sides of all issues over the years.
ReplyDeleteHe may avoid the roids, but he's going to choke while debating President Obama.