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But even if he could, what exactly is he going to offer in its place? After all the American people still want healthcare reform, but since the Republicans have spent the last two years smearing the ACA, they are not convinced that Obamacare is what they want. However, as the chart above indicates, Romney's history demonstrates that whatever HE came up with would be far worse, and less workable. than what the Obama administration put together.
The only question is, "How long can Romney hold off from explaining, in detail, how HIS plan would differ from the President's?" Because once he does that, and voters get a chance to do a little comparison shopping, he is truly fucked.
Just watch John Boehner, shucking and jiving his way through a simple question about the difference from Norah O'Donnell.
Hmm, perhaps THAT'S why MIttens only wants to talk to Right Wing propaganda sites. Because he knows that they realize how vulnerable he is as well, and that they will make damn sure to avoid the question at all cost.
However here is something for Romney to remember when it comes to the MSM:
"He can run, but he cannot hide," and if "He hides, he cannot run."
Hmmm...the journalists are finally upping the ante?
ReplyDeleteCue Boner tears in 3,2,1...
DeleteOompa-Loompa Boehner reminds me of one of those pull-string toys: no matter how long you try, there is only a set numberof responses you will get from it. Sadly, his party seems to suffer from the same affliction
ReplyDelete"I'm Talking Tina and I'm going to kill you"
DeleteTwilight Zone (which, we are in...)
I think that those that hide and seek forums where they can spew, repeat talking points and lie about the other guy do not have a thorough knoweledge to have discussions, give informed responses or state rationales.
ReplyDeleteWith both McConnell and Boehner yesterday, we are able to see what will happen to the republicans if reporters keep asking "what about this provision", "what about that provision", "what about the uninsured."
ReplyDeleteHopefully we will see more reporters do this as it is the easiest way in the world to look like a hard-hitting journalist. Lob a few softball questions for which the answers should be no-brainers, and watch the republicans squirm and blubber and jam their feet into their mouths.
They are proving they have no answer, no plan, and that they just don't care.
Chris Wallace was relentless with McConnell yesterday and as a result McConnell fumbled around even worse than Boehner. The GOP can spin all they want but there is no way they can spin away Romneycare.
God forbid these fucking reporters do their SIX-FIGURE jobs!!
DeleteWhat happened with Palin was a debacle of epic proportions - and the MSM allowed her to happen.
It's well past time the media started holding the GOP accountable for their lies and non-statements. Bashing the President for three years straight with NO blowback from teh medis was pretty sickening. Time to step up and play ball, GOP. Either you have a plan, and a better one at that, or you can go home in January and sucker your big money donors into a game if hide and seek for 2014.
DeleteWhen you have no real comprehensive solutions just repeat repeat repeat your talking points.
ReplyDelete"Just exactly what will you replace 'Obamacare' with?"
I know you are, but what am I?
I know you are, but what am I?
"Everything Romney suggested he'd use to replace 'Obamacare' is already in 'Obamacare'!"
I know you are but what am I?
Shameful. I don't know how Boehner sleeps in his tanning bed at night.
ReplyDeleteLOL! I must remember that one!
He gets drunk and passes out.
Delete@ Gryph -- A Little O/T -- but important and fun:
ReplyDeleteTry this Kaiser Foundation, short 10-question quiz on 'Obamacare', then share with your friends and family.
We should all find out EVERYTHING about the new law.
Kaiser Foundation put together a Health Care Quiz.
See how much you know about Obamacare:
Polls show approval of the ACA is up after the Supreme Court decision. The Republicans have one less scare tactic to use now, and good luck talking your way around Romneycare vs the ACA with threats to repeal and replace (with nothing) - the Republicans are just protecting the private insurance industry that lines their pockets! One of the problems with the ACA was that to get it passed, some provisions don't kick in until 2014. In Massachusetts implementation was pretty much complete after the first year, and once people actually saw what they were getting, a whole lot of grumbling STOPPED. It will be the same with the ACA. Time for the White House to keep promoting the benefits of the ACA.
ReplyDeleteRomney would never make a national heath care, he only signed that bill for Mass, he did not write it. So I wish people would stop comparing.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't only just SIGN it, he PROMOTED it.
And what the hell kind of argument is it that "he only SIGNED it?" If that were true, and he signed something he didn't believe in, then it's even MORE reason not to vote for him!
I don't buy his "it was a decision that made sense for the state of MA" position. There are some things that should apply to the UNITED states, not on a state by state basis. Until the ACA, I've been fortunate to live in MA with Romneycare. But access to healthcare should not be based on chance - the luck that you live in a state that has the plan or luck that you work for a company that has good benefits, etc.
Marco Rubio tried to defend Romneycare the other day saying that since it only applied to Massachusetts, people could move if they didn't want it - REALLY? there was no major exodus from Massachusetts to escape the evils of Romneycare, as if it's easy to just uproot your family, change jobs etc....
Well, Anon at 10:31, that;s a relief! We now know that grover's puppet will sign whatever is put in front of him, just as predicted. And what a hugte burden of Mitt, knowing that he never has to read or even agree with a bill: jsut sign when directed to do so. Good grief, you think your argument HELPS him? He not only wrote it, he agreed with it, adn ti was the RIGHT thing to do. Why is that so difficult for the neocons?
DeleteObamacare Must Go! An e-mail to conservative voters
ReplyDelete...It gets worse. For years America has led the world in artificial tans, and now our supremacy is in doubt thanks to Obamacare's crippling 10% surcharge on tanning salons. Can our tanning industry survive? The one person most qualified to judge, Speaker Boehner, sure doesn't think so.
Proud citizens, I trust Governor Romney right down to his Celestial Undergarments, but let's face it: the man has a hard time making up his mind. Write him today and tell him unequivocally the American people will not stand for:
-Limiting how much insurance companies can spend on marketing, profits, and executive bonuses instead of actually providing healthcare services
-Rebates for those in the 'Medicare Gap'
-Lower costs through mandatory pre-emptive care on items like mammograms, colonoscopies and prostate screenings--none of which may require copays or deductibles
Think back to the dark days of the 1990s after Clinton passed increased marginal tax rates on high-income earners. REMEMBER HOW THAT SANK OUR ECONOMY? You'd think Obama would have learned, but now he wants to pass an astronomical .9% tax increase on those who earn but $200k or more. That is almost one whole percent--OR NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS FOR EVERY SINGLE MILLIONAIRE IN THE COUNTRY, all wasted on affordable healthcare for all, including provisions that:
-Increase the amount you can deduct from your taxes for medical expenses
-Offer tax credits for small businesses
-Mandate companies of 50 or more employees offer insurance plans
My conservative friends, these are perilous times. Please, act now, before it’s too late. Think of the children. But not the children with preexisting health conditions,...don't think of them. And don't think of poor kids, or those with families that went broke paying out-of-pocket because they couldn't get coverage. On second thought, don't think of kids at all. Think of yourself. Think of yourself, unless you may one day get sick and need healthcare insurance.
Maybe you shouldn't think at all and just vote against Obamacare. It's what Republicans are counting on.
This was supposed to be an in your face slam-dunk.
ReplyDeleteGOP Still Seething Over Healthcare Loss
...Not only was President Obama's signature legislative accomplishment to be thrown back in his face, but the fact that it would been done so on constitutional grounds would have been a historic embarrassment. Considering the President is a constitutionally trained lawyer, the GOP intended to make President Obama look like a complete incompetent during the later stages of the 2012 election.
Is Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Really The Largest Tax Hike In The History Of The World? (CHART)
ReplyDelete...Before the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act, the principal GOP lines of attack against the law were hyperbolic, but subjective: government takeover of health care, unconstitutional overreach, etc.
From the moment the Court determined the law stands as an exercise of Congress’ taxing power, though, Republicans have gone empirical. They now say that if the mandate is a tax, then it’s one of the greatest tax hikes in history.
In the wake of the decision, Rush Limbaugh said, “what we now have is the biggest tax increase in the history of the world.”
But when you compare the projected revenue effect of the individual mandate to the actual revenue effects of other, actually large tax increases, the claim becomes laughable.
The States Already On Record Rejecting The ‘Obamacare’ Medicaid Expansion
What will ole Mitt replace Obamacare with? LOL! The answer is very apparent - NOTHING - HE'S ALL ABOUT WANTING PEOPLE TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES! NOT RICH? OH WELL, TOUGH LUCK!
ReplyDeleteHere's House Speaker John Boehner on Sunday's Face the Nation, dodging guest host Nora O'Donnell's efforts to pin him down on the "replace" part of what happens if they repeal the Affordable Care Act. Here's what he would answer: Insurance companies would still be able to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions.
Whenever Conservatives Complain About "Obamacare" You Should Sing The Tea Party GOP Diarrhea Song
ReplyDelete...Not to be undone, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann engage in their typical mouth utterances as they call out for the Tea Party Mushroom People to mount up on their Hoveround scooters, put on Colonial era clothing, gather up yee old sword canes, and take the fight for "liberty" and "freedom" to that black usurper in the White House and his treasonous political bed mate Chief Justice John Roberts.
In total, these histrionics are just the latest examples of a long habit where the Tea Party GOP proves itself time and time again to be full of bullshit bovine scatology.