Monday, July 02, 2012

MItt Romney invested in firm that disposed of aborted fetuses. Pro-life heads to explode in 3..2..1.

Courtesy of Mother Jones:

Earlier this year, Mitt Romney nearly landed in a politically perilous controversy when the Huffington Post reported that in 1999 the GOP presidential candidate had been part of an investment group that invested $75 million in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics. Coming during the heat of the GOP primaries, as Romney tried to sell South Carolina Republicans on his pro-life bona fides, the revelation had the potential to damage the candidate's reputation among values voters already suspicious of his shifting position on abortion. 

But Bain Capital, the private equity firm Romney founded, tamped down the controversy. The company said Romney left the firm in February 1999 to run the troubled 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City and likely had nothing to with the deal. The matter never became a campaign issue. But documents filed by Bain and Stericycle with the Securities and Exchange Commission—and obtained by Mother Jones—list Romney as an active participant in the investment. And this deal helped Stericycle, a company with a poor safety record, grow, while yielding tens of millions of dollars in profits for Romney and his partners. The documents—one of which was signed by Romney—also contradict the official account of Romney's exit from Bain.

Wow, making money off of aborted fetuses! I have to say that if THIS connection had been well known during the primary, I don't think that Romney would have had a snowball's chance in hell of winning his party's nomination.

I have always believed that, despite their endorsement of this candidate, the Evangelicals were always going to vote for Romney while holding their noses, but I am pretty sure that something like this is going to dramatically tamp down the enthusiasm factor, and inspire some of the true believers to give this election a pass.


  1. Olivia6:05 AM

    The media needs to focus on this kind of thing first and I don't hold much hope of that. If it doesn't show up on Fox, his "base" won't even know about it. He won't be questioned about it by anyone else because he won't take questions from anyone.

    1. Anonymous7:27 AM

      This is my greatest concern, that the media will not cover this.

      As popular as Gryphen's blog is, it does not have the coverage of an MSNBC or other national news outlet.

      What is needed is a relentless drumbeat from all major news sites such as MSNBC, the Sunday pundit shows, the Huffington Post and all progressive blogs. This is a big news break and it news to be recited ad nauseum - with details.

      Thing is, you have to make sure people read that his signature was registered with the SEC on this deal, that he was indeed aware of it - otherwise, it will be snowed over.

      We can keep this issue alive - even if we just keep putting it into comments everywhere we can.

    2. Anonymous8:41 AM

      FWIW, I've been watching the online news on this. It started at Mother Jones (David Corn), and just spread to Salon this past hour. It's been reported in New York Magazine (online) and in The Atlantic Wire.

      If any one of the big networks picks this up, I would imagine MSNBC would, since David Corn is an MSNBC analyst.

    3. Anonymous1:34 PM

      @Anonymous8:41 AM:

    4. Anonymous6:30 PM

      The story has now made it to MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell. Now the question is; will FOX refute this story? That'll bring to the right wing :)


  2. Anonymous6:08 AM

    This is huge! How did I not hear about this before? I can't wait to tell my pro-life friends who always ignore the better candidate solely because of pro-life issues. They already seem to ignore that he was pro-choice until recently.

  3. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Gryphen, have you been watching the Sea of Pee meltdown in the comment section?

    1. HILARITY HAS ENSUED! Must read the bulletin posted in the Dayroom (Open Thread) The Director of Crazy...Stacy Drake has HAD ENOUGH of the patients tearing up the Dayroom!

      Apparently some of the patients that have left have complained to his boss (RAM)! Stacy posted in BOLD letters no less the following....

      "Now, many are wondering what I meant when I said we will be taking “measures” to get a handle on this situation, on the last Open Thread.

      Here’s the deal: No longer will you be permitted to post “Earthquake” conspiracy theories on C4p. We will NOT ban you for doing so, however, your post will be deleted. Once the “credibility” threshold had been passed, you left us with no option. Zero tolerance for this, by the way. Enough is enough.

      Also, people watch the name-calling please. I don’t care what point you are trying to make, you make less of one when you get nasty."

      Which of course got the remaining 20 patients gathered around the board to start murmuring amongst themselves!! Apparently this post was for "Exxodus" who has made an exodus and is no where to be seen!

      Head over there if you want some morning laughs to go with your coffee! But be careful not to stay to long....the last time I hung around the crazies...I ended up with the burbles in my tummy! LOL!!!

    2. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:13 AM

      Yup, by all means, I was there early this AM before the babies had their formula and the nuclear blast was just beginning (you know, the phase where all electronic devices shut down). Apparently, no one can use the word "Earthquake" anymore (the "E" word). Remember the Bots' Sarahquake last year? Bomb! And poor, poor BriAnus, who I'm sure is one of the paid shills, is constantly promoting SarahPAC donations while Rome burns.

      If you have time to wade in the shallow end of the gene pool today, it should be entertaining!

    3. Anonymous7:55 AM

      GinaM: Unless they deleted her posts recently, Exxodus was posting and still arguing her "theories" on today's Open Thread.

      However, this is the most entertaining I've seen Crazies4Palin since the big October Announcement.

      Note as well: New Banner & background color. I guess the mourning period is over.

    4. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Exodus gained enough credibility as a Wiggie supporter to be able to challenge the quitter's credibility and not raise any red flags in the cult, the moderators finally caught on to what she is doing and want to stop her. Exodus means to fully expose the grifter's con and lies right AT c4p itself, after the convention it will be really hard for even the most stubborn and stupid of peer'ers to keep telling themselves she is not what all sane normal people know.

  4. The media is generally more interested in the horse race/speculation than the actual substance, policy stances, and track-records of candidates. Damned shame the media didn't actually do their homework and, you know, FACT CHECK!!!


  5. Beldar Foetal Conehead6:28 AM

    Not so fast there, Gryphen. In life, we sometimes have to make tough decisions. And if our devout, mouth-breathin' teabaggin' birthers and sisters have to make a choice between an awkward, cult-fearin', fetus-disposin', anti-health-care-reformin', health-care-reformin' 1%-er and that niggah in the White House, well, sir, that's NOT gonna be regarded as one of those tough choices. Mittens is all White, all Right, all the time, generally speaking. And that'll be good enough for most RWNJs.

    It's not like Rmoney was personally shoveling dead fetuses into a dumpster. Or... was he? hmmmm....

    1. Anonymous9:33 AM

      O.T. I was surprised to find out how many square centimeters of viable skin can be "grown" from circumcised foreskins.

    2. Besides values don't come into mind when there is MONEY to be made! Everyone understands that.

    3. Anonymous11:26 AM

      Unfortunately, Beldar, your satire is all too true of my evangelical Christian parents. Of course, they would never use the n-word or admit racism is the reason they don't like Obama, but the "Kenya-born Muslim socialist" tag pretty much says it all.

      P.S. After reading the thorough examination on (or was it politifact? I'm too lazy to check right now), they were FINALLY convinced President Obama was born in Hawaii. Two days later, they got an e-mail with a link to a YouTube video showing how the birth certificate COULD HAVE BEEN doctored in Photoshop, and now they're back to the born-in-Kenya conspiracy. They ignore facts like the birth announcement in the Hawaii paper--just like they will ignore this unsavory part of Rmoney's past. Because they will never, ever, ever vote for Obama, I'm working on getting them to sit out this election--and they dislike Rmoney enough that they just might.

  6. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Maybe he can spin it to show that, as a concerned Mormon, he had all the fetuses adopted into the Mormon church?

    1. Anonymous6:47 AM

      There you go! Fixed it!


    2. Anonymous7:28 AM


    3. Anonymous9:30 AM

      And they will live forevermore on Willard's personal planet while dutiful wife Ann flips pancakes for the babies that never were!

    4. Anonymous1:13 PM

      You should pursue a career in politics, that was absolutely brilliant!

  7. Romney will do ANYTHING for a buck. I may make up my own bumper sticker.

    1. That'd make a great Tweet, too, Darlene. OK with you if I do?

  8. Smirnonn6:43 AM

    I can't imagine a worse candidate than Rmoney. Seriously: flip-floping, outsourcing, offshoring, vulture capitalist, mormon, fetus disposing, car elevator riding, disconnected off-shore-bank-account disingenuous millionaire.

    Congrats on your second term, President Obama.

    1. Anonymous6:56 AM

      Good comment, I so agree.

    2. Anonymous7:16 AM

      Smirnonn, you left out "dog car topping."

    3. Anonymous7:31 AM

      Great definition of Rmoney.

      Problem is, we need to start contributing to Obama's campaign and his PAC because he needs our donations to counter the wave of misinformation (aka lies) the GOTP will be flooding the airwaves with. If we all gave even five bucks, we could help tremendously.

    4. PalinsHoax7:41 AM

      Smirnonn, not to mention that Rmoney is also:
      - a driving-with-dog-on-top-of-car cruel kind of guy
      - a hold-him-down-fellas-cause-I'm-gonna-cut-off-his-hair bullying kind of guy
      - a shove-the-faces-of-my-children-and-grandchild-into-food prankster kind of guy, ha ha ha
      - a Here-Mr. Blind Professor-let-me-walk-you-into-a-closed-door imbecilic kind of guy
      - a doesn't-this-cop-uniform-look-great-on-me impersonating kind of guy
      - an I-like-firing-people heartless kind of guy

      Yea, that barrel-of-laughs character Rmoney is the perfect representative of the completely idiotic, asinine Repulsivan/Tea Bagger party that has totally lost its mind and any sembalance of human decency.

    5. Anonymous7:51 AM

      I just donated ten dollars a few days ago. YES! It all adds up! If we all gave $5 every paycheck. One million of us =five million$$. Every week!! It's us versus the right-wing corporations.

    6. PalinsHoax, I loved your list. I made a Twitlonger Tweet out of it. Thanks for the idea... ;-)

    7. Willard Lies9:19 AM

      You left out that Romney is so elitist that he buys a $12,000,000 vacation home on the beach and is going to tear it down!


    8. PalinsHoax: great list!

    9. Anonymous1:54 PM

      @Anonymous7:31 AM:
      I contribute monthly. ;-)

  9. Anonymous6:51 AM

    Rmoney isn't the nominee until the convention as the pee-ers keep saying - and with the list of second choices composed of NJs du jour - that's a bit scary.

  10. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Romney is wild eyed, red eyed, and desperate to be president.

    OBAMA/BIDEN .....2012! Let's make it happen!

  11. Anonymous6:59 AM

    Oh my, I am shocked...not at all! When it comes to making and accruing money Romney has no qualms or conscience at all investing in whatever will yield more profits for him. He is an unscrupulous money whore and a "religious" hypocrite.

    I hope this garners more attention in the media. Romney won't be able to say he was unaware of this investment. His signature proves otherwise. However, that never stopped this pathological liar from denying the truth.

    Thank you Mother Jones!

  12. Anonymous7:06 AM

    No wonder Romney isn't going to be taking questions from the real media! Soooo presidential! - lol! -

    Here is a nice ten question quiz from Kaiser Family Foundation to test our basic knowledge on Healthcare Reform.

    I just emailed to friends and sent it out on twitter.

    1. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Wow, thanks for the link -- I'm emailing it out as well.

      To my surprise (and also thanks to websites and blogs such as IM), I scored 100% on the quiz. Sorry to "brag", but I don't usually get 100% on anything. :)

    2. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Wow, I can't believe it. I scored 100% as well.

  13. Anonymous7:12 AM

    This sounds just like the stories of the Mormon owned hotel chain (can't recall which one) making big bucks off porn movie "room service".

    Doesn't matter WHAT you do, as long as it's CASH.

    Wild Tortoise

    1. Anonymous8:59 AM


    2. hedgewytch11:17 AM

      WTF?! The Marriot is a Mormon owned hotel chain?

    3. Anonymous1:59 PM

      @hedgewytch11:17 AM:
      Yep, Marriott is sure Mormon. Google the name and see.

    4. @hedgewytch 11:17 AM

      While the Moron church itself does not own controlling shares of Marriot, the founder of the hotel chain was a Moron along with his descendants. The current CEO is a Moron and so are many employees and shareholders.

      They can say they are not technically owned by the Moron church, but I'm pretty sure that's the old wink wink nudge nudge thing.

      And please excuse any tiepoes I may or may not have made.

  14. lostinmn7:15 AM

    Stericycle is one of those companies who help drive health care costs up. Figures for being Mitten's little project

  15. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Fox "News" had a field day with a (fake) 30 year old photo of Kerry and Jane Fonda, but this they will ignore. And the rest of the "liberal" media gave airtime to nut back birthed and swift boaters, but they'll let this one go.

    I hope they prove me wrong.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      Nut bag Birthers (argh, the iPad doesn't make posting easy).

    2. Anonymous1:56 PM

      I feel your frustration and pain. It's tough enough on a regular keyboard if you type fast, but it is doubly frustration on a touch keypad. Still, your message was a good one - what's a few typos amongst friends?

  16. Corporations are people, my friends!
    Only in this case it's a guy selling aborted fetuses to make money for Romney...
    This is just getting soooo entertaining.

  17. The crazy aunt is out of the attic, and she’s dancing on the front lawn!

  18. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Romney invested in getting rid of fetuses and made millions?

    Wouldn't surprise me if a Romney invested in gas chambers or ovens for Hitler!

    I wonder if Mitt Romney is related to General Field Marshall Mitt Rommel?

    1. Anonymous8:30 AM

      I visited Dachau when I was 11 yrs old living in Germany. Horrific, but glad that it was preserved for historic lessons. Today, people are trying to say the Holocaust was fiction. - I walked through a gas chamber, saw the ovens - what stands out in my mind, are the little ones for children - then outside, an open pit for bodies that they didn't have time to cremate when they knew they were losing the war.

    2. Anonymous9:00 AM

      We were there in 2004 and I have never gotten over it. You can literally feel the horror in the air, earth, and stones even after decades.

    3. Anonymous9:50 AM

      Isn't this the standard FOX technique of asking a question with no basis for believing the answer is affirmative, but the asking casts aspersion on the candidate. I don't think it's any more noble for the other side to engage in this.

    4. The ground at Dachau is, literally, ash.

      It is so horrendous.

      My sister and I could only handle about half of it, then we retreated to our bus.

      But it was not b/c I didn't feel; I felt too much.

    5. Anonymous11:40 AM

      My Dad was one of the soldiers that liberated Dachau, even in his 90's he has trouble talking about the complete inhumanity that took place there. But he was kept in Europe to help interrogate Nazis after the war, he said after seeing Dachau he had absolutely no sympathy for even the lowest Nazi, they ALL knew and didn't care.

  19. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Campaign billboard:

    "Obama - never made money off of dead fetuses"

    1. "Obama - never made money off of limp horses"

  20. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Unfortunately, I agree that many people won't care. Republicans practice "relative morality."

    Hopefully, their general ambivalence about Romney will keep them home.

    I find it amazing that all these Baptists and other fundamental Protestants would cast a vote for a Mormon, considering most of them don't believe Mormons are actual Christians. It just shows the lengths they will go to get the Black man out of the White house.

    1. Anonymous9:49 AM

      I'm not sure that's true, although it's probably true for many. We have a family friend who is kind, decent, well-educated, and Republican He won't vote for Obama, but he can't bring himself to vote for Romney either because he's Mormon! I was stunned, but half a vote looks pretty good to me.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Well, look at this from the other side.

      If you go to sites explaining the Mormon church or read books on the faith, you discover the Mormon believe that their church is the ONLY true church (like so many others).

      I grow so weary of hearing "mine, mine, mine" from any of these denominations. Does God really have only one favorite? How do they know? Hearing voices? Goodness, can the crap, people. Either we are all God's children, or we aren't.

      I choose to be non-affiliated. Not atheist, not agnostic, just trying to live as good and decent a life as I can. I believe in what the Dalai Lama defined as religion: kindness.

    3. Anonymous2:08 PM

      Anon at 9:49 am
      thanks okay because not voting fr Rmoney IS a vote for president Obama.

  21. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Comments are getting through on Huffpo people!
    The trolls seem to be absent today. While moderation is tight, most comments come through eventually!

  22. Anonymous8:40 AM

    This will certainly work to the favor of the Ron Paul faction that's been taking over state Repub conventions and has plans to try to take over the Repub Convention.

  23. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I'm betting that this will get as much play in the next 4 months as it has in the previous 10 years.

  24. Anonymous9:21 AM

    And as we post, a lobbyist is whispering in a Congressperson's ear that there oughtta be a law requiring every woman to provide a casket and proof of ownership of a burial plot before being allowed access to an abortion. How dare she allow her Precious Gift From Gawd to be treated as medical waste?

  25. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Obviously, Mormons are permitted by their God to be hypocrites but are not permitted a cup of coffee or a glass of Champagne. I hope this story has Loooooooooooooooooooooooooong legs, I really do.
    I'm pretty sure Rev. Al Sharpton, Lawrence O'Donnell and certainly Bill Maher and Jon Stewart will discuss this fully BUT will we hear from Palin, Santorum and their ilk? I think not. That's outside the rules. Sure, they can blame our President for anything and everything that happens to be beyond his control. BUT WILLARD SIGNED A DOCUMENT despite what his lying flunkies said. This man is POISON!

  26. Interestingly, the anti-abortion site has nothing online today about Romney, probably because their heads are exploding from cognitive dissonance.

    1. Anonymous12:33 PM

      Do they take comments?

    2. Anonymous2:05 PM

      Click , click..

  27. Olivia10:25 AM

    OT: Apparently it is possible for the brainwashing to wear off.

  28. Anonymous10:28 AM

    O/T -

    ALEC subject to IRS complaint

    * * * * *

    Complaint seeks to review 501(c)3 status of ALEC, since it in intimately involved with legislation/policy and not charity.


  29. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Romney lied about role in Bain's investment in medical-waste firm that disposed of aborted fetuses

    ...So instead of admitting to social conservatives that he played a role in Bain's investment in Stericycle, Romney lied. It would be bad enough if the safety issues were what he was dodging responsibility for, but he was scared to admit that he had helped fund a company because it was doing something which any reasonable person recognizes must be done: dispose of medical waste from abortions.

    But this isn't just a profile in cowardice, it's a profile in dishonesty. Not only did Romney have a role in the deal and sign documents related to it, but as Corn points out, contemporaneous press releases and news reports demolish Romney's claim to have had nothing to do with Bain Capital after departing for the Olympics. According to both Bain and the media, Romney continued to participate in decision making at the company, even during his "part-time leave of absence."

    This story doesn't just undercut Romney's claims about Stericycle, it also calls into question every other defense of his practices at Bain Capital. Because Romney and Bain refuse to open their books, their response to criticism has always been some variant of "trust us, that's not true." And as this story shows, trusting them is a fool's errand.

  30. Anonymous1:00 PM

    What's the difference in a pit bull and an abortion?

    Sarah Palin never had a pit bull.

    Too soon?

    What was that aborted kid's name? Twag? Tagg? Tadd?

    1. Anonymous5:53 PM

      I've been struggling all day to resist Googling dead baby jokes. [has lifetime reservation for window seat on Bus to Hell]

  31. Anonymous1:30 PM

    This really needs to get out there. Romney is such a liar and phony. He needs to be totally exposed for what he really is. Would like to see the anti-abortionists' reaction to this!

  32. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Romney's Bain timeline doesn't add up

  33. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Bain taking a bite out of Romney's numbers

    For the first time this cycle, the national media seems to have realized that national polls don't paint an accurage picture of where the election stands today, and that yes, indeed, President Barack Obama maintains an advantage in the battleground states.

  34. Anonymous2:44 PM

    For Romney, there is no life after Bain

  35. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I downloaded the .pdf documents from MJ, but cannot seem to find Romney's name on them. ???

  36. I find this so irrelevant to who one should vote for - ANYTHING to do with women's reproduction and choices therein should NOT be part of an election campaign - until everyone accepts that medical waste is what it is - be it from any part of one's body - the right will be winning the battle. Hopefully not the war


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It just goes directly to their thighs.