Sunday, July 01, 2012

More food for thought. Update!

Twenty six years of peace is certainly nothing to brag about, now is it?

Update: Somebody in the comments mentioned that the person who made this poster left off the Korean War, which was fought from 1950 to 1953.

Making it only twenty THREE years that America has enjoyed peace. Yay us.


  1. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Talking about a BELLIGERENT nation!!! :(

    1. Boscoe6:42 PM

      I wouldn't say "belligerent," that would assume it's all been done for petty emotional reasons.

      I'd say "owned by the greedy elite." War is very profitable if you're hooked up to the right people in government.

      America is all about making a few at the top VERY wealthy.

    2. Anonymous7:16 PM

      yep, war is good for the economy. Ain't that worth the human cost?

  2. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I've been listening today to John Mcdermott (Irish tenor) and many of his songs deal with war. One song is about a young soldier killed in WWI, and did he really believe, when he became a soldier, that that war would end wars? Because it didn't. The same killing and dying happened again and again and again. Another song is about the Christmas Truce in WWI, when German and English soldiers fraternized in No Man's Land; without their guns, they were just fathers and sons and brothers all far from home. The song makes the point that the ones who call the shots, don't do the fighting. I've gotten to the point that I avoid all the hoopla of Memorial Day because of how badly we treat our veterans; and I don't pay much attention to The Fourth, either. We were given so much, and all we do is kill.

    1. Anonymous9:56 PM

      I avoid Memorial Day because of the Buffy Ste. Marie song "The Universal Soldier."

      And that was during the draft when soldiers had no choice (other than fleeing the country) .

      WTF does anyone join the stinking military now?

      I don't honor the troops. Anyone who puts their life on the line for war profiteers is a fucking moron.

    2. Anonymous3:28 AM

      I don't celebrate any of out holidays either as I am not proud to be American. I'm embaressed and disgusted mostly.
      I signed up to work overtime this 4th.

    3. Anonymous3:31 AM

      Some of the most bitter fights i have with my husband, a navy vet, is over the military. I agree anyone who signs up these days is a moron. The recruiters stalk the poor,stupid, those who are easily brainwashed and onfluenced and the norderline personality people. Then we have assholes like Jeremy Morlock (Palin family friend) who kill innocent civilians for sport.
      This country does not have the brains it was born with.

  3. Anonymous6:30 PM

    And, we are peace loving nation!!! Isn't that what we taught in school as youngsters? (Grade school level!) My ass!!!

  4. Anonymous6:31 PM

    The Korean War?

    1. Sally in MI7:11 PM

      Yeah, you know, the reason we STILL have soldiers in South Korea all these decades later.

    2. Anonymous8:17 PM

      That's the reaction of a lot of people. The Korean War is known as The Forgotten War. It was just as brutal and ugly as every other war we have conducted. The movie and subsequent TV series M*A*S*H* was set during the Korean War. I wonder how many people think that was just a made-up scenario.

    3. Anonymous11:47 AM

      My bad. I forgot to type "They left out" before "[t]he Korean War?".

  5. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I saw a stat once that said the entire world has been at peace for less than 3 weeks total of the last 2000 years. Most of it was measured in minutes or hours. Wish I could find the book from which it came.

  6. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Interesting and sad how we've gone from calling it "war" to "Operation", with some patriotic name applied to give it honor.

  7. O/T Sorry, but I missed this earlier.

    Reckon we're gonna hear from Baldy defending her Scientology pals Greta Van FuckedUpFace and her husband, John Coale?

    What the hell are we gonna do if Murdoch starts telling the truth about ALL of the shills on Faux Nooz? Have him appear with Rachel on MSNBC?

    1. Anonymous10:05 PM

      Great idea - I'm sure Rachel would use the time wisely :)

    2. Anonymous3:36 AM

      In my twenties, my former husband and I "studied" at the Scientology Center in Seattle for a few months. It was our searching years. We quit because of their lack of empathy. Their main premise (draw), was a "world without crime, war, and insanity"- which of course, was pleasing ideology for youth. Ultimately, you learned a lot about self-awareness, being at "cause", controlling others, presence; all good, but without "ethics" it's a power trip. Plus, all of their "classes" were severely expensive. The organization makes a lot of money.

  8. Anonymous7:03 PM

    No, this is not a "belligerent" nation: it is about the PEOPLE that have and continue to make their family fortunes by making and selling munitions. the same "families" that take this nation to war to ensure their own "financial security." This is not about people, this is about making money for a few..I would say "people" but corporations are not people. :)

    1. Anonymous7:53 PM

      Yep, you got that right. War's big business. Wonder who the next emerging world power will be that will decide to reap some profits by invading our weakened America? Only then will the "patriotic flag waving war mongers" see the error of our ways.

    2. Anonymous3:07 PM

      The US will callapse from within unless we change our ways....oh, wait that is already happening! States Rights for all 50 new nations.

  9. Anonymous8:08 PM

    1918 to 1919: US war in Russia. Polar Bear Expedition or American North Russia Expeditionary Force (ANREF).

    Also missing: the Banana Republic Wars. That pretty much accounts for most of the years between 1898 and 1934.

  10. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Where are you getting this 26 or 23 year figure? Your war years overlap, and I think you're counting those years twice. There were no wars from 1783-1812 and 1814-1836, which puts us at 51 years of peace before 1836 alone. (47 if you count any year where a single month of war happened as a war year).

    Yes, I get that we are at war more often than not, and that's terrible, but I can't stand shoddy math. :-)

  11. Brig. Gen. Beldar Corntassle Conehead, US Army Air Corp, Ret.9:22 PM

    I have long believed our nearly unbroken chain of war is deliberate and strategic. It ensures that the officer corp is always populated by combat veterans. Note that the general in command - along with many of his officers - of each current war is always a decorated combat vet of a previous conflict. I presume it's considered critical for securing the confidence of the 'foot soldiers' to have officers tempered by actual combat experience. In this way. the 'unnecessary' war of today is secretly regarded as a necessary proving ground of the next war's officers.

    What else could explain the war in Grenada? (unless you consider having a president with Alzheimer's Disease as an alternative explanation....)

    That is all. DISMISSED!

    1. Anonymous10:08 PM

      Perfect explanation - and the Alzheimer's was probably as good a reason as any to wage war in Grenada :)

    2. Anonymous10:23 PM

      And we should not forget that it's all the usual suspects who enrich themselves via war profiteering. Corporations. Owned by VIPs, the same ones (or their heirs), more or less, in each cycle.

    3. nogravity3:56 AM

      I'm just about the last person to defend Reagan but I've been to Grenada several times and the people down there are still grateful that Reagan intervened.

    4. PFC Beldar Pyle Conehead, Ret6:45 AM

      Hey, General Conehead (if that's really my name and rank), it's "officer corps", not "officer corp"!

      (shakes head at self and accepts unprecedented 31 grade battlefield demotion)

  12. Anonymous10:15 PM

    I saw this comment on another blog about the new show on HBO; Newsroom.

    Put HBO back on Sarah's shit list again.
    The Newsroom played her up big tonight -- and it was NOT flattering.

    They even played the clip of her commenting after the BP Gulf oil disaster when she was crying that Obama was refusing help from foreign countries and those common sense entrepreneur folks and how he needed to seek help from that country that knows so much about Dykes (errrrrrr - I guess she mean Dikes)

    I remember that rant. She all but implied that Obama needed to slap on a wet suit and dive down there himself and stop that leak.

    Well at least Sarah is back in prime time!"

    Damn, I wish I had HBO! I wonder if they will put it up Episode 2 on YouTube?

  13. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Obama Planning More War!
    Evidence is mounting that the U.S. defense community and the Obama administration view 2013 as the likely window for a bombing attack on Iran's nuclear and missile facilities.

  14. Anonymous12:46 AM

    Peace is for cowards like you. Peace leads to stagnation, decay and ruin. Peace is a flawed human construct, it does not exist anywhere in the natural world.

    Without the wars you dislike, you would not have the right to open your pie-hole as you do.

    Want peace? Then move to a magical peaceful land. I will follow and take it from you.

  15. The Korean Armistice Agreement stopped the fighting. Still have troops on both sides prepared to start up.

  16. Anonymous2:51 AM

    hubby said when you look at the whole world history there has only been about 400 years all together when there was no war -- in general the Earth is not a peaceful place.

    Add in the times we were not "officially" at war - but had military actions (i.e., Clinton's targeted bombing in retaliation etc) and that reduces the time of peace also

  17. A. J. Billings3:57 AM

    And speaking of war, the Pbotz and Pworshipers over at C4P are having a battle of their own

    The truly hard core Palin worshipers, like Brian BerkelyAnus are stil convinced that there will be a miracle, and somehow Romney and Ron Paul will fail,
    and Her Highness, the Queen of all mankind will ascend to the throne, and become President.

    The moderators, and assorted other sycophants are not that convinced, and that disagreement on the Ascencion of the Sainted $arah is causing a LOT of problems, and nasty rhetoric.

    See what you did $arah, by QUITTING AGAIN last Oct 5th? They keep rehashing your word salad, and keep trying to find clues as to your secret plans to rule over all mankind, but are coming up short.

    Their pain and angst is SO entertaining, because we know you are a lazy, grifting quitter, and only want fame as a gadfly, and avoid hard work at all cost.

    1. Anonymous6:36 AM

      It looks like Exodus, the queen of the crazies, has been dethroned by the mods.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn4:04 AM

    OT, but please spread it around before it magically "disappears" from the front page of HuffPo:

    Wonder what the Teavangelicals at the See O'Pee will say about this? They all hate Mitt (because he dissed their Queen), but they'll vote for him to oust our Pres at any cost. Now? Religiousity vs. Rill Amurika...choices, choices...


    If you're interested in a pretty detailed yet concise list of all of the U.S. military actions (including declassified CIA covert actions of 20th century) here's a link that serves as a good starting point.

  20. Anonymous7:49 AM

    The "Cold War" wasn't really a war. It was just a state of political hostility.


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