Monday, July 02, 2012

Anderson Cooper "The fact is I'm gay."

Courtesy of Andrew Sullivan:  

I’ve also been reminded recently that while as a society we are moving toward greater inclusion and equality for all people, the tide of history only advances when people make themselves fully visible. There continue to be far too many incidences of bullying of young people, as well as discrimination and violence against people of all ages, based on their sexual orientation, and I believe there is value in making clear where I stand. 

The fact is, I'm gay, always have been, always will be, and I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, and proud. 

I have always been very open and honest about this part of my life with my friends, my family, and my colleagues. In a perfect world, I don't think it's anyone else's business, but I do think there is value in standing up and being counted. I’m not an activist, but I am a human being and I don't give that up by being a journalist.

This CANNOT come as much of surprise to most people, but I am still impressed that Cooper has decided to simply announce the obvious, get the whole thing behind him, and then focus on doing what he does best, report the news.

Personally I think that Anderson Cooper is possibly the best thing that CNN still has going for them, especially after they made that dramatic shift to the Right in order to attract Fox viewers. (Which of course is ridiculous since most of them are not allowed to change the station on the dayroom television in their old folks home/mental health facility.)

Well now that Anderson Cooper is out I wonder who will be next?

I'm looking at you Shepherd Smith. Come on buddy! You can do it!


  1. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Typo in headline. Though I like coppers. :)

  2. Anonymous9:08 AM

    I am a bit puzzled. I thought he "came out" a couple of years ago. He's one of my favorites on CNN; that's never changed.

    I also still like Wolf Blitzer... but I do find myself watching MSBNC more and more. I suppose that's because I'm a commiemarxistsocialistdirtyhippie.

    1. Anonymous10:45 AM

      Ha... I made a typo. It's MSNBC. Some days, I'm a dork.

    2. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Or as Billy Bob neck would say, "The marxistsocialistnazibolshevikcommie channel."

      If you don't know Billy Bob Neck, you should. Check youtube,

  3. Good for him. I am against "outing" people, unless they are hurting others by their virulent ego dystonic homosexuality. That said, good people, admired people like Anderson Cooper speaking up has done a lot of good in normalizing homosexuality.

    1. Anonymous11:52 AM

      When people, young people especially, are killing themselves b/c they honestly don't think they will EVER be Happy and Accepted, may see Anderson's "coming out" as, literally, a life-saver.

      They CAN grow up and be happy and successful.

      It WILL get better.

  4. Good for him! Wonder if Shep will follow suit, as Gryphen suggests. :-)

    I always remember Shep's comment, "Politics is weird," after Santorum dropped out.

    Totally O/T -- there's mutiny over at see4pee. Seems the mods don't want to encourage the "Sarah will overturn the convention" meme and commenters who post about this or the "Earthquake" movement will have their comments deleted. Oh, the humanity!

    1. Anonymous10:50 AM

      The peepond has always censored posts with a heavy hand... only now they're doing it to their own. I imagine that site will be defunct by November. The moderators will see to that.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Out of curiosity I read the open thread at C4P. A few of them seem to believe Palin is the reincarnation of Christ. It creeped me out how there is solidarity amongst those left as if Palin was sent for the salvation of our country. Do they believe she is the sister of Jesus or God sent a female this time to restore His place in politics?

      I swallowed back bile reading glorification of the Palin family. The words "God is on my side" must have a special meaning or whistle to the pond residents. I feel disease after reading such exhaulting glorification IMO blasphemy of a God religious people nelieve in.

      Meanwhile it must be some imposter out pitching various reality shows while leading the blind faithful
      down he primrose path she intends to run for president to save America. It must be horrible for them to accept God changed his mind so his only begotten daughter, Sarah, tend her family, and devote her time to overseeing reality shows and spreading the word via FB.

    3. There is only one condition that prompts me to C4P. When I get constipated, just reading some of the blathering on that site gets things working and before I know it the waste product is eliminated from my system. The Palin's are good for something after all....

    4. waddanut7:09 AM

      I was banned for life from posting in the PeePond because I said something not quite so nice about their hero Brightbart when he went to the great fire.

  5. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Good for you, Anderson!

    1. Puhleeze! So little, so late.

    2. Anonymous12:28 PM

      don't be a putz. It is his decision to when he decides to go public.

    3. Yes, it is his decision.

      But, it doesn't change the fact he's a coward with his finger in the wind.

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      hrh 11:35/2:10

      There is no "so little, so late."

      Who puts a time frame on when one "should" come out? You? In your almighty wisdom you have decided that he is a "coward" and taking some kind of advantage "with his finger in the wind."

      The bottom line is Anderson Cooper came out in his own time. Good for him. It is his decision and his life.

    5. My almighty wisdom? How flattering you are. And sincere!

      I haven't decided he's a coward; he's shown us that he is for years.

      These media "personalities," always triangulating, always dancing around every issue, calculating what to say, what to do to increase their celebrity/salary.

      Superficial. Devoid of substance. Sucking up to whomever can advance their "career." What a life!

    6. I don't agree that this has anything to do with cowardice. I think we need a blend of people coming out (illustrating that perfectly nice people can surprise! be gay!, as well as people who resolutely refuse to even engage or respond to impertinent, prying questions about their personal lives.

      Straight people need to not only see gay people as just people, but bigoted straight people also need to know that it is. none. of. their. business. who someone chooses to love.

      Cooper never behaved in a hypocritical fashion. He never ran around with "girlfriends." He was just private as he has a right to be (I'm looking at you, Rick Santorum).

      He chose to come out on the basis that more good would come of his being out, and he chose therefore to give up his right to not have to discuss his sexuality with anyone.

      Good for him.

  6. Anonymous9:40 AM

    I also admire Gloria Vanderbilt, Anderson's mother: that they seem to be close, and that they survived the suicide or meds-accident that killed A's brother, Gloria's other son.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      'Poor little rich girl'
      She was hounded by the media when they fought over her as a young child. It was brutal. Her custody case was horrendous, possibly the first time a child was torn a part and chased by media of that day. She would understand what Tripp is enduring. All that considered she did very well as an adult, not that it was all easy. She overcame a lot and made her own way with art and such.

    2. Anonymous1:42 PM

      I think the family tragedies may be why he didn't want to discuss this earlier. I, too, am a private person. I will tell anyone anything if I feel the time is right, but it takes time to open up when your family has been through traumatic events.

      I am so happy and proud of Anderson for doing this. I just feel sad that we push people into giving up their privacy simply because their job is a public one.

      He is indeed the best thing at CNN right now. I wish he would go over to MSNBC, we rarely switch it off though sometimes we will watch the CNN spinoff, that covers "headlines" which is superior to the horrible Morning Joe.

  7. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It is that feeling of 'tell us something we don't know'. We knew and he didn't!!!

    As for Cooper's talk show - good chance it won't last for long as it appears he truly can't carry it on his own. He's good at reporting news but he truly is nieve and stunned about 'real life' issues. Worldly travel doesn't give you 'street smarts'.

    Announced short time ago: He's getting a co-host. They are copying the Kelly Ripa format of a new co-host each day. I thinks it's to cover-up his lack of 'street smarts' and ignorance of so many topics he does but truly knows nothing about -- and they aren't rocket science topics. It's exposed him as not as smart as he's been built up as. In fact -- I quit watching his show as I can't stand the stupidity on his part. Provides further evidence how those who have 'live in a bubble'.

    1. Anonymous10:34 AM

      I agree. I have tried to really like his show but he always seems so incredibly wide-eyed and amazed at the things he is seeing and hearing. 9:43 hit it on the head. AC has probably just been too insulated from real life apparently. But I certainly admire his honesty about his sexuality.

    2. Anonymous 9:43 AM
      It is that feeling of 'tell us something we don't know'. We knew and he didn't!!!
      What do you mean we knew and he didn't? He knew all along he was gay. He was not in denial, or confused. He just didn't believe he was obligated to provide other people with details about his private life.

  8. Anonymous9:46 AM

    What about Bill Hemmer?

    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      I doubt he has the guts to do that - having switched from CNN to Faux News. The man is such a poser.

  9. I would like to see a world where such announcements are unnecessary, but I applaud those well-known people who have come out. It never could happen in the days of Rock Hudson, so we must be advancing. One of the last walls of discrimination to come down.

    I have loved Anderson Cooper from back in the days of "The Mole." Does anyone realize just how many gay television and media people have come out or have been accepted in the mainstream? Lots.

    Poor Shepard Smith. Stuck at FOX. I think he'd have to leave if he wanted to come out.

  10. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I have heard his mother talk about him being gay on his own show.

  11. Anonymous10:01 AM

    "A point of interest to all the 'NAY-SAYERS' and/or any of the 'religious who will argue' with this" :

    "At least 10% and possibly 15%-20% of the entire, world-wide population are gay folks!! That means everyone (including these 'naysayers') will probably have least 1-2 or more, 'gay' relatives of their own - whether they realize, are willing to accept, ignore, or not -- IT IS TRUE!
    "And, they ALL should be accepted and respected for who they are - not their lifestyles.

    "There are possibly some, or a lot of folks who may disagree with the lifestyles of 'said' nay-sayers', but that does not make 'nay-sayers' bad people - just because they 'CHOOSE' to be NAY-SAYERS! "

    1. Anonymous10:35 AM

      Add to that the % of the population that is bi sexual and the poor conservatives would go screaming in to the night or curl up in a ball of fear

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      I believe in the sexuality is fluid theory. Some people are 100% straight or gay, always have been always will be. The rest of us fall somewhere in between. Different people realize at different points in their lives that they are heterosexual, gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

    3. Anecdotally: many women I've known belong in the fluid category. Never met any man who did. Gay, breeder or bi. Period.

  12. Anonymous10:03 AM

    O/T if this kid can change any one can !!! there is hope for our future (perhaps)

  13. Anonymous10:08 AM

    SHOCKING! I think the tip-off for most people was when he bought the converted firehouse with a roommate...

    1. A roommate? Who is his significant other? Anyone know?

  14. Balzafiar10:16 AM

    I am absolutely shocked; I had no idea, absolutely none, that Anderson comes from the Vanderbilt line.

    The famed Vanderbilt family! I guess everyone but me knew it already.

    Oh, and he's gay too, but that's no big deal. Kudos to him for bringing it up himself. I admire him even more now.

    1. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Anderson's father is Wyatt Cooper, who was an author and playwright. Wyatt was born in Mississippi and grew up in New Orleans. He was eager to show both his boys their humble roots as well as the Vanderbilt side. Wyatt and my mother were second cousins. Guess he and I were the only Libs in the family. Smile.

  15. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Mr. L is in tha' house at see-us-pee, there's much hissing and snarling and rabid bible quoting goin' on, GinaM are you lurking? Your reports are hilarious and wonderfully descriptive bar none. Also I placed my keyboard a safe distance away from my coffee mug. Seeing c4p imploding due to its own insanity is like seeing the hateful wonk eyed idiot bitch go down in flames also too.

    1. Anonymous10:55 AM

      I had no idea that Anderson had not made this official already. Yes, his mother is Gloria and she is close friends with Kathy Griffith.

      Giuliana Rancic: "I may miss the birth of my baby boy."
      The Palin curse strikes again. The Rancic woman that interviewed and encouraged Bristol when she was spinning a 'run for office' will miss the birth of her baby. The London Olympics are a first priority, she must need to work, and she may not make it when the gestational carrier delivers. So much for putting a child first. No wonder she was so into Bristol Palin.

      Bristol Palin: I’d ‘probably’ run for office ‘further down the road’

    2. Anonymous12:33 PM

      The London Olympics are a first priority, she must need to work


      She works for E! FUCKING "Newz"!


      You Battle BREAST CANCER, are BLESSED to have a healthy child (carried by a surrogate)--

      and you STILL think your "Career" is the most important thing???

      They are SO. Fucking. Rich. they don't need her to work.


  16. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Gryphen, good luck reading this article, in full, without tearing up. It is such a beautiful and sad and hopeful and enlightening and deeply touching story. I'm fighting back tears...

    A son's secret brings a Southern Baptist minister to his knees

    ...They thought they knew their son. Everyone called him Steve. He was handsome, with a firm chin and steely blue eyes.

    As a boy, he dressed like his two brothers. He had played sports like his brothers, cross-country and softball. He got good grades and grew to 5 feet, 11 inches. Frances made his three-piece suits for church. She knew the length of his inseam and the width of his chest.

    Matt and Frances knew about the time he burned his little bottom on the house heater, how he loved to eat hot fudge cake, how he broke his pinky finger once while setting the table with his grandmother.

    And what they didn't know for certain they assumed -- one day, Stephen would get married and have babies like they had. One day, Stephen would come home to Red Bank and sit beside them on the 10th pew.

  17. Anonymous10:54 AM

    And here are some responses to the article:

    Below are letters emailed to the Times Free Press in response to reporter Joan Garrett's June 24 story "Tempest in My Soul." The story dealt with a Southern Baptist minister's struggle with his faith when he found out his son was gay and dying of AIDS.

  18. Anonymous10:57 AM

    O/T But another "comin out" WOOOOOOOOOT:

  19. Anonymous11:06 AM

    I always thought Anderson was probably gay. I appreciate his work on CNN. He does a great job!!! Wish him a happy life too.

  20. Anonymous11:29 AM

    In my opinion, the ability to love another person is one of God’s greatest gifts, and I thank God every day for enabling me to give and share love with the people in my life.


    Come on. Call him stupid for believing in GOD aka "Sky fairies"

    Atheist hypocrites.

    1. You sound like $P, attempting to attach something negative to this. (Remember how libruls woulda aborted her DS baby?)

      You're the only one here calling him stupid. And the only hypocrites I see these days are those good Xtrians who hate the poor and love killing.

      I know a lot of people who would call him stupid for beliving in a sky pixie/fairy. That's not hypocrisy; that's honesty. And reality.

  21. I am surprised, but I really don't care. I hope he is at peace and happy with his decision to come out. I love his smile, and sometimes I have liked his reporting/sometimes not. I am just waiting for the day that John King comes out of the "I am stupid and really a right-wing conservative snob" closet!

  22. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Good for Anderson. I was surprised to see that Shep Smith and Matt Drudge were also on the list of 50 most powerful gays. Clearly, the Fox viewers don't know about Shep or their heads would explode.

  23. Anonymous11:55 AM

    What a classy statement! Well said, Anderson.

    I've always liked him, and I agree with your comment about him being one of the best things going for CNN. I can't stand Wolf Blitzer. I used to like him a long time ago but I can't stand the way he switches from foot to foot while he's talking. I find it very distracting. I wish he would just sit down and deliver the news so I can absorb it without wondering if more than 3 seconds will go by before he shifts his weight or taps his papers again. Gah!

    I also hate those political analyst-a-thons they have at CNN with 2 tables set up and 5 people at each table, who all try to out-shout each other. Very annoying! Anderson has mediated a few of those, and I thought he did an excellent job of corraling the egos.

    R in NC

  24. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I never knew he was gay and never even suspected it but it doesn't make a difference to me because I still like Anderson. I'm glad he's open about it.

  25. wakeUpAmerica12:34 PM

    I'm not really surprised, but I never thought about it. It isn't my business I don't understand these homophobes who think they have to get in the middle of ANYONE'S sexuality. I mean WTF?

  26. Anonymous12:52 PM

    To which the world replies "no duh!" I'm hoping he admits he has a passionate crush on Dlisted's Michael.

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      Happy Silver Fox Coming Out Day!!

  27. Anonymous1:24 PM

    I already knew that, and so what? I really like Anderson and think he does a great job. He sincerely seems to care about people!

    1. Anonymous1:45 PM

      Exactly. Well and succinctly said. I agree totally.

  28. Anonymous1:33 PM

    This has been public knowledge for some time, but by making it official does all gay's a lot of good by standing up and making their numbers known. I would also hope that it would help get rid of the ignorance from the far right and the evangelicals, but I doubt that it will. Their ignorance based on their trust in the Bible is almost unshakable along with their refusal to believe anything else, no matter how obviously it appears to others.

    It would also be nice if Shepard Smith could also come clean too, but he's in a little different position by working for Fox. Working for Fox, with their right wing viewers may not be as acceptable to their conservative viewers as CNN viewers are. Because of that, and only because of that, I will personally give Smith him a break for not coming out in the open. I don't want to see a man's professional career being seriously impacted by coming clean, but over time I would hope that he would. After working for Fox, an on air personality becomes pigeon holed into being seen only as a conservative, and doesn't give him the flexibility to move to other more liberal leaning networks. I do give him a lot of credit for speaking out more than the other Fox on air personalities, and over time it may make it possible for him to come out of the closet.

  29. Chella1:51 PM

    Welcome to the club coop!

  30. I am continually baffled and amazed that so many supposedly intelligent and sensitive 'grown-ups', who likely value their own privacy, are still so focused on the sex lives of other intelligent and sensitive 'grown-ups' that they end up denying them that same privilege of privacy.

    Does anyone think gay people sit around 'wondering' if Regis Philbin is 'straight' since he's never quite come out and declared it?????

  31. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

    I've always liked Anderson Cooper, and especially like his new daytime talk show. While I respect his decision to come out, I can't wait for the day when it won't matter, because it shouldn't.

    Because that day hasn't arrived, I have to applaud him for doing it, because if it helps one other closeted gay person to come to terms with their own sexuality and encourages others to live a more authentic life, it's worth it. It it helps stop someone from bullying others, it's worth it.

  32. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Frankly, I long for the dat when we see and judge people for the content of their character, not for the color of their skin, their politics or religoin, or the gender of the person they love.

  33. Anonymous7:48 PM

    This is funny as I thought he was already "out" a LONG time ago. I think it's kind of sad that LGBT people even have to discuss their sex lives in a public realm at all. Although, I do realize that this has to happen, to further the cause, so that some day it will be a non-issue. Way.To.Go Andy!


  34. Gasman9:05 PM

    Mazel tov, Anderson.


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